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In J.R.R. Tolkien's epic fantasy “The Lord of the Rings”, Gandalf is undoubtedly one of the most loved characters of all time. As a powerful wizard and a mystical being, he has a warm, loyal, and authoritative figure. He was sent to Middle earth during the third age to combat the threat of Sauron. Due to his belief in the bravery of small wizards, he was able to lead the Fellowship of the Rings to destroy the One Ring and even win against the Dark Lord Sauron. He played a pivotal role in defeating Sauron mainly by inspiring others with courage and bravery and sharing his knowledge in crucial times. In the order of the wizards, Gandalf stood second to Saruman. Gandalf was usually robed in grey but post his downfall in Moria, he returned to Middle Earth as the head of the Order robed in white.


Years of The Lamps

John Howe - Gandalf.John Howe - Gandalf.
Initially known as Olórin, Gandalf was regarded as the wisest being in the Maiar. Created by Illúvatar preparatory to the Music of the Ainur, and was at the beginning of Time amongst the Ainur who had entered into Eä. In his youth, he had been chosen and became one of the Maiar who served Manwë, Varda, Irmo, and Nienna. He had developed the ability to connect and monitor light and fire, much like his peer Varda. Despite that, his fate usually ended him up to Nienna because that’s where he acquired the skills of empathy and being patient.

Gandalf loved the elves and would do anything in his power to protect them and keep them out of danger. Though he had a love for the Elves, he chose not to be seen while he was with them. For this purpose, he covered himself in a fana which made him look just like an elf. His love for the elves made him send fair visions to their hearts to instill some knowledge and make them wiser. Gandalf throughout his life and legacy had followed the example of Nienna. A good example of this would be when he took pity on the sorrows of the Children of Illúvatar and even drove those who had listened to him out of despair.

At the time when Valar gave out an order of Istari to the inhabitants of Middle Earth, Manwe and Varda collectively came upon a decision that Gandalf should also be included among the five other wizards who were going to be sent to help out and advise the people who were standing against the Dark Lord Sauron. This decision initially scared Gandalf because he was terrified and always described himself as not strong enough to be put up against Sauron. [1] Upon hearing this, Manwë made him understand and told him that his fear is exactly the reason why he should make it a point to go.

Overcoming fear is the first step to greatness. Along with that, he also pointed out that the One Ring which is the central force of most of Sauron’s power is still existent somewhere and they should go and find it out. Taking all of this into consideration, Manwë insisted that Olórin goes as the third chosen one. Hearing this, Varda earnestly pleaded not to include him as the third, but instead as the second chose one. Gandalf agreed and prepared himself to leave the Undying Lands with the other chosen four. Interestingly, these five arrive in Mirkwood at the same time that Necromancer does in Mirkwood.

Third Age

Arrival In Middle Earth

Just like the other wizards, Olórin turns himself into an old man. Right after arriving in Middle Earth he gets mugged in grey and goes about wandering to places along with imparting wisdom and counseling people in crucial times. Once he reached Mithlond, he was given a warm welcome by Glorfindel, who is his friend back from Valinor. Even Glorfindel was sent earlier on a similar mission. Along with Glorfindel, there also was Cirdan the shipwright, who possessed Narya, which was one of the Three Elven Rings of Power. Cirdan could easily see through Olórin and saw in his great strength and power, as opposed to the appearance he was carrying around. Cirdan predicted Olórin’s future struggles early on and gave him Narya with a prediction that came to be true of all the struggles he would have to face against evil. He also promised him that Narya would be by his side at all times supporting him and helping him get through the struggles.

Gandalf stayed in Middle Earth and walked amidst the elves as a stranger. He learned valuable lessons from them and imparted some of his wisdom to them in return. In contrast to Saruman, Olórin did not think of settling permanently in a particular residence. He had never even been to the east and had found his abode mainly in the Westland where the rest of the Dúnedain and the Eldar stayed to fight against Sauron. Staying with the elves and in Middle Earth, Olórin was called by many names, one of them was Mithrandir, “the Grey Pilgrim.” Apart from that, the men of Arnor called him Gandalf, which is known to be his most common name. Many names followed and there is a separate heading of all the names.

Over the years, Gandalf revealed himself to be as one of the Istari which eventually led him to become the wisest and most powerful of all the wizards in line. According to a legend, the Elfstone of Eärendil was given to Gandalf by Yavanna to bring it back to the people of Middle Earth and to promise them that the Valar had not deserted them and they were not alone. He gave it to Galadriel, bearer of one of the Three Elven Rings and mighty among the Eldar. He also passed on a remark that Galadriel will further pass on the Elfstone to someone who would also be capable of being an Elessar.

Reemergence of the Necromancer

White Council meeting on the question of Dol Guldur.White Council meeting on the question of Dol Guldur.
“This is the Master-ring, the One Ring to rule them all. This is the One Ring that he lost many ages ago, to the great weakening of his power. He greatly desires it — but he must not get it.” Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring. It was around the year 1100 that Istari and Eldar had started to realize that some sort of evil was staying in Dol Guldur in Mirkwood. A lot of speculations took place and some even concluded that the Nazgúl had come back with a new evil force to destroy the world. Gandalf, being the intellect he is, quickly realized that the evil entity was none other than Sauron returning. Gandalf quickly took a trip down to ool Guldur with the mission of unwrapping every secret. The Necromancer fled away before Gandalf could recognize him.

