Morals and dogma 1 of 3

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Entered accorditik to Act,KofCongress, in the year 1871, by ALBERT PIKE, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washingto~. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1906,路 by

THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE SOUTHERN JURISDICTION, A.. A. S. R., U. S. A., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.

New and Revised Edition Copyright 1950 The Supreme Council <Mother. Council of the W orId) of the Inspectors General Knights Commanders of the house of the Temple of Solomon of the路 Thirty-third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of FreeMasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of .America.

L. H . .I~riJs~ I~c. Editioo Book Manufacturers Richmond, Va.

PREFACE. THE following work has been prep~red

by authority of theSupreme Council of the Thirty-third Degree, for the Sou,therQ Jurisdiction of the United States, by the Grand Comma~del", and is now published by its direction., It contains the 1:""";-: Lectures of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in that juris~ diction, and is specially intended to be read and studied by ;,~he Brethren of that obedience, in connection with. the, Rituals of the Degrees. It is hoped and expected that each will furnish himself. with a copy, and make himself familiar ,with it; for which purpose, as the cost of the work consists entirely in th,e printing and binding, it will be furnished at a price as n1oderat~ as possible. No individ'ual will receive pecuniary profit from .it, except the agents for its sale. It has been copyrighted, to prevent its republication elsewl1ere, and the copyright, like those of all the other, works prepared f~r the Suprenle Council, has been assigned to Trustees fo! that Body. Whatever profits may accrue from it will be dev:oted to purposes of charity. The Brethren of tIle Rite in the United States and Canada will be afforded the opportunity to purcha?e it, n'or is itforbidden that other Masons shall; but th路ey \vill not be . solicited~o do so. In preparing this work" the Grand Commander has been about equally Author and Compiler ; since he he.s. extracted quite half its contents from thew'Orks of the best writers and most p路hil... osophic or eloquent thinkers. 'Perhaps it would ,have beenbet~, ter and more 路acceptable if' he had extracted more and written less. Still, perh#aos half of it i~ his own; and, in incorporati'ng' b~te iii ,


" ,



tl1e thoughts and words of others, he has continually changed and added to the language, often int.ermingling, in the same sentences, his own words with theirs. It not being intended for the world at large, he has felt at liberty to make, from all accessible sources, a Compendium of the Morals and Dogma of the Rite, to re-mould sentences, change and add to words and phrases, combine them with his own, and use them as if they wereltis own, to 'be dealt with at his pleasure and so availed of as to make the wnole most valuable for the purposes intended. He claims, there~~te.

little of the merit of authorship, and has not ca~~~ to dis-

tinguish his own from that which he has taken from other sources, being quite willing that every portion of the book, in turn~ may be regarded as borrowed from some old and better writer. The teachings of these Readings ar~ not. sacramental, . so fat as

they go beyond the realm of Morality into those Of?tlJeE,~~0fins of Thought and Truth. The Ancient and Accepted SQ~+~i~~Rite uses the word "Dogma" in its true sense, of doctrine:1 or<t~a~hing; and is not dogmatic in the odious sense of that term. Everyone iSi entirely free to reject and dissent from whatsoever herein may seetn to him to'be u,ntrue or unsound. It is only required of him that he shall weigh what is taught,and give it fair hearing and unprejudiced judgment. Of course, the ancient theosophic and philosophic speculations are not embodied as part of the doctrines ~f ,the Rite ; but becauseitis,?£ interest and profit t~ ~~~i ~hat the .Anci~nt Intellect th?~tupon these sUbjectsj,~~lf~use

nothing so conclusively proves the radical difference 1); "een our Jl1iman and tlle animal as the capacityoitR~human mind to en.tertain such spie ct1lationsin regard to itself and "the ,Deiity. But as to theseopimonsthemselves, we may:say,'inthe werds .of .the ·learn'e'd CaJa!~il!ist; . Lud€lvicus· Gomez,: .····"'0 p£ntones .$'e'UtltJum varietatetn!!·.·.·.t~w.'i!jor'lJ,m, senescant et .int,e~o'*iantur,

aZilEque diversCE vel prioribus #.'l+oescant.



renascanturet dei-ntle

Titles of Degrees as herein given have in some instances been changed. Correct titles are as follows: 1°-Apprentice. 2°-Fellow-craft. 3°-Master. 4 °-Secret IVlaster" SO-Perfect Master. 6°-Intimate Secretary. 7°-Provost and Judge. gO-Intendant of the Building. gO-Eiu of the Nine. loo-Elu of the Fifteen. 11°-Elu of the Twelve. 12°-Master Architect. 13 °-Royal Arch of Solomon. 14°-Perfect Elu. ISO-Knight of the East.16°-Prince of Jerusalem. 17°-Knight of the East and West. 18°-Knight Rose Croix. 19°-Pontiff. 20°-Master of the Symbolic Lodge. 21°-Noachite or Prussian Knight. 22°-Knight of the Royal Axe or Prince of Libanus. 23°-Chief of the Tabernacle. 24°-Prince of the TabernaclEe. 2S0-Knight of the Brazen Serpent. 26°-Prince of Mercy. 27°-Knight Commander of the Temple. 28°-Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept. 29°-Scottish ,Knight of St. Andrew. 30°-Knight Kadosh. 31°-Inspector Inquisitor. 32°-Master of the Royal Secret. v





FORCJt, unregulated .O1! tj~l,":iregulated, is not only wasted in the void, . like thq,t of gunpow <;I¢! burned in the open air,and steam 'Un(;oQ.~qed by •. science; bti;t,. striking in the dark,. aniQ. its blows ~eeting only theair,·;tht)~~~~oilandbruise





tion and ruin. It istlf·e.v;()l~ano, the earthquake, the >cyclone ;-not growth and progress. It is Polyphemus blinded;·striking at fflJ;1,dom, and. falling h~~IQl<tlng" attlong the sharp. rg;~s • . by the im~etus .of his own. bJ~:;rW$': The blind Foree of. ~eL·;~ople. isa Force mtts;t 1;)e .econ'omil;ed, and also mat1age4~~s the blind Force of steam,lif,ting the ~?nder()l1s iron aIT s CUt .. >Ltll jng the large wheels, iS1jl3~deto bore

~M,d. .l"iflethe cannon .and~Ol(;m;~aveth~mostdelic~te lape!i' I;tml1s,t Intellect.i(~~tellectisto the people amdtbep,eople7s EQf~e~what the slender ~~~dle of the compass is to the $hip-its ~qt11'l ;aJway~ c.QllI1seUing; " mass. of .wood,aP;!2l.i!J5~(n.,. . ~<J ~lWjaJ~:pointing tQ the.l1r9 ',To ~ttack. t he .citade~s~uilt\tlPiQ~;i~J i .•

be I;e~latedby


y:supierstitions, despoti~~S)ij~dp~~jT




udices, the Force must have a brain and a law. Then its deeds of daring produce permanent results, and there is real progress. Then there are sublime conquests. Thought is a force, and philosophy should be an energy, finding its aim and its effects in the amelioration of mankind. The two great motors are Truth and Love. When all these Forces are combined, and guided by the Intellect, and regulated by theRuL~ of Right, and Justice, and of combined and systematic movement and effort, the great revolution prepared for by the ages will begin to march. The POWER of the Deity Himself is in equilibrium with His WISDOM Hence the only results are HARMONY , It is because Force is ill regulated, that revolutions prove failures. Therefore it is that so often insurrections, coming from those high mountains that domineer over the moral horizon, J ustice, Wisdom, Reason, Right, built of the purest snow of the ideal after a long fall from rock to rock,after having reflected the sky in their transparency, and been swollen by a hundred affiuents, in the majestic path of triumph, suddenly lose themselves inquagmires, like a Calif.ornia river in the sands. The onward march of the human race requires that the heights around it should blaze with noble and enduring lessons of courage. Deeds of daring dazzle l1istory, and form one class of the· guiding lights of man. They are the stars and coruscations from that great sea of electricity, the Force inherent in the people. To strive, to brave all risks,·to perish, to persevere, to be true to one's self, to grapple body to bodywitn destiny, to surprise defeat by the little terror it inspires, now to 'confront unrighteous power, now to defy intoxicated triumph-tnese are the examples that the nations need and the light that· electrlfles them. There are immense Forces 111 the great caverns of evil beneath society; in the hideous degradation, squalor, wretchedness and destitution,· vices and c:rimes that reek and simmer in the darkness in that populace·helowtne people, of great cities. There disinterestedness vanishes,e\ieryonehowls, searches, gropes, and gnaws for himself. Ideas· are ignored, and of progress there is no thought. This populace' has two mothers, both of them stepmothers-Ignoranceana'Misery.Want is their only guide-for the appetite alone t~.eY,:~~~:~tI$f~ction. Yet even these may be employed. The lo~l:y~~\\"e tratnple u~n, cas~ into the fur- . nace, melted, purified ·51···· fire, may become resplendent· crystal



They have the brute force of the HAMM£R, but their. blows help on the great cause, when struck within the lines traced by the RUI,E held by wisdom and discretion. Yet it is this very Force of the people, this Titanic power bf the giants, that builds the fortifications of. tyrants, and i'sembodied in their annies. Hence the possibility of such tyrannies as those of which it has been said,.'that "Rome smells· worse under Vitellius than under Sulla. Under Claudius and under Domitian there is a deformity of baseness corresponding to the ugliness of the tyranny.. The foulness of the slaves is a direct result of the atrocious baseness of the despot.. A miasma exhales from these· crouching consciences that reflect the m'aster; the public authorities· are unclean, hearts are collapsed, consciences shrunken, souls puny. This is so under Caracalla, it is so under Commodus, it is so' under HeIiogabalus, while from th.e Roman senate, under Cresar, there comes or,.Iy the rank odor peculiar to the eagle's eyrie." It is the force of the people that sustains all these despotisms, the basest as well as the brest.. That force acts through armies; and these oftener enslave than liberate.. Despotism there applies the RULE. Force is the :MACE of steel at the saddle-bow of the knight or of the bishop ill/a.rmor. Passive obedience,by force supports thrones and oligarchies, Spanish.. kings,and Venetian senates. Might, i,n.. an anny wielded by tyranny, is the enot1:nous sum total of utter weakness; and so.f1umanity wages war ag~illst Humanity, in despite of Humanity.. So a people willingly submits to despoti~m., and. its workmen suhmit to be despised,. and its, soldie:rrs to be whipped; therefore it is ..that battles lost by a nation . are often progress attained.. Less glory is more liberty. When the drum is silent, reason sometimes~peaks. ; Tyrants use the force·of.the people to ch~in and subjugate-that is, enyoke the .people... Then they plough with them as men do with oxen yoked. Th'Us: ..the· spirit of liberty ap;d. innovation is reduced by bayonets, and principles. are struck. dumb by cannon~hot; while the monks mingle with the troopers,Cind tpe Church mil,itant and jubilant, Catholic or Puritan, sings. Te Deums for victories over rebellion. The military power, not subordinate to the civil power, again the HA:MM~B. or 11:Ac~.Qf.FORCE, independent of th~RU~E, is~,.~Il armed tyranny, born fu111grown, as Athene sprun~ trgm the brain" of Zeus. It spawns a.drpasty, and begins with. C~s~rto rot ipto



Vitellius andCommodus. At the present day it inclines to begin where formerly dynasties ended. Constantly the people put forth immense strength, only to end in immense weakness. The force of the people is exhausted in indefinitely prolonging things long since dead; in'governing mankind by embalming old dead tyrannies of Faith; restoring dilapidated dogmas; regilding faded, worm-eaten shrines; whitening and rouging ancient and barren superstitions; saving society by multiplying parasites; pierpetuating superannuated institutions; enforcing the worship ofsymhols as the actual means of salvation; and tying the dead corpse of the Past, mouth to mouth, with the living Present.. 1~herefore it is that it is one of the fatalities of Humanity to be condemned to eternal struggles with phantoms, with superstitions, bigotries, hypocrisies, prejudices, the formulas of error, and the pleas of tyranny Despotisms, seen in the· past, become respectable, as the mountain, bristling with volcanic rock, rugged and horrid, seen through the haze of distance is blue and smooth and beautiful.. The sight of a single dungeon··of tyranny is worth mQre, to dispel illusions, and create a holy· hatred of despotism, and to· direct FORCE aright, than the most eloquent volumes.. The French should have· preserved the Bastile as· a perpetual lesson, Italy s]};ould not destroy the dungeons of the Inquisition.. The Force of the people maintained th<e Power that built its gloomy cens, ·an4···placed the living in their granite ·sepulchres. The FORCE of the peop~ecannot, by its unrestrained and fitful action, maintain and continue in action and existence a free Government once created. Tha.tForce must be limited,· restrained, conveyed by distribution into different chaIfB!els,iand'by roundabout courses, to outlets,· wlilence it is to iss1.l~ Jas .• the law, action, and decision of the5;tate>; as the wise old Egyptian kings conveyed in different canals, sub-division, the swelling waters of the Nile, and compeneathe~ to fertilize and not devastate the land. There must be the juset norma, the law and Rule:! or Ga1tge, of constitution and law, within which th'e public force must act.. Make a breach in either, and the 'great stea:m-hammer, with its swift and ponderous blows, crushes aU the machinery to atoms, and, at last, wrenching itself away, lies inertaaddead amid the ruin it has wrought. The FORCE of the people) or the popular' will, in action and



exerted, symbolized by the GAVEL, regulated and guided by and acting within the limits of LAW and ORDER) symbolized by the TWEN'rY-FOUR-INCH: RULE, has for its fruit LIBERTY, EQUALITY, and FRATERNITy,-liberty regulated by law; equality of rights in the eye of the law; brotherhood with its duties and obligations as well as its benefits. You will hear shortly of the Rough ASHLAR and the Perfect ASliLAR, as part of the jewels of the Lodge. The'rough Ashlar is said to be "a stone, as taken from the quarry, in its rude and natural state." The perfect Ashlar is said to be ,e a stone made rea~lby the hands of the workmen, to be adjuq,~~dj1p¥ the working-tools of the Fellow-Craft.. " We shall not repeat the explanations of these symbols given by the York Rite. You may reGl,d them in its printed monitors. They are declared to allude to the self-improvement of the individual craftsman,-a coptinuation of the same sup:erficial interpretation. The rough Ashlar is the PEop~eJ as a mass, rude and unorganized. The perfect As1l1,ar, or cubical stone, symbol. of ,perfection, is the STATE, the rulers deriving their powers frca1Ql,the con:sent of the governed; the, oonstitution and laws spe~kjng thew.ill of the people; the government hp.rmonious, symmetrj~al, efficient, -its powers properly distributed and duly adjuste<i in equilibrium. If we delineate a:oube:on a plane surface tblls.:

we have visible thf'ee f;ao@(s,'3imd nine external Jiftes~drawn between sevenipoiDts.The "complete cube has three more faces, making iK; three more lines, making twelve; and pone mo,re ~iftt, maki~ t. As the l1umDier 12 includes the .sacred nUlllbetrs,.3:, 5, 7, apd 31: "'~ 3, or 9,. and is :pfOQ14Cedby adding thesaQre:4:rQumber3,pto 9; whi'@,its own two figures, 1, 2, the unit or I1)on3d~ and duad, a<flded tog~her, mak.efue!same sacred number 3; it,,'V\f:is¢;(ilhe«ijne p'erf~tt number; and the cube "became the symbol G)~iP,erfectiQn. Proc!~ced by FORC:S, actiagbyRULIS"; hatnmeiea~nla~~r'~a~ce i



with lines measured by the Gauge, out of the rough Ashlar, it is an appropriate symbol of the Force of the people, expressed as the constitution and law of the State; and of the State itself the three visible faces represent the three departments,-the Executive, which executes the laws; the Legislative, which makes the laws; the Judiciary, which interprets the laws 1 applies and enforces them, between man and man, between the State and the citizens. The three invisible faces, are Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity,the threefold soul of the State-its vitality, spirit, and intellect.







Though Masonry neither usurps the place of, nor apes religion, prayer is an essential part of our ceremonies. It is the aspiration of the soul toward the Absolute and Infinite Intelligence, which is the One Supreme Deity, most feebly and misunderstandingly characterized as an "ARCHITECT." Certain faculties of man are directed toward the Unknown-thought, meditation, prayer. The unknown is an ocean, of which conscience is the compass. Tl:ought, meditation, prayer, are the great myst.erious paintings of theneedie. It is a spiritual magnetism that thus connects the human soul with the Deity. These majestic irradiations of the soul pierce through the shadow toward the light. It is but a shallow scoff to say that prayer is absurd, because it is not possible for us, by means of it, to persuade God to change His plans. He produces foreknown and foreintended effects, by the instrumentality of the forces of nature, all of which are His forces. Our own are part of these. Our free agency and our will are forces. We do not absurdly cease to make efforts to attain wealth or happiness, prolong life, and continue health, because we cannot by any effort change what is predestined. If the effort also路 is predestined,. it. is not the less our effort, made of our free will. So, likewise, we pray Will is a force. Thought is a force. Prayer is a force. Why should it not be of the law of God, that prayer, like Faith and Love, should have its effects? 11an is not to be comprehended as a路starting-point,路or progress as a goal, without those two great forces, Faith and Love. Prayer is sublime. Orisons that beg and clamor are pitiful. To deny the efficacy of prayer, is to deny that of Faith, Love, and Effort. Yet the effects produced, when our hand, moved by our will, launches a pebble into the ocean, never cease; and every. uttered word is registered for eternity upon the invisible air



Every Lodge is a T.emple, and as a whole, and in "its details symbolic. The Univer~e itself supplied man with the model for the first temples reared. ,to the Divinity. The arrangement of the Temple of Solomon, the sY111bolic ornanlents whic11 formed its chief decoratiops,and th~ dress of the High-Priest, all had reference to the order of the Universe, as then understood. The TempIe. contained many emblem.s of the seasons-the sun, thenloon, the planets, the constellations Ursa Major and Minor, the zodiac, the ele.ments, and·the other parts of the world. Itis the Master of this Lodge i of the Universe,. Hermes, of wbo~m Khurum is the representative, that .is one of the lights of the Lodge. For· iurtherinstruction as to the symbolism of the heavenly bodies, and of the sacred nun1bers, and of the temple and its details, you must wait pattiently until you advance in MasonrY"l11 the mean time exercising yOtlf intellect in studying thel11· foryO'ur~ self. To stuGiy and sleek to; interpret COer rectI y the symbols of the Unrv'erse, is the w0·rk ;·0£· the sage and philosopher It is to'decipher the writing()f GQd,andpenetrate ·rnt€l His thoughts. This is what is. asked and answered in ourcatechisrrl'$ in regard to the Lodge.







A "Lodge'" is de.fine'd'to be ','an assemblage of Freemasons, duly: congregated,.having the)s~ct"e<d w~itings, square,a;ndcompass, an.d a chart~r,orwarrant! of 'consti tuti() "1, .authorizing 'them towor~P" The room or place. in which, they m!eet, repres:enting .some·· part of Kring 'S'olomon's Temple,·is also called the Lodge; ian:ctit 'is that we are now considering. It is said to be. sUPP(jrte~Ol by three gr"earc61tunns, '\7VISDOM i' FORce or SfRlNoTH,arld.BrtA:tiTY, r·~presented by th~Master,the'

~eni?t,Wa~d~n,Mldthe,",~i?r ~~rde?; andthe$e:~~ ~i&to~e

the .cohtmns that supp?~ th~,~dge, ."becau;e Vlils~~~: i ~tn~~~~~ an~· Beaury,are theprerfeeti\onsof· everything,ancl nofhing'€1a,n enallre . widlonttaetn." H:.Becaus'e; "the York·· ·Rite·;says,

ne~ssalj' that theTesh~~~,~e'.~i~do~t.~ .:~n~~i,~e:.',~,t~:rigth. ~~


support, and Beauty aU great .and' impoJrtant··une;erta1~'" ings." "Know ye not," says the Apostle Paul, Hthat ye are the ieq.l'ie .·G>fGod, an'tdt·. that tRee /Spiirit .' ()f IGod dwe][befh·ini you 't, If ~n)r!'man.dleseK!rate ,. the) ~eQil¥>le 0·£ • GOEl", miln·· sh,aU ,God, de!stroy; fdr ~j'lt~;!;.,r!~l~)mltll)!l(€ :0 f .·God ·.i 51 ·.h9~Yi' which .; t~mp Ie· ye • Q.r-e:}' and.; F.(1).w~f~ofj~ha.Deityare in:equi!fibtium:. \!



laws of nature and the moral laws are not the mere despotic rnandates of His Omnipotent will; for, then they might be changed by Him, and order becoll1e disorder, "and good and right become evil and wrong; honesty and loyalty, vices; and fraud, ingratitude, and vice, virtues. Ortlnipotent power, infinite, and existing alone, would necessarily not be constrained to consistency. Its decrees and laws could not he in1nlutable. The ,laws of God are not obligatory on us because they are the enactments of His POWER, or the expression of His WILL; but because they express His infinite WISDOM. They are not right because they are His laws, but His laws because they are rigpt. FraIn the equilibrilun of infinite wisdom and infinite force" results perfect harmony, in 'physics and in the moral universe. Wisdom, Power, and Harnlony constitute one Masonic triad. They have other and profounder meanings, that may at some tirn;e be unveiled to you. As to, the ordinary and commonplace explanation., it luay be added, that the wisdom oJ the Architect is displayed in conlhining, as only a skillful Arcnitect can do,' and as God has' done everywhere,-for example, in the tree, the human frame, the egg, the cells of the honeycomb-strength, with grace, beauty" sylun1etry, proportion, lightness, ornan1entation. 1'hat, too, is the perfection of the orator and poet-to combine force" ,strength, energy, with grace of style, musical cadences, the beauty of figures,路, the play and irradiation of imagination and fancy; and so, in a State, the warlike and industrial force of the people, and their Titanic strength, must be combined "\tvith the beauty of the arts, the sciences, and the intellect, if the State would scale the heights of excellence, and the people be refilly free. Har-1nony in this, as in;all the Divine, the material" and the human, is the result of equilibrium, of the sympathy.and opposite action of contraries; a single Wisdom above thern holding the beam of the scales~ To reconcile the n10ral law" hUlnan responsibility, free-will, with the absolute power of God; and the existence of evil with His absolute wisdom, and goodness, and l11ercy,these are the great enigmas of the Sphynx.

You entered the Lodge between two columns. They represent the. two which stood in the porch of the Temple, on,each side of the great eastern gateway 'fhese pillars, of bronze, four fin.gers breadth in thickness, were, according to tb!e most at1t~entic



account-that. in the First and that in the Second Book of Kings, confirmed in ] eremiah~eighteen cubits high, with a capital fi"\le cubits high.. The shaft of each was four cubits in diameter. A 1'hat is, the shaft of each was a little one foot and loolo.. over thirty feet eight inches in height, the capital of each a little over eight feet six inches in height, and the diameter of the shaft six feet ten inches. The capitals were enriched by pomegranates of bronze, covered by bronze net~work, and ornamented with wreaths of bronze; and appear to have imitated the shape of the seed-vessel of the lotus or Egyptian lily, a sacred symbol to the Hindus and Egyptians. The pillar or column on the right, or in the south,was named, as the Hebrew word is rendered in our translation of the Bible, JACHIN: and that on the left BOAZ. Our translators say that the first word means, " He shall· establish ~." and the second, -t'In it is. stre'1f,gth.).1 These columns were imitations, by Khiirum, the Tyrian artist, of· the great columnscons!ecrated to the Winds and FireJ at tl~e et;l~rance to the famous .Temple of Malkarth, in the city of Tyre. It •. is customary, •. in Lodg-es of the York Rite, to see a celes.. tial globe on one, and a terrestrial globe on the other; but these are not warranted, if the object be to imitate the ·original two ~~Ju1l}ns of .• tbe Temple. ·The symbolic meaning of thes.~.eolumns we shall }eav~. for the present unexplained, only', adding that ~nteredApprentices .keep .. their working-tools in the column JACHIN; and giving you the etymology and literal ll1eaning of the two names.. tfhe. word J achin in .Hebrew, is i'~". It was probably pro· nouncedYa-kayan, and Ineant, as a verbal noun, He that strength. ens; and thence, firln} stablc) upright. The" word B oaz iS1J):l, B.aaz. 1>, means Strong Strength,Power, Migfi,t, Refuge, Source of Strength, a Fort. The:l prefixed nleans "'lvith'~ or uifL/' and gives the word the force of the Latin .gerund, roborando-Stre~gthening. The former word" alsonleans he will establish) or plant in an ,erect position--fromtmeverb ,,~ I{uJ't~ he stood erect. It proba.bly meant Active and.Vivifying Energy and Force)' and, Stability, Permanence, in the passive sense. The Dimensions of the Lodge, our Brethren of the .York Rite say, "are unlimited, and its covering no less than the 'canopy of ;H,eaven." "To this object,'" they say, "the mason's mind is conJ





tinually directed, and thither he hopes at to arrive by tbe aid of the theological ladder which Jacob in his vision sa\v ascending from earth to Heaven; the three principal rounds of which -are denonlinated Faith, Hope, and C'harity; and which adnl0nish us to have Faith in God, Hope in ImmortalitY1 and Charity to all 111ankind." Accordingly a ladder, sometimes with nine rounds, is seen on the chart, resting at the bottom on the earth, its top in the clouds, the stars shining abo:ve it; and this is deemed to represent that mystic ladder, which· Jacob saw in his dreanl, set up on the earth, and th'e top· of . it Feaching to Heaven, \vith· the angels of God ascending .•· and des,£!gnGling on it. The addition of the. three principal rounds to the ·syrnbolism, is wholly n10dern and incongruous. The· ancients counted seven planets, thus·· arranged: the MooIl, Mercury, \7 enus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. There ,were seven heavens and seven spheres of ·these planets; on aU the Inonuments of Mithras are seven altars or pyres, consecrated to the seven planets, as were the seven'sof the golden candelabrum in the Temple. That these reprt:sented. the planets, \ve are assured by Clemens of Alexandria, in bis Stromata, artdby I)hilo Juda:us. To return to its sO\1rcein the Infinite, the human soul, the ancients held, had to ascend, as it had descended, through the seven spheres. The Ladder by which it reascenas;has, according to 1!arsilius Ficinus, in his Commentary on the Ennead o'f Plotinus, seven degrees or steps; and in the Mysteries of Mithras, carried to Ronleunder the Emperors, the ladder, with its seven rounds, was a symbol referring to this ascent llitough the . spheres of the seven planets. Jacob saw .the Spirits of Gad·ascendrng and descending on it; and above it the DeityHimself.THeM·ithraic 11ysteries vverecelebrated in caves, where ga'~es were marked at the four equinoctial and solstitial points of the zodiac; and the seven planetary spheres were representedJwhich souls needs nlust traverse in d!escencling from the heaven of the fixed stars to the elements that enve~op the earth; and seven gates wer,e' t}narke<l, one for each planet, through which they plass, inidescendingor returning. vVe learn this frQm.ICe]sus, in 'Origen, who says that 1:he sym.. bolic image of thisi pasisagre among the· stars, U9\ed in the Mit4~aic Mysteries, was,·· aladdei! reachinl! ·.from. e,arth to ..Heaven, !divided i



into seven steps or stages, to each of which was a gate, and at the summit an eighth one, that of t~,e fixed stars. The symbol was the same as that of the seven stages of Borsippa, the Pyranlid of vitrified brick, near Babylon,. built of seven stages, and each of a different color. In the Mithraic ceren1onies, the candidate went ,through seven stages of initiation, passing through many fearful trials-and of these the high ladder with seven rounds or steps the. symbol ,Y(Jusee the Lodge, its details and ornaments, by its Lights. You. have already heard what these Lights, the greater and lei/ser, are said to, be, andhow.they are spoken of by ourB,rethren of the York Rite. "The H olyBibleJ Square, and C01npasses, are not only styled the Gr,eat Lights in Masonry, but they are also technically called the Furniture of the Lodge; and, as you have seen, it 'is held that th,ere is no Lodge .without them. This has sometimes been mad'e a pLetext for excluding Jews fronl our Lodges,. because'they can1;l~~regard the. New Testament as a holy book. The Bibl'e is an 'indiispensable part ofcthe . furniture. of a·"" Christian Lodge, .only lJecquse it. is the. sacredbQok of·. the Christian religion. The }felqrew. Pentateuch ill, a Hebrew Lodge, .and the Koran 't); Mohamnledan· one,bel'G,ugon:the Altar; and one·' oJ tb'ese, ··anclithe ~q'll~reandCornpass,properlyunderstood, are the Great Lights by which a Ma$on Inu~,t.~alkand work. Tb;eobligatiop.q£tb'e, ctindidate is always to betaken oo1he ~flcred book or DQoksof hi,s religion, thathem,ay de!emit more ~Qle1l1n,and bin~ing;3:n,§1Jh~refore it was Jtnatyou were asked. of what religionyol1 ;were.,· ··We have DC) other concern withy0ur




r~l~g;ioLls creed~ ~be·Square

is aright aa,gle, formed by two right tlih· is adapted'only to a' plane; s_rface, andbelongs'only' t,o' 'ge6metry~ ea.rtli~meastl reIllent, trigonometrywh i ch'd' .·.dnl)f wHh planes, and.wit1nr the'eafitn,irwhlichtheancients supp,esed 'a iJan!~. 'rheCol1.'lpaSS G~s¢~!be:scil7cles" and dealswi;bh spher'ical tri.g<>'lijometry, the· sc,ie~<D'e}of tbe sJ.2>heves ana h!6av:ens.~ : THe "f;(j)JT~ t


ce>ncerns'1d.Q!le'il~aEtbrandrtnre heavens::amrd tb~~:sQ.u1..·· ·Y@t t~~J~()mpass is also us,ed; in plane trigomollletry: ;asift et;ect&ng:perC ~~~~i~l(l1r,s; and ,tllere:fo!/le, . •. y(~U ·a,re remiJi1ded~b~t.Yw·.ELlt )FottgH"f:m tlIi~1 ~!~g~ee'" both' poil.ts 'I,€)f"th€ JComJ>I!~ss a:t:etlndertl1;~;,,~iquape~Jadd

tbe!Fefore" ,is, .am.


1ll)9:~y!;.;th~ .1atterof~h~t!:c(?Qcernsl.the




you are now dealing only with the moral and political meaning o拢 the symbols, and not with their philosophical and spiritual meanIngs, still the divine ever mingles with the human; with the earthly the spiritual intermixes ; and there is something spiritual in the conlmonest duties of life. The nations are not bodiespolitic alone, but also souls-politic; and woe to that people- which, seeking the, material only, forgets that it has a soul. Then we have a race, petrified in dogma, which presupposes the absence of a soul and the presence only of memory and instinct, or demoralized by lucre. Such a nature can never lead civilization. Genuflexion before the idol or the dollar atrophies 'the muscle which walks and the will which moves.. Hieratic or mercantile absorption diminishes the radiance of a people, lowers its horizon by lowering its level, and deprives it of that understanding of the universal ahn, at the same time human and divine, which makes the missionary nations A free people, forg-etting that it has a路 soul to be cared for, devotes all its energies to its m~terial advancement. If it makes war, it is to subserve its commereiaI interests. The citizens copy after the State, and regard wealth,pompJ and luxury as the great goods of life.. Such a nation creates wealth rapidly, and distributes it badly.. Thence the two extremes, of monstrous opulence and monstrous misery; all the enjoyment to a few, all the privations to the rest, that is to say, to the people ; Privilege, Exception, rvronopoly, Feudality, springing up from ,Labor itself: a false and dangerous situation, which, tnaking Labor a blinded and chained Cyclops, in the mine, at the forge, in the workshop, at the loom, in the field, over poisonous fumes, in miasmatic cells, in unventilated factories" founds public power upon private misery, and plants the greatness- of the State in the suffering of the individual. It is a greatness ill constituted, in which aU the material elements are combined, and into which no moral element enters. If a people, like a star, has the, right of eclipse, the light ought to return. The eclipse should not degenerate into night. The three lesser, or the Sublime Lights, you have heard, aretne Sun, the Moon, and the Master of the Lodge; and you have heard what our Brethren of the York Rite say in 'regard to them, ana why they hold them to be Lights of the Lodge. But the' Sun and Moon do in no sense light the Lodge, unless it be symbolically, and then the lights are not they, but those tHings of wbich'they are the syn1bols.Of what they are the symbols the Mason in that



Rite is not told. Nor does the Moon in any sense rule the night with regularity. ;rhe ·Sun is the ancient symbol of the life-giving and generative power of the Deity. To the ancients, light was the cause of life; and God was the source fronl which all light flowed; the essence of Light, the Invisible Fire, developed as Flame manifested as light and splendor~ The Sun was His manifestation and visible image; .' and the Sabceans worshipping the Light-God, seemed to wO'rsbip the Sun, in whom they saw the manifestation of the Deity. The·Moonwas the symbol of the passive cap,acity of nature to produce, the fenlale, of which the life-giving power and energy w'as,the Inale. It was the symbol of Isis, Astarte, and Artemis, or Diana. The "Master of Life" was the Supreme Deity, above both, and manifested through both; Zeus, the Son of Saturn, become King of the Gods; Horus, son of Osiris and Isis, become tne Master of Life; Dionusos or Bacchus, like Mithras, become tne author 6f .Light and Life and Truth.







The Master of Lighfand Life, the Sun and the Moon, are sym~ Dolized in every Lodge by·· the Master and Wardens: and this n1akes it the duty of the .Master to dispense light to the Brethren, by himself, 'and throtlgh"the Wardens, who are his ministers. '-Thy sun," says ISAlklI to Jerusalem, I l shall no more go down, neltn~rshiU thy· mCYdri·' wrtndrawitself; for tne LORD shall he thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall b'e ended; Thy people alsty shall be all righteous; they shaH inherit the land forever." Such is the type of a free p,eople. Our northern ancestors ·worshipped this tri-une Deity; ODIN, the Almighty F~THER r FR~A) his wife, emblem of universal mat"!" ter; and THOR) his son,' the mediator. But above all these was t.he Suprelne God, 4\"the auth,or of everything thatexisteth, tb6 Eternal, the Ancient, tHe/Living and Awful 'B@l:ng,the Searcher into concealed things,theBeingthat never changeth." In the: Temple of Eleusis (a'i sant!thasry iightedonly hyra /window in the tie>of, and··· representil1gtheUniverse), the· images of tile Sun, Moon, and Mercnry, .werle)represe~ted. ~'The .Sunancl. M<D'OR/', says / tHe learnied Bro/' .. DltLA:UNAY, "represent the two gfan'tt pr~ncipl"es of aU generations, theactiv'e aTltlJpassfve~1lthe mate '~ndJth~ female. The SUftfepresents "the



actuallight. He pours upon the Moon his fecundating rays; both shed their light upon their offspring, the Blazing Star, or HORUS, and the three form the great Equilateral Triangle, in the centre of \vhich is the olunific letter of the Kabalah, by which creation is said to have been effected."



of a Lodge are said to be "the Mosaic. Pave...

ment, the Indented Tessel, and the Blazing Star." The Mosaic Pavement, chequered in squares or lozenges, is said to repre.sent the ground-floor of King Solomon's Temple; and the Indented Tesse! "that beautiful tesselated border which surrounded it." The Blazing Star inthe centr,e is said to be "an l'emblemof Divine Providence, and comn1emoratiye of the star which appeared to guide the wise men of the East to the place of 'our Savioqr's nativity." J3ut "there was no stone seen" within the Temple. The walls were· covered with planks of cedar, and the floor was covered with planks of fir. There is no evidence that there was such a paven1ent orfioor in the Tenlple" or such a bordering. I~~ England, anciently, theTracing~Board was s~rrounded with indented border ; and it is only in America that such a border is put around they Mosaic pavement. The tesserre, indeed, are the squares or lo~etlg~s ;of the pavement. In England, also, "the indented or denti~1I111ated.border" is c~ned "tesselated," because it has four "tassels,". said to represent Temp,erance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice. ·.It was. termed the Indented Trassel; but.this is a ll1isuse of words" It is atesserated pave.1llent, witl1- an indented border round. it. 1~he pavement, alternately black and white, symbolizes, whethe~ so intended arnot, the Good and Evil Princ.iples of, the.Egyptian and Persian creed. It is the warfare of Michi3."eland ,Satan, of the Gods and Titans" of Balder. and .Lok; between light and. snado\\l, which is darkness; D!ay and Night;, Freedom and Despoti~1l1), Religious Liberty a.nd . the Arbitrary Dogmas of a Church tlH~t thinks for itsvQtaries,.and wlaos.e Pontiff claims ,to be infallihle. and the decreti~J& .'iQf its COijijqilsto constitute a gospel.


The edgesofj>t~is pavemeBi~,;:if in . lozenges, wiUnec~ssari~y b~ indented or dentiQulat~dj to'O,thedlike a saw;jand toc~rrH:>leteiall,d finish it a bordering is necessary. It· iscomp-letedby ,t~ssels. f1.S ornaments at1he;,.l~o\rners;) If these and tble: b<t>trdering,hayeany symbolic meanrBg" titisfilan<dful and .arbi~!tral,rY.: i'To find in theBLl\ZiNQ . '~TAR ·of·.five .pOirltSall. !q;l1~~,ion ··.tp 1t~~ "'11



Divine Providence, is also- fanciful; and to make it commemorative of the Star that is said ,to have guided the Magi, is to give it a Ineaning compafatiyely modern. Originally it represented SIRIUS; or the Dog-star, the forerunner of the inundation of the Nile; the ~d ANUBlS) ;companioJa oJ. ISIS in her search ior··.tae body·of Q'SIRIS, her brother abid husband. Then ithecame 'th'e image, of HORUS.. the .Bon of OSIRIS, hin1selfsymbolized also,' b)' the Sun,' tJae4uthorof th,e Seasons" and the· God ,of Time; Son of ISIS, ,who was the uniMersal nature; himself the primitive matter,'inexhaustiblesourc,eo£ Li£e",spark of ancreated fire, universal seed 'ofsli b~ings_· It was HERMEs.. ,a!S0, the 'Maste'T of, Learning, . whose J;lame,inG,reekisthatof the GOJd Mercury. Itbecame the sacred and potent sign or character of the Magi, the PENiTALPEIA,and:is th,e' significant!€mblern of,· Libertyand,Fneedom,;,lblazingwitli a steady radiance amid ,the' w<eltering. elements· \of .gJQocQlianid€vil !of ~evolutions,almd:prQmising ~serene skies and fercife seasons1to'the nations, after the storms of. chcl1uge and: tumult. In the East o:f~the Lodge, over the :rvIaster;' inclosed in a tri!It)g!e, is t\1eH~bI0ew'le~terYOD. [ . .~ or(l( 1. In tlle Englishra:nd American;LQoges :.the( Le'tter· G.- . is' substituted f\o'r this" 'as )ta;e .itial of;tb~Hwofd+G}@f),:wiili!:asl ittle rreaSlom; :as·if the lebter Di., irdtiaI of DtlJ;~, were used-in' F rench, Longes insleadof.· the .proper Jetter. YOD is, in ttl'e, .Kabalab;' the symbol (f)'fUmi,ty,i )o~ tfu!e SUj)'ieme' D;eity:,,, tb\entst·le~ter o~ the ·H-d,ly.Name;··andalso a Siym.o~; "Qf th,e \GneatK,abaJistic/friads.'To underst~ndits mystic meaJiJ.ings; :yCDU' must' open the }Dlages 0 f .the' .So·h:apa;ridSiphrra .ide Zem.iutha,and ,cotner ukabaHstic books, arid ~o[ld~tdla€pIY;0B their meaai:Qg. It 1Tlust'suffice"tOr s.aJ, tbat~t is, . tbei€Feati~e.Energyof i


~.bei' Deity:,; is!' represen~.~d:as

apOitntjand' tha;t Jp'oiritilm::t;lte.:cent~~;0f leJ :immensityl.L I t;is ;to'Jus';:iin' this. ;Djegr~e;i!ae!'s~bdl::~(Jif ~nat:!lDmallliested<IYejtjT;itbeAbsolute, wbo:ihasiB6 n3!n1ef~ Our Frend)}J:B:re!l1reu JpJetcethis 11et~er "tonI i,ft:l:lh~ ,cent~e:d~i~:ae ~Blazing;Starl.J'; Anm·in "..!be",ol,d {Lectures, ,btlr 1;3NdiePilt! English

!*~; ?ai1't.~;"


;B~~re"n:said; ·'The,:B~~.~ror. Glort iin:.: ~~~.'i~ttiei:~~~

USi,ib ,'llat ~r~~d 'Itlminatry'~ tlIe\~M;Whj~ e~i~ )?i~.e~~~,

.~ by its "genial influen~! ij~~nsesblessin~~~g .. ,.' .k.irnl.!~:· fi'~

~d ita~ ~11 the,sanl€ ,lectures; ',an' emlYletn ()~ I~~N~:': .ry~ 'W0rd Pi"uden& "1l\eansl,m its ". Q~nal and,.. f~~l.,~~~:~t~

·~g.f;=d, ,a€oord~ly, ;th~ :alazing'StaF'k~'~;,;~~~?

as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All-seieing E!e~~w1tleli,toi.



Egyptian Initiates was路 the emblem of Osiris, the Creator. With the Yon in the centre, it has the kabalistic meaning of the Pivine Energy, manifested as Light, creating the Universe.

The Jewels of the Lodge are said to be six in number. Three are called "Movabl,e," and three "Immovable." The SQUARE, the LeVEL, and the PLUMB were anciently and p'roperly called the Movable Jewels, because they pass from one Brother to another. It is a modern innovation to call them imnlovable, because they must always be present in the Lodge. The immovable jewels are the ROUGH ASHLAR, the PERFECT ASHLAR or CUBICAL STONE, or, in some. Rituals, the DOUBLE CUBE, and the TRACING-BoARD, or TRESTLE-BoARD.

Of these jewels our Brethren of the York Rite say' "The Square inculcates MoraIity ; the Level, Equality; and the Plu1nb, Rectitude of Conduct.. " Their explanation of the inlnlovable Jewels may be read in their monitors.







Our Brethren of th'e York Rite say that "there is represented in every weU.. governed Lodge, a certain point, within a circle; the point representi'ng an individual Brother ;theiCircle, th,e boundary line路 of his conduct, beyond ,vhich he is never to suffer his prejudices or passions to betray him." This is not to interpret the synlhols of Masonry.. It is said. by SOlne, with <it nearer" approach to interpretation, that the point within the circle represents God in the centre of the Universe. It is a common Egyptian sign for the Sun and Osiris, and is still used as the astronomical sign of the great luminary In the Kabalah the point is You, the Creative Energy of God, irradiating with light thecirrcalar space which God, the universal. Light, left vacant, wherei.n to create the worlds, by withdrawing His substance of L,igbtback on aU sides 路from one point. Our Brethren add that, "this .circle is embordered by two perpendicular parallel路.lines, representing Saint John the Baptist and Saint Johnth!e Evangelist, and upon the top rest the Holy Scriptures" (an open book). "In going round this circle," they say, "we necessarily touch upon these two lines as well asttpon the Holy Scriptures; and while a Mason keeps himself circumscribed within their pr:ecepts, it is impos,sibl1e that he should materially err."



It would be a.. wa.ste of time to ·comment upon this. Some writers have imagined that the parallel lines represent the Tropics of Cancer and Capri<:orn, which the Sun alternately·touches upon at the Summer and Winter solstices. But the tropics are not perpendicular lines, and the idea is merely fanciful. If the parallel lines ever belonged to the ancient symbol, they had some more recondite and more fruitful meaning. They probably had the same meaning as the twin columns Jachin and Boaz. That meaning is not for the Apprentice. The adept may find it in the Kabalah. The ]USTIC£ and MERCY of God are in equilibrium, and the result is HARMONY, because a Single and Perfect Wisd~m presides over both. The Holy Scriptures are an entirely nlodern addition to the symbol, like the terrestrial and celestial globes' on. the columns of the portico. Thus the ancient symbol has been denaturalized by incongruous additions, like that of Isis weeping over the broken column containing the remains of Osiris at Byblos.







Masonry has its decalogue, which is a law to its Initiates. These are its Ten Commandments: I. $ ... God is the Eternal, Omnipotent, Immutable WISDOM and Supreme INTELLIG~NCE and Exhaus~less Lovt. Thou shalt adore, revere, and love Him! Thou shalt bonorHim by practising the virtt1.,es! II. 0.·. Thy religion shall be, to do good be'cause it is a pleasure to thee, and not merely because it is a duty. That thou mayest become the friend of the wise man, thou shalt obey his ,precepts! Thy soul is immortal! Thou shalt do nothingtfo degrade it t III. Ea.•. Thou shalt: .' u.nceasingly war against vicel Thou shalt not do unto others that which thou wouldst not wish them to do unto thee! Thou shalt be sUDimissive to thy fortunes., and keep burning the light of wisdom ! IV. 0,... Thou shalt nonorthy parents! Thou shalt pay respect and homage to tbe.iaged! Thou shalt instru.ct. the young! Thou shalt p;rotecfrand.defe·ndinfancy and ·innocence! V Ee.· Thou snalt'clileJrish thy wife and thy.· children! Tboushalt rlo-v'e:· 't~, country, ·.and . oDley.· its lawsfl i



VI. 0.-. Thy friend' shalt be to thee a second· self l' Misfortune shall not estrange thee from "him'! Thou shalt do for his rrtemory whatever thou wouldst do for him, iihe were living! VII. €B••• Thou shalt avoid and flee ·from insincere' friendships! Thou; shalt in everything refrain trome·xcess. Thou·shaJt fear to be the cause of a stainon;tby memory! VIII. 0.; 'Thou shal~al}owi riop:assions" tohecotrie' thy ';master'~ Thou" shialt make the passions of' others profitabte lesson·s to thyself! Thot1'shalt Ibei;'ifidulgent to eTTa!! IX. EB.·. Thou shalt hear much: 1'hou shaltispeak little : Thou s'halt act:weU! Thou; shalt forget injuries! Thou' shs:lt 'perldeTgdod' for "evil'! Thou snctltriotmisuse'either thy strengthorthys'u pierioFity! x. 0.·. Thott· shalt study' to knoW-men; 'that theTeby thou mayest learn to know thyself t Thou' shalt ever seek after virtue! Thou shalt be just! Thou ·shaltavoididleDess"! But the grea'l'lcoaul1andment'ofMasonryis·this,: "A:new com.. mandmentgive r unto you': ,that ye'love one' another;!" "He that saith he is ill!tb'e ·liJghit,· a'Jid·h2teth hisbrother,remaineth' still in the darkness I'! J . · Such are 'the >md>;ral i<itttiesdf a Mason. B.utit is also the duty of Masonry' to a;ssist iinelevating, the moral andi1ntellectdal level of society; in coining knowledge, bringing itl@~sinto circulation, and causing (Of youth:togroiw ; andiri p\utting,i gradually, by the teachings 6fl;a~doms,anG1tbe promu};gaiblioliii(j)fpositive Daws, the human race" in ';narmoriy withits,destinies~ To this Quty and work the'Jmitiate :is, a:ppre!l!~iced",Hie must not imagine that he ican· e:ffiect no,tJhing, .' and,. tber~fbrtl;" despaJring, become inert. It is in this, as in a thas's Jdaib~ Many great deeds are done in the smaUtstrytggles'ol lifej:cjf~e~e\isJ wear~)tpld, a determined thQ)ijgihtuns,e'enrl)Davery:,),¥hichl~~£'~dsiwtseli; foot to foot, in the darkness,. against,tbei,fataJ;im,,"as.i;~i~·o£nec~$;$ity and of baseness·.. · Tb,er!eiarec~obJle,;ah.,m,~sierioP,Slt~i~pbs, w:.l1,· no eye seesl, wbicht ,r~rl.owc11iii' re~ar~s1,l W'l1.~~~i. ,n;Ql;·f}fta~1Zi~j·of(~'rulJ1pets salu tes.LiieJ mi sfoiItUBe~" isolati:~njl~~ip;~4@JfJi!fl~ftt'i:pov~\rty, are I



battl".e-fi,eLds, which have their heroes,,-heroesonscure, but some~ times greater than those who become illustrious~ The Mason sbould/struggle in the manner, and· with the same bravery, ~a.it1st· those invasions.of necessity and .baseness, which come ·to nations as.weHasto men.. He s.hould meet them,itoo, foot to foot, even" in. ,:the darkness, .and \protest against the national wrongs and follies; :agaiast usurpation and, ,the first inroads of that hydra, T;:rano".There is nom0sFe sovereign eloquence than·the truth in indignati,01l. It is inOlTe .d·ifficult for a people to keep than to gain ih.:eir freedom. The; Piro,tJ~fsltS!:Q:f 1~;l;uth ,arealw'~Jr~ n~eded.. CGTItinually, :the irightm'wst(i>iiijotest.againstthe fact~ ·The,~e is, <in fact, Eternity in the Right. The Mason should b~th¢iPrje5tand Soldla~ofthat Right. If his, ~ounttY;s'bould be r~bbed .,0£· bier lilJ,erties, ,he should..· stiU'not despaiIr The protest of the Right. Ciga)nst the! Fact persists for;ever. The robbery of a, people 11lever be.q€>mes prescriptive_ Reclamation, of j,ts rights is bq.rred by no length of time. Warsaw cannO'UlOl7e he.Tattar thanVeniG€oal1,g"e Teutonic. A .peoplemay endur,eroi1it~ary.USUtpation, alld,subjugated$tates kneel ,to States ·~ndw~a;r;;~beyok:e, while" undertl;te stress of :tl:e;Qe~sity,;but whe.ntb.;e Jl1l~c~ssitY' .disappears:~ ;i f,th~ .p~op 1~ i~ ift tto 'be:, free~ tI,.:e suba1terg~4q<¥3.1~try wiH, ifl.oat~o; th~ isurJ~ce andr;eliap"!1,ear,,;and Xyranll}'. be':",adj!u,dgied by. Bist~~:v to ha,.v~ mp.rd,ell~4 ~~Sl . viotims ~ W1l,aiever: 0,ocur,s, we ~~;~ti11d ;9ave Faith in;, the Justipe and Qyex;:tul.irng;\Visdo-tp. of :Gr@:d" {alfJ<il rH, QP6 .forth{f i Futu,re, ,,f1t~dLoy;iI}g­ l<iQQness . £o1r ',tho$'~ w;hp arie in, error:_ .Godt w,akl,es visjbl~ to-men Jii$;r~Hl '~n', events~!;.PP~s~Jl,re text, writte;n irr;a.,!my~.t eriqus/ ~~1l­ ,gJ1fg~w Men m;Cl}~el~h,~iJf:(~~a.~slat;iollsof i~: for.thwith,,;f1~~ty, inco~­ F<!~9~, ftl-ilof faults!,:· o~ip~.~q.\p&,:p.ndmisrea¢ling;s. Wes~e.$o,!,sl;,t9r~,!a ,..,a~.alOflg·;th€ M~j~Jfi~ ..I"~at.~ir,~er! Jf:e w ; tn" st~~o~m:~~ ~I;)ivi~ton~e, .."m~Iltf'-:>~~~~ilNiOUSj t hx mqst;~I~i ,t~~,mq~t ~~~f~un G decip:~e~tb~I,Jr$'Wogl~phs:slowl¥"; !~I1d ,wlJp14 rt~eN:r:aJ;~,~e ,wi¢. )~h6ir!t,e}{t,! lp"1'),hR-i)~~~Qi~ r jne~q. i has ·lQ9;gr gpPtfl ,i~y;, i ther~ 1(~r~ w


r" ,

'~l1e!~d)T;. i twemt¥!t,rGl;ns:1~\~~G>!~!~ .i~ J;te.publicsg~ar~~~~; ~91~~' iP;FQP,~r

~~Qt·~i~ei~'7'a.S oi"~QlJl*I!~:t~~1:~pst; a;cc~Bt~j~~4 ,ppit?# r FtfRffl each translation, a party is born; and fr'?$W:<:~flfS.IJ+l:i.~r¢~)Qjng,iif1 f.3:~'~~'U;i" ,rl~a~'. P~fty !0relj~~\e:p,:qri]~f)~tends '; tqa.t>jt ~(t~J!~,et<DIl~~ {true ~.x;tj;,,::~~!d:i¢9Ch, '~~1e~i;oll .be·· ! i:~R .o~ '. ,~JE>i~'~te~4s)th:~11' i ~,;~1:i\P9~;~)~~~~,s i~ft~~i, ·;:M ~r~o¥,e.r" .~.~. ;ins)),,~J;e:: bljp:d!;1a,lj~P:11 V{ ;9q.,~jr~j ? ~~t, ':'i '.



~fitP1¥~' ~1€:~",~~~ll~~tD'f,~,ji~~~~l,~,,! st£~~~}aglis~iU ~t1:fl~~'il,I~~P


violence that sorin2's from false reasonin.e:, vvherever a want of



logic in those who defend the right, like a defect ina cuirass, makes them vulnerable. Therefore it is that we shall often be discomfited in combating error before 路the people. Antreus long resisted Hercules; and the heads of the Hydra grew as fast as they were cut off. It is absurd to say that Error, wounded, writhes in pain,and dies amid her worshippers. Truth conquers slo\vly. There is a wondrous vitality in Error. Truth, indeed, for the most part, shoots over the heads of the masses ;. or if an error is prostrated for a moment, it is up again in a moment, and as vig-orous as ever. It will not die when the brains are lout, and the most stupid and irrational errors are the .Iongest-lived. Nevertheless, Masonry, which is Morality路and Philosophy, must not cease to do its duty. We never know at what m0111ent success awaits our efforts-generally when most unexpected-nor with what effect our efforts are or are not to be attended. Succeed or fail, Masonry must not bow to error, or succumb under discouragement. There were at Rome a few Carthaginian soldiers, taken prisoners, who refused to bow to Flaminius, and had a little of Hannibal's magnanimity. Masons should possess an equal greatness of soul. Masonry路 should be an energy; finding its aim and effect in the amelioration of mankind. Socrates should enter into' Adam, and produce Marcus Aurelius, in other words, bring forth from the man of enjoyments, the man of wisdom. Masonry should not be a mere watch-tower, built upon mystery, from which to gaze at ease UpOTl the world, with no other result than to be a convenience for the curious. To hold the full cup of thought to the thirsty lips of men; to give to all the true ideas of Deity; to harmonize conscience and science, are the province of Philosophy. Morality is Faith in full bloom. Contemplatiron should lead to action, and the absolute be practical; the ideal 'be made air路 and food and drink to the human mind.. Wisdom is a sacred communion. It'is only on that condition that it ceases to be a sterile love of Science, and becomes the one and supreme method by which to 'unite Humanity and arouse it to concerted action. Then Philoso~ phy becomes Religion. And Masonry, like History and Philosophy, has eternal duties~ eternal, and" at the same time, simple-to e>ppose Caiaphasas Bishop, Draco or Jefferies as Judge, T'rimalclQ:fl as Legislator, and Tiberius as Emperor These are the symbolslC)f the tyranny that



degrades and crushes, a.nd the corruption that defiles and infests. In the works published for the use of the Craft we are told that the three great tenets of a Mason's profession, are Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. And it is true that a Brotherly affection and kindness should govern us in all our intercourse and relations with our brethren; and a generous and liberal philanthropy actuate us in regard to all men.. To relieve the drstressed is peculiarly the duty of Masons-a sacred duty, not to be omitted, neglected., or coldly or inefficiently complied with. It 路is also most true, that Truth... is a Divine attribute .and the foundation of every virtue. To be' true, .and to seek to find and learn the Truth,. are the great objects of every good Mason. As the Ancients did, Masonry styles TemperanceJ Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice, the four cardinal virtues. They are as necessary to nations as to individuals. The. people that would be Free and Independent, must possess Sagacity, Forethought,. Foresight, and careful Circumsp,ection, all which are included in the meaning of the word Prudence. It must be temperate in asserting its rights, temperate in its councils, econol11ic,al in its exp~nses; it must be bold, brave~ courageous, patient under rev~rsesjundis颅 mayed by disasters, hopeful amid calamities, like路 Rome when she sold the field at which Hannibal had his camp.. No Cannee or Pharsalia or Pavia or. Agincourt qr Waterloo must discourage her. Let her Senate sit in their seats until the Gauls pluck them by the beard.. She must, above all things, be just, not truckling to the strong and warring on or plundering the weak; she must act Qn the square with all natiqns, and the feeblest tribes ; always ke'eping her faith, honest in her legislation,. upright. in all her dealings. Whenever such a Republic exists, it willb~ immortal: for rashness, injustice, intemperance and luxury in prosperi~y, and despair and disorder in adversity, are the cat1sesQf the de~ay (lqd

d.ilapidation of Dation,s"


THE: F,EtLOW-CRAFT IN ~he Ancient ()ti~ti~, all relig~on was more or less a ,mY$;tery

and there was no?:i~~r~e ,from it of philosop~y. : Tl~ep9~~l9,1' theology, taking the m~lt~tude o:~ all~gories and SYc~~Ohi f?f .ie~ ities, degenerated into a worship of' thecelestia~ lun:irarif~'::9'£ \ lmaginary Deities .\¥it}J. human feelings, passions,: .. ~ppeti~es, 'ind lusts,. of idols, stones; ·, r~ptiles. The Onio~:.was .s,t~~~4 thf,Egyptian~,be~a~Te itsdifferept layers were~:~ymhoi' of'~he c~~cen~ric heavenl? sp~.ere,s .. Of, course .the popul~~~e~igi? u<;>t satisfy the deeper,lo~~infs and thoughts,,the JQ~?er: 3,spiiatipPT of the. Spirit, or~e i t~S"ic 6f r~ason. ThetirT~.j~~Trefo~e,'wis taught to the ini t!atT?j~(~~e,~ y~t;ries. There~: ~Isi?( it :va~, taug~~ by symbols. . ~he,0~~e~~~T?l sY~~~liTm, ca~~~htJ~ i~a~y i~ter:­ pret~tions, reach~~t ~~ll;t:, t~e ~lp~bJ:e .an~ C?~r~~t~?naJ .c,r,e~~ c?uld not.. It~ iUde~~it:~;ss. ack~?r't.e~ged t?~~bt~~y~eJesT,of:'~lie 3ubj ect: it treatedt?~.~y0V;ystfr,iou,s subject mYTt~c,;~Py;:''i~ ~2d;;~X; ored to illustrate 'Y~~11~~'lc?uld nQt . explain; to.~~ci~~.a,nappr?~ priate feeling, if it~oli~f,~pt develop an adeq~~tei~e,a;; a~4 ')9 make the image a ~m '~~~?;e:r~t~co?~etance fot the conceptio~; which itself .neve:,;~:?fl~r::o~~ious\()~}~milia\! ;;. . . \ / ' .1.' Thus the Kn?\¥~;a~:.n~r!:T:par;~d.PY; b~~p ~na!;lettefrs':.~~J,.,~~ old co~veyed ~rsY~~I~;.a~~}~~~;ies:s,in,ve~;'~~~r!l?etP,~~¥t~~? a. display of. rite.!l ~~:~.. ~f~i~~iiti(),~7,.~~i\c~ we,r~: ..~~~·;I?~lr\~?::~~t~ ~;act~ve to thl~ eye.~~;~~I~~~I~~,~ll;~ften ,more s~!~~~i~e'anq' rl1drF pregna.nt with mean.irlg tlfulemina·,2"\\'.;:,;,. i , ; : I Masonry, successor of the Mysteries, still'fcsffows the ancient manner of teaching. Her ceremonies are like the ancient mystic sho,vs,-not the reading 'of an essay, but the opening of a problem, requiring research, and constituting philosophy the arch-ex-


pounder. Her symbols are the instruction she giv@s. Th,e lectures are endeavors, often p,artial and one-sided, to interpret these symbols. He who would become an accomplished Mason must not be content merely to hear, orevell to understand, tbe lectures; he




l'ntlst, aided ,by them,. and,they' having', as it 'were, marked out the \vay fOf' h in'l, study, inteupret, and develop these symbol s for hinlself. * *i ~ Though Masonry is identical' with the anci~nt Mysteries, it is' so only in this q~a1ifiedsetJsel::'fhaf it presents but an'ifl1perfect image of their orilliancy,theruirisonly of their gran~~t1r,and'a. sYstem that .hasexperienced ~r6gressivealterati6ns,th~:ftUit~ of soc'iwal events, political circun1stances, and :theambitio'\1s 'in1beciHty of :if:s improvers., After le\avingBgypt, theMysteri~s: Were 'rnodi~ fiedrtfjy1tfJ:'e habits of tbe different nation's amohg WhOl1} 'they, ,vere~ rrttrod.uced., andespeciaIIy" by" the'rel ig'idus systems 6f the' countries 1fItO' wfuich th'ey were 'tt~nspHttite'd.' To nlaintiirt the '~'sta,blished gov'ernment, laws, and religion, ~was the obligation of the Initiat~ everY\Jvhere; and everywhere they were the heritage 6fthepriests, who! were nO\rV'here willingtbmakethe comnlonpeople co-proprietOiJfSiwith themselves of pnTllbsophical 'truth~ , ', ,. . , :1\lasonry iSI10t theCoHse~m in;'ruins~ It is r~ther'aRbman ~lac~ df the middle ageS; rdi~~gured bymoder,n a~¢hit~<;taf~l'i~­ ~&vel1le~ts~y~. built on 'if ~1,c1dp~fo~~dat~6n l~id,bJit~e'~trus~ tan~I'j~hd ,:ith: marry a~t;.~n(of :tlle sUp'erst~cture,~aU~ri: (rom QweUiogs· and temples oft1'1e'.age of¥atlrian and ~rt~~iritis. CRri!sti:ariif)' taught the' doctrine' of FRA'rERNITY ; but repudi~£ed tbat. 6£· politic~l. EQ\:;i.\tlT~" ,bY- continually: inchl'c~tin~ ooedi,; ~ce·to. ?cesar, and 'to 'thos~ "lawf~lly: in' authority. ', Masonr~ w~f the·ttrshlt>ostle of EQUAL'I1'~.··iln'tne .Monastery~h~reis frattr": nity and equality, butno'lib"erty.'iMasonry added tnat·also, and Glaimed for'manitb'€;blrrree~fbltlffi:h\entage', tr:aERTYJtE~uwl}t'rY, and 1








ad;eveloprnentdftne dtigin~l ptfrpose bfi·th1e Myste;. t

5,' ~hi6h 'was, to teachmel1i:f6,\kri~wandpraaice' ~~r dttfi~~ to tJ}el~ngelves'ana' their fellows,·tP1·e great' practical ena'cif aU pni1:osbpfIy and! 1a.Jl.;:Jtoowledge. {l.';~rut~s 'are the '.~prings.':~t~1U'w~fehld~nes' ~,alld.if 1 ~'~~' .~ I¢w!' fls:adred:years sif1ce'a;'n~w :Troth, began" to:lQ:e aistiHt:tly:~een:~ fnaf~AN IS SUP~tMll:0VER; ,;i~NSTITUTH:rN~, AND:; NOTTlIE'YOVER



~1~1. #M~h' h~.g'M~U1"~.~,~~!' ~v'erlall in~titiiH~~. ,!~ey lar~

rnrn" 'aec~I'di~g' ·~o .~f~~~el~~~~n,~ ;n~t "he, f~~:, ~;., IT~is ~~~s tb us ~ !ve~y' sim~I~,~t~~;·~~~ t~' wlric1' ',211 ~~: ~~1'Y'-


Ici.err~, ough'~'to;as's;ent;' !3~tit dRce'it'was ale-Teat

rtew 'Prutli~Lnot



revealed until governnl.ents had been in existence for· at least five thousand years. Once revealed, it imposed new duties on men. 1\1an o\ved it to himself to be free. He o\ved it to his country to seek to give he1~ freedom, or n1aintain her in that possession. It made Tyranny and Us.urpation the enemies of the Human Race. It created a general outlawry of Despots and DespotismsJ telnporal and spiritual. The sphere of Duty was immensely enlarged. Patriotism had, henceforth, anew and wider meaning;. Free Government, Free Thought, Free Conscience,. Free Speech! All these came to be inalienable rights, which those who had parted with them or been robbed of them, or whose ancestors had lost· therll, had the right summarily to retake. Unfortunately:, as Truths always become perverted into falsehoods J and are falsehoods when misapplied, this Truth became the Gospel of Anarchy, soon after it was first preached. Masonry early cou1prehended this Truth, and recognized its own enlarged duties. Its symbols then caIne to have a wider meaning; but it also assumed the mask of Stone-masonry, and borrowed its working-tools, and so was supplied with new and apt sym'boIs~ It aided in bringing about th~French Revolution, disappeared with the Girondists, was borXl again with the restoration of order,· and sustained Napoleon, because, though Emperor, he acknowledged the right of the people to select its rulers, and was at the head of a nation refusing to receive back its old kings. He pleaded, with sabre, musket, and cannon,. the great cause of the People against Royalty, the right of the French people even to make a Corsican General their Emperor, if it pleased them. Masonry felt that this Truth had the Omnipotence of God on its side; and that neither Pope nor Potentate could overcome it. It was a truth drQpp.ed into the. world's wide treasmry, and forming a part of the heritage which each generation receives, enlarges, and holds in trust, and of necessity bequeaths to mankind; the personal estate of· man, entailed of nature to the. end of time. And Mas0n.ry early recognized it as true, that to set forth and d~velop a truth, or any human •.excellellce of gift or grow~h,is to makt:. greater the spiritual glory of the. race,;. that wh.osoever aids th~ march of a Truth, and makes .the th.qught a thing" writes in the same line with Moslts, .and with Him who di~d • upon the cross·~ and has an intellectual sympathy with the Deity Himself. The best gift we can bestow 011. man is manhood. It is that



which. Masonry is ordained of God to bestow on. its votaries: not sectarianism and religious dogu'ta ; not a rudinlental nlorality, that nlay befound·in the of·;~Confucilt.5, Zoroaster, Seneca". and the Rabbis, in the Proverbs and Ecclesi~stes; not a little and cheap coulman-school knowledge; but manhood and science and philosophy. Not that Philosophy or SQ:ience is in opposition to Religion. For Philosophy is but that knowledge 'of God and lfie Soul, which is d·erived.from observation of tb.¢'manifested action·ofGod and the SOld, and from a wise analogy. It is the intell~~tual guide which the religious sentiment needs. .The true religious philosophy of an imperfect being, is not a system of creed, but, as SOCRATES thought, an infinite search or approximation. Philosophy is that intellectual and Inoral progress, which the religious sentiment inspires and ennobles. As to Science, it could not walk alone, while religion was stationary. It consists of.those l1latured inferences. from experience which all;1firms. It realizes and unites all that was truly valuable in bothi~l)'~/.odd?chemes of mediation,--one heroic, or the system of action .~iBd effprt; and the mystical theory of sp:i:ritual,contemplative COt1;1111Union. "Listen to me," says GALEN,. "as to the voice of the ]~leusiniat;t,.Hierophant.tand believe that the study of Nature. isan1yste:ty no less important than theirs, nor less adapted to display. the V\',isdom and power of the Great Creator. TheirJessons and det110nstrations were obscure, but O~trs are clear and untnistakable." We deem that to be the best knowledge we can obtain of the Soul of another man, which is furnished by his actions Cind his life-long conduct. Evidence to the contrary, supplied . by what another n1an inforn1sus that this Soul has said to his, would weigh Iittl'eagainst the former. The firs~Scriptures for the human race ,vere written by God on theEartbalild Heavens. The reading of these Scripture's is Sci·ente~·Familiarit.y with the grass and trees, the ins·ects and the infusoria, tea~hes us deeper lessons.of love an~ fa.ith than we ean glean . • fromthe wI:itings of FtNiLON a.nd AUGUSTINE. The great Bibl:,e of: God is ever open before mankind. Knowledge is conv·eftibleH~to power, and axioms into rules of tttiHty·a.nd duty. Bntiknowl!edge itse1f.!snot.Power.. Wisdom is Plower; and her Prime'iMinisteris JUST~CE)which is th~ perfected fawJofTRUTH. The purpose, therefor~~110f Education and Science




is to make arnan, wise. If knowledge does not make· hitti50~ it' is wasted, like water poured on the sands.. To' know ·the fO'Kmulas of Masonry, is of as:little value, by ifself, .as: to know so'many words and sentences in some·bar;bar6us IAfrican' or Austtalarsian dialect. To know even the m;eani11,g of the' synlbols, is but 'little; unless that adds to our wisdoln, and also to our charity, which is to justice like onehemisphereiof; the :or,ajin' to; the Qther. Do not lose 'signtJ, then, of the .true object of. <your ;studies :io l\1asonry. It,jls:, to Taddtb your, estaJte of wisdom, and nati mer:ely ·to your knowIedg~l Aman:111ay spend a lifetime in"!! studying.! a single specialty! ofknowlredge,-'-:botany, conchology,or "entom<Dlogy, for instance,-in"'c0mmitting to n1elTIOry nan1,es derived rrom the Greek, and' classifying and reclassifying; attt;d ::vet be no wiser than when ·he 'began. It is the 'great truths as to all that most concerns a man, as to his rights, interests, and duti<es, thatMasonry· seeks' to teach····her ·Initiates,~ The wiser a'matl hecomes,the 1ess 'wiU'he be inclined to submit tan1ely to ,. the irrlposftibn of fettefsor a yoke, on his'conscience or his person. For, '.by increase ofwlsdotn he not :onlybetter kn07.flS his rights, but th~lrt~l'e Hiighlt v~fues them,andis more comcioul' of}:is worth and"di~ir~.... ~ispTide .then urges h~mtoas9€rt his independence. He:pecbmes better able to assert it also; and better able to assist other~ or,:hi~,c~u,nt~y,when they ()~'~hestake all, even existence, upon the same assertion. But 'mere ;~nowledge ,makes no oneindepenc1ent,'oor' i!fit~ hitnito be free.' If' often only mal<es him. a nlore useful slave. Liberty' isa .curse .• to,j,tt1'e ignorant and i

brutal. Political science' has ,~ori'ts object to ascertain in what manner and by n1ean~ what :'iflstitutions p'Olitiiical andpiersonal freedom 'nlay be secut~d 'an:clfperpett:tated : not license,io.r the mere r:igl~t of every' lnan .t6vbte oilt e'n6 tie and, absol:ute f needotn of thought and opinion, ~likejfree·dJ~he: despotiis.m'ofmonarch ,and mob~nd prelate ; freedom within l the limits of . the general law ,enacted for all; Justice., withimpair t i1l1 Judgesand juries, open to weakness andpoV'ef~YeEIu!a.ll!y,pqteljlt in those Courts asr'pdW~rand wealtn ;t:he a~e:Q.U~s to offic~, aad honor open' alike 'to c!~)fthetworthy; :fhe'miliitary:p'Qiwers,.. in 'lj)ar or peace, in stri~t, suboraitla:tte't1 ,··to tlie'civil ,:power ;,: .• arbitjrar~q'Clr~­ rests for ads n6t'~~lfo'tHe"~W'as:dimeS;ij',~lq~,;:RPwish Inquisitions, Star"ldll~86PSi,)MUitar,yComQlissj~ns".unkno"\Mtl;the


A ,

27 me:ans ;(jt~ ins'tru!ctionwithin reach' of the! chilEiren of a.n; the right of FreJe Speech ;iand accountability of:i:J!ll' public"officers J civil and military.' If Masonry needed to' b~ 9:~t.tstifiecl for' imposing1politicalas weU as moral duties,()n its Initi~tles" it would be ~mougk' to point to the sad historyof,the wotld~ Itwou)td noteven'lteed that\she should t",vft!back the pages of histo'uy tothei chapteq-s written by Tacitus: that she shonldrecite,the 'I,m/credible horrors: ofdespotistn 'under Caligulaand Domitian, C'aliQcalla'and'; COlnmodttsJ "Vitellitisand Maximin. SheneedonlYPG>,int to thJe"centurtes ,·ofcalamity through which the gay French,m;ation, paslsed ;'to't11leldng oppres~ si€>n df'the feudal ages; <!>:f,;/the g·elfish Bourbon king:s;· to those tiRie<swhen the peasants w~Fe robbed land slaughteredb>y their 6'\vn lords and prinees, like sheep ';~'w:heh the lord claimed; the first..; fruits of the peasant's marriage-bed; when the captured city wa's given'up tomereilessrape:'clndmassacre; when the: State-prisons groaned with innocent victims, and the Church blessed the 'ban.;. hers of ·pitHess" murderers, "and; sang TeDeumS'Tor,tne'crowning mercy 'of the Eve of St. ,'Bar~b01om,€w~ Wenliglht" tu~t'D!OVier" the :page's, · td' ~ ':tater0hapter,~th!at"'of·,the reign. orthe'.Fift'ieentnLoi.tis1,.wblen ":young ,gi'rI5~;hard)y [more r than J

chi1~]breh, were Kianapped t()\ Isel"Vie his !t.\stS' ;.wh'e3·le~tres' decacAel 6HeGl theB81stile ·~vith. p1erse>ns ,acc:usedof n6;;crime, with'husband~ "Who"wer~; in th:e waycof thep>,leasuresoflastivio1.rts w;"\res and of 'V'illainswe!aring orders ofnQbiHty;' ,when' tbe lp'eople:#et~grat1nt1 Detwieen the' upperr' andthe)neith~r, millstone .0fta~es,,dus~c>mst' an€i

~xciges; and·!wh~en


fl~f',e'sNUhdio,~rrd', th!e··~Cardi.a);(le ~ia

Rochie':'AJman,clevoutly: rotiJ@eHng, ,,'Ot1€ on 'eac'l1 lside;()f" M'ad'am,,€ cin BJ~rry, the king'sabandi~,near'prQstitttte,'put tne's,lip~eFsonMer Rakeid'fe,~t; aSlsbe 'f0se"fr:G)t1n ·the"adult6 rotlls:,becl!. tr~eJ1l . : hltlee~; suffering and toil were the twof:~~ttis!Gf mapj"and!~he ·~)(t()pli€were .'nt ,beasts of burden. , ' Tbe truileMaisoQ is' he wb~ laborsstre'Ilu<t>rtitsdy, ttl l}g,iel'p, bisO"rdet @;;ff~~t "i tS' 'gr:e;at" purpbs@is.';1·!,!li!6t: th.attne'Oi€ler, can; jieff:eeJ~·J them b, iis@·t,j ;,.efuf' that'! It,. 'too ii:c3Jntil'ell~!. It! a;i s;o is, one OfiG~dt''S H1Stf'~'~ i t"1S 3;,,' ForQ~ ",~nd !a\~Powe·r; amdJ' sb'a.niettpo,n i\b,i :, if ,•.'it" ditl .@.t e~ert ,it$e1.f,'and~ tifi!n6~'\.,!l>ie, sacrifie,e"·it$iichildreD, in; like ,eause 0I'fi"tI~anity~ as:;,.Qfferup ls.aax]:l(i)vrl"lthe 'a~tQ!r ~rf¥ki~,aI$1Pi::fi!'oe~ . I!it'irwiUi illot i~ ii~l~ifi'g,~ti ithat ;liolhleJ'ane3()~lli.)~wf;:.~;drtius lieaJjiin§, all litn 2't tnOT,,: !JntQi)th.e;~ great ytaJwn.:'n8t ;.g1Jl.£~ jtbatJDp(tbled~"*O J


i ,





swallow Rome. It. will TRY. I t shall not be its iault if the day never comes when man will no longer, have to fear a conquest, an invasion, a usurpation,a rivalry of nations with the armed hand, an int¢rruption of civi~ization depending on a marriage-royal, or a birth in thehereditarry tyrannies; a partition of the peoples. by a Congress, a dismemberment by the downfall of a dynastYJ'a combat of two religions, meeting head to head, like two goats of . darkness on the bridgeoi the· Infinite: when they will no longer have to fear famine, spoliation, prostitution from distress, misery from lack of work, and ". all the brigandages of chance in the forest of events: when nations will gravitate about the Truth, like stars about the light, each in its own orbit, without clashin£,or collision; and everywhere Freedom, cinctured with stars, crown~d with the celestial splendors, and with wisdom and justice on· either hand, will reign supreme. In your studies as a Fellow-'Craftyou must be guided by REASON, LOVE and F.t\I'rH. - .. , .... 1-·' "' . ·}-.·,,,.. ,,,"'.'.o . We do not now. discuss the differences between .Reason and Faith, and undertake to define the domain of .·each. But it is necessary to say,·tbateven in·.the ordinary·affairs!!of life we are governed far'more b,y what \ve believe than by what ,we know;,- by FAIT.H and ANAiLOG¥:, than by REASON. The "Age of Reason" of the French Revolutien taught, we know, wh.ata folly it is to enthrone Reason by itself as supreme. Reason is at fault when it deals with the Infinite. There we must revere and believe. Notwithstanding the calamities of the' virtuous, th·emiseriesof the 9.eserving, the prosperity of tyrants and the murder of martyrs, we must believe thereisa wise, just, m!erciful~ and loving-God, an Intelligence and a Providence, supreme over all, and caring for the minutest thiflgs and events. A Faith is a necessity to man. Woe to him wnohelieN',es nothing! We believe that the soul of another is of a certain nature and possesses certain qu.a.lities; that· he is. generous and. honest, or penurious and knavish,tm:at she is virtuous and amiable, or vicious and ill-tempered, from the. counte'nance alone,from little marie than a glimpse of it,. without .the means of knowMg~ We venture our fortune on the signature of a man on the'·other side of the world, whom we never saw,·' upon the belief that he. is hpnest and trustworthy. We believe thato,ecurrenceshave taken place, upon the assertion of, f),thers. We. believe thato,ne will. aC~$. upon



another,andin the reality of a multitude ~£ other phenomena that Reason caHnotexplain.. But we ought not to believe what Reason authoritatively denies, that at which the sense of ··right revolts, that which is absurd or sielf-cofltradictory, or at issue with experience or science, or that which degrades the character of the Deity" and would make Him revengeful, m~dignant, cru:el,,·or unjust. A m,Qn's Faith is as much Inis own as his Reaso![t is. HisFreeQom consists as much in his ,faith· being free as in his win being uncontrolled· by pow·er. All·the Priests and Augurs of RaIne or Greeoe·had nottn:e right to require Cicero or Socrates to believe in the absurd mythology of the vulgar. All the Imaums of Mohammedanism have not the right to require a Pagan to believe that Gabriel dictated the Koran to the Prophet. All tneBrahmins that ever 'lived, if assemblcti'Tm .'o@.:e conclave like the ':Cardinals; could not gain a right to cotnp:el a single human being to believe indtlie Hindu {Cosmogony.. : ,N€>man or body of m,e:ntan beinfalli:DI.e, and atltborize.d to decide what other men shan belj'eve,3.s to tdlY tenet of faith. Exoepttoithose who.: first reeeiveit,· revery reHgion~l1d th·e·,truth· of,····all·''':inspired writjngs"de~~ind hum·d.", t'estimony andintetnalevid~nces, to be jrudged of by" R:~ason and tbe'wisre analogies of Eacn'lU'Cln 1t11Ust\neaas sal1'i,lY hav~,thie r~ight· to judge of theiri·tt.['~brj@rbimgelf ; because :no o Ire,man can Iltave aRy higher or betteriYi~httojt1d8g:etbananQ~b!ero f 6C}Ual imIrO\;rtnaJdon and inteiHgeil'c6~ Domitian claimed to be ,fHe Lord God ;~' and statues and ima.ges of him, in silver and gold, were foumo,thrQugrn,t)ut i tbe ·knowh w0rld. Hecl;::Hrhed "to • be·t!egardedQs·, the 'God "of caJ~ :;men ; ,and, aceordiAlg to Suetonius,beganihis letters thus: ":OMf:Lor./ia.nd G·rod ci@.rmm9f;'1;dstn\Q;tit snoutdJ:LffJie t itJene ISO ana .so~'.'.J' ,sandt ii'~01(mally Icl{ei'" cireed that no one sb¢)tlld:add.reSiShim'i,oth'erwise,ei~her writing by word 0 f 'm0ut1b•.. 'F,alfttl~~us!St1ta, '. the p>hilio~sopiie'i ~ iiwho ·W 8.;S nJgwchief d~latQ);r,'~ actusinrgwJ~hosej' who'!t~Jtlt~sed .to: :r-eoognize 'his <Uvinity,nowever m~~RkiemQyha.~(e believed intha:t diiVinity,h\ard rhe .'right Itddema.adl/tl1'atf'3' !Si1og)e -Christian' in' R6me "'lor the prl(Jvinces shottlddo,the j1satne. ~eason is fiar frombeh:rg1the on[y guide, in rmora.Js'or;int ipoliti~caJ seme»rC,e.' '. Lovie or loving-k:lndnessmast ~e:ep it ,cotnpan¥, to ex~jad·e ··,fall;aticism, in.t0~el'an·ce,and perse€g~ionJ ·toaU!(if wbk:b.,a






motrality ,too"Qs·eetid,





lead:.' We:n1u$talsOijhia'V·e!ifai~hin ourselves" and in oitr fellows' and the people, or we shall be easily discouraged bjr re~verses, and our' arQo,r '~o()led" hyobsracles.\\r emust not listen tor •. R,ea-son alone. F,;orce comes more" from Faith and Love: and "1 t is by, the aid 0 f the~e thatnlanscales;the, loftiest· heights of morality, orheCOllles the Saviour ,and Re,<iieemer of a PeopleJReasonmuslt hQld the helm; but these supply the motive power. They abe the'w'ipgs of the ,sou!.; Enthusiasm 1s· generally'. unreasoning ;f;<!rt<11 without' it, and Love and Fraitb, th€re 'would have be.en ;no,R~~NzI,:or TELL, or SYDNEY, or any' other of tbe greatpatriotswh<Dlse:nam'es afe immortal. If the D;eitiY ihad beeri'11l1ere1y, and olllyAll-wiseall.d All-mighty, HewQuld"never have" created theUmiverse.





