Star Maps of the Orion Zone Copyright © Gary A. David 2000-2014 Arizona Orion Correlation (left) and constellation reversed 180 degrees (right). The belt stars correspond to Third, Second, and First Mesas. The distance between Betatakin and Canyon de Chelly is stretched about 12 miles in relation to the constellation; the distance between Walnut Canyon and Homolovi is stretched about 10 miles--not bad, considering it's over 110 miles between Betatakin in the north and Homolovi in the south. 1 Solstice relationships between villages. Read more about the Arizona Orion Correlation in my book The Orion Zone... Aries, Taurus, Orion, and Canis Major correlations in the American Southwest. 2 1. Base Chakra = Mesa Verde, the Sun (Orion) Temple in southwestern Colorado. 2. Sacral Chakra = Burnt Corn Ruins near the village of Pinon, Arizona (corresponding to the Orion Nebula). 3. Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra = Second Mesa and the Hopi village of Shongopovi. 4. The Heart Chakra = Kachina Points, a mesa southwest of Oraibi (also called Monument Point). 5. Throat Chakra = Grand Falls on the Little Colorado River. 6. Third Eye (Pineal) Chakra = Walnut Canyon Ruins in the foothills of the San Francisco Peaks. 7. Crown Chakra = Tuzigoot Ruins and the red rock country of Sedona in Verde Valley.lley. This Golden Mean spiral starts at the Sipapuni (Hopi "Place of Emergence"), arcs through Oraibi (oldest continuously inhabited community on the continent, settled c. A.D. 1100), swings through the Third Eye chakra of Orion at Walnut Canyon, then continues its sweep through the middle of the horns of Taurus. 3 Arizona Orion Correlation's upper part is oriented southwest. The left arm extends from Bellatrix/Wupatki Ruin toward Grand Canyon. It passes Hopi Point on the South Rim, and terminates within the canyon near a butte named Osiris Temple. It celestially corresponds to Pi 3 Orionis. The Sipapuni (Sípàapuni), or Hopi "Place of Emergence," is a travertine (limestone) dome located on the north bank of the Little Colorado River. Specifically, it corresponds to Pi 5 Orionis. However, the possible exoplanet status of Pi 3 Orionis and the wormhole nature of the Sipapuni jointly represent the general function of Grand Canyon in Hopi cosmology. The Hopi perhaps see the Sipapuni as the most sacred spot on Earth. Re. graphic on the top of the next page: Looking towrd the southeast, we see the location of the ancestral Hopi ruin site of Wupatki National Monument (corresponding to Bellatrix, left shoulder of the Ari-zona Orion Correlation). The San Francisco Peaks, home of the Hopi kachinas from July until December, are a few miles to the south. The Hopi Mesas are over 50 miles northeast of Wupatki. The Sipapuni is located on the Little Colorado River 3.5 miles upstream from its confluence with the Colorado River. Osiris Temple (corresponding to Pi 3 Orionis) is downstream on the north bank of the Colorado River. The ancient Egyptians associated Osiris with Orion. Today some people believe that a "Lost City of the Dead," was once located in Grand Canyon. It was reputedly found in 1909 by G.E. Kinkaid on an expedition for the Smithsonian Institution. He described it as being filled with ancient Egyptian artifacts, mummies, and hieroglyphics as well as some Asian artifacts. Other people believe the complex is still there, waiting to be rediscovered. See my book Star Shrines and Earthworks fo the Desert Southwest. 4 Winter solstice sunrise lines (parallel) extend from the Arizona Orion Correlation to both Roswell and Trinity Site in New Mexico. A summer solstice sunrise line extends from First Mesa, Arizona, through Canyon de Chelly and terminates at the Dulce site. Read more in my new book The Kivas of Heaven. 5 6 7 About 45 miles south of Ajo, Arizona, on the U.S.-Mexico border is Vertex 17 of the Becker-Hagens "Earthstar" Planetary Grid System. This grid point is one of 62 major vertices of the mercator-based hexakis icosahedron projected on the Earth globe. With 120 faces, 180 edges, and 62 vertices, the hexakis icosahedron can be conceptualized as a giant earth-crystal. Coordinates for Cerro Cubabi: 31.72° N, 112°.80W. Two great circles enclose the Arizona Orion Correlation: an orange Yang great circle and a lime-green Balance great circle.This respectively represents Orion's characteristic male, or yang, energy and the Hopi ceremonial cycle that functions to keep the Earth in balance. This Golden Mean spiral starts at the Throat chakra located at Grand Falls, arcs through the San Francisco Peaks (home of the kachinas, or katsinam), sweeps by the Hopi villages of Oraibi, Shungopovi, and Walpi (the Belt), intersects Orion's right hand, circles into the Hyades horns, and passes through Gamma Tauri. 8 The red dot at the center of the Flower of Life is called the Tuuwanasavi, literally "sand-middle." It is is conceptualized as the Center-place, the spiritual heart of the Hopi cosmos.This sandy plain is actually located about 4 miles south-southwest of the village of Oraibi on Third Mesa. In the ancient Egyptian cosmogony, a similar spot corresponds to the Primordial Mound rising from the Ocean of Creation, where the temple at Heliopolis was later constructed. This axis mundi housed the conically shaped, meteoric benben stone, upon which the Bennu bird (phoenix) perched. The inner rectangle (above) is comprised of four loci: (1) Betatakin / Keet Seel (Navajo National Monument), (2) Canyon de Chelly National Monument (which jointly form the base of the Orion projection on the Arizona desert and run along the northeastern escarpment of Black Mesa), (3) Sunset Crater National Monument (a volcano that erupted in 1064 AD), and (4) a point about 18 miles south of Homolovi Ruins State Park, which is located on the right arm of the terrestrial Orion as it reaches southward toward the ancient Hohokam territory in the Phoenix Basin. 9 Overlaid on the hexagon / cube and the Flower of Life is Solomon's Seal (Star of David), composed of two interlocking equilateral triangles. 10 Re. bottom graphic of previous page: Canis Major (Great Dog) superimposed on a Google Earth shot of New Mexico. Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens, corresponds to Chaco Canyon, the largest Ancestral Puebloan ruin site in the American Southwest. Gary A. David's books contend that the Chichimecs (literally "Sons of the Dog") lived in Chaco Canyon and perhaps constructed the pueblos there, before they migrated southward in the 13th century AD to become the Aztecs in the Valley of Mexico. Read more in my new book The Kivas of Heaven. Copyright © Gary A. David. 200-2014. All rights reserved. Permission to use any graphics must be first obtained in writing. Email: Website: 11