The Orion Constellation

The Orion Constellation

This is the Orion Constellation which inspired me and triggerred my inner curiousity to pursuing the science of the world as well as the world of science. Speaking of the Orion related to my life, it is a long story far beyond it’s Greek fary tale meaning to me. But I’ll tell you later. I should tell you. I should revisit it every now and then.

In all likelihood, the acknowledgement of this shining constellation is my first real leap into the gate of breathtaking, gigantic, grand palace of Science and Nature.

Like the world of Turbulence, which is brought to me by Feynman, my supervisor, my friend, as well as the curiousity hiden inside my subconsciousness, I am never tired of knowing more about the story behind the stars, how it links to our daily life, and exploring the possibility of the way it may change our future.

Everything can be traced back to the very beginning of the universe. And we should know it!

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