I,t,is.GENfus 'that ;g;ets Power; ,and itsprimehlieutenantsare FORot" and \i\TISOOM.;, i,:The. uBful1estidfmen bend before the leade17;thathas;the;sienselo:see anclthe wiU to do.. It is GeniuD tna,t iules·withGo(l-Hk~ Power; that unveils" .witth.. its co:uf14sellors, the hi4clen human m'ytsteries, cutsasundeF with,its: word 'the huge knots, ·and.·bui1ds:h1p·,with ··itsword lthe crutnblftd .ruins. ·At"its glance. fall dowq.,tbe:~~lb;;.seless.idols; .Whose altarsijibave' been,on'~11 the: high places and ti~ila'~' the :saG1"ed 19hoves. 'Dr~slio~e$ty rand: hn-bdeility ~ standaha.shed ~. be>f~lreit~ . . . ,Its slIilgle Yea·."Qr;N,aLY "revok~s the" w.rongs of., ageSijl'aflld is :beard aindng the; fuwregerierlatidt1s~ l~$ pQ~er'! is i~e:ns0u":lD1e'c'~l1/1I'seit$r wi~;~om is ,immense,. Genius d\s the Sun of the political sphere. Forcea.,od W~fsdQ,m~idlts ministers~ aTe the orbs that cat~)'1. its Jiight into darkness, an.)answ·er;it with their solid re,fi,ed~!il')gt mrU~i Developmeniis Js;ytm.bolized. bYcthe",useof.the-Ma,l1:et ,aUld Chisel; the development i. of:the · • !enef~'iesand.l '. intellect; "~f. .the Ii' ilEldividttal aa61 the. peopl ¢.; . · .,Geni'PS', may.plaoe"', ;it'$,el i .at, the; beaEi of,a~ ~ unin~.~nectt1al,.' unedtlca.ted.)':tlri~eAg~t~;e~;~~tioti.~but i~ 'ira "fr·,ee. Qoun~ry, tQ }cult[v.ate ~h:,Q I ~lect" iiS r,~b\e ]o01y, mode of secutring". ,int~l1ectan~l 't§Etn~",~;.? f~~ }t1I.Jl~~$~/ l' ···1\bei\Y'~rid is' s:eldom t'uJed by. the great: spi'i,~t:$i,.f":@~~~p\~Iaf~e~~~iS$I!3:~1A!t~on:!a.Jldi H;e,wi~i;rtll, In periods .oj t~ans:~tit}h,~ud;~~"~:u¥ii.~njjtneii L~~g rfl.r!~~~elJtl~, 'th~ Robespierres and Marats) and the s~mi0J::e§~·ct~:b~~;~~~e,$i(Df~li~~l)!@(!t~ too oftenbQld,the .rei~$ The;C~pmm:e~''Si'q"d;1'tap~~~cpns conle later. After. ~.afiua'i~nid,S1..l11a;:A.nd:,:Cic~p~,~ tQe. :rbetc>,~q~t;l, CiEsAIt. The grea t.i~,~ni~ct ~s q>Jt~n, to€) :s~a,;Ff~ri:~j~l . th~.gtani~~ Q{ thi:slife. Legislators maJr' tJe!:v~r~'E!>f4i~!~y liI1;~P,ji;'ffor legi$,~a,tion i









31 fS very orainary: work; it" is but the' final issue of a million' minds. The: power of thepttrse or the sword, compared to that of the spirit, is poor As tolands,yotlm~yhave agta-l rianlaws,'and equal "partit:i~g.'Bttt· a: n1an t g intellect is 'all his own,hel,d direct from Godt'; an'; irt'aHenable"Hef. It is the most potent of weapons in the hands of a paladin.. Ift"11e people c6mplfeh~ntl Force inthephysical'~~nse,hlo1wmuchmore dGl they 'revetenae th:e intedlectual! Ask:;}Iild,ebr:amrd,,:, Hor Lritner, orr·, Loyola. Tbey: fan prostrate 'beforrre it:'Hats beJore ian, id<t>1. 'iPn..e"masteliy 01,1 mind "oy,ermi.disthe' oml;y:uoonq,tl1est wOlrth'ha~ifl,g~T,he'totb!er iaj11lre5 "b0tb, and di~solv:e8 ;at j, 'la. @reath· ;icuae,; as i it) ·is" i !!bhe "great ~ia1ble 'faUs dawn altld's,na"p's!!,i:ut,:(n:,su:l,i. lyBiUl'tJ tiais diml~",~es'em1Dile'Sthe 'm'ominionbf theCre'a~(j)ii2 r~J,trQt6e,snot(Reeda; su.!bjectdi~6thati,o;f l?i~ter,the ,H errni t.."} tJ;the stbeam Ibe 1Jut,btigbtam(d: s:trF!0ng, 'itiwiU sweep,,1ike a spF'ing~jnide,to"~eI!1bdpular fleart~"Not}iniWl(E):na' only; but in intellectual 'act' 'rlil~S !tfie far$cination.!~tis thl!ebbmage" to tb,e jnvisiele~ Th'is tobvve,!- ,KnG>iteld' with Love., is. tme,geldetl:cHaiil1 let'] down!inte:,the '.ven e~drl1tttthfO,r!; tml~ .invisiblechaiD that !hinds lbe r'a~s;'jof '!mankitid': i , t o g 6 1 n e r , , ; I ' 1






: In!BuenE:e,:of a;,{gd~t

m~n:ov:erma!il i:~~''taJl,alYof

esf:at€" linr;,lamd'/!i<f);r ,in,,'ist6He,ct. 1

n 8!t11il1e, i




to: ,th¥~lemim,en~ nt1~D' jmdgmemt. ,S,ociet}ri h;~ngs spitit~ nany :j!ogether, ;~ike'the\!l!ev;om;Qgj J!bdve., T~@ free'ic:ountr¥j in~l;whlK!h. 'intellect .i,aild gemius~:yern,; wilil, endure.!. W&;er~ they ,g:ew,e,. ,an <1 *othier· infi8€lnC6sgov:ern; Jtmle'lnatiori~lJif e,.is shorh., All iDe' ",Rantions;tn(tth'<l;lv,efr3:,ed,li ,10 ;\go;\retn"tiaemselrvets ·b:y,i theil1;smq.llef5t, J" "il1e/'intalFl,abJes;' o~ ,mer:el"lJ1€SlDea!ables" inave :cG>mel.ito: nolight ;l)iOll st,j tbt,r~)ns and; Law s'r'iw,itboUi ilG,,€fl,1US: and. 1 ht,eU ~;ct oo;! go~~rn1, ~W!iJn n,dl1;'pnev~n1r,de€ay.. ,:' ~m j~thait'.'<!:~sei l'ftheo/I' h.a:ve', th.'e\',Q,r~lirot, ."amd fBi~;'lifedi es)~mt. 0:', th'em H)ir J degBeteS~f.,\ Tbg'i;\re ai, h~ tidn :til ~ .,·f FaMkC~;~~1 df.. ~h~ ,Inteiliect." tiS:; tl1l!6,dnly' sure :""'eHblf 0p,eJipetnarrgg~fF'@~_Q'ml! ii r~}ijis "IWlHlcGnIp>'el ett,ioDJJ!! aoc@. e:rol(fs""care Tf'e1t~' rme f. ,peei g:rl1 th~lse'oPl :the,higheti'~,eafs~ . 'aln.Q ·1'

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~~i6itin1gu~inallessf ~add: wr~(Jafu;) ;Wit~"pew7er!;to:nimY wl1(j~ils"b,esti:

,~i!S~'!rlt~'~ d.ev~lij~!f;, ~1i(~1!f~eJi'(S~~I@'~t,c)tiJ 11le',;; '.~feij'kh;!~SfijaP;1~'t(··)'!tl!iS


MORkL$ l./tND. DOO:M:A.

is th~ . great labo,r in which Masonry desires to" lend, a helping hand. All of us should labor in building up the great monument oJ a nation, the Holy House of the Temple. rrhe cardinal virtues Inust not be partitioned ampng men" becoming the exclusive prop,; €rty o( .some, like,tbe commoQ. crafts. ALL apprenticed· to th~ partners, Duty anq Honor. Masonry is a mar¢hiand a struggLe toward the: Lig'htFor the individual as well as the llation, 'Light is Virtne,Manliness, Intel"!" ligence, Liberty. Tyranny over the soul or' body, is darknes's.. The freest people, Iikethe free~tman, is always im:danger of 'relapsing-into servitude;.! Wars are almost always fatal toRepubLi~s. They create tyrants, an;at consolidate their power" They spring,for the most part, from evil counsels. Wh€n tbe smaJI and the basrealie intrusted' with power" legislation .and administration become but two parallel series of errors and blunders,. endingt in war., calamity, and the necessity far a tyrant; When the nation feels its, feet sliding backward, as ifi! walkedofl the ice, the time has come for a supreme effort. Th.e magnifieenttyrants of the'past are but th'e types of those of the future. Men. and nations will always sell themselves ". into' sl.avery, to gratify their' paSSi(1)iD.$· and· obtain Te.. venge. The tyrant'sip)ea, neceissity, is always:'; aD:<!i~1:he tyrant once. in power, the. necessity of providimg for . his' safety makes him savage. Re]igion is a pow'er,' and be mnst control that. Independent, its saB:ctuaries mi,ght rebel. Then it becomes unlawful for the people to worship God in their own way, and,the old .spiritual despotisms.revive.. Men must be~iev:eas Pow,er wills, or die; and even if· they may helieve as they will, all they have, lands, .houses, body,and sonl" are stamped with ··the royal. brand. ttl am the State," said Louis the Fourteenth to his peasants; t:('the very shirts on 'your backs are mine, and I can tiJ,Re4hem if Iiwill."~ And dynasties so"establisI,.e(j. ep.dure, like. that . of the Caesars of Rome, of ,the Cresars of. Cqnstantinople,. of $~.Calipbs, theSt;q.~ ~rts, the Spani.ards, the GotQS, the V alp.isJuntil the} rac~ ;w@ars )()u;, and ends with lu~atics' asd·· .idiots, who stiL~. . ~l~. , There .isi.n.o concord among men, to !~tJ:d" the horrible .b:QI);dage. The .state faUs inwardly, as the outward bloW~'of the inc~~et;~l1,t elements.. The furious human passions, thesl.~epipght1tll(l,n. indolence, the stolid human igll;Arance, the rivalry ~fr 11l:11l1~~ ca.$tes~ ~t:e as good for the kings as the. ~w'Qfds of. tne ~arl~~,Jt~.u Th~"~9·rs4it>~ c



pers have all bowed so long to the old idol, that they cannot go j'nto the streets and choose another Grand Llama. And so the effete S'tate floats on down the puddled stream of Time, until the tempest or the tidal sea discovers that the worm has consumed its strength,and it crumbles into oblivion.







Civil and religious Freedom must go hand in 'hand; and Perse" cution·' matures them both:. A'people 'content with)the thoughts made jfor them by. the priests of a, church wilI ?e content with Royalty by Divine Right,-the Church and the Throne mutually ~ustaining each other. They will smoth~r schism and reap infi.. deTity and 'indifference ; a'ftd while the battle for freedom goes on ~rou:nd them" they will only sink the. more apatheli~a[ty!loto. servi~ tude and a deeptrance,p,erhaps occasionally interrnptedby furious fits of frenzy, followed by' helpless exhaustion. Despotism is not difficult in any land that has only known one 1?aster from its childhood; but there is no harder problem than to'perfect and perpetuate free government by the people; for it is not one king that is needed: all must be kings. It iseasY~'bset up MasanieUo, that in a few days he may fall lower than. before. But free government grows slowly, like the individllal rittman faculties; and like the forest-trees, from the inner rre!a~io~twa~d. Lib€rtyis n~t only the common birth-right, but it is lost as well by non-user as by mis-user. It depea€ls far more on theunivetsal effort than any other human property. It has no single shrine or·' holy well' ·0£ pilgrin1age for the .nation ; for 'its wat~'r:~should bursto~t:freely from the whole soil. T~e freeyop~lar power}~~nI.tl1at is·~nly known ihits strength in the ;ll~u~ ,of . adversity: ,~or •. all its trials,' sacrifices' and, expectations are'itsown. It is trained to think for itself, and also to act for i'ts~"'f.1" When the' efisl~ved people prostrate' themselves in . the ~u~~1>e.tore the h~rri~a~~;}ik~~beal~r~edbeastsofYtefield,. the fr:e l,!})~??~~ stand er~c~ b!:~~r~:,~t, in ,.all ,the strengtl1!i:~f. unity, in ~.I,~~:~1,~1~'~r' in, mu,t~~l, ;r;n·a~'~lj:-,:~h e~ro~terr'~iD$t aUOOt ~~ ~~isible:f1andof Gad:· It is neither cast downby·oalamit:rnoT elated by su<;cess. : TB~s,',~a~tpowrr pf e.~d~ra.~ce" ofiforbearance,~£~fience,and ~f:~r~?r~~~ce'1}s ~~l!j~c~i~~, ~~tinual~~e~!ti~: of all ,the f~~EVp~sl lik~ i~~ He3,ithf~l;physica'}' litttnan .vi~ori 'li~ldlie imdi.. vidual mQraI vigor. i





And the maxim is no )r.~ss tru~ tHan old, that eternal vigilance ·is the price of liberty. It isc~rious toobserve.the univ,ersal pretext by which the tyrants ofal! times take, away the np.tional liberties. It is stated in the statutes,of Edward II' that the justices and the sheriff should no longer h~ elec.~ed by the people, ot,i accountof the riots and dissensions which had arisen. The sanle reason was given long before for the suppre'ssion of p()pular; a~d.there js a witness to this :Ut1~ruth in the yetolder,~im~s,.when Rome .10st her. freedom,an~ her indignant. citizens.declared.that tumultu()us. liberty, i!$ better than disgraceful . ,tr~p.qHiUity. j







With the Compasses and Scale,. we can trace alt, the. figures used in the mathematics of pJanes, or in what are c~lte4 .Gl;OM~TRY and TRIGONOM~TRY, two words that are them~~lves d~ficient in meaning. GEOMETRY"., .which the letter G. inmost, Lodges is said to signify, means 11(&easure".,,~nt QflCIrnd or .the~:ar~h-or Surveying; and TRIGONOMEtRY} the . ,m,eaS1.lrennent Qf triangles, or figures. with three sides? or angles. The Ift~ter i§':"by" far the most appropriate name for the science, intended to, be ,~xf?ressedby. . the word "Geometry." Neither is of '1. meaning sufftc1<;ptly wide: for although. the vast sUfveysof g-reat spac,es of the' ~arth's faoe, and of coasts, by wh.ichshipwreck and.. calaimitXi·~o. illfariners are avoided, are ,effe.cted bMmeans. of triangulatiol1,.~-thougp. it was by the same method that;th!e F1"'~nch astronom~rs tneas~red a degree of latitude and sp established a scale of!weais~reson all Immutable basis; though it is bymeanspf theimm~nse,triangle that has for its base a: l~ne'ldrawn in ~maginfltionb~twiee~1hepl:~ce of the earth now and its eplace six 'imonths penceip. spac;:e,al1;d for its apex a planet or st~r"that thedi,stance ofJup;i~r 9rSirhls froin the earth is ascertailled a~d though the~e is, a tt:ia;n~l~'j s~!ill more vast, its baseextenclin.g .either way from ,us, "\\Ti;h i~nd.past the horizon into immensity,.. ~n~ i~s,,(lpex;' infi?it~ly: . 4fstf1nt., ~bove us; to which corresponds ,·a,. s~J+lilar,infip.ite triangl~!!:R~low~hatif i



abovie equalling whq,it,.£s"pelo,w,. "imm:~tt:sity~qu(1,llin~ . im"11e...1jsi~y;­

yet the Science of N qmbers,.,toi wP~chPythagorct~!a,tt~,s1;l~~ somucl1 importance, and whose mysteries are found eY~ry,mhet;ei.n~ql7 ancient religions, and tnost of ·,q.ll in the. Kabalab.;;n4; ill !tge~ibJe, is not sufficiently ~p1"ess~ by either the w,'Q1",4~'f~~m~t,r;v': ~~;the word "Trig(jn(jtn~tr.y,~' J;<'QJnthatiscience inq:Udell)ffle~~; rw ith Arith; l1letic, and also with Algebra, Logarithms, the In~~'gTal and. DifJ:er:"



ential Calculus;' and by means of it are worked out the great problenlsof Astronomy or the Laws of the Stars.







Virtue is but heroic bravery, to do the thing thought to be true, in spite: e>f,aUenemies of flesh 'or spirit, in despite of all temptationso·p"lnenaces. Man is a.coountable for the ~tprightness ofllis doctrine, but not· for·theJirigh:tness of it Devout entihusiasm' is far easietthana good action. The end of thought is action; the sole purpose of Religion is an Ethic. Theory, in political' science, is\vorthless, except for the purpose of being reaHzedln practic'e. Tn eVierycftedo,religio\ls orpe>litical as in the sonl of Ulan, there ate·fwo regions) the Dialectic and the Ethic ; and it is only \vhen the two .'are . ha:rrnoniously :.·blended, that aperfec:t discipline" i s evolved. There are men whOA dialectically are Christians, as,th€re aFe a tnultitudewho . ··diaiettica·Hr 'are MasonsJ and yet· who are ethically Infidels, as' these ate ethitaUy of the Profane,. in the strl!<!test sense :.......lintellecttl'al believers,··' but practical'" atheists :~ m'en who will write Yiou "Evidences,"inpttfect fai~~ilil;f£beirlogi&, IDut cannot carry out the Christian or ·Miasonic doc'trin\e, owing!to >


ihefi€sb.·O:n twe.10·tJver·. hind,' t~ere

skeptics,ibut . . ethical, believetg,i,'as.' ,there a.:~e mallyl1asons whohaveneine1"/t1!iIoergone initiation!,;} an<I1. as ethics are the ·.endaiFld J puriDose oJ pe!lig~dn, so are .eth.icaJ ;bea.1ie"e'rs the mosrworthy. Hewho·does·r:i:ght··is.bletterthanhewhot1h'in~srighf. But 'you .' must not a.c't'upon·· tbehypt>thesis ,that· .all· men '·Qre hypocrites, . whose cotlid1.1ct,doe,si not square with:tneir isentimemts. No vice is 111(Jre~ra.r1e,'fO'ri!nofttl§kiis morel cliffiou]t,ithan. systematic hypocrisy. When the Demagogue becomes a USU1"per;, it, dcoets not fonow that he was all the time a hypocrite. Shallow men only so

are· many



others. The' tr"th.~s, that 'creee;;~as, in general, very. little ill;fiurence Jon, ibetonduct; in r~1igi@n,· oq i th,at of .' the·' indiv;idual j;:iu!l]liolit,ic.s" on tbatoJ . party. As a generalnljhi·ng, the MCi;homepaFb)? in! $e; ;Orient, i,sifar more honest and; tr\t~twQt1thYlhan.the Christian.. ! ···A '. Gosp\el iLove thefmQutb" lisra:J1 of .Pers~G14tiod'l heart,; Mea who believ~·illleternali.dat~Ji:),1ati~n.a~d a}lteral S~rQf tiir~.a1;ld b:t!imstOtl~,. i0'Q1.!liF.. . t1aec@rt~iQ~fJifj)~·:it, i;atcondi~g, to ~JaeiE:liCr~e;d.).iQn tbe: ,slig'lln;'test temf.'>itatio'I1., Q·i~r/~Pl?Jetii~~iot}P,q.$$j'~l} .. · ft7e~!~$~inati~;tl insiSils 1,0n ' the··· 'lle~~;ssitjT, Qf §Cl,QQ/wor~s. fIn .;M1a~nrny, '. ·.~t.t.~e;11ea;~t Bow o.fpassion, one speaks iUof anotA,qr~llier~~~;d'jbj;~rQ'~~~I'iindr;$~J



far from the "Brotherhood" of Blue Masonry being real, and the solemn pledges contained in the use of the word "Brother" being complied with, extraordinary pains are taken to show that Masonry is a sort of abstraction, which scorns to interfere in worldly matters. The rule may be regarded as universal" that.. where there is a choice to be made, a Mason will give his vote and influence, in politics and business, to the less qualified profane in preference to the better qualified Mason. One will take an oath to oppose any unlawful usurpation of power, and then become the ready and even eager instrunlent of a usurpet. Another will call one "Brother," and then play towar-dhim the part of Judas Iscariot,or strike him, as ]oab did Abner,under the fifth rib, with a lie ,whose authorship is not to be traced.. Masonry does not change hunlan nature, and cannot nlake honest men out of born knaves.. While you are still engaged in preparation, and in accumulating principles for future use, do not for~et the words of the Apostle James: "For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a nlan beholding his natural face in a glass, Jor he beholdeth himself, and goethaway, and straight\vay forgetteth what manner of man he was; but whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his work. If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but dece1veth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. . ... Faith, if it hath not works, is dead,·being an abstraction.. A·nlan is justified by works, and not by faith only.... The devils believe,-and trelnble. . ... As the 'body· without the heart is dead, so is faith without works."







In political science, also, free governnlents are erected and free constitutions frained, upon some sitnple and intell.ig-ible theory. Upon whatever theory they are based, no sound conclusion .is to be reached except by carrying the theory out without flinching, both in argunlent on constitutional questions and in practice. Shrink fronl the true theory' through timidity, or wander from it through want of the logical'·' faculty, or transgress against it through passion or on the pl'ea of neoessity.or expediency, and you· have denial or invasion .·ofrigbts, laws that offend against first principles, usurpation of· illegal po\vers, or abnegatiQn and abdication of Iegitinlate authority..



Do not forget, either, that as the showy, superficial, ,hnpudent and self-conceited will altnost always be preferredJ evenin utn10st stress of danger and calan1ity of the State, to the 111an of solid learning, large intellect, and catholic sympathies, because he is nearer the conl1nbn popular and leg-islative level, so the higllest truth is not acceptable to 'the mass of Inankind. 1Vhen SOLON was asleep. if he had given his countrymen the '{jest Iaws,he ~";lswered, "The k..,stthey are capable of 1'eCeiving.'~;:rh, is one 'of' theprofouridest~tterances on record; and yet like aU great truths, so sil11ple as to\b'e rarely comprehended. Itcontains th!ewhole philosophy of History. It utters a truth whicb,Lhiad it been recognized, would have saved Inen an imtn,ensity of vain, idle· disIDiUttes, andh.ave led them into the clearer paths of knowledge in the Past. It lueans thisJ~that aU truths are T1~~tthS' of Period, not truths for eternity; that \vhatevergreat fact has had strength and -vitality enough to 111:ake itself real, whether of religion, l'noraIs, governl1lent, or 'of \vhatever else, and to find place J! world, has been a truth for the tirnc, a1~d as gooaaS'Y11tU1·t



af rece.£ving.

So, too, with great ll1en.'I'he intellect and capacity of a:peop,l"e has·Q. single nleasure,-that of the great ll1en whonl Providence

giveis it, and \vhorn it recei7.Jcs. There have alwaysheen men too gr1eat for their ti111e or their people. Every people ll1akes s~tch 111en on~y its idols, as it is capable of c0111prehending. '1'0 inlpose ideal truth or law upon an incapable and ll1erely real nlan, nlust ever be a vain and elllpty speculation. 1"'he laws·of synlpathy govern in this as they do in regard to l11ell \vho are put at the head. We do not know, as yet, vvhat qualifications the sheep insist on in a leader. With men who are too high .intellectually, thel'llaSS have. as little sy111pathy as they have with the stars~ When BURKE" the vvisest statesll1an England ever had J rosie to spea~i the Honse of CotTIlnOnS was depopulated as upon an agreed s..ignal. There is as little sympathy .1:>etween the ll1ass and the highest TRUTIIS. The highest truth, being incolnprehensible to the Ulan of f€a.lit;ies, as the highest nlan is, and largely above his level, will be a great unreality and falsehood to an uninteUectual man. The profiourldest doctrines of Christianity and Philosophy would be mere ~jargon and babble to a Pota\vatomie Indian. The populare.~:pla­ t1'Qtionsof' the sy111bols of Maso1ury are fitting for the rnlilltitude ~hat have swarlned into the Tenlpl es,----being fully up to the l~vel 1



of their capacity. Catholicism was a vital truth in its earliest ages, but, i~ became obsolete, and Protestantism arose, flourished, and deteriorated. The doctrines:ofZoROASTltR \vere the best which the ancient Persians were fitted to receive; those of CONFUCIUS w@pe fitted for· the Chinese ; those of MOHAMMBDfor the idolatrous Arabs of his age. Each· wasl'ruth for the tiu1e. Each 'was a; 'GosPEL) preached by a ReFORMER; and if any men are so little forfurlateas to remain content therewith, when others haye atnainedia higher t,ruth, ,it is. their misfortune and not-their .fault. Tneyare to he pitied for it, ,and not persecuted. Do 'l1otexpecteasily to convince tJlen of the truth, or to lead tl1emto think'aright. The subtle hun1an intellect can weave its mists over even the clearest vision. Relne1110er that it· is eccentric enough to ask unanimity from a jury;. but to ask it from any f:farge number of ll1en on any point of political ·faith is, amazilng.: You can hardly get t,vofllen in anyCoRlgress'or Convention to agr\ee ;-nay, you can rarely get onertoagree \vith himself. The poHitical church \vhichcnanoes to be." supreme any\vhere i has an indefinite number of tongues. How then cao\ve expect 'men' to a'greeas to matters beyond' thiecagnizance ·of the sens~s?! .Ho'" can we compass the Infimdteandl ,tfie Invisible with· any. chain ,of evidence? Ask the . small sea-waves \vhat they murmur among the pebbles! Howmal1Y of those vvards that come from the invisible shore are lost, like the 'birds, in the long passage? How vainly do we strain the eyes across the long Infinite!. vVe must he content, asthe children are, with the pebbles that have been stranded, since it is forbidden us to >explore the hidden depths. The Fellow-Craftisespectally taught by this not to· become wise in his own conceDt. P:ride in' uflsound theories is worse than ignorance. HUlniIity b 6o@mes a Mason. Take some quiet, sober moment of life, and add 1lggetbe,r the two ideas of Pride and Man; behold him,creatureof a).span, stalking through infinite space in all the grandeur of Htden~ssl:Perchedon a speck of the Universe, every wind of Heaven st17ikerS into,his blood the coldness of death; his soul floats away frombd(~'y like the melody from the string~ Day and night, like dust ,()Tt iherwheel, he is rolled along theheavens, through a labyrintn ()'fj worlds"and all the creations of God are flaming on every stde, furlh,dr than· even his imagination can reach. Is this Ja creature to makeforhiil'mself fa crovvn of glory, to deny his o\vn flesh, to mockathis' feno'~Jj sprl:lrllgwith }jim from that dust i




to which both will soon return? Does the proud man not err? Does he not suffer? Does he not die? When he reasons, is, ,he never. stopped short by difficulties? When he acts., does he never succumb to the temptations of pleasure? When he lives, is he free from pain? Do the dis/eases, not claim him as' their prey ? When he dies, can he escape the common grave? Pride is not the heritage of man. Humility should dwell with frailty, an,d atone for ignorance, error and imperfection. Neither should the Mason he over-anxious. for office and honor, however certainly he may feel that he has the capacity to serve the State. He should neither seek nor spurn honors. It is good ,to enjoy the blessings of fortune; .it is better to submit without a J>;ang tp their loss. The greatest deeds are not done in the glare of light, and before the eyes of the.populaee. He \whom God -has gifted with a love.of retirement possesses, as it were, an additional s,e}lse; and among the vast and noble scenes of nature, we find" the balm for the wounds we have received among the pitiful shifts of policy; for the attachment to solitude is the surest preservative Jrom the ills of life. But Resignation is the n10re noble in proportion. as itis tbeless p~ssiye. Retire111ent is only a 1l1Qrbid selfishness, if itptoh.ibit ~xertion$ for others; as it is o~ly dignified and npble, \\Then· it is the shade whence ·.the oracles iSS14le that 'are. to iU struct l11at;lkind; and retirement of tbis na.tureis,th'e sol:e seclusion' which ,a goo<i a,nd",rise man\vill covet orcomrnand. The very pbilosophy·which mak:es such a luan covet the quiet} will make him eschew the.inutility of the, hermitage. Very little praiseworthy would·LoR.D Bo,tINGBROKE have .seen1ed among hishaymak:ers andploughmen, if.among haymakers and ploughn1en he had looked with an, indifferent eye upon . a profligate minister and· a venal Parliament. \lerylittle interest would have attach~d to his beans and, ,beans and vetches. had caused him to forget that if be. was baf?:pier on a farnl he could be 1110re useful ina.Senat~,and111ap.e,hil'l'l forego, in the sphere of a bailiff, aU care for re-entering that of a legislator. Riemetnber,also,thiat there isau:educati()n:wlaich quick~ns! tb;e ~fI~ellect, and leaves .~he heart hollower or harder, than .·pefox-e. :'1iber:e are ethical lessons in the laws of the heavenly bodieskin"the Jjl)itQp:et"ties of earthly elenlents, in geography", cllemistrYHgegJogy,:, ~~n\d all the· ntateri'aJscienc:es. l"I'hings .are syn1bols . . of :r~"th~. I




Properties are symbols of Truths. Science, not teaching moral and spiritual truths, is dead and dry, of little n10re real value than to commit to the memory a long row of unconnected datesJ or of the names of bugs or butterflies. Christianity, it is said, begins from the burning of the false gods by the people themselves. Education begins with the burning of our intellectual and moral idols: our prej udices, notions, conceits, our worthless or ignoble purposes. Especially it is necessary to shake off the love of worldly gain. With Freedom comes the longing for worldly advancement. In that race men are. ever falling, rising, running, and falling again. The lust for wealth and the abject dread of poverty delve the furrows on many a noble brow. The gambler grows old as he watches the chances. Lawful hazard drives Youth awayb,eÂŁote its tilne; and this Youth draws heavy bills of exchange on Age. Men live, like the engines, at high pressure, a hundred years in a hundred n1onths; the ledger becomes the Bible, and the day-book the Book of the Morning Prayer. Hence flow overreachings and sharp practice, heartless traffic .in which the capitalist buys profit with the lives of the laborers, speculations that coin a nation's agonies into wealth, and all the other devilish engirteryof Manl1non. This, and greed for office, are the two columns at the entrance to the Temple of Moloch.' It is doubtful whether the latter,. blossoming in falsehood, tric.kery, and fraud, is not even nlt>re pernicious than the former. At all events they are twins, and fitly mated; and as either gains control of the unfortunate subject, his soul withers away and decays, and at last dies out. The souls of half the human race leave them long before they die. The two greeds are twin plagues of the leprosy, and tuake the man tUlclean; and whenever they break out they spread until "they cover all the skin of hitu that hath the plague, from his head even to his foot." Even the raw flesh of the heart becomes unclean with it.







Alexander of Macedon has left.a saying behind him which has survived his conquests: "'Nothing is nobler than work." Work only can keep even kings respe1ctable. And when a king is a king indeed, it is an honorab,l~ office to give tone to the manners and morals of a nation; to set the example of virtuous conduct, and restore in spirit the old schools of chivalrYI in which the young



manhood may be nurtured to real greatness. Wark and wages will go together in men's tninds, in the most royal institutions. We must ever come to the idea of real work. The rest that follows labor should be sweeter than the rest which follows rest. Let no Fellow-Craft imagine that the work of the lowly and uninfluential is not worth the doing. There is no legal limit to the possible influences of a good deed or a wise word or a generous effort. Nothing is really small. Whoever is open to the deep penetration of nature knows this. Although, indeed, no absolute satisfaction may be vouchsafed to philosophy, any n10re in circumscribing. the cause than in limiting the effect, the man of thought and contemplation falls into unfathomable ecstacies in view of all the decompositions of forces resulting in unity. All works for all. Destruction is not annihilation, but regeneration. Algebra applies to the clouds; the radiance of the star benefits the rose; no thinker would dare to say that the perfume of the hawthorn is useless to the constellations. .Who, then, can calculate the path of .the molecule? How do we know that the creations of worlds are not detern1ined by the fall of grains of sand? Who, then, understands the reciprocal flow and ebb of the infinitely great and the infinitely small; the echoing of causes in the abysses of. beginning, and the avalanches of creation? A flesh.. . WorlTI is of account; the small is great; the great is small; all is in.equilibrium in necessity. There are marvellous relations between beings and .things ; in this inexhaustible \Vhole, from sun to grub, there is 路no scorn: all need each other. Light does not 'carry terrestrial perfumes into the azure depths, without knowing what it does with them; night distributes the stellar essence to the sleeping plants. Every bird which flies has the thread of the Infinite in its claw. Germination includes the hatching of a meteor, and the tap of a swallow's bill, breaking the egg; and it leads. forward the birth of an earth-worln and the advent of a Socrates. Where the telescope ends the microscope begins. Which ofthen1 the grander view? A bit of mould is a Pleiad of flowers ~a nebula is an ant-hill of stars. There is the same and a still luore wonderful interpenetration between the things of the intellect and the things of matter. Elelnents and principles are mingled, combined, espoused,mu1tiplied one by another, to such a degree bring the material world路路路and the moral world into the same light.Phenomenaareperpetttally



folded back upon themselves. In the vast cosmicalchanges the universal life comes and goes in unknown quantities, enveloping all' in the invisible mystetyof' the emanations, losing no drealTI from no single sleep, sowing.. an anilllaicule here" crull1bling a star th~re, oscillating and windingi:n curves; making a force of Light, And., an element of Thought; disseminated and, indivisible, dissplvhlg all save that' point . without 'length, breadth, or' thickness, Th~ MYSELF; reducing,everytning to the Soul-atom';' Inaking eve'rything blossom intQ'God;' entangling all activities, fro11l the h~ghest tp the low,est,'ln the' obscurity of a dizzying mechanism; h~~ging the. flight of an ills!ect,~pon themovetnent of the earth; subordi,natiJag, .perhaps,. if only hy the identity of the law, the eccentric evolutions of the comet in the firmament, to the whirliogs of the infusoria in the d~op of water. A mec:hanislumade of mind, the first motor of whicp is the gnat, and its last wheelthe zodiac. A .peasant-boy, guiding Blucher by the right one of two roads, the other being impassab,le .for artiUery, enab]eshi.mto· 'reach Waterloo ,in time to save Wellington from a defeat thatwouJd have been a rout; and so eRaID~es the kings to imprison Napo~'e:on on a barren rock in mid-ocean..Am .unfaithful smith, by the 'sl,ovenIJ of a horse, causes iris lameness, and, he stum.bling, tlie career oJ his world-conquering' rider ends, and the destinies of empires are changed.. A.generolls·officer permits an imprison,ed monarch to end his game of ·chess'before leading him to the "olock ; and meanwhile the usurper dies".an,d the prisoner.reascends the throne., An unskillful workman repairs the compass" or malice or stupjdity disarranges it, the ship mis.~akes her coarse: the waves swallo\v a ,Cresar, and a new chaptetiisw.rittenin the history of a world. What w'e call accident is but due adamantine chain of indissoluble Cionnectioln betweenallcreated things. The locust, hatched in the Arabian sands, the smallWQ~m that '. d'estroys the .cotton~bol1, one rnq.king famine in the Otiient.;theiothie~< the'millsand starvi"g the workmen and iliie.if:·;e:h:ndJ[~nintl1e Occident,:witliriots' and massacres, are as much ·theminisite~sof;'GQdas tbeeatthquake; and the fate of nations!d~:pends more 011 them,than QI}. the intellect· of its kings and legi$il,ators. civil war in America will. end in sbaking the world ; ~n4!tbat war may be caused . by the.; vote of ~?me ignorant prize7fi~~t~{~)r~craze~,fanatic in a city Rf in a Con~ .ess.or of some stupidGpor ib an obscure country parisb.... Tpe



electricity oIuniversal sympathy, of action and reaction, pervades everything,. the planets and the motes· in the sunbeam. FAUST, with his types, or LUTHE:R, with his serlTIons,.·worked greater results than Alexander or Hannibal. A single thought sometilnes suffices to overturn a dynasty. Ai silly song did l110re to unseat ] anles the Second than the acquittal of the Bishops. Voltaire, Condorcet, and Rousseau uttered \vords that will ring, in change and' I"'evolutions, throughout·· all the ages. Remember, that though life is short, Thought and the influences of what we do or say are immortal; and that no calculus has yet pretended to ascertain the lawoi proportion betvveeneause ul1.d effect. The halnmer of an English blackslnith, slniting do\vrian insolent official, led to a rebellion which catnenear being a revolution. The wardwell spoken, the deed 'fitly ,done, even by. the feeblest or humblest, cannot help but have their .effect.. Mor.e or less, the effect is inevitable and eternal. The echoes of the greatest deeds nlay die away like the echoes of a cry an1ong·thecliffs, and what has been done seem to the human judgtl1ent to have been without result. The unconsidered act of the poorest of men may fire the train that leads to the subterranean nline, and an empire be rent by the explosion. The power of a free people is often at the disposal of·a single and seemingly an uninlportant individual;-a terrible and truthful power; for such a people feel with one heart, and theref0recan lift.up their nlyriad arms for a singl,e blow. And, again, there is no graduated scale for the Ineasurement of the influencesofdiffer-· en.t intellects upon the popular mind. Peter the Hernlit held 'no office, yet what a w'ork he wrought! 1







From the politicalpointofview there' is ibut a singleiIhrinci,ple.;---the sovereignty of rna.nover hirose'lf. This' sovereignty.afone's over one's· self is called.Lln3ItRTY~ vVhere t\VO or ~jeyeral! of sovereignties 'associate, !he State be:gins.But in this .a.~soa;j,a~ tiO:fl .there is· no .abdication. .Each. sovereignty parts wi tIl. 3. ~ltfrtfli 1:1 f1€>ttionof itself to form the common right.,Thatp@ftLQn:)is::th;e sameifor alL There is equal contr~bl1tilon by· all to;th~aointI$QV: er@igmty. This identity of.conaessiion wbich·. eachmd:k:€\S.. ~o)aJh,).i$ E~sID~L]TY. The' common rig-minis nothitlg ll10re:Q;tp less :tl~~'ithe ii:prbt@ctionof all,. pQuring:: iifis trays· on . each. Thi)s;\pliQt~9.~~9,noJ i

eael1 by all, is FRATERNITY.


Liberty is the summit, Equality the base. Equality is not all vegetation on a level.. a society of big spears of grass and stunted oaks, a neighborhood of jealousies, emasculating each other. It is, civilly, all aptitudes having equal opportunity; politically, all votes baving equal weight; religiously... all consciences having equal rights. Equality has an organ i-gratuitous and obligatory instruction. We must begin with the right to the alphabet. The primary school obligatory upon all; the higher school offered to all.. ' Such is the law. From the same school for all springs equal society. Instruction 1 Light! all comes from Light, and all returns to it. We must learn the thougnts of the common people.. if路 we would 'be wise and do any good work. We must .look at men, not so much for what Fortune has given to them with her blind old eyes, as for the gifts Nature has brought in her lap, and for the use that has been made of them. We profess to be equal in a Church and in the Lodge: we shall be equal in the sight of God when He judges the earth.. We may well sit on the pavement together here! in communion and conference, for the few brief moments that constitute life. A Democratic Government undoubtedly has its defects,t because it is made and administered 路by men, and not by the Wise Gods. It cannot be concise and sharp, like the despotic. When its ire is aroused it develops its latent strength, and路 the sturdiest rebel trembles. But its habitual domestic rule is tolerant" patient, and indecisive.. Men are brought together, first to differ, and then to agree. Affirmation, negation, discussion, solution': these are the means of attaining truth. Often the enemy will be at the gates before the babble of the disturbers is drowned in the chorus of 'Consent. In the Legislative . office deliberation will often defeat decision. Liberty can plflY tbe fool like the Tyrants. Refined society requires greater minuteness of regulation; and the steps of all advancing States are more and more to .be picked among the old rubbish and the new materials. The difficulty lies in discovering the right p.atb through the chaos of confusion. The adjustment of mutual rights and w~ongs is also more difficult in democracies. We do no:t see and estimate the relative importance of objects so easily and clearly from the level or the waving land as from the elevation 路ofalone p,eak, towering above the. plain ; for each looks through his own mist.



Abject dependence on constituents, also, is too common. It is as miserable a thing as abject dependence on a minister or the favorite of a Tyrant. It is rare to find a man who can speak out the simple truth that is in him, honestly and frankly, without fear, favor, or affection, either to Emperor or People. Moreover~ in assemblies of men, faith in each other is almost always wanting, unless a terrible pressure of calamity or danger from· without produces cohesion. Hence the constructive power of such assemblies is generally deficient. The chief triumphs of modern days, in Europe, have been in pulling down and obliterating; not in building up. But Repeal is not Reform. Time must bring with him the Restorer and Rebuilder. Speech, also, is grossly abused in Republics; and if the· use of speech be glorious, its abuse is the most villainous of vices. Rhetoric, Plato says, is the art of ruling the minds of men. But· in democracies it is too common to hide thought in words, to overlay it, to babble nonsense. The gleams and glitter of intellectual ~oa.p...and-water bubbles are mistaken for the rainbow-glories of genius. The worthless pyrites· is continually mistaken for gold. Even intellect condescends to intellectual jugglery, balancing thoughts as a. juggler halances pipes on his chin. In all Congresses we have the inexhaustible flow of babble, and Faction's clamorous knavery in discussion, until the divine power of speech, thatprivilege of man and great gift of God, is no better than the screech of parrots or the mimicry of monkeys. The mere talker, however fluent, is barren of deeds in the day of trial. .There are men voluble as women, and as well skilled in fencing with the tongue: prodigies of speech misers in deeds. Too much talking, like too much thinking, destroys the power of action. In human nature, the thought is only made perfect by deed. Silence is the mother of both. The trumpeter is not the bravest of the brave. Steel and not brass wins the day. The great do,er of great deeds is mostly slow and slovenly of speech. There are some men born and bred to betray. Patriotism is their trade, and their capital is speech. But no noble spirit can plead like Paul and be false to itself as Judas. Imposture too commonly rules in republics; they seem to be ever in their minority;·· their guardians are self-appoi tl ted;. and theii·unjust thrive better than the just. The Despot, like the night-lion rQaring, drowns all the clamor of tongue$ at once1and J


speech, the birthright of the free man, becomes the bauble of the enslaved. It is quite true that republics only occasionally, and as it we~e a€~identally, select their wisest,. or even the less incapable among

the incapables, to govern them and legislate, for them. If genius, armed wi~h learning and knowledge, will grasp the reins, the people wiIl reverence it; if it only modestly offers itself for office, it will be smitten on the face, even when, in the straits of distress and the agonies •. of calamity, it is indispensable to the salvation of the Sj~te. Put it upon the track 'With the showy and superficial, the conceited, the ignorant, and irnp,t,tdent, the trickster and charlatan, and the result shall not be . a.moment doubtful. The verdicts of Legisl~tur,s,andthe Peol~~e'are 'like the verdicts of juries,-some... times right by. accid.ent.

Offices, it is true, ,are ,showered" lik:e the rains of

Heaven~ upon

the just and the unjust. ". TlaeiRbman Augurs that used to laugh in eacn ;other's faces attbe< simplicity of the vulgar, were also tickled. with. their own'guiJe ; .bt1t no Augur is needed t01!ead the peQ1?'le ,astray. They readily deceive themselves. Let· a Republic begin as it may, it 'wiUinotbe out of its minority before imbecility will be promoted io:high places; and shallow pretence, getting itselx puffed into notice,w;iU invade all the sanctuaries.· . The most unscrupulous partisanship· will •. p!revail, even in .respect to judicial trusts; and tbe most unjust appointments constantly be made, although evety improper proffiQ.tion not merely confers one undeserved favor, but may make abundred honest cheeks smart with injustice•. The country is stabbed. in the frQat when those are brought into tbe stalled seats who sbQulid/s~'ink; .intoth,e dim gallery. Every stamp of Honor, in-clutQn~dJ·is!sto1en from the Treasury of

Merit. Yet the entrance into the; flQ~lic se;rvice, and the promotion in jii:,affecthoth the rigbus o(.. Ju.dividuals and those of the nation. IQjustice in bestowing or w..itbb·Q·~dia:~rofficeo"ght to be so intolera1;),Jeiademocraric communitiesltl1.atth'eil,east trace of it should be like the sceat of TreaSON. It is not universally tru.e that all citi-

of equal characterhaV%!e 1~nel<l1;!1alclaim to knock at the door oJ. every public office.· aad. d.ernafl;d admittance. \Vhen.any man ~resents hi.mself forservicelHebas aright te aspire to the highest Di91dV at<oJ).ce, iihe' can she.'w h~~iJitness for such a beginningl--tha~ 2 iens



he is fitter than the rest who 'offer themselves for the saIne post. The entry into it can only justly be made through. the door of 111erit. And whenever anyone aspires to and attains such high post, especially if by unfair and disreputable and indecent means, and is afterward found to be a signal failure, he should at once be beheaded. He is the worst among the public enemies. When a man sufficiently reveals himself, all others should be proud to give him due precedence. When the power of promotion is abused in the grand passages of "life whether by People, Legislature,路.. or Executive, the unjust decision recoils on the juq,ge at once. That is not only a gross, .but a willful shortness of sight, that cannot . d iscover the deserving. If one will look hard, long, and honestly, he will not fail to 'discern merit, genius, and qualification; and the eyes and voice of the Press and Public should condemn and denounce injustice wherever she rears her horrid head. "The tools to the workmen!'~no other principle will save a Republic from destruction, either by civil war or the dry-rot.. They tend to decay, do all we can to prevent it" like human bodies. If they try the experiment of governing themselves by their smallest, they slide downward to the unavoidable abyss with tenfold velocity; and there never has been a Republic that has not followed that fatal course. But however palpable and gross the inherent defects of democratic ,governments, and fatal as the results finally andin~vitably are, we need only glance at the reigns of Tiberius, Nero, and Caligula, of Heliogabalus and CaracalIa, of Domitian and Commodus, to recognize that the difference between freedon1 and despotism is as wide as that between Heaven and rIel!. The cruelty, baseness, and insanity of tyrants are incredible. ~et him who complains of the fickle humors and inconstancy of a free peopl:e,read PHny'scharacter of Domitian.lf the great man in a Republic canm0t win office without descending to low arts and whiningb:eggary and the j udicioususe of sneaking lies, let him remain in retirement, and 'use the pen. Tacitus and Juvenal held'nooffice. Let History and Satire punish the pretender as the)" cruciJy the despot. The revenges of the intellect are terrible and :jUS!~ Let Masdnry use the pen and the printing-press in th:efree State against the D:emagogue; in the Despotism against the 1'yrant. History offers examples and encouragement. Allrbistbry, fOr fdarthousandyears,l:>oeh1.g' nlledwith vIolated rights anCltlire J


sufferings of the people, each period 0-ÂŁ history brings with it such p,rotest as is possible to it. Under theCresars there was no insurrection t but there was a Juvenal. The arousing of indignation replaces the Gracchi. Under the Ccesars there is the exile of Syene; there is also the author of the Annals. As the N eros reign darkly they should be pictured so. Work with the graver Qnly would be pale; into the grooves should b'e poured a concentrated prose that bites.

Despots are an aid to thinkers. Speech enchained is speech terrible. The writer doubles and triples his style, when silence 'is imposed by a master upon the people. There springs from this s;i},ence a certain mysterious fullness, which filters and freezes into brass in the thoughts. Compression in the history produces conciseness in the historian. The granitic solidity of some celebrated prose is only a condensation produced by the Tyrant. Tyranny constrains the writer to shortenings of diameter which are increases of strength. The Ciceronian period, hardly sufficient upon Verres, would lose its edge uponCaligula. The Demagogue is the predecessor of the Despot. One springs from the otherts loins. He who will basely fawn on those who have office to bestow, will betray like Iscariot) and prove a miserable and pitiable failure. Let the new Junius lash such men as they deserve, and History make them immortal in infamy ; since their influences culminate in ruin. The Republic that employs and honors the shallow, the superficial, the base, "who crouch Unto the offal of an office promised,"

at last weeps tears of blood for i'ts fatal error. Of such supreme folly, the sure fruit is damnation. Let the nobility of every great nett rt, condensed into justice and truth, strike. such cr,eatures, like ~ thunderbolt! If you can do no more, you can at least condemn by your vote, and ostraciseby denunciation.. It is. true that, as the Czars are absolute, they have it in their power to select the best for the public service. It is true that the beginner of a dynasty generaJly does so; and that when monarchies are in their prime, pretence and shallowness do not thrive and prosper and get power, as they do in Republics. All do not gabble in the Parliament of a Kin~dom, as in the Congress of a DemocF~CY.. The incapables do not go undetected there, all their lives.



But dynasties speedily decay a.nd run out. At last they dwindle down into imbecility ; and the dull or flippant M,embers of Congresses are at least the intell'ectual peers of the vast majority of kings. The great man, the ]uliusCresar, the Charlemagne,Crom'w'eH, Napoleon, reigns of right. He is ,the wisest and the strongest The incapablesand imbeciles succeed and ,are usurpers; and fear makes them 'crne1.After Julius came CaracaIIaand Galba ; after Charlemagne, th'e lunatic Charles the Sixth. So the Saracenic dyn,asty dwindled out; the Capets, the Stuarts, the Bour bOllS; the last of these producing Bomba, the ape of Domitian.













Man is by nature cruel, like the tig-ers. The barbarian,and th,e tool of the tyrant, and the civilized fanatic, enjoy the sufferings of others, as the children enjoy the contortions of maim'ed flies. Abso~ute Power, once in fear for the safety of its tenure, cannot but 'becru,el. As to ability, dynasties invariably cease to possess any after a few lives. They become mere shams, governed by ministers, favorites, or courtesans, like those old Etruscan kings, slumbering for'Tong ages in their golden royal robes., dissolving forever at the first breath of day. Let him who complains of the short... comings of democracy ask himself if he would prefer a Du Barry or a Pompadour, governing in the name of. a Louis the Fifteenth, aCaligula making his horse a consul, a Domitian, "that most 'savage monster," who sometimes drank the blood of relatives, sometimes employing himself with slaughtering the most distinguished citizens before whose gates fear and terror kept watch; a tyrant of frightful aspect, pride on his forehead J fire in his eye, constantly seeking darkness and secrecy, and only emerging'from his solitude to make solitude. After all, in a free government, the Laws and the Constitution are above the Incapables, the Courts correct their legislation, and posterity is the Grand Inquest that passes judgment on them. What is the exclusion of worth and intellect and knowledge from civil office compared with trials before Jeffries, tortures in the dark caverns of the Inquisition, Alva'butcheries in the Netherlands, the Eve of Saint Bartholomew, a.nd the Sicilian Vespers? The Abbe Barruel in his Memoirs for the History,oti (:J,a~o;'binismJ declares that Masonry in France gave, as its s~ct;~~,. 路路the



words Equality and Liberty, leaving it for every honest and religious Mason to explain them as would best suit his principles; l>ut .retained the privilege of unveiling in the higher Degrees the meaning of those words, as interpreted by the French Revolution. And he also excepts English Masons from his anathemas, because in England a 11ason is a peaceable subject of the civil authorities, no matter where he resides. engaging in no plots or conspiracies against even the worst governlnent. England, he says, disgusted witll an Equality and a Liberty, the consequences of which she bad felf ·in the struggles ofner Lollards, Anabaptists, .and .Presbyterians, had "purged her Masonry" from all explanations tending to overturn empires; butthere still remained adepts whom disorga.mizing principles bound to the Ancient Mysteries. Because true Masonry,unemasculated, bore the banners of Freenom and Equal Rights,and was in rebellion against. temporal and spiritual tyranny, its Lodges were proscribed in 1735, by an edict of the States of Holland. .In 1737, Louis xv. forbade them in France. III 1738, Pope Clement XII. issued against them his famons Bull of Excommunication, which was renewed. by Benetfict XIV.. ; and in 1743 the Council of Berne also proscribed them. The tide of the Bun of 'Clement is, "The. Condemnation of the Society· of Conventiclest1Jie.· 'Libe'rilfuratori, or of the Freemasons, under the penalty·ofipsofactoexcommunication, the absolution . from lvhich is reserved to the Pope alone, except at the point of death." And by. it aU bishops,. ordinaries,. and inquisitors were empo\vered to punish Freemasons, "as vehemently suspe'cted of heresy," and to>caU. in, jf necessary, the help of the secular arm; that is, tocau;SEf the 'civil authority to put them to . death. .






'Also, false and slavisb1~II>~iti:cal.· ·theoriesend in brutalizing the $~ate. For example, adoptilitlle tbeory that offices .and employments in ·it are to be rewards. for services rendered to party,and tney the prey and spoil a f faction, the IJ00ty of· the victory.··offat€tio!a;.. ·!a~cl.,leprosy is· in the~esh·of the ~,tate. The body of the c(1)\m,monweaL·th becomes a mass of corruption, like a living carcass rotten with s~hilis. All ttn~ound theories in the end develop themselves in one foul and .loathsome disease @it!()ithler of fbe body S,t~te'i'i1ike tIle 'man. must use

ttin.$tanteffort to .rta,' iB':thie'ii!ipaths.,ofvii1j,tu~. an;d





habit of electioneering and' begging for office culminates in bribery

with office, and corruption i,,'toffice. A chosen man has a visible trust from God, as plainly as if the commission were engrossed by .the notary. A nation cannot renounce the executorship of the Divine decrees. As little can Masonry. Itmust labor to do its duty knowingly and wisely. We must remember that, in. free States, as, well as in despotisms, Injustjce, the spouse of Oppression, is the fruitful parent of Deceit, Distrust, Hatred,.Conspiracy, Treason, and Unfaithfulness. Even in assailing Tyranny we must have Truth and Reason ,as our chief weapons~ We must march into that fight like .the old~uritans,. or into the battle with the abuses that spring up in free gpvernment, with the flaming sword in one hand, and the Oracles pf God, in the other. The citizen who cannot accomplish well the smaller purpo,~es of public life, cannot compass the larger. The vast po!wer of en<fttrance, forbearance, patience" and performance, of a free people, is< acquired only by continual exercise of all the functions, ,like the h~althful physical human vigor. If the individual citizens h,ave it not, the State must equally be without it. I t is of the essen~e of a free,government, that the people should not only be c09Rerned, in making the laws, but also in their execution. No man ,ought to be more ready to obey and adtninister the law than he .who h 4 s helped to make it. The business ,. of. government is carried .on fot the benefit of all, and every co.. partner should give counsel a.nd cooperation. Remember also, as another shoal on which States are wrecked, th~t free States always tend toward the depositing of .the citiz;ens in strata, the creation of castes~!(t,~<r perpetuation of the ju.sdi~in~m tQoffice in families. The more democratic the State, themor:e sure this result. For, as freeSta.tes advance inpQwer, th~rl~ is a strqng tendency toward centr~Iization, not. from • delib~~at~evil int.ention, but from the course of .events and the indolence of hu1'll~n! nature. The executive powers swell and enlarge to iqQrdiI1;ate 4il'peosions ; and the Executiveip always aggressive with\I:ssP't79t tot~enatipn, Offices of all kinds are~ultiplied to r~»;?-fg~rr~k sans; the brute torce of the and .lower strata ~~

ot.. . rege

q1?f;w,p~ lai;ge representati<;H11 . first .i~. the lower offices'.1ll?,ifhlfst iljl;;~~ateSt and Bureaucracy tf~s,es its bald hea,d.. bris~H~~;'I:VV!~}h !?'e,'t.,s,.'. gir..ded with. spectacles. an;,~ bunched with r.i.b.ho,. D •..,,., "lJ:.e.' !1,r.. T .•. . '.,.• .,



















!>O~MA ...

of Gaviernment becomes like a Craft, and its guilds tend to become exclusive, as those of ',he Middle Ages.. Political sci;ence may be mUlch improved as a sU'bject of' speculation; but it should. never b€ divorced from the actual national \ necessity. The science governing men must always be practi~ar', rather- than phi,losopJlicaL Tbere is not tne same amount of positive or universal truth nef'e as 'in the ab~tract sciences; what is true in one country miay revery false l'n another; what is untrue to~day may become true in another generatioll, and the truth of to-day be reversed by the j ndgment of to-morrow. To distinguish. the casual from the enduring, to separate the unsuitabile from the suitable', and to make progress even possible, are the proper ends of policy. But without actual knowledge and experi'ence, and communion of labor, the dreatus of the political doctors may be no D'etter than those of the doctors of divinity. The reign of such g caste, with its mysteries, its myrmidons, and. its corrupting- influeac€\, may be as fatal as that of the despets.' Thirty tyrants are thiTty times worsetban one. Moreover, there is a strong temptation for/thegovernin~p'eopI'e to becon1e as much slothful and sluggards as the weakesf ofabso,lute kings. O\nly give them the power to get rid, wh'encaprice prompts them, of the great and wise men,' and elect the little;ancl as to aU the rest they will' re1apse into indolence and indifference. The centraT power) creation of the people, organized and cunning if not enlightened, is the perpetual ~ribunal set tIp by them for the redress of wrong and the rule of justice., It soon supplies itself with aU the requisite machinery, and is ready and apt for all kinds. of interference.. The peop1e may be a child aU its life. The cen-· tral'power may not be ab~e to suggest the best scientific solution-, of' a problem; but i\t has tM.e easi'est means of carrying an idea'. into effect. If the purpose to oe a.ttai'ned is a large one, it requires: a large comprehension; it is proper for the action of the centraI~ power.. If it be a small' one, i't mayne thwarted by drsagreement~. The' central powe.r must step in as an arbitrator ana' prevent this.. T'nepeopte may be too ave<fseto chaJ1ge, too sl'othful in their own~' business, unJust to a minority or a maJority.t., The central power must take th.e reins when fJ1e people drop them. France oecame centrati'zed'in its gov'ernment mor'e by the apathy' and ignorance of its peopI'e tnan by the tyranny of' its kings. When th.e inmost parish-life is given up to the direct guardian-",






ship of the State, and the repair of the belfry of a country church requires a written order from the central power, a people is in its dotage. Men are thus nurtured in imbecility, from the dawn of

social life. When the central government feeds part of the people it prepares all to be slaves. When it directs parish and county affairs, they are slaves already. The next step is to regulate labor and its wages. Nevertheless, whatever follies the free people may commit, even to the putting of the powers of legislation in the hands of the little competent and less. honest, despair not of the final result.. The terrible teacher, EXPltRIENC~, writing his lessons on hearts desolated with calamity and .wrung by agony, will make tRem wiser in time. Pretence and grimace and sordid beggary for votes will some day cease to avaiL Have FAITI-I, and struggle on, against aU evil influences. and discouragements! F ATTN is the Saviour and Redeemer of .nations. When Christianity had grown weak,profitless, and powerless, the Arab Restorer and Iconoclast came, like a cleansing hurricane. When the battle of Damascus was about to l)e fought, the Christian bishop, at the early dawn, in his robes, at the head of his clergy, with tIDe Cross once so triumphant raised in the air, came down to the gates of the city, and laid open b;erfore the army the Testament 路0拢 Christ. The Christian general, TPIOMAS, laid his hand on the book, and said, "Oh God! IFou,. faifh be true} aid us} and deliver us not into the han;ds o/its 'encrmiss!" But KHALED] Uthe Sword of God," who had marched

from victory to victory, exclaimed to his wearied soldiersJ "Let no man sleep !There will be rest en 0 ug,h in the bowers of Paradise 1 SWeet will be the repose never mr(Jre to be followed by labor.nThe faith of the Arab had becom;e stronger tha.n that of tbeCmristian, and he conquered. The Sword is also, in the Bible, an emblem of sptecH, ,or ()f the utterance of thought. Thus, in that vision or apocalypse of the sublime exile of Patmos, a protest in the name of the ideal, overWhelming the real world, a tremendous satire uttered in the name of Religion and Liberty, and with its fiery reverberations smiting the throne of theCresars; a sharp two-edged sword comesottt of the路 mouth of the Semblance of the Son of Man, encireled by the sieven golden candlesticks, and holding in his right hand seven stats. "The Lord," says Isaiah, "hath made my motlthlike a. sh' sword/' "I have slain them2 " says Hosea, "by:'tihe! 路woird.s



of nlymouth." "The word of God," says the writer of the apostolic letter to the Hebrews, "is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividin~ asunder of soul and spirit." "The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God," says Paul, writing to the Christians at Ephesus. "I will fight against them with the sword of my mouth," it is said in the Apocalypse, to the angel of the church at Pergamos.







The spoken discours,e, 'may roll on strongly as the great tidal wave;. but, like the· wave" it dies at last feebly. on the sands. It is heard by few,ren1emberedby still fewer,. and fades away, like an e'cho in the mountains, leaving no token.. of power. 'It is nothing to the living andCOl1i1inggenerations of men. It was the written human speech, that gav'epower and permanence to human thought. It is this that makes the whole human history but one individual life. Ta write on the.· rock· is to write ana solid parchment; but it requires apilgrima~e.t() see it. There is but one copy, and Time wears even that. To write on skins or papyrus. was to give, as it were, but one tardy ed..iti([)n, and tne rich only could procure it. The Chinese stereot;ypea. not only the· unchangingwisdomo:f old sages,. Dut also the passingevients.Theprocess tende!d to suffocate thought, and to hinder prOtgress; for there isconfinualwandering in the WIsest minds, and Truth writes her last wo:ros, not on clean tablets, but on the.' scrawl· that Error has. made and often mended. Printing made· the.movable. letters prolific. Thenceforth the orator spoke almost tOt Bst.eningnations ;a.ttd the .author wrote, like the Pop·e,.. hi..SfreCUnleni<l:decrees.1 urbiert': orhi, and ordered them to" he poste(~:t1p. in, ·a.B .the matket-place:$; retuaining, if he chose, impervious to human sight. The doo·f)[l. of tyrannies was thenceforth sealed:,.. i. p.a~~reaJld invectivebec:an1epotent as armies. The unseen hatllds.oftlle . ]uniuses could .• l~t1nch the thunderbolts, 'and make th~. .~i,laister$.tretnp,le. One whi.sper from this giant fills the earth . as,~~sn¥ a.s.D~tl1osthenes tj,lledXheAgora. .It will soon be hearda.t th:~.'~JltiplOd.~S/,aS easily a.S, in !!~be next str:eet. It travels with the ligb1tningunder the oceans. It. makes the mass one man, speaks to it ./in .the same' COID01oIl.language, ." and elicits a sure and single: response..•.'$ses.j:t1~o.tbiO[1ght,.fl.n.<l thence proynptly into Nation beconles t['t.llYrolte,with9I1~ large h~art and a siui'le tqrobbing pulsefMepp.;re in¥i:~iblYFre~ . . i••



ent to each other, as if already spiritual beings; and the thinker who sits in an Alpine solitude, unknown to or forgotten by all the world, among the silent herds and hills, may flash his words to all the cities and overall the seas.. Select the. thinkers to be Legislators; and avoid the gabblers. Wisdom is ,rarely loquacious.. Weight and depth of thought are unfavorable to volubility. The shallow and superficial are generally voluble and often pass for eloquent. More words} less thought,-is the general rule. The man who endeavors to say something worth remembering in every sentence, becomes fastidious, and condenses like Tacitus.. The vulgar lovea. more stream. The ornamentation that does not cov~r strength is the gewgaws of babble. Neither is dialectic subtlety valuable to public men. The Christian faith has it, had. it. formerly more than no\v; a subtlety th:at might have. entangled Pla~<'l, a.odwhich has rivalled in a fruitless fashion the mystic lore of Jewish Rabbis and India.nSag-es... It. is not this which converts the heathen. It is a vain task to balance the great thoughts of theeat\tp, like hollow straws~ on the fingertips of disputation. .It is not this kind of \varfare which makles the Cross triumphant in the hearts of the unbelievers ; but , ,the actual power that lives in the Faith. there is apolitical ,~Gb,olasti.cisrn that is .me;relY.llseless... The dexterities of subtle logic rarely stir the hearts .pf .tl1~ people, or convince them. The true apostle of Liberty, Fraternity. and Equality makes it a matter of. life' and death. Hiscon1bats. at;"e . ,like those of Bossuet,-comba:tsto the death. The true apqs~o.lic fire is like·the lightning: it·flasa.esconviction into the sout .,.'!'he,tr"e word isveriIy a two-edged . sword.. Matters o,.£;g9y~rn~~t1t anq political science can be fah-I) ·SQun.~~:~~?qn, ~nd the . 1ogic<D:fc@ltl.tl1on . sense:. ;I1,gt .the .' cQ~monpeIl;s~qf: tp.q jgn()~ ~ant~ but of the wise.. .The a~utest thinkersrarelysttcCHed,inR~~ leaders oimen..... A "w~tchword or;.r3- c<J.tch\\[()~~,.~s rpQr~ potent: withtb,e people t1}aJ+l' ,logic, "especially if~qjs.·9~i~g·e ),~<f~;t metapbl1l'sicaL When ·a. pol~t~I~'e.~prQ~\J.~t . arise.~,. tQ:S't~r~r~;JHre~~­ ing" stagnant nation, and hold back its feet from theit:rft~ri'~¥~9!,~ descent, to heave the land.·'fs(.:}¥itb. ·an. eartIJql;l.~k~,: ~R;"~'i':~iH,a~F'Jthe siUr"!"shallow' id@lsfroIl1\ t~eiJ;r~!~~tsJ' his .l;v,?:rds.),\i1l4Sjf?mle;r'§itr~i~flt flom.God's own. mquto, ~t)i~ ·1q:,~[~lt~IJ.derep. . ,iptp.tb;e!fq>,nJ~!·I~ep.R~·j: t!l~ :mjl~ reason ,teach, ~~ar1'!,g.Ri§, r~~ r~a~:'.~WQrQ/RftRl~'§1?i~ji~: i••



is keener than the brightest blade oi Damascus. Such men. rule a land, in the strength of justice, with wisdom and with power. Still, the men of dialectic subtlety often rule well, because in practice they forget their finely-spun theories, and use the trenchant logic of common sense. But when the great heart and large intellect are left to the rust in private life, and small attorneys, brawlers in politics, and those who in the cities would be only the clerks of notaries, or practitioners in the disreputable courts, are made national Legislators, the €ountry is in her dotage. even if the beard has not yet grown upon her chin. In a free country, human speech must needs be free; and the State must listen to the maunderings of folly, and the screechings of its geese, and the brayings of its asses, as well as to the golden oracles of its wise and great men. Even the despotic old kings allowed their wise fools to say what they liked. The true alchemist wiU extract the lessons of wisdom from the habblings of folly. He will hear what a man has to sayan any given subject, even if the speaker end only in proving himself prince of fools. Even a fool will sometimes hit the mark. There is some truth in all men who are not compelled to suppress their souls and. speak. other men's thoughts. The finger even of the idiot may point to the great highway. A people, as well as the sages, must learn to forget. If·it"neither learns· the new nor forgets the old, it is fated, even if it has been royal for thirty generations. To unlearn is to learn; and also it is sometimes needful to learn again the forgotten. The antics of fools make the current follies more palp:able, as· fashions .are shown to be absurd by caricatures, which so lead to their extirpation. The buffoon and the zany are useful in their places. The ingenious artificer and craftsman, like Solomon, searches. the earth for his materials, and transforms the misshapen matter into glorious workmanship. Tbe world is conquered by the head even more than by the han'ds. Nor will any assembly talk, fonever. After a time, when it has listened long enough, it quietly puts the silly, the shallow, and the -superficial to one side,-it thinks, and sets to work. The human thought,especiaUy in popular assemblies, runs in the most singularly crooked channels, harder to trace and follow than the blind currents of the ocean. No notion is so absurd that it may not find a·place~there. The master-workman must train



these notions and vagazries with his two-ha.nded hammer. Tbe:r twist· out of the way of the sword-thrusts;. and are invulnerable all over, even in the heel, against logic. The martel or mace, the. battle-axe, the great double-edged two-handed sword must deal with follies; the rapier is no better· against them than a wand" unless it b'e the' rapier of ridicule. The SWORD is also the s:ymbo1 of war and of the so\ldier. Wars,. like thunder-storms, are often necessary to purify the stagnant atmosphere. War is not a. demon, without remo·rse or reward. :1 t restores the brotherhood in letter's of fire. When men are seated in their pleasant places, sunken in ease and indolence, with Pretence and· Incapacity and Littleness usurping aU the high places of State, war is the baptism ot blood and fires by which alone they can b'e renovated. It is the hurricane that brimgs the elemental equilibrium, the concord of Power and Wisdom. So long as these continue obstinately divorced, it will continue to chasten. In the mutual appeal of nations to God, there is the acknowl.. edgment of His might. It lights the b,eacons of Faith and Freedom, and heats the furnace through which the earnest and loyal pass to immortal glory. There is in war the doom of defeat., the qnenchless sense of Diuty, the stirring .sense of Honor, the meas~ ure]ess solemn sacrifice of devotedness, and the incense of success~ EV1en in the flame and smoke of battle, the Mason discovers his brother, and fulfills the sacred obligations of Fraternity. Two, or the Duad, is the symbol of Antagonism; of Good and Evil, Light and Darkness. It is Cain and Abel, Eve and Lilith, Jachin and Boaz, Ormuzd and Ahriman, Osiris and Typhon. THREE, or the TriaJ, is mosit signi:ficantlyexpressed by the equilateral and the right-angled trhangies. There are three principal colors or rays in the rainbow"which by intermixture make seven. The three are the b~'Ue~ the 'j,eZlow~ and the red. The Trinity of the Deity, in one mode or other, has been an article in all creeds~ H:ecreates, preserves, and destroys. He is the gener.ative power, the productive capacity, and the result. The immaterial •. mall, . according to the Kabalah, is composed of vitality, or life,th,ebreath of Hfe; .0£ soul or mind, and spirit. Salt, sulphur, and 11leDCtl'.f)' are the great symbols of the alchemists. To them man was. body, soul, and spirit. F0UR

·is· expressed by the sq\l~re.. Qr·· four-si·ded rig~t.,allg1e~


figure. Out of the symbolic Garden of Eden flowed a river, dividing into four streams,-PIsON, which flows around the land of gold, or light; GIlfON.,which flows around the land of Ethiopia or Darkness; HIDDEKEL, running eastward to Assyria; and the EUPHRATES. Zechariah saw four chariots coming out from between two mountains of bronze, in the first of which were red horses; in the second, black,. in the third, white; and in the fourth,. grizzled: "and· these were the four winds of the heavens, that go forth froni standing before the Lord of· all the earth." Ezrekiel saw the four living creatures, each with four faces and four wings, the faces of a man and a lion, an ox and an eagle; and the four wheels going upon their four sides; and Siaint John beheld the four beasts, full of eyes before and behind, the LION, the young Ox, the MAN, and the flying EAGLE. Four was the signature of the Earth. Therefore, in the 148th Psalm, of those who must praise the Lord on the land, there are fO~I/r times four; and four in particular of living creatures. Visible nature is described as the four quarterso£ the world, and, the four corners of the earth. "There are four," says the old Jewish s.aying, "which

take the first place in this world: man, among the creatures; the eagle among birds;. the 0% among cattle;; and the lion among wild beasts." D,anielsawfour great beasts come up from the sea. FIVE is the Duad added, to the Triad. It is expressed by the five-pointed or blazing star, the mysterious Pentalpb.a of Pythagoras. It is indissolublyc:onnected with the· number seven. Christ fed His disciples and tHe multitude with five loaves and two fishes, and of the fragtnents . tllere rernained twelve, that is, five and seven, baskets fuH.Agai;m; He .fed ;them with seven loaves and a few little fishes, andtfle~e remaimedseven baskets fulL The five apparently smaIIplanfet~,MeFcury,! Venus, Mars, ]upiter,and Saturn, with the two gt"'jeatier ones, the Sun and Mj~on) constituted the seven celestial t:""",""'A.,.lI:~,,C' S~V~N' was· ther)ec11Jliaily saered numherio Therre were !geven planets and· spherespFes~ded€)vef' by se1:Jen archangels. There were seven colors in the'rainDow!I; and the PhrenicianDeity wasca.Ued the ·HlPTAKIS or' Go!d ·bf···iseven!1rays;··.·.days.··of·.the.· we:ek.; and seven and fivema,de the number gf;months;t;ribes, and aoostles. Zechariah saw a golden candlestick, with sez;ei• •lamps and $even pipes to tllelamps, anclan oli;ve-tree i!0nea:enside. r£,.irmce



he says, "the seven eyes of the Lord shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel." John in the Apocalypse~ writes seven epistles to the seven churches. In the seven epistles there are twelve promises. What is I;)aid of the churches in praise or blame, is completed in the number three. The refrain, "who /1I0S ears to hear," etc., has ten words, divided by three and seven, and·the seven by three and four/ and the seven epistles are also so divided. In the seals, trumpets, and vials, also, of this symbolic vision, the seven are divided by four and three. He who sends his message to··Ephesus, "holds the seven stars in his right hand, and walks amid the seven golden·lamps/' In six days, or periods, God created the Universe, and piaused on the seventh day. Of clean beasts, Noah was directed to take by sevens into the ark; and of fowls by sevens ~·because im seven days the rain was to conlmence. ·O·fl the seventeenth day of the month the rain began; on the seventeenth day of the seventh month, the ark rested on Ararat. Whem the dove returned, Noah waIted seven days before he sent forth again; and agai'n seven,afte~ she returned with the olive-leaf. Enoch was the seventh patriarch, Adam included,. and Lamech lived ·777 years. There· were seven lamps, in the great candlestick of' th:eTaber.inacle and Temple, representing the seven planets. Se'l:J'~ntimres Moses sprinkled the anointing oil upon the altar. The days· of consecration of Aaron and his sons were seven in number. A woman was unclean seven days after child-birth; one infected with ~eprosy was shut up seven···· days; seven time$ thelepe.r was sprinkled with the blood of a slain, Ddrd; and seven·· clays after~ Wards he must remain abroad lout ofmistemt. SeveJtrtiimesj in Pltlrifyimg the leper, the priest was to 'sp,rinkle th'e cotlseetratedoil:; aad seven times to sprinkle with. the.·.. blood of the s;lcpifib@€J!'Bita tile house to h,e purified.Seven times:tbe blood of· the slain bU~~0!Ck waa sprinkled on the· mercy1s:eat; and:5eVl!fl. ti'mes··oRdlJt' ··.altat"~ The seventh year was a Sabbath of >r;est;and ·at the l~nd, o·f~evHt times seven years came the great> year of jubilee. Seven days the people ate unleavened bread, in the month of Abib. Seven weeks were counted from the time of first putting the sickle to-the wheat. The Feast of the Tabern~Fles 1,sted ~even days. Israel was in the hand of Midian seven years before Gideon delivered them. The bUl~?ck s~frific~~ by ~im was seven years old: , Sams,on told pelilah t<S bind'~i'.,him 'with seven gre.en withes; and 3


~6he wove the seven locks '0£ his head" and afterwards shaved them ,eff. Balaam told Barak to build for him seven altars. Jacob :served seven y,ear5 for Leah and seven for Rachel. Job had severn :50:115 and three daughuers,m~king the perfect number ten. He had. also seven thousand sheep and three thousand ca:n1els. His friends sat down with hi:m seven-days and seven 'nights. His friends. w'ere ordered to sacrifice seven bullocks and· seven· rams; and again, at the end, h·e had seven sons and three daughters, and twice· seven thousand sheep, and lived an hundred and forty, or twice s.even times ten y,ea;ys. Pharaoh saw in his dream seven fat and seven lean kine, seven good ears and seven blasted ears of wheat; and there were sev.en.years of plenty, and seven of famine. Jericho fell, when seven priests, with· seven trumpets, made the circuit of the city on seven successive days; once each day for six days, and seven times on the seventh. "The seven eyes of the Lord," says Zechariah, "run to and fro through the whole earth." Solomon· was seven years in building the Temple. Seven angelR, ,in the Apocalypse, pour out seven plagues, from seven vials of wrath. The scarlet-colored beast" on which the woman sits;in the wilderness, has seven heads and ten horns. So also ha.s the b,east that. rises up out of the sea. Seven thunders utteredth!eir voices. Seven ,angels sounded seve.n trumpets. S even lamps of fire, the .seven spirits of God, burned before the throne; and the 'Lamb that was slain had seven horns and seven eyes. EIGHT is the first c~be, that of two. NIN~ is the square .of three, and repres,entecl by the triple triangle. TEN includes all the otnernumbers. It is especially seven and three; and iscaUed the !lumber of pierfection: Pythagoras represented it by the TETRACTYS) which bad many mystic meanings. This symbol is sometimes composed of ,dots or points, sometimes of commas or yods, and.iu!1:he Kabalah, of the letters 0·£ the name of Deity. It is thus arr~ged:


, , , , ,




The Patriarchs from Adam to Noah, inclusive, are ten in number, and the same number is that of the Commandments. TWELVE is the number of the lines of equal length that form a cube. I t is the number of the months, the tribes, and the apostIes; of the oxen under the Brazen Sea) of the stones on the

breast-plate of the high priest.





















