American Bully Snubbed by His Morning Playgroup Has Everyone in Tears

It's not exactly breaking news that the pit bull breeds are having a hard time. There are so many negative stereotypes about these dogs who, in reality, are as loyal, loving, and obedient as any other pups. In fact, the only ones who can be blamed for pit bulls' bad rap are people! These breeds were actually bred for bull baiting, and later dog fighting, where people would purposely provoke them. In modern days, these dogs are built for love!

Even so, a small number of pit bulls who were not trained or raised to be good dogs can give the entire breed group a bad name. This continues to lead to breed discrimination and even bans in many areas of the world.

In the United Kingdom, XL American Bully owners are facing more challenges than ever. On the eve of life-changing legislation banning the breed, one friendly dog has even been snubbed from his playgroup, which he's attended for over a year. Now he and his owner are heartbroken, but they're coming forward about the issue in a December 2 TikTok video.

This just isn't right! I don't understand how dog owners could simply exclude someone with no warning whatsoever. The friendly pit bull just wanted to play with his friends, but he got stood up instead.

Related: American Bully Dogs Have Been Banned in Two Countries

Before even attempting to guess why this happened, though, it's important to realize that--if this was intentional-- Blue's breed probably had something to do with it. There's always a chance that the dog play group really did forget to let Blue and his owner know about the change, but the timing of this slip-up is downright suspicious.

The United Kingdom's Ban on XL American Bully Breed Takes Effect Soon

On December 31, the UK's ban on XL American Bullies goes into place. These dogs will need to be registered in order to stay with their owners, and they'll have to follow a specific set of rules for the rest of the dogs' lives. For example, they'll need to be leashed in public at all times, and they'll have to be microchipped and spayed or neutered. Canine safety is never a bad thing, but it's wrong to impose these restrictions on one breed of dog only.

The ASPCA reminds readers that a dog's "behavior develops through a complex interaction between environment and genetics." That's to say--their breed only counts for so much! Even though bully breeds were bred for dog fighting and bull baiting, their environment and development have just as big of an effect on their personality. All in all--it's incorrect. to assume that all pit bulls are aggressive.

So even if @blueboy_bully is an XL American Bully, that doesn't mean he's aggressive or willing to instigate a fight. He even learned to wear a muzzle just so his playgroup can get used to it, and he's clearly one good boy! Hopefully, he can find a new playgroup with owners who won't be so narrow-minded!

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