Upon Gandalf’s intervention, the evil ceased to exist. The absence of this evil spirit bloomed calmness to the vicinity. After the evil had gone, the peaceful period that took upon Mirkwood came to be known as “The Watchful Peace”. Mirkwood was all silent and calm and this period of calmness and peace lasted for about four hundred years. In the meantime, the Nazgúl was utilizing this window to prepare for Sauron’s return, in 2460. To counter the return of evil, Galadriel brought together all the four members of the White Council three years later. The members included Galadriel, Gandalf, Saruman, and Elrond the Half-elven and bearer of other of the Three Rings. Galadriel was in favor of Gandalf becoming the chief of the Council. Gandalf, however, refused the offer as he didn’t want to settle down his roots in one place and wanted to maintain his freedom.

Saruman took the proposal of becoming chief of the Council as he had vast knowledge which would be an asset to the position. Nevertheless, Saruman grew to become envious towards Gandalf which led to betraying him in the future. During his time in Eriador, Gandalf met and instantly acquainted himself with mysterious people of the Hobbits in the Shire. It was in the long winter of 2758, Gandalf rescued these hobbits and realized how brave they were and even then how humble they stayed. He then decided to visit the Shire frequently and even participate in the Midsummer-eve celebrations of the Old Took. He entertained the naive Hobbits with his tricks with fire, his encounters with dragons, goblin, and princesses.

Gandalf was thus known to be responsible for so many quiet lads and lasses going off into the blue to get a taste of mad adventures. During one of these encounters, he made Bilbo Baggins, another excited and adventurous Hobbit. Further, Gandalf again had his heroic moment when King Thrain who was a dwarf from the royal line suddenly got lost on the quest to Erebor and Gandalf tried to find him. Post-2845, Gandalf made his entrance in the deserted city and continued his search for the king. Gandalf’s search for the dwarf went in vain despite trying his best. He tried once again in 2850. This time he took his quest down the lanes of Dol Guldur and kept this quest a secret from everyone. He succeeded this time and found King Thráin held underground.

The king handed over his only possessions to Gandalf which was a map and the key to Erebor. More important than these possessions was the fact that it was in this excursion Gandalf comes to know that the Necromancer was not a Nazgúl like they all believed - it was, in fact, Sauron himself. (Was The Necromancer Actually Sauron?) King Thráin also informed him that Sauron had stolen the last of the seven rings from him and he was now in search of the remaining Rings of Power. He was also probably trying to find his One Ring that had been stolen.

Gandalf investigating Dol Guldur.Gandalf investigating Dol Guldur.
Gandalf flees away from Dol Guldur and returns to the White Council. After narrating all the secrets he had discovered in Dol Guldur, he pleads to the White Council to attack Sauron while his One Ring was still lost and while his power was still low. Amidst the discussion, Saruman pitches in and voices his thoughts saying that they should not be attacking him right now as the One Ring was passed on from the Anduin to the sea long now and they should rather wait and watch what happens next. The White Council agrees with Saruman’s point of view and decides against attacking Sauron.

Later, Elrond confesses to Gandalf that he suspects the ring would be eventually found and there will be no way to stop the war that was approaching them. Further, Elrond adds that when all of this ends, there will be nothing but darkness and despair for everyone. Gandalf shows him a never-to-give-up attitude by saying that they have a lot of changes in their hands and help usually comes from weak hands. However, while he was saying all this, Gandalf did not realize that Saruman wanted the ring for his selfish motives. Saruman was already searching for it along the banks of the river Anduin.

As time passed, Gandalf couldn’t stop thinking about the renewed power that Sauron now had and he grew extremely worried about it. He could foresee that Sauron was already planning a war from Dol Guldur. As soon as Sauron reaches his peak strength, he would launch an attack on Rivendell. He knew that the only way left to stop an attack from Mirkwood to recapture the expanses of Angmar apart from Rivendell was the dwarves that resided in the Iron Hill. [2]

The Quest of Erebor

The inception of A Foolproof Plan
Angus McBride - Dol Guldur.Angus McBride - Dol Guldur.
As years passed, Gandalf grew more and more concerned about the weak powers that the North state was in. The Dragon, Smaug had defeated the Kingdom under the Mountain and as well as the town of Dale. Knowing all of this, the wizard feared that Sauron may use this as a game-changer and use the deserted conditions that surrounded Erebor to win back the northern passages in the mountains and also the old lands of Angmar. He knew that the Dwarf King of Durin’s Folk Thorin Oakenshield plotted to strike war against Smaug, but he was very much informed that his strength would not be sufficient to destroy the dragon. One night of the year 2941, Gandalf came across King Thorin. to come across the Dwarf King.