To understand literally the symbols and allegories of Oriental books as to ante-historical matters, is willfully to close our eyes against the Light. To translate the symbols into the trivial and commonplace, is the blundering of mediocrity. All religious expression is symbolism; since \ve can describe only what we see, and the true objects of religion are THE SEEN. The earliest instrulnents of education were sytnbols; and they and all other religious forms differed and still differ according to external circumstances and imagery, and according to differences of knowledge and mental cultivation. All language is synlbolic, so far as it is applied to mental and spiritual phenolnena and action. All words have, primarily, a material sense, however they n1ay afterward get, for the ignorant, a spiritual non-sense. HTo retract," for exan1ple, is to draw back, and when applied to a statement, is symbolic, as much so as a picture of an arn1 drawn back, to express the same thing, \vould be. The very word "spirit" means "breath," from the Latin verb spiro, breathe. To present a visible symbol to the eye of another is not necessarily to infornl hin1 of the nleaRing which that synlbol has to you. Hence the philosopher soon superadded to the symbols explanations addressed to the ear, susceptible of more precision, but less effective and impressive than the painted or sculp'~ured forms which he endeavored to explain. Out of these expla~ations grew by degrees a variety of narrations, whose true object and meaning were gradually forgotten, or lost in contradictions and incongruities. And when these were abandoned, and Philosophy resorted to definitions and forn1ulas, its language was but a more complicated symbolism, attempting in the dark to grapple with and picture ideas impossible to be expressed. For as with the visible symbol, so with the word: to utter it to you does not inform you of the e.:ract meaning which it has to me~路 and thus religion and philosophy became to a great extent disputes as to the meaning 62



of words. The most abstract expression for D~ITY, which language can supply, is but a sign or symbol for an object beyond our comprehension, and not more truthful and a.dequate than the images of OSIRIS and VISHNU, or their names, except as being less sensuous and explicit. We avoid sensuousness only by resorting to sirnplenegation. We come at .last to define spirit by saying that it is not matter. Spirit is-spirit. A single example of the symbolism of words will indicate to you one branch of Masonic study. We find in the English Rite this phrase: "I will always hail" ever conceal, and never revea.l;" and. J:n· the Catechism, these: Q:. ul hail/.1 A.-. "1 conceal.;'" ana ignorance, misunderstanding the word "hail," has'inteI1W~ lated the phrase, "From whence do you hail?'" Bttt the word is really" hele,'lfrom the Anglo-Saxon verb J) elan, }teJon" to cover, hide" or conceal. And thisworrd is rendered b~ tl!,eLatin verb legere, to cover or roof over. "That'ye'fro me ·no thyngewoll hele," says GOW'ler. tfThey hele £1:0' me :nopiriuyte," says th?e Romauntof the· ROse. "To heal a house;'t is JQ. corttman pbrase in Sussex; and in the west ,of rEmglao <li,llhe,thancov617s a hOllse with slates is called a. H~a~er. Wher:efone~' to·'"'neffLl','limealls 111lJ.·~ same th~ng as to "tile,""';"""'itself symbolic,' as 'l19!ooning, priinarily,to cover a hOfisewi;thtiles,---and means 'bo:cove£, hide, or e01iceal ,Thus ianguage too is symbolism, amd words! areas much .isunderstood and, misused. as more material syrnbolsare. Symbolism tended continual~yto'becomemore'complicate,d,; and al,lthe powers of' Heaven werefr:e].Droduced on earth, nntil,.,a webo.f HctionandaU,€rgorywa.s WOrrel), f)a:rtly by art!andparbly .b:r ith,e i§tiorance of error, which the wit of man, with: his rlim1\fied!mean;~ 0f:€kp1anation,wiU 'never unra~et 'Even the Hebrew:Theismbe;~me· involved in .symbolism rand '., ih'I'age-worship, borrowed •p,p€>;1D~ ab']y fr01TI an oldercreied and remote regions oJ Asia),~ili.e,wori" 's;Jdp'of the 'Great'S,emitic·Natnre;.God At,. or ELS and . )~SiSYm;'l:b€)h· representations; of }JtH'@VA;:a: Himselfwereno~.evlea.!~o~~ned tee ipoetitcaior Ulu.strative' Jan~lage. The priests weJeii.Q:l3lo:tbe+ isIs:" the ·people ,. i<dolaters. There are dangers insepar:able fromi. symbolism,wbi'di,raffotrd impr@'ssI:ve ]:essonin regard to the simitarrisks '!attelld~t;on i







oflan~agJe~. Tbeima;~i~ationlcalledJin tQ;a$$irstii~\e~.a~



son, usu.rps its place or lea.ves its ally helplessly entangled in its web. Names which stand for things are confounded with them; the means are mistaken for the end ; the instrument of interpretation for the obj ect; and thus symbols come to usurp an independent character as truths and persons. Though perhaps a necessary path, they were a dangerous one by which to approach the Deity; in which many, says PLUTARCH, "mistakin'gthe sign for the thing signified, fell into a ridiculous superstition; while others, in avoiding one extreme, plunged into the no less hideous gulf of irreligion and impiety." It is through the Mysteries, CICERO says, that we have learned the first principles of life; wherefore the term "initiation" is used with good reason; and they not only teach us to live nlore happily and agreeably, hut they soften the pains of death by' the hope of a better life hereafter. The Mysteries were. a路SacredDrama,exhibiting. some le.gend significant of nature's changes, of the visible Univ路erse in which the Divinity is revealed, and whose import was in many respects as open to the Pagan as to the Christian. Nature is the great Teacher of man; for it 'is the Revelation of God. It neither dogmatizes nor attempts to tyrannize by compelling tQ. a particular creed or special interprietation. I t presents. its symbols to us, and adds nothing by way of explanation. It is the te~t without the commentary; and, as we well know, it is chiefly the commentary and gloss that lead to error and heresy and persecution. The earliest instructors of mankind not only adopted the lessons of Nature, but as far as possible adhered to her method of imparting them. In the Mysteries, beyond the current traditions or sacred and enigmatic recitals of the Temples, few explanations were given to the spectators, who were left, as in the school of nature, to make inferences for th'emselves. No other method could have suited every degree of cultivation and capacity. To etnploy nature's universal symholig~ instead of the technicalities of language, rewards the humblest inqui!,er, and discloses its secrets to everyone in proportion to his preparatory training and his power to conlprehefld them;> If their philosophical meaning was above the comprehension of some, their moral and political meanIngs are within the reach路 of all. These mystic shows and performances were not the reading of a lecture, but the opening of a problem. Requirinig research, they were cqlculated to arQUS~ the dQrmant intel1~ct, They implied no



hostility to Philosophy, because Philosophy is the great expounder of symbolism; although its ancient interpretations were often illfounded and incorrect The alteration from symbol to dogma is fatal to beauty of expression, and leads to intolerance and assumed infallibility.













If, in teaching the great doctrine of the divine nature of the Soul, and in striving to explain its longings after in1mortality, and in proving its superiority over the souls of the animals, which have no aspirations Heavenward, the ancients struggled in vain to express the nature of the soul, by con1paring it to FIRE and LIGHT, it will be well for us to consider whether,. with all our boasted knowledge, we have any better or clearer idea of its nature" and whether we have not despairingly taken refuge in having none at alL And if they erred as to its original place of abode, and under,· stood literally the mode and path of its descent, these were but the accessories of the great Truth, and probably, to the Initiates, mere a.llegories, designed to make the idea more palpable and impressive to the mind. They are at least no more fit to be slniled at by the self-conceit oia vain ignorance, the wealth of whose knowledge consists solely in words, than the bosom of Abraham, as' a home for the spirits of the just dead;. the gulf of actual fire, for the eternal torture of spirits; and the City of the New Jerusalem, with its walls of jasper and its edifices of pure gold like clear glass, its foundations 6f precious stones, and its gates each of a single pearl. "~ knew a man," says PAUL, "caught up to the third Heaven; .... that he was caught up into Paradise, and heard ineffable words, which it is not possible for a nlan to utter." And nowhere is the antagonism and conflict between the spirit and body nlore' frequently and forcibly insisted on than in the writings of this apostle,nowhere the . Divine nature of the soul lTIOre strongly· asserted. '~With the mind,"'i'he says, "I:serve the law of God ; but with the flesh the law of sin....As n1any as are led by the Spirit ·of God, are the sons of GOD• • • • The earnest expectation of ·the created ,waits for the nlanifestation of the sons of God. . .. The created shall be delivered fron1 the bondage of corruption, of the flesh ··liable to dreeay, into the glorious liberty of the children of God." Two forll1S of government are favorable to thept"e;v:atepc:eo£



falsehood and deceit. Under a Despotism, men are false, treacherous, and deceitful through fear, like slaves dreading the lash. Under a Democracy they are so as a means of attaining popularity and office, and because of the greed for wealth. Experience vvill probably prove that these odious and detestable vices will grow most rankly and spread most rapidly in a Republic. When office and wealth become the gods of a people, and the mostun\vortl1y and unfit most aspire to the former, and fraud. becpmes the highway to the latter, the land will reek with falsehood and sweat lies and chicane. 'When the qffices are open to all, meritaIld. stern integrity and the dignity of. unsullied honor will attain them only rarely and by accident. To be able to serve the cou:n.try well, will cease to be a reason why the great and wise and learned should be selected to render service. Other qualifications" less honorable, will be more available. To adapt one's opinions tc;> the popular humor ;路to defend, apologize for, and justify the popular follies; to advocate the expedient and the plausible; to caress, ,<;ajqle, and flatter the elector; to beg like a spaniel for his voteJ ever if he, be a negro three removes from barbarism; to profess friendship for a competitor and stab him by innuendo.; to set on foot that which at third hand shall become a lie, being cousin-german whenuttered, and yet capable of .p eing explained away,-wh()}.stherethat has not seen these low arts. and base appliances put .into. practice, and becoming general, tln.tiI success cannot be .surely had by any more honorable means ?~the result heing a State ruled and ruined by ignorant and shal1o~mediocrity, pert self-conceit, the greenness of unripe intellect, vain of a school-boy's . smattering ., p拢 knowledge. ~ The faithless and. tIle f~lse in public and in politic~llife, will b~ f~ithless and false inp~ivate. T1?-e jockey., in politics" li~e th~ jocke)' on the race-col.1r~;e" is .rotten from skin to core. Eyery., 't\The~e. he will seefirs~ ,;cpnis ?wn interests, and)Vpo;so leans on him will be; pierced. witH a'br?ken . reed. His atnbiti()n isignoblF~ like himself; and the,ref?re he v.~ill seek to .office by ig-poble means, as he will seek . !(;).. a~tai,n any other coveted obj~ct,~land, money, or reputation. At length, office an4~~?t;tor are di"orced. .. Tl1~place that th~ small and shallow, t~~.;~~ave or the tric,kster" is deem.ed cornp~te'tt and fit to fill, ceases worthy the an1bition of the great and ca?able;.or if not, froma.,contest~.tlle,;e~?onsto be used wherein are unfit'for a gentleman 'to handle. Then the habits





of unprincipled advocates in law courts are naturalized in Senates, and pettifoggers wrangle there, when the fate of the nation and the lives of millions are at stake. States are even be~otten by vil- . laiftyand brought forth by fraud, and rascalities are justified by legislators claiming to be honorable. ~rhen contested elections are decided by p,erjured votes or party considerations; an'd all the praqtices of the worst times ,of corruption, are revived and e:xagge.rated. ita Republics.. It is strange that reverence for truth, that manliness and genuine loyalty, and scorn of littleness and unfair advantage, and genuine faith and godliness and large-heartedness should diminish, among statesmen and people, as civilization advances, and freedom becomes more general, and universal suffrage itnpliesuniverSjal worth· and fitness! In the. a.geofElizabeth, withoutuniv!e~s,~l, or Societies for the '. ,Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, o~ popular lecturers, or Lyccea,. the states111an, the mercha~t, the bll!gher, the sailor,were 'aU ali}<e heroic, fearing God only:,.al'ld m,p.llipot at all. Let but a hundred or two years. elapse, and ;in .~; 1{ol1archy or Republic of the salne.race,flothing is less heroie than t~e . 11}erchant, the shrewd speculator, theoffice-seek~r, ,fearing t11a,n,onI,y, apd God not at al1~ Rev~rence for. greatness <lies . Rut, and is sqc~eeded'by base enVY,<pJ; greatness. Every man. is in t1;l~ w.ay of many, either in the path to .popularity or wealth. There is a general feeling of satisfaction ,wh~l1 a great statesmai'n is displaced, or a general, who has. been fOl his brief hour the 1?9pular idol; is unfortunate and.sinks froln his hi~h estate~ It becomes a liq;i:s;fortune, if not a criQJ(e, tID be.. above the. popular level \Ye should naturally suppose that a nation Ln distress .WOttl,6; counsel with the wisest of. its.sons. But, ontheco~tr~r:y, gfie~t .men seenl never so scar:.ce as, when they .are n1ostI1,e~deQ.~,:an)ql $~~~ rpet11 never so bolditQ,insist .• on infesti,ngiplac~,,~)as.. w·bep tfJledl,?crity and incapable pretence and SG'phqu1oric greenlles'$., . anp and sprigbtl¥ incomp~tency arel11ostdangerou?~ \Vh.ep. t


W:~$!in t~~.extremitXJR~ ~ey~ll1tiQnary agony,?I~~'Y.;~ g~:r\~Tl' ~n~:by;·~n . Ms~111bly of pro,y~n~~l ~~tt~fo~~ers•. <J.nd . ~R~esl?i~~;r~~ ~~t, ~t;ld Couthon rul~d in ,the plaee of Mirabeau, V~~i,a~dt, aR.d. CaJ;llot. Eu.g1flod was ~pverned by; the EU1tlp '.P!frl~~ITt~Rt~

~let!i·~ih,ad~eaded her~it;lg~

lW:d}l'Han~ ~~pol\eon .~h~ \Qther

Cr 9111:w e11

e~ti1il~i!\l;J~~·b9~~ ~

FraJ1d';J~a~s,hood)! tricliery\,.·.a!1~ Ifl~Q~it, jp ·11a.tiQn,al a!l:p:iCl)ur!l~l a~~~il;P~i~'



signs of decadence in States and precede convulsions or paralysis. To bully the ,veak and crouch to the strong, is the policy of nations governed by smalltnediocrity. The tricks of the canvass for office are re-enacted in Senates. The Executive becomes the dispenser of patronage, chiefly to the most .unworthy ; and men are bribed with offices instead of money, to the greater ruin~of the Commonwealth. The Divine in human nature disappears, and interest, greed, and selfishness takes it place. That is a sad and true allegory which represents the companions of Ulysses changed by the enchantments of Circe into swine.







,eYe cannot," said the Great Teacher, Hserve God and Mammon." When the thirst for wealth becomes general, it will be sought for as well dishonestly as honestly; by frauds and overreachings, by the knaveries of· trade, the heartlessness of greedy speculation, by ganlbling in stocks and commodities that soon demoralizes a whole community. Men will speculate upon the needs of their neighbors and the distresses of their country. Bubbles that, bursting, impoverish multitudes, will be blown up' by cunning knavery, with stupid credulity as its assistants and instrument. Huge bankruptcies, that startle a country like the earthquakes, and are more fatal, fraudulent assignn1ents, engulfment of the savings of the poor, expansions and collapses of the currency, the crash of banks, the depreciation of Government securities, prey on the savings of self-denial, and trouble with their depredations the first nourishment of infancy and the last sands of life, 'and fill with inmates the churchyards and IUl1atic asylums. But the sharper and speculator thrives and fattens. If his cottntry is fighting by a levy en masse for her very existence, he ~ aids her by depreciating her paper, so that he may accumulate fabulous amounts with little outlay. If his neighbor is distressed, he buys his property for a song. ·1£ he adn1inisters upon an estate, it turns out insolvent, and the orphans are paupers. If his bank explodes, he is found to have taken care of hitnself in tim.e. Societywor.. . ships its paper-and-credit kings, as the old Hindiisand Egyptians worshipped their worthless idols, and often the l11bst obsequiously when in actual solid wealth·· they are the veriest paup~rs. No wonder men think there ought to be another world, in which the injustices of this may be atoned for, when they see fl1'~ friends of ruined families begging 'the wealthy sharpers to give alms t'opre-



ven.t the orphaned victims. from starving, until they may find ways of supporting themselves.







States are chiefly avaricious of COlnmerce and of territory. The latter'leads to the violation of treaties, encroachments upon feeble neighbors, and rapacity toward their wards whose lands are coveted. Republics are, in this, as rapacious and unprincipled as Despots, never learning from history that inordinate expansion by rapine and fraud has its inevitable consequences in dismemberment or subjugation. When a Republic begins to plunder its neighbors, the words of dOQm are already written on its walls" There is a judgment already pronounced of God upon whatever is unrighteous in ·the conduct of national affairs. When civil' war tears the vitals of a Republic, let it look back and see if it has not been guilty of injustices; and if it has, let it hunlble itself in the dust! When a nation becomes possessed with a spirit of cOll1111ercia't greed, beyond those just and fair limits set by a due regard to a moderate and reasonable degree of general and individual prosperity, it is a nation possessed by the devil of commercial avarice, a passion as ignoble and demoralizing as avarice in the individual; and as this sordid passion is baser and more unscrupulous than ambition, so it is more hateful, and at last nlakes the infectednation to be regarded as the enemy of the human race. To grasp at the lion'~ share of commerce, has always at last proven the ruin of States, because it invariably leads to injustices that make a State detestabJe; toa selfishness and crooked policy that forbid other nations to be the friends of a State that cares only for itself. COl11mercial avaric.e in India was the parent of more atrocities and greater rapacity, and cost more human lives, than the nobler alJlbjtion for ,extended empire of Consular Rome. The nation tb,atgrasps at the commerce of the world cannot but 'beco:lle, calculating, dead to the noblest impulses and syll1pathies ,'which ou.ght to actuate States. It will sub;mit to insults that w({):Q:nd its honor, rather than endanger its commercial interests by wat; while, to subserve those interests, it will wage unjust war, on false or frivolous pretexts, its free people cheerfully. all;ying themselves with despots to crush .a conlnlercial rival that has d,ated to ,exile its, kings and elect its own ruler. Thus the cold ca1€ulations·of 'a self.-int~rest,..·j,n·.:atians



commercially avaricious, always at last displace the sentiments and lofty impulses of Honor and Generosity. by which they rose to greatness; which made Elizabeth and Cromwell alike the protectors of Protestants beyond the four seas of England, against crowned Tyranny and mitred Persecution; and, if they had lasted, would have forbidden alliances with Czars and Autocrats and Bourbons to re-enthrone the Tyrannies of Incapacity, and arm the Inquisition anew with its instruments of torture. The soul of the avaricious nation petrifies, like the· soul of the individual who makes gold his god. The Despot will occasionally act upon noble and generous impulses, and help the weak· against the strong, the right against the wrong. But commercial avarice is essentially egotistic,gra..&ping, faithless, overreaching, crafty, cold, ungenerous, selfish,. and calculating, contr.olled by considerations of self-interest alone. Heartless 3;nd merciless, it has no sentiments of pity, sympathy, or honor, to make it pause in its remorseless career; and it crushes down all that is of imp!.ediment in its way, as its keels of commerce crush under them the murmuring and unheeded waves.

A war for a great principle ennobles a nation. A war for commercial supremacy, u])on some shallow pretext, is· despicable, and more than aught else demonstrates to what immeasurable depths of baseness'men and nations can descend. Commercial greed values the lives of men .no more than it values the lives of ants. The slave-trade is as acceptable toa people enthralled 'by that greed, as the trade in ivory or spices, if the profits are as large. It will byand-by endeavor to· compound with God. :and quiet its own conscience, by compelling those to whom it sold the slaves it bought or stole, to set them free, and slauglitering 'tnemi by hecatombs if they refuse to obey the .·edicts of its philanthropy. Justice in no wiseoonsists in .meting out to another. that exact measure of rev/ard or' punishment which we think iand decree his mer'it, or what we call his crime, vvhich is more'6€tenmere[y'his 'error, deserves. The jitlstice of the father is notiIlcompatible with forgiven'ess hyhim: of the errors and ·offence:sofhiSlchBd. The Infinite Justice of God does. not consist it1n.leting iout exact measures of punishm,ent for human frailties and sips,. Weare too apt to erect our own lit;tlean.d narrow notions of 'W' is right .and just into the law justice, and to insist that !God shall-adopt that as His law;, •. t~,;m~~StP:::e g~s0trleth~~~: .~i~. ourowp.: ~~ttle




tape-line, and call it God's love of justice. Continually we seek to ennoble our own ignoble love of revenge and retaliation, by misnaming it justice. Nor does justice consist in strictly governing our conduct to~ ward other men by the rigid rules of legal right. If there were a community anywhere, in which all stood upon the strictness of this rule, there should be written over its gates, asa warning to the unfortunates desiring admission to that inhospitable realnl, the words which DANTE says are written over the great gate of Hell: "LET THOSE WHO ENTER HERE LEAVE HOPE BEHIND I" It is not just to pay the路laborer in field or factory or workshop his current wages and no more, the lowest market-value of his labor, for so long only as we need that labor and he is able to work; for when sickness or old age overtakes him, that is to leave him and his family to starve; and God will curse with calamity the people in which the children of the laborer out of work eat the boiled grass of the field, and mothers strangle their children, that they may buy food for themselves .with the charitable pittance given for burial expenses. The rules of what is ordinarily termed "Justice," may be punctiliously observed among the fallen spirits that are the aristocracy of Hell.







Justice, divorced from sympathy, is selfish indifference, not in the least more laudable than misanthropic isolation. There is sympathy even among the hair-like osciHatorias, a tribe of simple plants, armies of which may be discovered, with the aid of the microscope, in the tiniest bit of scum from a stagnant pool. For these will place themselves, as if it were by agreement, in separate con1panies, on the side of a vessel containing them, and seem marching upward in rows; and when路a swarm grows weary of its situation, and has a mind to change its quarters, each army holds on its way without confusion or intermixture, proceeding with great regularity and order, as if under the directions of wise leaders. The ants and bees give each other mutual assistance,heyond ;what is required by that which human creatures are apt to regard as the strict law of justic.e. Surely we need but reflect a little,. to be convinced that the individual man is but a fraction of the unit of society, and tbat he is Illdissolubly connected with the rest of his race. Not.onlythe a,ctions, but the will and thoughts of路 other men make or. mar his




fortunes, control his destinies, are unto him life or death, dishonor or honor. The epidemics, physical and moral, conta,gious and infectious, public opinion, popular delusions, enthusiasms, and the other great electric phenomena and currents, moral, and intellectual, prove the universal sympathy. The vote ofa single and obscure man, the utterance of self-will, ignoranc,e,conceit, or spite, deciding an election and placing Folly or Incapacity or Baseness in a Senate, involves the country in war, sweeps away our fortunes, slaughters our sons, ·renders the labors of a life unavailing,and pushes on, helpless, with all our. intellect to resist, into the grave. These considerations ought to teach us· that justice tio others and to ourselves is the same; that we cannot definie our duties by mathematical lines ruled by the square, but must fin with th,em the great circle traced by tne compasses; that the circle of humanity is the limit, and we are but the point in its centr:e, the drops in the great Atlantic, the atom or particle, bound by a mysterious law of attraction which we tenn sympathy to every other atom in the mass; that the physical and moral welfare of others cannot be indifferent taus; that we havie a direct and immediate interest in the public morality and popular inteUigence, in the well-being and physical comfort of the people atlarge. The ignorance of the people, their pauperism and destitution, and consequent degradation, their brutalization and demoraHz'ation, are all diseases; and we caanot rise high enough above the people, nor shut ourselves up from them enough, to escape the miasmatic contagion and the great magnetic currents.. Justice is peculiarly inydispensable to nations. The unjust State is doomed of God to calamity and ruin. This is the teaching of the Eternal Wisdom and of history. "Righteousness exalteth a nation; but wrong isa reproach. to nations." 'leThe Throne is established by Righteousness. Let the lips of the Ruler pronounce the sentence that is Divine;· and his mouth do no wrong in judgment!" The n;ation that adds province to provifice'·by fraud and violence, thvatencroa<thes on the weak and plunders itswards,and violates its treaties'am<1 1t:heoeli'gatioft 'of itsc'Ontraets,and fo'rthe law of honor and fair-dealing substitutes the exigencies of greed and the base precepts' of policy and craft a.nd tIle: ;ignoble tenets of ,expediency, is prede'stined todesstroction;.{erhere, as with the individual, the .consieq(lt~n~s of W!Fong areille*itiab~e and ~tert'iat A sentenoe lswcldJel1agaiRist .all·lliat is unjtisf,wtittenhy!GoQ

73 in the nature of man and in the nature of the Universe, because it is in the nature of· the Infinite God. No wrong is really successful. The gain of injustice is a loss; its pleasure, suffering'. Iniquity often seems to prosper, but its success is its defeat and shame. If its consequences pass by the doer, they fall upon and crush his children. It is a philosophical, physical, and moral truth, in the form of a threat, that God visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the children,. to the third and fourth generation of those who violate His laws. After a long while, the day of t~ckoning a.lways comes, to nation as to individual; and always the knave deceives himself, and proves a failure. Hypocrisy is the homage that vice and wronl?; pay to virtue and justice. It is Satan attempting to clothe himself in the angelic vesture of light. It is equally detestable in morals politics, and religion; in the man and in the nation. To do injustice under the pretence of equity and fairness; to reprove vice in public and COlnmit it in private; to pretend to charitable opinion and censoriously condemn; to profess the principles of Masonic beneficence" and close the ear to the wail of distress and the cry of suffering; to eulogize the intelligence of the people, and plot to deceive and betray them by means of their ignorance and simplicity; to prate of pt;trity, and peculate; of honor, and basely abandon a· sinking cause; of disinterestedness, and sell one's vote for place and powe(,are hypocrisies as common as they are infamous and disgraceful. To steal the livery of the Court of God to. serve the Devil withal; to pretend to believe. in a God of mercy and a Redeelner of lov~, and persecute those of a different faith; to devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayers; to preach contiJl;~Ilce,and wallow in lust; to inculcate humility, and in pride surLucifer; to pay tithe, a~~omit the weightier matters of the judgment, mercy and faith; to st~ain at a gnat, and swallow a c~rneI ; to make clean the outside of the cup and platter, keeping them full within of extortJon;rpd excess; to ap~earout~ardly t*1gbteou: u~to men, butwitbinbe full of hypocrisy and iniquity, i~indeed to be like untQwhit yds}pulchres whic.h appe~rpeautiful ~t1Jt}Vard, ,but are within full 0.£ bones of the dead and of an ,un3



