The Times Diary: Doh! That’s life in Labour now

The Labour party has more in common with Homer Simpson than you might have thought
The Labour party has more in common with Homer Simpson than you might have thought

The Labour party has been likened by one of its MPs to a story from Homer. Not the Greek chap with all those epithets, but the head of the Simpson family. Jamie Reed, a former shadow health minister who declared in his maiden speech that he was a Jedi, wrote for the Progress think tank that life under Jeremy Corbyn reminded him of the episode of The Simpsons where Homer tries to leap a gorge on a skateboard.

After losing momentum (subtle message there), Homer bounces off the jagged rocks to the bottom. Then, having been winched out by helicopter, is put in an ambulance, which hits a tree. Homer rolls out of the back on the trolley and falls into the canyon again. “That’s