Thorin was quick to start a conversation with Gandalf stating that he had a strange urge to find Gandalf and speak to him. Gandalf quickly grows interested in the conversation as he also had a similar feeling to speak to King Thorin. The same was intrigued, for he had a similar urge to seek Thorin as well. Both of them realized that they were taking the same route and made up their mind to travel together. Thorin was in search of advice that could be gotten from Gandalf, while Gandalf wanted to discuss the plans to destroy the dragon, Smaug. After a serious discussion, Gandalf comes up with a plan that involves Thorin regaining his family’s lost fortune through the help of a burglar that Gandalf would arrange, and in turn, King Thorin would destroy Smaug. [3]
Leading The Pack
Wanting a Hobbit to be involved, the wizard thought about Bilbo Baggins and found only Holmon Cotton as Bilbo had left on the events of the Elven New Year. There was some kind of spell that persuaded Gandalf that Bilbo is the right candidate to perform this task. Gandalf further went on to meeting Bilbo personally with a little company from the Kinsmen of Thorin. Down the line, Gandalf persuaded the stubborn Baggins to be a burglar for Thorin. The Wizard assisted Thorin and the company to Rivendell. Throughout the journey, Gandalf prevented any harm from heading their way. It was a tireless path to be on, but Gandalf’s determination and will triumphed over every obstacle. It was now when Gandalf got the mighty sword Glamdring, which he always carries. His journey with Thorin and the company did not end there, he further went on to lead them through the Misty Mountains. They decided to camp as they were exhausted.

Unaware that their camping site was the front porch of the Goblin-town. While resting they were captured, Gandalf managed to break free only to go back and free his fellow dwarves which resulted in Gandalf killing the Great Goblin. Bilbo, on the other hand, was able to own a magic ring. Bilbo was said to have won it from a creature that was better known as the “Gollum” The ring gave him the ability to be invisible, knowing the power of the ring he decided to keep it a secret from Gandalf. Gandalf took the help of the eagles of the Misty mountains to help the dwarves flee. Ages ago Gandalf had helped and saved the Great Eagle from dying, hence their friendship grew and the Great Eagle owed Gandalf big time.

Professional Business
The Wizard had a way with his words and no doubt Beorn was a victim to it as well. Beorn provided the Wizard and the company accommodation after being persuaded by Gandalf. Sauron’s power was at its peak by now even without having the possession of the Ring and Gandalf was well aware of this. Gandalf narrated how dangerous and deadly the current situation is to the White Council, he managed to get the Council to declare an attack on Dol Guldur. Gandalf joined his people in the war they were going to fight against Dol Guldur. Ridding Mirkwood of the Necromancer’s presence, who escaped to Mordor. News about Thorin’s company had reached him before finishing his task, coming to know that the instructions and details that were given to them were not of much help: they had lost their way and vanished into thin air from the imprisonment of the Wood-elves eventually. He was desperate to find them quickly.

The Battle of Five Armies
Thorin’s quest was not in vain: Erebor was recaptured and Smaug was killed, Gandalf on arriving at the area was updated that the Dwarves of Erebor and the Hills were getting ready and equipping themselves for an attack that was heading their way led by the lake men and the Elves of Mirkwood. Accompanied by Bard and Thranduil he tried to negotiate with Thorin. Gandalf bought some time and warned that the Orcs and Wargs were arriving to take possession of the treasure. He brought forth Ironfoot to the council. When the discussion was over, it was decided that an alliance would be formed between the Dwarves, Elves, and Men to fight the Orcs of the Misty Mountains in the battle of five armies. The Dwarves, Elves, and Men fought with all their might and won the battle. The after-effects of the war left King Thorin severely wounded. Under the leadership of Ironfoot, Bilbo and Gandalf, a funeral was conducted for Kind Thorin. They then later celebrated Yule and returned to Rivendell. Once they reached Rivendell, Gandalf wasted no time and engaged himself to discuss the events of Dol Guldur and Lonely Mountain with Elrond. Gandalf was satisfied that Smaug was destroyed. Also taking into consideration that many Orcs and Wargs were killed in the process which resulted in terminating all the threats Rivendell and Lothlórien have ever faced.

The Return of The Shadow

Even though the Council was overjoyed with their victory, Sauron wasn’t weakened by his defeat. He had predicted that this would be the outcome of it. Ten years later after the attack, Sauron revealed himself in 2951 in Mordor. He further went on to rebuild the Barad-dûr. The White Council on hearing what was going on came together in 2953. They widely discussed Sauron and the Rings of Power. Once the meeting had concluded Saruman was afraid and envious of Gandalf, he even went out to set spies to monitor and keep track of Gandalf. He learned of Gandalf’s interest in the Shire. [4] In 2956 Gandalf was introduced to Aragorn, the hidden Heir of Isildur. They swiftly developed a bond and became the best of friends. From this moment on, they worked as one team towards their common goal, which was, to eliminate Sauron.

Return To The Shire
Gandalf did not forget about the Shire. He made it a point to visit them frequently, especially his long-loved friend Bilbo Baggings and his younger nephew Frodo. Gandalf had an eye for details and was quick to take note of Bilbo’s evergreen youthfulness even though he was aging. These were the wonders of the magic ring. Gandalf was taken aback realizing his deceitful ways in claiming the ring. Gandalf could see the effects the ring had brought and was conscious.