cle;auness. ~'fhe R~public cloaks itsa1ll1:>i~iQn,with the •. pretenceQJ air·cI~sjre

~~~~11ty to "extend ,the ar~~r()f. freedoI11'" a I1 d claims,~f!t~S . it~

'rovinces of others to itself, by open violence, or untler'ODsolete,



empty, and fraudulent titles. The Empire founded by a successful soldier, claims its ancient or natural bourldaries, and makes necessity and its safety the plea for open robbery. The great Merchant Nation, gaining f.oothold in the Orient, finds a continual necessity for extending its dominion by arlUS, and subjugates India. 'rhe great Royalties and Despotisms, without a plea, partition an10ng themselves a Kingdom, dismember Poland, and prepare to wrangle over the dominions of the Crescent. To maintain the balance of po\ver is a plea for the obliteration of States. Carthage, Genoa, and Venice, comtnercial Cities only, must acquire territory by force or fraud, and become States. Alexander marches to the Indus; Tamerlane seeks universal empire; the Saracens conquer Spain and threaten Vienna. The thirst for power is never satisfied. It is insatiable. Neither men nor nations ever have power enough. When Rome was the n1istress of the world, the Emperors caused themselves to be worshipped as gods. The Church of Rome claimed despotism over the soul, and over the whole life from the cradle to the grave. It gave and sold absolutions for past and future sins. It claimed to be infallible in matters of faith. It decimated Europe to purge it of heretics. It decimated .America to convert the Mexicans and Peruvians. It gave .and took away thrones; and by excon1munication and inter-diet closed the gates of Paradise against N aticns. Spain, haughty with its dominion over the Indies, endeavored to crush out Protestantism in the Netherlands, wlqile Philip the Second married the Queen of England, and the pair sought to win that kingdom back to its allegiance to the Papal throne. Afterward Spain attempted to conquer it with her "invincible" Armada. Napoleon set his relatives and captains on thrones, and parcelled among them half of Europe. The Czar rules over an empire more gigantic than Rome. The history of all is or will be the same,-acquisition, dismemberment, ruin. There is a judgInent of God against all that is unjust. To seek to subjugate the will of others and take the soul captive, because it is the exercise of the highest power, seems to be the highest object of human ambition. It is at the bottom of all proselyting and propagandism, from that of Mesmer to that of the Church of Rome and tne French Republic. That was the apostolate alike of Joshua and of 11ahomet. Masonry alone preaches Toleration J the right of man to abide by his own faith, the right




of all States to govern themselves. It rebukes alike the monarch who seeks to extend his dominions by conquest, the Church that claims the right to repress heresy by fire and steel, and the confederation of States that insist on maintaining a union by force and restoring brotherhood by slaughter and subjugation. It is natural, when we are wronged, to desire revenge; and to persuade .ourselves that we desire it less for our own satisfaction than to prevent a repetition of the wrong, to which the doer would be encouraged by immunity coupled with the profit of the wrong. To submit to be cheated is to encourage the cheater to continue; and we are quite apt to regard ourselves as God's chosen, instruments to inflict His vengeance, and for Him and in His stead to discourage wrong by making it fruitless and its punishment sure. Revenge has been said to be "a kind of wild justice;" but it is always taken in anger, a.nd therefore is unworthy of a great soul, which ought not to suffer its equanimity to be disturbed by ingratitude or villainy. The injuries done us by the base are as much unworthy of our angry notice as those done us by the insects and the beasts; and when we crush the adder, or slay the wolf or hyena, we should do it without being moved to anger, an'd with no more feeling of revenge. than we have in rooting up a noxious weed.. And if it be not in human nature not to take revenge by way of punishment, let the Mason truly consider that in doing so he is God's agent, and so let his revenge be measured by justice and tempered by m€rcy. The law of God is, that the consequences of wrong and cruelty and crime shall be their punishment; and the injured and the wronged and the indignant are as much His instruments to enforce that law, as the diseases and public detestation, afld the verdict of history and the execration of posterity are. No one will say that the Inquisitor who has racked and burned the inn0cent; the Spaniard who hewed Indian infants, living, into pieces with his sword, and fed the mangled limbs to his bloodhounds; the military tyrant who has shot men without trial, the knave who has robbed or betrayed his State, the fraudulent banker or bankrupt who has beggared orphans, the public officer who has violated his oath, the judge who has sold injustice, the legislator who has enabled Incapacity to work the ruin of the State, ought not to be punished. Let them. be so; and let the injured. or the symp,athizing be the instrumeftts of God's just vengeance; but always out of a higher feeling··than mere personal revenge.



Remember that every moral characteristic of man finds its pro" totype among creatures of lower intelligence; that the路 cruel foulness of the hyena, the savage rapacity of the wolf" the merciless rage of the tiger, the crafty treachery of the panther, are found among mankind, and ought to excite no other emotion, when found in the man, than when found in the beast. Why should the true man be angry with the .geese that hiss, the peacocks that strut, the asses that bray, and the apes that imitate and chatter, although they wear the human form? Always, also, it remains true, that it is more noble to forgive than to take revenge; and that, in general, we ought too much to despise those who wrong us, to feel the emotion of anger, or to desire revenge.. At the sphere of the Sun, you are in the region of LIGHT. * * The Hebrew word for gold, ZAHAB, also means Light, of which the Sun is to the Earth the great source. So, in the great Oriental allegory of the Hebrews" the River PrsoN compasses the land of Gold or Light; and the River GIHON the land of Ethiopi(1 or Darkness. What light is, we no more know than the ancients did. According to the modern hypothesis, it is not composed of luminous particles shot out from the sun with itnmense velocity; but that body only impresses, on the ether which fills all space) a powerful vibratory movement that extends, in the fornl of luminous waves, beyond the nlost distant planets, supplying them with lig-ht and heat. To the ancients, it was an outflowing fron1 the Deity. To us, as to them, itis the apt symbol of truth and knowledge. To us, also, the upward journey of the soul through the Spheres is SYmbolical; but we are as little informed as they whence the soul comes, where it has its origin, and whither it goes after death. 1"'hey endeavored to have some belief and faith, some creed, upon those points. At the present day, men are satisfied to think nothing- in regard to all that, and only to believe that the soul is a something separate from the body and out-living it, but whether existing before it, neither to inquire nor care. No one asks whether itemanates from the Deity, or is created out of nothing,.or is generated like the body, and the issue of the souls of the father and th,e mother. Let us not smile, therefore, at the ideas of the ancients, until we have a路 better belief; but accept their symbols as meaning that the soul is of a Divine natulie, originating in路 a sphere nearer the Deity, and returning to that when freed from theenthrallme:qt



77 of the body; and that it can only return there when purified of all the sordidness and sin which have, as it were, .b.eCOtne part of its substance, by its connection with the body. It is not strange that, thousands of years ago" ll1en worshipped the Sun, and that to-day that worship continues anlong the Parsees. .Originally they looked beyond the orb to the invisible God, of whom the Sun's light, seen1ingly identical with generation and life, was the 111anifestation and outflowing. Long before the Chaldrean shepherds watched it on their plains, it can1e up regularly, as it now does, in the n10rning, like a god, and again sank, like a king retiring, in the west, t~ return again in due time in the same array of majesty. We worship Immutability. It was that steadfast, in1tnutable character of the Sun that the 111en of Baalbec worshipped. His light-giving and life-giving powers yvere secondary attributes. 'rhe one grand idea that compelled worship was the characteristic of God which they saw reflected in his light, and fancied they saw in its originality the changelessness of Deity. He. had seen thrones crtunble, earthquakes shake the world and hurl down lTIountains. Beyond Olympus, beyond the Pillars of Hercules, he had gone daily to his abode, and had come daily again it! the n10rning to behold the temples they built to his worship. They personi.fied him asBRAHMA) AMUN, OSIRIS) BtL, ADONIS, MA~KARTH, MITHRAS, and ApOLLO; and the nations that did so grew old and died. Moss grew on the capitals of the great columns of his temples, and he shone on the n1055. Grain by grain the dust of his temples crumbled and fell, and was borne off on the wind, and still he shone on crumbling column and architrave. The roof feU cra.~hing on the pavement, and he shone in on the IIp}y of Holies with unchanging rays. It was not strange that men. worshipped the Sun. There is a water-plant, on whose broad leaves the drops of water roll about without uniting, like drops of mercury. So argu:Q1e~ts on points of faith, in politics or religion, roll over the sur~,(t,~~of the mind. An argu111ent that convinces one mind has no ~ffes~on another. Few intellects, or souls that are the negations of it1t~l1ect, have any logical power or .capacity. There is a singular obfiquity in the hU111an mind that makes the false logic more eff~~t~Yethan the true with nine-tenths of those who are regarded as ~:e~+c;>Jintellect. Evenan10ng the judges, not one in ten can argue '~;~~r~!~Y. .Each mind sees路 the truth 1 distorted thro\1gh its QWft



Truth, to most men, is like matter in the spheroidal a drop of cold water on the surface of a red-hot uletal plate, it dances, trelnbles, and spins, and never comes into contact with it; and the Inind Inay be plunged into truth, as the hand moistened \vith sulphurous acid may into melted metal, and be not even warnled by the ilTIlTIersion.










The word Khairum or Khftrum is a compound one. Gesenius renders Khiiril1n by the word noble or free-born: Khur meaning 1.uhite;, noble. It also means the opening of a window., the socket of the eye. Khri also lneans white, or an opening)路 and Khris, the orb of t.he Sun, in Job viii. 13 and x. 7. Krishna is the Hindu Sun-God. Khur the Parsi word, is the literal name of the Sun. From Kur or !(hur, the Sun, comes Khora, a name of Lower Egypt. The Sun, Bryant says in his Mythology, was called K ur;,路 and Plutarch says that the Persians called the Sun Kuros. Kurios, Lord, in Greek, like Adona~, Lord" in Phcenician and Hebrew, was applied to the Sun. Many places were sacred to the Sun, and called Ku路ra, Kuria, Kuropolis, Kurene, Kureschata, Kuresta, and Corusia in Scythia. The Egyptian Deity called by the Greeks "Horus,." was H er-Ra. or Har-oeris, Hor or Har, the Sun. Hari is a Hindu name of the Sun. Ari-al, Ar-es, Ar, Aryaman, Areimonios, the AR meaning Fire or Flame;, are of the same kindred. Hermes or Har-mes, (Aram, Remus;, Haram, Harameias) , was Kadmos, the Divine Light or Wisdom. M ar-kuri, says Movers, is Mar, the Sun. In the Hebrew, AOOR, is Light, Fire, or the Sun. Cyrus, said Ctesias, was so named from Kuros, the Sun. Kuris, Hesychius says, was Adonis. Apollo, the Sun-god, was called !<.urraios, fron1 K urra, a city in Phocis. The people of K urene, originally Ethiopians or Cuthites, worshipped the Sun under the title of Achoor and Achor. j

We know, through a precise testimony in the ancient annals of Tsfir, that the principal festivity of M al-karth, the incarnation of the Sun at the \Vinter Solstice, held at Tsiir, was called his rebirth or his a1.oakening, and that it was celebrated by means of a pyre, on which the god was supposed to regain, through the aid of fire, a new life. This festival was celebrated in the month Peritius (B arith ), the second day of which corresponded to the 25th of Decenlber. KHUR-VM, King of Tyre, Movers says, first performed



this ceremony. These facts we learn from J osephus Servius on the .iEneid, and the Dionysiacs of N onl1US and through a coincidence that cannot be fortuitous, the same day was at Ronle the Dies N atalis Solis Invicti the festal day of the invincible Sun. Under this title, H拢RCULES) HAR-acles was worshipped at Tsur. Thus, while the temple was being erected" the death and resurrection of a Sun-God ,vas annually represented at Tsur., by Solomon's ally, at the winter solstice, by the pyre of MAL-KARTH~ the Tsiirian Haracles. AROERIS or HAR-oeris, the elder HORUS) is from the same old root that in the Hebrew has the form Aur) Of" with the definite article prefixed, H aur, Light, or the Light, splendor, flame, the Sun and his rays. The hieroglyphic of the younger HORUS was the point in a circle; of the Elder, a pair of eyes; and the festival of the thirtieth day' of the nlonth Epiphi} \vhen the sun and moon were supposed to be in the same right line with the earth, was caUed "The birth-day of the eyes of Horus." In a papyrus published by Champollion, this god is styled" H ar-oeri, Lord of the Solar Spirits, the beneficent eye of the Sun." P:lutarch calls him "H ar-pocrates J'" but there is no trace of the latter part of the name in the hieroglyphic legends. He is the son of OSIRIS and ISIS; and is represented sitting on a throne supported by lions; the same \vord, in Egyptian, Ineaning Lion and Sun. So Solomon made a great throne of ivory, plated with gold, with six steps, at each arm of which was a lion, and one on each side to each step, making seven on each side. Again, the Hebrew word .,n,Khi) n1eans "living;n and ON' Ifam} "was} or shall be} ra.ised or lifted up.}' The latter is the saIne as C~", C"N, Oin, t oom, aroom) harum, whence Aram} for Syria, or AramCEa,. High-land. KhairumJ therefore, W0t11d mean "was raised up to life, or living.n SiP, in Arabic, hrm} an unusee root, meantJ H was high/" "made gretJt./' Ite.ralted;" and Htrm me;'ans an ox, the symbol of the Sun in Taurus, at the Vernal路Equln6x.. KHURUM, therefore, improperly called Hiram, is KIIUR-O~, the same as Her-ra} H er-mes, and Her-acles, the uHeracles Tyrius Invicfus," the personification of Light and the Son, the ~tfediator, Redeemer, and Saviour. From the Egyptian word Ra canle the CQptic Oaro, and the Hebrew Aur, Light. Hdr-oeri, is Ifor or Har,tlle chief or master. Hoy is also heat; and hora, seas:on or J






hour; and hence in several African dialects" as nameso£ the Sun, Airo, A)ferO, eer, uiro, gnurrah, and the like. The royal name rendered Pharaoh, waSPHRA., that is, Pai~raJ the Sun. The legend of the contest between H or-ra and Set, or Set-11-u-bi, the same as Bar or Bal, is aider than that of the strife between Osiris and Typhon)· as old, at least, as the nineteenth dynasty. It is called in the Book of the D'eadJ "The day of the battle between Horus and Set." The later myth connects itself with Phcenicia and Syria. The body of OSIRIS went ashore at Gebal or Byblos, sixty. miles above Tsiir. You win not fail to notice that in the name of each murderer of Khiirum, that of the Evil GodBal is found.







Har-oeri was the god of TIM:eJ as well as of Life. The Egyptian legend was that the King of Byblos .cut down the tamarisk-tree containing the body of OSIRIS" and made of it a column for his palace. Isis, employed in the palace, obtained possession of .the column, took the body out of it" and carried it away. Apttleius describes her as U a beautiful female, .over whose diviine neck her long thick hair hung ingra.ceful ringlets;" and· in thepr()e~s~ion femaLe attendants, with ivory combs, seemed todresis ando'I"nament the royal hair of tbie goddess. Thepalm-tree,·.and the lamp, in the shape of a boat,·a;Pl'ieared in the procession. ~f th1esymbol we are speaking of is nota mere modern invention, it is te> th!ese things it alludes.

The identity of. thele~~f1 ha1so con6rmetiby~~~lhie,r~yphi~ picture,. copied from an.(~ncient.E~ptiann10numen!t:•••. ~h"i'~h mar also enlighten yon as tottElc Lion's grip and· tb'e Miastf~~sjgavel.



jN, in the ancient Phrenician character, 4\~' and in the Samaritan, , Ir, A B, (the two letters representing the numhers 1, 2, or Unity and Duality, means Father, and is a primitive nOUll, comll1on to all the Semitic languages. It also means an Ancestor, Originator, Inventor, Head,Chief or Ruler, Manager, Overseer, Master, Priest, Prophet. ":l,N is simply Father, when it is in construction, that is" when it precedes another word, and in English the preposition Hof" is inteFposed, as ~N .. 't.'JN, Abi-Al, the Father of AI. Also, the final Y6d means "my"; so that ~~N by itself means "My father." ".:J~ ''''', David my fath~r, 2 Chron. ii. 3. 1, (Vav) final is the possessive pronoun "his" ; and '''::l~. Abiu (which we read "Abif") means "of my father's." Its full meaning,as connected with the name of Khiirum, no doubt is" " of my father's servants/' or "slaves." The name of the Phrenician artificer is, in Samuel and Kings, C!~fl'(M and. O,.,.,n-[2 Sam. v. 11; 1 Kings v. 15; 1 Kings vii. 40]. In Chronicles itisciln, with the addition of ".::l~. [2Chron.ii. 12]; and of '~~M.[2Chron. iv. 16]. It is.merely absurd to add the word "Abif," or "Abiff,"as part of the name of the artificer~ And it is almost as absurd to· add tbieworrd "Abi/' which was a title and not part of d1e name.' Joseph'Says [Ge1~. xlv. 8J, "God has constituted me 'Ab l'P«raah, asIFather to Paraah, i. e., Vizier or' Pritne Minister." .So Haman wasi····call,ed ·the Second Father. of Artaxerxes;· and when King Kbftriim used·the phrase "KhiiriimAbi," he meant that the aittineer sent Schlomoh was theprimicipal archief workmaD.i~ his linie>at. iiTsiir. A . medal copied by Montfaucon . ,exhibits a female I1ut"sl!l.g a child, with ears of wheatin her hand, and the legend (lao). She is seated on clouds, a star at her head, and three ears of wheat ris~tm§if~om ··an altar before het. HiQlRUSWas the mediator, whQiwas· 'buried three· days, was regenertte~, and triu.mphedover th~evil :principle. 11fte word: .HERI, in S~n$,c~it,··means SheprJlIera, ··a.s ···wel1··· as CRISHNA is .called Heti) as, JESUS ·.called·Himself····1he

Khuf', means '''''''\,.'I''''''Ir, '"

aniapertt1r~;ofa window,

ihetml<~ ~hi~~:,:l~~t~~{r~~:,,~.

!',...p".·· ....",}

a cave" ot":tbeieye.

meansan.<s>penistg, aft!·4. R.Q)Dile, .,' fJ:ee-lJotl1.ililgh~Bom!~



KHURM means consecrated, devoted; in JEthiopic ~L Cia I It is the name of a city, [Josh. xix. 38] ; and of a man, [Ear. ii. 32, x. 31; Neh. iii. 11]. M.,"n, Khirah~ means nobility, a noble race. Buddha is declared to comprehend in his own person the essence of the Hindu Trimurti; and hence the tri-literaI monosyllable Om or A~,m is applied to him as being essentially the same as Brahma-Vishnu-Siva. He is the same as Hermes, Thoth, Taut, and Teutates. One of his names is Heri-maya or Hermaya, which are evidently the same name as Hermes and Khirm or Khiirm~ Heri,. in Sans.crit, means Lord. A learned Brother places over the two symbolic pillars, from right to left, the two words f ~ and 2.(. V 9 ,n" and ~Y:l, IHu and BAL: followed by the hieroglyphic equivalent, ~ of the Sun-God, Amun-ra. Is it an accidental coincidence, 8 that in the name of each murderer are the two names of the Good and Evil Deities of the Hebrews; for Yu-bel is but Yehu-B alar YehoBal! and that the three final syllables of the names} a, OJ um, make A. 路.D.* .M.路. the sacred word of the Hindoos, meaning the TriuneGod, Life-giving, Life-preserving, Life-destroying: represented by the mystic character ? The genuine Acacia, also, is the thorny tamarisk, the same tree which grew up around the. body of Osiris. It was a: sacred tree among the Arabs, who made of it the idol AI-Uzza, which Mohamlned destroyed. It is abundant as a bush in the Desert of Thur: and of it the "crown of thorns" was composed, which was set on the forehead of Jf;sUS of Nazareth. It is a fit type of immortality on account of its tenacity of life; for it has been known, w hen planted as a door-post, to take root again and shoot out budding boughs over. the threshold.










Every commonwealth must have its periods of trial and transition, especially if it engages in war. It is certain at some time to be wholly governed by agitators appealing to a1l the baser elements of the popular nature; by moneyed corporations; by those enriched by the depreciation of government securities or paper; by small attorneys, schemers, money-jobbers, speculators and adven-:turers-an ignoble oligarchy, enriched by the distresses of the State, and fattened on the miseries of the people. Then all the deceitful visions of equality and the rights of man end; and路 the路



wronged and plundered State can regain a real liberty only by passing through "great varieties of untried being," purified in its transmigration by fire and blood. In a Republic, it soon comes to pass that parties gather round the negative and positive poles of some opinion or notion, and that the intolerant spirit of a triumphant majority will allow no deviation from the standard of orthodoxy which it has set up for itself. Freedom of opinion will be professed and pretended to, but everyone will exercise it at the peril of being banished fro n political cOlnmunion with those who hold the reins and prescribe the policy to be pursued. Slavishness to party and obsequiousness to the popular whims go hand in hand. Political independence only occurs in a fossil state; and men's opinions grow out of the acts they have been constrained to do or sanction. Flattery, either of individual or people, corrupts botn the receiver and the giver; and adulation is not of more service to the people than to kings. A Cresar, securely seated in power, cares less for it than a free democracy; nor will his appetite for it grow to exorbitance, as that of a people will, until it becomes insatiate. The effect of liberty to individuals is, that they may do what they please; to a people, it is to a great extent the same. If accessible to flatterY,as this is always interested, and resorted to on low and base motives, and for evil purposes, either individual or people is sure, in doing what it pleases, to do what in honor and conscience should have been left undone. One ought not even to risk congratulations, which may soon be turned into complaints; and as both individuals and peoples are prone to make a bad use of po\ver, to flatter them, which is. a sure way to mislead them, well deserves to be caned a crime. The first principle in a Republic ought to be, "that no man or set of 111en is entitled to exclusive or separateelTIolulnents or privileges ÂŁro111 the comn1unity, but in consideratiDn of public services; which not being descendible, neither ought the offices of magistrate, legislature, nor judge, to be hereditary." It is a volume of Truth and Wisdonl, a lesson for the study of nations, embodied in a single' sentence, and expressed in language which every man can understand. If a deluge of despotism were to overthrow the world, and destroy all institutions under which is protected,~ so that they should no longer be remem'0ered among men, this se~tence, preserved, would be suffl-



cient to rekindle the fires of liberty and revive the race of free men. But, to preserve liberty, another must be added: "that a free State does not confer office as a reward, especially for questionable services, unless she seeks her own ruin; but all officers are employed by her, in consideration solely of their will and ability to render service in the future; and therefore that the best and most competent are always to be preferred." For, if there is to be any other rule, that of hereditary succession is perhaps as good as any. By no other rule is it possible to pref:erve the liberties of the State. By no other to intrust the power of making the laws to those only who have that keen instinctive sense of injustice and wrong which enables them to detect baseness and corruption in their most s,ecret hiding-places, and that moral courage and generous tl1anIiness and gallant independence that make them fearless in dragging out the perpetrators to the light of day, and calling down upon them the scorn and indignation of the world. The flatterers of the people are never such men. On the contrary, a'time always comes to a Republic, when it is not content, like Tiberius, with a single Sejanus~but must have a host; and when those most prominent in the lead of affairs are men without reputation, statesmanship, ability, or information, the mere hacks of party, owing their places to trickery and want of qualification, with none of the qualities of head or heart that make路 great and wise meT}, and, at the same time, fined with all the narrow conceptions and bitter intolerance of political bigotry. These die; and the world is none the wiser for what they have said and done. Their names sink in the bottomless pit of oblivion; but their acts of folly or knavery curse the body.. politic and at last prove its ruin. Politicians, in a free State, are generally hollow, heartless, and selfish. Their ownaggrandisement is the路 end of their p'atriotism; and they always look .with s.ecret satisfaction on the disappointment or fall of onewhoseI'Oftier genitts and superior talents overshadow their own self-im,port;a,nce, or "vhose integrity and incorruptible honor are in thewia.y oJ their selfish ends. The influence of the small aspirants always against tb.e great . man. His accession to power may bie altnost for a lifetime. One of themselves \vill he lTIoreeasily displaoe'()l, and each hopes to succeed him; and so it at 路leftgth carnes to pass that men impude,ntly



aspire to and actuaIly win the highest stations, who are unfit for the lowest clerkships; and incapacity and nlediocrity beconle the surest passports to office. The consequence is, that those who feel themselves COll1petent and qualified to serve the people, refuse with digust to enter into the struggle for office, where the wicked and jesuitical doctrine that all is fair in politics is an excuse· for every species of low villainy; and those who seek even the highest places of the State do not rely upon the power of a magnanimous spirit, on the sympathizing in1pulses ofa great soul, to stir and move the people to generous, noble, and her·oic resolves, and to wise and 111anly action; but, like spaniels erect on their hind legs, with fore-paws obsequiously suppliant, fawn, flatter, and actually beg for votes. Rather than descend to this, they stand contemptuously aloof, disdainfully refusing to court the people, and acting on the maxim, that "mankind has no title to demand that we shall serve them in spite of themselves."







It is lalnentable to see a country split into factions, each following this or that great or brazen-fronted leader with a blind, unreasoning, unquestioning hero-worship; it is contemptible to see it divided into parties, whose sole end is the spoils of victory, and their chiefs the low, the base, the venal and the slnaIl. Such a country is in the last stages of decay, and near its end, no matter how prosperous it may seem .to be. I t wrangles over the volcano and the earthquake. But it is certain that no government can be conducted by the men of the people, atld for the people} without a rigid adherence to those principles ·which our reason commends as fixed and sd'und. These mustt>e the tests of parties, men, and measures. Once· deternlined,they must be inexorable in their application, and all must either corne up to the standard or declare against it. Men may Q,etray :.. principles never can~ Oppression is one invariable consequence of misplaced confidence in treacherous Inan, it is never the result of the working or application of a sound, just, well-tried principle. Compromises which bring fundamental principles into doubt, in order to unite in one party men of antagonistic creeds,· are frauds, and end in ruin, the j~st. and; natural consequence of fraud. vVhenever you ,hav~ ~et­ tIed ,upon .yotlr theory and creed, sanction no departure from' if: in p,factIce,i dnany ground of expe~fency. It is the Master's: w<:j,~(J!.



Yield it up neither to flattery nor force I Let no defeat or persecution rob you of it! Believe that he who once blundered in statesluanship will blunder again; that such blunders are as fatal as crilnes; and that political near-sightedness does not inlprove by age. There are always more inlpostors than seers among public men, 1110re false prophets than true ones, 1110re prophets of Baal than of Jehovah; and Jerusalem is always in danger from the Assyrians. Sallust said that after a State has been corrupted by luxury and idleness, it may by its mere greatness bear up under the burden of its vices. But even while he wrote, Rotne, of which he spoke, had played out her ll1asquerade of freedom. Other causes than luxury and sloth destroy Republics. If. sn1all, their larger neighbors extinguish them by absorption. If of great extent, the cohesive force is too feeble to hold then1 together, artdthey fall to pieces by their own weight. The paltry atnbition of small 111en disintegrates them. The ,vant of wisdom in their councils creates exasperating issues. Usurpation of power plays its part, incapacity seconds corrupti0n, the storm rises, and the fragnlents of the incoherent raft strew the sandy shores, reading to mankind another lesson for it to disre~ard.







The Forty-seventh Proposition is older than Pythagoras. It is this: '路1n every right-angled triangle, the sum of the squares of the base and perpendicular is equal to the square of the hypothenuse."



The square of a number is the product of that number, multiplied by itself" Thus, 4 is the square of 2 and 9 of 3. 'fhe first ten numbers are: 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; their squares are 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36,49, 64, 81, 100; __ _ _ _ _ __ 3, 5, 7, 9,11,13,15,17, 19 and are the differences between each square and that which precedes it; giving us the ·sacred numbers, 3, ·5, 7, and 9 Of these nun1bers, the square of 3 and 4, added together, gives the square of 5; and those of 6 and 8, the square of 10; and if a right-angled triangle be formed, the base measuring 3 or i6 parts, and the perpendicular 4 or 8 parts, the hypothenuse will be 5 or 10 parts; and if a square is erected on each side, these squares being subdivided into squares each side of which is one part in length, there will be as many of these in the square erected on the hy· pothenuse as in the other two squares together. N O\V the Egyptians arranged their deities in Tr·iads-the FATHER or the Spirit or Active Principle or Generative Power; the MOTI-IER, or 11atter, or the Passive Principle, or the Conceptive Power; and the SON, Issue or Product, the Universe, proceeding from the two principles. These \vere OSIR.IS, ISIS, and HORUS. In the same way, PLATO gives us Thought the Father~'Primitive Matter the AIother,' and K osmos the WorId, the Son) the Uliiverse animated by a soul. Triads of the same kind are found in the Kabalah. PLUTARCH says, in his book De Iside et Osir-ide, "But the better and diviner nature consists or'" three,-that ,vhicnexists within the Intellect only, and Matter, and that which proceeds from these, which the Greeks call Kosmos; of which three, Plato i,s wont to call the Intelligible, the 'Idea, Exemplar, and Father' , Matter, 'the Mother, the Nurse, and the place and recept~cle of generation'; and the issue of these two, 'the Offspring-and Genesis/ " the KOSMOS, "a word signifying equally Beauty andOrder7 or the Universe itself." You will not fail to notice that Beau~y is sy~bolized by the Junior \Vatden in the South. .Pll.1tarch continues to say that the E.gyptians •. compared the universaI~atl1ret() what they called the most beautiful and perfect triangle., C);s:fl.4!~o does, in that nuptial diagram, as it is termed, which he has introGuced into his Comn1onwealth. Then he adds that this ,triangle is right-angled, and its sides respectively as 3, 4, and 5; ap.dhe says, "We must suppose that the perp1endicular is designe<i,Qyth6l'll J



to represent the l11asculine nature, the base the feminine, and that the hypothenuse is to be looked upon as the offspring of both; and accordingly the first of thenl \vill aptly enough represent OSIRIS, or the prime cause; the second, ISIS., or the receptive capacity; the last, HORUS} or the C01111110n effect of the other two. For 3 is the first number which is C0111posed of even and odd; and 4 is a square whose side is equal to the even number 2; but 5, being generated, as it were, out of the preceding numbers, 2 and 3, may be said to have an equal relation to both of them, as to its

common patents."







The clasped hands is another symbol which was used by 'PYTHAGORAS. It represented the number 10, the sacred number in which all the preceding numbers were contained; the number expressed by the mysterious TSTRACTYSJ a figure borrowed by him and the Hebrew priests alike from the Egyptian sacred science and which ought to be replaced among the symbols of the Mas.. ter's Degree, where it of right belongs. The Hebrews formed it thus, with the letters of the Divine name:



..••••••.•.••....•·2 ........•...•.... ··.3

........ 3


........ S

............... '0


........ 9

.••'•.•.• 7

..••.•.•..•••••••••••••4 .

The Tetractys thus leadsyoiu, not only to thes:tudy of the Pythagorean philosophy as to numbers, but also to· the· Kabalah, and will aid you in discoverfD,g the True Word, and understanding what was meant by "The Mus'icot the Spheres." Modern science strikingly confirms the id.e:as of Pythagoras in regard to the propJ e'rties of numbers, and that they govern in the Universe. Long before his time, nature had extracted her cube-roots and her squares.







All the FORC~S at man's disposal or under mal1's control, or subject toman's influence, are his working tool'.s.Tbiefriendship and sympathy that knit heart to heart are·a foPeeliRe ·tne attrac-



tion of cohesion, by which the sandy particles becan1e the solid rock. If this law of attraction or cohesion were taken away, the material worlds and suns would dissolve in an instant into thin invisible vapor. If the ties of friendship, affection, and love were annulled,. mankind wouldbeconle a raging multitude of wild and savage beasts of prey. The sand hardens into rock under the immense superincumbent pressure of the ocean~ aided sometimes by the irresistible energy of fire;> and when the pressure of calamity and danger is upon an order or a ·countrYJ the members or the citizens ought to be the .mor~ closely united ·by the cohesion of sympathy and ·inter-dependence'l Morality is a force. It is the nlagnetic attraction of the heart toward Truth and Virtu.e~ The needle, imhued with this mystic property, and pointing unerringly to the north, carries the mariner safely over the trackless ocean,. through storn1 and darkness, until his· glad eyes behold the. beneficent beacons that welcome him to safe and hospitable harbor" Then the hearts of those who love him are gladdened, and his home made happy; and this gladness and happiness are due to the silent, unostentatious; unerring monitor that was the sailor's guideoiVer tbewelteJ..ingwq.ter~.But i£ 4ritted too far northward, he finds tbe needle no longer true, but poiptingelsewhere than to the 1Jqrth~ what a feeling of helplessne~p falls up~n the dismayed.11lariner, what utter loss .Q£ e.nergy a:nd courage! It is as if the great axioms of mQrality w~re. to fail and be no longer true, leaving the human SQul to drift helplessly, ~r~less like Pron1etheus, at the mercy of the uncertain, . faithless curJ:"ents of the deep. Honor and Duty are the pole-stars of a Mason, the. Dioscuril by 1leyet losing sight of whichh~ may avoid disastrous sllipwreck. 'r.hese Palinurus watched 1 un~il, .overcome by sleep, ~nd thevessel. no longer guided. trtJly~ hefeII.into. and was sW(;ll1oW~4.ttP .\>y the,insatiable sea.. So the .Ma.son who loses sight of tqese,9-11d is RRtl.ongergoverned (their beneficent and poten t i f l fo.rc~.. is lCiJ~~~~nd sinking out of. sight, will disappear Ut1QQl1or~<:l anJ.d



~heforce of electricity, analogous to that.of



Wr;f~of ~hi~hgreattho~~hts,~Tba,s~ sU~g-estions~ th~t\~~n~nc~s ,~£c:~?:~le OT,igt?-pble nature~~. fl~~~. insta~tat';eq\1~lY9VC;r Mi~»)1,~t,"Y~~ ~;,mHpn,Vltpe "fPT~~, •()~, ~rB~t]}!L p.t, tY'~ ()~iIJW}pr~1tX!C~~i~ d~rmant three thousand years in the wheat-grains buri.~q.T1¥~th ~



their mummies by the old Egyptians; the forces of expansion and contraction, developed in the earthquake and the tornado, and giving birth to the wonderful achieveillents of steam" have their parallelisms in the moral world, in individuals, and nations. Growth is a necessity for nations as for men. Its cessation is the beginning of decay. In the nation as well as the plant it is nlYsterious, and it is irresistible. The earthquakes that rend nations asunder, overturn thrones, and engulf monarchies and republics, have been long prepared for, like the volcanic eruption. Revolutions have long roots in the past. The force exerted is in direct proportion to the previous restraint and compression. The true statesman ought to see in progress the causes that are in due time to produce them; and he who does not is but a blind leader of the blind. The great changes in nations, like the geological changes of the earth, are sIo,vly and continuously wrought. The waters, falling from Heaven as rain and dews, slowly disintegrate the granite Inountains ; abrade the plains, leaving hills and ridges of denudation as their monuments; scoop out the valleys, fill up the seas, narrow the rivers, and after the lapse of thousands on thousands of silent centuries, prepare the great alluvia for the growth of that plant, the snowy envelope of whose seeds is to employ the looms of the world, and the abundance or penury of whose crops shall detern1ine \vhether the weavers and spinners of other reahns shall ha ve work to do or starve. So Public Opinion is an immense force; and its currents are as inconstant and incomprehensible as those of the atmosphere. Nevertheless, in free governments, it is omnipotent; and the business of the statesman is to find the means to shape, control, and direct it. According as thm is done, it is beneficial and conservative, or destructive and ru.inous. The Public Opinion of the civilized路world is International Law; and it is so great a force, though with no certain and fixed boundaries, that it can even constrain the victorious despot to be generous, and aid an oppressed people in its struggle for independence.. Habit is a great force; it is second nature, even in trees. It is as strong in nations as in men. So also are Prejudices" which are given to men and nations as the passions are,-as forces, valuable, if properly and skillfully availed of; destructive, if unskillfully handled..

91 Above all, the Love of Country, State Pride, the Love of Home, are forces of imn1ense po\ver. Encourage them all. Insist upon them in your public men. Pern1anency of home is necessary to patriotism. A migratory race will have little love of country. State pride is a mere theory and chimera, where men remove from State to State with indifference, like the Arabs, who camp here to-day and there to-morrow. If you have Eloquence, it is a mighty force.. See that you use it for good purposes-to teach, exhort, ennoble the people, and not to mislead and corrupt them. Corrupt· and venal orators are the assassins of the public liberties and of public morals. The Will is a force; its limits as yet unknown. It is in the power of the will that we chiefly see the spiritual and divine' in man. There is a seeming identity between his will that moves other men, and the Creative Will whose action seems so incom~ prehensible. It is the men of will and action, not the men of pure intellect, that govern the world. Finally, the three greatest moral forces are FAITH, which is the only true WISDOM, and the very foundation of all governlnent; HOPE, which is STRENGTH) and insures success; and CHARITY, which is BEAUTY, and alone makes animated, united effort possible. These forces are within the reach of all men; and an association of men, actuated by them, ought to exercis.e an hnmense power in·· the world. If Masonry does not, it is because she' has ceased to possess them. Wisdom in the man or statesman, in king or priest). largely ·consists in the due appreciation of these forces; and "pon the general non-appreciation of some of them the fate of nations often depends. What hecatombs of lives often hang upon' the not w,eighing or not sufficiently weighing the force of an idea,. such as, for example, the reverence fora flag, or the blind attachment to a form or constitution of government! What errors in political economy and statesmanship are committed in consequence of the over-estiI:nation or under-estimation of particular values, or the non-estimation of some among them. ! Everything, it is asserterl, is the product of human labor;. but the gold or the diamond which one accidentally finds without lahor jginot so. What is the value of the labor bestowed by the husbandIrian upon his crops, compared with the value ofthesunshiQie al1d'·ram, without 'which his labor availsnothini?Commeroe



carried on by the labor of man" adds to the value of the products of the field, the mine, or the workshop, by their transportation to different markets; but how n1uch of this increase is due to. the rivers down which these products float, to the winds that urge the keels of commerce over the ocean 1 Who can estimate the value of n10rality and manliness in a State, of moral worth and intellectual knowledge? These are the sunshine and rain of the State. The winds, with their changeable, fickle, fluctuating currents, are apt emblems of the fickle humors of the populace, its passions, its heroic impulses, its enthusiasms. Woe to the statesman who does not estimate these as values! Even music and song are sometimes found to have an incalculable value. Every nation has some song of a proven'valueJ more easily counted in lives than dollars. The Marseillaise was worth to revolutionary France, who shall say how tnany thousand men? Peace also is a great element of J.!}rosperity 'and wealth; a value not to be calculated.. Social intercourse and association of men in beneficent Orders have a valu,e not to be estin1ated in coin. The illustrious examples of the Past of a nation, th'e tnemories and immortal thoughts of her great and wise thib1<:ers, statesn1en, and heroes, are the invaluable legacy of that Past. to the Present and Future. And all these have not only' the values of the loftier and more excellent and priceless kind, but also an actual money-value, since it is only when co-operating with or aided or enabled by these, .that human labor· creates wealth. They ar~ of. the chief elements of material· wealth, as they are of national manliness, heroism, glory, prosperity,.·· and immortal renown.








Providence has appoit'lted.;t~ethree.great disciplines of War~the Monarchy and the Priestno1od, all that the CAI\iP, the PA4ACE,. and the TEMPLE may symbolize, to train the multitudes :to,;rvV'ard to in" telligent and premeditatedr Ccombillations for all the great purposes of society. The resultwiHat length t)e free governments among men, when virtue and int.enig~llce become qualities of the 1TI111titudes; but for ignoranc.e.···s:ucJn.gpvernments are imp'ossible.... 1Y.ran advances only by degrees.: The removal of one presslpg c.alamity gives courage to attempttherenaov$.l of the remaining, evils, rend'ering men more sensitive to them, 0.17 pefQapS sensitif~ for the Jir~t time. Serfs that writheunderthJewlnij:) are· no,t di~'CJ!J;li~ted al)out their political rights; manumitted from personal slavery, they be-

93 came sensitive to political oppression. ·Liberated from arbitrary power, and governed by'the law alone, they begin to scrutinize the lawit,s,elf, and desire to be governed, not only bylaw, but by what they deem the best law. And when the civil or temporal despotism has been set aside, and the municipal law has been moulded 98' the principles of .an enlighten.ed jurisprudence, they rnay wake to the discovery that they are living under some priestly or ecclesias_leal despotism, and become desirous of working a reformation there also. It is quite true that the advance of humanity is slow, and that it often panses and retrogrades. In the kingdoms of the earth we GO not see despotisms retiring and yieldin~ the ground to self.-governing communities. We do not see the churches and priesthoods ofCblristendo,m relinquishing ·their old task of· gov.e~rnin~ men by ima.ginary terrors. Nowhere do· we se·e ·a· populace that could be s,aftiy manumitted from such a government. We do not see the g'f!eRt religious teachers ainlingto dis,cover truth for the·mselves agd for others; but still ruling the world, and contented and com... pelled to rule the world, by whatever dogma is already accredited; much bound dd*R·· by this necessity to ··goiVero,as the populace by their need of government. Poverty iN aU its Bli{])irst hideous forms still eXIsts in the great cities; and the ·cancer o£pauperism has· its roots imthe lteartsof kingdoiffis. .Mentnere take 00 measure of their wants and their own iDowertosupply them, but live and multiply like the beasts of the field1,~Providence bav~1g .aPP'arentlyceased tp... ca;1)·e for them. Intelligenc.em:ever i

iliesft, or itmakesitsapP"f\tana;Oee as some new devr@;lopment War· bas not ceased; still ther'e areb;attllesand s.)ege.s.Homesare still unhappy, .and tears and :arilJe.ramd· spite m~e hells wb!ere ther'.e·sboul<i be. heavens. SOi'IUuellthem.ore b~~.easity ·forMasonry! Somt1lch:widl.:er the fi,e~d @Jftjts ImbGJTs·f ·80 D1t1ch· the more need for.' it to begtn to b~' true to 'itseJf, to·' nevive fr<:>hJ. itsasphy-xia,to repenfof;·it.s,ap:qstas.y· t01ts .;ttr111c3 GEeedJ U;~doub~e\Q1Jy, labor aDd·· dela~h and!th,e .sexual ipassslon are! \'¢tssen~ CiI~~I(afld •p~rmanent conditions '0J· hnamanexistende, tand;'~r~ncler ,~Ilf~¢t.ion ·and amillennium,,·~niearth·· \impossible.· Alwa~s.,~it·j;

0;{ ;viliai.y.


'.~'B~~ree ()fFate !~thft·.vast m!ajo:pity aimen must tGil~'o;,·I~~ie,rand ~'1ii.,pt·\ . · .n;1I;,<d; ·time to'·.!cultivate (~be, ,')n tell igen,ce.. MaK, , kn,c:)w:IDgl' ·'·h· ~ ~~li.~.~ie,willl'lot saerineethe p1'1esent enjoym.ent fOri :a..ligri~~:ron~ • • 'i'~·'··'.iUr~re~! Thetlov.e ·.of.. ·w(oman,canmQt'. die oltlt!j;and, it);ba,Si (g.

94 .


terrible and uncontrollable fate, increased by the refinements of civilization. W Dnlan is the veritable syren or goddess of the young. But society can be improved; and free governn1ent is possible for States; and freedom of thought and conscience is no longer wholly utopian.. Already we see that Emperors prefer to be elected by universal suffrage; that States are conveyed to Empires by vote; and that Empires are adnlinisteredwith something of the spirit of a Republic, being little else than democracies with a single head, ruling through one man, one representative, instead of an assembly of representatives. And if Priesthoods still ~overn, they now come before the laity to prove, by stress of argument, that they ought to govern. They are obliged to evoke the very reason which they are bent on supplanting. Accordingly, men beconle daily more free, because the freedom of the man lies in his reason. He can reflect upon his own future conduct, and summon up its consequences; he can take wide views of human life, and lay down rules for constant guidance. Thus he is relieved of the tyranny of sense and passion, and enabled at any time to live according to the whole light of the knowledge that is within him, instead of being driven, like a dry leaf on the wings of the wind, by every pres~nt impulse. Herein lies the freedom of the luan as regarded in connection with the necessity imposed by the omnipotence and fore-knowledge of God. So much light, so luuch liberty. When emperor and church appeal to reason there is naturally universal suffrage. Therefore 110 one need lose courage, nor believe that labor in the cause of Progress will be labor wasted. There is no waste in nature, either of Matter, Force, Act, or Thought. A Thought is as much the end of life asari Action; and a single Thought sometimes works greater results than a Revolution, even Revolutions themselves. Still there should not be divorce between Thought and Action. ~rhe true Thought is that in which life culminates. But all wise and true Thought produces Action. It is generative, like the light; and light and the路 deep shadow of the passing cloud are the gifts of the prophets of the race. Knowledge, laboriously acquired, and inducing habits of sound Thought,--"the reflective character,-must necessarily be rare. The multitude of laborers cannot acquire it. Most men attain to a very low standard of it. It is incompatible vvith the ordinary and indispensable avocations of life. A whole world of error as well as of labor, go to make



one reflective man. In the most advanced nation of Europe there are more ignora.nt than wise, rnore poor than rich, more autoll1atic laborers, the mere creatures of habit, than reasoning and reflective n1en. The proportion is at least a thousand to one. Unanimity of opinion is so obtained. It only exists among the multitude who do not think, and the political or spiritual priesthood who think for that multitude,. who think how to guide and govern them. When men begin to reflect, they begin to differ. The great problem is to find guides who will not seek to be tyrants. This is needed even more in respect to the heart than the head. Now, every man earns his special share of the produce of human labor, 'by an incessant scran1ble, by trickery and deceit. Useful knowledge, honorably acquired, is too often used after a fashion not honest or reasonable, so that the studies of youth are far more noble than the practices of manhood. The labor of the farn1er in his fields, the generous returns of the earth, the benignant and favoring skies, tend to make him earnest, provident, and grateful; the education of the market-place makes him querulous" crafty, envious, and an intolerable niggard. Masonry seeks to be this beneficent, unambitious, disinterested guide; and it is the very condition of all great structures that the sound of the hammer and the clink of the trowel should be always heard in some part of the building. With faith in man, hope for the future of humanity, loving-kindness for our fellows, Masonry and the Mason must always work and teach. Let each do that for which he is best fitted. The teacher also is a workman. PraisewOirthy as the active navigator is, who comes and goes and make~ one clirne partake of the treasures of the other, and one to share the treasures of all, he who keeps the beacon-light upon the hill is also at his post. Masonry has already helped cast down some idols from their p,edestals, and grind to impalpable dust some of the links of the chains that held men's souls in bondage. That there has been progress needs no other demonstration than that you may" now reason with men, and urge upon them, without danger of the raek "or stake, that no doctriries can be apprehended as truths if tbeycontradict each other, or contradict other truths given us by'路 God. Long before the Reformation, a monk, who 路had found fiis way to heresy without the help of Martin Luther, not venturing to breathe aloud into any living ear 'his anti-papal andtrea.-



sonable doctrines, wrote them on parchn1ent, and sealing up the perilous record, hid it in the tnassive walls of his monastery. There was no friend or brother to whonl he could intrust his secret or pour forth his soul. It was some consolation to imagine that in a future age S01l1e one n1ight find the parchment, and the seed be found not to have been sown in vain. What if the truth should have to lie dormant as long before germinating as the wheat in the Egyptian mummy? Speak it, nevertheless, again and again, and let it take its chance! The rose of Jericho grows in the sandy deserts of Arabia and on the Syrian housetops. Scarcely six inches high,it loses its leaves after the flowering season, and dries up into the form of a ball. Then it is uprooted by the winds, and carried, blown" or tossed across the desert, into the sea. There, feeling the contact of the water, it unfolds itself, expands its branches" and expels its seeds from their seed-vessels. These, when saturated with water, are carried by the tide and laid on the sea-shore. Many are lost, as many individual lives of men are useless. But ~anyare thrown back again from the sea-shore into the desert, where, by the virtue of the sea-water that they have imbibed" the roots and leaves'sprout and they grow into fruitful plants,which will, in their turns, like their ancestors,be whirled into the sea. God will not be less careful to provide for the germination of the truths you may boldly utter forth. "Cast/ He has said, "thy bread upon the waters} and after many days it shall re.turn to thee.aga1~n." Initiation does not change : we find it again and again, and always the same, through all the a.ges. The last discip,Jes of Pa$calis Martinez are still the children of Orpheus ; but they. adore the realizer of. the antique philosophy, the Incarnate Word of the Christians. Pythagoras, the great, <;iivulger of the philosophy.!of . numbers, visited all the sanctuaries, of the world. He went into ]udrea, where he procured himself to be circumcised, that he might be admitted to the secrets of the.Kahalah, which the pr0;phets Ezekiel and Daniel, not without some reservations, communicfl;ted to him. Then, not without some difficulty, he succeeded in giei;ng admitted to the Egyptian initiation, upon the recommendati.()n of King Amasis. The power of.hisgenius supplied the de:f\c.iencies .of.the imperfect comlnunicatiQ.Il!$c of the Hierophants, atl4:" hehimseli J

became a Master and a Revealer.

'tHE MASt'Ell.


Pythagoras defined God: a Living and Absolute Verity clothed with Light. He said that the Word was Number manifested by Form. He made all descend from the TetractysJ that is to say, from the Quaternary. God, he said again, is the Supreme MusicJ the nature of which is Harmony. Pythagoras gave the magistrates of Crotona this great religious, political and social precept: ttThere is no evil that is notpreferahle to Anarchy." Pythagoras said, uEven as there ·are three divine notions and three intelligible regions, so there is a triple word, for the Hierarchical Order always manifests itself by threes. There are the word simple, the word hieroglyphical, and the word symbolic: in other terms, there are the word that expresses, the word .that conceals, and the word that signifies; the whole hieratic intelligence is in the perfect knowledge of these three degrees." Pythagoras enveloped doctrine with symbols, but carefully eschewed personifications and im.ages, which, he thought, sooner or later ,produced idolatry. The Holy Kabala:h, or tradition of the children of Seth, was carried from Chaldrea by Abraham, taught to the Egyptian priesthood by Joseph, recovered and purified by Moses, concealed under symbols in the Bible, revealed by the Saviour to Saint John, and contadned, entire, under hieratic figures analogous to those of all antiquity, in the Apocalypse oJ that Apostle. The Kahalists consider God 'as the. Intelligent, Animated, Living Infinite. He is not, for them, either the aggregate of existences, or existence in the abstract, or a being philosophically d!eflnable. He is in all, distinct from all, and greater than all. His' name ev:en . is. ineffable; and yet this· name only expresses th:enuman iEJieal·(f)f His divinity. What God is in Himself, it is not iiven to man to comprehend. God is tb.e absolute of Faith; but the absolute of Reason is Blr;;N:G,.",",_ "I am that lam," is a wretchedtranslati0n. B,eing, Existence, is by itself, and because it Is. The··. reason t>,{',B'eillg, is Being itself. W,emay inquire, "Why does somethipg exist?U that is, "Why does such or such a thing' ,exist ?';' But.~e c:annot, without being absurd, ask, UWhyrsii:a!e~~g?" T~~t wouJd bie to snppose,' Being. IfB!iej~gb,ada



cause, that cause would necessarily Be; that IS, the cause and effect \vould be identical. Reason and science demonstrate to us that the modes of Existence and Being balance each other in equilibrium according to harmonious and hierarchic laws. But a hierarchy is synthetized, in ascending,' and becomes' ever more and more monarchial. Yet the reason cannot pause at a single chief, without being alarnled at the abysses which it seerns to leave above this Suprenle 11:onarch. Therefore it is silent, and gives place to the Faith it adores. \Vhat is certain, even for science and the reason, is, that the idea of God is the grandest, the most holy, and the most useful of all the aspirations of man; that upon this belief morality reposes, with its eternal sanction. This belief, then, is in humanity, the most real of the phenomena of being; and if it were false, nature would affirm the absurd; nothingness would give forn1 to life, and God would at the same tin1e be and not be. It is to this philosophic and incontestable reality, which is termed The Idea of God, that the Kabalists give a name. In this name all others are contained. I ts cyphers contain all the numbers; and the hieroglyphics of its letters express all the laws and all the things of nature. BEING IS BEING: the reason of Being is in Being: in the Beginning is the Word, and the V\T ord in logic formulated Speech, the spoken Reason; the Word is in God and is God Himself, manifested to the Intelligence. Here is what is above all the philosophies. This \\re must believe, under the penalty of never truly knowing anything, and relapsing into the absurd skepticistn of Pyrrho. The Priesthood, custodian of Faith, \vholly rests upon this basis of knowledge,. and it is in its teachings we rnust recognize the Divine Principle of the Eternal \\'ord. Light is not Spirit, as the Indian Hierophants believed it to be ; but only the instrument of the Spirit. It is not the body of the Protoplastes,as the Theurgists of the school of Alexandria taught, but the first physical manifestation of the Divine afflatus.. God eternally creates it, and man, in the image of God" modifies and seems to multiply it. The high magic is styled "The Sacerdotal Art," and "The Royal Art." In Egypt, Greece, and Rome, it could not but share the greatnesses and decadences of the Priesthood and of Royalty. Every philosophy hostile to the national worship and to its mysJ



teries, was of necessity hostile to the great political po\vers, \vhich lose their grandeur, if they cease, in the eyes of the n1ultitudes, to be the in1ages of the Divine Po\ver. Every Cro\vn is shattered, when it clashes against路 the Tiara. Plato, writing to Dionysius the Y Gunger, in regard to the nature of the First Principle, says: "1 must write to you in enign1as, so that if ll1y letter be intercepted by land or sea, he vvho shan read it may in no degree cOlnprehend it." And then he says, "r\l1 things surround their King; they are, on account of HilTI, and He alone is the cause of good things, Second for the Seconds and Third for the Thirds." There is in these few words a complete summary of the Theologyof theSephiroth. "The King" is AINSOPH, Being Supreme and Absolute. From this centre, which is eve1'y'uJhere, all things ray forth; but we especially conceive of it in three 111anners and in three different spheres. In the Divine world (AZILUTII), \vhich is that of the First Cause, and wherein the whole Eternity of Things in the beginning existed as Unity, to be afterward, during Eternity uttered forth, clothed with form, and the attributes that constitute them matter, the First Principle is Single and First, and yet not the VERY Illimitable Deity, incomprehensible, undefinable; but Himself in so far as manifested by the Creative Thought. C0111pare littleness with infinity,-Arkwright, as inventor of spinning-jenny, and not the man Arkwright otheru'ise and be)rond that. All we can know of the Very God is) compared to His Wholeness, only as an infinitesimal fraction of a unit, COln~ pared with an infinity of Units. In the World of Creation, which is that of Second Causes [the Kabalistic World BRIAH], the Autocracy of the First Principle is complete, but we conceive of it only as the Cause of the Second Causes, Here it is manifested by the Binary, and is the Creative Principle passive. Finally: in the third world., Y~ZIRAH, or of Formation, it is revealed in the perfect Form" the Form of Forms, the World, the Supreme Beauty and Excellence., the Created Perfection. Thus the Principle is at once the First, the Second, and the Third, since it is All in All, the Centre and Cause of all. It is not the genius of Plato that we here admire. We recognize only tke e%act knowledge of the Initiate. The great Apostle Saint John did not borrow. from the philosophy of Plato the opening of his Gospet Plato, on the contrary,




drank at the same springs \vith Saint John and Philo; and John in the opening verses of his paraphrase, states the first principles of a dognla conlnlon to nlany schools, but in language especially belonging to Philo, \Vh0111 it is evident he had read. The philosophy of Plato, the greatest of hUll1an Revealers, could yearn toward the vVord made 11lan ; the Gospel alone could give hinl to the world. Doubt, in presence of Being and its harnlonies; skepticis111 in the face of the eternal Inathematics and the inlmutable laws of Life which make the Divinity present and visible everywhere, as the Human is known and visible by its 1.1tterances of word and act,-is this not the Inost foolish of superstitions, and the Inost inexcusable as well as the most dangerous of all credulities? 'thought, we know, is not a result or consequence of the organization of 111atter, of the chemical or other action or reaction of its particles, like effervescence and gaseous explosions. On the contrary,. the fact that 1~hought is tnanifestecl and realized in act htunan or act divine, proves the existence of an Entity" or Unity, that thinks. And the Universe is the Infinite Utterance of one of an infinite number of Infinite '"rhoughts, which cannot but etna.. nate froll1 an Infinite and Thinking Source. The cause is always equal, at least, to the effect; and matter cannot think, nor could it cause itself, or exist without cause, nor could nothing produce either forces or things; for in void nothingness no Forces can inhere. Admit a self-existent Force, and its Intelligence, or an. Intelligent cause of it is admitted, and at once GOD Is. The Hebrew allegory of the Fall of ]\lan, which is but a special variation of a universal legend, symbolizes one of the grandest and most universal allegories of science. Moral Evil is Falsehood in actions; as Falsehood is Crime in words. Injustice is the essence of Falsehood; and every false word is an injustice. Injustice is the death of the Moral Being, as Falsehood is the poison of the Intelligence. The perception of the Light is the dawR of the Eternal Life, in Being. rrhe Word of God, which creates the Light, seems to be uttered by every Intelligence that .can take cognizance of Forms and will look. "Let the Light BE! The Light,itl fact, exists, in its condition of splendor, for those ey~s alone that gaze at it; and' the. Soul, an1orous of the spectacle of the beauties\of the Universe, t



and applying its attention to that luminous writing of the Infinite Book,V\rhich is called "Th,e Visible,"· seenlS to utter, as God did on the dawn of the first day, that sublime and creative word, "BE! LIGHT!"

It is not beyond thetolnb, but in life itself" that we are to seek f.or the nlysteries of death. Salvation or reprobation begins here below, and the terrestrial world too has its Heaven and its Hen. Always, even here below,virtue is rewarded; always, even here be)low, vi.ce is pUl1ished; and that which makes us sometimes believe in the impunity ofeviI-doers is that riches" those instruments of good and of evil, seem sometimes to be given them at hazard. But woe to unjust men, when they possess the key of gold! It opens, for them, only.the gate of the tomb and of Hell. All the true Initiates have recognized the usefulness of toil and sorrow. uSorrow," says a Gerlnan poet, liis the dog of that unknown shepherd who guides the flock of men." To learn to suffer, to learn to die, is the discipline of Eternity, the imnlortal Novi-

tiate. The aIIegorical picture of Cebes, in which the Divine Comedy of Dante was sketched in Plato's time, the description whereof has been preserved for us, and which many painters of the middle age bavereprodt,ltCed by this description, is a monument at <>nce philosophical and nlagicaL It is a most complete 111oral.synthesis, and at the' saIne· ti111e the Inost audacious demonstration ever given of the Grand ArCanU111, of that secret whose revelation would over-'" turn Earth ,and Heaven. .Let no one 'expect us to give thetu its explanation! He who passes b:ehind the veil that hides this mystery, understands tllat it is ill its very nature inexplicable, and that it is death to those who win it by surprise, as weH as to him who reveals it. This secret is the·.Royalty ·0£ the Sages,. thre Crown of the Initiate whom we see redescend victorious from the summit of Trials, i 1n,th"e fine aUegory of Cebes. The Grand Arcanua1 makes him 91aster. of gold and the light, which are at bottom the"same thing, b~has solved the prohl:e111 of the quadrature of the circle" he di};!¢cts the perpetual Inovenlent,and he poss,esses the philosophical ~,t@ne.. I-Iere the. Adepts wiH. understand us. There is neither interruptionin the toiloi nature, nor gap in her \vork.. TheHarmonies of Heaven .corresppBd to thos,e of Earth,aud tli'e Eternal t.~le;acco.mplis4es its:evcplutions in a<:cQ"rdance wi;thihe !



as the life of a dog. uGod has arranged all things by weight, numner, and measure," says the Bible; and this luminous doctrine was also that of Plato. Humanity has never really had but one religion and one ~or颅 ship. This universal light has had its uncertain mirages, its deceitful reflections, and its shadows; but always, after the nights of Error, we see it reappear, one and pure like the Sun. tfhe magnificences of worship are the life of religion, and if Christ wishes poor ministers, His Sovereign Divinity does not wish paltry altars. Some Protestants have not comprehended that worship is a teaching, and that we must not create in the imagination of the multitude a mean or miserable God. Those oratories that resemble poorly-furnished offices or inns, and those worthy ministers clad like notaries or lawyer's clerks, do they not necessarily cause religion to be regarded as a mere puritanic formality, and God as a Justice of the Peace? vVe scoff at the Augurs. It is so easy to scoff, and so difficult well to comprehend. Did the Deity leave the whole world without Light for two score centuries, to illuminate only a little corner of Palestine and. a brutal, ignorant, and ungrateful people? vVhy alvvays calu111niate God and the Sanctuary ? Were there never any others than rogues among the priests? Could no honest and sincere men be found among the Hierophants of Ceres or Diana, of Dionusos or Apollo, of Hermes or Mithras ? Were these, then, all deceived, like the rest? Whq, then, constantly deceived them, without betraying themselves, during a series of centuries ?-for the cheats are not immortal! Arago said, that otitside of the pure mathematics, he who utters the word "impossible," is wanting in prudence and good sense.. The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed; for Satan 路is not a black god, but the negation of God. The Devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry. For the' Initiates" this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or F1~ee U/ill. They represent this Force, which presides over the physical generation,路 under the mythologic and horned form of the God PAN; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer or Phosphor, of which the poets have n1ade the false Lucifer of the legend. Gold, to the eyes of the Initiates, is Light condensed. Th~y




style the sacred numbers of the I<abalah "golden numbers/'and the moral teachings of Pythagoras his "golden verses." For the same reason, a n1ysterious book of Apuleius, in which an ass figures largely, was called "The Golden Ass." The Pagans accused the Christians of worshipping an ass, and they did not invent this reproach, but it came from the Samaritan Jews, who, figuring the data of the Kabalah in regard to the Divinity by Egyptian路 symbols, also represented the Intelligence by the figure of the Magical Star adored under the name of Remphan, Science under the emblem of Anubis, whose name -they changed to Nibbas, and the vulgar faith or credulity under the figure of Thartac~ a god represented with a book, a cloak, and the bead of an ass. According to the Samaritan Doctors, Christianity was the reign of Tha1'tac} blind Faith and vulgar credulity erected into a universal oracle, and preferred to Intelligence and Science. Synesius, Bishop of Ptolemais, a great Kabalist, but of doubtful orthodoxy, wrote: "The people will always mock at things easy to be misunderstood; it must needs have impostures." tel\. Spirit," he said, "that loves wisdom and contemplates the 'Truth close at hand, is forced to disguise it, to induce the multitudes to accept it. . . . Fictions are necessary to the people, arid the Truth beC0111es deadly to those who are not strong enough.'fo contemplate it in all its brilliance. If the sacerdotal1aws allowed the reservation of judgments and the allegory of words" I would accept the proposed dignity on condition that I might be a philo~o颅 pher at home, and abroad a narrator of apologues and parables..... In fact, what can there be in common between the vile multitude and sublime wisdom? The. truth must be kept -. secret, and the masses need a teaching proportioned to their imperfect reason." Moral disorders produce physical ugliness, and in some sort realize those frightful faces which tradition assigns to the demons. The first Druids were the true children, of the Magi, and their initiation came from Egypt and Chaldrea, that is to say,路 from the p;1a.resources of the primitive Kabalah. They adored the Trinity under the names of Isis or H esus, the Supreme Harmony; of IJelen or Bel~ which in Assyrian means Lord" a name corresponding to that of ADONA!; and ofCamul or Camael, a name'that in the Kabalah personifies the Divine]tlstice. Below this triangle of ~~gbt they supposed a divine路 reflection, also composedQ{ three per:-



sonified rays: first, Teutates or Teuth, the same as the Thoth of the Egyptians, the vVord, or the Intelligence formulated; then Force and Beauty, whose names varied like their emblems. Finally, they con1pleted the sacred Septenary by a mysterious image that represented the progress of the dogma and its future realizations. This was a young girl veiled, holding a child in her arms; and they dedicated this iluage to "The 'Virgin who will become a moth'er ;-VirgÂŁni parit~trce." Hertha or W ertha, the young Isis of Gaul, Queen of Heaven, the Virgin who was to bear a child, held the spindle of the Fates, filled ,vith wool half white and half black; because she presides over all fornls and all symbols, and weaves the garment of the Ideas. One of the most mysterious pantacles of the Kabalah, contained in the Enchiridion of Leo III., represents an equilateral triangle reversed, inscribed in a double circle. On the triangle are written, in such tnanner as to forn1 the prophetic Tau, the two Hebrew words so often found appended to the Ineffable N arne, Cn'N and n'N.:l~, ALOHAYIM, or the Powers, and TSABAOTH J or the starry Armies and their guiding spirits; words also which symbolize the Equilibrium of the Forces of Nature and the Harmony of Numbers. To the three sides of the triangle belong the three great Names n,n", 'lj'H, and N'~~, IAHAVEH J ADONA!, and AGLA. Above the first is vvritten in Latin, Form-atia, above the second Reformatio, and above the third, Transformatio. So Creation is ascribed to the FA'l'HER, Redenlption or Reformation to the SON, and Sanctification or 'fransformation to the HOLY SPIRIT, ans"tvering unto the mathematical laws of Action, Reaction, and Equilibrium. IAHAVEH is also, in effect, the Genesis or Forillation of dogma, by the elementary signification of the four letters of the Sacred Tetragram; AnoN AI is the realization of this dogma in the Human'Form, i,tl the Visible LORD) who is the Son of God or the perfect Man; and ACLA (formed of the initials of the four words Ath Gtbur Laulaim Adonai) expresses the synthesis of the whole dogma and the totality of the Kabalistic science, clearly indicating by the hierog-lyphics of which this admirable name is formed the Triple Secret of the Great Work. Masonry, like aU the Religions, all the 1iysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceQls its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect,and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symboJs to mislead those ,who deserv,e only to be mis-



led; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert it. So God Himself incapacitates many Inen, by color-blindness, to distinguish colors, and leads the masses away from the highest Truth, giving them the power to attain only so much of it as it is profitable to them to know. Every age has had a religion suited to its capacity. The Teachers, even of Christianity, are, in general, the most ignorant of the true meaning of that which they teach. There is no book of which so little is known as the Bible. To most who read it, it is as incon1prehensible as the Sahara So Masonry jealously conceals its secrets,and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray. There is no sigh~ under the ~un more pitiful and ludicrous at once, than the spectacle of the Prestons and the \\T ebbs, not to mention the later incarnations of Dullness and C0t11monplace, undertaking to "explain" the old symbols of Masonry, and adding to and "in1proving" theIn, or inventing newones. To the Circle inclosing the central point, and itself traced between two parallel Jines, a figure purely Kabalistic, these persons have .added the superimposed Bible, and even reared on that the ladder with .three or nine rounds, and then given a vapid interpretation of the whole, so profoundly absurd as actually to excite admiration.


IV. SECRET MASTER. MASONRY is a succession of allegories, the mere vehicles of great lessons in Inorality and philosophy. You will more fully appreciate its spirit, its obj ect, its purposes, as you advance in the different Degrees, which you will find to constitute a great, c0111plete, and harmonious system.

If you have been disappointed in the first three Degrees, as J'ou ha7)e received thenz, and if it has seemed to you that the perforln-

ance has not come up to the pron1is-e, that the lessons of tuorality are not new, and the scientific instruction is but rudimentary, and the symbols are imperfectly explained, remember that the ceren10nies and lessons of those Degrees have been for ages more and more accommodating themselves, by curtailn1ent and' sinking into commonplace, to the often limited men10ry and capacity of the Nlaster and Instructor, and to the intellect and ne~ds of the Pupil and Initiate; that they have come to us froIn an age when symbols were used, not to reveal but to conceal,. when the commonest learning was confined to a select few, and the simplest principles of morality seemed newly discovered truths; and that these antique and simple Degrees navv stand like the broken colun1ns of a roofless Druidic ten1ple, in their rude and ll1utilated greatness; in many parts, also, corrupted by time, and disfigured by n10dern additions and absurd interpretations. They are but the entrance to the great Masonic Temple, the triple columns of the portico. Yau have taken the first step over its threshold, the first step toward the inner sanctuary and heart of the temple. You are in

the path that leads up the slope of the mountain of Truth; and




it depends upon your secrecy, obedience, and fidelity, whether you will advance or ren1ain stationary. Imagine not that you will become indeed a Mason by learning what is commonly called the "work," or even by becoming familiar with our traditions. Masonry has a history, a literature, a philosophy. Its allegories and traditions will teach you much; but nluch is to be sought elsewhere. The streams of learning that now flow full and broad must be followed to their heads in the springs that well up in the ren10te past, and you will there find the origin and meaning of Masonry. A few rudimentary lessons in architecture, a few universally admitted maxims of morality, a few unimportant traditions, whose real meaning is unknown or misunderstood, will no longer satisfy the earnest inquirer after Masonic truth. Let whoso is content with these, seek to clinlb no higher. He who desires to understand the harmonious and beautiful proportions of Freemasonry must read, study, reflect, digest, and discriminate. The true Mason is an ardent seeker after knowledge; and he knows that both books and the antique sytnbols of Masonry are vessels which come down to us full-freighted with the intellectual riches of the Past; and that in the lading of these argosies is much that sheds light on the history of Masonry, and proves its claim to be acknowledged the benefactor of mankind, born in the very cradle of the race. Knowledge is the most genuine and real of hUlnan treasures; for it is Light, as Ignorance is Darkness. It is the de'lJelopment of the human soul, and its acquisition the growth of the soul, which at the birth of man knows nothing, and therefore, in one sense, rnay be said to be nothing. It is the seed, which hOas in it the power to grow, to acquire, and by acquiring to be developed, as the seed is developed into the shoot, the plant, the tree. "We need not pause at the common argument that by learning man excelIeth man, in that wherein man excelleth beasts; that by learning lnan ascendeth to the heavens and their motions, where in body he cannot come,and the like. Let us rather regard the dignity and excellency of knowledge and learning in that whereunto man's nature doth most aspire, which is immortality or continuance. For to this tendeth generation, and raising of Houses and Families; to this buildings, foundations, and monuments; to this tendeth the desire of memory, fame,and celebration, and in effect the strength of all other human desires." That our influences shall



survive us, and be living forces when we are in our graves; and not merely that our names shall be relnembered; but rather that our works shall be read, our acts spoken of, our names recollected and mentioned when we are dead, as evidences that those influences live and rule, sway and control some portion of mankind and of the world,-tbis is the aspiration of the human soul. "We see then how far the monuments of genius and learning are more durable than monuments of power or of the hal1ds. For have not the verses of Homer continued twenty-five hundred years or more, without the loss of a syllable or letter, during which tin1e infinite palaces, temples, castles, cities, have decayed and been demolished? It is not possible to have the true pictures or statues of Cyrus, Alexander, Cresar, no, nor of the Kings or great personages of much later years; for the originals cannot lastJ and the copies cannot but lose of the life and truth. But the images of men's genius and knowledge ren1ain in books, exempted from the wrong of time, and capable- of perpetual renovation. Neither are they fitly to be called in1ages, because they generate still, and cast their seeds in the minds of others, provoking and causing infinite actions and opinions in succeeding ages; so that if the invention of the ship was thought so noble, which carrieth riches and comluodities from place to place, and consociateth the most. remote regions in participation of their fruits, how much more are letters to be n1agnified, \vhich, as ships, pass through the vast seas of time" and make ages so distant to participate of the wisdom, illumination, and inventions, the one of the other." To learn, to attain knowledge, to be wise, is a necessity for every truly noble soul; to teach, to communicate that knowledge, to share that wisdom with others, and not churlishly to lock up his exchequer, and place a sentinel at the doqr to drive away the needy, is equally an impulse of a noble nature, and the worthiest work of man. "There was a little city," says the Preacher, the son of David, "and few men within it; and there can1e a great .King against it and besieged it, and built great bulwarks against it. N ow there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man. Then, said I, wisdom is better than strength: nevertheless, the poor man's \visdom is despised, and his words are not heard." If it should chance to you, my brother, to do lnankind good service~ and be



rewarded with indifference and forgetfulness only, still be not discouraged, but remember the further advice of the wise King. "In the morning sow the seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand; for thou knowest not which shall prosper, this or that, or whether both shall be alike good." Sow you the seed, whoever reaps. Learn, that you maybe enabled to do good; and do so because it is right, finding in the act itself aluple reward and recom-

pense. To attain. the truth, and to serve our fellows, our country, and mankind-this is the noblest destiny of man. Hereafter and all your life it is to be your obj ect. If you desire to ascend to that destiny, advance! If you have other and less noble objects, and are contented with a lower flight, halt here! let others scale the heights, and 11asonry fulfill her mission. If you will advance, gird up your loins for the. struggle! for the way is long and toilsome. Pleasure, all sn1iles., will beckon you on the one hand, and Indolence will invite you to sleep among the t!owers, upon the other. Prepare, by secrecy, obedience, and fidelity, to resist the allurements of both! Secrecy is indispensable ina Mason of whatever Degree.. Itis the first and almost the only lesson t~ught to the .Entered. Apprentice. The obligations which we have each assumed toward every Mason that lives, requiring of us the performance of. the most seri.ous and onerous duties toward those personally unknown to us until they demand our aid,---duties that must be pierformed, even at the risk of life, or our solen10 oaths be broken and violated, and we be branded as false Masons and faithless men, teach us how profound a folly it would be to betray our secrets to those who, bound to us by no tie of common obligation, might, by obtaining them, call on us in their extremity, when ·the urgency of the occasion should allow us no time for inquiry, and the peremptory mandate of our obligation compel us to do a brQth~r's duty tQ ~ base impostor. The secrets of our brother, when comnlunicated to us, must he s~cred, if they be such as the law of our country warrants us to keep. We are required to keep none other, when the la,v that we are called on to obey is indeed a law, by havingel11~!nated fJfQID the only source of power, the People. Edicts whicU6HlanGlte fr<;>;l,1.1 the mere arbitrary \\Till of a despotic power, contrary to the law of Ood or the Gr~at Law ·0£ Nature, destructiY~~.Qf tbe·in\le;l7ent ~igl1t§



of luan, violative of the right of free thought, free speech, free conscience, it]C is lawful to rebel against and strive to abrogate. For obedience to the Law does not n1ean submission to tyranny; nor that, by a profligate sacrifice of every noble feeling, we should offer to despotism the homage of adulation. As every new victilTI falls, we nzay lift our voice in still10uder flattery. We may fall at the proud feet, we may beg, as a boon, the honor of kissing that bloody hand which has been lifted against the helpless. vVe may do more: we may bring the altar and the sacrifice, and in1plore the God not to ascend too soon to Heaven. This we may do, for this we have the sad remembrance that beings of a human form and soul have done. But this is all we can do. \Ve can constrain our tongues to be false, our features to bend themselves to the semblance of that passionate adoration which we wish to express, our knees to fall prostrate; but aUf heart we cannot constrain. There virtue must still have a voice which is not to be drowned by hymns and acclamations; there the crimes which we laud as virtues, are crimes still, and he whom we have made a God is the most contemptible of mankind; if, indeed, we do not 'feel, perhaps, that we are ourselves still more contemptible. But that law which is the fair expression of the will and judgment of the people, is the enactn1ent of the whole and of every individual. Consistent with the law of God and the great law of nature, consistent with pure and abstract right as tempered by necessity and the general interest, as contra-distinguished fron1 the private interest of individuals, it is obligatory upon all, because it i,s the work of all, the will of all, the solemn judgment of all, fron1 which there is no appeal. In this Degree, my brother, you are especially to learn the duty of obedience to that law. There is one true and original law, conformable to reason and to nature, diffused over all, invariable, eternal, which calls to the fulfillment of duty, and to abstinence from injustice, and calls with that irresistible voice which is felt in all its authority wherever it is heard. This law cannot be abrogated or diminished, or its sanctions affected, by any law of man. A whole senate, a whole people, cannot dissent fronl it's paramount obligation. It requires no commentator to render it distinctly intelligible: nor is it one thing at Rome, another at Athens; one thing now, and another in the ages to COlne; but .in all times and in all nations, it is, and has been, and will be, one



and everlasting ;-one as that God, its great Author and Promulgator, who is the Common Sovereign of all mankind, is Himself One. No man can disobey it without flying, as it were" fronl his own bosom, and repudiating his nature; and in this very act he will inflict on hhnself the severest of retributions, even though he escape \:vhat is regarded as punishment. It is our duty to obey the laws of our country, and to be careful that prejudice or passion, fancy or affection, error and illusion, be not mistaken for conscience. Nothing is more usual than to pretend conscience in all the actions of man which are public and cannot be concealed. The disobedient refuse to submit to the laws, and they also in many cases pretend conscience; and so disobedience and rebellion become conscience, in which there is neither knowledge nor revelation, nor truth nor charity, nor reason nor religion. Conscience is tied to laws. Right or sure conscience is right reason reduced to practice, and conducting moral actions, while perverse conscience is seated in the fancy or affections-a heap of irregular principles and irregular defectsand is the same in conscience as deformity is in the body, or peevishness in the affections. I t is not enough that the conscience be taught by nature; but it must be taught by God, conducted by reason, made operative by discourse, assisted by choice, instructed by laws and sober principles; and then it is right, and it may be sure. All the general measures of justice" are the laws of God, and therefore they constitute the general rules of government for the conscience; but necessity also hath a large voice in the arrangement of hunlan affairs, and the disposal of human relations, and 路the dispositions of human laws; and these general measures, like a great river into little streams, are deduced into little rivulets and particularities, by the laws and customs, by the sentences and agreements of men, and by the absolute despotislTI of necessity, that will not allow perfect and abstract justice and equity to be the sole rule of civil government in an imperfect world; and that must needs be law which is for the greatest good of the greatest number. When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it. It is better thou shouldest not vow than thou shouldest vow and not pay. Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before God: for God is in Heaven, and thou art upon earth; therefore let thy words be few. Weigh well



what it is you promise; but once the pro111ise and pledge are given remember that he who is false to his obligation will be false to his family, his friends, his country, and his God. Fides servanda est: Faith plighted is ever to be kept, was a maxim and an aXiOlTI· even among pagans. The virtuous· Roman said, either let not that which seems expedient be base, or if it be base, let it not seem expedient. v\That is there which that so-called expediency can bring, so valuable as that \vhich it takes away, if it deprives you of the name of a good man and robs you of your integrity and honor? In all ages, he who violates his plighted word has heenheld unspeakably base. The word of a Mason, like the word of a knight in the times of chivalry, once given must be sacred; and the judgment of his brothers, upon him who violates his pledge, should be stern as the judgments of the R0111an Censors against him who violated his oath. Good faith is revered among 1Iasons as it was among the Romans, who placed its statue in the capitol, next to that of Jupiter Maximus Optimus; and we, like them, hold that calamity should· always be chosen rather than base.. neS5; and with the knights of old, that one should always die rather than he dishonored. Be faithful, therefore, to the promises you make, to the pledges you give, and to the vows that you assume, since to break either is base and dishonorable. Be faithful to your family, and perform all the duties of a good father, a good son, a good husband, and a good brother. Be· faithful to your friends; for true friendship iso£ a nature not only to survive through all the vicissitudes of life" but to continue through an endless duration; not only tostan"d the shock of conflicting opinions, and the roar of a revolution that shakes the world, but to last when the heavens no more, and to spring fresh from the ruins of the universe. Be faithful to your country, and prefer its dignity and honor to any degree of popularity and honor for yourself ; consultinl{ its interest rather than your own, and rather than the pleasure and gratification of the people, which are often at variance with their welfare. Be faithful to Masonry, which is to be faithful to the best inter~ estsof mankind.. Labor, by precept and example, to· elevate the standard of Masonic character, to enlarge its sphere of influence, to popularize its teachings, and to make aU men know it for tJ!l;6



Great Apostle of Peace, Harmony, and Good-will on earth atuong men; of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. Masonry is useful to all men: to the learned, because it affords them the opportunity of exercising their talents upon subjects eminently worthy of their attention; to the illiterate, because it offers them important instruction; to the young, because it presents them with salutary precepts and good examples, and accustoms them to reflect on the proper mode of living; to the man of the woOrld, whom it furnishes with noble and useful recreation; to the traveller, whom it enables to find friends and brothers in countries where else he would be isolated and solitary; to the worthy man in misfortune, to whom it路 gives assistance; to the afflicted, on whom it lavishes consolation; to the charitable man, whom it enables to do more good, 'by uniting with those who are charitable like himself; and to aU who have souls capable of appreciating its importance, and of enjoying the charms of a friendship founded on the same principles of religion, morality, and philanthropy. A Freemason, therefore, should be a man of honor and of conscience, preferring his duty to everything beside, even to his life; independent in his opinions, and of good morals; subn1issive to tbe laws, devoted to humanity, 路to his country, to his family; kind and indulgent to his路 brethren, friend of all virtuous men, and ready to assist his fellows by aU means in his power. Thus will you be faithful to yourself, to your fellows, and to God, and thus will you do honor to the name and rank of SECRET MASTJtR; which, like other Masonic honors, degrades if it is not


v. PERFECT MASTE,R. THE Master Khiiriim was an industrious and an honest man. What he was employed to do he did diligently, and he did it well and faithfully. He received no wages that were not his due. Industry and honesty are the virtues peculiarly inculcated in this Degree. They are common and homely virtues; but not for that beneath our notice. As the bees do not love or respect the drones, so Masonry neither loves nor respects the idle and those who live by their wits; and least of all those parasitic acari that live upon themselves. For those who are indolent are likely to become dissipated and vicious; and perfect honesty, which ought to be the common qualification of all, is more rare than diamonds. To do earnestly and steadily, and to do faithfully and honestly that which we have to do-perhaps this wants but little, when looked at from every point of view, of including the whole body of the moral law; and even in their commonest and homeliest application, these virtues belong to the character of a Perfect Master. Idleness is the burial of a living- man. For an idle person is so useless to any purposes of God and man, that he is like one who is dead, unconcerned in the changes and necessities of the world; and he only lives to spend his time, and eat the fruits of the earth. Like a vermin or a wolf, when his time comes" he dies and perishes, and in the meantime is nought. He neither ploughs nor carries burdens: all that he does is either unprofitable or mis路 chievous. It is a. vast work that any man may do, if he never be idle: and it is a huge way that a man may go in virtue, if he never go. out of his way by a vicious habit or a great crime: and he who per-




petually reads good books, if his parts be answerable, will have a huge stock of knowledge. St. Ambrose, and from his example, St. Augustine, divided every day into these tertias of employment: eight hours they spe~t in the necessities of nature and recreation: eight hours in charity, in doing assistance to others, dispatching their business, reconciling their enmities, reproving their vices, correcting their errors, instructing their ignorance, .and in transacting the affairs of their dioceses; and the other eight hours they spent in study and prayer. We think, at the age of twenty, that life is much too long for that which we have to learn and do; and that there is an alnl0st fabulous distance between our age and that of our grandfather. But when, at the age of sixty, if we are fortunate enough to reach it, or unfortunate enough, as the case may be, and according as we have profitably invested or wasted our tinIe, we halt, and look back along the way we have come, and cast up and endeavor to balance our accounts with time and opportunity, we find that we have made life much too short, and thrown away a huge portion of our time. Then we, in our mind, deduct from the sum total of our years the hours that we have needlessly passed in sleep ;路the worklng-hours each day, during which the surface of the mind's sluggish pool has not been stirred or ruffied by a single thought; the days that we have gladly got rid of, to attain some real or fancied object that lay beyond, in the way between us and which stood irksomely the intervening days; the hours "vorse than wasted in follies and dissipation, or misspent in useless and unprofitable studies; and we acknowledge, with a sigh, that we .could have learned and done, in half a score of years well spent, more than we have done in all our路 forty years of manhood. To learn and to do I-this is the soul's work here below. The soul grovvs as an oak grows. As the tree takes the carbon of the air, the dew, the rain, and the light, and the food that the earth supplies to its路 roots, and by its mysterious chenlistry transmutes them into sap and fibre, into wood and leaf, and flower and fruit, and color and perfume, so the soul imbibes knowledge and by a divine alchemy changes what it learns into its own substance, and grOUTS路 from within outwardly with an inherent force and power like those that lie hidden in the grain of wheat. The soul hath its senses, like the body, that may be cultivated,



enlarged, refined, as itself grows in stature and proportion; and he who cannot appreciate a fine painting or statue, a noble poem" a sweet harmony, a heroic thought, or a disinterested action, or to whom the wisdom of philosophy is but foolishness and babble, and the loftiest truths of less importance than the price of stocks or cotton, or the elevation of baseness to office, merely lives on the level of commonplace, and fitly prides himself upon that inferiority of the soul's senses, which is the inferiority and imperfect development of the soul itself.. To sleep little, and to study much; to say little, and to hear and think much; to learn, that we may be able to do,. and then to do, earnestly and vigorously,. whatever may be required of ns by duty, and by the good of our fellows, our country, and mankind,these are the duties of every Mason .who desires to imitate the Master Khurum. The duty of a Mason as an honest man is plain .and easy. It requires of us honesty in contracts, sincerity in affirming, sim.. p1i~ity in bargaining, and faithfulness in performing. Lie not at. all, neither in a little thing nor in a great, neither in the substance: nor in the circumstance, neither in word nor deed: that is, pre-tend not what is false; cover not what is true; and let the measure of your affirmation OF denial be the understanding of your con...· tractor; for· he who deceives the buyer or seller by speaking: what is true, in a sense not intel1ded or understood by the other" is a liar and a thief. A· Perfect Master m1a:st avoid that which, deceives, equaUy with tbat which is false. Let your prices be accorciing to tbat'measure of good. and evil'. which is established in the fame and common accounts of the: wisest and most merciful m~n, skilled in tliat manufacture or commodity; and: the gain such, which,. without scandal, is allowed'. to persons in all the same circumstances. In intercourse with others, do not do all, whicl1 thou mayest lawfully do; but keep somefuimg within thy p.ow;tr; and,., because' there is a la.titude of ggin in. btlj{img and selH,Dg, take :mot thou theutmost pienny that iiS Iawfttl,'€>F which; 'tznoo thinkest so; fot, although it be lawful, yet it is not safe; ancl: be wb€>' gains all that: he can gain lawfully, this year" w'ill p<D'6atoly be tempted, next: year, to gain sometmi:ngr uftiiawfuliJr. Let no man, f(i)tr lhiis own poverty, become more oppressing and: cruel in his bargain; but quietly, nlodestly,dil)igently, and patiemtly'




recommend his estate to God, and follo\v his interest, and leave the success to Him. Detain 110t the wages of the hireling; for every degree of detention of it beyond the time, is injustice and uncharitableness, and grinds his face till tears and blood come out; but pay hitn exactly according to covenant, or according to his needs. Religiously keep all promises and covenants, though made to your disadvantage, though afterward you perceive you might have done better; and let not any precedent act of yours be altered by any after-accident. Let nothing make you break your promise, unless it be unlawful or impossible; that is, either out of your nature or out of your civil power, yourself being under the power of another; or that it be intolerably inconvenient to yourself, and of no advantage to another; or that you have leave expressed or reasonably presun1ed. Let no man take \vages or fees for a work that he cannot do, or cannot with probability undertake; or in some sense profitably~ and with ease, or with advantage manage. Let no ll1an appropriate to his own use, what God, by a special 111ercy, or the Republic, hath made common; for that is against both Justice and Charity. That any man should be the worse for us, and for our direct act, and by our intention, is against the rule of equity, of justice, and of charity. We then do not that to others, which we would have done to ourselves; for we grow richer upon the ruins of their fortune. It is not honest to receive anything from another without returning him an equivalenttb路erefor. The gamester who wins the money of another is dishonest. There should be no such thing as bets and gaming among 1\1asons: for no honest man should desire that for nothing which belongs to another. The merchant who sells an inferior article for a sound price, the speculator who makes the distresses and needs of others fill his exchequer are neither fair nor honest, 路but base, ignoble, unfit for immortality. It should be the earnest desire of every Perfect Master so tolive and deal and act, that when it comes to him to die, he may be able to say, and his conscience to adjudge, that no man on earth is poorer, because he is richer; that what he hath he has honestly earned, and no man can go before God, and claim that by the rules of equity administered in His great chancery, this house in which we die1 this land we devise to our heirs., this mQ'ney tha.t



enriches those who survive to bear our nan1e, is his and not ours, and \ve in that forum are only his trustees. For it is most certain that God is just, and will sternly enforce every such trust; and that to all whom we despoil, to all whom we defraud, to all frOlTI "lNhon1 we take or win anything whatever, ,vithout fair consideration and equivalent, He will decree a full and adequate compensation. Be careful, then, that thou receive no wages, here or elsewhere, that are not thy due! For if thou clost, thou wrongst some one, by taking that which in God's chancery belongs to him; and whether that which thou takest thus be wealth, or rank, or influence, or reputation or affection, thou wilt surely be held to make full satisfaction.

