Nimrod and Orion


Nimrod noun - A person who hunts game.

Orion and nimrod are semantically related. In some cases you can use "Orion" instead a noun "Nimrod". popular alternative


Orion noun - (Greek mythology) a giant Boeotian hunter who pursued the Pleiades and was eventually slain by Artemis; was then placed in the sky as a constellation.
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Nimrod and Orion are semantically related. You can use "Nimrod" instead a noun "Orion".

Both words in one sentence

  • Useful Notes / Plane Spotting They are often converted airliners (such as the British Nimrod, adapted from the Comet airliner) or bombers (such as the Russian "Bear".) Most carry one or two torpedoes, though some, such as the US P-3 Orion, can carry as many as eight.
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Orion and Nimrod. (2016). Retrieved 2024, May 07, from
Nimrod & Orion. N.p., 2016. Web. 07 May. 2024. <>.
Orion or Nimrod. 2016. Accessed May 07, 2024.
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