The Shekinah

Your Message

The Shekinah is the twin flame of the Holy Spirit. It is the female aspect of the God-particle or creation energy. ‘She’ is more of an essence than a being, but has the ability to show ‘herself’ in ways that we will understand. She is acknowledged in the sacred teachings of Judaism and also called ‘the Sophia of Christ’ in the Gnostic gospels. She is a powerful female voice of spirit who is here to bring about equality and to help the world move on from the ‘male-only’ image of God. She reminds us that God is all loving and all accepting. Whenever she appears in a reading, she points out the change-makers, the love-creators and gift-sharers of the world, who are here to unite all hearts around the world.


Don’t feel the need to hold back or dampen your spirit – this is a time to celebrate. There is a feeling of dance and joy around you at this time as you fully recognize your splendour. You are a sacred being who defies gravity everyday just by being alive and brings a sense of balance and equality to the world.

Deck: Keepers of the Light Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses

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