VI. INTIMATE SECRETARY. [Confidential Secretary.] You are especially taught in this Degree to be zealous and faithful; to be disinterested and benevolent; and to act the peacemaker, in case of dissensions, disputes, and quarrels among the brethren. Duty is the moral magnetism which controls and guides the true Mason's course over the tumultuous seas of life. Whetherthe stars of honor, reputation, and reward do or do not shine, in the light of day路or in the darkness of the ni~ht of trouble and adversity, in calm or storm, that unerring magnet still shows him the true course to steer, and indicates with certainty where-away lies the port which not to reach involves shipwreck and dishonor. He follows its silent bidding, as the mariner, when land is for many days not in sight, and the ocean without path or landmark spreads out all around him, follows the bidding of the needle, never doubting that it points truly to the north. To perforln that duty, whether the performance be rewarded or unrewarded, is his sale care. And it doth not luatter, though of this perJormance there may be no witnesses, and though what he does will be forever unknown to all mankind. A little consideration will teach us that Fame has other limits than mountains and oceans; .and that he who places happiness in the frequent repetition of his name, may spend his life in propagating it, without any danger of weeping for new worlds, or necessity of passing the Atlantic sea. If, therefore, he who imagines the world to he filled with his ac-




tions and praises, shall subduct ironl the nUlnber of his encolniasts all those who are placed below the flight of fame, and who hear in the valley of life no voice but that of necessity; all those who imagine themselves too important to regard hin1, and consider the mention of his name as a usurpation of their tilne; all who are too much or too little pleased with thernselves to attend to anything external; all who are attracted by pleasure, or chained down by pain to unvaried ideas; all who are withheld frOITI attending his triumph by different pursuits; and all who slumber in universal negligence; he will find his renown straitened by nearer bounds than the rocks of Caucasus; and perceive that no man can be ven.. erable or formidable, but to a small part of his fellovv-ereatures. And therefore, that we may not languish in our endeavors after excellence, it is necessary that, as Africanus counsels his descendants, we raise our eyes to higher路 prospects, and contetnplate our future and eternal state, without giving up our hearts to the praise of crowds, or fixing our ~opes on such rewards as human power can bestow. We are not born for ourselves alone; and our country claims her share, and our friends their share of us. As all that the earth produces is created for the use of man, so men are created for the sake of men, that they may mutually do good to one another In this we ought to take nature for our guide, and throw into the pub路 lie stock the offices of general utility, by a reciprocation of duties, sometimes by receiving, sometimes by giving, and sometimes to cement human society by arts, by industry,路路 and by our resources. Suffer others to be praised in thy presence, and entertain their good and glory with delight; but at no hand disparage them, or lessen the report, or make an objection; and think not the advancement of thy brother is a lessening of thy worth Upbraid no man's weakness to him to discomfit him, neither report it to disparage him, neither delight to remember it to lessen him, or to set thyself above 'him; nor ever praise thyself or dispraise any man else, unless some sufficient worthy end do hallow it. Remember that we usuaIly disparage others upon slight grounds and little instances; and if a man be highly commended, we think him sufficiently lessened, if we can but charge one sin of folly or inferiority in his account. We should either be nlore severe to ourselves, or less so to others, and consider that whatsoever good any one can think or say of us! we can ten him of many unworthy and



foolish and perhaps worse actions of ours, anyone of which, done by another, would be enough, with us, to destroy his reputation. If we think the people wise and sagacious, and just and appreciative, when they praise and make idols of us, let us not call them unlearned and ignorant, and ill and stupid judges, when our neighbor is cried up by public fame and popular noises. Every man hath in his own life sins enough, in his own mind trouble enough, in his own fortunes evil enough, and in performance of his offices failings more than enough, to entertain his own inquiry; so that curiosity after the affairs of others cannot be without envy and an ill mind.. The generous man will be solicitous and inquisitive into the beauty and order of a well-governed family, and after the virtues of ,an excellent person; but anything for which n1en keep locks and bars, or that blushes to see the light, or that is either shameful in manner or private in nature, this thing will not be his care and business. It should be objection sufficient to exclude any Ulan 拢roll1 the society of lVlasons, that he is not disinterested and generous, both in his acts, and in his opinions of nlen, and his constructions of their conduct. He who is selfish and grasping, or censorious and ungenerous: will not long remain within the strict limits of honesty and truth, but will shortly conlmit injustice. He who路 loves himself too much must needs love others too little; and he who habitually gives harsh judgment will not long delay to give unjust judgment. The generous man is not careful to return no more than he receives; but prefers that the balances upon the ledgers of benefits shCJ.ll be in his favor. He who hath received pay in full for all the benefits and favors that he has conferred" is like a sp,endthrift who has consumed his whole estate) and laments over an empty exchequer. He who requites my favors with ingratitude adds to,.. instead of diminishing, my wealth ; and he who cannot return a. favor is equally poor, whether his inability arises from po'Verty of spirit, sordidness of soul, or pecuniary indigence. If he is wealthy who hath large sums invested, and the mass of whose fortune consists. in .obligations that bind other men to pay him money, he is stillmore so to wholn many owe large returns of killdnesses and favors,. Beyond a moderate sum each year, the wealthy man merely invests his means: and that \\.,hich he never



uses is still like favors路 unreturned and kindnesses unreciprocated, an actual and real portion of his fortune. Generosity and a liberal spirit make men to be humane 路and genial, open-hearted, frank, and sincere, earnest to do good, easy and contented, and well-wishers of mankind. They protect the feeble against the strong, and the defenceless against rapacity and craft. They succor and comfort the poor, and are the guardians, under God, of his innocent and helpless wards. 'rhey value friends more than riches or fame, and gratitude more than money or po\ver. They are noble by God's patent, and their escutcheons and quarterings are to be found in heaven's great book of heraldry. Nor can any man any nlore be a Mason than he can be a gentleman, unless he is generous, liberal, and disinterested. To be liberal, but only of that which is our own; to be generous, but only when we have first been just; to give, when to give deprives us of a luxury or a comfort, this is Masonry indeed. He who is worldly, covetous, or sensual n1ust change before he can be a good Mason. If we are governed by inclination and not by duty; if we are unkind, severe, censorious, or injurious, in the relations or intercourse of life; jf we are unfaithful parents or un.. dutiful children; if we are harsh. masters or faithless servants; if we are treacherous friends or bad neighbors or bitter competitors or corrupt unprincipled politicians or overreaching dealers in business, we are wandering at a great distance from the true Masonic light.. Masons lTIUst be kind and affectionate one to another. Frequenting the same temples, kneeling at the same altars, they should feel that respect and that kindness for each other, which their common relation and common approach to one God should inspire. There needs to be luuch more of the spirit of the ancient fellowship among us; more tenderness for each oth"er's faults, more forgivenes~, more solicitude for each other's improvement and good fortune; sonlewhat of brotherly feeling, that it be not shame to use the word "brother. n Nothing should be'allowed to interfere with that kindness and affection: neither the spirit of business, absorbing, eager, and overreaching, ungenerous and hard in its dealings, keen and bitter in its competitions, low and sordid in its purposes; nor that of ambition, selfish, mercenary, restless, circumventing, living only in the opinion of others, envious of the good" of others,



miserably vain of its own success, unjust, unscrupulous, and slanderous. He that does me a favor, hath bound me to make him a return of thankfulness. The obligation comes not by covenant, nor by his own express intention; but by the nature of the thing; and is a duty springing up within the spirit of the obliged person, to whom it is luore natural to love his friend, and to 路do good for good, than to return evil for evil; because a man may forgive an injury, but he must never forget a good turn. He that refuses to do good to them whom he is bound to love, or to love that which did him good, is unnatural and monstrous in his affections, and thinks all the world born to minister to him; with a greediness worse than that of the sea, which, although it receives all rivers into itself, yet it furnishes the clouds and springs with a return of all they need . Our duty to those who are our benefactors is, to esteem and love their persons, to make them proportionable returns of service, or duty, or profit, according as we can, or as they need, or as opportunity presents itself; and according to the greatness of their kindnesses. The generous Inan cannot but regret to see dissensions and disputes among his brethren. Only the base and ungenerous delight in discord. It is the poorest occupation of humanity to labor to tnake men think ',vorse of each other, as the press, and too commonly the pulpit, changing places with the hustings and the tribune, do. The duty of the Mason is to endeavor to l11ake man think better of his neighbor; to quiet, instead of aggravating difficulties; to bring tog-ether those who are severed or estranged; to keep friends from becoming foes, and to persuade foes to become friends. To do this, he must needs control his own passions, and be not rash and hasty, nor swift to take offence, nor easy to be angered. For anger is a professed enemy to counsel. It is a direct starIn, in which no man can be heard to speak or call from without; for if you counsel gently, you are disregarded; if you urge it and be vehement, you provoke it more. It is neither manly nor ingenuous. It makes marriage to be a necessary and unavoidable trouble; friendships and societies and familiarities, to be intolerable. It multiplies the evils of drunkenness, and makes the levities of wine to run into madne,ss. It makes innocent jesting to be路路the beginniD( of tragedies. It turns friendship into hatred; it makes a



man lose himself, and his reason and his argument, in disputation. It turns the desires of knowledge into an itch of wrangling. It adds insolency to power. It turns justice into cruelty, and judgment into oppression. It changes discipline into tediousness and hatred of liberal institution. It makes a prosperous man to be envied, and the unfortunate to be unpitied. See, therefore, that first controlling your own temper" and governing your own passions, you fit yourself to keep peace and harmony among other ll1en, and especially the brethren. Above all remember that Masonry is the real111 of peace" and that "among M as01JS there must be no dissension} but only that noble emulation, 'lvhich can best work and best agree. J1 \Vherever there is strife and hatred among the brethren, there is no JYIasonry; for Masonry is Peace, and Brotherly Love, and Concord. Masonry is the great Peace Society of the world. Wherever it exists, it struggles to prevent international difficulties and disputes; and to bind R.epublics, Kingdo111s, and Empires together in one great band of peace and amity. It would not so often struggle in vain, if Masons knew their power and valued their oaths, Who can sunl up the horrors and woes accumulated in a singl~ war? Masonry is not dazzled with all its pomp and路 circumstancet all its glitter and glory. War COlnes with its bloody hand into our very dwellings. It takes from ten thousand homes those who lived there in peace and comfort, hel~ by the tender ties of fatuily and kindred. It drags them. away, to die untended, of fever or exposure, in infectious climes; or to be hacked, torn, and mangled in the fierce fight; to fallon the gory field, to rise no more, or to be borne away, in awful agony, to noisome and horrid hospitals. The groans of the battle-fi,eldare echoed in sighs of bereavement from thousands of desolated hearths. rrhere is a skeleton in every house, a vacant chair at. every table. Returning, the soldier brings worse sorrow to his h01'1"le, by the infection which he has caught, of camp-vices. The country. is deluoralized. The national mind is brought down, from th垄 noble interchange of kind offices with another people, to wrath . and revenge, and base pride, and the habit of measuring brute strength against brute strength, in battle. Treasures are expended" that. would suffice to build ten thousand churches, hospitals, and universities, or rib and tie together a continent with rajls of irp1,l. If ,that treasure were suQkin the sea,it



would be calamity enough; but it is put to worse use; for it is expended in cutting into the veins and arteries of human life, until the earth is deluged with a sea of blood. Such are the l~ssons of this Degree. Yeu have vowed to make them the rule, the law, and the guide of your life and conduct. If you do so, you will be entitled, because fitted, to advance in Masonry. If you do not, you have already gone too far.


PROVOST AND JUDGE. THE lesson which this Degree 1nculcates 1S JUSTICE, in decision and judgment, and in our intercourse and dealing \vith other men. In a country where trial by jury is known, every intelligent man is liable to be called on to act as a judge, either of fact alone, or of fact and law mingled; and to assume the heavy responsibilities which belong to that character Those who are invested with the power of Judgment should Judge the causes of all persons uprightly and impartially, \vithout any personal consideration of the power of the mighty, or the bribe of the rich, or the needs of the poor. That is the cardinal rule, which no one will dispute; though many fail to observe it. But they must do more. They must divest themselves of prejudice and preconception. They must hear patiently, r~nlember accurately, and weigh carefully the facts and the arguments offered before them. They must not leap hastily to conclusions, nor form opinions before they have heard all. They must not presume crime or fraud. They must neither be ruled by stubborn pride of opinion, nor be too facile and yielding to the views and arguments of others. In deducing the motive from the proven act, they must not assign to the act either the best or the worst motives, but those which they would think it just and fair for the ,vorld to assign to it, if they themselves had done it; nor must they endeavor to make many little circumstances, that weigh nothing separately, weigh much together, to prove their own acuteness and sagacity. These are sound rules for every juror, also, to observe.




In our intercourse with others, there are two kinds .of injustice: the first, of those who offer an injury; the second, of those who have it in their power to avert an injury from those to whom it is offered, and yet do it not. So active injustice may be done in two vvays-by force and by fraud,:--of which force is lion-like, and fraud fox-like,-both utterly repugnant to social duty, but fraud the more detestable. Every wrong done by one man to another, whether it affect his person, his property, his happiness, or his reputation, is an offense against the law of justice. The field of this Degree is therefore a wide and vast one; and Masonry seeks for the most impressive mode of enforcing the lavv of justice, and the most effectual means of preventing wrong and injustice. To this end it teaches this great and momentous truth: that wrong and injustice once done cannot be undone; but are eternal in their consequences; once committed, are numbered with the irrevocable Past; that the wrong that is done contains its own retributive penalty as surely and as naturally as the acorn cont;,tins the oak. Its consequences are its punishment; it needs no other, and can have no heavier; they are involved in its commissian,路 and cannot be separated from it. A wrong done to another is an injury done to our own Nature, an offence against our own souls, a disfiguring of the image of the Beautiful and Good. Punishment is not the execution of a sentence, but the occurrence of an effect. It is ordained to follow guilt, not by the decree of God as a judge, but by a law enacted by Him as the Creator and Legislator of the Universe. I t is not an arbitrary and artificial annexation, but an ordinary and logical consequence; and therefore must be borne by the wrong-doer, and through him may flow on to others. It is the decision of the infinite justice of God, in the form of law. There can be no interference with, or remittance of, or protection from, the natural effects of our wrongful acts. God will not interpose between the cause and its consequence; and in that sense there can be no forgiveness of sins. The act which 4as debased our soul may be repented of,may be turned from; but the injury is dene. The debasement may be redeemed by after-efforts, the stain obliterated by bitterer struggles and severer sufferings; but the efforts and the endurance which might have raised the soul to the loftiest heights are now exhausted in merely regaining what



it has I05t. There must always be a wide difference between him who only ceases to do evil, and him who has always done well. He will certainly be a far more scrupulous watcher over"his con... duct, and far more careful of his deeds, who believes that those deeds will inevitably bear their natural consequences, exen1pt from after intervention, than he \vho believes that penitence and pardon will at any time unlink the chain of sequences. Surely we shan do less wrong and injustice, if the conviction is fixed and embedded in our souls that everything done is done irrevocably, that even"the Omnipotence of God cannot uncom1nit a deed, cannot make that' undone which has beeff., done; that every act of ours must bear its allotted fruit, according to the everlasting laws, . -must relnain forever ineffaceably inscribed on the tablets of Universal Nature. If you have wronged another, you luay grieve, repent, and resolutely determine against any such weakness in future. You l11ay, so far as it is possible, make reparation. It is well. Theinjured party may forgive you, accordtng to the ll1eaning of human language; but thedeeid is done} and all the powers of Nature, were they to conspire in your behalf, could not ll1akeit undone~路 the consequences to the body, the consequences to the soul, though no man may perceive them, are there, are written in the annals of the Past, and must reverbrate throughout all time. Repentance fot awro'ng done, hears, like every other act, its own fruit, the fruit ofpul,-ifying the heart and am,ending the Future, but not of effacing rhePast. The commission of the wrong is an irrevocable act; btl! \it does not incapacitate the soul to do right for the future. Itseons,equences cannot be expunged; but its course need not be pursued. Wrong and evil perpetrated, though ineffaceable, call for DO despair, but for efforts more energetic than before. Repentance is still as valid as ever; but it is valid to secure the Future, not to o1>literatethe Past. Even the pulsations of the ~ir, Oflce set ifl motion by the human voice, cease not toe~isfwrth tbe sounds to which they gave rise. Their quickly-attenuated force soon becomes i'naudible to human ears. But the waves of 'air-thus raised perambulate the surface of earth and ocean, and in less than twenty hours, every atom of the atmosphere takes up the altered movement due 'to that infinitesi... mal portion of primitive motion whichhasb~en conveyed to it



through countless channels, and which must continue to influence its path throughout its future existence. The air is one vast library, on whose pages is forever written all that man has ever said or even whispered. There, in their muta91e, but unerring characters, mixed with the earliest, as well as the latest signs of mortality, stand forever recorded,vows unredeemed, promises unfulfilled; perpetuating, in the movements of each particle, all in unison, the testimony of man's changeful will. God reads that book, though we cannot. So earth, air, and ocean are the eternal witnesses of the acts that we have done. No motion impressed by natural causes or by human agency is ever obliterated. The track of every keel which has ever disturbed the surface of the ocean remains forever registered in the future movements of all succeeding particles which may occupy its place. Every criminal is by the laws of the Almighty irrevocably chained to the testimony of his crime"; for every atom of his lnortal fratne, through whatever changes its particles may migrate, will still retain, adhering to it through every combination, some movement derived from that very musCUlar effort by which the crime itself was路 perpetrated. What if our faculties should be so enhanced in a future life as to enable us to perceive and trace the ineffaceable consequences of our idle words and路 evil deeds, and render our remorse and grief as eternal as those consequences themselves ? No more fearful punishment to a superior intelligence can be conceived, than to glee still in action, with the consciousness that it must continue in action forever, a cause oJ wrong put in motion by itself ages before. Masonry, by its teachings,endeavots to restrain men from' the commission of injustice and 路acts of wrong and outrage." Though it does not endeavor to usurp the place of religion,' stiU its' code of morals proceeds upondther principles than" the municipal law; and it condemns and punishes offences \vhich neither that law punishes nor public opinion conden1ns. In the Masonic law, to cheat and overreach in trade, at the bar, in politics, are deeinepno more venial than theft; nor' a deliberate' lie th-anperjury ;"no'r slander than robbery; nor seduction than murder. Especially it condemns those wrong's of which 'the'doer induces ~'nother to partake. H emay repent ;he may,aftet "agonizing $~rnggles, regain the path of virtue'; his spirit may reaellieve('its



purity through much anguish, after many strifes; but the weaker fellow-creature ,vhom he led astray, WhOlTI he made a sharer in his guilt, but whom he cannot make a sharer in his repentance and amendment, whose downward course (the first step of which he taught) he cannot check, but is compelled to witness,-what forgiveness of sins can avail him there? There is his perpetual, his inevitable punishment, which no repentance can alleviate, and no nlercy can reluit. Let us be just, also, in judging of other men's motives. We know but little of the real merits or demerits of any fellowcreature. \Ve can rarely say with certainty that this man is more guilty than that, or even that this n1an is very good or very wicked. Often路 the basest men leave behind them excellent reputations. There is scarcely one of us who has not, at son1e time in his life, been on the edge of the commission of a crime. Every one of us can look back, and shuddering see the time when our feet stood upon the slippery crags that overhung the abyss of guilt; and when, if ten1ptation had been a little more urgent, or a little longer continued, if penury had pressed us a little harder, or a little more wine had further disturbed our intellect, dethroned our judgment, and aroused our passions, our feet would have slipped, and路 we should have fallen, never to rise again. We may be .able to say-"This man has lied, has. pilfered, has forged, has embezzled moneys intrusted to him; and that man has gone through life with clean hands." But we cannot say that the former has not struggled long, though unsuccessfully, against tenlptations under which the second would have succumbed with.. out an effort. We can say which has the cleanest hands before man; but not which has the cleanest soul before God. We may be able to say, this man has committed adultery, and that luan has been ever chaste; but we cannot tell but that the innocence of one may have been due to the coldness of his heart, to the absence of a motive, to the. presence of a fear, to the slight degree of the ten1ptation; nor but that the fall of the other 111ay have been preceded by the most vehement self-contest, caused by the Illost over-mastering frenzy, and atoned for by the most hallowing repentance. Generosity as well as niggardliness may be a Inere yielding to native temperament; and in the eye of Heaven, a long life of beneficence in one man may have cost less effort, and may indicate less virtue and less sacrifice of interest, than a few rare



the路~.reluctant and unsympathizing nature of the other. There may be more real merit, more self-sacrificing effort, more of the noblest elements of moral grandeur, in a life of failure, sin, and shame, than in a career, to our eyes, of stainless integrity. When we condemn or pity the fallen, how do we know that, tempted like him, 'rve should not have fallen like him, as soon, and perhaps with less resistance? How can vve kno,v what we should do if 'rve were out of employment, famine crouching, gaunt, and hungry, on our fireless hearth, and our children wailing for bread? We fall not beca~拢se we are not enough tempted! lIe that hath fallen may be at heart as honest :;lS we. How do we know that our daughter, sister, wife, could resist the abandonment, the desolation, the distress, the temptation, that sacrificed the virtue o~ their poor abandoned sister of shame? Per11aps they also have not fallen, because they have not been sorely tetnpted! Wisely are we directed to pray that we n1ay not be exposed to temptation. Human justice must fbe ever uncertain. How many judicial n1urders have been committed through ignorance of the phenomena of insanity t Ho\v n1any men hung for murder 'rVl10 '\vere nc more n1urderers at heart than the jury that tried and the judge that sentenced them! It may well be doubted \vhether the administration of hUlnan la\vs, in every country, is not one gigantic mass of injustice and \vrong. God seeth not as Ulan seeth; and the 1110St abandoned criminal, black as he is before the world, may yet have continued to keep some little light burning in a corner of his soul, which would long since have gone out in that of those who walk proudly in the sunshine of immaculate fame, if they had been tried and tenlpted like the poor outcast. , We do not know even the outside life of men. We are not con1petent to pronounce even on their deeds. \Ve do not know half the acts of wickedness or virtue, even of our most in1n1ediate fellows. We cannot say, with certainty, even of our nearest friend, that he has not committed a particular sin, and broken a particular commandn1ent. Let each man ask his own heart! Of how many of our best and o'f our worst acts and qualities are our most intimate associates utterly unconscious! I-Iow many virtues does not the world give us credit for, that we do not possess; or vices condemn us for, of which we are not the slaves I It is but a small portion of our evil deeds and thoughts that ever comes to light;

hidden acts of kindness wrung路by duty out of



and of our few redeeming goodnesses, the largest portion is known to God alone. We shall, therefore, be just in judging of other men, only when we are charitable; and we should assume the prerogative of judging others only when the duty is forced upon us; since we are so almost certain to err, and the consequences of error are so serious. No man need covet the office of judge; for in assuming it he assumes the gravest and most oppressive responsibility. Yet you have assumed it; we ali assume it; for man is ever ready to judge, and ever ready to condemn his neighbor, while upon the same state of case he acqu.its himself. See, therefore, that you exercise your office cautiously and charitably, lest, in passing judgment upon the criminal, you commit a greater wrong than that for which you condemn him, and the consequences of \vhich must be eternal. The faults and critnes and follies of other men are not unimportant to us; but form a part of our moral discipline. War and bloodshed at a distance, and frauds which do not affect our pecuniary interest, yet touch us in our feelings, and concern our moral welfare. They have much to do with all thoughtful hearts. The public eye may look unconcernedly on the n1iserablevictim of vice, and that shattered wreck of a man may move the multitude to laughter or to scorn. But to the NIason, it is the form of sacred humanity that is before him; it is an erring fellow-being; a desolate, forlorn, forsaken soul; and his thoughts, enfolding the poor wretch, will be far deeper than those of indifference, ridicule, or contempt. All human offences, the whole systen1 of dishonesty, evasion, circumventing, forbidden indulgence, and intriguing ambition, in which men are struggling with each other, will be looked upon by a thoughtful Mason, not merely as a scene of mean toils and strifes, but as the solemn conflicts of immortal minds, for ends vast and momentotlsas their own being. It is a sad and unworthy strife, and may well' be viewed with indignation; but that indignation must melt into pity. For the stakes for which these gamesters play are not those which they imagine, not those which are in sight. For example, this man plays for a petty office, and gains it; but the real stake he gains is sycophancy, uncharitableness, 'slander, and deceit. Good men are too proud, of their goodness. They are respectable; dishonor oomes not near them; their countenance has weight and influence; their robes are unstained; the poisonous breath of


JUDC~ ..


ealumny has never been breathed upon their拢 name. How easy it is for them to look down with scorn upon the poor degraded offender; to pass him by with a lofty step; to draw up the folds of their garment around them, that they may not be soiled by his touch 1 Yet the Great Master of Virtue did not so; but descended to familiar intercourse with publicans and sinners, with the Sa:maritan woman, with the outcasts and the Pariahs of the Hebrew world. Many men think themselves better, in proportion as they can detect sin in others! \Vhen they go over the catalogue of路 their neighbor's unhappy derelictions of temper or conduct, they often, amidst much apparent concern, feel a secret exultation, that destroys all their own pretensions to wisdom and moderation, and even to virtue. Many even take actual pleasure in the sins of others; and this is the case with everyone whose thoughts ate often employed in agreeable comparisons of his own virtues with his neighbors' faults. The power of gentleness is too little seen in the world; the subduing influences of pity, the might of love, the control of mildness over passion, the 'Commanding majesty of that perfect character which mingles grave displeasure with grief and pity for the offender. So it is that a Mason should treat his brethren who go astray_ Not with bitterness; nor yet with good-natured easiness, fior with worldly indifference, nor with the philosophic coldness, nor with a laxity of conscience, that accounts everything well, that passes under the seal of public opinion; but with charity, with pitying loving-kindness. The human heart will not bow willingly to what is infirm and wrong in human nature. If it yields to us, it must yield to what is divine in us. The wickedness of my neighbor cannot submit to Illy wickedness; his sensuality, for instance, to my anger against his vices. My faults are not the instruments that are to arrest bis faults. And therefore impatien~ reformers, and denouncing f)reachers, and hasty reprovers, and angry parents, and irritable relatives generally fail, in their several departments, to reclaim the

erring. A moral offence is sickness, pain, loss, dishonor, in the immor... tal part of man. It is guilt, and misery added to guilt. It is itself calamity; and brings upon itself, in addition, the calamity of GodJs cD,sapproval, the abhorrence of all 'virtuous men, and the soul's own



abhorrence. Deal faithfully, but patiently and tenderly, with this evil! It is no matter for petty provocation, nor for personal strife, nor for selfish irritation. Speak kindly to your erring brother 1 God pities him: Christ has died for him. Providence waits for him: Heaven's mercy yearns toward him; and Heaven's spirits are rea-dy to welcome him back with joy. Let your voice be. in unison with all those powers that God is using for his recovery! If one defrauds you,. and exults at it, he is the most to be pitied of human beings. He has done himself a far deeper injury than he has done you. It is he, and not you, whom God regards with mingled displeasure and compassion; and His judgment should be your law. Among all the benedictions of the- Holy Mount there is not one for this man; but. for the merciful, the peacemakers, and the persecuted they are poured out freely. Weare all men of like passions, propensities, and exposures. There are elements in us all, which might have .been perverted, through the successive processes of moral deterioration, to the worst of crimes. The wretch whom the execration of the thronging crowd- pursues to the scaffold, is not worse than anyone of that multitude might have become under similar circumstances. He is to be condemned indeed, but also deeply to be pitied. It does not become the frail and sinful to 路be vindictive toward even the worst criminals. We owe much to the good Providence of God, ordaining for us a lot more favorable to virtue. We all had that within us, that might have been pushed to the same路 excess: Perhaps we should have fallen as he did, with less temptation. Perhaps we have done acts, that, in proportion to the temptation or provocation, were less excusable than his great crime. Silent pity and sorrow for the victim should mingle with our detestation of the guilt. Even the pirate who murders in cold blood on the high seas, is such a man as you or I might have been. Orphanage in childhood, or base and dissolute and abandoned parents; an unfriended youth; evil companions; ignorance and want of moral cultivation; the temptations of sinful pleasure or grinding poverty; familiarity with vice; a scorned and blighted name; seared and crushed affections; desperate fortunes; these are steps that might have led any one among us to unfurl upon the high seas the bloody flag of universal defiance; to wage war with our kind; to live the life and die the death of the reckless and remorseless free-



booter. Many affecting relationships of humanity plead with us to pity him. His head once rested on a mother's bosom. He was once the object of sisterly love and domestic endearment. Perhaps his hand, since often red with blood, once clasped another little loving hand at. the altar. Pity him then; his blighted hopes and his crushed heart! It is proper that frail and erring creatures like us should do so; should feel the crime, but feel it as weak, tempted, and rescued creatures should. It may be that when God weighs 111en's crimes, He will take into consideration the temptations and the adverse circumstances that led to them" and the opportunities for moral culture of the offender; and it may be that our own offences will weigh heavier than we think, and the murderer's lighter than according to man's judgment. On all accounts, therefore, let the true Mason never forget the solemn injunction, necessary to be observed at almost every moment of a busy life: "JUDGE NOT, LEST YE YOURS~LVES BE JUDGED: FOR WHATSO~vER





lesson taught the Provost and Judge.



Such is the


INTENDANT OF THE BUILDING. IN this Degree you have been taught the .important lesson, that none are entitled to advance in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, who have not by study and application made themselves familiar with Masonic learning and jurisprudence. The Degrees of this Rite are not for those who are content with the mere work and路 ceremonies, and do not seek to explore the mines of wisdom that lie buried beneath the surface. You still advance toward路路 the Light, toward that star, blazing in the distance, which is an elU.. blem of the Divine Truth, given by God to the first men, and preserved amid all the vicissitudes of ages in the traditions and teachings of lVlasonry. How far you will advance, depends upon yourself alone. Herl, as everywhere in 路the world, Darkness struggles with Light,ana clouds an.d shadows intervene between you and the Truth. When you shall haV"ebecome imbued with the morality of Masonry, with which you Yet a1i'~, and for some time will be exclusively occupied,-when you shall have learned to practice all the virtues which it inculcates; when they become familiar to you as your Household Gods; then will you be prepared to receive its lofty philosophical instruction, and to scale the heights upon whose summit Light and Truth sit enthroned. Step by step men must advance toward Perfection; and each Masonic Degree is ' meant to be one of those steps. Each is a development of a particular duty; and in the present you are taught charity and be136


137 nevolence; to be to your brethren an example of virtue; to correct YQurown faults; and to endeavor to correct those of your brethren. Here,. as in all the D·egrees, you meet with the emblems and the names of Deity, the true knowledge of whose character and attributes it has ever been a chief object of Masonry to perpetuate. To a~preciate His infinite greatness and goodness, to rely implicitly ~pon His Providence, to revere and venerate Him as the Supreme A.kchitect, Creator, and Legislator of the universe" is the first of Masonic duties. The Battery of this Degree, and the five circuits which you ~~de around the Lodge, allude to. the five points of fellowship, aud are intended to recall them "vividly to your mind. To ~o upon a· hrother's errand or to his relief, even barefoot and upon flinty gfound; to remember him in your supplications to the Deity; to clasp him to your heart, and protect h~m against malice and evilspeaking; to tlphold him when about to stumble and fall; and·to give him prudent, honest, and friendly counsel, are duties plainly written upon the pages of God's great code of law, and first among the ordinances of Masonry. The first sign of the Degree is expressive of the diffidence and h\1mility with which we inquire into the nature and attributes of the Deity; the second, of the profound awe and reverence with which we contemplate His glories; and the third, of the sorrow with which we reflect upon our insufficient observance of our d~ties, apd our imperfect compliance with His statutes. The distinguishing property of man is to search for and follow a.fter truth. Therefore, when relaxed from our necessary cares and concerns, we then covet to see, to hear, and fa learn somewbat; and we esteem knowledge of things, either obscure or wonderful, to be the indispensable Ineans of living happily. Truth, Simplicity, and Candor are most agreeable to the nature of mankind. Whatever is virtuous ,consists either in Sagacity, and the p~f"ception of Truth; or in the preservation of Human Society, b~,:giviDg to every man his uue, and observing the faith of contr,~cts ; or in the greatness and firmness of an elevated al)d uDs,ubGl~edmincl; Qrder and all our words and in all our .actions; in w'hich consist Moderation and Temp:'e,rance . i\4asoory has in all ti~esr~1~giously preserved that • e~1ightened f~i~~from which flow ~ublin,e,.Dev9~edn~ssJ\t~~s~ntim~~~tt9f; Fraternity fruitful of good works, the spirit of indulgence an'd peace,



of sweet hopes and effectual consolations; and inflexibility in the accomplishment of the most painful and arduous duties. It has always propagated it with ardor and perseverance; and therefore it labors at' the present day more zealously than ever~ Scarcely a Masonic discourse is pronounced, that does not demonstrate the necessity and advantages of this faith, and especially recall the two constitutive principles of religion, that make all religion,-love of God, and love of neighbor. Masons carry these principles into the bosoms of their families and of society. While the Sectarians of former times enfeebled the religious spirit, Masonry, forming one great People over the whole globe, and marching under the great banner of Charity and Benevolence, preserves that religious feeling, strengthens it, extends. it in its purity and simplicity, as it has always existed in the depths of the human heart, as it existed even under the dominion of the most ancient forms of worship, but where gross and debasing superstitions forbade its' recognition. A Masonic Lodge should resemble a bee-hive, in which all the mem-bers work together with ardor for the common good. Masonry is not made for cold souls and narrow minds, that do not comprehend its lofty mission and sublime apostolate. Here the anathema against lukewarm souls applies. To comfort misfortune, to popularize knowledge, to teach whatever is true and pure in religion and philosophy, to accustom men to respect order and the proprieties of life, to point out the way to genuine happiness, to prepare for that fortunate period, when all the factions of the Human Family, united by the bonds of Toleration and Fraternity, shall be but one household,-these are labors. that may well excite zeal and even enthusiasm. We do not now enlarge upon or elaborate these ideas. We but utter them to you briefly, as hints, upon which you may at'your leisure reflect. Hereafter, if you continue to advance, they will be unfolded. explained, and developed. Masonry Utt~l s no impracticable and extravagant precepts, cer.. tain, because they are so, to be disregarded. It asks of its initiates nothing that it is not possible and even easy for them to 路perform. I ts teachings are eminently practical; and its statutes' can be obeyed by every just, upright, and honest man, no matter what his faith or creed. Its object is to attain the greatest practical good, without seeking to make men perfect. It does not meddle with the domain of reliiion, nor inquire into' the mysteries of regen..



eration. It teaches those truths that are written by the finger of God upon the heart of man, those views of duty which have been wrought out by the meditations of the studious, confirmed by the allegiance of the good and wise, and stamped as sterling by the response they find in every uncorrupted mind. It does not dogmatize, nor vainly imagine dognlatic certainty to be attainable. Masonry does not occupy itself with crying down this world, with its splendid beauty, its thrilling interests, its glorious works, its noble and holy affections; nor exhort us to detach our 'hearts from this earthly life, as empty, fleeting, and unvvorthy, and fix them upon Heaven, as the only sphere deserving the路 love 'of the loving or the n1editation of the wise. It teaches that man has high duties to perform, and a high destiny to fulfill, on this earth; that this world is not merely the portal to another; and that this life, though not our only one, is an integral one, and the particular one with which we are here meant to be concerned; that the Present is our scene of action, and the Future for speculation and for trust; that man was sent upon the earth to live in it, to enjoy it, to study it, to love it, to embellish it, to make the 1110st of it. It is his country, on which he should lavish his affections and his efforts. It is here his influences are to operate. It is his house, and not a tent; his home, and not merely a school. He is sent into this world, not to be constantly hankering- after, dreaming of, preparing for another; but to do his duty and fulfill his destiny on this earth; to do 'all that lies in his power to improve it, to render it a scene of elevated happiness to himself, to those around him, to those who are to come after him. His life here is part of his imn10rtality; and this world, also, is among the stars. And thus, Masonry teaches us, will man best prepare for that Future which he hopes for. The Unseen cannot hold a higher place in our affections than the Seen and the Familiar. The la\\' of our being is Love of Life, and its interests and adornn1ents; love of the world in which our lot is cast, engrossment with the interests and affections of earth.Nat a low or sensual love; not love of wealth, of fame, of ease, of power, of splendor. Not low worldliness; but the love of Earth as the garden on which the Creator has lavished such miracles of beauty; as the habitation of humanity, the arena of its conflicts, the scene of its illimitable progress, the dwelling-place of the wise, the good, the active, the loving, and路 the dear; the plact: of opportunity for the development



by means of sin and suffering and sorrow, of the noblest passions, the loftiest virtues, and the tenderest sylnpathies. They take very unprofitable pains, who endeavor to persuade men that they are obliged wholly to despise this world, and all that is in it, even whilst they themselves live here. God hath not taken all that pains in forming and framing and furnishing and adorning the world, that they who were made by Him to live in it should despise it. It will be enough, if they do not love it too immoderately. It is useless to attempt toexting-uish all those affections and passions which are and always will be inseparable from hutnan nature. As long. as he world lasts, and honor and virtue and industry have reputation in the world, there will be ambition and emulation and appetite in the best and most accomplished men in it; and if there were not, more barbarity and vice and wickedness would cover every nation of the world, than it now suffers under. Those only who feel a deep interest in, and affection for, this world, will work resolutely for its amelioration. Those who undervalue this life, naturally become querulous and discontented, and lose their interest in the welfare of their fello'\tvs. To serve them, and so to do our duty as Masons, we must feel that the object is worth the exertion ; and be content with this world in which God has placed us, until He permits us to remove to a better one. He is here with us, and .• does not deen1 this an unworthy world. It it a serious thing to defame and belie a whole world; to speak of it as the abode of a poor, toiling, drudging, ignorant, contemptible race. You would 'not so discredit your family, your friendly circle, your village, your city, your country. The world is not a wretched and a. wor~hless one; nor is it a misfortune, but a thing to be thankful fo{, to be a man. If life is worthless, so also is immortality. In society itself, in. that living mechanism of human relation... ships that spreads itsell.over the world, there is a finer essence within, that as truly moves it, as any power, heavy or expansive, moves the soundingm~nutactory or the swift-flying car. The nlan-machine hurri~s to and fro upon the earth, stretches out its hands on every side,¡ to toil, to barter, to unnumbered labors and en,terprises ;. and almost always . the motive, that which moves it, is somethingthat takes hold of the comforts., affections, and hopes of social existence. True, the mechanism often works with diffi-



culty, drags heavily, grates and screams with harsh collision. True, the essence of finer Inative, becoming intermixed with baser and coarser ingredients, often clogs, obstructs, jars, and deranges the frete and noble action of social life. But he is neither grateful nor wise, who looks cynically on all this, and loses the fine sense of social good in its perversions. That I can be a friend, that I can hlJ1,ve a friend, though it were butane in the world; that fa.ct, that wondrous good fortune, we may set against all the sufferings of our social nature. That there is such a place on earth as a home, that resort and sanctuary of in-walled and shielded joy, we may set against all the surrounding desolations of life. rrhat one can gea true, social man,can speak his true thoughts, amidst all the janglings of •controversy and the warring of opinions; that fact from within, outweighs all facts from without. In the visible aspect and action of society, often repulsive and ann!oying, we are apt to .lose the due sense of its invisible bless... ings. As inN ature it is not the coarse and palpable) not soils and rains, nor even fields and flowers, that are so beautiful, as the invisible spirit of wisdolTI and beauty that pervades it; so in society, it is the invisible, and therefore unobserved, that is most beautiful. What nerves the arm of toil? If man minded himself alon'e, be would fling down the spade and axe,and rush to the desert; or foam through the world as a wilderness, and make that world a c!'tsert. His home, which he sees not, perhaps, but once or twice in a day, is the invisible bond of the world. It is the good, strong, and noble faith that men have·in each other, which gives the loftiest character to business, trade, and commerce. Fraud occurs in the· rush of business; but it is the exception. Honesty is the rule; and all the· frauds in the world cannot tear the great bond of bun1an confidence. If they could, COUlmerce would furl its sails :0nevery . sea, and all the cities of the world would crumble into truins. The bare character of a Ulan on the other side of the world, whom you never saw, whom you never will see, you hold tg:ooid fora bond of thousands. The most striking feature of ·the political state is not governments, nor constitl1tions, nor laws, nor enactments, nor the judicial power, nor the police; but the universal will·· of the people to be governed by thecOll1mon. weal. Take off that restraint, and no gov:ernment on earth could stand for an

.our. Of the many teachings

ot Masonry, one of the most valuable is,



that we should not depreciate this life.

It does not hold, that

when we reflect on the destiny that awaits man on earth, we ought to bedew his cradle with our tears; but" like the Hebrews, it hails the birth of a child with joy, and holds that his birthday should be a festivaL It has no sympathy with those who profess to have proved this life, and found it little worth; who have deliberately tnade up their minds that it is far more tniserable than happy; because its employtnents are tedious, and their schetnes often baffled, their friendships broken, or their. friends dead, its pJeasures palled, and its honors faded, and its paths beaten, fan1iliar, and dull. Masonry deems it no mark of great piety toward God to disparage, if not despise, the state that He路 has ordained for us. It does not absurdly set up the claims of another world, not in conlparison merely, but in competition, with the claims of this. It looks upon both as parts of one systen1. It holds that a 111an may make the best of this world and of another at the same tin1e. It does not teach its initiates to think better of other. works and dispensations of God, by thinking meanly of these. It does not look upon life as so much tin1e lost; nor regard its employments as trifles unworthy of in1mortal beings; nor tell its followers to fold their arms, as if in disdain of their state and species; but it looks soberly and cheerfully upon the world, as a theatre of worthy action, of exalted usefulness, and of rational and innocent enjoyment. I t holds that, with all its evils, life is a blessing. To deny that is to destroy the basis of all religion, natural and revealed. The very foundation of all religion is laid on the firm belief that God is good; and if this life is an evil and a curse, no such belief can be rationally entertained. To level our satire at humanity and human existence, as mean and conten1ptible; to look.on路this world as the habitation of a nliserable race, fit only for mockery and scorn; to consider this earth as a dungeon or a prison, which has no blessing to offer but escape from it, is to extinguish the primal light of faith and hope and happiness, to destroy the basis of religion, and Truth's foundation in the goodness of God. If it indeed be so, then it matters not what else is true or not true; speculation is vain and faith is vain; and all that belongs to man's highest being is buried in the ruins of misanthropy, melancholy~ and despair.



Our love of life; the tenacity \vith which, in sorrow and suffering, we cling to it; our attachlnent to our honle, to the spot that gave us birth, to any place, hovvever rude, unsightly, or barren, on which the history of our years has been \vritten, all show ho\v dear are the ties of kindred and society. 1fisery l1lakes a greater inlpression upon us than happiness; because the fornler is not the habit of our minds. It is a strange, unusual guest, and we are more conscious of its presence. Happiness lives with us, and we forget it. It does not excite us, nor disturb the order and course of our thoughts. A great agony is an epoch in our life. We remember our afflictions, as we do the storm and earthquake, because thty are out of the comnlon course of things. They are like disastrous events, recorded because extraordinary; and with whole and unnoticed periods of prosperity between. We mark and signalize the times of calamity; but many happy days and unnoted periods of enjoynlent pass, that are unrecorded either in the book of memory, or in the scanty annals of our thanksgiving. We are little disposed and less able to call up from the dim remembrances of our past years, the peaceful moments, the easy sensations, the bright thoughts, the quiet reveries, the throngs of kind affections in which life flowed on, bearing us almost unconsciously upon its bosom, because it bore us calmly and gently. Life is. not only good; but it has been glorious in the experience of millions. The glory of all hunlan virtue clothes it. The splendors of devotedness, beneficence, and heroism are upon it; the crown of a thousand martyrdoms is upon its brow. The brightness of the soul shines through this visible and sometimes darkened life; through all its surrounding cares and labors. 'rhe hutl1blest life t11ay feel its connection with its Infinite Source. There is sonlething n1.ighty in the frail inner man; sOlnething of iq11TIOrtality in this lTIOlllentary and transient being. tfhe 11lind stretches away, on every side, into infinity. Its thoughts flash abroad, far into the boundless, the immeasurable, the infinite; far into the great, dark, teen1ing future; and beconle powers and influences in other ages. To know its 'Vvonderful Author, to bring 40;'Nn wisdom froln the Eternal Stars, to bear upward its hOlnage, g;ratitude, and love, to the Ruler of all \vorlds, to be inlnlortal in our influences proj ected far into the sIo\v-approaching Future, makes life I1l0st worthy and most glorious. Life is the wonderful creation of God. It is light, sprung from



void darkness; power, waked from inertness and impotence; being created from nothing; and the contrast may well enkindle wonder and delight. It is a rill from the infinite, overflowing goodness; and from the moment when it first gushes up into the light, to that when it mingles with the ocean of Eternity, that Goodness attends路 it and ministers to it. It is a great and glorious gift. There is gladness in its infant voices; joy in the buoyant step of its youth; deep satisfaction in its strong maturity; and peace in its quiet age. There is good for the good; virtue for the faithful; and victory for the valiant. There is, even in this humble life, an infinity for those whose desires are boundless. l'here are blessings upon its birth; there is hope. in its death; and eternity in its prospect. Thus earth, which binds many in chains, is to the Mason both the starting-place and goal of immortality. Many it buries in the rubbish of dull cares and wearying vanities; but to the Mason it is the lofty mount of meditation, where Heaven, and Infinity and Eternity are spread before him and around him. To the lofty-minded, the pure, and the virtuous, this life is the beginning of Heaven, and a part of immortality. God路 hath appointed one remedy for all the evils in the world; and that is a contented spirit We may be reconciled to poverty and a low fortune, if we suffer contentedness and equanimity to make the proportions. No man is poor \vho doth not think himself so; but if, in a full fortune, with impatience he desires more, he proclaims his wants and his beggarly condition. This virtue of contentedness was the sum of all the old moral philosophy, and is of most universal use in the whole course of our lives, and the only' instrument to ease the burdens of the world and the enmities of sad chances. It is the great reasonableness of complyinJ{ with the Divine Providence, which governs all the world, and hath so ordered us in the administration of His great family. It is fit that God should dispense His gifts as He pleases; and if we murmur here, we may, at thenexf melancholy, he troubled that He did not make us to be angels or stars. We ourselves make our fortunes good or bad; and when God lets loose a Tyrant upon us, or a sickness, or scorn, or a lessened fortune, if we fea.r to die, or know not how to be patient, or are proud, or covetous, then the calamity sits heavy on us. But if we know how to manage a noble principle, and fear not death so much as a dishonest action, and think impatience a worse evil than a


0];1' THlt BUILDING.


fever, and pride to he the greatest disgrace as well as the greatest iolly, and poverty far preferable to the torments of avarice, we may still bear an路 even n1ind and smile at the reverses of fortune and the ill-nature of Fate. If thou hast lost thy land, do not also lose thy constancy; and if thou nlust die sooner than others, or than thou didst expect, yet do not die impatiently. For no chance is evil to hitn who is content, and to a man nothing is miserable unless it be unreasonable. No man can make another man to be his slave, unless that other hath first enslaved himself to life and death, to pleasure or pain, to. hope or fear; command these passions, and you are freer than the Parthian Kings. When an enemy reproaches us, let us look on him as an impartial relator of our faults; for he will tell us truer than our fondest friend will, and we may forgive his anger, whilst we make use of tbe plainness of his declamation. The ox, when he is weary, tr:eads truest;. and if there be nothing else in abuse, but that it makes 11S to walk \varily, and tread sure for fear of our enemies, that is better than to be flattered into pride and carelessness. If thou fallest from .thy employment in public, take sanctuary iuan honest retirement, being indifferent to thy gainabroad or tay safety at home. When the north wind blows hard, and it rains sadly, we do not sit down in it and cry; but defend ourselves against it with a warm garment, or a good fire and a dry roof~ So when the storm of a sad mischance beats upon our spirits, we may .rn it into something that is good, if we resolve to make it so; andJ.with equanimity and patience may shelter ourselves from its i.cletn'ent pitiless pelting. If it develop our patience, and give ~c3ision for heroic endurance, it hath done us good enough to reG9mp,ense us sufficiently for all the temporal affliction ; for so a wis.e man shall overrule his stars; and have a greater influence upon his own content, than all the constellations and planets of tfle! firmament. lCompare not thy condition with the few above thee, but to seGune thy content, look upon .thosie thousands with whom thou W'o1.ddst not, for any interest,:change thy fortune and condition. ArsIDldier must not think himself unprosperous, if he be not SllCole:ssful as Alexander or Wellington; nor any man deen1 himself .iJortunatethat he hath not the wealth of Rothschild ; but rather let:th.efonner rejoice that he is notlessened like the mal1yigefterals J



\vho went down horse and man before Napoleon, and the latter that he is not the beggar who, bareheaded in the bleak winter wind holds out his tattered hat· for charity. There may be many \vho are richer and more fortunate-; but many thousands who are very miserable, compared to thee. After the worst assaults of Fortune, there will be something left to us,-a merry countenance, a cheerful spirit, and a good conscience, the Providence of God, our hopes of Heaven, our charity for those. who have injured us; perhaps a loving wife, and many friends to pity, and some to relieve us; and light and air, and all the beauties of Nature; we can read, discourse, and meditate ; and having still these blessings, we should be n1uch in love with sorrow and p,eevishness to lose .them all, and prefer to .sit down on our little handful of thorns. Enjoy the blessings. of this day, if God sends them, and the evils of it bear patiently and caltnly; for this day only is ours: we are dead to yesterday, and we are not yet born to the morrow. When our fortunes are violently changed, our spirits are unchanged, if they always stood in the suburbs and expectation of sorrows and reverses. The blessings of immunity, safeguard, liberty, and integrity deserve the thanksgiving of a whole life. We are quit from a thousand calamities,: everyone of ,vhich, if it were upon us, would make us insensible of our present sorrow, and glad to receive it in exchange· for that other greater affliction. Measure your <desires by your fortune and condition, not your fortunes by your desires: be governed by your needs, not by your fancy; by nature,· not by evil Cllst0111S and ambitious principles. It is no evil to be'pmor, but to be vicious and impatient. Is that beast better, that hath two or three mountains to graze on, than the little bee that· feeds Oft dewar manna, and lives upon what falls every morning {rQ.m the ~tore-houses of Heaven, clouds and Providence? There are some instances of fortune and a fair condition that cannot stand with .·so,me others ; hut if you desire this, you must lose that, and ·unless)'ou be content with one, you lose the com.. fort of both. l£yo11 covet learning, you must have leisure and a r.:etired life; if h6no rs of State and political distinctions, you must be ever abroad in public, and get experience, and do all men's business, ~nd keep: aU company, and have no leisure at all. If yoa will be rich, ·youm\1st be frugal ; if you will be popular" you mus!t i



be bountiful; if a philosopher, you must despise riches. If you ",rouldbe fan10us as Epan1inondas, accept路 also his poverty, for it added lustre to his person, and envy to his fortune, and his virtue without it could not have been so excellent. If you would have the reputation of a 111artyr, you nlust needs accept his persecution; if of a benefactor of the world, the vvorld's injustice; if truly great, you ll1Ust expect to see the mob prefer lesser men to your-

self. God esteems it one of His glories, that He brings good out of evil; and therefore it vvere but reason we should trust Him to govern His own vvorld as He pleases; and that we should patiently wait until the change cOlneth, or the reason is discovered. A Mason's contentedness lTIUst by no means be a nlere contented selfishness, like his who, conlfortable himself, is indifferent to the discomfort of others. There will aI\vays be in this world wrongs to forgive, suffering to alleviate', sorrow asking for sympathy, necessities and destitution to relieve, and an1ple occasion for the exercise of active charity and beneficence. And he' who sits unconcerned amidst it all, perhaps enjoying his o\vn cOl11forts and l;{fxtlries the lTIOre, by contrasting them with the hungry and ragged destitution and shivering misery of his fel1ovvs, is not contented, but selfish and unfeeling. It is the saddest of all sights upon this earth) that of a man lazy and luxurious, or hard and penurious, to whom vvant appeals in vain, and suffering cries in an unkno\vn tongue. The man whose hasty anger hurries hin1 into violence and crinle is not half so unworthy to live. I-Ie is the faithless steward, that elnbezzles what God has given hilTI in trust路 for the impoverished and suffering a.mong his brethren. The true l\lason ll1Ust be and lTIUst have a right to be content \vith himself; and he can be so only when he lives not for hinlsel f alone, b\lt.fQ1'" others also, who need his assistance and have a claiu1 upoq!,,~SSYl11pathy. UCharity is the great chanll~l," it has been \vell said "through which God passes all His mercy upon Inankind. For we receive absolution of our sins in proportion to our forgiving our brother. This is the rule of our hopes and the nleasure of our desire in this world ; and on the day of death and judgment, the great sentence upon nlankind shall be transacted according to our alms, which is the other part of charity. God himself is love; and every degree of charity that dwells in us is the participation of the Divine nature." J



These principles Masonry reduces to practice. By theln it expects you to be hereafter guided and governed. It especially inculcates thetll upon hinl \vho ell1ploys the labor of others, forbidding hinl to discharge theIn, ,vhen to want ell1ploylnent is to starve; or to contract for the labor of Inan or W0111an at so low a price that by over-exertion they 111Ust sell him their blood and life at the saIne time with the labor of their hands. 1'hese Degrees are also intended to teach more than morals. The symbols and cereITIonies of Masonry have more than one meaning. They rather conceal than disclose the Truth. They hint it only, at least; and their varied meanings are only to be discovered by reflection and study. Truth is not only ·symbolized by Light, but as the ray of light is separable into rays of different colors, so is truth separable into kinds. It is the province of Masonry to teach all truths-not moral truth alone, but political and philosophical, and even religious truth, so far as·concerns the great and essential principles of each. The sphynx was a symbol. To whom has it disclosed its inmost·meaning? Who knows the symbolic meaning of the pyramids? You will hereafter learn who are the chief foes of hun1an liberty symbolized by the assassins of the Master Khiiriim; and in their fate you may see foreshadowed that which we earnestly hope will hereafter overtake those enemies of humanity, against whom Masonry has struggled so long..

IX. ELECT OF THE NINE. [Elu of the Nine.] ORIGINALLY created to reward fidelity, obedience, and devotion, this Degree was consecrated to bravery, devotedness, and patriotisnl; and your obligation has made known to you the duties which you have assumed. They are summed up in the simple mandate, ("Protect the oppressed against the oppressor; and devote yourself to the honor and interests of your Country." Masonry is not "speculative," nor theoretical J but experImental ; not sentimental, but practical. I t requires self-renunciation and self-control. It wears a stern face toward men's vices, and interreres with many of our pursuits and our fancied pleasures. It penetrates beyond the region of vague sentiment; beyond the regions where moralizers and philosophers have woven their fine theories and elaborated their beautiful maxims, to the very depths of the heart, rebuking our Iittlenesses and meannesses, arraigning our prejudices and passions, and warring against the armies of our vices. It wars against the passions that spring out of the bOS01TI of a world of fine sentiments, a world of admirable路 sayings and foul practices, of good maxims and bad deeds; whose darker passions are not only restrained by custom and cereluony, but hidden even irom itself by a veil of beautiful sentiments. This 路terrible solec'ism has existed in all ages. Romish sentimentalism has often (jbvered infidelity and vice; P:rotestant straightness often lauds spirituality and faith, and neglects homely truth, candor; and gen!elrQsiry;and ul t ra.. .Hbe ral Rafionalistic refinementsometime$,,:isOars




to heaven in its dreams, and wallows in the mire of earth in its deeds. 11 here tnaybe a world of Masonic senti111ent; and yet a world of little or no Masonry. In nlany minds there is a vague and general sentiment of Masonic charity, generosity, and disinterestedness, but no practical, active virtue, nor habitual kindness, selfsacrifice, or liberality. Masonry plays about them like the cold though brilliant lights that flush and eddy over Northern skies. There are occasional flashes of generous and manly feeling, transitory splendors, and momentary gleams of just and noble thought, and transient coruscations, that light the Heaven of their inlaginatioD; but there is no vital warmth in the heart; and it remains as cold and sterile as the Arctic or Antarctic regions. They do nothing; they gain n0 victories over thenlselves; they tnake no progress; they are still in the Northeast corner of the Lodge, as when they first stood there as Apprentices; and they do not cultivate Masonry, with a cultivation, determined, resolute, and regular, like their cultivation of their estate, profession, or knowledge. Their Masonry takes its chance in general and inefficient sentiment, mournfully barren of results; in words' anti formulas and fine professions. Most nlen have sentiments, but not principles. The former are temporary sensations, the latter permanent and controlling impressions of goodness and virtue. The former are general and involuntary, and do not rise to the character of virtue. Everyone feels them.. They flash up spontaneously in every heart. The latter are rules of action, and shape and control our conduct; and it is these that Masonry insists upon. We approve the right; but pursue the wrong. It is the old story of human deficiency. No one abets or praises injustice, fraud, oppression, covetousness, revenge, envy, or slander; and yet how many who condemn these things, are themselves guilty of them. It is no rare thing for him whose indignation is kindled at a tale of wicked injustice, cruel oppression, base slander, or misery inflicted by unbridled .indulgence ; whose anger flames in behalf of the injured and ruined victims of wrong; to be in some relation unjust, or oppressive, or envious, or self-indulgent, or a careless talker of others. How wonderfully indignant the penurious man often is, at the avarice or. want of public spirit of another! A great Preacher well said.. "Therefore thou art inexcusable, 0



Man, \vhosoever thou art, that judgest; for wherein thou jttdgest

another, thou cOndeUll1est thyself: for thou that judgest, doest the sa1ne things." It is all1azing to see how 111en can talk of virtue and honor, \V"hose life denies both. It is curious to see with ,"That a n1arvellous facility many bad men quote Scripture. It seems to comfort their evil consciences, to use good ",路ords; and to gloze over bad deeds with holy texts, wrested to their purpose. Often, the more a man talks about Charity and Toleration, the less he has of either; the more he talks about Virtue, the smaller stock he has of it. The mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart; but often the very reverse of what the man practises. And the vicious and sensual often express, and in a sense feel, strong disgust at vice and sensuality. Hypocrisy is not so con1mon as is imagined. Here, in the Lodge, virtue and vi~e are matters of refleotion and feeling only. There is little opportunity here, for the practice of either; and Masons yield to the argument here, with facility and readiness; because nothing is to follo\v. It is easy, and safe, here, to feel upon these matters. But to-morrow, when they breathe the atmosphere of worldly gains .and competitions, and the passions are again stirred at the opportunities of unlawful pleasl;1re,all their fine emotions about virtue, all their generous abhorrence of selfishness and sensuality, melt away like a lTIorning cloud. For the time, their emotions and sentiments are sincere and re~L J\fen may be really, in a certain way, interested in Masonry, while fatally deficient in virtue. It is not always hypocrisy. Men pray most fervently and sincerely, and yet are constantly guilty of acts so bad and base, so -q.ngenerous and unrighteous, that thp crimes that cro\vd the dockets. of our courts are scarcely worse. A man may be a good sort of ll1an in general, and yet a very had 111an in particular: good in the Lodge and bad in the world; good in public, and bad in .his family; good at home, and bad on ajourney or in a strange city. Many a man earnestly desires to be a good 1fason. He says so, and is sincere. But if you require hinl to resist a certain passion, to sacri flee a certain indull{ence, to. control his appetite at a particular feast, or to keep his temper in a dispute, you will find that he does not \vish to be a good Mason, in that particular case; or, wishing, is not able to resist his worse itnpulses. The duties of life are more than life. The law imposeth. it upon



every citizen, that he prefer the urgent service of his country before the safety of his life. If a man be commanded, saith a great writer, to bring ordnance or munition to relieve any of the King's towns that are distressed, then he cannot for any danger of tempest justify the throwing of them overboard; for· there it holdeth which was spoken by the Roman, when the same necessity of weather was alleged to hold him from embarking: "Necesse est ut eam? non ut vivam :" it needs that I go: it is not necessary I should live. How ungratefully he slinks away, who dies, and does nothing to reBect a glory to Heaven! /How barren a tree he is, who lives, and spreads,and cnmbers the ground, yet leaves not one· seed, not one good work to generate another after him! All cannot leave alike ; yet all may leave somethin,g, answering their proportions and their kinds. 'those are dead and withered grains of corn, out of which there will not one ear spring. He will hardly find the way to Heaven, who desires to go thither alone. Industry is never wholly unfruitful. If it ·brillg not joy with the incoming profit,it will yet banish mischief from thy busied gates. There is a kind of good angel waiting upon Diligence that ever· carries a la.t.trel'j:nbis hand to crown her. ··How unworthy was that 'man of the world who never didaught,but only lived and died! That we have liberty to· do anything, we· should account it a gift from '·tne favoring Heavens ; that we have minds sometimes inclinin;g us to use that liberty wen, is a great bounty of the Deity. Masonry is action,. and not inertness. It requires its Initiates to WORK, activelyandearnestIy, fbr ·the benefit of their ·brethren, their country, and mankind. It is the patron of the oP?ressed, as it is the comforteraud consoler of the unfortunate and wretched. It seems to it a worili.ierlronor to be the instrument of advancement and reform', tbantoenjoy all that rank and office and lofty titles can bestow. It: isthescrvt>cale· of the· common people in those things which "eoncernlhe best interests of mankind. It hates insolent }}owerand impttdent usurpation. It pities the poor, the sorrowing,the disconsolate;· it endeavors to raise· and improve the ignorant, the sunken, and the degraded. Its fidelity to its missiohwi~~ be accurately evidenced, by the extent of the efforts it employs, and the means it sets on foot, to improve thepe&pleatlarge and to better their condition; chiefest


0·£ which, within its reach, is to aid in the education of the childiren of thepQor. An intelligent people, informed of its rights, will soon come to know' its power, and cannot long be oppressed; but if there be not a sound and virtuous populace, the elaborate 0;raaments at the top of the pyramid of society will. be a wretched compensation for .the want of solidity at the base. It is never safe for a· nation to repose on the lap of ignorance: and if there ever was a time when public tranquillity was insured by the absence of inowledge, that· season .'is past. Unthinking stupidity cannot $Jleep, without being appalled by phantoms and shaken by terrors. The improvement of the mass of the people is the grand security f:or popular liberty; in the neglect of which, the politeness, ·refinement, and knowledge accumulated in the higher orders and. wealthier classes· will some day perish like dry grass in the hot fire of popular fury. It is not the mission of Masonry to engage in plots and conspir... ~cies against the civil government. It is not the fanatical propagandist of any creed at-theory; nor does it proclaim itse.lf the enemy of kings. It is the..apostle of liberty, equality, and fraternity; but it is no more the high..priest of republicanism than of constitutional monarchy~ It contracts no entangling alliances with any sect of theorists,dreamers, or philosopher;s.It does not ~now those as its Initiates who assail the civil order andl aUlawftt! lttthority, at the same time that they propose to deprive the dying of the consolations of religion. It sits apart from all sects and creeds, in its own calm and simple dignity, the same under every government. It is still that which it was in the cradle of the human race, when no human foot had trodden the soil'of Assyria and Egypt, 'and no' colonies mad crossed the HimalayasrntbSouthL ern India, Media, or Etruria. It gives no countenance to·anarchy·andlicenti()usness!~andno itlU$.ion of glory, or extravagant emul·ation of tn!e ancients infl,ames it with an unnatural thirst for ideal ancl.'Utopian, liberty. It teaches that in rectitude ofliie ancl··sobriety of habits .1S the ~lllysureguaranteefor the 'continuance of political·freedom; and itris chiefly the soldier of the sanctity of the laws and ' the rights Of· conscience. It recognizes it as., a truth, that necessity, as \veIl as .abstract r~btaliQjdealjustice,must have its part 'in the making of laws) the administration of affairs, and the regulation of relatiCl>DSm II



society. It sees, indeed, that necessity rules in all the affairs of Ulan. It knows that where any man, or any nunlber or race of men, are so inlbecile of intellect, so degraded, so incapable of selfcontrol, so inferior in the scale of hUlllanity, as to be unfit to be intrusted with the highest prerogatives of citizenship, the great law of necessity, for the peace and safety of the community and country, requires them to remain under the control of those of larger intellect and superior wisdom. It trusts and believes that God will, in his own good time, work out his own great and wise purposes; and it is willing路 to wait, where it does not see its own way clear to some certain good. It hopes (I.nd longs for the day when all the races of nlen, even the lowest, will he elevated, and become fitted for political freertom; when, like all other evils that afflict the earth, pauperism, and bondage or abject dependence, shall cease and disappear. But it does not preach revolution to those who are fond of king-s, nor rebellion that can end only in disaster and defeat, or in substituting one tyrant for another, or a multitude of despots for one. Wherever a people is fit to be 'free and to govern itself, and generously strives to be so, there go all its sympathies. I t detests the tyrant, the lawless oppressor, .the Inilitary usurper, and hiln who abuses a lawful PQwer. It frowns upon cruelty, and a wanton disregard of the rights of hunlanity. It abhors the selfish enlployer, and exerts its influence to lighten the burdens which want and dependence inlpose upon the \VOrknlan, and to foster that hun1anity and kindness ,vhich Ulan o,ves to even the poorest and most unfortunate brother~ It can never be enlployed, in any country under Heaven, to teach a toleration拢or cruelty, to weaken moral hatred for guilt, or to deprave and brutalize the hunlan mind. The dread of punish111ent will never路make a Mason an accomplice in so corrupting his countrynlen, and a t~a,垄her of depravity and barbarity. If anywhere, as has here!oforehappened, a tyrant should send a satirist on his tyranny tohecOll;victed and punished as a libeller, in a court of justice, a Maso1'l, \,j a juror in such a case, though in sight of the scaffold streaming with the blood of the innocent, and within hearing of the clash of the bayonets Ineant to overa\Ve the court, would<rescue the iutrepid satirist froul the tyranfs fangs, and send his offieersout from the court with defeat and


155 Even if all la.w and liberty were tran1pled under the feet of ]acobinical demagogues or a military banditti, and great crimes were perpetrated with a high hand against all who were deservedly the objects of public veneration: if the people, overthrowing law, roared like a sea around the courts of justice, and demanded the biood of those who, during the telnporary fit of insanity and drunken delirium, had chanced to become odious to itJ for true words manfully spoken, or unpopular acts bravely done, the Ma.. sonic juror, unawed alike by the single路or the many-headed tyrant, would consult the dictates of duty alone, and stand with a noble firn1uess between the human tigers and their coveted prey. The Mason would much rather pass his life hidden in the reoesses of the deepest obscurity, feeding his mind even with the visions and imaginations of good deeds and noble actions, than to be placed on the 1110st splendid throne of the universe, tantalized with a denial of the practice of all which can make the greatest situation any other than the greatest curse. And if he has been enabled to lend the slightest step to any great and laudable designs; if he has had any share in any nleasure giving quiet to private property and to private conscience, tnaking lighter the yoke of poverty and dependence, or relieving deserving ll1en 拢ro111 oppression; if he has aided in securing to his countryo1en that best possession, peace; if he has joined in reconciling the different sections of his own country to each other, and the people to the governn1ent of their own creating; and in teaching the citizen to look for his protection to the laws of his country, and for his comfort to the good-will of his countrynlcn; if he has thus taken his part with the best of ll1CU in the best of their actions, he may well shut the book, even if he lllight wish to read a page m,r t,vo luore. It is enough for his measure. He has not lived itl vain. Masonry teaches that all power is delegated for the good, and mot for the injury of the People; and that, when it is perverted from the original purpose, the compact is broken, and the right ought to be resun1ed; that resistance to power usurped is not merely a duty which man owes to himself and to his neighbor, but a duty which he owes to his God, in asserting and maintainin~ the rank which He gave hin1 in the creation. This princip!leneither the rudeness of ignorance can stifle nor the enervation of refine.ent extinguish.. ~' It makes it base for a man to suffer 路when hie



ought. to act; and, tending to preserve to hitn the original desti.. nations of Providence, spurns at the arrogant assunlptions of 'tyrants and vindicates the independent quality of the race of which we are· a part. The wise and well-infornled 11asoll will not fail. to be the votary of Liberty and Justice. fIe will be ready to exert hi111sel£ intheir defence, wherever they exist. It cannot be a l1latter of indifference to hiln when· his own liberty and that of other tuen, with. whose tnerits and capacities he is acquainted, are involved in the event of the struggle to be tnade; but· his attach1l1entwill be to the cause, as the cause of Inan; and not Inerely to the country. Wherever there is a people that understands the value of political justice, and is prepared to .assert it, that is his country; wherever he ,can most contri,bute to the diffusion of these principles and the real happiness of mankind, that is his country. Nor does he desire for any country any other benefit than justice. The true Mason identifies the honor of his country with his own. Nothing n10re conduces to the beauty and glory of one's country than the preservation against all enen1ies of its civil and religious liberty. .Tbe.worId will never willingly let die the names of those patrio~s wno in her different ages have received upon their own bree~gts . the blows. aitned by insolent enemies at the bosom. of their But also it conducies,and in no smalltneasure,to the beauty and glory of one's country, that justice should always be administered there to aU alike, and neither denied,·sold, nor delayed to anyone; that the interest of the poor should be looked to,. and none starve or be houseless, o[iclamor in vain for work ; that the child and the feeble woman srh<D'ttld not. 'IDe overworked, oreven·the apprentice or slave be stintedi0f fooid.or overtasked or ll1ercilessly scourged,; and that God's great laws of n1ercy, humanity, and c0111passion should be everywhere only ,by the statutes, ·but also by the power of public,on...> And he who labors, often against re.. ~)roachand obloqUlYi, ~nd oftene;1'" against indifference and apathy, to bringaboutth~t'iQ1ftt1:nateoondition of thiftgs, when that great code of divine law shallbeeverywhere and pttmctnally obeyed, is no less a patriotthall:,merwbQ bares his bosom to the hostile steel in the ranks oj> his .··country's soldiery.. For fortitude is'.n(§)t:.a~dy seen resplendento;nthe field of battle and amid the clasht..~f,.arms,jbrut he. displays its en~rg;y.under r-""I:'Vf01"l-fm·...o".7'







every difficulty· and against every assailant.. He who wars against cruelty, oppression, and hoary abuses, fights for his country's honor, which these things soil; and her honor is as important as her existence. Often, indeed, the warfare against those abuses which disgrace one's country is quite as hazardous and more discouraging than that against her enemies in the field; and merits equal, if not greater reward. For those Greeks and Romans who ·are the objects of our ad-miration employed hardly any other'virtue in the .extirpation 0-£ tyrants, than that love of liberty, which made them prompt in s'@'lzing the sword, and gave them strength to use it. With facility they accomplish the undertaking, an1id the general shout of praise and joy; nor did they engage in the attempt so much as an @nterprise of perilous and doubtful issue, as a contest the most glorious in which virtue could be signalized; which infallibly led to present recompense; which bound their brows with wreaths of laurel, and consigned their memories to' itllmortal fame. But he who assails hoary abuses, regarded perhaps with a superstitious reverence, and around which old laws stand as ramparts and bastions to defend then1; who denounces acts of cruelty and omtrage on ·humanity which make every perpetrator thereof his personal enemy, and perhaps make hinl looked ttponwithsuspicion by the people atnong wHom he lives, as the.·assailant of an established order of things of. which he assails only the abuses, and of laws of which he attacks only the violations,-he can scarcely look for present recompense, nor that his living brows wiB be wreathed with laurel. And if, contending against a dark 9.rray of long-received opinions, superstitions, obloquy, and fears, which most men dread more than they do .,an army terrible .·with banners, the Mason overcomes, andenlerges fron1 the contest vicilorious; or if he does not conquer,. but is borne down and.. ~wept away by the mighty -current of .prejudice,passion, a.nd interest; jm:',either case, the loftiness· of spirit which he displays merits for mmmore than a med.iGcrity of fame. H'€L1uas already lived too long who has survived th~ rtalino'£ his country; and he who can enjoy life after suchan event deserves not to have lived at all. Nor does he any more deserve to liyewho looks contentedly upon ab:LilSesth,at .disgra~e,.and.cruelties that dishonor, and scenes of misery and des,tit~tion and brqt~Hza~ion tbat <lisfi~re his. gountry; . or sordidm,eanness.· andign.c;)ble lievenges



that ll1ake her a by-word and a scoff among all generous nations; and does not endeavor to remedy or prevent either. Not often is a country at war; nor can everyone be allowed the privilege of offering his heart to the enenlY's bullets. But in these patriotic labors of peace, in preventing, renledying, and refornling evils, oppressions, wrongs, cruelties, and outrages, every Mason can unite; and everyone can effect sonlething, and share the honor and glory of the result. For the cardinal names in the history of the huulan nlind are few and easily to be counted up; but thousands and tens of thousands spend their days in, the preparations which are to speed the predestined change, in gathering and an1assing the ll1aterials which are to kindle and give light and warn1th, when the fire from I-Ieaven shall have descended on thetn. Nurnberless are the sutlers and pioneers, the engineers and artisans, who attend the Inarch of intellect. Many Inove forward in detacht11ents, and level the \vay over which the chariot is to pass, and cut down the obstacles that would impede its progress; and these too have their reward. If they labor diligently and faithfully in their calling, not only will they enjoy that calm contentment which diligence in the lowliest task never fails to win; not only will the sweat of their brows be sweet, and the sweetener of the rest that follows; but, when the victory is at last achieved, they 'v ill COIne in for a share in the glory; even as the meanest soldier who fought at Marathon or at King's Mountain became a sharer in the glory of those saving days; and within his own household circle, the approbation of which appreaches the nearest to that of an approving conscience, was looked upon as the representative of all his brother-heroes; and could tell such tales as made the tear glisten on the cheek of his wife, and lit up his boy's eyes with an unwonted sparkling eagerness. Or, if he fell in the fight, and his place by the fireside and at the table at home was thereafter vacant, that place ~vas sacred; and he was often talked of there in the long winter evenings; and his family was deelned fortunate in the neighborhood, because it had had a hero in it, who had fallen in defence of his country. Remember that life's length is not measured by its hours and days, but by that \vhich we have done therein for our country and kind. A useless Hfe is short, if it last a century ; but that of Alexander was long as the life of theo~, though he died at






thirty-five. We l11ay do much in a few years, and \ve tnaydo nothing in a lifetinle. If we but eat and drink and sleep, and let everything go on around us as it pleases; or if \ve live but to amass wealth or gain office or wear titles, we ll1ight as well not have lived at all; nor have we any right to expect in1mortality. Forget not, therefore, to what you have devoted yourself in this Degree: defend weakness against strength, the friendless against the great, the oppressed against the oppressor! Be ever vigilant and ,vatchful of the interests and honor of your 'country! and n1ay the Grand Architect of the Universe give you that strength and wisdo111 which shall enable you well and faithfully to perform these high duties!



x. ELEC1~


[Elu of the Fifteen.] THIS Degree is devoted to the san1e objects as those of the Elu of Nine; and also to the cause of Toleration and Liberality against

Fanaticism and Persecution, political and religious; and to that of Education, Instruction, and Enlightenlnent against Error., Barbarism, and Ignorance. To these objects you have irrevocably and forever. devoted your hand., your heart, and your intellect; and vvhenever in your presence a Chapter of this Degree is opened, you will be n10st solemnly reminded of your vows here taken at the altar. Toleration, holding that every other man has the same ri~ht to his opinion and faith that we have to ours; and liberality, holding that as no human being can with certainty say, in the clash and conflict of hostile faiths and creeds, what is truth, or that he is surely in possession of it, so everyone should feel that it is quite possible that another equally honest and sincere with himself, and yet holding the contrary opinion, may himself be in possession of the truth, and that whatever one firmly and conscientiously believes, is truth, to him-these are the mortal enemies of that fanaticism which persecutes for opinion's sake, and initiates crusades against whatever it, in its imaginary holiness, deems to be contrary to the law of God .or verity of dogma. And education, instruction, and enlightenment are the most certain means by which fanaticism and intolerance can be rendered powerless. No true Mason scoffs at honest convictions and an ardent zeal in the cause of what one believes to be truth and justice.. But he


161 does absolutely deny the right of any luan to assume the prerogative of Deity, and condemn another's faith and opinions as deserving to be punished because hereticaL Nor does he approve the course of those who endanger the peace and quiet of great nations, and the best interest of their own race by indulging in a chinlerical and visionary philanthropy-a luxury which chiefly consists in drawing their robes around them to avoid contact with their fellows, and proclaiming themselves holier than they. For he knows that such follies are often more calamitous than the ambition of kings; and that intolerance and bigotry have heen infinitely. greater curses to mankind than ignorance and error. Better any error than .persecution ! Better any opinion than the thulnb-screw, the rack, and the stake! And he knows also how unspeakably absurd it is, for a creature to whom himself and everything around him are mysteries, to torture and slay others, because they cannot think as he does in regard to the profoundest of those mysteries, to understand which is utterly beyond the comprehension of either the persecutor or the persecuted. Masonry is not a religion. He who makes of it a religious belief, falsifies and denaturalizes it. The Brahmin, the Jew, the Mahometan, the Catholic, the Protestant, each professing his peculiar religion, sanctioned by the laws, by time,路 and by climate, Inust needs retain it, and cannot have two religions; for the social and sacred laws adapted to the usages, manners, and prejudices of particular countries, are the work of ll1en. But Masonry teaches, and has preserved in their purity, the cardinal tenets of the old primitive faith, which underlie and are the foundation of aU路 religions. All that ever existed have had a basis of truth; and all have overlaid that truth with errors. The prinlitive truths taught by the Redeenler were sooner corrupted, and intermingled and alloyed with fictions than when taught to the first of OUf race. Masonry is the universal 1110 rality which is suitable to the inhabitants of every clilne, to the man of every creed. It has taught no doctrines, except those truths that tend directly to the well-being of man; and those who have attempted to direct it toward useless vengeance, political ends, and. Jesuitisnl, have nlerely perverted it to purposes foreign to its pure spirit and real nature. Mankind outgrows the sacrifices and the mythologies of the childhood of the world. Yet it is easy for hUlnan路 indol,ence .to



linger near these helps, and refuse to pass further on. So the unadventurous Nomad in the Tartarian wild keeps his flock in the sanle close-cropped circle where they first learned to browse, while the progressive man roves ever forth "to fresh fields and pastures new." 'The latter is the true Mason; and the best and indeed the only good Mason is he who \vith the power of business does the work of life; the upright mechanic, Inerchant, or farmer, the l11an \vith the po\ver of thought, of justice, or of love, he whose whole life is one great act of perforn1ance of Masonic duty. The natural use of the strength of a strong luan or the \visdom of a wise one, is to do the wor/~ of a strong man or a "vise one. The natural work of Masonry is practical life; the use of all the faculties in their proper spheres, and for their natural function. Love of 1'ruth, justice, and generosity as attributes of God, lTIUst appear in a life marked by these qualities; that is the only effectual ordinance of Masonry. A profession of one's convictions, joining the Order, assuming the obligations, assisting at the ceremonies, are of the saIne value in science as in Masonry; the natural forln of Masonry is goodness, morality, living a true, just, affectionate, self-faithful life, from the motive of a good man. It is loyal obedience to God's law. 'The good Mason does the good thing which comes in his way, and because it comes in his way; from a love of duty, and not merely because a la\v, enacted by man or God, commands his 'lvill to do it. He is true to his mind, his conscience, heart, and soul, and feels small temptation to do to others what he would not wish to receive from them. He will deny hin1self for the sake of his brother near at hand" His desire attracts in the line of his duty, both being in conjunction. Not in vain does the poor or the oppressed look up to him.. You find such ll1en in all Christian sects, Protestant and Catholic, in all the great religiou8 parties of the civilized world, alTIOng Buddhists" Mahon1etans" and Jews. They are kind fathers, generous citizens, unin1peachable in their business, beautiful in their daily lives. You see their Masonry in their work and in their play. It appears in all the forms of their activity, individual, domestic, social, ecclesiastical, or political. True Masonry within must be morality without. It must become eminent l11orality, which is philanthropy. The true Mason loves not only his kindred and his country, but all mankind ; not only



the good, but also the evil, among his brtSthren. He has more goodness than the channels of his daily life will hold. It runs over the banks, to water and to feed a thousand thirsty plants. Not content with the duty that lies along his track" he goes out to seek it; not only zvilling, he has a salient longing to do good, to spread his truth, his justice, his generosity, his Masonry over all the \vorld. His daily life is a profession of hi5 Masonry, published in perpetual good-will to n1en.He can not be a persecutor. Not more naturally does the beaver build or the mocking-bird sing his o\vn \vild, gushing n1elody, than the true Mason lives in tbis beautiful outward life. So from the perennial spring swells forth the strea111, to quicken the meadow with new access of green, and perfect beauty bursting into bloon1. Thus Masonry does the work it was meant to do. The 11ason does not sigh and weep, and makegrin1aces. He lives right on. If his life is, as whose is not, marked with errors, and with sins, he ploughs over the barren spot with his relTIOrSe, sows with new seed, and the old desert blosSOlTIS like a rose. He is not confined to set forms of thought, of action, or of feeling. He accepts what his mind regards as true, what his conscience decides is right, what his heart deems generous and noble; and all else he puts far froIn him. Though the ancient and the honorable of the Earth bid hilTI bow down to them, his stubborn knees bend only at the bidding of his manly soul. His Masonry is his freedolTI before God, not his bondage unto men. His ll1hld acts after the universal law of the intellect, his conscience according to the universal moral law, his affections and his soul after the universal law of each, and so he is strong with the strength of God, in this four-fold way cotnn1unicating with Hil11. 'fhe old theologies, the philosophies of religion of ancient thnes, will not suffice us now. The duties of life are to be done; we are to do them, consciously obedient to the law of God, not atheistically, loving only our selfish gain. There are sins of trade to be corrected. Everywhere morality and philanthropy are needed. 'fhere are errors to be made way with, and their place supplied with new truths, radiant with the glories of Heaven. There are great wrongs and evils, in Church and State, in donlestic, social, and public life, to be righted and outgrown. Masonry cannot in our age forsake the broad way of life. She must journey on in the open street, appear in the crowded square, and teach Olen by her ~:eeds, her life more eloquent than any lips.



This Degree is chiefly devoted to rOLERATION; and it inculcates in the strongest manner that great leading idea of the Ancient Art, that a belief in the one True God, and a moral and virtuous life, constitute the only religious requisites needed to enable a man to be a Mason. Masonry has ever .the most vivid remembrance of the terrible and artificial torments that were used to put down new forms of religion or extinguish the old. It sees with the eye of memory the ruthless extermination of all the people of all sexes and ages, because it was their misfortune not to know the God of the Hebrews, or to worship Him under the wrong name, by the savage troops of Moses and Joshua. It sees the thumb-screws and the racks, the whip, the gallows, and the stake, the victims of Diocletian and Alva, the miserabJee. Covenanters, the N on-Confor~ists, Servetus burned, and the unoffending Quaker hung. It sees Cranmer hold his arm, now no longer erring, in thefIame until the hand drops off in the consuming heat. It sees the persecutions of Peter and Paul, the martyrdom of Stephen, the trials of Ignatius, Polycarp, ] ustin,. and Irenreus; and then in turn the sufferings of the wretched Pagans under tlle Christian Emperors, as of the Papists in Ireland and under Elizabeth and the bloated Henry. The Roman Virgin naked before the hungry lions; young Margaret Graham tied to a stake·at low-water mark, and there left to drown, singing hymns to God until the savage waters broke over her head; and all that in all ages have suffered by hunger and nakedness, peril and prison, the rack, the stake, and the sword,-it sees them all, and shudders at the long roll of human atrocities. And it sees also the oppression still practised in the name of religionmen shot ina Christian jail in Christian Italy for reading the Christian Bible; in almost every Christian State, laws forbidding freedom of speech on matters relating to Christianity; and· the gallows reaching its arm over the pulpit. The fires of Moloch in Syria, the harsh mutilations in the name of Astarte, Cybele, Jehovah; the barbarities of imperial Pagan Torturers; the still grosser torments which Roman-Gothic Christians in Italy and Spain heaped on their brother-men; the fiendisla: cruelties to whicfl~witzer[an€l,France, the Nether[ands, England, Scotland, Irelana, >America, have been witnesses, are none too powerful to warn man of the unsp,eakable evils which follow from mistakes and errors in the matter of religion, and especially from




investing the God of Love with the cruel and vindictive passions of erring humanity, and making blood to have a sweet savor in his nostrils, and groans of agony to be delicious to his