Desperate to find out more about the Gollum, he sought the help of his good old friend Aragorn. Gandalf was tense and was in search of answers in Minas Tirith. After hours and hours of researching, he found the scroll of Isildur. On his way back to the Shire, he received word from the Galadhrim that Aragorn successfully captured Gollum. Gandalf was thrilled to hear this and set out to Mirkwood to meet his friend Aragorn and to interrogate Gollum. Days went by but Gandalf had no such luck in getting out the truth. Sauron had inhumanely tortured Gollum which resulted in Sauron discovering not just about the Magic rings but also the names “Shire” and “Baggins.” After Gandalf had interrogated him, he set out anxiously to the Shire, realizing that Frodo’s ring wasn’t just any ring of power but the One Ruling Ring of Sauron.

The War of The Ring

Ted Nasmith - Fire on Weathertop.Ted Nasmith - Fire on Weathertop.
As soon as Gandalf stepped in the Shire, he hastily went to meet Frodo. He disposed of the ring by flinging it into Frodo’s hearth fire, to which the inscription on the ring was revealed. Gandalf went on to telling the dumbstruck Frodo about the One Ring and its story of origins. He also warned Frodo that Sauron would come seeking the ring. Knowing what was at stake, Gandalf advised him to take the ring, leave the Shire quietly and proceed to Rivendell.

Being in the Shire, Gandalf was worrying and analyzing the consequences of the after-effects of Sauron’s attack on Osgiliath. He was told of the unpleasant news regarding the war in Gondor. Gandalf was perplexed and for the first time did not know how to proceed further without causing any harm to the innocent refugees that were settled down there. This all changed when he came across Radagast the Brown.

Radagast had a message to convey to Gandalf which stated that he needed to find Saruman along with a warning that the Ringwraiths were in search of the Shire. He proceeded to the Prancing Pony at Bree. Taking into consideration that he won’t be able to make it in time, he wrote a letter, advising him to get on his feet and go to Rivendell and get in touch with Aragon. Barliman Butter was told to send the letter to Hobbiton and to anticipate a person named Mr. Baggins who would arrive under the name of Mr. Underhill. He left the inn, but regrettably, Barliman forgets to send the letter.

Saruman’s Betrayal
After the arrival of Gandalf in Isengard, Saruman confessed his urge for the One Ring. Saruman suggested that they keep the Ring for themselves and seize power from Sauron. Upon hearing this, Gandalf rejected the offer immediately while still being in shock. Saruman imprisoned Gandalf. Gandalf now behind bars was in anguish to know what Saruman had become. Gwaihir, the chief of the Eagles, had come to know where his dear friend Gandalf was. He helped him escape. Gandalf owed Gwaihir yet again and rushed to the Shire, knowing that Frodo, the ring, and the people were in great danger. [5]

Journey To Rivendell
Gandalf went to Rohan in the hope to find a strong and healthy horse. This was the time he first met Shadowfax, the lord of horses. They developed a special bond quickly. Gandalf was quick to learn of Shadowfax’s endurance, speed, and power. Gandalf raced against time to the Shire. Frodo had fled and was taking shelter in Rivendell. As soon as Gandalf reached, he soon learned that Nazguls assembled the black riders to search the area. Barliman apologized for his carelessness and forgetting to post the letter. He expressed his concern about whether the hobbits left with Strider. Gandalf bid Barliman Goodbye blessed his beer and was on his way to Weathertop. Gandalf had been attacked and surrounded by the Nazgul, in a tense battle of lightning and flames he managed to overpower them. All of this was seen by Aragorn and the hobbits from a distance unaware that it was Gandalf.

As days passed Frodo, Aragorn and the company had taken shelter in Weathertop, the Nazguls were soon to find them and take them hostage. They fought hard to overpower them and escape but Frodo was stabbed. An injured Frodo arrived at the Ford of Bruinen, he was scared knowing that the Nazgul had an eye on him and wouldn’t let him go until he was dead. But destiny had better plans for him, Gandalf alongside Elrond arrived and saved Frodo. Gandalf used his power of controlling the elements of the earth and swept the Nazguls away.

Assembling The Fellowship
After Frodo was looked after and taken care of, Elrond informed the council to further decide the next move and how to proceed with it regarding the goodwill of the ring. Gandalf using this time window explained to both of them about his encounter with Saruman and the White Wizard’s plan of building his army to be an opposition force to Sauron’s men. Elrond and Gandalf came to a common conclusion that the ring has to be destroyed. And the best way to do it was to throw it in the fires of Orodruin, where it was originally made. They all agreed and began to come up with a plan. Elrond hired the fellowship of the Ring as nine walkers, that were set numerically identical to Sauron’s nine Nazgul. Despite being small in number, the plan wasn’t to attack them with strength alone but to be stealthy. Gandalf was chosen to lead the company. The company included Aragorn, Boromir, Gimli the Dwarf, Legolas the elf, Samwise Gamgee, Peregrin Took, Frodo the hobbits, and Meriadoc Brandybuck. Gandalf had to use the best of his abilities to lead the company, as all the people he ever loved and was close to, their lives were at stake and solely dependent on Gandalf’s decision. He led them through the southern route to the Redhorn Pass. By this, he hoped to cross the misty mountains avoiding Isengard. This plan would have worked if not for the terrible storm they encountered. He had to make sudden changes to the route and take them through the ruins of moria.

