Winter in the Great Bear Rainforest

The Clatse
The Raincoast Field Station

The Raincoast Field Station beach

Check out these images of winter in the Great Bear Rainforest on BC’s central coast, in Heiltsuk territory, taken by Raincoast Field Station Manager and photographer Doug Brown.

Roscoe Inlet from the ice edge at Boukind Bluff
Beales Lagoon
Doug declares, "I can't feel my fingers and toes!"

Support our mobile lab, Tracker!

Our new mobile lab will enable the Healthy Waters Program to deliver capacity, learning, and training to watershed-based communities. We need your support to convert the vehicle and equip it with lab instrumentation. This will allow us to deliver insight into pollutants of concern in local watersheds, and contribute to solution-oriented practices that protect and restore fish habitat.

Sam Scott and Peter Ross standing in front of the future mobile lab, which is a grey sprinter van.