ears. Man never had the right to usurp the unexercised prerogative of God, and condemn and p,unish another for his belief. Born in a Protestant land, we are of that faith. If we had opened our eyes to the light under the shadows of St. Peter's at Ronle~ we should have been devout Catholics; born in the Jewish quarter of Aleppo, we should have contelnned Christ as an imposter; in ConstantinopJe, we should have cried "Allah il Allah7 God is great and M.aholnet is his prophet 1" Birth, place, and education give us our faith: Few believe in any religion because they have examined the evidences of its authenticity, and ll1ade up a formal judglnent, upon weighing the testimony. Not one 111an in ten thousand knows anything about the proofs of his faith. We believe what we are taught ; and those are n10st fanatical who know least of the evidences on which their creed is based. Facts and testitnony are not, except in very rare instances, the ground-work of faith. It is an imperative law of God's Economy,unyielding and i'nflexible as Himself, that man shan accept without question the b'eHe£ of those among Wh01TI he is born and reared; the faith so made a part of nature resists all evidence· to the contrary; and he will disbe1ieve even the evidence of his own senses, rather than yield up the religious belief which has gro\vn up in hitn, flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone. What is truth to tne is not truth to another. The saIne argumetllts and evidences that convince one mind make no inlpression (YO another. This difference is in men at their birth. No man is €'mtided positively to assert that he is right, where other n1en, equaI,}y intelligent and eqnarIy \veU-informed, hold directly the .OPIDosite opinion. Each thiflks it hnpossible for the other to be sineere,.. and each, as to that, isequaI1y in error. "What is frl"tfhr.1 was a plfofound question, the most suggestive one ever put to man. Many h~liefs of forfner and present times seenl incomprehensible. startle us with a new glimpse into the htlll1an soul, that nlYStenotls thing, nl'ore 111ysterious the Illore \ve note its workings. re is, a n13Pl stll)erior to my-seTf in inteI1ect and learning; and 1hie s;i~ncerely lDelieves wnat seems to tne too aI)surd to merit mMlfutation; and I canno t conceive, and sincerely do not believe, 1



that he is both sane and honest. And yet he is both. His reason is as perfect as mine, and he is as honest as I. 1'he fancies of a lunatic are realities, to him.Ouf dreams are realities 7.vhile the:)' last; and, in the Past, no l110re 'unreal than what we have acted in our waking hours. No n1an can say that he hath as sure possession of the truth as of a ,hatteI. When men entertain opinions dianletrically opposed to each other, and each is honest, who shall decide vvhich hath the "I'ruth; and how can either say with certainty that he hath it? \"1 e know not what is the truth. That vve ourselves believe and feel absolutely certain that our own belief is true, is in reality not the slightest proof of the fact, seem it never so certain and incapable of doubt to us. No Ulan is responsible for the rightness of his faith; but only for the uptightness of it. "therefore no man hath or ever had a right to persecute another for his belief; for there cannot be two antagonistic rights; and if one can persecute ::Lnather, because he himself is satisfied that the belief of that other is erroneous, the other has" for the sanle reason, equally as certain a right to persecute him. The truth comes to. us tinged and colored with our prejudices and our preconceptions, which are as old "as ourselves, and strong with a divine force. It comes to us as the in1age of a rod comes to us through the water, bent and distorted. An argument sinks into and convinces the mind of one man, while from that of an.. other it rebounds like a ball of ivory dropped on marble. It is no nlerit in a man to have a particular faith, excellent and sound and philosophic as it tnay be, when he imbibed it with h'is mother's milk. It is no more a nlerit than his prejudices and his passions. The sincere Moslem has as much right to persecute us, as we to persecute him; and therefore Masonry wisely requires no more than a belief in One Great All-Powerful Deity, the Father and Preserver of the Universe. Therefore it is she teaches her votaries that toleration is one of the chief duties of every good Mason, a component part of that charity without which we are mere hollow images of true Masons, mere sounding brass and tinkling cymbals. N a evil hath so afflicted the world as intolerance of religious opinion. The human beings it has slain in various ways, if once and together brought to life, would make a nation of people; left . to live and increase, would have doubled .the population of the civilized portion of the globe; an10ng which civilized portion it




chiefly is that religious wars are waged. The treasure and the human labor thus lost would have made the earth a garden, in which, but for his evil passions, man might now be as happy as in Eden. No man truly obeys the Masonic law who merely tolerates those whose religious opinions are opposed to his own. Every man's opinions are his own private property, and the rights of all men to maintain each his own are perfectly equal. Merely to tolerate, to bear with an opposing opinion, is to assume it to be heretical; and assert the. right to persecute, if we would; and claim our tole1'"ation of it as a merit. The Mason's creed goes further than that. No man, it holds, has any right in any way to interfere with the religious belief of another. I t holds that each Inao is absolutely sovereign as to his own belief, and that belief is a matter absolutely foreign to all who do not entertain the same belief; and that, if there were any right of persecution at all, it would in all cases be a mutual right; because one party has the sanle right as the other to sit as judge in his own case; and God is the only magistrate that can rightfully decide between them. To that great Judge, Masonry refers the matter; and opening wide its portals, it invites to enter there and live in peace and harnlony, the Protestant, the Catholic, the Jew, the Moslem; every man who will lead a truly virtuous and nloraI life love his brethren, lninister to the sick and distressed, and believe in the ONE, AllJ

PO'lverful, All-Wise, everywhere-Present GOD, Architect, Creator, and Preserver of all things, by whose universal law of Harlnony ever rolls on this universe, the great, vast, infinite circle of successive Death and Life :-to whose INeFFABLE NAME let all true Masons pay profoundest homage! for whose thousand blessings poured upon us, let us feel the sincerest gratitude, now, henceforth, and forever! 路 We. may well be tolerant of each other's creed; for in every faith there are excellent Inoral precepts. Far in the South of Asia, Zoroaster taught this doctrine: "On commencing a journey, ilie Faithful should turn his thoughts toward Ormuzd, and confess him, in the purity of his heart, to be King of the WarId; he should love him, do him homage, and serve him. He must be upright and charitable, despise the pleasures of the body, and avoid pride and haughtiness, and vice in all its forms, and especially f.a:lsehood, one of the basest sins of which nlan can be guilty. He



must forget injuries and not avenge himself. He must honor the memory of his parents and relatives. At night,· before retiring to sleep, he should rigorously examine his conscience, and repent of the faults which weakness or ill-fortune had caused him to commit." He was required to pray for strength to persevere in the Good, and to obtain forgiveness for his errors. It was his duty to confe,ss his faults to a Magus, or to a layman renowned for his virtues, or to the Sun. Fasting and maceration were prohibited; and, on the contrary, it was his duty suitably to nourish the body and to· its vigor, that his soul might be strong to resist the Genius of Darkness; that he might more attentively read the Divine Word, and have more courage to perform noble deeds. And in the North of Europe the Druids taught devotion to friends, indulgence for reciprocal wrongs, love of deserved praise, prudence, humanity, hospitality, respect for old age, disregard of the future, temperance, contempt of death, and a chivalrous deference to woman. Listen to these maxims from tIle Hava Maal, or Sublime Book of· Odin: " "If thou hast a friend, visit him often; the path will grow over with grass, and the trees soon cover it, if thou dost not constantly walk upon it.. He is a faithful friend, who, having but two loaves, gives his friend one. Be never first to break with thy friend; sorrow wrings the heart of him who has no one save himself with whom to take counsel. There is. no virtuous man who has not some vice, no bad man who has not some virtue. Happy he who obtains the praise and good-will of men; for all that depends on the will of another is hazardous and uncertain. Riches flit away in the twinkling of an eye; they are the most inconstant of friends; flocks and herds perish, parents die, friends are not immortal, thou thyself. diest; I know but one thing that doth not die, the judgment that is passed upon the dead. Be humane toward those whom thonmeetest on the road.. If the guest that cometh to thy hottse is a-cold, give him fire ; the man who has journeyed over the mountains needs food and; {dry garments. Mock not at the aged; 'fot· wordsfuU of sense come often from the wrinkles of age. Be moderately wise, and not over-prudent. Let no one seek to know his destiny, if he would sleep tranquilly. There is no malidymore cruel than to bie discontented with 4pttr lot. The glutton eats his own· death; and the wise man laug-hsat the fool's greedimess. Nothing is more injurious to the youn~ than





excessive drinking; the more one drinks the more he lose8 his reason; the bird of forgetfulness sings before those who intoxicate themselves, and wiles away their souls. Man devoid of sense believes he will live always if he avoids war; but, if the lances spare him, old age will give him no quarter. Better live well than live long. When a man lights a fire in his house, death comes. before it goes out." And thus saiff the Indian books: "Honor thy father and mother. Never forget the benefits thou hast received. Learn while thou art young. Be submissive to the laws of thy country. Seek the company of virtuous men. Speak not of God but with respect. Live on good terms with thy fellow-citizens. Remain in thy proper place. Speak ill of no one. Mock at the bodily infirmities of pone. Pursue not unrelentiJ;lgly a conqttere路d enemy. Strive to acquire a good reputation. Take counsel with wise men. The more one learns, the nlore he acquires the faculty of learning. Knowledge is the n10st permanent wealth. As well be dumb as ignorant. The true use of knovvledge is to distinguish good from evil. Be not a subject of shame to thy parents. What one learns in youth endures like the engraving upon a rock. He is wise who knows himself. Let thy books be thy best friends. When thou attainest an hundred years, cease to learn. Wisdonl is solidly planted, even on the shifting ocean. Deceive no one, not even thine enemy. Wisdom is a treasure that everywhere commands ~ts value. Speak mildly, even to the poor. It is sweeter to forgive than to take vengeance. Ga111ing and quarrels lead to misery. Tl1ere is no true ll1erit without the practice of virtue. To honor our mother is the n10stfitting homage we can pay the Divinity. There is no tranquil sleep without a clear conscience. He badly understands his interest who breaks his word." Twenty-four centuries ago these were the Chinese Ethics: "'fhe Philosopher [Confucius] said, 'SAN! my doctrine is simpl.~, and easy to be understood.' rrI-ISENG-TsEU replied, 'that is certain.' The Philosopher having gone out, the disciples asked \Vhattheir master had ll1eant to say. 'rIISENG-TSEU responded, 'The doctrine of our Master consists solely in heing upright of hea.rt, and loving our neighbor as \ve路love ourself.'" About a century later, the Hebrew law said, "If any man hate ~~!~Jaeighbor . . . then shall ye do unto him, as heha4路 ~bG)ul'ht to




do unto his brother ... Better is a neighbor that is near, than a brother afar off ... Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." In the same fifth century before Christ, SOCRATES the Grecian ~aid, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Three generations earlier, ZOROASTER had said to the Persians: "Offer up thy grateful prayers to the Lord, the most just and pure Ornlt1zd, the supretne and adorable God, \vho thus declared to his Prophet Zerdusht: 'lIold it not meet to do unto others what thou \votlIdst not desire done unto thyself; do that unto the people, which, \vhen done to thyself, is not disag-reeable unto thee.'" The saIne doctrine had been long taught in the schools qf Babylon, Alexandria, and Jerusalem. A Pagan declared to the Pharisee HILLEL that he was ready to e111brace the]ewish religion, if he could n1ake known to him in a fe\v words a summary of the whore law of Moses. "That which thou likest not done to thy~ self," said Hillel, "do it not unto thy neighbor. Therein is all the law: the rest is nothing but the commentary upon it." "Nothing is more natural," said CONFUCIUS, "nothing more simple, than the principles of that morality which I endeavor, by salutary maxims, to inculcate in you . . . It is humanity; which.. is to say, that universal charity among all of our species, without distinction. It is uprightness; that is, that rectitude of spirit and of heart, which makes one seek for truth in everything, and desire it, without deceiving one's self or others. It is, finally, sincerity or good faith; which is to say, that frankness, that openness of heart, tempered by self-reliance, which excludes all feints and all disguising, as much in speech as in action." To diffuse useful information, to further intellectual refinement, sure forerunner of moral improvement, to hasten the coming of the great day, when the dawn of general knowledge shall chase away the lazy, lingering mists of ignorance and error, even frolll the base of the great social pyramid, is indeed a high calling, in which the most splendid talents and consummate virtue n1ay well press onward, eager to bear a part. Fron1 the Masonic ranks ought to go forth those whose genius and not their ancestry ennoble thenl, to open to all ranks the temple of science, and by their own exanlple to make the hurnblest men emulous to climb steps no longer inaccessible, and enter the unfolded gates burning in the sun. The highest intellectual cultivation is perfectly compatible with



the daily cares and toils of working-men. A keen relish for the most sublime truths of science belongs alike to every class of mankind. And, as philosophy was taught in the sacred groves of Athens, and under the Portico, and in the old Temples of Egypt and India, so in our Lodges ought Knowledge to be dispensed, the Sciences taught, and the Lectures beC0111e like the teachings of Socrates and Plato, of Agassiz and Cousin. Real knowledge never permitted either turbulence or unbelief; but its progress is the forerunner of liberality and enlightened toleration. vVhoso dreads these may well trenlble; for he tnay be well assured that their day is at length COllle, and lllUst put to speedy flight the evil spirits of tyranny and persecution, which haunted the long night now gone down the sky. And it is to be hoped that the time will soon arrive, when, as men will no longer suffer themselves to be led blindfolded in ignorance, so will they no more yield to the vile principle of judging and treating their fellow-creatures, not according to the intrinsic merit of their actions, but according to the accidental and involuntary coincidence of their opinions. Whenever we conle to treat with entire respect those who conscientiously differ from ourselves, the only practical effect of a difference will be, to make us enlighten the ignorance on one side or the other, from which it springs, by instructing thein, if it be theirs; ourselves, if it be our own; to the end that the only kind of unanimity nlay be produced which is desirable among rational beings,-the agreement proceeding fr01TI full conviction after the freest discussion. The Elu of Fifteen ought therefore to take the lead of his fellow-citizen, not in frivolous an1usements, not in the degrading pursuits of the ambitious v路ulgar; but in the truly noble task of enlightening the mass of his countrymen, and of leaving his own name encircled, not with barbaric splendor, or attached to courtly gewgaws, but illustrated by the honors tTIost worthy of our rational nature; coupled with the diffusion of knowledge, and gratefully pronounced by a few, at least, wholn his wise beneficence has rescued frotn ignorance and vice. We say to hinl, in the words of the great Roman: "Men in no respect so nearly approach to the Deity, as when they confer bene.. fits on men. To serve and do good to as n1any as possible,-there is nothing greater in your fortune than that you should be able,



and nothing finer in your nature" than that you should be desirous to do this." This is the true mark for the aim of every man and Mason who either prizes the enjoyment of pure happiness, or sets a right value upon a high and unsullied renown. And if the benefactors of mankind, when they rest from their noble labors, shall be permitted to enjoy hereafter, as an appropriate reward of their virtue, the privilege of looking down upon the blessing-s with which their exertions and charities, and perhaps their toils and sufferings have clothed the scene of their former existence, it will not, in a state of exalted purity and wisdom, be the founders of mighty dynasties, the conquerors of new empires, the Cresars, Alexanders, and Tamerlanes; nor the mere Kings and Counsellors, Presidents and Senators, who have lived for their party chiefly, and for their country only incidentally, often sacrificing to their own aggrandizement or that of their faction the good of their fellow-creatures ;-it will not be they who will be gratified by contemplating the monuments of their inglorious fame; but those will enjoy that delight and march in that triumph, who can trace the remote effects of their enlightened benevolence in the improved condition of their species, and exult in the reflection, that the change which they at last, perhaps after many years, sur~ vey, with eyes that age and sorrow can make dim no more,-of Knowledge beconle Power,-Virtue sharing that Empire,-Superstition dethroned, and Tyranny exiled, is, if even only in some small and very slight degree, yet still "in some degree, the fruit, precious if costly, and though late repaid yet long enduring, of their own self-denial and strenuous exertion, of their own nlite of charity and aid to education wisely bestowed] and of the hardships and hazards which they encountered here below. Masonry requires of its Initiates and votaries nothing- that is impracticable. It does not demand that they should undertake to climb to those lofty and sublime peaks of a theoretical and imaginary unpractical virtue, high and cold and remote as the eternal snows that wrap the shoulders of Chin1borazo, and at least as inaccessible as they. It asks that alone to be done which is easy to be done. It overtasKs no one's strength, and asks no one to go beyond his means and capacities. It r10es not expect one whose business or profession yields him little lTIOre than the wants of himself and his family require, and whose time is necessarily occupied by his daily vocations, to abandon or neglect the business



by which he and his children live, and devote himself and hia means to the diffusion of knowledge among ll1en. It does not expect hinl to publish books for the people, or to lecture, to the ruin of his private affairs, or to found academies and colleges, build up libraries, and entitle himself to statues. But it does require and expect every man of us to do something, within and according to his nleans; and there is no Mason who cannot do some thing, if not alone, then by combination and asso"'\ ciation.. If a Lodge cannot aid in founding a school or an academy it can still do something. It can educate one boy or girl, at least, the child of S011le poor or departed brother. And it should never be forgotten, that in the poorest unregarded child that seems abandoned to ignorance and vice may slulnber the virtues ofa Socrates, the intellect of a Bacon or a Bossuet, the genius of a Shakespeare, the capacity to benefit mankind of a Washington; and that in rescuing hiu1 froin the mire in which be is plunged, and giving hinl .the means of education and developmentJ the Lodge that does it may be the direct and imnlediatenleans of con... ferring upon the world as great a boon as that given it by Jahn Faust the boy of Mentz; lllay perpetuate the liberties of a country and change the destinies. of' nations, and write a new chapter in the history of the world. For we never know the importance of the act we do. The daughter of Pharaoh little thought what she was doing' for the human race, and the vast uninlaginable consequences 路路that depended on her charitable act, when she drew the little child of a Hebrew won1an froul an1ang the rushes that grew along the bank of the Nile, and determined to rear it as if it were her own. How often has an act of charity, costing the doer little, given to the world a great painter, a great musician, a great inventor t How often has such an act developed the ragged ,boy into the 路benefactor of his race! On what small and apparently unimportant circumstances have turned and hinged the fates of the world's great conquerors. There is no law that limits the retut'ns that shall be reaped fron1 a single .good deed. The widow's mite may not only be as acceptable to God, but may produ<:e as great results as the rich 路man's costly offering. The poorest boy, helped by benevolence, may come to lead armies, to control senates, to decide on peace and war1 to dictate to cabinets; and his magnificent



thoughts and noble words may be law 111any years hereafter to ll1illions of men yet unborn. But the opportunity to effect a great good does not often occur to anyone. It is worse than folly for one to lie idle and inert, and expect the accident to befall him, by which his influences shall live forever. He can expect that to happen, only in consequence of one or many or all of a long series of acts. He can expect to benefit the world only as men attain other results; by continuance, by persistence, by a steady and uniform habit of laboring for the enlightenment of the world, to the extent of his means and capacity. For it is, in all instances, by steady labor, by giving enoug:h of application to our work, and having enough of time for the doing of it, by regular pains-taking, and the plying of constant assiduities, and not by any process of legerdemain, that we secure the strength and the staple of real excellence. It was thus that Demosthenes, clause after clause, and sentence after sentence, elaborated to the uttermost his immortal orations. It was thus that Newton pioneered his way, by the steps of an ascending geometry, to the mechanism of the Heavens, and Le Verrier added a planet to our Solar System. It is a most erroneous opinion that those who have left the Bl0St stupendous monuments of intellect behind theIn, were not differ.el1tly exercised from the rest of the species, but only differently gifted; that they signalized themselves only by their talent, and hardly ever by their industry; for it is in truth to the most strenuous application of those commonplace faculties which are diffused among all, that .they are indebted for the ~lories which now encircle their remembrance and their name.. We must not imagine it to be a vulgarizing of genius, that it should be lighted up in any other way than by a direct inspiration from Heaven; nor overlook the steadfastness of purpose, the devotion to some single but great object, the unweariedness of labor that is given, not in convulsive and preternatural throes, but by little and little as the strength of the mind may bear it; the accumulation of many small efforts, instead of a few grand and gigantic, but perhaps irregular movements, on the part of energies that are marvellous; by which former alone the great results are brought out that write their enduring records on the face of th~ earth and in the history of nations and of man.






We Inust not overlook these elements, to \vhich genius owes the best and proudest of her achieven1ents ; nor imagine that qualities so generally possessed as patience and pains-taking, and resolute industry, have no share in upholding a distinction so illustrious as that of the benefactor of his kind. We must not forget that great results are most ordinarily produced by an aggregate of many contributions and exertions; as it is the invisible particles of vapor, each separate and distinct from the other, that, rising from the oceans and their bays and gulfs, froIn lakes and rivers, and wide morasses and overflowed plains, float away as clouds, and distill upon the earth in dews, and fall in showers and rain and snows upon the broad plains and rude mountains, and Inake the great navigable streams that are the arteries along which flows the life-blood of a country. And so Masonry can do much, if each Mason be content to do his share, and if their united efforts are directed by wise counsels to a comnl0n purpose. "It is for God and for Omnipotency to do mighty things in a monlent; but by degrees to grow to greatness is the course that He hath left for man." If Masonry will but be true to her mission, and Masons to their promises and obligations-if, re-entering vigorously upon a career of beneficence, she and they will but pursue it earnestly and unfalteringly, renlenlbering that our contributions to the cause of charity and education then deserve the greatest credit when it costs us sOlnething, the curtailing of a comfort or the relinquishment of a luxury, to make them-if we will but give aid to what were once Masonry's great schemes for human inlprovement, not fitfully and spasmodically, but regularly and incessantly, as the vapors rise and the springs run, and as the sun rises and the stars come up into the heavens, then we may be sure that great results will be attained and a great work done. And then it will most surely be seen that Masonry is not effete or impotent, nor degenerated nor drooping to a fatal decay.


PRINCE AMETH. [Elu of the Twelve.] THE duties of a Prince Ameth are, to be earnest, true, reliable, and sincere; to protect the people against illegal impositions and exactions; to contend for their political rights, and to see, as far as he mayor can, that those bear the burdens who reap the benefits of the Government. You are to be true unto all men. You are to be frank and sincere in all things. You are to be earnest in doing whatever it is your duty to do. And no man must repent that he has relied upon your resolve, your profession, or your word.. The great distinguishing characteristic of a Mason is sympathy with his kind. He recognizes in the human race one great family, all connected with himself by those invisible links, and that mighty net-work of circumstance, forged and woven by God. Feeling that sympathy, it is his first Masonic duty to serve his fellow-man. At his fit:st entrance into the Order, he ceases to he isolatt:d, and becomes one of a great brotherhood, assuming new duties toward every Mason that lives, as every Mason at the same moment' assumes them toward him. Nor are those duties on his part confined to Masons alone. He assumes many in regard to his country, and especially toward the great, suffering masses of the common people; for they too are his brethren, and God hears them, inarticulate as the moaningsof their misery are. By all proper means, of persuasion and influ-




tnc,e, and otherwise, if the occasion and emergency require" he is bound to defend theln against oppression, and tyrannical and illegal exactions. He labors equally to defend and to improve the people. He does not flatter them to mislead them, nor fawn upon thenl to rule them, nor conceal his opinions to humor them, nor tell them that they can never err, a.nd that their voice is the voice of God. He knows that the safety of every free government, and its continu~ ance and perpetuity depend upon the virtue and intelligence of the. common people; and that, unless their liberty is of such a kind as arms can neither procure nor take away; unless it is the fruit of n'lanly courage, of justice, temperance, and generous vir~ tue-unless, being such, it has taken deep root in the minds and hearts of the people at large, there will not long be wanting those who will snatch from them by treachery what they have acquired by arms or institutions. He knows that if, after being released from the toils of war, the people neglect the arts of peace; if their peace and liberty be a state of warfare;.if war be their only virtue, and the sun"lmit of their praise, they will soon find peace the rnostadverse to their interests. It will be only a more distressing war; and that which they imagined liberty will he the worst of slavery. For, unless by the means of knowledge and morality, not frothy and loquacious, but genuine, unadulterated, and sincere, they clear the horizon of the mind from those mists of error and passion which arise from ignorance and vice, they will always have those who will bend their necks to the yoke as if they were brutes; who, notwithstandillg all their triumphs, will put them up to the highest bidder" as if they were mere booty made in war; and find an exuberant source of wealth and .power, in the people's ig-norance, prejudice, and passions. The people that does not subjugate the propensity of the wealthy to avarice, ambition, and sensuality, expel luxury from them and lbeirrfamilies, keep down..pauperism, diffuse knowled~e amon~ the poor, and labor to raise the abject from the mire of vice and low indulgence, and to keep the indus,trious froln starving in sight .of luxurious festivals, will find that it has cherished., in that avarice, 8b.hition, sensuality,selfishness, and luxury of the one class, a.n.d tlar~t degradation, misery, drunkenness, 路ignorance, and brutaliza!"" !ion of the other, more stubborn and intractabledespots路路athome



than it ever encountered in the field; and even its very bowels will be continually teeming with the intolerable progeny of tyrants. These are the first enemies to be subdued; this constitutes the campaign of Peace; these are triumphs, difficult indeed, but bloodless; and far more honorable than those trophies which are purchased only by slaughter and rapine; and if not victors in this service, it is in vain to have been victorious over the despotic enemy in the field. For if any people thinks that it is a grander; a more beneficial, or a wiser policy, to invent subtle expedients by stamps and imposts, for increasing the revenue and draining the life-blood of an impoverished people; to multiply its naval and military force; to rival in craft the ambassadors of foreign states; to plot the swallowing up of foreign territory; to make crafty treaties and alliances; to rule prostrate states and abj ect provinces by fear and force; than to administer unpolluted justice to the people, to relieve the condition and raise the estate of the toiling masses, redress the injured and succor the distressed and conciliate the discontented, and speedily restore to everyone his' own; then that people is involved in a cloud of error, and will too late perceive, when the illusion of these mighty benefits has vanished, that in neglecting these, which it thought inferior considerations, it has only been precipitating its own ruin and despair. Unfortunately, every age presents its own special problem, most difficult and often impossible to solve; and that which this age offers, and forces upon the consideration of all thinking men, is this-how, in a populous and wealthy country, blessed with free institutions and a constitutional government, are the great masses of the manual-labor class to be enabled to have steady work at fair wages, to be kept from starvation, and their children from vice and debauchery, and to be furnished with that degree, not of mere reading and writing, but of knowledge, that shall fit them intelligently to do路 the duties and exercise the privileges of free.. men; even to be. intrusted with the dangerous right of suffrage? For though we do not know why God, being infinitely merciful as well as wise, has so ordered it, it seems to be unquestionably his law, that even in civilized and Christian countries, the large mass of the population shall be fortunate, if, during their whole life, from infancy to old age, in health and sickness, they have enough of the commonest and coarsest food to keep thelnselves and their



children fronl the continual gnawing of hunger-enough of the conlnl0nest and coarsest clothing to protect thenlselves and their little ones froin indecent exposure and. the bitter cold; and if they have over their heads the rudest shelter. And He seems to have enacted this law-which no human conl111unity has yet found the means to abrogate-that when a country becomes populous, capital shall concentrate in the hands of a linlited nunlber of pers,ons, and labor beC0111e more and n10re at its mercy, until mere manual labor, that of the weaver and ironworker, and other artisans, eventually ceases to be worth luore thana bare subsistence, and often, in great cities and路 vast extents of country, not even that, and goes or crawls about in rags, begging, and starving for want of \vork. While every ox and horse can find work, and is worth being fed, it is not always so with man. To be employed, to have a chance to work at anything like fair wages, becomes the great engrossing object of a: man's life. The capitalist can live without employing the laborer, and discharges him whenever that labor ceases to be profitable. At the moment when the weather is most inclement, provisions dearest, and rents highest, he turns him off to starve. If the day-laborer is taken sick, his wages stop. When old, he has no pension to retire upon. His children cannot be sent to school; for before their bones are hardened they nlust get to work lest they starve. The luan, strong and able-bodied, works for a shilling or two a day, and the woman shivering over her little pan of coals, when the l11ercury drops far below zero, after her hungry children have wailed the111selves to sleep, se~s by the diln light of her lonely candle, for a bare pittance, selling her life to him who bargained only for the work of her needle. Fathers and 1110thers slay their children, to have the burial-fees, that with the price of one child's life they may continue life in those that survive. Little girls with bare feet sweep the streetcrossings, when the winter wind pinches them, and beg piteously for pennies of those who wear warm furs. Children grow up in squalid misery and brutal ignorance; want compels virgin and wife to prostitute themselves; women starve and freeze, and lean up against the walls of workhouses, like bundles of foul rags, all night long, and night after night, when the cold rain falls, and there , chances to be no rOOln for them within; and hundreds of families are crowded into a single building, rife with horrors and teeming



with foul air and pestilence; where nlen, women and children huddle together in their filth; all ages and all colors sleeping indiscrin1inately together; while, in a great, free, Republican State" in the full vigor of its youth and strength, one person in every seventeen is a pauper receiving charity. How to deal with this apparently inevitable evil and n10rtal disease is by far the most iU1portant of all social problems. What is to be done with pauperism and over-supply of labor? How is the life of any country to last, when brutality and drunken semi-barbarism vote, and bold offices in theirgift,and by fit representatives of thelnselves control a governm'ent? How, if not wisdom a11l1d authority, but turbulence and low vice are to ,exalt to senatorships miscreants reeking with the odors and pollution of the hell, the prize-ring, the brothel, a.nd the stock-exchange, where gambling is legalized and rasca.1ity is laudable? Masonry wiUdo all in its power, by direct exertion and coop'eration, to improve and inform as well as to protect the people; to better their physical condition, relieve th'eir miseries, supply their wants, and minister to their necessities. Let every Mason :1n thisgoQd warkao all that may be in his power. For it is truie now, as it always was and always will be, that to be free is the same tbingasto be pious, to hie wise, to be temperate and just, to be frugal and abstinent, and to b'e m'agnanimous and brave; and to be the opposite of an these is the same as to bel slav'e. And it usually happens, by the appointment, and, as it were, retributi've justice of the Deity, thatthatpeopiewhich cannot govern themselves, and moderate their passions, but cronch under the slaV1ery of their lusts and vices, ar'e delivered up to the sway of those whom taey abh:or, ,and made to submit to an involuntary servitude. Am,d it is alsosancttonedbythe dictates !6>f justice and by the constitution 0'£ Nature, that he who, from the ,imbecility or derangement of his intellect, is iDcapable 'of Igoverning himself, should, like a minor, be "committed to the,govJermment ··<:>fanotwer. Above aU thi0gs1et ltsnever fo>;rget tb21Jt 1112nkindconstitutes one great brotaeI\,ftooa. ;aH· born lE>!,en~oonterisuffering 'ands<t>rrow, and therefore ·bouft(! to sympathize with .eaah other.. For no tow!tlr~JPri'tiewas ever .yet highienoagm to lift its possessor above tbetrialsand fears .a:nd frailities ·of humanity. No human hand ever.ouHtthew;all,taJo'f ever shall, that wil1keepost l





affliction, pain, and infirmity. Sickness and sorrow, trouble and death, are dispensations that level everything. They kno\v none, high nor low. The chief wants of life the great and grave necessities of the hU111an soul, give ex'emption to none. They make all poor, all weak. They put supplication in the mouth of every hutuan being, as truly as in that of the meanest beggar. But the principle of misery is not an evil principle. We err, and the consequences teach us wisdom. All elements, all the laws of things around us, minister to this end; and through the paths of painful error and mistake, it is the design of Providence to lead us to truth and happiness. If erring only taught us to err; if mistakes confirmed us in imprudence; if the miseries caused by vicious indulgence had a natural tendency to make us more abject slaves of vice, then suffering would be wholly evil. But, on the contrary, all tends and is designed to produce amendment and improvement. Suffering is the discipline of virtue; of that which is infinitely better than happiness, and yet embraces in itself all essential happiness. It nourishes, invigorates, and perfects it. Virtue is the prize of the severely-contested race and hard-fought battle; and it is worth all the fatigue and wounds of the conflict. Man should go forth with a brav,e and strong heart, to battle with calamity. He is to master it, and not letit becolnehis master. He is not to forsake the post of trial and of peril; but to stand firmly in his lot, until the great word. of Providence shall bid him fly, or bid hill1 sink. With resolution and courage the Mason is to do the work which it is appointed for hiln to do, looking throu~h the dark cloud of human calan1ity, to the end that rises high and bright before hitn. The lot of sorrow is great and sublilne. None suffer forever, nor for nought, nor without purpose. It is the ordinance of God's wisdom, and of His Infinite Love, to procure for us infinite happiness and glory. Virtue is the truest liberty; nor is he free who stoops to passions; nor he in bondage who serves a noble master. Examples are the best and most lasting lectures; virtue the best example. He that hath done good deeds and set good precedents, in sincerity, is happy. Tin1e shall not outlive his worth. He lives truly after death, whose good deeds are his pillars of remembrance; and no day but adds some grains to his heap of glory. Good works are seeds, that after 路sowing return us a continual harvest; and the memory of noble actions i$ UlQre ~nQ.urin~ than mQnuments of J




Life is a school. The \vorld is neither prison nor penitentiary, nor a palace of ease, nor an an1phitheatre for gan1es and spectacles; but a place of instruction, and discipline. Lif~ is given for moral and spiritual training; and the entire course of the great school of life is an education for virfue, happiness, and a future existence. The periods of Life are its terms; all human conditions, its forms; all human employments, its lessons. Fam~lies are the primary departments of this moral education; the various circles of society, its advanced stages; Kingdoms and Republics, its universities. Riches and Poverty, Gayeties and Sorrows, Marriages and Funerals, the ties of life bound 'or broken, fit and fortunate, or untoward and painful, are all lessons. Events are not blindly and carelessly flung together. Providence does not school one man, and screen another from the fiery trial of its lessons. I t has neither rich favorites nor poor victims. One event happeneth to all. One end and one design concern and urge all men. The prosperous man has be~n at school. Perhaps he has thought that it was a great thing, and he a great personage; but he has been n1erely a pupil. He thought, perhaps, that he was Master, and had nothing to do, but to direct and command; but there was ever a Master above him,. the Master of Life. He looks not at our splendid state, or our many pretensions, nor at the aids and appliances of our learning ; but at our learning itself. He puts the poor and the rich upon the saine form; and knows no difference between them, but their progress. If frOlTI prosperity we have learned moderation, temperance, candor, modesty, gratitude to God, and generosity to Inan, then '\ve are entitled to be honored and rewarded. If we have learned selfishness, self-indulgence, wrong-doing, and vice, to forget and oVerlook our less fortunate brother, and to scoff at the providence of God, then we are unworthy and dishonored, thouJ{h we have been nursed in affluence, or taken our degrees from the lineage of an hundred noble descents; as truly so, in the eye of Heaven, and of all right-thinking men, as though we lay, victims of beggary and disease, in the hospital, by the hedge, or on the dung-hill. The most ordinary路 human equity looks not at the school, but at the scholar; and the equity of Heaven will not look beneath that mark. The poor man also is at schooL Let him take care that he


ItL:rtCT OE' 'l'HIt



learn, rather than c0111plain. Lethinl hold to his integrity, his candor, and his kindness of heart. Let hitn beware of envy, and of bondage, and keep his self-respect. tfhe body's toil is nothing. Let路 hi111 beware of the tnind's drudgery and degradation. \V'hile he betters his condition if he can, let hill1 be 11lore anxious to better his soul. Let him be willing, while poor, and even if always poor, to learn poverty's great lessons, fortitude, cheerfulness, contentment, and implicit confidence in God's Providence. With these, and patience, calmness, self-command, disinterestedness, and affectionate kindness, the hun1ble dwelling may be hallowed, and made more dear and noble than the loftiest palace. Let him, above all things, see that he lose not his independence. Let him not cast himself, a creature poorer than the poor, an indolent, helpless, despised beggar, on the kindness of others. Every luan should choose to have God for his Master, rather than lnan; and escape not from this school, either by dishonesty or alms-taking, lest he fall into that state, worse than disgrace, where he can have no resepct for himself. tfhe ties of Society teach us to love one another. That is a miserable society, where the absence of affectionate kindness is sought to be supplied by punctilious deCOrUlTI, graceful urbanity, and polished insincerity; where an1bition, jealousy, and distrust rule, in place of sin1plicity, confidence, and kindness. So, too, the social state teaches modesty and gentleness; and from neglect, and notice unworthily bestowed on others, and injustice, and the world's failure to appreciate us, we learn patience and quietness, to be superior to society's opinion, not cynical and bitter, but gentle, candid, and affectionate still. Death is the great Teacher, stern, cold, inexorable, irresistible; \VhOll1 the collected n1ight of the w路orld cannot stay or ward off. tfhe breath, that parting fron1 the lips of King or beggar, scarcely stirs the hushed air, cannot be bought, or brought back for a 1110nlent, with the wealth of Empires. What a lesson is this, teaching our frailty and feebleness, and an Infinite Power beyond 115! It is a fearfttl lesson, that never becomes familiar. It walks through the earth in dread mystery, and lays it hands upon all. Tt is a universal lesson, that is read everywhere and by all men. Its message comes every year and every day. The past years are crowded with its sad and solemn melnentoes; and death's finger traces its handwriting upon the walls of every human habitation.



It teaches us Duty; to act our part \vell; to fulfill the work assigned us. When one is dying, and after he is dead, there is but one question: Has h\elived well There is no evil in death but that which life makes.. There are hard lessons in the sch;ool of God's Providence; and yet the school of life is carefully adjusted, in all its arrangements and tasks, to man's powers and passions.. There is no extravagance in its teachings; nor is anything done for the sake of present effect.. The whole course of human life is a conflict with difficulties; and, if rightly conducted, a progress in improv,ement. It is never too late for man to learn. Not part only, but the whole, of life is a school.. There never comes a time, even amidst the decays of age, when it is fit to lay aside the eagerness of acquisition, or the. cheerfulness of endeavor. Man walks, all through the course of life, in patience and strife, and sometimes in darkness; for, from patience is to come perfection; from strife, triumph is to issue; from the cloud of darkness the lightning is to flash that shall open the way to eternity. Let the Mason be faithful in the school of life, and to all its lessons! Let him not learn nothing, nor care not whether路 he learns or not. Let not the years pass over him, witnesses of only his sloth and indifference; or see him zealous to. acquire everything but virtue. Nor let him labor only for himself; nor forget that the humblest man that lives is his brother, and p.ath a claim on his 'sympathies and kind offices; and that beneath the rough gannents which labor wears may beat hearts as' noble as throb under the stars of princes.


God, who counts by souls, not stations. Loves and pities you and me; For to Him all vain distinctions Are as pebbles on the sea.

Nor are the other duties inculcated in this Degree of less importance. Truth, a Mason is early told, is a Divine attribute and the foundation of every virtue; and frankness, reliability, sincerity, straightforwardness, plain-dealing, are but different modes in which Truth develops itself. The dead, the absent, the innocent, and those that trust him, no Mason will deceive willingly. To all these he owes a nobler justice, in that they are the most certain trial$ of h\lman Equity. Only the most ab~ndQP~d Qf m~nT saj4




Cicero, will deceive him, who would have remained uninjured if he had not trusted. All the noble deeds that have beat their marches through succeeding ages have proceeded from men of troth and genuine courage. trhe man who is always true is both virtuous and wise; and thus possesses the greatest guards of safety: for the law has not power to strike the virtuous; nor can fortune subvert the wise. The bases of Masonry being morality and virtue, it is by studying one and practising the other, that the conduct of a Mason becomes irreproachable. The good of Humanity being its principal object, disinterestedness is one of the first virtues that it requires of its members; for that is the source of justice and beneficence. To pity the misfortunes of others; to be humble, but without meanness; to be proud, but without arrogance; to abjure every. sentiment of hatred and revenge; to show himself magnanimous and liberal, without ostentation and wifhout profusion; to be the enemy of vice ; to pay homage to wisdom and virtue; to respect innocence; to be constant and patient in adversity, and modest in prosperity; to avoid every irregularity that stains the soul and distempers the body-it is by following these precepts that a Mason will become a good citizen, a faithful husband, a tender father,··an obedient SOD, and a true brother; will honor friendship, and fulfill with ardor the duties which virtue and the social relations impose upon him. It is because Masonry ill1poses upon us these duties that it ·is properly and significantly styled 'lvo1'k;· and he who imagines that he becomes a Mason by. merely taking the first two or three. Degrees, and that he may~ having leisurely stepped upon that small elevation, thenceforw~rd worthily wear the honors of Masonry, without labor or exertion, or self-denial or sacrifice, and that there is nothing to be done in Masonry, is strangely deceived. Is it true that nothing remains to be done in Masonry? Does one Brother no· .longer proceed by law against another Brother of his Lodge, in regard to matters that could be easily settled within the Masonic family circle? Has the duel, that hideous heritage of barbarism, interdicted among Brethren by our fundamental laws) and denounced by the municipal code, yet disappeared from the soil we inhabit? Do Maso11sof high rank religiously refrain from it; or do they.not)



bowing to.a corrupt public opinion, submit to its arbitrament, despite the scandal which it occasions to the Order, and in violation of the feeble restraint of their oath? Do Masons no longer form uncharitable opinions of their Brethren, enter harsh judglnents against them, and judge themselves by one rule and their Brethren by another? Has Masonry any well-regulated system of路 charity? Has it done that which it should have done for the cause of education? Where are its schools, its acaden1ies, its colleges, its hospitals, and infirmaries? Are political controversies now conducted with no violence and bitterness? Do Masons refrain from defaming and denouncing their Brethren who differ with them in religious or political opinions? What grand social problems or useful projects engage our attention at our communications? Where in our Lodges are lectures habitually delivered for the real instruction of the Brethren? Do not our. sessions pass in the discussion of minor matters of business, the settlement of points of order and questions of mere adtninistration, and the admission and advancement of Candidates, whonl after their adnlission we take no pains to instruct? In what Lodge are our ceren10nies explained and elucidated; corrupted as they are by tinle, until their true features can scarcely be distinguished; an路d where are those great primitive truths of revelation taught, which Masonry has preserved to the world? We have high dignities and sounding titles. Do their possess路ors qualify thelTISelves to enlighten the world in respect to the aims and objects of Masonry? Descendants of those Initiates who governed empires, does your influence enter into practical life and operate efficiently in behalf of well-regulated and constitutional liberty? Your debates should be but friendly conversations. You need con,cord, union, and peace.. Why then do you retain among-路 you men who excite rivalries and jealousies; why permit great and violent controversy and .ambitious pretensions? How do your own words and acts agree? If your Masonry is a nullity, how can you exercise any influence on others? Continually you praise each other, and utter elaborate and high-




wrought eulogies upon the Order. Everywhere you aSSUlue that you are what you should be, and nowhere do you look upon yourselves as you are. Is it true that all our actions are so many acts of hon1age to virtue? Explore the recesses of your hearts; let us examine ourselves \vith an impartial eye, and make answer to our own questioning lean we bear to ourselves the consoling testimony that we always rigidly perform our duties; that we even half perform them? Let us away with this odious self-flattery! Let us be men, if we cannot be sages! The laws of Masonry, above others excellent, cannot wholly change men's natures. They enlighten them, they point out the true \vay; but they can lead them in it, only by repressing the fire of their passions, and subjugating their selfishness. Alas, these conquer, and Masonry is forgotten! After praising each other all our lives, there are always excellent Brethren, who, over our coffins, shower unlimited eulogies. Every one of us who dies, however useless his life, has been a model of all the virtues, a very child of the celestial light. In Egypt, among our old 11asters, where Masonry was more cultivated than vanity, no one could gain admittance to the sacred asylum of the tomb until he had passed under the most solemn judglnent. A grave tribunal sat in judgment upon all, even the kings. They said to the dead, "Whoever thou art, give account to thy country of thy actions! What hast thou done with thy titne and life? The la\v interrogates thee, thy country hears thee, Truth sits in judglnent on thee 1" Princes came there to be judged, escorted only by their virtues and their vices. A public accuser recounted, the history of the dead man's life, and thre\v the blaze of the torch of truth -on all his actions. If it were adjudged that he had led an evil life, his men10ry was condemned in the presence of the nation, and his body was denied the honors of sepulture. \\That a lesson the old Masonry taught to the sons of the people! Is it true that Masonry is effete; that the acacia, withered,. affords no shade; that Masonry no longer marches in the advanceguard of Truth? No. Is freedom yet universal? Have ignorance and prejudice disappeared from the earth? Are there no longer enmities among men? Do cupidity and falsehood no longer exist? Do toleration and harmony prevail among religious and political sects? There are works yet left for Masonry to accomplish'J greater than the twelve labors of Hercules: to advance ever



resolutely and steadily; to enlighten the Ininds of the people, to reconstruct society, to reform the laws, and to improve the public morals. The eternity in front of it is as infinite as the one behind.. And Masonry cannot cease to labor in the cause of social progress, without ceasing to be true to itself, without ceasing to be Masonry.


8. XII.



[Master Architect.] THE great duties that are inculcated by the lessons taught by the working-instrun1ents of a Grand Master Architect, demanding so much ofns, and .taking for granted the capacity to perfornl them faithfully and fully, bring lIS at once to reflect upon the dignity of human nature, and the vast powers and capacities of the human soul; and to that then1e we invite your attention in this Degree. Let us begin to rise from earth toward the Stars. Evermore the human soul struggles toward the light, toward God, and the Infinite. It is especially so in its afflictions. Words go but a little way into the depths of sorrow. The thoughts th,at writhe there in silence, that go into the stillness of Infinitude and Eternity, have no elnblems. Thoughts enougl1 come there, such as no tongue ever uttered. They do not so much want hum,an sympathy, as higher help.. There is a loneliness in deep sorrow which the Deity alone can relieve.. Alone, the mind wrestles with the great problem of calamity, and seeks the solution from the Infinite Providence of Heaven, and thus is led directly to God. There are many things in us of which we are not distinctly conscious. To waken.that slumbering consciousness into life, and so to lead the soul up to the L.ight, is路 one office of every great ministration to human n.ature, whether its vehicle be the pen, the pencil, or the tongue. We are unconscious of the ilntensity and awfulness of the life within us. Health and sickness,. jyoy and sorrow, success and disappointment, life and death" love and loss, are 189



fanliliar words upon our lips; and we do not know to what depths they point within路 us. \\Te seen1 never to know wI1at any thing Ineans or is worth until \ve have lost it. 11any an organ, nerve, and fibre in our bodily franle perforn1s its silent part for years, and we are quite unconscious of its value. It is not until it is injured that we discover that value, and find how essential it was to our happiness and cOlnfort. We never know the full significance of the words, "property," "ease," and "health;" the wealth of meaning in the fond epithets, "parent," "child," "beloved," and "friend," until the thing or the person is taken away; until, in place of the bright, visible being, comes the awful and desolate shadow, where nothing IS: where \ve stretch out our hands in vain, and strain our eyes upon dark and dismal vacuity. Yet, in that vacuity, we do not lose the object that we loved. It becomes only the nlore real to us. Our blessings not only brighten when they depart} but are fixed in enduring reality; and love and friendship receive their everlasting seal under the cold impress of death. A dim consciousness of infinite mystery and grandeur lies beneath all the commonplace of life. There is an awfulness and a majesty around us, in all our little worldliness. The rude peasant from the Apennines, asleep at the foot of a pillar in a nlajestic Roman church, seems not to hear or see, but to dream only of the herd he feeds or the ground he tills in the mountains. But the choral symphonies fall softly upon his ear, and the gilded arches are dinl1y seen through his half-slumbering eyelids. So the soul, however given up to the occupations of daily life, cannot quite lose the sense of where it is, and of what is above it and around it. The scene of its actual engagements may be s111all; the path of its steps, beaten and familiar; the obj ects it handles, easily spanned, and quite worn out with daily uses. So it may be, and amidst such things that we a111ive. So we live our little life; but Heaven is above us and all around and close to us; and Eternity is before us and behind us; and suns and stars are silent witnesses and watchers over us. We are enfolded by Infinity. Infinite Powers and Infinite spaces lie all around us. The dread arch of Mystery spreads over us, and no voice ever pierced it. Eternity is enthroned amid Heaven's myriad starry heights; and no utterance or word ever catne from those far-off and silent spaces. Above, is that awful majesty; around us, everywhere, it stretches





off into infinity; and beneath it is this little struggle of life, this poor day's conflict, this busy ant-hill of Time. But frotTI that ant-hill, not only the talk of the streets t the sounds of ll1usic and revelling, the stir and tread of a multitude, the shout of joy and the shriek of agony go up into the silent and all-surrounding Infinitude; but also, alnidst the stir and noise of visible life, from the inmost boson1 of the visible 111 an, there goes up an itnploring call, a beseeching cry, an asking, unuttered~ and unutterable, for revelation, wailingly and in altnost speechless agony praying the dread arch of n1ystery to break, and the stars that roll above the waves of 1110rtal trouble, to speak; the enthroned tnajesty of those a\vfulheights to find a voice; the tnysterious and reserved heavens to come near; and all to tell us what they alone know; to give us information of the loved and lost; to 111ake known to us what we are, and whither we are going. Man is enconlpassed with a dome of incomprehensible wonders. In him and about him is' that which should fill his life with majesty and sacredness. S0111ething of sublitnity and sanctity has thus flashed down from heaven into the heart of everyone that lives. There is no being so base and abandoned but hath some traits of that sacredness left upon him; sOInething, sOlnuch perhaps in discordance with his general rep 1tte, that he hides it fronl all around him; some sanctuary in his soul, where no one m'ay enter; some sacred inclosure, where the memory of a child is, or the image of a venerated parent, or the remembrance of a pure love, or the echo of some word of kindness once spoken to him; an echo that will never die away_ Life is no negative,路 or superficial or worldly existence. Our steps are evern10re haunted路 with thoughts, far beyond their own range, which some have regarded as the reminiscences of a preexistent state. So it is with 115 all, in the beaten and worn,track of this worldly pilgrimage. There is more here, than the world we live in. It is not all of life to live. An unseen and infinite presence is here; a sense of something greater than we possess; a seeking, through all the void wastes of life~ for a good beyond it; a crying out of the heart for interpretation; a memory of the dead, touching continually some vibrating thread in this great tissue of mystery. We all not only have better intimations, but are capable of bet-



ter things than we know. The pressure of some great etnergency would develop in us po\vers, beyond the \vorldly bias of our spir.. its; and Heaven so deals with us, frotTI time to tin1e, as to call forth those better things. There is hardly a family in the world so selfish, but that, if one in it were doomed to die-one, to be selected by the others,-it would be utterly impossible for its tnembers, parents and children, to choose out that victin1; but that each would say, "I will die; but I cannot choose." And in how many, if that dire extremity had come, would not one and another step forth, freed frotTI the vile mes'hes of ordinary selfishness, and say, like the Roman father and son, "Let the blow fall on me 1" There are greater and better things in us aU, than the world takes account of, or than we take note of; if we would but find them out. And it is one part of our Masonic culture to find these traits of power and sublime devotion, to revive these faded impressions of generosity and self-sacrifice, the ahnost squandered bequests of God's love and kindness to our souls; and to induce us to yield ourselves to their guidance and control. Upon all conditions of men presses down one impartial1aw. To all situations, to aU fortunes, high路 or low) the mind gives their character. They are, in effect, not what they are in themselves, but what they are to the feeling of their possessors. The King tnay be mean, degraded, miserable; the slave of ambition, fear, voluptuousness, and .every low passion. The Peasant may be the real Monarch, the moral master of his fate, a free and lofty being, more than a Prince in happiness, more than a King in honor. Man is no bubble upon the sea of his fortunes, helpless and irresponsible upon the tide of events. Out of the same circumstances, different men bring路 totally different results. The same difficulty, distress, poverty, or misfortune, that breaks down one man, builds up another and makes him strong. It is the very attribute and glory of a man, that he can bend the circumstances of his condition to the intellectual and moral purposes of his nature, and it is the power and mastery of his. will that chiefly distinguish him from the brute. The faculty of moral will, developed in the child,路 is a new element of his nature. It is a new power brought upon the scener and a ruling power, delegated from Heaven. Never was a human being sunk so low that he had not, by God's gift, the power to rise, Because God commands him to rise 1 路it is certain that he can rise.



Every man has the power, and should use it, to make all situations, trials, and temptations instruments to promote his virtue and happiness; and is so far from being the creature of circumstances, that he creates and controls them~ making then1 to De all that they are, of evil or of good, to him as a moral being. Life is what we make it, and the world is what we make it. The eyes of the cheerful and of the melancholy man are fixed upon the same creation; but very different are the aspects which it bears to them. To the one, it is all beauty and gladness; the waves of ocean roll in light, and the mountains are covered with day. Life, to him, flashes, rejoicing, upon every flower and every tree that trembles in the breeze. There is more to him" everywhere, than the eye sees; a presence ·0£ .profound joy on hill and valley, and bright, dancing water. The other idly or mournfully gazes at the same scene, and everything wears a dull, dim, and sickly aspect. The murmuring of the brooks is a discord to him, the great roar of the sea has an angry and threatening emphasis, thesoletnn music of the pines sings the requiem of his departed happiness; ·the cheerful light shines garishly upon his eyes and offends him. The great train of the seasons passes before hin1·1ike a funeral procession; and he sighs, and turns impatiently away. The eye makes that which it looks upon; the ear makes its own Inelodies and discords; the world without reflects the world within. Let the Mason never forget that life and the world are what we make them by our social character; by our adaptation, or want of adaptation to the social conditions, relationships, and pursuits of the world. To· the selfish, the cold, and the insensible, to the haughty and presuming, to the proud, who demand more than they are likely to receive, to the jealous, ever afraid they shall not receive enough, to those who are unreasonably sensitive about the good or ill opinions of others, to all violators of the social laws, tbe rude, the violent, the dishonest, and the sensual,-to all these, the social condition, from its very nature, will pres.ent annoyances, disappointments, and pains, appropriate to their several characters. The benevolent. affections will not revolve around selfishness; the cold-hearted must expect to meet coldness; the proud, haughtiness; the passionate, anger; and the violent, rudeness. Those who forget the rights of others, must not be surprised if their own are forgotten; and those who stoop to the lowest emo!races of sense must not wonder, if others are not concerned to



find their prostrate honor, and lift it up to the remembrance and respect of the world. To the gentle, many will be gentle; to the kind, many will be kind.. A good man will find that there is goodness in the world; an honest 111an will find that there is honesty in the world; and a 111an of principle will find principle and integrity in the Iuinds of others. 'l'here are"no blessings which the nlind nlaynot convert Into the bitterest of evils; and no trials which it 111ay not transfor111 into the noblest and divinest blessings. l'here are no tenlptations fro111 which assailed virtue ll1ay not gain strength, instead of falling before theIn, vanquished and subdued. It is true that tenlptations have a great power, and virtue often falls; but the might of these temptations lies not in themselves, but in }he feebleness of our own virtue, and the weakness of our own hearts. We rely too much on the strength of our ranlparts and bastions, and allo\v the enemy. to make" his approaches, by trench and parallel, at his leisure. The offer of dishonest gain and guilty pleasure 111akes the honest man more honest, and the pure man nlore pure. They raise his virtue to the height of towering indignation. The fair occasion, the safe opportunity, the tempting chance becolne the defeat and disgrace of the tempter. The honest and upright ll1an does not \vait until temptation has made its approaches and Inounted its batteries on th~ last parallel. But to the impure,路 the dishonest, the false-hearted, the corrupt, and the sensual, occasions come every day, and in every scene, and through every avenue of thought and itnagination. He is prepared to capitulate before the first approach is C0t111nenced; and sends out the white flag when the enemy's advance C0111es in sight of his walls. He makes occasions; or, if opportunities C011le not, evil thoughts come, and he throws wide open the gates of his heart and welcomes those bad visitors, and entertains them with a lavish hospitality. The business of the world absorbs, corrupts, and degrades one mind, while in another it feeds and nurses the noblest independence, integrity, and generosity. Pleasure is a poison to S0111e, and a healthful refreshment to others. To one, the world is a great harmony, like a noble strain of music with infinite modulations; to another, it is a huge factory, the clash and clang of whose machinery jars upon his ears and frets him to madness. Life is sub-



stantially the same thing to all who partake of its lot. Yet some rise to virtue and glory; while others, undergoing the same discipline, and enjoying the satne privileges, sink to shanle and perdition. 'fhorough, faithful, and honest endeavor to inlprove, is always successful, and the highest happiness. 1'0 sigh sentilnentally over human n1isfortune, is fit only for the Inind's childhood; and the mind's nlisery is chiefly its o\vn fault; appointed, under the good Providence of God, as the punisher and corrector of its fault. In the long run, the lllind \vill be happy, just in proportion to its fidelity and wisdonl. When it is miserable, it. has planted the thorns in its own path; it grasps thenl, and cries out in loud COlTIplaint; and that cOluplaint is but the louder confession that the thorns which grew there, it planted. A certain kind and degree of spirituality enter into the largest part of even the most ordinary life. You can carryon no business, without some faith in luan. You cannot even dig in the ground, without a reliance on the unseen result. You cannot think or reason or even step, without confiding in the inward, spiritual principles of your nature. All the affections and bonds, and hopes and interests of life centre in the spiritual; and you know that if 'that central bond were broken, the world would rush to chaos. Believe that there is a God; that He is our father; that He has a paternal interest in our welfare and in1provenlent; that He has given us powers, by nleans of which we ll1ay escape from sin and ruin; that He has destined us to a future life of endless progress toward perfection and a knowledge of Hi111self-believe this, as every Mason should, and you can live calnl1y, endure patiently, labor resolutely, deny yourselves cheerfully, hope steadfastly, and be conquerors in the great struggle of life. Take away -anyone of these principles, and what remains for us? Say that there is no God; or no way opened for hope and refortnation and triumph, no heaven to come, no rest for the weary, no home in the bosom of God for the afflicted and disconsolate soul; or that God is but an ugly blind Chance that stabs in the dark; or a somewhat that is, when atten1pted to be defined, a nowhat, emotionless, passionless, the Supren1e Apathy to which all things, good and evil, are alike indifferent; or a jealous God. who reveng-efully visits the sins of the fathers on the children, and when the fathers have eaten




sour grapes, sets the children's teeth on edge; an arbitrary 811... preme ~VillJ that has made it right to be virtuous, and wrong to he and steal, because IT pleased to ma1~e it so rather than otherwise, retaining the povver to reverse the .1a \v ; or a fickle, vacillating, inconstant Deity, or a cruel, bloodthirsty, savage Hebrew or Puritanic one; and we are but the sport of chance and the victims of despair; hapless \vanderers upon the face of a desolate, forsaken, or accursed and hated earth; surrounded by darkness, struggling with obstacles, toiling for barren results and empty purposes, distracted with doubts, and misled by false gleams of light; wanderers with no way, no prospect, no home; doomed and deserted mariners on a dark and stornly sea) without compass or course, to whom no stars appear; tossinghelmless upon the weltering, angry waves, with no blessed haven in the distance whose guiding-star invites us to its welconle rest. The religious faith thus taught by 11asonry is indispensable to the attainment of the great ends of life ; and 111Ust therefore have been designed to be a part of it. \Ve are made for this faith; and there must be something, somewhere, for us to believe in. We cannot grow healthfully, nor live happily, without it. It is therefore true. If we could cut off from any soul all the principles taught by Masonry, the faith in a God, in immortality, in virtue, in essential rectitude, that soul would sink into sin, misery, darkness, and ruin. If we could cut off all sense of these truths, the man would sink. at once to the grade of the animal. No man can suffer and be patient, can struggle and conquer, can improve and he happy, otherwise than as the swine are, without conscience, without hope, without a reliance on a just, wise, and beneficent God.. We must, of necessity, embrace the great truths taught by Masonry, and live by them, to live happily. "1 put my trust in God/ .is the protest of Masonry against the belief in a cruel, angry, and revengeful God, to be feared and not reverenced by His creatures. Society, in its great relations, is as much the creation of Heaven as is the system of the Universe. If that bond of gravitation that holds all worlds and systems together, were suddenly severed, the universe would fly into wild and boundless chaos. And if we were to sever all the moral bonds that hold society together: if we could cut off from it every conviction of Truth and Integrity, of an authority above it, and ofa conscience within it, it would im~ J



mediately rush to disorder and frightful anarchy and ruin. The religion we teach is therefore as really a principle of thin~s, and as certain and true, as gravitation. Faith in 1110ral principles, in virtue, and in God, is as necessary for the guidance of a ll1an, as instinct is for the guidance of an animal. And therefore this faith, as a principle of man's nature, has a mission as truly authentic in God's Providence, as the principle of instinct. The pleasures of the soul, too, must depend on certain principles. They must recognize a soul, its properties and responsibilities, a conscience, and the sense of an authority above us ; and these are the principles of faith. No man can suffer and be patient, can struggle and conquer,.. can improve and be happy, without conscience, ,vithout hope, without a reliance on a just, wise, and beneficent God. We n1ust of necessity embrace the great truths taught by Masonry, and live by thenl, to live happily. Everything in the universe has fixed and certain laws and principles for its action ;-the star in its orbit, the animal in its activity, the physical man in his functions. And he has likewise fixed and certain laws and principles as a spiritual being. His soul does not die for want of aliment or guidance. For the rational soul there is anlple provision. From the lofty pine, rocked in the darkening tempest, the cry of the young raven is heard; and it would be most strange if there were no a~swer for the cry and call of the' soul, tortured by want and sorrow and agony. The total rejection of all n10ral and religious belief would strike out a principle from human nature, as essential to it as gravitation to路 the stars, instinct to animal life, the circulation of the blood to the human body. God has ordained that life shall be a social state. We are members of a civil community.. The life of that community depends. upon its moral condition. Public spirit, intelligence, uprightness, temperance, kindness, domestic purity, will make it a happy community, and give it prosperity and continuance. Wide-spread selfishness, dishonesty, intemperance, libertinism, corruption, and crime, will make it rniserable, and bring about dissolution and speedy ruin. A whole people lives one life; one mighty heart heaves in its bosom; it is one great pulse of existence that throbs there. One stream of life flows there, with ten thousand intermingled branches and channels, through all the homes of human love. One sound as of many waters, a rapturous jubilee ora



Inournful sighing, CaInes up froIn the congregated dwellings of a whole nation. The Public is no vague abstraction; nor should that which is done against that Public, against public interest, law" or virtue, press but lightly on the conscience. It is but a vast expansion of individual life; an ocean of tears, an atn10sphere of sighs, or a great whole of joy and gladness.. It suffers \vith the suffering- of millions; it rejoices with the joy of Inillions.. What a vast crilne does he cOlnll1it,-private l11an or public ll1an, agent or contractor, legislator or ll1agistrate, secretary or president,-who dares, with indignity and wrong, to strike the bosonl of the Public Welfare, to encourage venality and corruption, and shatneful sale of the elective franchise, or of office; to sow dissension, and to weaken the bonds of amity that bind a Nation together! What a huge iniquity, he who, with vices like the daggers of a parricide, dares to pierce that ll1ighty heart, in which the ocean of existence is flowing! What an unequalled interest lies in the virtue of everyone whom we love! In his virtue, nowhere but in his virtue, is garnered up the incomparable treasure. What care we for brothe~ or friend, compared with what we care for his honor" his fidelity, his reputation, his kindness? How venerable is the rectitude of a parent! How sacred his reputation IN0 blight that can fall upon a child, is like a parent's dishonor.. Heathen or. Christian, every parent would have his child do well; and pours out upon hitn all the fullness of parental love, in the one desire that he mav do well; that he may be worthy of his cares, and his freely bestowed pains; that he may walk in the way of honor and happiness. In that way he cannot walk one step without virtue. Such. is life, in its relationships. A thousand ties embrace it, like the fine nerves of a delicate organization; like the strings of an instrument capable of sweet Inelodies, but easily put out of tune or brcken t by rudeness, anger, and selfish indulgence. If life could, by any process, be made insensible to pain and pleasure; if the hUI11an heart were hard as adan1ant, then avarice, ambition, and sensuality might channel out their paths in it, and make it their beaten way; and none would wonder or protest. If we could be patient under the load of a rnereworldly life; jf we could bear that burden as the beasts bear it; then, like beasts, we might bend all our thoughts to the earth; and no call frotn the



great Heavens above us would startle us from our plodding and earthly course. But we art not insensible brutes, w'ho can refuse the call of reason and conscience. The soul is capable of remorse. When the great dispensations of life press down upon us, we weep, and suffer and sorrow. And sorrow and agony desire other companionships than worldliness and irreligion. Weare not willing to bear those burdens of the heart, fear, anxiety, -disappointment, and trouble, without any object or use.. We are not willing to suffer, to be sick and afflicted, to have our days and months lost to comfort and joy, and overshadowed with calamity and grief, without advantage or compensation; to barter away the dearest treasures, the very sufferings, of the heart; to sell the life-blood from failing frame and fading cheek, our tears of bitterness and groans of anguish, for nothing. Human nature, frail, feeling, sensitive, and sorrowing, cannot bear to suffe,r for nought. Everywhere, human life is a great and solemn dispensation. Man, suffering, enjoying, loving, hating, hoping, and fearing, chained to the earth and yet exploring the far recesses of the universe, has the power to commune with God and His angels. Around this great action of existence the curtains of Time are drawn; but there are openings through them which give us glimpses of eternity. God looks down upon this scene of human probation. The wise and the good in all ages have interposed for it, with their teachings and their blood. Everything that exists aroun9. us, every movement in nature, every counsel of Providence, every interposition of God, centres upon one point-the fidelity of man. And even if -the ghosts of the departed and remembered could come at midnight through the barred doors of our dwellings, and the shrouded路 dead should glide through the aisles of our churches and sit in our Masonic Temples, their teach.., ings would be no more eloquent and impressive than the dread realities of life; than those menlories of misspent years, those ghosts of departed opportunities, that, pointing to our conscience and eternity, cry continually in our ears" "Work while the day lasts! for the night of death cometh, in which no man can

work." There are no tokens of public mourning for the calamity of the soul. Men weep when the body dies; and when it is borne to its last rest, they follow it with sad and mournful procession. But



for the dying soul there is no open lamentation; for the lost soul there are no obsequies. And yet the mind and soul of man have a value which nothing else has. They are worth a care which nothing else is worth: and to the single, solitary individual, they ought to possess an interest which nothing else possesses. The stored treasures of the heart, the unfathomable mines that are in the soul to be wrought, the broad and boundless realms of Thought, the freighted argosy of man's hopes and best affections, are brighter than gold and dearer than treasure. And yet the nlind is in reality little known or considered. It is all which man permanently is, his inward beiri~, his divine energy, his inlmortal thought, his boundless capacity, his infinite aspiration; and nevertheless, few value it for what it is worth. Few see a brother-mind in others, through the rags with which poverty has clothed it, beneath the crushing burdens of life, amidst the close pressure of worldly troubles, wants and sorrows. Few acknowledge and cheer it in that humble blot, and feel that the nobility of earth, and the commencing glory of Heaven are there. Men do not feel the worth of their own souls. They are proud of their mental po\vers; but the intrinsic, inner, infinite worth of theit own minds they do not perceive. The poor man, admitted tr> a palace, feels, lofty and immortal being as he is, like a mere ordinary thing amid the splendors that surround him. He sees the carriage of wealth roll by hiln, and forgets the intrinsic and eternal dignity of his own mind in a poor and degrading envy, and feels as an humbler creature, because others are above him, not in mind, but in mensuration. Men respect themselves, according- as they are more wealthy, higher in rank or office, loftier in the world's opinion, able to command more votes, more the favorites of the people or of Power. The difference among men is not so much in their nature and intrinsic power, as in the faculty of communication. Some have tbe capacity of uttering and embodying in words their thoughts. All men, more or less, feel those thoughts. The glory of genius and the rapture of virtue, when rightly revealed, are diffused and shared among unnumbered minds. When eloquence and poetry speak; when those glorious arts, statuary, painting, and nlusic, take audible or visible shape; when patriotism, charity, and virtue



speak with a thrilling potency, the hearts of thousands glow \vith a kindred joy and ecstasy. If it were not so, the-rewould be no eloquence; for eloquence is that to which other hearts respond; it is the faculty and power of making other hearts respond.. No one is so low or degraded, as not sometimes to be touched with the beauty of goodness.. No heart is made of tnaterials so common, or even base, as not sOlnetimes to respond, through every chord of it, to the call of honor, patriotis~, generosity, and virtue.. The poor African Slave will die for the master or mistress, or In defence of the children, whom he loves. The poor, lost, scorned, abandoned, outcast woman will, without expectation of reward, nurse those who are dying on every hand, utter strangers to her, with a contagious and horrid pestilence. ~rhe pickpocket will scale burning walls to rescue child or woman, unknown to him, from the ravenous flames. Most glorious is this capacity! A power to commune with God and His Angels; a reflection of the Uncreated Light; a 111irror that can collect- and concentrate upon itself all the moral. splendors of the Universe. It is the soul alo}le that gives any value to the things of this world; and it is only by raising the soul to its just elevation above all ()ther things, that we can look rightly upon the purposes of this earth. No sceptre nor throne, nor structure of ages, nor broad empire, can compare with the wonders and grandeurs of a single thought. That alone, of all things that have been made, comprehends the Maker of all. That alone is the key which unlocks all the treasures of the Universe; the power that reigns over Space, Time, and Eternity. That, under God, is the Sovereign Dispenser to man of all the blessings and glories that lie within the COlnpass of possession, or the range of possibility. Virtue, Heaven, and Immortality. exist not, nor ever will exist for us except as they exist and will exist, in the. percep... tiOD, feeling, and thought of the glorious mind. 11y Brother, in the hope that you have listened to and under stood the Instruction and Lecture of this Degree, and that you feel the dignity of your own nature and the vast capacities of your own soul for good or evil, I proceed briefly to cOll1municate to you the remaining instruction of this ,Degree.. The Hebrew ,word, in the old Hebrew and Samaritan charact~r, suspended in the East, over the five .columns~ is ADONA!, one . of .tlae names of Godt "u~U3:lly translated Lqrd; andwhi,.cb,the He~



brews, in reading, always substitute for the True Narne, which is for them ineffable. The five columns, in the five different orders of architecture, are emblematical to us of the five principal divisions of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite: I . - The Tuscan) of the three blue Degrees, or the primitive Masonry. 2.-The Doric, of the ineffable Degrees, from the fourth to the fourteenth, inclusive. 3.-The Ionic, of the fifteenth and sixteenth, or second temple Degrees. 4.-The Corinthian, of the seventeenth and eighteenth Degrees, or those of the new law. 5.-The Composite, of the philosophical and chivalric Degrees interlningled, from the nineteenth to the thirty-second, inclusive. The North Star, always fixed and immutable for us" represents the point in the centre of the circle, or the Deity in the centre of the Universe. It is the especial symbol of duty and of faith. To it, and the seven that continually revolve around it, mystical meanings are attached, which you will learn hereafter, if you should be permitted to advance, when you are made acquainted with the philosophical doctrines of the Hebrews. The Morning Star, rising in the East, Jupiter, called by the Hebrews Tsadoc or Tsydyk, Just, is an emblem to us of the ever.. approaching dawn of perfection and Masonic light. The three great lights of the Lodge are symbols to us of the Power, Wisdom, and Beneficence of the Deity. They are also symbols of the first three S ephiroth, or Emanations of the Deity, according to the Kabalah, Kether, the omnipotent divine will; Chochmah} the divine intellectual power to generate thought, and Binah, the divine intellectual capacity to produce it-the two latter, usually translated Wisdom and Understanding, being the active and the passive, the positive and the negative, which we do not yet endeavor to explain to you. They are the columns Jachin and Baaz, that stand at the entrance to the Masonic Temple. In another aspect of this Degree, the路 Chief of the Architects [ ~"~:l ~" Rab Banaim,] symbolizes the constitutional executive head and chief of a free government; and the Degree teaches us that no free government can long' endure" when the people cease



to select for their magistrates the best and the wisest of their statesmen; when, passing these by, they permit factions or sordid interests to select for them the small, the low, the ignoble, and the obscure, and into such hands commit the country's destinies. There is, after all, a "divine right" to govern; and it is vested in the ablest, wisest, best, of every nation. "Counsel is mine. and sound wisdom: I am understanding: I am power: by me kings do reign, and princes decree justice; by me princes rule, and nobles, even all the magistrates of the earth." For the present, my Brother, let this suffice. We welcome you among us, to this peaceful retreat of virtue, to a participation in our privileges, to a 5hare in our joys and our sorrows.



WHETHER the legend and history of this Degree are historically true, or but an allegory, containing in itself a deeper truth and a profounder tneaning, we shall not now debate. If it be but a legendary myth, you must find out for yourself what it means. It is certain that the word which the Hebrews are not now permitted to pronounce was in common use by Abraham, Lot, Isaac, Jacob, Laban, Rebecca, and even among tribes foreign to the Hebrews, before the tinle of Moses; and that it recurs a hundred times in the lyrical effusions of David and other Hebrew poets. We know that for many centuries the Hebrews have been forbidden to pronounce the Sacred N arne; that wherever it occurs, they have for ages read the word Adona;;' instead; and that under it, when the masoretic points, which represent the vowels, came to be used, they placed those which belonged to the latter word. 1'he possession of the true pronunciation was deemed to confer on him who had it extraordinary and supernatural powers; and the Word itself, worn upon the person, was regarded as an amulet, a protection against personal danger, sickness, and evil spirits. We know that all this was a vain superstition, natural to a rude people, necessarily disappearing as the intellect of man became 6Dlightened; and wholly unworthy of a Mason. It is noticeable that this notion of the sanctity of the Divine NatTIe or Creative Word was common to all the ancient nations. 'fhe Sacred Word I-IOM was supposed by the ancient Persians (who were alnong the earliest emigrants from Northern India) to




IDe pregnant with a mysterious power; and they taught that by its utterance the world was created. In India it was forbidden to pro'nounce the word AUM or OM} the Sacred Name of the One Deity, manifested as Brahma, Vishna, and Seeva. These superstitious notions in regard to the efficacy of the Word, and the prohibition against pronouncing it, could, being errors, have formed no part of the pure primitive religion, or of the esoteric doctrine taught by Moses, and the full knowledge of which was confined to the Initiates; unless the whole was but an ingeni. ODS invention for the concealment of some other Name or truth, the interpretation and meaning whereof was made known only to the select few. If so, the common notions in' regard to the Word grew up in the minds of the people, like other errors and· fables among all the ancient nations, out of original truths and symbols and allegories misunderstood. So it has always been that allegories, intended as vehicles of truth, to be understood by the sa;ges, have becoole or bred errors, by being literally accepted. It is true, that before the masoretic points were invented (which was after the beginning of the Christian era), the pronunciation 9f. a word in the Hebrew ·language could not be knows from the characters in which it was written. It was, therefore, /,'f)ssible for ~hat of the name of theD:eity to have heen forgotten and lost. It is certain that its true pronunciation is not that represented by the word Jehovah; and theref.ore that that is not the true name of Peity, nor the Ineffable Word. The ancient symbols and allegories. always had more than one i,oterpretation. They always had a double meaning, and sometimes more than two, one serving as the envelope of the other. Thus the pronunciation of the word was a symbol; and that pronunciaw tion and the word itself were lost, when the knowledge of the true n.ature and attributes of GQ,d faded out of the minds of the Jewish people. That is one interpretation-true} but not the inner ana Sf9foundest one. Men were figuratively said to forget the name of God, when ~ylost that knowledge, and worshippe.d the heath,endeiti:es, and ~t1rned incense to them. on the high places, and passed their chit.. dren. thrQugh. the fire to· Moloch. Thus the attempts of the ancient Israelites and of ,the Initiates ~9,,~scertain the True . NaP1e of· the. Deity, and its proultDciatiQn,

§lJd tbe.loss of the Tr.ue Word,are an allegory,in wbidt ,are'rep"



resented the general ignorance of the true nature and attributes of God, the proneness of the people of Judah and Israel to worship other deities, and the low and erroneous and dishonoring notions of the Grand Architect of the Universe, which all shared except a few favored persons; for even Solomon built altars and sacrificed to Astarat, the goddess of the Tsidunim, and Ma]ciim, the Aamiinite god, and built high places for Kamiis, the Moabite deity, and Malec the god of the Beni-Aamt1n. The true nature of God was unknown to them, like His name; and they worshipped the calves of Jeroboam, as in the desert they did that made for them by Aariin. The mass of the Hebrews did not believe in the existence of one only God until a late period in their history~ Their early and popular ideas of the Deity were singularly low and unworthy. Even while Moses was receiving the law upon Mount Sinai, they forced . t. \.ariin to make them an image of the Egyptian god Apis, and fell down and adored it. They were ever ready to return to the worship of the gods of the Mitzraim; and soon after the death of Joshua they became devout worshippers of the false gods of all the surrounding nations. "Ye have borne/' Amos, the prophet, said to them, speaking of their forty years' journeying in the desert, under Moses, "the tabernacle of your Malec and Kaiun your idols, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves." Among them, as among other nations, the conceptions of God formed by individuals varied according to their intellectual and spiritual capacities; poor and imperfect, and investing God with the commonest and coarest attributes of humanity" among the ignorant and coarse; pure and lofty among the virtuous and richly gifted. These conceptions gradually improved and became purified and ennobled, as the nation advanced in civilization-being lowest in the historical books, amended in the prophetic writings, and reaching their highest elevation among the poets. Among all the ancient nations there was one faith and one idea of Deity for the enlightened, intelligent, and educated, and another for the common people. To this rule the Hebrews were no exception. Yehovah, to the mass of the people, was like the gods of the nations around them, except that he was the peculiar God, first of the family of Abraham, of that of Isaac, and of that of Jacob, and afterward the National God; and, as they believed, more powerful than the other gods of the same nature worshipped



by their neighbors-"Who among the Baalim is like unto thee, 0

Yehovah ?"-expressed their whole creed. The Deity of the early Hebrews talked to Adam and Eve in the garden of delight, as he walked in it in the cool of the day; he conversed with Kayin; he sat and ate with Abraham in his tent; that patriarch required a visible token, before he would believe in his positive promise; he permitted Abraham to expostulate with him, and to induce him to change his first determination in regard to Sodom; he wrestled with Jacob; he showed Moses his person, though not his 'face; he dictated the minutest police regulations and the dimensions of the tabernacle and its furniture, to the Israelites; he insisted on and delighted in sacrifices and burntofferings; he was angry, jealous, and revengeful, as well as wavering and irresolute; he allowed Moses to reason him out of his fixed resolution utterly to destroy his people; he commanded the performance of the most shocking and hideous acts of cruelty and barbarity. He hardened the heart of Pharaoh; .he repented of the evil that he had said he would do unto the people of Nineveh; and he did it not, to the disgust and anger of Jonah. Such were the popular notions of the Deity; and either the priests had none better, or took little trouble to correct these notions; or the popular intellect was not enough enlarged to enable them to entertain any higher conceptions of the Almighty. But such were not the ideas of the intellectual and enlightened few among the Hebrews. It is certain that they possessed a knowledge of the true nature and attributes of God; as the same class of men did among the other nations-Zoroaster, Menu, Confucius, Socrates, and Plato. But their doctrines on this subject were esoteric; they did not communicate them to the people at large, but only to a favored few; and as they were communicated in Egypt and India, in Persia and Phrenicia, in Greece and Samothrace, in the greater nlysteries, to the Initiates. The communication of this knowledge and other secrets, some of which are perhaps lost, constituted, under other names, what we now call IJ4 asonry, or Free or Frank-Masonry. That knowledge was, in one sense, thE Lost Word} which was made known to the Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Masons. It would be folly to pretend that the forms of Masonry were the same in those ages as they are now. The present natue of the Order, and its titles, aid the 'names of the Degrees now in use.. were not then' known.


Even Blue Masonry cannot trace back its authentic history, with its present Degrees, further than the year 1700, if so far. But" by whatever 1~ame it was known in this or the other country, Masonry existed as it now exists, the satne in spirit and at heart, not only when Solomon builded the temple, but centuries before-betore even the first colonies Jemigrated into. Southern India, Persia, and Egypt, from the cradle of the human race. The Supreme, Self~existent, Eternal, All-wise, All-powerful, Infinitely Good, Pitying, Beneficent, and Merciful Creator and Preserver of the Universe was the same, by whatever name he was called, to the intellectual and enlightened men of all nations. The name was.nothing, if not a sYlnbol and representative hieroglyph of his nature and attributes. 1'he nanle AL represented his remoteness above men, his inaccessibility; BAL and BALA. his migh(; ALOHIM, his various potencies; IHuH, e%istence and the generation of things. None of his names, among the Orientals, were the symbols of a divinely infinite love and tenderness, and all-embracing mercy. As MOLOCH or MALEK he was hut an omnipotent monarch, a tremendous and irresponsible Will)路 as ADoNAI, only an arbitrary LORD and Master; as AL Shadai, potent and a DESTROYER. To communicat,e true a:nd correct. ideas in resp,ect of the Deity was one chief obJect of the mysteries. In them, Khurum the King, and Khuriim the Master, obtained their knowledge of him and his attributes; and in them that knowledge was taught to Moses and Pythagoras. Wherefore nothil1g forbids you to consider the whole legend of this Degree, like that of the Master's, an allegory, representin~ the perpetuation of the knowledge of the True God in the sanctuaries of initiation. By the subterranean vaults you may understallQ the places of initiation, which in the ancient ceremonies were g-en.. erally under ground. TblC Temple of 801001011 presented a sym.. boIic of the Universe; and resembled, in its arrangen1ents and furniture, aHthe tem:ples of the ancient nations that practised the mysteries. The system oJ numbers was intinlately connected with their religiions aDd worship, and has COlne down to us in Masonry; though the esoteric m!eaning with which the nUI11bers used us are pregnant is unknown to the vast majority of those who use thenl. I'hose numbers wereespecial1yernployed had a reference to the D:eity, repiresented his attributes, orligured in the


fr.ame-work of the world, in time and space, and formed more or less the bases of that frame-work. These were universally regarded as sacred, being the expression of order and intelligence,

the utterances of Divinity Himself. The Holy of Holies of the Temple formed a cube; in which, drawn on a plane surface, there are 4+3+2=9 lines visible, and three sides or faces. It corresponded with the number four, by which the ancients presented Nature" it being the number of substances or corporeal forms, and of the elements, the cardinal points and seasons, and the secondary colors. The number three everywhere represented the Supreme Being., Hence the name of the Deity, engraven upon the triangular plate~ and that sunken into the cube of agate, taught the ancient Mason, and teaches us, that the true knowledge of' God, of His nature and His attributes, is written by Him upon the leaves of the great Book of Universal Nature, and may be read there by all who are endowed with the requisite amount of intellect and intelligence. This knowledge of God, so written there, and of which Masonry has in all ages been the interpreter, is the Master M aso1~Js Word. Within the Temple, all the arrangements were mystically and symbolically connected with the ,same system. The vault or ceiling" starred like.the,firmament, was supported by twelve columns, representing the twelve months of the year. The border that ran around the colulnns represented the zodiac, and one of the twelve celestial signs was appropriated to each column. The brazen sea was supported by twelve oxen, ,three looking to each cardinal point of the compass. And so in our day every Masonic Lodge represents the Uni.. verse. Each extends, we are told, fronl the rising to the setting sun" from the South to the North, from the surface of the Earth to the Heavens, and from the same to the centre of the globe. In hare represented the sun, moon, and stars; three'great torches in tbeEast, West, and South, forming a triangle, give it light: and, lik:e the Delta or Triangle suspended in the East, and inclosing the Iueffable Narne, indicate, by the mathematical equality of the f,tftigles and sides, the beautiful and harmonious proportions which g1evern in the aggregate and details of the Universe; while those sides and angles represent, lpy their number, three, tfte Trinity of ,flower, Wisdom,and Harmony, which presided at the buildihg of tlJi;ismarvellous work. These thrlee great lights ja~so'~ep,esent.lhe



great mystery of the three principles, of creation, dissolution or destruction, and reproduction or regeneration, consecrated by all creeds in their numerous Trinities. The luminous pedestal, lighted by the perpetual flame within, is a symbol of that light of Reason, given by God to man, by which he is enabled to read in the Book of Nature the record of the thought, the revelation of the attributes of the Deity. The three Masters, Adoniram, Joabert, and Stolkin, are types of the True Mason, who seeks for knowledge from pure motives, and that he may be the better enabled to serve and benefit his fellow-men; while the discontented and presumptuous Masters who were buried in the ruins of the arches represent those who strive to acquire it for unholy purposes, to g-ain power over their fellows, to gratify their pride, their vanity, or their ambition. The Lion that guarded the Ark and held in his mouth the key wherewith to open it, figuratively represents Solomon, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, who preserved and communicated the key to the true knowledge of God, of His laws, and of the profound mysteries of the moral and physical Universe. ENOCH ['UtlL. Khan6c], we are told, walked with God three hundred years,' after reaching the age of sixty-five-"walked with God, and he was no more, for God had taken him." Hisname signified in the Hebrew, INITIATE or INITIATOR. The leg-end of the columns, of granite and brass or bronze, erected by him, is probably synlbolica1. That of bronze, which survived the flood, is supposed to symbolize the mysteries, of which Masonry is the legitimate successor-from the earliest times the custodian and depository of the great philosophical and religious truths, unknown to the world at large, and handed down from age to age by an unbroken current of tradition, embodied in symbols, emblems, and allegories. The legend of this Degree is thus, partially, interpreted. It is of little importance whether it is in anywise historical. For its value consists in the lessons which it inculcates, and the duties which it prescribes to those who receive it. The parables and allej:{ories of the Scriptures are not less valuable than history. Nay, they are more so, because ancient history is little instructive, and truths are concealed in and symbolized by the .legend and the myth. There are profounder meanings concealed in the symbols of this Degree, connected with the philosfophical system of the Hebrew