Gandalf was quite familiar with the passages as he had been there earlier. They reached the Chamber of Mazarbul, where Gandalf initiated reading the book of records., uncovering the secrets of Balin, who is a leader of a devastated group who tried to restructure Moria. Hours later, the party was cornered by the orcs. Knowing Gandalf’s intellect they all knew he would find a way. He led everyone out by the eastern exit. Gandalf sensed that the Balrog had raced them to the bridge. Knowing that he was the only one who would stand a chance against the Balrog faced the demon all by himself. Knowing that there wasn’t much time, Gandolf using his mystic powers broke the bridge with both of them on it. This sent the Balrog falling into the depths of the unknown. But the demon took Gandolf along with him. While falling Gandolf cried out in a loud voice “Fly, you fools.” Gandolf, barely alive, was burned by the demon’s fire. They finally hit rock bottom of the lake amidst the mountains, that was so cold that it felt like his heart was going to stop beating. They faced each other, the creature knowing that darkness was it’s the best ally headed to the dark tunnels. Gandalf persuaded the demon which led both of them to endless stairs which took them above the clouds. The stairs had reached its end. They both fought mercilessly until the wizard threw the demon several feet below. Gandolf had surely won the battle but darkness had the better of him and he passed away.

Even after darkness taking over Gandalf, his spirit did not leave Middle-earth. Eru knowing everything that had happened and realizing all the sacrifices Gandolf has shown, he made up his mind to send Gandolf back to the mortal lands. And Gandalf was once again Gandolf, the wisest man alive. This time however he was given the ability to use more of his inner unlocked Maiar power. This undying and incredible power is showcased during the rest of his time on earth. Knowing the power he has in possession, this made Gandalf cloud his judgment and this was a great opportunity for Sauron’s men to go up against him. Three days later, Gwaihir was sent on a rescue mission to find Gandalf. Gwaihir was successful in finding him, he was carried to Caras Galadhon where he was completely cured and given his new demeanor. He was given new white clothes and this is exactly where Gandalf was called Gandalf the White. He learned that Frodo and Sam were on a quest to go to Mount doom.

Gandalf moved with great haste towards the Fangorn forest, which is where he met Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. With just his thought he called forth Shadowfax. With all of them together reunited, they headed towards Edoras. Gandolf sorted Théoden’s help to fight against Saruman. Gandolf knew and was well aware that if Saruman triumphs, he would capture Rohan and Gondor which would put Gandolf and his men at the center, easy targets from all four sides. Gandolf at no cost was going to let that happen. It was time to face Saruman, both the parties knew they were in the end game now. Gandolf and his fellow men won the battle, though a lot of blood was shed. After the battle, Gandolf along with his trusted allies took Saruman to Orthanc. There Gandolf offered Saruman a second chance and mercy, but the envious Saruman refused any of it. Gandalf the white had no choice but to destroy Saruman’s staff and cast him away from the council.

The Siege of Gondor
Gandolf took the hobbit with him to Minas Tirith. Once they arrived, he had come face to face with Denethor II, who was the ruling steward. Gandolf learned that he was having a hard time and wanted to be of assistance. The youngest son of the steward, Faramir had returned from Osgiliath and was attacked by Nazguls. Gandolf called upon Shadowfax and drove them away. Faramir used this opportunity to tell Gandalf that Frodo and Sam were still alive and needed saving. [6] On discovering this truth, Gandolf was immensely overjoyed and set out to free his friends. Once he freed his friends, he thoughtfully laid out his plans and wisdom on how to go along with defeating the evil Sauron.

The Downfall of Sauron
Ted Nasmith - The Shadow of Sauron.Ted Nasmith - The Shadow of Sauron.
As a collective decision of Aragorn and the remaining lords of the west, they select Gandalf to lead their upcoming battles. They take this decision based upon Gandalf’s brave efforts displayed back in Middle Earth. Gandalf chalks out a clever strategy of asking the lords to move north towards the Morannon as this would distract Sauron’s eyes from Frodo’s whereabouts. He does this to ensure that Frodo’s mission turns successful as he was aware of its repercussions.

He knew that the entire responsibility of West staying standing or falling apart rested on the shoulders of Frodo’s Mission. The only downside of this plan was the heavy loss the army would face but it posed a great chance to win over the quest of Mount Doom. Gandalf and Aragorn lead the army of the West and march towards the North. As they arrive at the black gate and prepare themselves for the battle, the messenger of Sauron rides forth in front of them to have a discussion. He shows them Frodo’s mithril-coat and Armor-blade and tells them that whoever was the owner of these belongings has been held and is being tortured by them. Further, the Mouth of Sauron proposes that the army of the West should surrender.

