Comparing The Different Pyramids All Over The World

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Comparing The Different Pyramids All Over The World by Mind Map: Comparing The Different Pyramids All Over The World

1. Russia

1.1. Nakhodka

2. Korea

2.1. Andong Pyramid

3. Western Samoa

3.1. Island of Savai.

4. Bosina

4.1. Bosina Pyramids

5. Italy

5.1. Montevecchia

6. Slovenia

7. Mexico

7.1. "The Sun Pyramid"

8. Peru

8.1. Tucume

9. Java, Indonesia

9.1. Candi Sukuh

10. China

10.1. Xian Pyramids

11. Tahiti

11.1. The Marae of Maha-Stepp Pyramid.

12. Greece

12.1. Pyramids of Tenerifa Island

13. Egypt

13.1. Great Pyramid of Giza