Spore (PC)
Developer: Maxis
Developer: Maxis
Developer: Maxis
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Genre: Simulation
Release Date: September 7, 2008 (US)
Release Date: September 5, 2008 (UK)
Release Date: September 4, 2008 (AU)
E10+ for Everyone 10+: Animated Blood, Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence
Spore (PC)

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Developer: Maxis
Developer: Maxis
Developer: Maxis
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Genre: Simulation
Release Date: September 7, 2008 (US)
Release Date: September 5, 2008 (UK)
Release Date: September 4, 2008 (AU)
E10+ for Everyone 10+: Animated Blood, Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence

Spore Walkthrough & Strategy Guide

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Published: Jan 12, 2008

Spore Evolution Walkthrough

Cell Stage Creature Stage Tribal Stage Civilization Stage Space Stage


...what's goin' on?

Alright, up to this point in the game, the start of the tribal stage is the most confusing time. Here's a brief explanation of what's going on:

For now, you are the only tribe in the world, though that'll soon change. Before other tribes start showing up, you want to build up your food resources and grow your tribe by hatching more babies. Whether you choose to be an aggressive tribe or a friendly tribe, it's key to build those two things. So dedicate two of your tribe members to gathering fruit from nearby trees and use your chief to go befriend some nearby animals by feeding them. As well, click on your tribe's main hut to add up to three babies as your food stock affords.

Also take time to visit the tribal planner to build up your village with weapon and social resources and to dress up your tribe to boost their stats. You should be able to set up at least one instrument hut to give your tribe some social appeal. Weapons will help you if you decide to wipe out another tribe or defend your own village, though socializing can act as another form of defense. But you'll figure that out when another tribe finally enters the land.

...forming alliances

When the first foreign tribe arrive, you have the option of approaching them with hostility or friendliness. From our experience, the easiest way to play is to be social and befriend everyone you can. When a new tribe shows up, we suggest immediatley going to make friends with them to ensure that their disposition toward your tribe is friendly or, at the very least, ambivalence. You can identify another tribe's disposition by hovering your mouse over their village on the map in the lower-left corner of the screen.

To quickly appease a new tribe, select the social stance and right click on one of the members to send your tribal chief (and some followers) over with a gift. In our experience, tribes always accepted the gifts, even tribes that were previously hostile toward our tribe. Once you've got the tribe ambivalent, approach them with a squad equipped with at least one instrument type. You can initiate a social mini-game in which you must play the instruments "requested" by the other tribe. Early tribes will request only one type of instrument, though bigger tribes will start requesting other instruments. As you grow your village, we suggest always buildling new instrument huts so that your tribe is always ready to please the neighbors.

Successfully playing the social mini-game will move the other tribe's disposition more toward an alliance. When you reach an alliance, you'll fill your progress bar at the bottom of the screen and unlock new items at the tribal planner.

...time to attack

More and more tribes will start showing up on the map, some ambivalent but most aggressive. While we suggest allying with everyone (or at least making them ambivalent to prevent raids), you can also build your progress bar by wiping out another tribe's main village hut. Before going to war with another tribe, equip your squad with weapons. You can check the other tribe's population by mousing over their village on the lower-left-corner map, so make sure you've got more guys than the other tribe. Often times you can attack when the other tribe's population is cut in half.

There are five stages of the progress bar and they're each filled by allying with or erradicating the five tribes that populate the world. When you've filled up the bar you can continue to build your food resources and outfit your tribe with the best gear.

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