Gandalf, however, is unafraid of his warnings and rejects Sauran’s offer. A shocked messenger turns back towards the black gate and releases a huge army that makes their way towards the West army. On the other hand, Frodo and Samwise succeed in climbing at the peak of Mount Doom. Lured by the power of the ring, Frodo places the ring on his finger and declares to be the owner. Just as Gandalf had predicted, the creature Gollum had been following the ring-bearer and after taking away the ring from Frodo fell into the fires of Orodruin.

While the ring comes undone, the fiery mountain erupts and the tower of Barad-dûr and the Towers of the Teeth fall into crumbles. Sauron gets destroyed leaving behind nothing but a shadow of evil. With Sauron’s defeat, his army gets frightened and the army of the West takes upon them with huge confidence. Gandalf declares the success of the ring bearer along with the success quest and also the defeat of Sauron. The great quest had come to an end and the mission was successful.

Fourth Age

Gandalf and the remaining members of the Fellowship came together in Minas Tirith, the capital kingdom of Gondor. After a successful reunion, Aragorn requests Gandalf to do the honors of setting the crown on King Elessar’s head and usher everyone into the new age of men. Gandalf does so by coronating King Elessar and announcing that: "Now come the days of the King, and may they be blessed while the thrones of the Valar endure!" The coronation of King Elessar is followed by Aragorn and Arwen being tied into the spiritual union of marriage.

After all the ceremonies come to an end, Gandalf takes a journey back home with the rest of the members of the Fellowship. This journey is also prominent for the character of Gandalf because it marks his last journey on the soil of Middle Earth. All his tasks come to completion - his purpose to Arda has been fulfilled and even Sauron has been defeated. One by one, he bids adieu to all his friends in Middle Earth. He leaves the last four Hobbits at the Shire because he believed that even though they destroyed Sauron, evil wasn’t destroyed from this world.

The tiny bits of evil that remained was upon them to take care of and they were not his concern any longer. He leaves and takes recluse with the moss gatherer, Tom Bombadil. What followed that day is still unknown to us but many assume that Gandalf spent the next two years having “long talk” with Bombadil. However, on 29th September 3021, Gandalf meets Frodo and takes the White Ship over the sea to Aman. He has Shadowfax and Narya with him. The mission Gandalf was on was now completed and after more than 2000 years, Gandalf was approaching his homecoming. With Narya on his finger and Shadowfax beside him, Gandalf takes over the ship along with Frodo, Bilbo, and Elrond. Since that day, Gandalf never saw the face of Middle Earth.

His ship crosses over the west and then takes the hidden pathway straight to Valinor. Once in Valinor, Gandalf reclaims his name and becomes the rightful Olórin of Valinor all over again. It is presumed that being in Valinor, Gandalf spent most of his time enjoying nature in the gardens of Irmo. Gandalf’s success comes from being the wisest man in Maiar and the only Ishtar to stick to his mission till the very end. He not only destroyed evil but he also won over the hearts of inhabitants in Middle Earth. When seen as a whole, this victory was large, Gandalf’s victory.


Gandalf adopted several names and nicknames throughout Tolkien’s writings. He acquired these names from the people he encountered while staying in Middle Earth. Here are each of his names in detail. [7]
  1. Olórin - Olórin means “dream” or “vision of the mind” in the language of the elves, Quenya. This was Gandalf’s original name while he was in the realm of the Valar, the Valinor. Alternative spelling of this name appears in one of the earlier drafts of the “Lord of the Rings” manuscript, known as the Olórion.​
  2. Mithrandir - Mithrandir means a “grey pilgrim” or a “grey wandering man” in the elvish language, Sindarin which is spoken in the kingdom of Gondor. Gandalf was portrayed as Mithrandir in the following: In the 2003 movie “The Return of the Kings”, Gandalf was called Mithrandir by the people of Gondor. In the 2012 and 2014 series of “The Hobbit” known as “An Unexpected Journey” and “The Battle of Five Armies” respectively, Lindir, Galadriel, and Thranduil refer to Gandalf as Mithrandir.​
  3. Incánus - Gandalf acquired the name Incánus during one of his adventures in Middle Earth somewhere around the Mid-Third Age. In Latin, Incánus means “grey hair” and it can also mean the “North Spy” and “Mind Ruler” in the archaic Quenya language.​
  4. The White Rider - While riding the great horse Shadowfax, Gandolf acquired the name “The White Rider”.​
  5. Tharkûn - In the secret language of dwarves, Khudzul, Tharkûn means either a “grey man” or a “staff man”. The name was given to Gandalf by the dwarves. Alternative spelling of the name known as “Sharkûn” appears in early manuscripts of the Lord of the Rings.​
  6. Greyhame - Greyhame was a name used for Gandalf particularly in the Mannish kingdom of Rohan which is situated at the northern borders of Gondor, The meaning of Greyhame can be derived from the Rohirrim language of the horse lords or the horse people settled in the lands of Rohan. In the Rohirrim language, Greyhame means “grey mantle” or “grey cloak”.​
  7. Stormcrow - Gandalf’s name being Stormcrow has an interesting significance attached to it. The king of Rohan, Théoden gave this name to Gandalf upon his arrival being tied to bad news.​
  8. Láthspell - In the 2002 Lord of the Rings series “The Two Towers”, Grima Wormtongue uses the quote - "Lathspell I name him. Ill news is an ill guest". That’s when Grima gives Gandalf the name Láthspell which means causing hate or bringing in bad news. He attempts to weaken King Theoden by pointing out to the fact that Gandalf always appears during hard situations carrying bad news. [8]