Kabalists, which you will learn hereafter, if you should be so fortunate as to advance. They are unfolded in the higher Degrees. The .,lion [,,~, it"N, Arai, A raiah, which also means the altar] still holds in his mouth the key of the enigma of the 'sphynx. But there is one application of this Degree, that you are n路ow entitled to know; and which, remembering that Khiirum, the Master, is the symbol of human freedom, you would probably d.iscover for yourself. It is not enough for a people to gain its liberty.' It must secure it. It must not intrust it to the keeping, or hold it at the plea~ure, of anyone man. The keystone of the Royal Archoi the great Temple of Liberty is a fundamental law, charter, or constitution; the expression of the fixed habits of thought of the people, embodied in a written instrument, or the result of the slow accretions and the consolidation of centuries; the same in war as in peace; that cannot be hastily changed, nor be violated with impunity, but is sacred, like the Ark of the Covenant of God, which none could touch and live. A permanent constitution, rooted in' the affections, ~xpressing the will and judgment, and built upon the instincts and settled habits of thought of the people, with an independent judiciary, an elective legislature of twq branches, an executive responsible to the people, and the right of trial by jury, will guarantee the liberties of a people, if it be virtuous and temperate, without luxury, and without the lust of conquest and dominion, and the follies of visionary theories of impossible perfection. Masonry teaches its Initiates that the pursuits and occupations of this life, its activity, care, and ingenuity, the predestined developments of the nature given us by God, tend to promote His great design, in making the world; and are not at war with the great purpose of life. It teaches that everything is beautiful in its time, in its place, in its appointed office; that everything v.'hich man is put to do, if rightly and faithfully done.. naturally helps to work out his salvation; that if he obeys the genuine principles of his calling, he will be a good man: and that it is only by neglect and non-performance of the task set for him by Heaven, by wandering into idle dissipation, or by violating their beneficent and lofty spirit, that he becomes a bad man. The appointed action of lire is the great training of Providence; and if man yields himself



to路 it, he will need neither churches nor ordinances, except for the ezpression of his religious homage and gratitude. For there is a religion of toil. It is not all drudgery, a mere stretching of the linlbs and straining of the sinews to tasks. It has a ll1eaning and an intent. A living heart pours life-blood into the toiling arm;路 and warm affections inspire and mingle with Inan's labors. They are the home affections. Labor toils a-field, or plies its task in cities, or urges the keels of commerce over wide oceans; but home is its centre; and thither it ever goes with its earnings, with the means of support and comfort for others; offerings sacred to the. thought of every true man, as a sacrifice at a golden shrine. Many faults there are amidst the toils of life; many harsh and hasty words are uttered; but still the toils go on, weary and hard and exasperating as they often are. For in that home is age or sickness, or helpless infancy, or gentle child.. hood, or feeble woman, that must not want. If man had no other than mere selfish impulses, the scene of labor which we behold around us would not exist. The advocate who fairly and honestly presents his case, with a feeling of true self-respect, honor, and conscience, to help the tribunal on towards the right conclusion, with a conviction that Goq.'s justice reigns there, is acting a religious part, leading that day a religious life; or else right and justice are no part of religion. \Vhether, during all that day, he has once appealed, in form or in terms, to his conscience, or not; whether he has on,ce spoken of religion and God, or not; if there has been the inward purpose, the conscious intent and desire, that sacred justice should triumph, ,he has that day led a good and 1'eligious life, and made a nlost essential contribution to that religion of life and of society, the cause of equity between man and man, and of truth and right action in the world. Books, .to be of religious tendency in the Masonic sense, .ne;ed not be books of sermons, of pious exercises, or of prayers. Whatever inculcates pure, noble, and patriotic sentiments, or touches the heart .with the beauty of virtue, and the excellence of an up.. right life, accords with the religion of Masonry, and is the Gospel of literature and art. That 'Gospel is preached from many a book and painting, from many a poen1 and fiction., and review and news\-> paper; and it is a painful errorl and miserable narrowness, not to recognize these wide-spread agencies of Heaven's providing; not t



to see and welcome these ll1any-handed coadjutors, to the great and good cause. The oracles of· God do not speak from the pulpit alone. There is also a religion of society. In business, there is much more than sale, exchange, price, .payment; for there is the sacred faith of man in man. When we repose perfect confidence in the integrity of another; when we feel that he will not swerve from the right, frank, straightforward, conscientious course, for any temptation; his integrity and conscientiousness are the image of God to us; and when we believe in it, it is as great and generous an ~ct, as when we believe in the rectitude of the Deity. In gay assemblies for amusement, the good affections of life gush and mingle. If they did not, these gathering-places would be as dreary and repulsive as the caves and dens of outlaws and robbers. When friends meet, and hands are warmly pressed, and the eye kindles and the countenance is suffused with gladness, there is a religion between their hearts; and each loves and worships the True and Good that is in the other. It is not policy, self-interest, .or selfishness that spreads such a charm around that meeting, but the halo of bright and beautiful affection. The same splendor of kindly liking, and affectionate regard, shines like the soft overarching sky, over all the world; over all places where men meet, and walk or toil together; not over lovers' bowers and marriage-altars alone, not over the homes of purity aRd tenderness alone; but over all tilled fields, and busy work... shops, and dusty highways, and paved streets. There is not a worn stone upon the sidewalks, but has been the altar of suc·h offerings of mutual kindness; nor a wooden pillar or iron railing against which hearts beating with affection have not leaned.. How many soever other elements there are in the streanlof life flowing through these channels, that is surely here and everywhere; honest, heartfelt, disinterested, inexpressible affection. Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings ar~ instruction in religion. For here are inculcated disintere~t'ed­ ness, affection, toleration, devotedness, patriotism, truth, a generous sympathy with those who suffer and mourn, pity for the fallen, mercy for the erring, relief for those in want, Faith, Hope, and Charity. Here we .·meetas brethren, to learn to know and Iov~ each other. Here we gre'eteach other gladly, ·are lenient .to each other's faults, regardfttl of each .other's feelings, ready. to relieyo




each other's wants. This is the true religion revealed to the ancient patriarchs; which Masonry has taught for many centuries, and which it will continue to teach as long as time endures, If unworthy passions, or selfish, bitter, or revengeful feelings, contempt, dislike, hatred, enter here, they are intruders and not welcome, strangers uninvited, and not guests. Certainly there are many evils and bad passions, and much hate and contempt and unkindness everywhere in the world.. We can.. not refuse to see the evil that is in life. But all is not evil. We still see God in the world. There is good amidst the evil. The hand of mercy leads wealth to the hovels of poverty and sorrow. Truth and simplicity live aInid many \viles and sophistries. There are good hearts underneath gay robes, and under tattered gar.. ments also. Love clasps the hand of love, amid all the envyings and distractions of showy competition; fidelity, pity, and sympathy hold the long night-watch by the bedside of the suffering neighbor, amidst the surrounding poverty and squalid misery. Devoted men go from city to city to nurse those smitten down by the terrible pestilence that renews at intervals its mysterious marches. Women well-born and delicately nurtured nursed the wounded soldiers in hospitals, before it became fashionable to do so; and even poor lost women, whom God alone loves and pities, tend the plague-stricken with a patient and generous heroism. Masonry and its kindred Orders teach men to love each other, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, comfort the sick, and bury the friendless dead. Everywhere God finds and blesses the kindly office, the pitying thought, and the loving heart. There is an element of good in all men's lawful pursuits and a divine spirit breathing in all their lawful affections. The ground on which they tread is holy ground. There is a natural religion of life, answering, with however many a broken tone, to the re~ ligion of nature. There is a beauty and glory in Humanity, in man, ans\vering, with however many a mingling shade, to the loveliness of soft landscapes, and swelling hills, and the wondrous glory of the starry heavens. Men may be virtuous, self-improving, and religious in their em.. ployments. Precisely for that, those employments were made. All their social relations, friendship, love, the ties of family, were made to be holy. They may be religious, not by a kind of protest




and resistance against their several vocations; but by conformity to their true spirit. Those vocations do not e.,1:clu,de religion; but demand it, for their own perfection. 'rhey may be religious laborers, whether in field or factory; religious physicians, lawyers, sculptors, poets, painters, and musicians. They may be religious in all the toils and in all the amusements of life. Their life n1ay be a religion; the broad earth its altar; its incense the very breath of life; its fires ever kindled by the brig-htness of Heaven. Bound up with our poor, frail life, is the mighty thouj{ht that spurns the narrow span of all visible existence. Ever the soul reaches outward, and asks for freedom. It looks forth from the narrow and grated windows of sense, upon the wide immeasurable creation; it knows that around it and beyond it lie outstretched the infinite and everlasting paths. Everything within us and without us ought to stir our minds to admiration and wonder. We are a mystery encompassed with mysteries. The connection of mind with matter is a mystery; the wonderful telegraphic communication between the brain and every part of the body, the power and action of the will. Every familiar step is more than a story in a land of enchantment., The power of movement is as mysterious as the power of thought. Memory, and dreams that are the indistinct echoes of dead memories are alike inexplicable. Universal harmony springs from infinite complication. The momentum of every step we take in our dwelling contributes in part to the order of the Universe. We are connected by ties of thought, and even of matter and its forces, with the whole boundless Universe and all the past and coming generations of men.. The humblest object beneath our eye as completely defies our scrutiny as the economy of the most distant star.. Every leaf and every blade of grass holds within itsel f secrets which no human penetration will ever fathom. N oman can tell what is its principle of life. No man can know what his power of secretion is. Both are inscrutable mysteries. Wherever we place our hand we lay it upon the Jocked bosom of mystery. Step where we will, we tread upon wonders. The sea-sands, the clods of the field, the water~worn pebbles on the hills, the rude masses of rock, are traced over and over, in every direction, with a handwriting older and more significant and sublime than all the ancient ruins, and aU the overthrown and buried cities that past genera-



tions have left upon the earth; for it is the handwriting of the Almighty. A Mason's great business with life is to read the book of its teaching; to find that life is not the doing of drudgeries, but the hearing of oracles. The old mythology is but a leaf in that book; for it peopled the world with spiritual natures; and science, many-leaved, still spreads before us the same tale of wonder. We shall be just as happy hereafter, as we are pure and upright, and no more, just as happy as our char路acter prepares us to be, and no more. Our moral, like our mental character, is not formed in a moment; it is the habit of our minds; the result of many thoughts and feelings and efforts, bound together by many natural and strong ties. The great law of Retribution is, that all coming experience is to be affected by every present feeling; every future moment of being must answer for every present moment; one moment, sacrificed to vice, or lost to improvement, is forever sacrificed and lost; an hour's delay to enter the right path, is to put us back so far, in the everlasting pursuit of happiness; and every sin, even of the best men, is to be thus answered for, if not according to the full measure of its ill-desert, yet according to a rule of unbending rectitude and impartiality. The law of retribution presses upon every man, whether he thinks of it or not. It pursues him through all the courses of life, with a step that never falters nor tires, and with an eye that never sleeps. If it were not so, God's government WQuld not be impartial; there would be no discrimination; no moral dominion; no light shed upon the mysteries of Providence.. Whatsoever a man soweth, that, and not something else, shall he reap. That which we are doing, good or evil, grave or gay, that which we do tCJ-day and shall do to-morrow; each thought, each feeli!1g, each action, each event; every passing hour, every breathing moment; all are contributing to form the character, according to which we are to be judged. Every particle of influ.. ence that goes to form that aggregate,-our character,-will,in that future scrutiny, be" sifted O\1t from the mass; and, particle by particle, with ages perhaps intervening, fall a distinct contribution to the sum of our joys or woes. Thus every idle word and idle hour will give answer in the judgment. Let us take care, therefore, what we sow. An evil temptation comes upon us; the opportunity of unrighteous gain, or of unhal..





lo\ved indulgence, either in the sphere of business or pleasure, of society or solitude. We yield; and plant a seed of bitterness and sorrow. 1'O-lTIOrrOW it will threaten discovery. Agitated and alartned, we cover the sin, and bury it deep in falsehood and hypocrisy. In the bosom where it lies concealed, in the fertile soil of kindred vices, that sin dies not, but thrives and grows; and other and still other germs of evil gather around the accursed root; until, from that single seed of corruption, there springs up in the soul all that is horrible in habitual lying, knavery, or vice. Loathingly, often, we take each downward step; but a frightful power urges us onward; and the hell of debt, disease, ignominy) or renlorse gathers its shadows around our steps even on earth; and are yet but the beginnings of sorrows. The evil deed may be done in a single moment; but conscience never dies, memory never sleeps; guilt never can become innocence; and remorse can never whisper peace. Beware, thou who art tempted to evil! Beware what thou layest up for the future! Beware what thou layest up in the archives of eternity! Wrong not thy neighbor! lest the thought of him thou injurest, and who suffers by thy act, be to thee a pang which years will not deprive of its bitterness! Break not into the house of innocence, to rifle it of its treasure; lest when many years have passed over thee, .the moan of its distress may not have died away from thine ear! Build not the desolate throne of ambition in thy heart; nor be busy with devices, and circulnventings, and selfish schelnings; lest desolation and loneliness be on thy path, as it stretches into the long futurity! Live not a useless, an impious, or an injurious life! for bound up with that life is the imulutable . principle of an endless retribution, and elements of God's creating, which _will never spend their force, but continue ever to unfold with the ages of eternity. Be not deceived! God has formed thy nature, thus to answer to the future. His law can never be abrogated, nor His justice eluded ; and forever and ever it will be true, that "Whatsoever a man soweth, that also he shall reap/'


IT is for each individual Mason to discover the secret of Masonry, by reflection upon its symbols and a wise consideration and analysis of what is said and done in the w1ork. Masonry does not inculcate her truths. She states them, once and briefly; or hints them, perhaps, darkly; or interp~ses a cloud between them and eyes that would be dazzled by them. "Seek~ and ye shall find," knowledge and the truth. The practical object of Masonry is the physical and moral amelioration and the intellectual and spiritual improvement of individuals and society. Neither can be effected, except by the dissemination 路of truth. It is falsehood in doctrines and fallacy in principles, to which most of the miseries of men and the mis.. fortunes of nations are owing. Public opinion is rarely right on any point; and there are and always will be important truths to be substituted in that opinion in the place of many errors and absurd and injurious prejudices. There are few truths that public opinion has not at some time hated and persecuted as heresies; and few errors that have not at some time seemed to it truths radiant from the immediate presence of God. There are moral maladies, also, of. man and society, the treatment of which requires not only boldness, but also, and more, prudence and discretion; since they are more the fruit of false and pernicious doctrines, moral, political, and religious, than of vicious inclinations. Much of the Masonic secret manifests itself, without speech




revealing it, to him who even partially cOlnprehends all the Degrees in proportion as he receives them; and particularly to those who advance to the highest Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. 1"'hat Rite raises a corner of the veil, even in the Degree of Apprentice; for it there declares that Masonry is a

worship. Masonry labors to improve the social order by enlightening men's n1inds, wan11ing their hearts with the love of the good, inspiring them with the great principle of human fraternity, and requiring of its disciples that their language and actions shall conform to that principle, that they shall enlighten each other, control their passions, abhor vice, and pity the vicious man as one afflicted with a deplorable 111alady. It is the universal, eternal, immutable religion, such as God plan~ed it in the heart of universal hun1anity. No creed has ever been long-lived that was not built on this foundation. It is the base, and they are the superstructure. "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in ·their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from· the world." "Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free,· and that ye break every yoke ?" The ministers of this religion are all Masons who comprehend it and are devoted to it; its sacrifices to God are good works, the sacrifices of the base and disorderly passions, the offering up of self-interest on the altar of humanity, and perpetual efforts to attain to all the moral perfection of which man is capable. To make honor and duty the steady beacon-lights that shall guide your life-vessel over the stormy seas of tin1e; to do that which it is right to do) not because it will insure you success, or bring with it a reward, or gain the applause of men, or be "the best policy," luore prudent or more advisable; but because it is right, and therefore ought to be done; to war incessantly against error, intolerance, ignorance, and vice, and yet to pity those who err, to be tolerant even of intolerance, to teach the ignorant, and to labor to reclaim the vicious, are some of the duties of a Mason. A good Mason is one that can look upon death, and see its face 'with the same countenance with which·· he hears its story; that can endure all the labors of his life with his soul supporting his body,. that can equally despise riches when he hath them and



\\Then he hath them not; that is, not sadder if they are in his neigh-. bar's exchequer, nor more lifted up if they shine around about his o\vn walls; one that is not moved with good fortune coming to him, nor going from him; that can look upon another man's lands with equanimity and pleasure, as. if they were his own; and yet look upon his own, and use them too, just as if they were another man's; that neither spends his goods prodigally and foolishly, nor yet keeps them avariciously and like a miser; that weighs not benefits by weight and number, but by the mind an•.t c:ircumstances of him who confers them; that never thinks his charity expensive, if a worthy person be the receiver; that does nothing for opinion's sake, but everything for conscience, being as careful of his thoughts as of his acting in markets and theatres, and in as much awe of himself as of a .whole assembly; that is, bountiful and cheerful to his friends, and charitable and apt to forgive his enemies; that loves his country, consults its honor, and obeys its laws, and desires and endeavors nothing more than th"at he may do his duty and honor God. And such a Mason may reckon his life to be the life of a man, and compute his months, not by the course of the sun, but by the zodiac and circle of his virtues. The whole world is but one republic, of which each nation is a family, and every individual a child. Masonry, not in any,vise derogating from the differing duties which the diversity of states requires, tends to create a new people, which, composed of men of many nations and tongues, shall all be bound together by the bonds of science, morality, and virtue. Essentially philanthropic, philosophical, and progressive, it has for the basis of its dogma a firln belief in the existence of God and his providence, and of the immortality of the soul; for its obj ect, the dissemination of moral, political, philosophical, and religious truth, and the practice of all the virtues. In every age, its device has been, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," with constitutional government, law, order, discipline, and subordination to legitimate authority-government and not anarchy. But it is neither a political party nor a religions sect. It embraces all parties and all sects, to form from among them all a vast fraternal association. It recognizes the dignity of human nature, and man's right to such freedom as he is fitted for; and it knows nothing that should place one man below another, except



ignorance, debasetllent, and crilne, and the 11ecessity of subordination to lawful will and authority. It is philanthropic; for it recognizes the great truth that all men are of the saIne origin, have COlnn1on interests, and should co-operate together to the saIne end. Therefore it teaches its members to love one another, to give to each other mutual assistance and support in all the circumstances of life, to share each other's pains and sorrows, as well as their joys and pleasures ; to guard the reputations, respect the opinions, and be perfectly tolerant of the errors, of each other, in nlatters of faith and beliefs. It is philosophical, because it teaches the great Truths concernin.g the nature and existence of one Suprenle Deity, and the existence and immortality of the soul. It revives the Acadelny of Plato, and the wise teachings of Socrates. I t reiterates the maxims of Pythagoras, Confucius, and Zoroaster, and reverentially enforces the sublime lessons of Him who died upon the Cross. The ancients thought that universal humanity acted under the influence of two opposing Principles, the Good and the Evil: of which the Good urged men toward Truth, Independence, and Devotedness; and the Evil toward Falsehood, Servility, and Selfishness. Masonry represents tl1e Good Principle and constantly wars against the evil one. It is the Hercules, the Osiris, the Apollo, the Mithras, and the Orll1t1zd, at everlasting and deadly feud with the demons of ignorance, brutality, baseness, falsehood, slavishness of soul, intolerance, superstition, tyranny, 111eanness, the insolence of wealth, and bigotry. When despotism and superstition, twin-powers of evil and darkness, reigned everywhere and seemed invincible and imnlortal, it invented, to avoid persecution, the n1ysteries, that is to say, the allegory, the symbol, and the enlblerTI, and transtnitted its doctrines by the secret mode of initiation.. Now, retaining its ancient symbols, and in part its ancient cerenlonies, it displays in every civilized country its banner, on which in letters of living li~ht its great principles are written; and it st11iles at the puny efforts. of kings and popes to crush it out by excomnlunication and interdiction. Man's views in regard to God, will contain only so nltlCh posi-

tive truth as the human mind is capable of receiving; whether that truth is attained by the exercise of reaSOD, or communicated



by revelation. It must necessarily be both limited and alloyed, to bring it within the competence of finite human intelligence. Being finite, we can form no correct or adequate idea of the Infinite; being material, we can form no clear conception of the Spiritual. We do believe in and k:now the infinity of Space and Time, and the spirituality of the Soul; but the idea of that infinity and spirituality eludes us. Even Omnipotence cannot infuse infinite conceptions into finite minds; nor can God, without first entirely changing the conditions of our being, pour a complete and full knowledge of His own nature and attributes into the narrow capacity of a human soul. Human intelligence could not grasp it, nor human language express it. The visible is,necessarily, the measure of the invisible. The consciousness of the individual reveals itself alone. His knowledge cannot pass beyond the limits of his own being. His conceptions of other things and other beings are only his conceptions. They are not those things or beings themselves. The living principle of a living Universe must be INFINITE; while all our ideas and conceptions are finite, and applicable only to finite beings. The Deity is thus not an object of knowledge, but of faith; not to be approached by the understanding, but by the moral sense; not to be conceived, but to be felt. All attempts to embrace the Infinite in the conception of the Finite are, and must be only accommodations to the frailty of man. Shrouded from human comprehension in an obscurity from which a chastened imagination is awed back, and Thought retreats in conscious weakness, the Divine Nature is a theme on which man is little entitled to dogmatize. I-Iere the philosophic Intellect becomes most painfully aVlare of its own insufficiency. And yet it is here that man most dogmatizes, classifies and describes God's attributes, makes out his map of God's nature, and his inventory of God's qualities, feelings, ilnpulses, and pas3ions; and then hangs and burns his brother, who, as dogmatically as he, makes out a different map and inventory. The COlumon understanding has no humility. Its God is an incarnate Divinity. Imperfection ilnposes its own limitations on the Illitnitaqle, and clothes the Inconceivable Spirit of the Universe in forms that come within the grasp of the senses and fhe intellect, and are derived from that infinite and itnperfect nature which is but God's creation.



We are all of us, though not all equally, mistaken. The cherished dogmas of each of us are not, as we fondly suppose" the pure truth of God; but sin1plyour own special 拢01"'111 of error, our guesses at truth, the refracted and fragmentary rays of light that have fallen upon our own minds. Our little systems have their day, and cease to be; they are but broken lights of God; and He is more than they. Perfect truth is not attainable anywhere. We style this Degree that of Perfection; and yet what it teaches is imperfect and defective. Yet we are n0t to路 relax in the pursuit of truth, nor contentedly acquiesce in error. Iti,s our duty always to press forward in the search; for though absolute truth is unattainable, yet the amount of error in our views is capable of progressive and perpetual diminution; and thus Masonry is a continual struggle toward the light. All errors are not equally innocuous. That which is most injurious is to entertain unworthy conceptions of the nature and attributes of God; and it is this that Masonry sytnbolizes by ignorance of the True Word. The true word of a Mason is, not the entire, perfect, absolute truth in regard to God; but the highest and noblest conception of Him that our minds are capable of forming; and this 1.CJord is Ineffabre, because one man cannot communicate to another his own conception of Deity; since every man's conception of God lnust be prop'ortioned to his mental cultivation, and intellectual powers, and moral excellence. God is) as man conceives Him, the reflected image of man himself. For every man's conception of God must vary with his mental cultivation and mental powers. If anyone contents himself with any lower image than his intellect is capable of grasping, then he contents himself with that which is false to hi1n, as well as false in fact. If lower than he can reach, he must needs feel it to be false. And if we, of the nineteenth century after Christ, adopt the conceptions of the nineteenth century before Him; if our conceptions of God are those of the ignorant, narrow-minded, and vindictive Israelite; then we think worse of God, and have a lower, meaner, aDd more limited view of His nature, than the faculties which He nas bestowed are capable of grasping. The highest view we can form is nearest to the truth. If we acquiesce in any lower one, w,e acquiesce in an untruth. We feel that it is an affront and an mdignity to Him, to conceive 路of Him as cruel" short-sighted, ca-pricious, and unjust; as a jealous, an angry, a vindictive Being.



When we examine our conceptions of His character, if we can conceive of a loftier, nobler, higher, more beneficent, glorious, and magnificent character, then this latter is to us the true conception of Deity; for nothing can be imagined more excellent than He. Religion, to obtain currency and influence with the great mass of mankind, must needs be alloyed with such an amount of error as to place it far ·below the standard attainable by the higher human capacities. A religion as pure as the loftiest and most cultivated human reason could discern, would not be comprehended by, or effective over, the less educated portion of mankind. What is Truth to the philosopher, would not be Truth, nor have the effect of Truth, to the peasant. The religion of the man:y- must necessarily be more incorrect than that of the refined and reflective few, not so much in its essence as in its forms, not so much in the spiritual idea which lies latent at the bottom of it, as in the symbols and dogmas in which that idea is embodied. The truest religion would,. in many points, not be comprehended by the ignorant, nor consolatory to them, nor guiding and supportin~ for them. The doctrines of the Bible are often not clothed in the language of strict truth, but in that which was fittest to convey to a rude and ignorant people the practical essentials of the doctrine. A perfectly pure faith, free· from all extraneous admixtures, a system of noble theism lofty morality, would find too little preparation for it in the common mind and heart, to admit of prompt reception by the masses of mankind; and Truth might not have reached us, if it had not borrowed the wings of Error. The Mason regards God as a Moral Govemor, as well as an Original Creator; as a God at hand, and not merely one afar off in the distance o~ infinite apace, .and in the remoteness of Past or Future Eternity. He conceives of Him as taking a watchful and presiding interest in th,e affairs of the world, and as influencing the hearts and actions of men. To him, God is the great Source of the World of Life and Mat~ ter; and man, with his wonderful corporeal and mental frame, His direct work. He believes that God has made men with diff:tf. ent intellectual capacitie.s; and enabled some, by superior intellect.. . ual power, to see and originate truths which are hidden from the mass of men. He believes that when it is His will that mankin<i should make some great step· forward, or achieve some pregnanf discovery, He··.calls into bein&, some intellect of ·more than ordi~




nary magnitude and .power, to give birth to new ideas, and grander conceptions of the Truths vital to Humanity. We hold that God has so ordered matters in this beautiful and harmonious, but mysteriously-governed Universe, that one great mi!nd after another will arise, from time to time, as such are needed, to reveal to men the truths that are \vanted" and the amount of truth than can be borne. He so arranges, that nature and the course of events shall send men into the world"endowed with that highernlental andn10ral organization, in which grand truths, and 5ublin1e gleatns of spiritual light will spontaneously and inevitably arise. These speak to men by inspiration. Whatever Hiram really was, he is the type, perh.aps an ilnaginary type, to us; of humanity in its highest phase; an exe111plar a,f what Inan may and should become, in.the course of ages, in his progress toward the realizat"ion of his destiny; an individual gifted with a glorious intellect, a noble soul, a fine organization, and a p'erfectly balanced moral being; an earnest of what hu.manity may be, and what we believe it will hereafter be in God's good time; the possibility of the race made real. The Mason believes that God has arranged this· glorious but pert>'exing world with a purpose, and on a plan. He holds· that ~every man sent upon fhis earth, and especially every man of ·superior capacity, has a duty to perform, a mission to fulfil1~·a baptism to be 'baptized with; that every great and good man possesses sonle portion of God's truth, which he must proclaim to theworld,and which must bear fruit in his own bosoln. In a true and simple sense, he believes all the pure,wise, and intellectual to b,e inspired, so for the instruction, advancement, and elevation of and to fnankind. That kind of inspiration, like God'somniptesence, is limited to the few writers 'Claitned. by Jews, Christians" or Moslems, but is co-extensive with the race. It is theoonsequence ()f a faithful use of our faculties. Each ll1an is its subject,Godis its source, and Truth its only test. It differs in degrees, as the tb~eUectual endOW111ents, the moral wealth of the soul" and the' degreeof cultivation of thoseendowlnents and faculties differ. It is limited to no sect, age, or nation. It is wide as the world and i@ommon as God. It was not given to a few men, in·tn,e.infancy ef· m.ankind,to n1onopolize inspiration, and bar God out of the We are not born in the dotage and decay of the world. The 'Stars are beautiful as in their prin1e;·· the most ancient Heavens




are fresh and strong. God is still everywhere in nature. Wher.. ever a heart beats with love, wherever Faith and Reason utter their oracles, there is God, as formerly in the hearts of seers and prophets. No soil on earth is so holy as the good man's heart; nothing is so full of God. This inspiration is not given to the learned alone, not alone to the great and wise, but to every faithful child of God. Certain as the open eye drinks in the lig-ht, do the pure in heart see God ; and he who lives truly, feels Him as a pres.. ence within the soul. The conscie~ce is the very voice of Deity. Masonry, around whose altars the Christian, the Hebrew, the Moslem, the Brahmin, the followers of Confucius and Zoroaster, can assemble as brethren and unite in prayer to the one God who is above all the Baalim, must needs leave it to each of its Initiates to look for the foundation of his faith and hope to the written scriptures of his own religion. For itself it finds those truths definite enough, vvhich are written by the finger of God upon the heart of man and on the pages of the book of nature. Views of religion and duty, wrought out by the meditations of the studious, confirtned by the allegiance of the good and wise, stan1ped as sterling by the response they find in every uncorrupted mind, com.. mend themselves to Masons路 of every creed, and may well be accepted by all. The Mason does not pretend to dogtnatic certainty, nor vainly imagine .such certainty attainable. He considers that if there were no written revelation, he could safely rest the hopes that animate him and the principles that guide him, on the deductions of reason and the convictions of instinct and consciousness. He can find a sure foundation for his religious belief, in these deductions of the intellect and convictions of the heart. ,For reason proves to him the existence and attributes of God; and those spiritual instincts which he feels are the voice of Godin his soul, infuse into his n1ind a sense of his relation to God, a conviction of the beneficence of his Creator and Preserver, and a hope of future existence; and his reason and conscience alike unerringly point to virtue as路 the highest good, and the destined aim and purpose of man's life. He studies the wonders of the Heavens, the frame-work and revolutions of the Earth, the l11ysterious beauties and adaptations of anitnal existence, the 1110ral and material constitution of the h'l1111an creature, so fearfully and wonderfully 111ade; and is satis-



ned that God IS; and that a Wise and Good Being is the author of the starry Heavens above him, and of the moral world within him; and his mind finds an adequate foundation for its hopes, its worship, its principles of action, in the far-stretching Universe, in the glorious firmament, in the deep, full soul, bursting with unutterable thoughts. These are truths which every reflecting mind "Will unhesitatingly receive, as not to be surpassed, nor capable of improvement; and fitted, if obeyed, to make earth indeed a Paradise, and man only a little lower than the angels. The worthlessness of ceremonial observances, and the necessity of active virtue; the enforcement of purity of heart as the security for purity of life" and of the government of the thoughts, as the originators and forerunners of action; universal philanthropy, requiring us to love all men, and to do unto others that and that only which we should think it right, just, and generous for them to do unto us; forgiveness of injuries; the necessity of self-sacrifice in the discharge of duty; humility; genuine sincerity, and being that which we seem to be; all these sublime precepts need no tniracle, no voice from the clouds, to recon1mend them to our allegiance, or to assure us of their divine origin. They command obedience by virtue of their inherent rectitude and beauty; and have been, and are, and will be the law in every age and every country of the world. God revealed them to man in the beginning. the Mason, God is our Father in Heaven, to be Whose especial children is the sufficient reward of the peacemakers, to see Whose face the highest hope of the pure in heart; Who is ever at hand to strengthen His true worshippers; to Whom our most fervent love is due, our most humble and patient submission ; Whose m.ost acceptable worship is a pure ar:d pitying heart and a beneficent life; in Whose constant presence we live and act, to Whose merciful disposal we are resigned by that death which, we hope and believe, is but the entrance to a. better life; and Whose wise decrees forbid a man to lap his soul in an elysium of mere indolent content. As to our feelings toward Him and our conduct to.ward路 man, Masonry teaches little about which men can differ, and little from which they can dissent. He is our Father; and we are all brethf'6:rtf,. This much lies open to the most ignorant and busy, as fully aLS to those who have most leisure and are most learned. This 1:Ieeds no Priest to teach it.. and no authority toiodorse it: and if



every ~an did that only which is consistent with it, it would exile barbarity, cruelty, intolerance, uncharitableness, perfidy, treachery, revenge, selfishness, and all their kindred vices and bad passions beyond the confines of the world.. The true Mason, sincerely holding that a Supreme God created and governs this world, believes also that He governs it by laws, which, though wise, just, and beneficent, are yet steady, unwavering, inexorable. He believes that his agonies and sorrows are ordained for his chastening, his strengthening, his elaboration and development; because they are the necessary results of the operation of laws, the best that could be devised for the happiness and purification of the species, and to give occasion and opportunity for the practice of all the virtues, from the homeliest and most common, to the noblest and most sublime; or perhaps not even that, but the best adapted to work out the vast" awful, glorious, eternal designs of the Great Spirit of the Universe. He believes that the ordained operations of nature, which have brought misery to him, have, from the very unswerving tranquility of their career, showered blessings and sunshine upon many another path; that the unrelenting chariot of Time, which has crushed or maimed him in its allotted course, is pressing onward to the accomplishment of those serene and mighty purposes, to have contributed to which, even as a victim, is an honor and a recompense. He takes this view of Time and Nature and God, and yet bears his lot without murmur or distrust; because it is a portion of a system'. the best possible, biecause ordained by God. He does not believe that God loses sight of him, while superintending the march of the great harmonies of the Universe; nor that it was not foreseen, when the Universe was created, its laws enacted, and the long suc" cession of its operations pre-ordained, that in the great march of those. events, he would suffer pain and undergo calamity. He be.. lieves that his individual good entered into God's consideration, as well as the great cardinal results tn which the ,course of all things is tending. Thus believing, he has attained an eminence in virtue, the highest, amid passive excellence,which humanity can reach. He finds his reward and his support in the reflection tbat he is an unreluctant and self-sacrificing co-operator with the Creator 路of the Universe; and in the noble consciousness of being worthy. and capable of so subliole a conception. yet so sad a destiIly.Heis then truly



entitled to be called a Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Mason. He is content .to fall early in the battle, if his body may but form a stepping-stone for the future conquests of hum,anity. It cannot be that God, Who, we are certain, is perfectly good,

can choose us to suffer pain,. unless either we are ourselves to receive from it an antidote to what is evil in ourselves, or else as such pain is a necessary part in the scheme of the Universe, which as a whole is good. In, the Mason receives it with submission. He would not suffer unless it was ordered so. Whatever his creed, if he believes that God is, and that He cares for His creatures, he cannot doubt that; nor that it would not have been so ordered, unless it was either better for hitnself, or for some other persons, or for some things. To complain and lament is' to InUr111Ur against God's will, and worse.,than unbelief. The Mason, whose mind is cast in a nobler mould than those of the ignorant and unreflecting, and is instinct with a diviner life,who loves truth 1110re than rest, and the peace of Heaven rather tban the peace of Eden,-to whonl a loftier being brings severer cares,-who knows that man does not live by pleasure or content alone, but by the presence of the power of God,-nlust cast behind him the hope of any other repose or tranquillity, than that which is the last reward of long agonies of thought; he nlust relinquish all prospect of any Heaven save that of which trouble is tIle avenue and portal; he must gird up his loins, and tritn hi~ lamp, for a work that must be done, and 111USt not be negligently <tone. If he does not like to live in th,e furnished lodgings of tradition, he nlust build his own house, his own system of faith:and thought, for himself The hope of success, and noyt the hope of reward, should be onT stimulating and sustaining power. Our object, and not ourselves, should be our inspiring thought. Selfishness is a sin, when temporary, and for time. Spnn out to. eternity, it does not become celestial prudence. We should toil and die, not for Heaven or Biiss, but for Duty.. In the more frequent cases, where we have to Joinoure:ftorts to tboseeJfthousands ofoth'ers, to contribute to the carrying forward, of a great cause; merely to till the i"found or sow the seed for. a very distant harvest,or to prepare the way for the fu路tureadvent of some great amendmeat.;. th,e amount which each one contribates to the achievenlent of ultitnate success, the portion of~4e i



price which justice should assign to each as his especial production, can never be accurately ascertained. Perhaps. few of those who have ever labored, in the patience of secrecy and silence, to bring about some political or social change, which they felt con.. vinced would ultimately prove of vast service to humanity, lived to see the change effected, or the anticipated good flow from it. Fewer still of them were able to 路pronounce what appreciable weight their several efforts contributed to the achievement of the change desired. Many will doubt, whetller, in truth, these exer.. tions have any influence whatever; and" discouraged, cease all active effort. Not to be thus discouraged, the Mason must labor to elevate and purify his motives, as well as sedulously cherish the convic.. tion, assuredly a true one, that in this world there is no such thing as effort thrown away; that in all labor there is profit; that all sincere exertion, in a righteous and unselfish cause, is necessarily followed, in spite of all appearance to the contrary" by. an appro.. priate and proportionate success; that no bread cast upon the waters can be wholly lost; that no seed planted in the ground can fail to quicken in due time and measure; and that, however we may, in moments of despondency, be apt to doubt, not only whether our cause will triumph, but whether, if it does" we shall" have contributed to its triumph,-there is One, Who has not oply seen every exertion we have made, but Who can assign the exact degree in which each soldier has assisted to gain the great victory over social evil. No good work is done wholly in vain. The Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Mason will in nowise deserve that honorable title, if he has not that strength, that will, that self-sustaining energy; that Faith, that feeds upon no earthly hope, nor ever thinks of victory, but, content in its own consummation, \.':ombats because it ought to combat, rejoicing fights, and still rejoicing falls . The Augean Stables of the World, the accumulated uncleanness and misery of centuries, require a .mighty river to cleanse them thoroughly away; every drop we contribute aids to swell that river and augment its force, in a degree appreciable by God, though not by man; and he whose zeal is deep and earnest, ~ill not be over-anxious that his individual drops should be distinguishable amid the mighty mass of cleansing and fertilizing



waters; far less that, for the sake of distinction, it should flow in ineffective singleness away. The true Mason will not be careful that his nan1e should be inscribed upon the mite which he casts into the treasury of God. It suffices hiln to know that if he has labored, with purity of purpose, in any good cause, he must have contributed to its success; that the degree in which he has contributed is a n1atter of infinitely small concern; and still more, that the consciousness of having so contributed, however obscurely and unnoticed, is his sufficient, even if it be his sole, reward. Let every Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Mason cherish this faith. It is a duty. It is the brilliant and never-dying light that shines within and through the symbolic pedestal of alabaster, on which reposes the perfect cube of agate, symbol of duty, inscribed \vith the divine name of God. He who industriously sows and reaps is a good laborer, and worthy of his hire. But he who sows that \vhich shall be reaped by others, by those who will know not of and care not for the sower, is a laborer of a nobler order, and, worthy of a more exceIlent reward. The Mason does not exhort others to an ascetic undervaluing of this life, as an insignificant and unworthy portion of existence; for that demands feelings which are unnatural, and which~ therefore, if attained, nl~st be morbid, and if merely professed ins~tl颅 cere; and teaches us to look rather to a future life for the COl'npensation of social evils, than to this life for their cure; and路路so does injury to the cause of virtue and to that of social progress. Life is real, and is earnest, and it is full of duties to be perfOrll1ed. It is the beginning of our immortality. Those only who feel a deep interest and affection for this world will work resolutely for its amelioration; those whose affections are transferred to Heaven" easily acquiesce in the miseries of earth, deenling them hopeless, befitting, and ordained; and console thenlselves with the idea of the amends which are one day to be theirs. It is a sad truth that those n10st decidedly given to spiritual contenlplationJ and to making religion rule in their hearts, are often most apathetic toward all in1provement of this world's systenls, and in nlany cases virtual conservatives of evil, and hostile to political and social reform, as diverting men's energies from eternity. The Mason does not war vvith his own instincts, macerate the body into weakness and disorder, and disparage what he sees to be J




beautiful, knows to be wonderful, and feels to be unspeakably dear and fascinating. He does not put aside the nature which God has given him, to struggle after one which He has not bestowed. He knows that man is sent into the world, not a spiritual, but a composite being, made up of body and mind, the body having, as is fit and needful in a material world, its full, rightful, and allotted share. His life is guided by a full recognition of this fact. He does not deny it in bold words, and admit it in weaknesses and inevitable failings. He believes that his spirituality will come in the next stage of his being, when he puts on the spiritual body; that his body will be dropped at death; and that, until then, God nleant it to be commanded and controlled, but not neglected, despised, or ignored by the soul, under pain of heavy consequences. Yet the Mason is not indifferent as to the fate of the soul, after its present life, as to its continued and eternal being, and the character of the scenes in which that being will be fully developed. These are to him topics of the profoundest interest, and the most ennobling and refining contemplation. They occupy much of his leisure; and as he becomes familiar with the sorrow s and calamities of this life, as his hopes are disappointed and his visions of happiness here fade away; when life has wearied him in its race of hours; when he is harassed and toil-worn, and the hurden of his years weighs heavy on him, the balance of attraction gradually inclines in favor of another life; and he clings to his lofty speculations with a tenacity of interest which needs no injunction, and will listen to no prohibition. They are the consoling privilege of the aspiring, the wayworn, the weary, and th:e bereaved. To him the contemplation of the Future lets in light upon the Present, and develops th.e higher portions of his ~ture. He endeavors rightly to adjust the respective claims of Heaven and earth upon his time and thought, so as to give the proper proportions thereof to performing the duties and entering- into ~he interests of this world,and to preparation for a better; to路 the cultivation and purification of his own character, and to the public service of his fellow-men. The Mason does not dogmatize, but ent,ertaining and utteri~g his own convictions, he leaves ev,ery one else free to do the same; and only hopes that the tiIlle will COll1'e, even if after the lapse of



ages, \vhen all men shall forin one great family of brethren, and one law alone, the law of love, shall govern God's whole Uni'Terse. Believe as you may, nlY brother; if the Universe is not, to you, without a God, and if man is not like the beast that perishes.. but hath an in11110rtal soul, \ve welcome you an10ng us, to wear, as we 'wear, \vith hun1ility, and conscious of your detnerits and shortcOlnings, the title of Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Mason. It was not without a secret 111eanillg, that t1.velve was the nUln. ber of the Apostles of Christ, and seventy-two that of his Disciples: that John addressed his rebukes and nlenaces to the Seven churches, the nunlber of the Archangels and the Planets. At Babylon were the Seven Stages of Bersippa, a pyramid of Seven stories, and at Ecbatana Seven concentric inclosures, each of a different color. Thebes also had Seven ~ates, and the same numher is repeated again and again in the account of the flood. The Sephiroth, or Emanations, ten in number, three in one class, and seven in the other, repeat the mystic numbers of Pythagoras. Seven Amschaspands or planetary spirits were invoked with Ormuzd: Seven inferior Rishis of Hindustan were saved with the head of their fanlily in an ark: and Seven ancient personages alone returned with the British just Ulan, Hu, frotTI the dale of the grievous waters. There were Seven Heliadre, whose father ReHas, or the Sun, once crossed the sea in a golden cup; Seven Titans, children of the older Titan, Kronos or Saturn; Seven O:>rybantes; and Seven Cabiri, sons of Sydyk; Seven primeval Celestial spirits of the Japanese, and Seven Karfesters who escaped from the deluge and began to be the parents of a new trace, on the sumnlit of Mount Albordi. Seven Cyclopes, also, built the路 walls of Tiryus. Celsus, as quoted by Origen, tells us that the Persians represe~ted by symbols the two-fold lTIotion of the stars, fixed' and planetary, and the passage of the Soul through their successive spheres. They erected in their holy caves, in which the my stic r~tes of the Mithriac Initiations were practised, what he denomitJ;ates a high ladder, on the Seven steps of which were Seven gates or portals, according to the nunlber of the Seven principal heavenly bodies. Through these the aspirants passed,路路 until they fi~ached the sumn1it of the whole; and this passage was styled a ~.nsmigration through the spheres.



Jacob saw in his dream a ladder planted or set 路on the earth, and its top reaching to Heaven, and the Malaki Alohim ascending and descending on it, and above it stood IHuH, declaring Himself to be Ihuh-Alhi Abrahanl. The word translated ladder, is 0'0 Salam] from Salal, raised, elevated, reared up, exalted, piled up into a heap, Aggeravit. n,,~ Salalah, means a heap, rampart, or other accumulation of earth or stone, artificially made; and 1)'0, Salaa or Sa/o, is a rock or cliff or boulder, and the name of the city of Petra. There is no ancient Hebrew word to designate a pyramid. The symbolic mountain Meru was ascended by Seven steps or stages; and all the pyramids and artificial tumuli and hillocks thrown up in fiat countries were imitations of this fabulous and mystic mountain, for purposes of worship. These were the "High Places" so often mentioned in the Hebrew books, on which the idolaters sacrificed to foreign gods. The pyramids were sometimes square, and sometimes round. The sacred Babylonian tower [;';t~, Magdol], dedicated to the great Father Bal, was an artificial hill, of pyramidal shape, and Seven stages, built of brick, and each stage of a different color, representing the Seven planetary spheres by the appropriate color of each planet. Meru itself was said to be a single mountain, terminating in three peaks, and thus a symbol of the Trimurti. The great Pagoda at Tanjore was of six stories, surmounted by a temple as the seventh, and on this three spires or towers. An ancient pagoda at Deogur was surmounted by a tower, sustaining the mystic egg and a trident. Herodotus tells us that the 1~emple of BaI at Babylon was a tower composed of Seven towers, resting on an eighth that served as basis, and successively diminishing in size from the bottom to the top; and Strabo tells us it was a pyramid. Faber thinks that the Mithriac ladder was really a pyramid with Seven stages, each provided with a narrow door or aperture, through each of which doors the aspirant passed, to reach the summit, and then descended through similar doors on the opposite side of the pyramid; the ascent and descent of the Soul being thus represented. Each Mithriac cave and all the most ancient temples were intended to symbolize the Universe, which itself was habitually called the Temple and habitation of Deity. Every temple was

' 0,



the world in miniature; and so the whole world was one grand temple. The most ancient tenlples were roofless; and therefore 路,the Persians, Celts, and Scythians strongly disliked artificial covered edifices. Cicero says that Xerxes burned the Grecian tern.. pIes, on the express ground that the whole world was the Magnificent Temple and Habitation of the Supreme Deity. Macrobius says that the entire Universe was judiciously deemed by many the Tenlple of God. Plato pronounced the real Temple of the Deity to be the world; and Heraclitus declared that the Universe" variegated with animals and plants and stars was the only genuine Temple of the Divinity. How completely the Temple of Solomon was symbolic, is manifest, not only from the continual reproduction in it of the sacred. numbers and of astrological symbols in the historical descriptions of it; but also, and yet more, from the details of the imaginary reconstructed edifice, seen by Ezekiel in his vision. The Apocalypse completes the demonstration, and shows the kabalistic meanings of the whole. The Symbola Architectonica are found on the most ancient edifices; and these n1athematical figures and instruments, adopted by the Templars, and identical with those on the gnostic seals and abraxre, connect their dogma with the Chaldaic, Syriac, and Egyptian Oriental philosophy. The secret Pythagorean doctrines of nUlnbers were preserved by the monks of Thibet, by the Hierophants of Egypt and Eleusis, at Jerusalem, and in the circular Chapters of the Druids; and they are especially consecrated in that mysterious book, the Apocalypse of Saint John. All tenlples were surrounded by pillars, recording the number of the constellations, the signs of the zodiac} or the cycles of the planets; and each one was a microcosm or symbol of the Universe, having for roof or ceiling the starred vault of Heaven. All telnples were originally open at the top, having for roof the sky. Twelve pillars described the belt of the zodiac. Whatever the number of the pillars, they were mystical everywhere. At Abury, the Druidic temple reproduced all the cycles by its columns. Around the temples of Chilminar in Persia, of Baalbec, and of Tukhti Schloll1oh in Tartary, on the frontier of China, stood forty pillars. On each side of the temple at Prestuln were fourteen, recording the Egyptian cycle of the dark and light sides



of the moon, as described by Plutarch; the whole thirty-eight that .surrounded them recording the two meteoric cycles so often found in the Druidic temples. The theatre built by Scaurus, in Greece, was surrounded by 360 columns; the Temple at Mecca, and that at Iona in Scotland, by 360 stones.



xv. KNIGHT OF THE EAST OR OF THE SWORD. [Knight of the East, of the Sword, or of the Eagle.] THIS Degree, like all others in Masonry, is symbolical. Based upon historical truth and authentic tradition, it is still an allegory. The leading lesson of this Degree is Fidelity to obligation, and Constancy and Perseverance under difficulties and discouragement. Masonry is engaged in her crusade,-against ignorance, intolerance, fanaticism, superstition, uncharitableness, and error. She does not sail with the trade-winds, upon a slnooth sea, with a steady free breeze, fair for a welcoming harbor; but meets and must overcome many opposing currents, baffling ,vinds, and dead calms. The chief obstacles to her success are the apathy and faithlessness of her own selfish children, and the supine indifference of the world. In the roar an 1 crush and hurry of life and business, and the tumult and uproar of politics, the quiet voice of Masonry is unheard and unheeded. '.~he first lesson which one learns, who engages in any greaf work of reform or beneficence, is, that men are essentially careless, luke 'Narm, and indifferent as to everything that does not concern their own personal and immediate




\velfare. It is to single men, and not to the united efforts of 111any, that all the great works of man, struggling toward perfection, are o\ving. 1'he enthusiast, who inlagines that he can inspire \vith his o\vn enthusiasll1 the nlultitude that eddies around hinl, or even the fe\v \v ho have associated thenlselves with him as Co-\\'orkers, is grievously n1istaken; and most often the conviction of his o\vn Inistake is followed by discouragement and disgust. To do all, to pay all, and to suffer all, and then, when despite all obstacles and hindrances, success is accomplished, and a great ,,'ork done, to see those who opposed or looked coldly on it, claim and reap all the praise and reward, is the common and ahnost uniyer5aI lot of the benefactor of his kind. He \vhoendeavors to serve, to benefit, and improve the vvorld, is like a S\yilnmer, who struggles against a rapid current, in a river lashed into angry waves by the winds. Often they roar over his head. often they beat him back and baffle hin1. Most n1en yield to the stress of the current, and float with it to the shore, or are s\\'ept oyer the rapids; and only here and there the stout, strong heart and vigorous arms struggle on toward ultimate success. It is the tnotionless and stationary that lTIOst frets and impedes the current of progress; the solid rock or stupid dead tree rested firmly on the bottom, and around which the river whirls and eddies: the Masons that doubt and hesitate and are discouraged; that disbelieve in the capability of man to improve; that are not disposed to toil and labor for the interest and well-being of general humanity; that expect others to do all, even of that \vhich they do not oppose or ridicule; while they sit, applauding and doing nothing, or perhaps prognosticating failure. There \vere many such at the rebuilding of the Telnple. There \vere prophets of evil and misfortune-the lukewarm and the indifferent and the apat~etic; those who stood by and sneered; and those \vho thought they did God service enough if they now and then faintly applauded. There were ravens croaking ill Olnen, and n1urmurers who preached the folly and futility of the attempt. '"[he \vorld is made up of such; and they were as abundant then as they are now. But gloolny and discouraging as was the prospect, with luke\Varn1ness within and bitter opposition \vithout, our ~ncient brethren persevered. Let us leave then1 engaged in the good work, and \vhenever to us, as to then1, success is uncertain, remote, and J



contingent, let us still renlelnber that the only question for us to ask, as true men and l\1asons, is, what does duty require; and not what will be the result and our reward if we do our duty. Work on, with the Sword in one hand, and the Trowel in the other! Masonry teaches that God is a Paternal Being, and has an interest in his creatures, such as is expressed in the title Father,; an interest unknown to all the systems of Paganism, untaught in all the theories of philosophy; an interest .not only in the glorious beings of other spheres, the Sons of Light, the dwellers in Heavenly worlds, but in us, poor, ignorant, and unworthy; that He has pity for the erring, pardon for the guilty, love for the pure, knowledge for the hunlble, and promises of immortal life for those who trust in alld obey Him. Without a belief in Him, life is miserable, the world is dark,the Universe disrobed of its splendors, the intellectual tie to nature broken, the charn1 of existence dissolved, the great hope of being lost; and the mind, like a star struck from its sphere, wanders through the infinite desert of its conceptions, without attraction, tendency, destiny, or end. Masonry teaches, that, of the events and' actions, that take place in the universe of worlds and the eternal successio.n of ages, there is not one, even the minutest, which God did not forever foresee, with all the distinctness of immediate vision, combining so that man's free will should be His instrument, like all the other forces of nature. It teaches that the soul of man is forn1ed by Hin1 for a purpose; that, built up in its proportions, and 'fashioned in every part, by infinite skill, an emanation from His spirit, its nature, necessity, and design are virtue. It is so formed, so m0ulded, so fashioned, so exactly balanced, so exquisitely proportioned in every part, that sin ,introd~ced into it is misery; that vicious thoughts fall upon it like drops of poison; and guilty desires, breathing on its delicate fibres, make plague-spots there, deadly as those of pestilence upon the body. It is made for virtue, and not for vice; for purity, as its end, rest, and happiness. Not more vainly woulq. we attempt to make the mountain sink to the level of the valley, the waves of the angry sea turn back from its shores and cease to thunder upon the beach, the stars to halt in their swift courses, than to change anyone law of our own nature. And one of those lawsl uttered by God's voice. and speaking th'rough every nerve




and fibre, every force and element, of the moral constitution He has given us, is that we must be upright and virtuous; that if tempted we must resist; that we must govern our unruly passions, and hold in hand our sensual appetites. And this is not the dictate of an arbitrary will, nor of some stern and impracticable law; but it is part of the great firm law of harmony that binds the Universe together: not the mere enactment of arbitrary will; but the dictate of Infinite Wisdom. We know that God is good, and that what He does is right. This known, the works of creation, the changes of life, the destinies of eternity, are all spread before us, as the dispensations and counsels of infinite love. This known, we then know that the love of God is working to issues, like itselr, beyond all thought and imagination good and glorious; and that the only reason why we do not understand it, is that it is too glorious for us to understand. God's love takes care for all, and nothing is neglected. It watches over all, provides for all, makes wise adaptations for all; for age, for infancy, for maturity, for childhood; in every scene of this or another world; for want, weakness, joy, sorrow, and even for sin.. All is good and well and right; and shall be so forever. Through the eternal ages the light of God's beneficence shall shine hereafter, disclosing all, cansummating all, rewarding all that deserve reward. Then we shall see, what now we can only believe. The cloud will be lifted up, the gate of mystery be passed, and the full light shine forever; the light of which that of the Lodge is a symbol. Then that which caused us trial shall yield us triumph; and that which made our heart ache shall fill us with gladness; and we shall then feel that there, as here, the only true happiness is to learn, to advance, and to improve; which could not happen unless we had commenced with error, ignorance, and imperfection. We must pass through the darkness, to reach the light.


PRINCE' OF JERUSALEM. WE no longer expect to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem. To us it has beCOlne but a symbol. To us the whole world is God's Temple, as is every upright heart. To establish all over the \vorld the New Law and Reign of Love, Peace, Charity, and Toleration, is to build that Temple, most acceptable to God, in erecting ~rhich Masonry is novv engaged. N a longer needing to repair to Jerusalern to worship, 'nor to offer up sacrifices and shed blood to propitiate the Deity, man may make the woods and n10untains his Churches and Temples, and worship God with a devout gratitude, and with" works of charity and beneficence to his fellow-n1en. Wherever the humble and contrite heart silently offers up its adoration, under the overarching trees, in the open, level meadows, on the hill-side, in the glen, or in the city's 5\varming streets ; there is God's House and the New Jerusalem. The Princes of Jerusalem no longer sit as magistrates to judge between the people; nor is their number limited to five. But their duties still relnain substantially the sanle, and their insignia and symbols retain their old significance. Justice and Equity are still their characteristics. 1'0 reconcile disputes and heal dissensions, to restore amity and peace, to soothe dislikes and soften prejudices, are their peculiar duties; and they know that the peacemakers are blessed. Their emblems have been already explained. They are part of the language of Masonry; the same now as it was when Moses learned it from the Egyptian Hierophants. Still \ve observe the spirit of the Divine law, as thus enunciated to our ancient brethren, when the Tenlple was rebuilt, and the book of the law again opened: "Execute true judgment; and show mercy and compassion every man to his brother. Oppress not the widow nor the fatherless, the stranger nor the poor; and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in his heart. Speak ye every man the truth 241



to his neighbor; execute the judgn1ent of Truth and Peace in your gates; and love no false oath; for all these I hate, saith the Lord. "Let those who have power rule in righteousness, and Princes in judgment. And let him that is a judge be as an hiding-place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place; as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. 'fhen the vile person shall no more be called liberal; nor the churl bountiful; and the work of justice shall be peace; and the effect of justice, quiet and security; and wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of the times. Walk ye righteously and speak uprightly; despise the gains of oppression, shake from your hands the contamination of bribes ; stop not your ears against the cries of the oppressed, nor shut your eyes that you may not see the crimes of the great; and you shall dwell on high, and your place of defence be like munitions of rocks." Forget not these precepts of the old Law; and especially do not forget, as you advance, that every Mason, however humble, is your brother, and the laboring man your peer! Remember always that all Masonry is work, and that the trowel is an emblem of the Degrees in this Council.. Labor, when rightly understood, is both noble and ennobling, and intended to develop man's moral and spiritual nature, and not to be deemed a disgrace or a misfortune. Everything around us is, in its bearings and influences, moral. The serene and bright morning, when we recover our conscious existence from the embraces of sleep'; when, from that image of Death God calls us to a new life, and again gives us existence, and His mercies visit us in every bright ray and glad thought, and call for gratitude and content; the silence of that early dawn, the hushed silence, as it were, of expectati0n; the holy eventide, its cooling breeze, its l路eNgfnening shadows, its falling shades, its still and sober hour; the sultry noontide and the stern and solemn midnight; and Spring-time, and chastening Autumn; and Summer, that unbars our gates, and, carries us forth amidst the everrenewed wonders of the world; and Winter, th路at gathers us around the evening hearth :-all these, as they pass, touch by turns the springs of the sp'irifua]i life in us, afl6 are con'<:fueting that life to good or evil. The idle watch-hand often! points to something within us; and the shadow of th'e gnomon on the dial often falls upon the conscience.



A life of labor is not a state of inferiority or degradation. The Ahllighty has not cast ll1an's lot beneath the quiet shades, and atnid glad groves and lovely hills, with 110 task to pcrfoful; vvith nothing to do but to rise up al1d eat, and to lie dovvn and rest. He has ordained that W01'"k shall be done, ill all the d\vellings of life, in every productive field, in every busy city, and on every wave of every ocean. And this He has done, because it has pleased Hiu1 to give l11an a nature destined to higher ends ~han rndolent repose and irresponsible profitless indulgence; and because, for developing the energies of such a nature, work was the necessary and proper element. We might as well ask why He could not tuake tvvo and two be six, as why He could not develop these energies without the instru111entality of work. fl'hey are equally inlpossibilities. rrhis, Masonry teaches, as a great Truth; a great lTIoral landruark, that ought to guide the course of all Inankind. I t teaches its toiling children that the scene of their daily life is all spiritual, that the very hnplenlents of their toil, the fabrics they weave, the merchandise they barter, are designed for spiritual ends; that so believing, their daily lot n1ay be to thenl a sphere for the noblest in1provement. That which we do in our intervals of relaxation, our church-going, and aUf book-reading, are especially designed to I~repare our nlinds for the action of Ijfe. \Ve are to hear and read agd meditate, that we !11ay act well; and the action of Life is itself great field for spiritual inlprovenlent. tfhere is no task of industry or business, in field or forest, on the wharf or the ship's d垄ck, in the. office or the exchange, but has spiritual ends. There is no care or cross of our daily labor, but was especially ordained to nurture in us patience, calmness, resolution, perseverance, gentJeness, disinterestedness, magnaninlity. N or is there any tool or ill1rp}ement of toil, but is a part of the great spiritual instrument~lity~

All the relations of life, those of parent, child, brother, sister, friend,. associate, lover and beloved, husband, wife, are moral, ~hroughout every living tie and thrilling nerve that bind them bogether. 1"'hey cannot subsist a day nor路 an hour without putting th~ mind to a trial of. its truth, fidelity, forbearance, and disinter~s~e<lneS;$.. If~t ('~t:J路iis' 0ne extended 路scene of moral action. There is UQ bl.QW s.tt1!Gk ill i~ P\\t b~s a purpose~ t;l.lti.t.l:1.~.telr ~oq4. Qf bad"



and therefore moral. There is no action performed, but has a motive; and motives are the special jurisdiction of morality. Equipages, houses, and furniture are symbols of what is moral, and they in a thousand ways minister to right or wrong feeling. Everything that belongs to us, ministering to our con1fort or luxury, awakens in us emotions of pride or gratitude, of selfishness or vanity; thoughts of self-indulgence, or merciful remembrances of the needy and the destitute. Everything acts upon and influences us. God's great law of sympathy and harmony is potent and inflexible as His law of gravitation. A sentence embodying a noble thought stirs our blood; a noise made by a child frets and exasperates us, and influences our actions. A world of spiritual objects, influences, and relations lies around us aIL \Ve all vaguely deem it to be so; but he only lives a charmed life, like that of genius and poetic inspiration, who communes with the spiritual scene around him, hears the voice of the spirit in every sound, sees its signs in every passing form of things, and feels its impulse in all action, passion, and being. Very near to us lies the mines of wisdom; unsuspected they lie all around us. There is路a secret in the simplest things, a wonder in the plainest, a charm in the dullest. We are all naturally seekers of wonders. We travel far to see the majesty of old ruins, the venerable forms of the hoary mountains, great water-falls, and galleries of art. And yet the worldwonder is all around us; the wonder of setting suns, and evening stars, of the magic spring-time, the blossoming of the trees, the strange transformations of the moth; the wonder of the Infinite Divinity and of His boundless revelation. There is no splendor beyond that which sets its morning throne in the golden East; no. dome sublime as that of Heaven; no beauty so fair as that of the verdant, blossoming earth; no place, however invested with the sanctities of old time, like that home which is hushed and folded within the embrace of the humblest wall and roof. And all these are but the symbols of things far greater and higher. All is but the clothing of the spirit. In this vesture of time is wrapped the immortal nature: in this show of circumstance and form stands revealed the stupendous reality. Let man but be" as he is? a living soul? communing with himself and with



God, and his vision becomes eternity; his abode, infinity; his horne" the bosotn of all-elnbracing love. 1~he great problenl of HU111anity is wrought out in the humblest abodes; no 1110re than this is done in the highest. A hunlan heart throbs beneath the beggar's gabardine; and that and no more stirs with its beating the Prince's Inantle. The beauty of Love, the charm of Friendship, the sacredness of Sorrow, the heroism of Patience, the noble Self-sacrifice, these and their like, alone, make life to be life indeed, and are its grandeur and its power. They are the priceless treasures and glory of humanity; and they are not things of condition. All places and all scenes "are alike clothed with the grandeur and charm of virtues such as these. The million occasions will come to us all, in the ordinary paths of our life, in our hon1es, and by our firesides, wherein we may act as nobly, as if, all our life long, we led armies, sat in senates, or visited beds of sickness and pain. Varying every hour, the million occasions will come in which we may restrain our passions, subdue our hearts to gentleness and patience, resi,gn our own interest for another's advantage, speak words ofkindnes$ and wisdom, raise the fallen, cheer the fainting and sick in spirit, and soften and assuage the weariness and bitterness of their mortal lot. To every J\1ason there will be opportunity enough for these. They cannot be written on 'his tomb; but they will be written deep in the hearts of men, of friends, of children, of kindred all around him, in the book of the great account, and, in their eternal influences, on the great pages of the Universe. To such a destiny, at least, my Brethren, let us all aspire! These laws of Masonry let us all strive to obey 1 And so may our hearts become true temples of the Living God! And may He encourage our zeal, sustain our hopes 1 and assure us of success!

XVII. KNIGHT OF THE EAST AND WEST. THIS is the first of the Philosophical Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite; and the beginning of a course of instruction which will fully unveil to you the heart and inner nlYSteries of Masonry. Do not despair because you have often seemed on the point of attaining the inmost light, and 'have as often been disappointed. In all tinle, truth has been hidden under synlbols, and often under a succession of allegories: where veil after veil had to be penetrated before the true Light was reached, and the essential truth stood revealed. The Human Light is but an in1perfect reflection of a ray of the Infinite and Divine. We are about to approach those ancient Religions which once





fuled the minds of men, and whose ruins encumber the plains of the great路Past, as the broken colunlns of Palulyra and Tadtnur lie bleaching on the sands of the desert. They rise before us, those old, strange, mysterious creeds and faiths, shrouded in the ~lists of antiquity, and stalk dimly and undefined along the line which divides Time from Eternity; and forms of strange, wild, startling beauty mingled in the vast throngs of figures with shapes nlonstrous, grotesque, and hideous. The religion taught by Moses, which, like the laws of Egypt, enunciated the principle of exclusion, borrowed, every period of its existence, from all the creeds with which it came in contact. While, by the studies of the learned and wise, it enriched itself with the most admirable principles of the religions of Eg-ypt and Asia, it was changed, in the wanderings of the People, by everything that was 1110st impure or seductive in the pagan Inanners and superstitions.. It was one thing in the times of Moses and Aaron, another in those of David and Solomon, and still another in those of Daniel and Philo.. At the tinle when John the Baptist Inade his appearance in the desert, near the shores of the Dead Sea, all the old philosophical and religious systen1S were approxin1ating toward each other. A general lassitude inclined the minds of all toward the路 quietud~ of that alnaIganlatiol1 of doctrines for which the expeditions of Alexander and the 1110re peaceful occurrences that followed,with the establishnlent in Asia and Africa of n1any Grecian dynasties and agreatnulnber of Grecian colonies, had prepared the way.. After the inter1l11ngJing of different nations, which resulted from the wars of Alexander in three-quarters of the globe, the doctrines of Greece, of Egypt, of Persia, and of India, met and intermingled every)Vhere. All the barriers that had formerly kept the nations ap:a,rt, were thrown down; and while the People of the West r~gdily connected their faith with those of the East, those of the O~rient hastened to learn the traditions of Rome and the legends Athens. While the Philosophers of Greece, all (except the disciples of Epicurus) more or less Platollists, seized eargerly upon tllrebeliefs and doctrines of the East,-the Jews and Egypti!ans, beiore then the most exclusiv'e of aU peoples, yielded to that 'ecle'ctiwhich prevailed among their masters, the Greeks and ROfllans.. Under the same influences of toleration, even those路 who em~~aced Christianity, mingled together the old and the mew1 Chris...




tianity and Philosophy, the Apostolic teachings and the traditions of Mythology. The man of intelleot, devotee of one system, rarely displaces it with another in all its purity. The people take such a creed as is offered them. Accordingly, the distinction be.. tween the esoteric and the exoteric doctrine, immemorial in other creeds, easily gained a foothold among many of the Christians; and it was held by a vast number, even during the preaching of Paul, that the writings of the Apostles were路 incomplete; that they contained only the germs of another doctrine, which must receive from the hands of philosophy, not only the systematic arrangement which was wanting, but all the development which lay concealed therein. The writings of the Apostles, they said, in address.. ing themselves to mankind in general, enunciated only the articles of the vulgar faith; but transmitted the mysteries of knowledge to superior minds, to the Elect,-mysteries handed down frotTI generation to generation in esoteric traditions; and to this science of the mysteries they gave of rVW(jl~ [Gnosis]. The Gnostics derived their leading doctrines and ideas from Plato and Philo, the Zend-avesta and the Kabalah, and the Sacred books of India and Egypt; and thus introduced into the bosom of Christianity the cosmological and theosophical speculations, which had formed the larger portion of the ancient religions of the Orient, joined to those of the Egyptian, Greek, and Jewish doctrines, which the Neo-Platonists had equally adopted in the Occident. Emanation from the Deity of all spiritual beings, progressive degeneration of these beings from emanation to emanation, redemption and return of all to the purity of the Creator; and, after the re-establishment of the primitive harmony of all, a fortunate .and truly divine condition of all, in the bosoln of God; such were the fundamental teachings of Gnosticism. The genius of the Orient, with its conten1plations, irradiations, and intuitions, dictated its doctrines. Its language corresponded to its origin. Full of imagery, it had all the magnificence, the inconsistencies, and the mobility of the figurative style. Behold, it said, the light, which emanates from an immense centre of Light, that spreads everywhere its benevolent rays; so do the spirits of Light emanate from the Divine Light. Behold, all the springs which nourish, embellish, fertilize, and purify the Earth: they emanate from one and the same ocean; so from the



bosom of the Divinity emanate so many streams" which form and fill the universe of intelligences. Behold numbers, which all emanate fronl one pritnitive nUlnber, all resemble it, all are composed of its essence, and still vary infinitely; and utterances, decomposable into so many syllables and elements, all contained in the primitive \Vord, and still infinitely various; so the world of Intelligences emanated from a Primary Intelligence, and they all resemble it, and yet display an infinite variety of existences. It revived and combined the old doctrines of the Orient and the Occident; and it found in many路 passages of the Gospels and the Pastoral1etters, a warrant for doing so. C'hrist himself spoke in parables and allegories, John borrowed the enigmatical language of the Platonists, and Paul often indulged in incomprehensible rhapsodies, the meaning of which could have been clear to the Initiates alone. It is admitted that the cradle of Gnosticism is probably to be looked for in Syria, and even in Palestine. Most of its expounders wrote in that corrupted form of the Greek used by the Hellenistic Jews, and in the Septuagint and the New Testalnent; and there was a striking analogy between their doctrines and those of the ]udreo-Egyptian Philo, of Alexandria; itself the seat of three schools, at once philosophic and religious-the Greek, the Egyptian, and the Jewish. Pythagoras and Plato, the most mystical of the Grecian Philosophers (the latter heir to the doctrines of the former):I and who had travelled, the latter in Egypt, and the former in Phcenicia, India, and Persia, also taught the esoteric doctrine and the distinction between the initiated and the profane. The dominant doctrines of Platonism were found in Gnosticism. Emanation of Intelligences from the bosom of the Deity; the going astray in error and the sufferings of spirits, so long as they are remote from God, and imprisoned in matter; vain and long-continued efforts to arrive at the knowledge of the Truth, and re-enter into their primitive union with the Supreme Being; alliance of a pure and divine soul with an irrational soul, the seat of evil desires; angels or demons who dwell in and govern the planets., having but an imperfect knowledge of the ideas that presided at the creation; regeneration of all beings by their return to the xOO'!lo;' vo1'}l'~, [kosmos noetos], the world of Intelligences, and its Chief the Supreme Being; sole possible mode of re-establishing that primi-



tive harlTIany of the creation, of which the tnusic of the spheres of Pythagoras was the ill1age; these were the analogies of the two systems; and we discover in then1 SOUle of the ideas that fornl a part of Masonry; in which, in the present nlutilated condition of the sYlnbolic Degrees, they are disguised and overlaid with fiction and absurdity, or present thenlselves as casual hints that are pass.. ed by wholly unnoticed. The distinction between the路 esoteric and exoteric doctrines (a distinction purely Masonic), was always and from the very earliest ti111es preserved among the Greeks. It reluounted to the fabulous times of Orpheus; and the mysteries of Theosophy were found in all their traditions and myths. And after the time of Alexander, they resorted far instruction, dogmas, and mysteries., to all the schools, to those of Egypt and Asia, as well as those of Ancient Thrace, Sicily, Etruria, and Attica. The Jewish-Greek School of Alexandria is known only by two of its Chiefs, Aristobulus and Philo, both Jews of Alexandria in Egypt. Belonging to Asia by its origin, to .Egypt by its residence, to Greece by its language and studies, it strove to show that all truths eillbedded in the philosophies of other countries were transplanted thither fronl Palestine. Aristobulus declared that all the facts and details of the]ewish Scriptures were so 111any allegories, concealing the most profound nleanings" and that Plato had borrowed from them all his finest ideas. Philo, who lived a century after hil11, following the same theory, endeavored to show that the Hebrew writings, by their systeln of allegories" were the true source of all religious and philosophical doctrines. According to him, the literal Ineaning is for the vulgar alone. Whoever has meditated on philosophy, purified hin1self by virtue, and raised himself by contelnplation, to God and the intellectual world, and received their inspiration, pierces the gross envelope of the Jetter, discovers a wholly different order of things, and is initiated into mysteries, of which the elementary or literal instruction offers but an imperfect itnage. A historical fact, a figure, a word, a letter, a number, a rite, a custom, the parable or vision ofa prophet, veils the most'profound truths; and he who has the key of science will interpret all according to the light he possesses. Again we see the symbolism of Masonry, and the search of the Candidate for light. "Let men of narrow minds withdraw," he says, "with closed ears. We transmit the divine mysteries to





those who have received the sacred initiation, to those who practise true piety, and who are not enslaved by the elnpty trappings of words or the preconceived opinions of the pagans." I'fo Philo, the Supren1e Being was the Prin1itive Light, or the Archetype of Light, Source \vhence the rays e111anate that illuminate Souls. He was also the Soul of the Universe, and as such acted in all its parts. He Himself fills and lin1its His \~lhole Being. His Powers and Virtues fill and penetrate all. These Powers l ~'Uva!lcL~, dunameis] are Spirits distinct from God, the "Ideas" of Plato personified. He is without beginning, and lives in the prototype of Time [atrov, aion]. His inlage is THE WORD [l\.oyo~], a form more brilliant than fire; that not being the pure light. This Locos dwells in God; for the Suprelne Being makes to Himself within His Intelligence the types or ideas of everything that is to become reality in this World. 'rhe LOGOS is the vehicle by which God acts on the Universe, and may be cOlnpared to the speech of man. 1'he LOGOS being the World of Ideas ['Xo(J~o~ vOtl1;o~], by means whereof God has created visible things, He is the I110St ancient God, in comparison with th,e World" which is the youngest production. 'rhe LOGOS) Chief of Intelligence" of which fIe is the general representative, is named Archangel) type and representative of all spirits, even those of Inortals.. He is also styled the tnan.. type and primitive luan, Adam Kadn1on. God only is Wise. The wisdom of 11lan is but the reflection and image of that of God. He .is the Father, and His WISDOM the tnother of creation: for He united Himself with WISDOM [~O<pLcx., Sophia], and communicated to it the .gerlTI of creation, and it 'brought forth the material world. He created the ideal world only, and caused the material world to be made real after its type, 1o:y tIis LOGOS, which is His speech, and at the sanle time the Idea of Ideas, the Intellectual World. rfhe Intellectual City was but tbe Thought of the Architect, who nleditated the creation, according to that plan of the Material City. 'l'he Word is not only the Creator, but occupies the place of the Supreme Being. 'through Rin1 all the Powers' and Attributes of God act. On the other side, as first representative of the HU111,an Family, He is the Protector of men and their Shepherd. God gives to man the Soul or Intelligence, which exists befor'e the body, and which he unites with the body.. The reasoning



Principle comes from God through the Word, and communes with God and with the Word; but there is also in n1an an irrational Principle, that of the inclinations and passions which produce disorder, emanating from inferior spirits who fill the air as ministers of God. The body, taken froln the Earth, and the irrational Principle that anilnates it concurrently with the rational Principle, are hated by God, while the rational soul which He has given it, is, as it were, captive in this prison, this coffin, that encompasses it. The 'present condition of 111an is not his primi.. tive condition, when he was the in1age of the Logos. He has fallen from his first estate. But he may raise himself again, by following the directions of WISDOM [~O<pL(l] and of the Angels which God has commissioned to aid him in freeing himself from the bonds of the body, and combating Evil, the existence whereof God has permitted, to furnish him the means of exercising his liberty. The souls that are purified, not by the Law but by light, rise to the Heavenly regions, to enjoy there a perfect felicity. Those that persevere in evil go from body to body, the seats of passions and evil desires. The familiar lineaments of these doc.. trines will be recognized by all who read the Epistles of St. Paul, who wrote after Philo, the latter living till the reign of Caligula, and being the contemporary of Christ. And the Mason is fan1iliar with these doctrines of Philo: that the Supren1e Being is a centre of Light whose rays or emanations pervade the Universe; for that is the Light for which all Masonic journeys are a search, and of which the sun and moon in our Lodges are only emblems: that Light and Darkness, chief enemies from the beginning of Time, dispute with each other the empire of the world; which we symbolize by the candidate wandering in darkness and being brought to light: that the world was created, not by the Supreme Being, but by a secondary agent, who is but His WORD [theAoyo~], and by types which are but his ideas, aided by an INTELLIGENCE, or WISDOM [:~:o<pLa], which gives one of His Attributes; in which we see the occult meaning of the ne.. cessity of recovering "the Word"; and of our two coltl1nns of STRENGTH and WISDOM} which are also the two parallel lines that bound the circle representing the路 Universe : that the visible world is the image of the invisible world; that the essence of the Ifuman Soul is the image of God, and it existed before the body; that the object of its terrestrial life is to disengage itself of its body or its



sepulchre; and that it 'Yill ascend to the Heavenly regions whenever it shall be purified; in which we see the meaning, ,now almost forgotten in our Lodges, of the mode of preparation of the candidate for apprenticeship, and his tests and purifications in the first Degree, according to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Philo incorporated in his eclecticism neither Egyptian nor Oriental elements. But there were other Jewish Teachers in Alexandria who did both. The Jews of Egypt were slightly jealous of, and a little hostile to, those of Palestine, particularly after the erection of the sanctuary at Leontopolis by the High-Priest Onias; and therefore they admired and magnified those sages, who, like Jeremiah, had resided in Egypt. '''The wisdolTI of Solomon" was written at Alexandria, and, in the time of St. Jerome, was attributed to Philo; but it contains principles at variance with his. It personifies Wisdom, and draws between its children and the Profane, the same line of demarcation that Egypt had long- before taught to the Jews. That distinction existed at the beginning of the Mosaic creed. Moshah himself was an Initiate in the mysteries of Egypt, as he was compelled to be, as the adopted son of the daughter of Pharaoh, Thouoris} daughter of Sesostris-Ramses; who, as her tomb and monuments show, was, in the right of her infant husband, Regent of Lower Egypt or the Delta at the time of the Hebrew Prophet's 'birth, reignin~ at Heliopolis. She was also, as the reliefs on her tomb show, a Priestess of RATHOR and NEITH} the two great primeval goddesses. As her adopted son, living in her Palace and presence forty years, and durin~ that time scarcely acquainted with his brethren the Jews, the law of Egypt compelled his initiation: and we find in many of his enactments the intention of preserving, between the common people a.nd the Initiates, the line of separation which he found in Egypt. Moshah and Aharun his brother, the whole series of High-Priests, the Council of the 70 Elders, Salomoh and the entire succession of Prophets, were in possession of a higher science; and of that science Masonry is, at least, the lineal descendant. It was familiarly known as THt KNOWLEDGE OF THE W ORO. AMUN, at first the God of Lower Egypt only, where Moshah was reared [a word that in Hebrew means Truth], was the Supreme God. He was styled "the Celestial Lord} who sheds Light on hidden things. n He was the source/of that divine life, of which the crux ansata is the symbol; and the source of all power. He



united all the attributes that the Ancient Oriental Theosophy assigned to the Supreme Being. He was the 3tA~QroJ!a (Pleroma), or "Fullness of things,)} for He comprehended in Himself everything; and the LIGHT; for he was the Sun-God. He was un.. changeable in the midst of everything phenomenal in his worlds. He created nothing; but everything emanated from Him; and of Hinl all the other Gods were but manifestations. The Ram was His living symbol; which you see reproduced in this Degree, lying on the book with seven seals on the tracingboard. He caused the creation of the, world by the Primitive Though t [EVVOlU, Ennoia] , or Spirit [II VE'U~Q, Pneuma] that issued from him by means of his Voice or the WORD; and which Thought or Spirit was personified as the Goddess NSITH. She, too, was a divinity of LightJ and mother of the Sun; and the Feast of Lamps was celebrated in her honor at Sais. The Creative Power, another manifestation of Deity, proceeding to the creation conceived of in her, the Divine Intelligence, produced with its Word the Universe, synlbolized by an egg issuing from the luouth of KN~PH; from which egg came PHTHAJ image of the Supreme Intelligence as realized in the world, and the type of that manifested in man; the princ.ipal agent, also, of Nature, or the creative and productive Fire. PHR~ or R~} the Sun~ or Celestial Light, whose symbol \-vas<=), the point within a circle, was the son of PHTHA; and TIPHt.. his wife, or the celestial firmament, with the seven celestial bodies, animated by spirits of genii that govern thenl, was represented on many of the monuments, clad in blue or yellow, her garments sprinkled with stars, and accompanied by the sun, 11100n, and five planets; and she was the type of Wisdom, and they of the Seven Planetary Spirits of the Gnostics" that with her presided over and governed the sublunary world. In this Degree, unknown for a hundred years to those who have practised it, these emblems reproduced refer to these old doctrines. The Iamb, the yellow hangings strewed with stars, the seven columns, candlesticks, and seals all re~all them to us. The Lion was the symbol of ATHOM-RE, the Great God of Upper Egypt; the Hawk, of RA or PHRE; the Eagle, of MENDES; the Bull, of A:rIS; and three of these are seen under the platform on which our altar stands. The first H~RMES was the INT!LLIGENCE or WORD of God. Moved with compassion for a race living without law, and wishing J

255 to teach them that they sprang fr0111 His bOSOlU, and to point out to them the way that they should go [the books which the first l.-Iermes, the same with Enoch, had written on the mysteries of divine science, in the sacred characters, beinl{ unknown to those \vho lived after the flood], God sent to man OSIRIS and ISIS, accOlnpanied by TROTH). the incarnation or terrestrial repetition of the first HERMES; who taught men the arts. science, and the cerenlonies of religion; and then ascended to Heaven or the Moon. OSIRIS was the Principle of Good. '"rYPHON, like AIIRIMAN, was the principle and source of all that is evil in the Illoral and physical order. Like the Satan of Gnosticisln, he was confounded with 1fatter. Fron1 Egypt or Persia the new Platonists borrowed the idea, and the Gnostics received it from them, that man, in his terrestrial career, is successively under the influence of the Moon, of 1fercury, of \Tenus, of the Sun, of Mars, of Jupiter, and of Saturn, until he finally reaches the Elysian Fields; an idea again symbolized in the Seven Seals. The Jews of Syria and Judea were the direct precursors of Gnosticism; and in their doctrines were an1ple oriental elements. These Jews had had with the Orient, at two different periods, intimate relations, familiarizing them with the doctrines of Asia, and especially of Chaldea and Persia ;-their forced residence in Central Asia under the Assyrians and Persians; and their voluntary dispersion over the whole East, when subjects of the Seleucidre and the Romans. Living near two-thirds of a century, and many of them路 long afterward, in Mesopotatnia, the cradle of their race; speaking the sanle language, and their children reared with those of the Chaldeans, Assyrians, Medes, and Persians, and receiving fr0t11 them their names (as the case of Danayal, who was called Breltasatsar, proves), they necessarily adopted many of the doctrines of their conquerors. Their descendants, as Azra and Nahamaiah show us,. hardly desired to leave Persia, when they were allowed to do so. They had a special jurisdiction, and governors and judges taken from their own people; many of them held high office, and their children were educated with those of the highest nobles. Danayal was the friend and Ininister of the King, alld the Chief of the College of the Magi at Babylon; if we 111ay believe the book which bears his name, and trust to tIle incidents related in its highly figurative and imaginative style. Mordecai,