In the universe of Tolkien’s mythology, the mysterious name “Gandalf '' means “Elf of the Wand” or “Wand-elf”. It is derived from the old northern Mannish language. Several inhabitants staying in Middle Earth wrongly thought that Gandalf was a human being when in fact he was a Maia spirit angel in reality. Another wrong idea inhabitants had in the initial days of his career in Middle Earth was that, since he did so much magic and since he was immortal, he should have been an elf.

However, it was later clarified that he could not be an elf because he was old and Elves do not age. Since then the nickname became a part of his identity in Middle Earth. Later he started giving away the name to the people who met and who had no idea of the name’s meaning. The name Gandalf was initially drawn from the Völuspá poem in Norse Mythology. This poem contains a list of dwarf names and the list is known as “Dvergatal”. Interestingly, the name of Thorin and other dwarves were also acquired from the same list.

Powers & Skills

The wise speak only of what they know.” Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers.


Gandalf is amongst the wisest and most knowledgeable wizards in Middle Earth. Galadriel even concluded that Gandalf is more worthy of leading the White Council than the Saruman himself. As the greatest scholar of the Hobbit traditions, Gandalf possesses immense knowledge of numerous languages and is well versed with the writing systems used in Middle Earth. Due to his extensive travel history, he got a chance to meet people from different walks of life and form deep bonds with them. He has come across people who are all-powerful and mighty.

Sharpest Eyes

Even though he was cautious of being directly confronted by Saruman and Sauron, he was still revered as one of the most powerful beings to walk on the soil of Middle earth. He could view not only in the dark but even into the dimensions of wraiths and be thus regarded to have the sharpest eyes in the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit Universe combined. Gandalf’s possession of the Narya, the ring of fire gives him superhuman endurance to counteract the effects of aging in his human persona. Speaking about his persona, his voice is his asset. Nevertheless, even without uttering a single word, he disarms the adversary with a wave of his hand in “The Pyre of Denethor.” “He lifted his hand, and in that very stroke, the sword of Denethor flew up and left his grasp and fell behind him in the shadows of the house; and Denethor stepped back. Denethor was amazed.”

Smoke, Fire & Lightning

He can even create smoke, fire, and lightning. Belonging to the angelic beings called the Ainur, they have a close relationship to light and heat, making them immune to unbelievably high temperatures. Taking this into account, it explains how he manages to win the fight against the fiery Balrog without being burnt. He can even shoot lightning and give away energy. He uses this skill during the “ Siege of Gondor” to ward off the Nazguls. “Like Thunder, they broke upon the enemy on either flank of the retreat; but one rider outran them all, swift as the wind in the grass: Shadowfax bore him, shining, unveiled once more, a light starting from his upraised hand. The Nazguls screeched and swept away for their captain was not yet ready to challenge the white fire of his foe.” Gandalf shows his power even in the events of his tussles with other magically empowered creatures, the Balrogs, and the Saruman. He is absorbing and deflecting hits of massive energy blasts. He even creates a massive energy barrier that glows shield himself.

Power To Converse With Animals

Gandalf can even talk to animals. Not considered as one of his most flashy superpowers but one of the few powers that makes him humane. Although Gandalf’s relationship with nature and animals isn’t as strong as his fellow Istari, Radagast. Nevertheless, he is still able to read and manipulate the elements. He also can converse with the creatures. He has the power to call the Shadowfax, “The Lord of all Horses,” to his side with just a thought. Gandalf is the only being in the Lord of the Rings universe who has the explicit consent to ride him. His power to converse with animals can also be seen in The Fellowship of the Ring film adaption, he uses a moth to send an S.O.S after he gets trapped on top of Orthanc by none other than Saruman. The moth returns with Gwaihir, the Great Eagle, who helps Gandalf escape from the clutches of Saruman.

Magnificent Horse Rider

Gandalf is armed with an Elfin Blade. He is combat efficient and in no way held back by his old age. An experienced horse rider that makes him charge towards his enemies flawlessly. They don’t even see him coming and cutting through. He is best and formidable for his magic and spells.


Gandalf mostly uses his staff, but he also carries his sword during combat. At times in combat, Gandalf even uses both the weapons into one tactical move against his enemies.


Just like every other wizard, Gandalf utilizes his staff to cast out spells. Gandalf not only treats his staff as a weapon but also as a walking stick to support him. He once used and had an old wooden staff which he lost in battle with the Balrog in the Mines of Moria. Once he became Gandalf the White, he began to use the new one which is the current staff.


To be precise about this particular weapon, it is an Elven sword which Gandalf finds in a troll cave. Since then until the resolution of the War of the Ring, Gandalf uses the Glamdring as a solo weapon and even as a complement to his staff, wielding them both with equal ease and confidence. In the films, Gandalf has seen using both the weapons at once, as a combination of attacks. [9]


Gandalf the Grey by Roger Thomasson.Gandalf the Grey by Roger Thomasson.
“It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in use for the succor of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule.” Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. Being 2000 years old, Gandalf has aged and features majestic grey hair. This also means he’s seen life through these 2000 years and hence he holds within himself a wealth of experience and wisdom those years. Throughout the Lord of the Rings series, Gandalf’s character plays on a completely different scale compared to the other inhabitants of Middle Earth. Gandalf is the only character that goes through various highs and lows of different ages.

Provided the fact that he has been through so much and he has inherited knowledge through the times, the other creatures of the fellowship usually look up to him for advice. Gandalf being the way he is, he never fails to deliver what is expected of him. He is always on the toes to impart wisdom to his fellow companions. Gandalf’s personality shows an unusual combination of anger and humor. Throughout the Lord of the Rings series, he is often shown as someone who gets angry quickly and also loosens up equally quickly. He is a mythical creature with a strong sense of pity within him which was brought forth to us on multiple instances where he extended help even to the servants of his enemies. He acquired his deep wisdom and patience during his time in Valinor. His principle of caring for the creatures of goodwill comes from his principle of showing pity for the weak.

People who carefully observed Gandalf reveal a hidden aspect of his personality which was usually found in his eyes. Appeared deep with wisdom, they were wise beyond his age. Gandalf’s personality shows mixed signs of polar differences. He switches between being overly friendly and abruptly rude. He plentifully rewarded those who showed goodwill and also heavily criticized those who showed foolish behavior. People got surprised by his bluntness and care. He was taken up by the Hobbits more than any of the other wizards did. He often found peace in the Shire after running his usual errands.

He was so attached to the Shire because of its serene environment. He was amused by nature he witnessed in the Shire which was in stark contrast to the crowded habitats of Middle Earth. He believed that the Shire was pure and untouched by the greater evils of the world. To him, Shire was closer to nature than men. Another reason Gandalf was so obsessed with the Shire could be that the agrarian way of life in the Shire struck a chord with his internal spirit and reminded him of the gardens in Valinor.

Physical Appearance

“Gandalf was shorter in stature than the other two; but his long white hair, his sweeping beard, and his broad shoulders made him look like some wise king of ancient legend. In his aged face under great snowy brows, his eyes were set like coals that could suddenly burst into fire.”​
  • Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring.​
As all the fans of the Lord of the Rings know, Gandalf is an old man with the classic pointed blue hat, a long dark grey cloak, and a mystic silver scarf. He has a long white beard and thick bushy eyebrows that even the jolly old Saint Nicholas would be jealous of. The early description of Gandalf’s physical appearance can be found in the initial pages of “The Hobbit” where J.R.R Tolkein writes, “An old man with a staff. He had a tall pointed blue hat, a long grey cloak, a silver scarf over which a white beard hung down below his waist, and immense black boots.”

Further, Tolkien writes, A figure strongly built and with broad shoulders, though shorter than the average of men and now stopped with age, leaning on a thick rough-cut staff as he trudged along. Gandalf's hat was wide-brimmed with a pointed conical crown, and it was blue; he wore a long grey cloak, but this would not reach much below his knees. It was of an elven silver-grey hue, though tarnished by wear as is evident from the general use of grey in the book... But his colors were always white, silver-grey, and blue - except for the boots he wore when walking in the wild. Gandalf even bent must have been at least 5 ft. 6... Which would make him a short man even in modern England, especially with the reduction of a bent back?

The post being resurrected, the significant change of color from grey to white is quite distinctive as he is sent to take the position of the corrupted leader of the White Council, Saruman, and also the chief of the Order of Wizards. In the Lord of the Rings book, Gandalf himself proclaims that he was now more like Saruman than he was himself. Cirdan, the shipwright almost sees this coming and realizes that Gandalf is much more capable than Saruman. Hence, he entrusts the responsibility of Narya and the Ring of Fire to Gandalf instead of Saruman.

Portrayal In Adaptations

  • 1966: The Hobbit​
  • 1977: The Hobbit​
  • 1978: The Lord of the Rings​
  • 1966: The Hobbit​
  • 1977: The Hobbit​
  • 1978: The Lord of the Rings​
  • 1980: The Return of the King​
  • 1985: The Fairytale Adventures of Mr. Baggins, the Hobbit​
  • 2001: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring​
  • 2002: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers​
  • 2003: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King​
  • 2012-2014: The Hobbit (film series)​

Gandalf family tree


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Biographical info

Other Names (a.k.a)
Olórin, Mithrandir, Incánus,
Tharkûn, Greyhame,
Old Greybeard, The Grey
Istar (Wizards),
The Grey, The White,
Servant of the Secret Fire
Before the
Shaping of Arda
January 25, 3019

Physical information

Ainur (Maiar)
Grey, later white