too, occupied a high station, no less than that of Prime Minister, and Esther or Astar, his cousin, was the Monarch's wife. The Magi of Babylon were expounders of figurative writings, interpreters of nature, and of dreams,-astronomers and divines; and froul their influences arose among- the]ews, after their rescue from captivity, a number of sects, and a new exposition, the mystical interpretation, with all its wild fancies and infinite caprices. The Aions of the Gnostics, the Ideas of Plato, the Angels of the Jews, and the Demons of the路 Greeks, all correspond to the Ferouers of Zoroaster. A great number of Jewish families remained permanently in their new country; and one of the most celebrated of their schools was at Babylon. They were soon familiarized with the doctrine of Zoroaster, which itself was more ancient than Kuras. From the system of the Zend-Avesta they borrowed, and subsequently gave large development to, everything that could be reconciled with their own faith; and these additions to the old doctrine were soon spread, by the constant intercourse of commerce, into Syria and Palestine. In the Zend-Avesta, God is Illimitable Time. No origin can be assigned to Him: He is so entirely enveloped in His glory, His nature and attributes are so inaccessible to human Intelligence, that He can be only the obj ect of a silent Veneration. Creation took place by emanation from Him. The first emanation was the primitive Light, and from that the King of Light, ORMUZD. By the "WORD," Ormuzd created the world pure. He is its preserver and judge; a Being Holy and Heavenly; Intelligence and Knowledge; the First-born of Time without limits; and invested with all the Powers of the Supreme Being. Still he is, strictly speaking, the Fourth Being. He 路had a Ferouer, a pre-existing Soul [in the language of Plato, a type or ideal} ; and it is said of Him, that He existed from the beginning, in the primitive Light. But, that Light being but an element, and His Ferouer a type, he is, in ordinary language, the First-born of ZEROUANE-AKHERENE. Behold, again, "TH~ WORD" of Masonry; the Man, on the Tracing-Board of this Degree; the LIGHT toward which all Masons travel. He created after his own image, six Genii called Amshaspands, who surround his Throne, are his organs of communication with inferior spirits and men t transmit to Him their prayers, solicit for



them His favors, and serve them as models of purity and perfection. 'rhus 'Vve have the Demiourgos of Gnosticisn1, and the six Genii that assist him. These are the Hebrew Archangels of the Planets. The names of these Amshaspands are Bahman, Ardibehest, Schariver, Sapandon1ad, Khordad, and Amerdad. The fourth, the Holy SAPANDOMAD) created the first man and woman. Then ORMUZD created 28 lzeds) of whom MITHRAS is the chief. They watch, with Ormuzd and the Amshaspands, over the happiness, purity, and preservation of the world, which is under their government; and they are also models for n1ankind and interpreters of men's prayers. With A!ithras and Ormuzd, they make a pleroma [or complete number] of 30, corresponding to the thirty Aions of the Gnostics, and to the ogdoade} dodecade, and decade of the Egyptians. M ithras was the Sun-God, invoked with, and soon confounded with hinl, becon1ing the object of a special \vorship, and eclipsing Ormuzd himself. The third order of pure spirits is more numerous. They are the Ferouers, the THOUGHTS of OrIl1uzd, or the IDEAS which he conceived before proceeding to the creation of things. They too are superior to men. They protect theln during- their life on earth; they will purify them from evil at their resurrection. They are their tutelary genii, from the fall to the con1plete regeneration. AHRIMAN, second-born of the Prinlitive Light, emanated from it, pure like ORMUZD; but, proud and ambitious, yielded to jealousy of the First-born. For his hatred and pride, the Eternal condemned him to dwell, for 12,000 years, in that part of space where no ray of light reaches; the blacken1pire of darkness. In that period the struggle between Light and Darkness, Good路 and Evil, will be terminated. AHRIMAN scorned to submit, and took the field against ORMUZD. To the good spirits created by his Brother, he opposed an innumerable army of Evil Ones. To the seven Amshaspands he opposed seven Ar'chdevs, attached to the seven Planets; to the Izeds and Ferouers an equal number of Devs~ which brought upon the world all moral and physical evils. Hence Poverty, Maladies, Impurity, Envy, Chagrin, Drunkenness, Falsehood, Cal~mnYJ and their horrible array. The image of Ahriman was the Dragon, confounded by the



Jews with Satan and the Serpent-1'empter. After a reign of 3000 years, Ormuzd had created the Material World, in six periods, calling successively into existence the Light, Water, Earth, plants, animals, and Man. But Ahrinlan concurred in creating the earth and water; for darkness was already an element, and Ormuzd could not exclude its Master. So also the two concurred in producing Man. Ormuzd produced, by his Will and \Vord, a Being that was the type and source of universal life for everything- that exists under Heaven. He placed in man a pure principle, or Life, proceeding from the Supreme Being. But Ahriman destroyed that pure principle, in the form wherewith it was clothed; and when Orn1uzd had made, of its recovered and purified essence, the first man and woman, Ahriman seduced and tempted them with wine and fruits; the woman yielding first. Often, during the three latter periods of 3000 years each, A'hriman and Darkness are, and are to be, triumphant. But the pure souls are assisted by the Good Spirits; the Triumph of Good is decreed by the Supreme Being, and the period of that triumph will infallibly arrive. When the world shall be n10st afflicted \vith the evils poured out upon it by the spirits of perdition, three Prophets will come to bring relief to mortals" SOSIOSCH, the principal of the Three, will regenerate the earth, and restore to it its primitive beauty, strength, and purity. He will judge the good and the wicked. After the universal resurrection of the good, he will conduct them to a home of everlasting happiness. Ahrin1an, his evil demons, and all wicked men, will also he purified in a torrent of melted metal. The law of Ormuzd will reign everywhere; all men will be happy; all, enjoying unalterable bliss, will sing with Sosiosch the praises of the Supreme Being. These doctrines, the details of which were sparingly borrowed by the Pharisaic Jews, were much more fully adopted by the Gnostics; who taught the restoration of all things, their return to their original pure condition, the happiness of those to be saved, and their admission to the feast of Heavenly Wisdom. The doctrines of Zoroaster came originally from Bactria.. an Indian Province of Persia. Naturally, therefore, it would include Hindu or Buddhist elements, as it did. The fundamental idea of Buddhism was, matter subjugating the intelligence, and intelligence freeing itself from that slavery. Perhaps something came to Gnosticism from China. "Before the chaos which preceded



the birth of Heaven and Earth," says Lao-Tseu, "a single Being existed, imn1ense an~ silent, ilnmovable and ever active-路the 1110ther of the Universe. I know not its name: but I designate it by the word Reason. Man has his type and model in the Earth; Earth in Heaven; Heaven in Reason; and Reason in Itself." Here again are the Ferouers7 the Ideas7 the Aions-the REASON or INTELLIGltNC拢 [Evvota.], SII.,ENCS [~LY~], WGRD [Aoyo~], and WISDOM [~o<pta] of the Gnostics. The dominant systen1 among the Jews after their captivity was that of the Pharoschin1 or Pharisees. Whether their name was derived from that of the Parsees, or followers of Zoroaster} or from S0111e other source, it is certain that they had borrowed n1uch of their doctrine from the Persians. Like them they claimed to have the exclusive and mysterious knowledge, unkno-wn to the nlass. Like then1 they taught that a constant war was waged between the Elnpire of Good and that of Evil. Like them they at.. tributed the sin and fall of nlan to the de1110nS and their chief; and like theln they adnlitted a special protection of the righteous by inferior beings, agents of Jehovah. All their doctrines on th'ese subjects \\Tere at bottom those of the Holy Books; but singularly developed; and the Orient was evidently the source from which those developments came. They styled thenlselves Interpreters; a name indicating their claim to the exclusive possession of the true meaning of the Holy Writings, by virtue of the oral tradition which Moses had received on Mount Sinai, and which successive generations of Initiates had transmitted, as they claimed, unaltered, unto them. Their very costulne, their belief in the influences of the stars, and in the in11110rtality and transluigration of souls, their system of angels and their astronomy, were all foreign. Sadduceeism arose 111ereIy froIn an opposition essentially Je\:vish, to these foreign teachings, and that mixture of doctrines, adopted by the Pharisees, and which constituted the popular creed We conle at last to the Essenes and Therapeuts, with whom this Degree is particularly concerned. That intermingling of oriental and occidental rites, of Persian and Pythagorean opinions, which we have pointed out in the doctrines of Philo, is unmistakable in the creeds of these two sects. They ,vere less distinguished by metaphysical speculations than by.simple 111editations and moral practices. But the latter always



partook of the Zoroastrian principle, that it was necessary to free the soul from the trammels and influences of matter; wnich led to a system of abstinence and maceration entirely opposed to the ancient Hebrai cideas, favorable as they were to physical pleasures. In general, the life and manners of these mystical associations, as Philo and Josephus describe them, and particularly their prayers at sunrise, seem the image of what the Zend-Avesta prescribes to the faithful adorer or Ormuzd; and some of their observances cannot otherwise be explained. The Therapeuts resided in Egypt, in the neighborhood of Alexandria; and the Essenes in Palestine, in the vicinity of the Dead Sea. But there was nevertheless a striking coincidence in their ideas, readily explained by attributing it to a foreign influence. The Jews of Egypt, under the influence of the School of Alexandria, endeavored in general to make their doctrines harmonize with the traditions of Greece; and thence came, in the doctrines of the Therapeuts, as stated by Philo, the many analogies between the Pythagorean and Orphic ideas, on one side, and those of Judaism on the other: while the Jews of Palestine, having less communication with Greece, or contemning its teachings, rather imbibed the Oriental doctrines, which they drank in at the source and with which their relations with Persia made them familiar. This attachlnent was particularly shown in the Kabalah, which belonged rather to Palestine than to Egypt, though extensively known in the latter; and furnished the Gnostics with some of their most striking theories. It is a significant fact, that w路hile Christ spoke often of the Pharisees and Sadducees, He never once mentioned the Essenes, between whose doctrines and His there was so great a resemblance, and, in many points, so perfect an identity. Indeed, they are not named, nor even distinctly alluded to, anywhere in the New Testament. ] ohn, the son of a Priest who ministered in the 1'emple at Jerusalem, and whose mother was of the family of Aharun, was in the deserts until the day of his showing unto Israel. He drank neither wine nor strong drink. Clad in hair-cloth, and with a girdle of leather, and feeding upon such food as the desert afforded, he preached, in the country about Jordan, the baptism of re.. pentance, for the remission of sins; that is, the necessity of repent.. ance proven by reformation. He taught the people charity and





liberality; the publicans, justice, equity, and fair dealing; the soldiery, peace, truth, and contentnlent; to do violence to none, accuse none falsely, and be contept with their pay. He inculcated the necessity of a virtuous life, and the folly of trusting to their descent from Abraham. He denounced both Pharisees and Sadducees as a generation of vipers, threatened with the anger of God. He baptized those who confessed their sins. He preached in the desert; and therefore in the country where the Essenes lived, professing the same doctrines. He was iU1prisoned before Christ began to preach. Matthew mentions hitn without preface or explanation; as if, apparently, his history was too well known to need any. "In those days," he says, " ca1ne John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea." His disciples frequently fasted; for we :find thenl with the Pharisees conling to Jesus to inquire why His Disciples did not fast as often as they; and He did not denounce them) as His habit ,vas to denounce the Pharisees; but answered them kindly and gently. From his prison, Jahn sent two of his disciples to inquire of Christ: "Art thou he that is to C0111e, or do we look for another?" Christ referred thelTI to his Iniracles as路 an answer; and declared to the people that John was a prophet, and luore than a prophet, and that no greater Inan had ever been born; but that the humblest Christian was his superior. He declared hinl to be Elias, who was to CaIne. John had denounced to Herod his n1arriage '\vith his brother's wife as unlawful; and for this he "vas itnprisoned, and finally executed to gratify her. His disciples buried him; and Herod and others thought he had risen from the dead and appeared again in the person of Christ. tfhe people all regarded John as a p~ophet; and Christ silenced the Priests and Elders by asking them whether he vvas inspired. They feared to excite the anger of the people by saying that he ,vas not. Christ declared that he came "in the way of righteousness" ; and that the lower classes believed him, though the Priests and Pharisees did not. 'rhus John, ,vho \vas often consulted by I-Ierod and to whom that n10narch sho\yed great deference, and was often governed by his advice; v路/ hose doctrine prevailed very extensively atnong the !leople and the publicans, taught so,ne creed order than Christianity. 'that is plain: and it is equally plain, that the very large J



body of the]ews that adopted. his doctrines, were neither Pharisees nor Sadducees, but the humble, common people. They must, therefore, have been Essenes. , It is plain, too, that Christ applied for baptism as a sacred rite, well known and long practiced. It was becoming to him, he said, to fulfill all righteousness. In the 18th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles we read thus: "And a certain Jew, named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and. mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus. This man was instructed in the路 way of the Lord, and, being fervent in spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism at John)- and he began to speak boldly in the synagogue; whom, when Aquilla and Priscilla had heard, they took him .unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly." Translating this from the symbolic and figurative language into the true ordinary sense of the Greek text, it reads thus: "And a certain]ew, named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, and of extensive learning, came to Ephesus. He had learned in the mysteries the true doctrine in regard to God; and, being a zealous enthusiast, he spoke and taught diligently the truths in regard to the Deity, having received no other baptism than that of John." He knew nothing in regard to Christianity ; for he had resided in Alexandria, and had just then come to Ephesus; being, probably, a d.isciple of Philo, and a Therapeut. "That, in all times," says 81. Augustine, "is the Christian路 religion, which to know an4 follow is the most sure and certain health, called according to that name, but not according to the thing itself, of which it is the name; for the thing itself, which is now called the Christian religion, really was known to the Ancients, nor was wanting at any time frotn the b,eginning of the human race, until the time when Christ came in the flesh; from whence the true religion, which had previously existed, began to be called Christian ; and this in our days is the Christian religion, not as having beeD wanting in former times, but as having, in later times, received this name." The disciples were first caned UChristians," at Antioch, when Bq.rnabas and Paul began to preach there. The Wandering or Itinerant Jews or Exorcists, who assumed to employ the Sacred N arne in exorcising evil spirits, were no doubt Therapeutce or Essenes.



THlt !tAST AND WltS'r.


"And itcame to pass," we read in the 19th chapter of the Acts, verses 1 to 4, "that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul., having passed through the upper parts of Asia Minor., came to Ephesus; and finding certain disciples, he said to them, 'Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye became Believers?' And they said unto him, 'We have not so much as heard that there is any Holy Ghost.' And he said to them, 'In what, then, were you baptized?' And they said 'In John's baptism.' Then said Paul, 'John in~ deed baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe in Him who was to come after him, that is" in Jesus Christ. When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord]esus." This faith, taught by John, and so nearly Christianity, could have been nothing but the doctrine of the Essenes; and there can be -no doubt that John belonged to that sect. The place where he preached, his macerations and frugal diet, the doctrines he taught, all. prove it conclusively. There was no other sect to which he could have belonged; certainly none so nutnerousas his, except the Essenes. We find, from the t\VO letters written by Paul to the brethren at Corinth, that City of Luxury .and Corruption, that there .were contentions an10ng them. Rival sects had already, about the 57th year of our era, reared their banners there, as followers, some of Panl, s0111eof Apollos, and SOUle of Cephas. Sou1e of them deHied the resurrection. Paul urged them to adhere to the doctrines taught by himself, and had sent Tilnothy to thetll to bring them afresh to their recollection. According to Paul, Christ was to C0111e again. He was to put at1' end to all other Principalities and Powers, and finally to Death, and then be I-limself once more merged in God ; who sho~tld then he all in all. The forms and 'ceremonies of the Essenes were symbolical. They had, according to Philo the Jew, four Degrees; the members heing .divided into two Orders, the Practici and T herapeutici; the latter being the contetnplative and medical Brethren; and the fOrmer the active, practical, business men. They were Jews by ; and had a greater affection for each other than the m~m足 'bers of any other sect. l"\heir brotherly love was intense. They fttlfilled the Christian law, "Love one another." They despised ri~bes.No one was to be found among them, .havi:ng:wore than



another. The possessions of one were intermingled with those of the others; so that they all had but one patrinlony, and ,vere brethren.. Their piety to\vard God was extraordinary. Before sunrise they never spake a \vord about profane matters; but put up certain prayers \vhich they had received from their forefathers. At davvn of day, and before it was light, their prayers and hytnns ascended to Heaven. They were eminently faithful and true, and the 1\1inisters of Peace. They had Inysterious cerenlonies, and initiations into their tnysteries; and the Candidate promised that he would ever practise fidelity to all 111 en, and especially to those in authority, "because no one obtains the government without God's assistance." \i\Thatever they said, was firmer than an oath; but they avoided swearing, and esteemed it ,vorse than perjury. They were sinlple in their diet and mode of living, bore torture with fortitude, and despised death. They cultivated the science of medicine and were very skillful. l~hey deemed it a good omen to dress in white robes. They had their own courts, and passed righteous judgments. They kept the Sabbath more rigorously than the Jews. Their chief towns were Engaddi, near the Dead Sea, and Hebron. Engaddi was about 30 miles southeast from Jerusalem, and Hebron about 20 miles south of that city. Josephus and Eusebius speak of thenl as an ancient sect; and they \vere no doubt the first among the Jews to enlbrace Christianity: with whose faith and doctrine their own tenets had so many points of resenlblance, and vvere indeed in a great 111easure the sanle. Pliny regarded thel11 as a very ancient peopl e. In their devotions they turned to\vard the rising sun; as the Jews generally did toward the Tenlple. But they were no idolaters; for they observed the law of Moses with scrupulous fidelity. They held all things in conlnlon, and despised riches, their vvants being supplied by the adnlinistration of Curators or Stevvards. The Tetractys, cOlnposed of round dots instead of jods was revered among then1. This being a Pythagorean sytnbol J evidently shows their connection \vith the school of Pythagoras; but their peculiar tenets more reselnble those of Confucius and Zoroaster; and probably \vere adopted \vhile they \vere prisoners in Persia; which explains their turning to\vard the Sun in prayer. Their detneanor \,'as sober and chaste. They subnlitted to the superintendence of governors whonl they appointed over them.. J



selves. The whole of their time was spent "in labor, m"editation, and prayer; and they were 1110st sedulously attentive to every call of justice and hUl11anity, and every moral duty. They believed in the unity of God. 1'hey supposed the souls of men to have fallen, by a disastrous fate, frotTI the regions of purity and light, into the bodies which they occupy; during their continuance in which they considered them confined as in a prison. Therefore they did not believe in the resurrection of the body; but in that of the soul only. They believed in a future state of rewards and punishments; and they disregarded the ceremonies or external forms enjoined in the law of Moses to be observed in the worship of God; holding that the words of that lawgiver were to be understood in a ll1ysterious and recondite sense, and not according to their literal meaning. They offered no sacrifices, except at home; and by meditation they endeavored, as far as possible, to isolate the soul from the body, and carry it back to God. Eusebius broadly adn1its "that the ancient 1'herapeutre were Christians; and that their ancient writings were our Gospels and Epistles." The ESSENES were of the Eclectic Sect of Philosophers, and held PLATO in the highest esteem; they believed that true philosophy, the greatest and most salutary gift of God to mortals, was scattered, in various portions, through all the different Sects; and that it was, consequently, the duty of every wise man to gather it from the several quarters where it lay dispersed, and to employ it, thus reunited, in destroying the dominion of impiety and vice. The great festivals of the Solstices were observed in a distinguished n1anner by the Essenes; as would naturally be supposed, from the fact that they reverenced the Sun, not as a god, but as a symbol of light and fire; the fountain of which, the Orientals supposed God to be. They lived in continence and abstinence, and had establishments similar to the 1110nasteries of the early Christians. The writings of the Essenes were full of mysticisln, parables, enigmas, and allegories. They believed in the esoteric and exoteric meanings of the Scriptures; and, as we have already said, they had a warrant for that in the Scriptures themselves. They found it in the Old Testament, as the Gnostics found it in the New. The Christian writers, and even Christ hiulself, recognized it as a



truth, that all Scripture had an inner and an outer meaning. Thus we find it said as follows, in one of the Gospels: "Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God; but unto men that are without, all these things are done in parables; that seeing, they may see and not perceive, and hearing they may hear and not understand. . . . And the disciples came and said unto him, 'vVhy speakest Thou the truth in parables?'He answered and said unto thenl, 'Because it is given unto you to know the n1yster~es of the KingdotTI of Heaven, but to them it is not given.' " Paul, in the 4th chapter of his Epistle路 to the Galatians, speaking of the simplest facts of the Old Testament, asserts that they are an allegory.. In the 3d chapter of the second letter to the Corinthians, he declares himself a minister of the New Testament, appointed by God; "Not of the letter, but of the spirit; for the letter killeth."Origen and St. Gregory held that the Gospels were not to he taken in their literal sense; and Athanasius admonishes us that "Should we understand sacred writ according to the letter, we should fall into the nlost enorn10US blasphenlies." Eusebius said, "Those who preside over the Holy Scriptures, philosophize over thenl, and expound their l~teral sense by alle-

gory." The sources of our knowledge of the Kabalistic doctrines, are the books of Jezirah and Sohar, the fornler drawn up in the second century, and the latter a little later; but containing materials much older than thelTIselves. III their lTIOst characteristicele.. nlents, they go back to the tin1e of the exile. In thenl, as in the teachings of Zoroaster, everything that exists en1anated from a source of infinite LIGHT. Before everything, existed THE ANCI~N'r OF DAYS, the KING OF LIGHT; a title often given to the Creator in the Ze1'ld-Avesta and the code of the Sabcea1~s. With the idea so expressed is connected the pantheism of -India. 'rHl~ KING Ol~ LrC1Il', 路THEANCIEN't, is ALL THAT IS. He is not only the real cause of all Existences; he is Infinite [AINSOPH]. He is HIMSELF: there is nothing in Him that \Ve can call Tho'tf,. In the Indian doctrine, not only is the Suprellle Being the real cause of all, but he is the only real Existence: all the rest is illusion. In the Kabalah, as in the Persian and Gnostic doctrines, He is the Supre111e Being unknown to all, the "Unkno\vn Father." The world is his revelation,. and subsists only in Him.. His attri-


TH~ ltAS~



butes are reproduced there, with different modifications, and in

different degrees, so that the Universe is His Holy Splendor: it is but His Mantle; but it must be revered in silence. All beings have emanated from the S.upreme Being: 1'he nearer a being is to Him,. the more perfect it is; the more remote in the scale~ the less its purity. A ray of Light, shot from the Deity, is the cause and principle of an that exists. It is at once Father and Mother of All, in the sublimest sense. It penetrates everything; and without it nothing can exist an instant. From this double FORCE, designated by the two parts of the word I:. H:. U:. H:. enlanated the FIRST-BORN of God, the Universal FORM, in which are contained all beings; the Persian and Platonic Archetype of' things, united with the Infinite by the primitive ray of Light. This First-Born is the Creative Agent, Conservator, and animating Principle of the Universe. It is THlt LIGH~r OF LIGII~r.. It possesses the three Primitive Forces of the Divinity, LIGHT, SPIRIT, and LIFE [4>~, rr'VE'U!flci, ana. Zm'YlJ. As it has received what it gives, Light and Life, it is equally considered as the generative and conceptive Principle, the Primitive Man, ADAM KAnMON. As such, it has revealed itself in ten emanations or Sephiroth, which are not ten different beings, nor even bein~s at aU; but sources of life, vessels of Omnipotence, and types of Creation. They are Sovereignty or Will, Wisdom} Intelligence, Benignity, Severity, Beauty, Victory, Glory, Permanency, and Emp~re. These are attributes of God; and this idea, that God rev,eals Himself by His attributes, and that the human mind cannot perceive or discern God Himself, in his works, but only his nlode of manifesting Himself, is a profound Truth. We know of the Invisible only what the Visible reveals. Wisdom was called Nous and LOGOS [. and Nov~ Aoyo;,], IN1FE:~L:tCT or the WORD. Intelligence, source of the oil of anointi~.g, responds to the Holy Ghost of the Christian Faith. Bea~tty is represented by green and yellow. Victory is YAROVAH-TsABAOTH, the coluuln on the right hand, the column Jachin: Glory is the column Boaz, on the left hand. And thus our symbols appear again in the Kabalah. And ag-ain the LIGHT, lhe object of our labors, appears as the creative power of Deity. The circle, also, was the special symbol of the nrst'Sephirah, Kether, or the Crown"



We do not further follow the Kabalah in its four Worlds of Spirits, Aziluth, B1"iah, Yezirah, and Asiah) or of emanation, crea.. tion, formation" and fabrication, one inferior to and one enlerging from the other, the superior al\vays enveloping the inferior; its doctrine that, in all that exists, there is nothing purely luaterial; that all comes from God, and in all He proceeds by irradiation; that everything subsists by the Divine ray that penetrates crea.. tion; and all is united by the Spirit of God, which is the life of life; so that all is God; the Existences that inhabit the four worlds, inferior to each other in proportion to their distance from the Great King of Light: the contest between the good and evil Angels and Principles, to endure until the Eternal Hinlsel拢 comes to end it and re-establish路 the primitive harmony; the four distinct parts of the Soul of Man; and the migrations of impure souls, until they are sufficiently purified to share with the Spirits of Light the contemplation of the Supreme Being whose Splendor fills the Universe. The WORD was also found in the Phrenician Creed. As in all those of Asia, a -VVTORD of God, written in starry characters, by the planetary Divinities, and cornmunicated by the Den1i-Gods, as a profound mystery, to the higher classes of the human race, to be communicated by them to mankind, created the world.. 'rhe faith of the Phrenicians was an emanation from that ancient worship of the Stars, which in the creed of Zoroaster alone, is connected with a faith in one God. Light and Fire are the D10st important agents in the Phrenician faith. There is a race of children of the Light. They adored the Heaven with its Lights, deelning it the Supreme God. Everything emanates from a Single Principle, and a Primitive Love, which is the Moving Po~ver of All and governs all. l.ight, by its union with Spirit, whereof it is but the vehicle or sy111bol, is the Life of everything, and penetrates everything. It should therefore be respected and honored everywhere; for every\vhere it governs and controls. The Chaldaic and Jerusalen1 Paraphrasts endeavored to render the phrase, DEBAR-YAIIOVAH [i1:n" 1:J.'], the vVord of God a personalty, wherever they met with it. rfhe phrase, "And God created n1an," is, in the Jerusalen1 Targun1, "And the vVord of IHuH created Inan." So, in xxviii. Gen. 20, 21, where Jacob says: "If God [C"n'N M~n, J






laIH ALHIM] will be with me ... then shall IHuH be my ALHIM

c"n'iN' '" n1n" n"rn; UHIH IHUI-I LI LALHIM] ; and this stone shall be God's House [ o"n;N li"~ nllJn".. IHIH BITH ALHrM] : Onkelos paraphrases it, "If the word of IHUR will be my help .... then the word of IHuH shall be my God." So, in iii. Gen. 8, for "The Voice of the Lord God" [O"n'N ii,n', JJ IHUH ALIIIM], we have, "The Voice of the \iVord of IHUH. In ix. Wisdom, 1, "0 God of my Fathers and Lord of Mercy! who has nlade all things with thy word.. BV Aoyo1J <Tou." And in xviii. Wisdom, 15, "Thine Almighty Word [Aoyo~] leaped down from Heaven." Philo speaks of the Word as being the same. with God. So in several places he calls it "()EU'tEeO~ eEto~ Aoyor;," the Second Divinity; "ELxWV TOU ElEOU," the Image of God: the Divine Word that made all things: "the {)j(aQXo~'," substitute, of God; and the like. Thus, when John commenced to preach, had been for ages agitated, by the Priests and Philosophers of the East and \Vest, the great questions concerning the eternity or creation of matter: immediate or internlediate creation of !he Universe by the Supreme God; the origin, o'b j ect, and final extinction of evil; the relations between the intellectual and material vvorlds, and between God and man; and the creation, fall, redemption. and restoration to his first estate, of man. The Jewish doctrine, differing in this from all the other Oriental creeds, and even from the Alohayistic legend with which the book of Genesis commences, attributed the creation to the immediate action of the Supreme Being. The Theosophists of the other Eastern Peoples interposed more than one intermediary between God and the world. To place between them but a single Being, to suppose for the production of the world but a single intermediary, ,vas, in their eyes, to lower the Supreme Majesty. The interval bet\veen God, who is perfect Purity, and matter, which is base and foul, was too great for them to clear it at a single step. Even in the Occident, neither Plato nor Philo could thus impoverish the Intellectual World. Thus, Cerinthus of Ephesus, with 1110St of the Gnostics, Philo, the Kabalah, the Zend-Avesta, the Puranas, and all the Orient, deerned the distance and antipathy between the Suprenle Being and the l'naterial \vorld too great, to attribute to the former the creation of the latter. Below, and emanating from, or created



by, the Ancient of Days, the Central Light, the Beginning, or First Principle. [Apm], one, two, or more Principles, Existences, or Intellectual Beings were imagined, to some one or more of whom [without any immediate creative act on the part of the Great Immovable, Silent Deity], the immediate creation of the material and nlental universe was due. vVe have already spoken of many of the speculations on this point.. To some, the world was created by the LOGOS or WORD, first manifestation of, or elnanation from, the Deity. To others, the beginning of creation was by the emanation of a ray路 of LIGI:I'r, creating the principle of Light and Life.. The Primitive THOUGHT, creating the inferior,Deities, a.succession of INTELLIGENCES, the Iynges of Zoroaster, his Amshaspands, lzeds, and Ferouers} the Ideas of Plato, the Aions of the Gnostics, the Angels of the Jews, the Nous" the Demiourgos} the DIVINE REASON, the Powers or Force" of Philo, and the Alohayim, Forces or Superior Gods of the ancient legend with which Genesis begins,to these and other intermediaries the creation was owing-. No restraints were laid on the Fancy and the Ima~ination. The veriest Abstractions became Existences and R'ealities. The attributes of God, personified, became Powers,路 Spirits, Intelligences.. God was the Lignt of Light, Divine Fire, the Abstract Intellec~ t-uality, the Root or Germ of the Universe. Si1non Magus, founder of the Gnostic faith, and many of the early Judaizi~g Christians, admitted that the manifestations of the Supreme Being, as FATIIER, or JEHOVAH, SON or CHRIST, and HOLY SPIRIT, were only so many different modes of Existence, or Forces [B1JVap.(t~] of the same God.. To others they ,vere, as were the multitude of Subordinate Intelligences, real and distinct beings. The Oriental imagination revelled in the creation of these In.ferior Intelligences, Powers of Good and Evil, and Angels. \Ve have spoken of those irnagined by the Persians and the Kabalists. In.the Talll1ud, every star, every country, every town, and almost every tongue has a P'rince of Heaven as its Protector. JEHUEL is the guardian of fire, and MrCIIAltL of water. Seven spirits assist each; those of fire being Seraphiel, Gabl"iel~ Nitriel, Ta'1n11~ael, Tchil1~sch'iel, Hadarnt"el, and Sarniel.. These seven are represented by the square colunlns of this Degree, \vhile the colulnns JACHIN and BOAZ represent the angels of fire and water. But the columns are not representatives of these alone.



To Basilides, God was without name, uncreated, at first containing and concealing in Himself the Plenitude of His Perfections; and when these are by Hinl displayed and manifested, there result as many particular Existences, all analogous ·to Him, and still and .always Him. To the Essenes and the Gnostics, the East and the \Vest both devised this faith; that the Ideas, Conceptions, or Manifestations of the Deity were so many Creations, so many Beings, all God, nothing without Him, but more than what we now understand by the word ideas. They emanated from and were again merged in God. They had a kind of middle existence between our modern ideas, and the intelligences or ideas, elevated to the rank of genii, of the. Oriental mythology. fhese person~fied attributes of Deity, in the theory of Basilides, were the IIQoot6yovo~or First-born" ~o~ [Nous or Mind]: from it emanates AoyOt; [Logos" or 'tHE WORD] from it ()(>6vt')at~ : [Phronesis, Intellect] : from it ~oqJia [Sophia~ Wisdom] : from it A'6va~t~ [Dunamis, Power] : and from it L\tx(JtOOuvll [Dikaiosune, Righteousness] : to which latter the Jews' gave the name of ELQt}V11 [Eirene, Peace, or Calm], the esse~tial characteristics of Divinity, and harmonious effect of all His perfections. The whole number of successive emanations was 365, expressed by the Gnostics, in Greek letters, by the .mystic word ABPA:a:A~ [Abraxas] ; designating God as manifested, or the aggregate of his manifestations; but not the Supreme and Secret God Himself: These three hundred and sixty-five Intelligences compose altogether the Fullness or Plenitude [IlAflQro".UX] of the Divine Emanations. With the Ophites, a sect of the Gnostics, there were seven inferior spirits [inferior to Ialdabaoth, the Demiourgos or Actual·CreatorJ: Michael) Suriel, Raphael., Gabriel, Thattthabaoth, Erataoth, and Athaniel, the genii of the stars called the Bull, the Dog, the Lion, the Bear, the Serpent, the Eagle, and the Ass that fornlerly figured in the constellation Cancer, and symbolized respectively blr those animals; as I aldabaoth, lao, Adonai, Eloi, Orai, and Astaphai were the genii of Saturn, the Moon, the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, and ~ercury. The WORD appears in all these creeds. It is theOrmuzd of Zero3Citer. the Ainsoph of the Kabalah, the Nous of Platonism a.nd Philonism, and the Sophia or Demiourgos of the Gnostics. And all these creeds, while admitting these different manrfestat:il€)ns of the Supreme Being, held that His identity was itrimutable



and permanent. That was Plato's distinction between the Being always the saine [-TO ov] and the perpetual flow of things incessantly changing, the Genesis. The belief in dualism in sonle shape, was universal. Those who held that everything emanated from God, aspired to God, and re-entered into God, believed that, among those emanations \vere two adverse Principles, of Light and Darkness, Good and Evil. This prevailed in Central Asia and in Syria; while in Egypt it assumed the form of Greek speculation. In the former, a second Intellectual Principle was adnlitted, active in its Elnpire of Darkness, audacious against the Empire of Light. So the Persians and Sabeans understood it. In Egypt, this second Principle was Matter, as the word was used by the Platonic School, with its sad attributes, Vacuity, Darkness, and Death. In their theory, matter could be animated only by the low communication of a principle of divine life. It resists the influences that would spiritualize it. That resisting Power is Satan, the rebellious Matter, Matter that does not partake of God. To many there were two Principles; the Unknown Father, or Supreme and Eternal God, living in the centre of the Light, happy in the perfect purity of His being; the other, eternal Matter, that inert, shapeless, darksonle rnass, which they considered as the source of all evils, the nlother and dwelling-place of Satan. To Philo and the Platonists, there was a Soul of the world, creating visible things, and active in them, as agent of the Supreme Intelligence; realizing therein the ideas communicated to Him by that Intelligence, and which sometimes excel His conceptions, but which He executes without comprehending them. The Apocalypse or Revelations, by whomever written, belongs to the Orient and to extreme antiquity. It reproduces what is far older than itself. It paints, with the strongest colors that the Oriental genius ever employed, the closing scenes of the great struggle of Light, and Truth, and Good, against Darkness, Error, and Evil; personified in that between the New Religion on one side, and Paganism and JudaislTI on the other. It is a particular application of the ancient myth of Ormuzd and his Genii ag-ainst Ahriman and his Devs; and it celebrates the final triumph of Truth against the combined powers of men and demons. The ideas and imagery are borrowed from every quarter ; and allusions are found in it to the doctrines of all ages. We are continually relnindecl



of the Zend-Avesta, the Jewish Codes, Philo, and the Gnosis. The Seven Spirits surrounding the Throne of the Eternal, at the opening of the Grand Drama, and acting so important路 a part throughout, everywhere the first instruments of the Divine Will and Vengeance, are the Seven Amshaspands of Parsism; as the Twenty-four Ancients, offering to the Supreme Being the first supplications and the first hOlnage, remind us of the Mysterious Chiefs of Judaism, foreshadow the Eons of Gnosticism" and reproduce the twenty-four Good Spirits created by Orlnuzd and inclosed in an egg. The Christ of the Apocalypse, First-born of Creation and of the Resurrection, is invested with the characteristics of theOrmuzd and Sosiosch of the Zend-Avesta, the Ainsoph of the Kabalah and the Carpistes [I(aQrcl6L'Yl~J of the Gnostics. The idea that the true Initiates and Faithful become Kings and Priests, is at once Persian, Jewish, Christian, and Gnostic. And the definition of the Supreme Being, that He is at once Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end-He that was, and is, and is to come, i. e.} Time illimitable, is Zoroaster's definition of Zerouane-Akherene. The depths of Satan which no man can measure; his triumph for a time by fraud ?nd violence; his being chained by an angel; his reprobation and his precipitation into a sea of metal; his names of the Serpent and the Dragon; the whole conflict of the Good Spirits or celestial armies against the bad; are so many ideas and designations found alike in the Zend-Avesta, the Kabalah, and the Gnosis. We even find in the Apocalypse that singular Persian idea,. which regards some of the lower animals as so many Devs or vehicles of Devs. The guardianship of the earth by a good angel, the renewing of the earth and heavens, and the final triumph of pure and holy men, are the same victory of Good over Evil, for which the whole Orient looked. The gold, and white raiments of the twenty-four Elders are, as in the Persian faith, the signs of a lofty perfection and divine purity. Thus the Human mind labored and struggled and tortured itself for ages, to explain to itself what it felt, without confessing it, to be inexplicable. A vast crowd of indistinct abstractions, hovering



in the imagination, a train of words embodying no tangible meaning, an inextricable labyrinth of subtleties, was the result. But one grand idea ever eillerged and stood prorninent and unchangeable over the weltering chaos of confusion. God is great, and good, and wise. Evil and pain and sorrow are temporary, and for wise and beneficent purposes. They must be consistent \vith God's goodness, purity, and infinite perfection; and there 1nustbea 1110de of explaining them, .if we could but find it out; as, in all ways we will endeavor to do. Ultimately, Good will prevail, and Evil be overthrown. God alone can do this, and He will do it, by an Emanation from Himself, assuming the Human form and redeelning the world. Behold the object, the end, the result, of the great speculations and logoll1achies of antiquity; the ultimate annihilation of evil, and restoration of Man to his ;first estate, by a Redeenler, a Masayah, a Christos, the incarnate Vlord, Reason, or Power of Deity. This Redeemer. is the Word or Logos, the Ormuzd of Zoroaster, the Ainsoph of the Kabalah, the Nous of Platonism and Philon~ ism; He that was in the Beginning with God, and was God, and by Whom everything was made. That He was looked for by all the People of the East is abundantly sho\vn by the Gospel of John and the Letters of Paul; wherein scarcely anything seemed necessary to be said in proof that such a Redeemer was to come; but all the energies of the writers are d~voted to showing that Jesus was that Christos whom all the nations were expecting; the "Word," the Masayah, the Anointed or Consecrated One. In this Degree the great contest between good and evil, in anticipation of the appearance and advent of the Word or Redeemer is symbolized; and the mysterious esoteric teachings of the Essenes and the Cabalists.. Of the practices路 of the former we gain but glimpses in the ancient writers; but we know that, as their doctrines were taught by John the Baptist, they greatly resembled those of greater purity and more nearly perfect, taught by Jesus; and that not only Palestine was full of John's disciples, so that the Priests and Pharisees did not dare to deny John's inspiration; but his doctrine had extended to Asia Minor, and had made converts in luxurious Ephesus, as' it also had in Alexandria in Egypt; and that they readily embraced the Christian faith, of which they had befo,re. not even heard. These old controversies have died away, and the old faiths have



faded into oblivion. But Masonry still survives, vigorous and strong, as when philosophy was taught in the. schools of Alexandria and under the Portico; teaching the same old truths as the Essenes taught by the shores of the Dead Sea, and as John the

Baptist preached in the Desert; truths imperishable as the Deity, and undeniable as Light. Those truths were gathered by the Essenes from the doctrines of the Orient and the Occident, from the Zend-Avesta and the Vedas, from Plato and Pythagoras, from India, Persia, Phrenicia, and Syria, from Greece and Egypt, and from the Holy Books of the]ews. Hence we are called Knights of the East and West, because their路 doctrines came from both. And these doctrines, the wheat sifted from the chaff, the Truth separated from Error, Masonry has garnered up in her heart of hearts, and through the fires of persecution, and the storms of calamity, has brought them and delivered them unto us. That God is One, immutable, unchangeable, infinitely just and good; that Light will finally overcome Darkness,-Good conquer Evil, and Truth be victor over Error ;-these, rejecting all the wild and useless speculations of the Zend-Avesta, the Kabalah, the Gnostics, and the Schools, are the religion and Philosophy of Masonry. Those speculations and fancies it is useful to study; that knowing in what worthless and unfruitful investigations the mind may engage, you may the more value and appreciate the plain, sin1ple, sublime, universally-acknowledged truths, which have in all ages been the Light by which Masons have been guided on their way; the Wisdom and Strength that like imperishable columns have sustained and will continue to sustain its glorious and magnificent




[Prince Rose Croix.] EACH of us makes such applications to his own faith and creed of the symbols and ceremonies of this Degree, as seems to hhn proper. \Vith these special interpretations \ve have here nothing to do. Like the legend of the Master .Khurum, in which some see figured the conden1nation and sufferings of Christ; others those of the unfortunate Grand Master of the Ten1plars; others those of the first Charles, King of England; and others still the annual descent of the Sun at the winter Solstice to the regions of darkness, the basis of many an ancient legend; so the ceremonies of this Degree receive different explanations; each interpreting them for himself, and being offended at the interpretation of no other. In no other way could Masonry possess its character of Universality; that character which has ever been peculiar to it ÂŁrol11 its origin; and which enables two Kings, worshippers of different Deities, to sit together as 11asters, while the ,valls of the first temple arose; and the Olen of Gebal, bowing down to the Phcenician Gods, to \vork by the side of the Hebrews to whom those Gods were abomination; and to sit with them in the same Lodge as





You have already learned that these ceremonies have one general significance, to everyone, of every faith, who believes in God, and the soul's immortality. 1~he primitive nlen l11et in no Tenlples nlade with l1ull1an hCiuds. '-"God," said Stephen, the first Martyr, "dwelleth not in Tenlples made with hands." In the open air, under the overarching- Inysterious sky, in the great World-Telnple, they uttered their vows and thanksgivings, and adored the God of Light; of that Light that was to them the type of Good, as darkness was the type of Evil. All antiquity solved the enigma of the existence of Evil, by supposing the existence of a Principle of Evil, of Demons, fallen Angels, an Ahrilnan, a Typhon, a Siva, a LokJ or a Satan, that, first falling themselves, and plunged in misery and darkness, tempted luan to his fall, and brought sin into the world. All believed in a future life, to be attained by purification and trials; in a state or successive states of reward and punishment; and in a Mediator or Redeemer, by whom the Evil Principle was to be overcome, and the Supren1e Deity reconciled to His creatures. The belief was general, that He was to be born of a Virgin, and suffer a painful death. The Indians called hinl Chrishna; the Chinese, Kioun-tse; the Persians, Sosiosch; the Chaldeans, Dhouvanai; the Egyptians, Har-Oeri; Plato, Love; and the Scandinavians, Balder. Chrishna, the Hindoa Redeemer, was cradled and educated among Shepherds. A Tyrant, at the time of his birth, ordered all the male children to be slain. He performed miracles, say his legends, even raising the dead. He washed the feet of the Brahmins, and was meek and lowly of spirit. He was born of a Virgin; descended to Hell, rose again, ascended to Heaven, charged his disciples to teach his doctrines, and gave theln the gift of miracles. The first Masonic Legislator whose memory is preserved to us by history, was Buddha, who, about a thousand years before the Christian era, reformed the religion of Manous. He called to the Priesthood all men, without distinction of caste, who felt themselves inspired by God to instruct men. Those who so associated themselves formed a Society of Prophets under the name of Sa:maneans. They recognized the existence of a single uncreated God~ in whose bosom everything grows, is developed and trans-



formed.. The worship of this God reposed upon the obedience of all the beings He created. His feasts were those of the Solstices. The doctrines of Buddha pervaded India, China, and] apan. The Priests of Brahma, professing a dark and bloody creed, brutalized by Superstition, united together against Buddhisn1" and with the aid of Despotism, exterminated its followers. But their blood fertilized the new doctrine, which produced a new Society under the name of Gymnosophists; and a large number, fleeing to Ireland, planted their doctrines there, and. there erected the round towers, some of which still stand, solid and unshaken as at first, visible monuments of the remotest ages. The PhrenicianCosmogony, like all others in Asia, was the Word of God, written in astral characters, by the planetary Divin.. ities, and communicated by the Demi-gods, as a profound mystery, to the brighter intelligences of Humanity, to be propagated by them among men. Their doctrines resembled the Ancient Sabe.. ism, and being the faith of Hiram the King and his namesake the Artist, are of interest to路 all Masons. With them, the First Principle was half material, half spiritual, a dark air, animated and impregnated by the spirit; and a disordered chaos, covered with thick darkness. From this came the WORD, and thence creation and路 generation; and thence a race of men, children of light, who adored Heaven and. its Stars. as the Supreme Being; and whose different gods were but incarnations of the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, and the Ether. Chrysor was the great igneous power of Nature, and Baal and路Malakarth representations of the Sun and Moon, the latter word, in Hebrew, meaning Queen. Man had fallen, but not by the tempting of the serpent. For, with the Phrenicians, the serpent was deemed to partake of the Divine Nature, and was sacred, as he was in Egypt. He was deemed to be immortal, unless slain by. violenc.e, becoming youag again in his old age, by entering into and consuming himself. Hence the Serpent in a circle, holding his tail in his mouth, was an emblem of eternity. With the head of a hawk he was ofa Divine Nature, and a symbol of the sun. Hence. one Sect of th~ Gnostics took him for their good genius, and hence the brazen s@rpent reared by Moses in the Desert, on which the Israelites looked and lived. "Before the chaos, that preceded the birth of Heaven wad Earth," said the Chinese. Lao~Tseu, "a sinile Being existed, im:I



mense and silent, immutable and always acting; the mother of the Universe. I know not the name of that Being, but I designate it by the word Reason. Man has his model in the earth the earth in Heaven, Heaven in Reason, and Reason in itself." "I am," says Isis, "Nature; parent of all things, the sovereign of the Elements, the primitive progeny of Time, the most exalted of the Deities, the first of the Heavenly Gods and Goddesses, the Queen of the Shades, the uniform countenance ; who dispose with my rod the numerous lights of Heaven, the salubrious breezes of the sea, and the mournful silence of the dead; .whose single Divinity the whole world venerates in many· forms, with various rites and by.tnany names. The Egyptians, skilled. in ancient lore, worship me with proper ceremonies, and call me by my true name, Isis the Queen." The Hindu Vedas thus define the Deity: uHe who surpasses speech, and through whose power speech is expressed, know thou that He is Brahma; and not these perishable things that man adores. "He whom Intelligence cannot comprehend, and He alone, say the sages, through whose Power the nature of Intelligence can be understood, know thou· that He is Brahma; and nbt these perishable things that man adores. "He who cannot be seen by the organ of sight, and through whose power the organ of seeing sees, know thou that He is Brahma; and not· these perishable things that man adores. "He who cannot be beard by the organ of hearing, and through whose power the organ of hearing hears, know thou that He is Brahma; and not these perishable things that man .adores. "He who cannot be pereeived by the organ ·0£ smelling, and through whose power the organ of smelling smells, know thou that He is Brahma; and not these p,erishable things that man adores." "When God resolved to·· create the human race/" said AriusJ "He made a Being that He' caBed The WORD, The Son, Wisdom, to the end that this Being might give existence· to rnen." This WORD is the Ormuzd-of Zoroaster, the Ainsoph of the Kabalah, the N~of Plato and Philo, the Wisdom or Demiourgos of the 'Gnostics. That is the True Word, the knowledge of which our ancient brethren sought as the' priceless reward of their ·.lalbe>,fls' iOn .·the Holy Temple: the Word of Life, the ·DivineReasOD,~'\inwhom t



was Life, and that Life the Light of men" ; "which long shone in darkness, and the darkness c0111prehended it not;" the Infinite Reason that is the Soul of Nature, immortal, of which the Word of this Degree reluinds us; and to believe wherein and revere it, is the peculiar duty of every Mason. "In the beginning," says the extract .fronl son1e older work, with which John con1111ences his Gospel, "was the Word, and the Word was near to God, and the Word was God. All things were made by HilTI, and without Him was not anything- made that was made. In Him was Life, and the life was the Light of man; and the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not contain it." It is an old tradition that this passage was froll1 an older work. And Philostorgius and Nicephorus state, that when the Emperor Julian undertook to rebuild the Temple, a stone was taken up, that covered the mouth of a deep square cave, into which one of the laborers, being let do\vn by a rope, found in the centre of the floor a cubical pillar, on which lay a roll or book, wrapped in a fine linen cloth, in which, in capital letters, was the foregoing passage. However this may have been, it is" plain that John's Gospel is a polemic against the Gnostics; and, stating at the outset the current doctrine in regard to the creation by the Word, he then addresses himself to show and urge that this vVard was Jesus Christ. And the first sentence, fully rendered into our language, would read thus: ""'lhen the process of el11anation, of creation or evolution of existences inferior to the Suprelne God began, the 'v\T ord came into existence and was: and this word was [7"PO~ TOl/@eov] near to God; i. e. the inlmediate or first emanation from God: and it was God I-limself, developed or n1anifested in that particular nlode, and in action. And by that Word everything that is was created."-And thus Tertunian says that God made the World out of nothing, by means of His Word, WisdolTI, or Power. To Philo the Jew, as to the Gnostics, the Supreme Being was the Primitive Light" or Archet)lpe of Light,-So'ltrce whence the rays emanate that illuminate Souls. He is the Soul of the Vv路orld, and as such acts everywhere. He himself fills and bounds his whole existence, and his forces fill and penetrate everything. His Image is the WORD [LOGos], a forn1 more brilliant than fire, ,vhich is not pure light. This VVORD dwells in God; for it is within His Intelligence that the Supreme Being frames for Himself the



Types of Ideas of all that is to assume reality itl the Universe. The WORD is the Vehicle by which God acts on the Universe; the World of Ideas by means whereof God has created visible things; the more Ancient God, as. c0111paredwith the Material W orId; Chief and General Representative of all Intelligences; the Archangel, type and representative of all spirits, even those of Mortals; the type of Man; the prilnitive man himself. These ideas are borrowed from Plato. And this WORD is not only the Creator ["by Him was ever'Jdht:ng made that was made"], but acts in the place of God; and through him act all the Powers and Attributes of God. And also, as first representative of the human race, he is the protector of Men and their Shepherd, the "Ben H'Adam,"¡ or Son of Man. The actual condition of Man is not his primitive condition, that in which he was the image of the Word. His unruly passions have caused him to fall from his original lofty estate. But he may rise again, by following the teachings of Heavenly Wisdom and the Angels WhCll1 God commissions to aid him in escaping from the entanglements of the body; and by fighting bravely against Evil, the existence of which God has allowed solely to furnish him with the means oi exercising his free will. tfhe Supreme Being of the Egyptians was Amun, a secret and concealed God, the Unknown Father .of the Gnostics, the Source of Divine Life, and of all force, the Plenitude of all, cOlnprehending all things in Himself, the original Light. He creates nothing; but everything emanates from Him: and all other Gods are but his Inanifestations. From Him, by the utterance of a Word, emanated Neith, the Divine Mother of all things, the Pritnitive THOUGHT, the FORet that puts everything in movement, the SPIRIT everywhere extended, the Deity of Light and Mother of the Sun. Of this Supreme Being, Osiris was the image, Source of all Good in the moral and physical world, and constant foe of Typhon, the Genius of Evil, the Satan of . Gnosticism" brute matter, deemed to be always at feud with the spirit that flowed from tbe Deity; and over whom Har-Oeri, the Redeemer, Son of Isis and Osiris, is finally to prevail. In the Zend-Avesta of the Persians the Supreme Being is Time without limit) ZERUANE AKHER~N~.-No origin could be assigned to Him; for He was enveloped in His own Glory. and t



His Nature and Attributes were so inaccessible to hun1an Intelligence, that He was but the object of a silent veneration. The com.. mencement of Creation was by emanation from Him. 路The first emanation was the Primitive Light, and from this Light emerged Ormuzd, the King of Light, who, by the vVORD, created the World in its purity, is its Preserver and Judge, a 路Holy and Sacred Be.. ing, Intelligence. and Kno\vledge, Himself tfime \vithout limit, and wielding all the powers of the Supreme Being. In this Persian faith, as taught many centuries before our era, and embodied in the Zend-Avesta, there was in man a pure Prin.. ciple, proceeding froln the Supreme Being, produced by the WiIl and Word of Ormuzd. To that was. united an impure principle, proceeding froll1 a foreign influence, that of Ahriman, the Dragon, or principle of Evil. 1'elnpted by路 Ahriman, the first Ulan and woman had fallen; and for twelve thousand years there was to be war between Ormttzd and the Good Spirits created by him, and Ahriman and the Evil ones whom he had called into existence. But pure souls are assisted by the Good Spirits, the Triumph of the Good Principle is determined upon in the decrees of the Su.. preme Being, and the period of that triumph will infallibly arrive. At the moment when the earth shall be most afflicted with .the evils brought upon it by the Spirits of perdition, three Prophets will appear to bring assistance" to mortals. Sosiosch, Chief of the Three, will regenerate the world, and restore to it its primitive Beauty, Strength, and Purity. He will judge the good and the wicked. After the universal resurrection of the Good, the pure Spirits will conduct them to an abode of eternal happiness. Ahriman, his evil Demons, and all the world, will be purified in a torrent of liquid burning metal. The Law of Ormuzd will rule everywhere: all men will be happy: all, enjoying an unalterable bliss, will unite with Sosiosch in singing the praises of the Su~ preme Being. These doctrines, with some modifications, were adopted by the Kabalists .and afterward by the Gnostics. Apollonius of Tyana says: "Vie shall render. the most appropri.. ate worship to the Deity, when to that God whom we call the First, who is One, and separate from all, and after whom we recognize the others, we present no offerings whatever, kindle to Him no fire, dedicate to Him no sensible thing; for he needs nothing, even of all that natures more exalted than ours ,could give. The



earth produces no plant, the air· nourishes no animal, there is in short nothing, which would not be impure in his sight. In addressing ourselves to Him, we must use only the higher word, that, I mean, which is not expressed by the mouth,-the silent inner word of the spirit. .... From the most· Glorious of all Beings, we must seek for blessings, by that which is most glorious in ourselves; and that is the spirit, which needs no organ." Strabo says: "This one Supreme Essence is that which embraces us aU, the water and the land, that which we call the Heavens, the World, the Nature of things. This Highest Being should be worshipped, without any visible image, in sacred groves. In such retreats the devout should lay themselves down to sleepJ and exp,ect signs from God in dreams." Aristotle says: "It has been handed down ina mythical form, from the earliest times to posterity, that there are Gods, and that The Divine compasses entire nature. All besides this has been added, after the Inythical style, for the purpose of persuading the multitude, and for the interest of the laws and the advantage of the State. Thus men have given to the Gods human forms, and even represented them under the figure of other beings, in the train of which fictions followed many more of the same sort. But if, from a-ll this, we separate the original principle, and consider it alone, namely, that the first Essences are Gods, we shall find that this has been divinely said; and since it is probable that philosophy and the arts haveheen several times, so far as that is possible, found and lost, such doctrines may have been preserved to our times as the remains of ancient wisdom." Porphyry says: "By images addressed to sense, the ancients represented God and his powers-by the visible. they typified the invisible for those who had learned to read" in these types, as in a book, a treatise on the Gods~ We need not wonder if the·ignorant consider the images to be nothing more than wood or stone ; for just so, they who are ignorant of writing see nothing in monuBl,ents but stone, nothing in tablets but wood, and' in books but a tissue of papyrus." Apollonius of Tyana held,. that birth and death are only ~n appearance; that which separates itself from the one substanc,e (the one Divine essence), and is· caught up by Inatter, seems to be· born ; fuat, again, which· releases itself from the bonds oJ· matt~r, ···and is I.sited with th·e one Divm!e Essence, seems to die. ,·~rh:eFe;·is,a~



most, an alteration between becolning visible and becoming invisible. In all there is, properly speaking, but the one essence, which alone acts and suffers, by becoming all things to all; the Eternal God, whom men wrong, when. they deprive Hiln of what properly can be attributed to Him only, and transfer it to othet names and persons. The New Platonists substituted the idea of the Absolute, £01 the Supreme Essence itself ;-as the first, SilTIplest principle, anterior to all existence; 0 f which nothing deterlninate can be predi~ cated; to which no consciousness, no self-contenlplation can be ascribed; inasmuch as to do so, would in1n1ediately inlply a qual.. ity, a distinction of subject and object. 'fhis Supretne Entity can be known only by an intellectual intuition of the Spirit, trans.. scending itself, and emancipating itself frOln its own limits. This mere log;caltendency, by nleans of which men thought to arrive at the conception of such an absolute, the ov, was united with a certain n1y.:;ticislTI, which, by a transcendent state of feeling, communicated, 'as it were, to this abstraction what the Inind would receive as a reality. 1~he absorption of the Spirit into that superexistence ("to EJtE'X€LVa. t"il~ O'ucr(a~), so as to be entirely identified with it, or such a revelation of the latter to the spirit raised above itself, was regarded as the highest end which the spiritual life could reach. The New Platonists' idea of God, was that of One Sin1ple Original Essence, exalted above all plurality and all becoll1ing; the only true Being; unchangeable, eternal [El:; rov EVL vUv ~






" . ,






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from whom all Existence in its several gradations has emanatedthe world of Gods, as nearest akin to Hinlself, being first, and at the head of all. In these Gods, that perfection, vvhich in the Supreme Essence was inclosed and unevolved, is expanded and becomes knowable. They serve to exhibit in different fornls the image of thatSuprenle Essence, to which no soul can rise,· except by the loftiest flight of contetnplation; and after it has rid itself from all that pertains to sense-froll1 a11111anifoldness. They are mediators between man (an1azed and stupefied by n1anifoldness) and the Suprenle Unity. Philo says: "He vvho disbelieves the ll1iraculousJ Sill1ply as the nliraculous, neither knovvs God, nor has he ever sought after Him; for otherwise he would have understood, by looking at that truly



great and awe-inspiring sight, the miracle of the Universe, that these miracles (in God's providential guidance of His people) are but child's play for the Divine Power. But the truly nliraculous has beconle despised through fatlliliarity. 1\he universal, on the contrary, although in itself insignificant, yet, through our love of novelty, transports us with amazenlent." In opposition to the anthropopathisnl of the Jewish Scriptures, the Alexandrian Jews endeavored to purify the idea of God from all admixture of the Human.. By the exclusion of every hUlnan passion, it was sublitnated to a sonlething devoid of all attributes, and wholly transcendental; and the nlere Being [ov], the Good, in and by itself, the Absolute of Platonisln, was substituted for the personal Deity [inn"] of the Old Testament. By soaring upward, beyond all created existence, the mind, disengaging itself fronl the Sensible, attains to the intellectual intuition of this Ab.solute Being; of \VhOIn, however, it can predicate nothing- but existence, and sets aside all other detern1inations as not answering to the exalted nature of the Suprelne Essence. Thus Philo 111akes a distinction between those who are in the proper sense Sons of God, having by means of contetnplation raised themselves to the highest Being, or attained to a knowledge of HitTI, in His inl111ediate self-manifestation, and those who know God only in his ll1ediate revelation through his operation-such as He declares Himself in creation-in the revelation still veiled in the letter of Scripture-those, in short, "rho attach then1selves sin1ply to the Logos, and consider this to be the Supreme God; who are the sons of the Logos, rather than of the True Being,

(oJ!) "God," says Pythagoras, "is neither the object of sense, nor passion, but invisible, only intelligible, and supremely intelligent. In His body I-Ie is like the light, and in His soul He resembles truth. He is the universal spirit that pervades and diffuseth itself over all nature. All beings receive their life from Him. There is but one only God, who is not, as sonle are apt to imagine, seated above the world, beyond the orb of the Universe; but being Himself all in all, He sees all the beings that fill His imnlensity; the only Principle, the Light of Heaven, the Father of all. He produces everything~' He Drdersand disposes everything; He is the REASON} the LIFE, and the MOTION of all being." "I atn the LIGHT of the world; he that followeth Me shall not walk in DARKNItsS, but shall have the ~IGHT Oli'o ~IF~." SO said



the Founder of the Christian Religion, as His words are reported by John the Apostle. God, say the sacred writings of the Jews, appeared to Moses in a FLAME OF FIRE, in the midst of a bush, which was not consumed. He descended upon Mount Sinai, as the smoke of a furnace)· He went before the children of Israel, by day, in a pillar of cloud, and, by night, in a pillar of fire, to give them light. "Call you on the name of your Gods," said Elijah the Prophet to the Priests of Baal, "and I will call upon the name of AnoNAI; and the God that answereth by fire~ let him be God." According to the Kabalah, as according to the· doctrines of Zoroaster, everything that exists has emanated from a source of infinite light. Before all things, existed the Primitive B einq} THn1 ANCIENT OF DAYS, the Ancient King of Light; a title the more remarkable, because it is frequently given to the Creator in the Zend-Avesta, and in the Code of the Sabeans, and occurs in the Jewish Scriptures. The world was His Revelation, God revealed; and subsisted only in Him. His attributes were there reproduced with various modifications and in different degrees; so that the Universe was His Holy Splendor" His Mantle. He was to be silence; and perfection consisted··in a nearer approach ·to Him. B,efore the creation of worlds, the PRIMITlvt LIGHT filled aU space, so that there was no void. When the Supreme Being, existing in this Light, resolved to display His perfections, or mani.. fest them in worlds, He withdrew within Himself, formed around Him a void space"and shot forth His first emanation, a ray of light; the cause and principle of everything that exists, uniting both the generative:and conceptive power, which penetrates every" thing, and without which nothing could subsist for an instant. Man fell, seduced by the Evil Spirits most remote from the Great King of Light ; those of the fourth world of spirits, Asiah, whose chief was Belial. They wage incessant war against the pure· Intelligences of the other worlds, who, like the Amshaspands, Izeds, and Ferouers of the Persians are the tutelary guardian.s o~ man. In the beginning, aU was. unison arid harmony; full of the same divine light .and perfect purity. The Seven Kings. of Evil fell, and the Universe was troubled. Then the Creator took from the Seven Kings the principles of Good and of Light, and divided them among the foup woplds of Spirits, giving ·to the first three



the Pure Intelligences, united in love and harmony, while to the fourth were vouchsafed only some feeble glimmerings of light. When the strife between these and 'the good angels shall have continued the appointed time, and these Spirits enveloped in darkn:ess shall long and in vain have endeavored to absorb the Divine light and life, then will the Eternal. Himself come to correct them: He will deliver them from the ,gross envelopes of matter that hold tbem captive, will re-animate and strengthen the ray of light or spiritual nature which they have preserved, and re-establish tbroughout the Universe that primitive Harmony which was its Bliss. Marcion, .the Gnostic, said, "The Soul of the True Christian; adopted as a child by the Supreme Being, to WhOll1 it has long been a stranger, receives from Him the Spirit and Divine life. It is led and confirmed, by this gift, in a pure and holy life, like that q>:f God; and if it so completes its earthly career, in charity, chastity, and sanctity, it will one day he disengaged from its mat.erial envelope, as the ripe grain is detached fronl the stra\v, and as the young bird escapes from its shell. Like the angels, it will share in the bliss of the Good and P~rfect Father, re-clothed in an aerial body or organ, and made like unto the Angels in Heaven." You see, my brother, what is the meaning of Masonic "Light." You see why the EAST of the Lodge, where the initial1etter of the Name of the Deity overhangs the Master, is the place of Light. Light, as contradistinguished. from dar~ness, is Good, as contradis~j,aguished from Evil: and it is that Light, the true knowledge of p,eity, the Eternal Good, for which Masons in all ages have sought. Still Masonry marches steadily onward toward that Light that shiRes in the great distance, the Light of that day when Evil, ~wercon1e and vanquished, shalt fade away and disappear forever, ~1lllci Life and Light be the one law of the Universe, and its eternal

Harll1ony. tfhe Degree of Rose tie teaches three things ;-tlleunity, in1flilt1tability and goodness of God; the itnmortality of toe Soul; ultimate defeat and extinction of evil and wrong and sorby a Redeemer or Messiah,路yet to come, if he has notalready ~ppeared. _ It replaces the three pillars of the old Temple, with tll1;ee that brave already been explained to you,-Faith [in God, mallki'nd, and _n's路 self], Hope [in the. victory over evil. the adViau(ement of



Humanity, and a hereafter], and Charity [relieving the wants. and tolerant of the errors and faults of others]. To be trustful, to be hopeful, to be indulgent; these, in an age of selfishness, of ill opinion of hun1an nature, of harsh and bitter judgn1ent, are the most important Masonic Virtues, and the true supports of every Masonic Telnple. And they are the old pillars of the Temple under different nalnes. For he only is wise who judges others charitably; he only is strong who. is hopeful; and there is no beauty like a firm faith in God, our fello\vs and ourself. The second apartment, clothed in mourning, the colun1ns of the Telnple shattered and prostrate, and the brethren bowed down in the deepest dej ection, represents the world under the tyranny of the Principle of Evil; \vhere virtue is persecuted and vice rewarded; where the righteous starve for bread, and the wicked live sumptuously and dress in purple and fine linen; where insolent ignorance rules, and learning and genius serve; where King and Priest trample on liberty and the rights of conscience; where freedom hides in caves and mountains, and sycophancy and servility fawn and thrive; where the cry of the widow and the orphan starving for want of ~ood, and shivering with cold, rises ever to Heaven, from a million miserable hovels; where men, willing to labor, and starving,路 they and their children and the wives of their bosoms, beg plaintively for vvorK, when the pampered capitalist stops his mills; where the law punishes her who, starving, steals a loaf, and lets the seducer go free; where the success of a party justifies murder, and violence and rapine go unpunished; and where he who with many years' cheating and grinding the faces of the poor grows rich, receives office and honor in life, and after death brave funeral and a splendid mausoleum :-this world, where, since its making, war has never ceased, nor man paused in the sad task of torturing and murdering his brother; and of which ambition, avarice, envy, hatred, lust" and the rest of Ahriman's and Typhon's army make a Pandemonium: this world, sunk in sin, reeking with baseness, clarTIorous with sorrow and misery. If any see in it also a type of the sorrow of the Craft for the death of Hiram, the grief of the J ewsat the fall of Jerusalem, the misery of the Templars at the ruin of their order and the death of De Molay, or the world's agony and pangs of woe at the death of the Redeemer, it is the right of each to do so. 1'he third apartn1ent represents the consequences of sin and



vice, and the hell n1ade of the hUll1an heart, by its fiery passions.

If any see in it also a type of the Hades of the Greeks, the Gehenna of the Hebrews, the 'rartarusof the Romans, or the Hell of the Christians, or onI y of the agonies of relTIOrSe and the tortures of an upbraiding conscience, it is the right of each to do so. The fourth apartment represents the Universe, freed fronl the insolent dominion and tyranny of the Principle of Evil, and brilliant with the true Light that flows froin the Supreme Deity; when sin and wrong, and pain and sorrow, remorse and misery shall be no more forever; when the great plans of Infinite Eternal VVisdon1 shall be fully developed; and all God's creatures, seeing that all apparent evil and individual suffering and wrong were but the drops that went to swell the great river of infinite goodness, shall know that vast as is the power of Deity, His goodness and beneficence are infinite as His power. If any see in it a type of the peculiar mysteries of any faith or creed, or an allusion to any past occurrences, it is their right to do so. Let each apply its symbols as he pleases. To all of us they typify the universal rule of Masonry,-of its路three chief virtues" Faith, Hope and Charity; of brotherly love and universal benevolence. We labor here to no other end. These symbols need no other interpretation. The obligations of our Ancient Brethren of the Rose were to fulfill all the duties of friendship, cheerfulness, charity, peace, liberality, tenlperance and chastity: and scrupu1.ously to avoid impurity, haughtiness, hatred, anger, and every. other kind of vice. 1\hey took their philosophy frotTI the old 1'heology of the Egyptians, as Moses and Solomon had done, and borrowed its hieroglyphics and the ciphers of the Hebrews. Their principal rules were, to exercise the profession of Inedicine charitably and without fee, to advance the cause of virtue, enlarge the sciences, and induce men to live as in the primitive tilnes of the world. When this Degree had its origin, it is not important to inquire; nor with what different rites it has been 'practised in different countries and at various times. It is of very high antiquity. Its ceremonies differ with the degrees of .latitude and longitude, and it receives variant interpretations. If we were to examine all the different ceremonials, their enlblelns, and their forn1ulas, we should see that all that belongs to the pritnitive and essential elements of the order, -is respected in every sanctuary. All alike practise virtue" that it may produce fruit. All labor" like us" for the ex-




tirpation of vice, the purification of man, the development of the arts and sciences, and the relief of humanity. None admit an adept to their lofty philosophical knowledge, and mysterious sciences, until has been purified at the altar of the symbolic Degrees. Of what importance are differences路of opinion as to the age and genealogy of the Degree, or variance in the practice, ceremonial and liturgy, or the shade of color of the banner under which each tribe of Israel marched, if all revere the Holy Arch of the symbolic Degrees, first and unalterable source of FreeMasonry; if all revere our conservative principles, and are with us in the great purposes of our organization? If, anywhere, brethren of a particular religious belief have been excluded from this Degree, it merely shows how gravely the purposes and plan of Masonry maybe misunderstood. For whenever the door of any Degree is closed against him who believes in one God and the soul's immortality, on account of the other tenets of his faith, that Degree is Masonry no longer. No Mason has the right to interpret the symbols of this Degree for another, or to refuse him its mysteries, if he will not take thetTI with the explanation and commentary superadded. Listen, my brother, to 01ltY explanation of the symbols of the D!egree, and then give them such further interpretation as you think fit. TheCroS'shas been a sacred symbol from the earliest Antiquity. It is found upon all the enduring monuments of the world, in Egypt, in Assyria, in Hindostan, in Persia, and on the Buddhist towers of Ireland. Buddha was said to have died upon it. The Druids cut an oak into its shape and held it sacred, and built their temples in that form. Pointing to the four quarters of the world, it was the symbol of universal nature. It was on a cruciform tree, that Chrishna was said to have expired, pierced with arrows. It was revered in Mexico. But its peculiar meaning in路 this Degree, is that given to it by the Ancient Egyptians. Thoth or Phtha is represented on the old.. est monuments carrying in his hand the Crux Ansata'J or Ankh, [a Tau cross, with a ring or circle over it]. He is so seen on the double tablet of Shufu and Noh Shufu, builders of the greatest of the Pyramids, at Wadv Meghara, in the peninsula of Sinai. It was the hieroglyphic for life, and with a triangle prefixed meant lifegiving. To us therefore it is the symbol of Life~f that life




that emanated from the Deity, and of that Eternal Life for which we all hope; through our faith in God's infinite goodness. The ROSE was anciently sacred to Aurora and the Sun. It is a symbol of Dawn, of the resurrection of Light and the renewal

of life, and therefore of the dawn of the first day, and more particularly of the resurrection: and the Cross and Rose together are therefore hieroglyphically to be read, the Dawn of Eternal Life which all Nations have hoped for by the, advent of a R'edeemer. 'rhe Pelican feeding her young is an emblem of the large and bountiful beneficence of. Nature, of the Redeemer of fallen man, and of that humanity and charity that ought to distinguish a K.Right of this Degree. The Eagle was the living Symbol of the Egyptian God Mendes or Menthra, whom Sesostris-Ramses made one with Amun-Re, the God of Thebes and Upper Egypt, and the representative of the Sun, the word' RE meaning Sun or King. ''fheCompass surmounted with a crown signifies that notwithstanding the high rank attained in Masonry by a Knight of the Rose Croix, equity and impartiality are invariably to govern his conduct. To the word INRI, inscribed on the Crux Ansata over the Master's Seat, many meanings !:lave been assigned. The Christian Initiate reverentially sees in it the initials of the inscription. upon the cross on which Christ suffered-Ies~ts Nazarenus Rex Iudceorum. The sages of Antiquity connected it with one of the greatest Siecrets of Nature, that of universal regeneration. They interpre~ed it thus, I gne Natura renovatur integra.; [entire nature is Jietlovated by fire] : The Alchetnical or Hermetic Masons framed for it this aphorisn1, I gne nitrum roris invenitur. And the JeSruifsare. charged with having applied to it this odious axionl, J~tum necare reges impios. The four letters are the initials of ilie Hebrew words that represent the four elements-Iammint, the ,seas or water; N our, fire; Rouach, the air, and I ebeschah, the dry earth. How we read it, I need not repeat to YOt1 • . ,The CROSS, X, was the Sign of the Creative Wisdom or Logos, the Son of God. Plato says, "He expressed him upon the Univet'se in the figure of the letter X. The next Power to theSup,~~meGodwas decussated or figured in the¡ shape of aCross on the Universe." Mithras signed his soldiers on the forehead with a



Cross. X is the' nlark of 600, the mysterious cycle of the Incarnations.

We constantly see the Tau and the Resh united thusf'. These two letters, in the old Samaritan, as found in Arius" stand, the first for 400, the second for 200=600. rrhis is the Staff of Osiris, also, and his 1110nogram, and \vas adopted by the Christians as a Sign. On a nledal p of Constantius is this inscription, "In hoc signa "?'ictar eris ~ ." An inscription in the Duomo at JVlilan JJ reads, "X. · et p. Christi. Nomina. Sancta. Tenei. The Egyptians used as a Sign of their God Canobus, a or a indif£erentl~r. The Vaishnavas of India have' also the sanle Sacred Tau, which they also mark \\rith Crosses, thus ~, and with triangles, thus, The vesttnents of the priests of Horus were covered with these Crosses So was the dress..L ·of the Lama of Thibet. The Sectarian marks of the Jains are\:.·· The distinc-






tive badge of the Sect of Xac ]aponicus is!:L..:J. ItistheSign of Fa, identical with the Cross of Christ. LW On the ruins of Mandore, in India, among other mystic ~ emblenls, are the mystic triangle, and the interlaced triangle, 4v6, This is also found on ancient coins and medals, excavated from the ruins of Oojein and other ancient cities of India. You entered here amid gloom and into shadow, and are clad in the apparel of sorrow. Lament, with us, the sad condition of the Human race, in this vale of tears! the calamities of men and the agonies of nations! the darkness of the bewildered soul, oppressed by doubt and apprehension! There is no hun1an soul that is not sad at times. There is no thoughtful soul that does not at times despair. There is perhaps none, of all that think at all of anything beyond the needs and in.. terests of the body, that is not at times startled and terrified by the a\vfuI questions which,feeling as though it were a guilty thing for doing so, it \vhispers to itself in its inmost depths. Some DelTIOn seems to torture it with doubts, and to crush it \tvith despair, asking \vhether, after all, it is certain that its convictions are true, and its faith well founded: whether it is indeed sure that a God of Infinite Love and Beneficence rules the Universe, or only SOll1e great reITIorseless Fate and iron Necessity, hid in impenetrable gIoot11, and to \vhich n1en and their sufferings and sorrows, their hopes and joys, their an1bitions and deeds, are of no more interest or importance than the n10tes that dance in the sunshine; or a



Being that amuses Himself witb:the i,ncredible vanity and folly, the writhings and contortions qf the insignificant insects that compose Humanity, and idly imCl:gine that they resemble the Omnipotent. "What are we," the .1"empter asks, "but puppets in a show-box? 0 Omnipotent desti!1Y, pull our strings gently! Dance us mercifully off our nliserabl~, little stage 1" "Is it not," the Demon whispers, "merely the inordinate vanity of man that causes him now to pretend to himself that he is like unto God in intellect, sympathies and passions, as it was that which, at the beginning, made hipl believe that he was, in his bodily shape and organs, the very image qf the Deity? Is not his God merely his own shadow, p~oject~~ ip gig~ntic outlines upon the clouds? Does he not create for hjJ~jll:$elf a .God out of himself, by merely adding indefinite extensi~~ "to his own faculties, po~'ers, and passions?" "Who," the Voice that will not be always silent whispers, "has ever thoroughly satisfied himselJ with his own arguments in respect to ,his own nature? Who ~楼e~ demonstrated to himself, with a conclusiveness that elevated tgebelief to certainty, that he was an immortal spirit, dwelling only~.te~P9ra~ily in the house and envelope of the body, and to live 00 forever after that shall have decayed? Who ever has demonstrated or ever can demonstrate that the intellect of Man differ~"-f~om that of the wiser animals, otherwise than in degree? Who has ever 'done more than to u~ter nonsense and incoherencies in ,regard to路. the difference bet"v~en the instincts of the dog and the r~ason of ~Man? The horse, 'the aog, the elephant, are as of their identity as we are. They think, dream, remember, argue with themselves, devise, plan, and reason. What is the \~tellect and intelligence of the man but the intellect of the animal in a higher degree or . larger quantity?" In the real explanation of a single thought of a dog, all metaphysics will be condensed. And with still more terrible significance, the Voice asks" in what respect the masses of nlen, the vast swarms of the' human race, have proven themselves either wiser or better than the 'aninlals in whose eyes a higher intelligence shines than in their dull, uninteIIectual orbs; in what respect they have proven themselves worthy of or suited for an in11110rtal life. Would that be a prize of any value to the vast 111ajority?~ Do they show, here upon earth, any capacity to improve, any fitness for a state of existence in which



they could not crouch' to power, like hounds dreadlng'the lash, or tyrannize 'over defenceless weakness;in which they could not hate,

and p'ersecute, and torture, and exterminate; in which they could not trade, and speculate, and over-reach, and entrap the unwa.ry and cheat the confiding and gamble and thrive, and sniff with selfrighteousness at the short-comings of others, and thank God that they were not like other men? What, to immense numbers of men, would be the value of a Heaven\vherethey could not lie and libel; and ply base avocations for profitable" returns? Sadly we look around us" and read the gloomy and dreary records of the old dead and rotten ages. More than eighteen centuries have staggered away into the spectral realm of the Past, since Christ, teaching the Religion of Love, was crucified, that it might become a Religion of Hate; and His Doctrines are not 'yet even nominally accepted as true by a fourth of mankind. Since His death, what incalculable swarms of human beings have lived and died in total unbelief of all that we deem essential to Salvation! What multitudinous myriads of souls, since the darkness of idolatrous superstition settled down, thick' and impenetrable, upon the earth, have flocked up toward the eternal Throne of God, to receive. His judgment? The Religion of Love proved to be, for seventeen longcen.. turies, as much the Religion of Hate,and infinitely more the Religion of Persecution, than Mahometanism, its unconquerable rival. Heresies grew up before the Apostles di.ed; and God hated the Nicolaitans, while John, at Patmos,proclaimed His. coming wrath. Sects wrangled, and each, as it gained the power, persecnted the other, until tbe soH of the whole Christian world was watered with the blood, and fattenecl on the flesh, and whitened with the bones, of martyrs, and human, ingenuity was' taxed to its utmost to invent new modes by which torture's" and agonies could be prolonged and made more exquisite. "By what right,'}' whispers the Voice, "does this savage, merciless, persecuting anima-I, to which the sufferings and writhings of others of its w retch ecl kind }" futnishthe "most pleasurable sensations, and the mass of which care only to ea.t, sleep, be clothed, and wallow in sensual pleasures, and the best of which wrangle, hate, envy, and, with few exceptions, regard their o\vn interests alone,-with what right does it endeavor to delude itself into the convic tion that it is not'an animal, as 'the walf t the hyena, and thetiget w



are, but a somewhat nobler,. a spirit destined to be immortal, a spal;k of the essential Light, Fire and Reason, which are God? Wllat other immortality than one of selfishness could this creature ,enjQy?Of what other is it capable? Must not immortality commence here and is not lif~ a part of it? How shall death change the base nature of the base soul? Why have not those other animals that only faintly imitate the wanton, savage, human cruelty and thirst for blood, the same right as man has, to expect a resur~~tion'and anEternityofexisteq.ce, ora Heaven of Love? The world improves. :Man.ceases to persecute,-when' the persecttted'Q,ecotne too numerous and strong, longer to submit to it. That source· of pleasure closed, men exercise the ingenuities of their cruelty on the animals and other living things below them. To;deprive other creatures of the life which God gave thetn, and tilis,not only that we may eat their flesh for food, but out of mere saV',age wantonness, is the agreeable. employment and a1l1USement of man, who prides himself on being the Lord of Creation, and a little lower than the Angels. If he can no longer use the rack, the gihbet, the pincers, and the stake, he can hate, and slander, (iRQ,. delight 'in the thought. .·that he will, hereafter, luxuriously ~njQ~ing the sensual beatitudes of Heaven, see with pleasure the writhing' a:gonies of those justly damned for daring to hold opinions 'contrary to his own, upon subj ects totally beyond the. comprehension both of them and him. Whftte the arlnies of the despots cease to slay and rava~e, tbe al~es of "Freedonl" take their place, and, the black and white qOqJ.mingled, slaughter and burn and ·ravish. Each age re-enacts the crimes as well as the follies of its predecessors, and still war l~ceJJses outrage and turns fruitful lands into deserts, and God. is thanked in the Churches for bloody butcheries., and the relnorsel~ss devastators, even when swollen by plunder, are crowned with laurels and receive ovations. Of the whole of mankind, not one in ten thousand has anyaspi~~tions beyond the daily needs of the gross animal life. In this ~gean.d in all others, all men except a few, in most countries, are born to be mere beasts of burden, co-laborers with thenorsie:··and the ox. Profoundly ignorant, even in "civilized" lands, they think and reason like the animals by the side of which they toil. For them, God, Soul, Spirit, Immortality, are mere words, without any teal meaning. ···'The God of nineteen-twentieths of the Christian



world is only Bel, Moloch, Zeus, or at best Osiris, Mithras, or Adonai, under another nallle, worshipped with the old Pagan ceremonies and ritualistic forlnulas. It is the Statue of OIYlupian Jove, worshipped as the Father, in the Christian Church that was a Pagan rren1ple ; it is the Statue of Venus, become the Virgin Mary. For the Inost part, nlen do not in their hearts believe that God is either just or merciful. They fear and shrink from His lightnings and dread His wrath. For the nlost part, they only think they believe that there is another life, a judgment, and a punishlnent for sin. Yet they will hone the less persecute as Infidels and Atheists those who do not believe what they thetnselves imagine they believe, and which yet they do not believe, because it is incomprehensible to thenl in their ignorance and want of intellect. To the vast majority of mankind, God is but the reflected inlage, in infinite space, of the earthly Tyrant on his Throne, only more powerful, more inscrutable, and more implacable. To curse Humanity, the Despot need only be, what the popular mind has, in every age, imagined God. In the great cities, the lower strata of the populace are equally without faith and without hope. The others have, for the most part, a mere blind faith, imposed by education and circumstances, and not as productive of moral excellence or even common honesty as Mohammedanism. '''Your property will be safe here," said the Moslem; "There are no Christians here." The philosophical and scientific world becomes daily more and more unbelieving. Faith and Reason are not. opposites, in equilibrium; but antagonistic and hostile to each other; the result being the darkness and despair of scepticism: avowed, or half-veiled as rationalism. Over more than three-fourths of the habitable globe, humanity still kneels, like the camels, to take upon itself the burthens to be tamely borne for its tyrants. If a Republic occasionally rises like a Star, it hastens with all speed to set in blood. The kings need not make war upon it, to c~ush it out of their way_ It is only necessary to let ifalone, anefit soon lays violent hands upon itself. And when a people long enslaved shake off its fetters" it may well be incredulously asked, Shall the braggart shout For some Qlind glimpse of Freedom, link itself. Through madness, hated by the wise, to law. "S1stem and -Empire?



Everywhere in the world labor is, in some shape, the slave of capital; generally, a slave to be fed only so long as he can work;

or, rather, only so long as his work is profitable to the owner of the human chattel. There are famines in Ireland,. strikes and starvation in England, pauperism and tenement-dens in New York, misery, squalor, ignorance, destitution, the brutality of vice and the insensibility to shame, of despairing beggary, in all the human cesspools and sewers everywhere. Here, a sewing-woman famishes and freezes; there, mothers murder their children, that those spared may'live upon the bread purchased with the burial allowances of the dead starveling; and at the next door young girls prostitute themselves for food. Moreover, the Voice says, this besotted race is not satisfied with seeing its multitudes swept away by the 'great epidemics whose causes are unknown, and of the justice or wisdom of which the human mind cannot conceive. It must also be ever at war. There has not been a moment since men divided into Tribes, when all the world was at peace. Always men have been engaged in ~ur足 dering each other somewhere. Always the armies have lived by the toil of the husbandman, and war has exhausted the re~purces, wasted the energies, and ended the prosperity of'Nations. Now it loads unborn' posterity with crushing debt, mor'tgages all estates, and brings upon States the shame and infamy of dishonest repudiation. At times, the baleful fires of war light up half a Continent at once; as when all the Thrones unite to compel a people to receive a;gain a hated and detestable dynasty, or States deny States the right to dissolve an irksome union and create for themselves a separate government. Then again the flan1es flicker and die away, and the fire smoulders in its ashes, to break out again, after a time, with renewed and a more concentrated fury. At times~ the storm, revolving, howls over small areas only; at times its lights are seen, like the old beacon-fires on the hills, belting the whole globe. No sea, but hears the roar of cannon; no river, but runs ted with blood; no plain, but shakes, -trampled by the hoofs of charging squadrons; no field, but is fertilized by the blood of toe dead; and everywhere man slays, the vulture gorges, and the wolf bowls in the ear of the dying soldier. No city is not tortured J.>r shot and shell; and no people fail to enact the horrid blasphemy of thanking a God of Love for victories and carnage. Te



Deums are· still sung for the Eve of St. Bartholomew and the Sicilian Vespers. Man's ingenuity is racked} and all his inventive powers are tasked, to fabricate· the infernal enginery of destruc.. tion, by which human bodies may be the moreexpeditiollsly and effectually crushed, shattered, torn, and mangled; and yet hypo.. critical Humanity, drunk with blood and drenched with gore, shrieks to Heaven at a single murder, perpetrated to gratify are.. venge not luore unchristian, or to satisfy a cupidity not more ignoble, than those which are the promptings of the Devil in the souls of Nations. When we have fondly dreamed .of Utopia. and the Millennium, when we have begun almost to believe that man is not, after all, a tiger half tamed, andihatthe smell of blood will not wake the s~v­ age within him, we are of a sudden startled from the delusive dream, to find the thin mask of civilization rent in twain Pond thrown contemptuously away. We lie down to sleep, 1i~e the peasant on the lava-slopes of Vesuvius. The mountain. has been S0 long inert, that we believe its fires extinguished. Round,ushang the clustering grfLpes, and the green leaves of the, olive ,tretnblein the soft night-air over us. Above us shine the peac.eful, patient stars. The crash of a new eruption wakes us, the r9ar of the sub.. terranean thunders, the stabs .0£ the volcanic lightning into the shrouded bosom of the sky; and we see, aghast, the tortured Titan hurling up its fires among the pale stars" its great tree of smoke and cloud, the red torrents pouring down its sides. The roar and the shriekings of Civil War are cll1 around us : th~ land is a pande.. monium: man is again a Savage. The great armies roll along thei:f hideous waves, and .leave behind· them smoking and depopulated deserts. The pillager is in every house, plucking even the morsel of bread from the lips of the .• starving child. Gray hairs are dabbled in blood, and innocent girlhood. shrieks in vain to Lust foti mercy. Laws, Court&, Constitutions,Christianity, Mercy, Pit1, disappear. God seems to have abdicated, and 1Ioloch to reign d:J! His stead; while Pr~Sis:and Pulpit alike exult at universal murder~ and urge the extermination of the Conquered, by· the s'ward and the flaming torch; ·andtoplu,nder and murder entitles the humaa beasts of prey to thetbanks of .Christian Senates. Commercial greed deadens the nerves of sympathy. of Nations, and makes them deaf to the demands of honor, the .impulses or generosity, the appeals of those who suffer under injustice. Else.. where, the universal pursuit of wealth dethrones God and pays



honors to Mammon and. Baalzebub. Selfishness rules supreme: to win wealth becomes the whole business of life. The viIlanies of legalized gaming and speculation becOlne epidemic; keacl1ery is but evidence of shrewdness; office becomes the prey of successful faction; the Country, like Actreon, is torn by its own l1ounds, and the villains it has carefully educated to their trade, most greedily plunder it, when it is in extremis. By what right, the Voice 'demands, does a creature always en~ged in the work of mutual robbery and slaughter, and who xpakes his own interest his God, claim to be of a nature superior to. the savage beasts of which he' is the prototype? Then the shadows of a horrible 'doubt fall upon the soul that wo1:1ld fain love, trust and believe; a darkness, of which this that s'ttrrounded you was a symboL ',It doubts the truth of Revelation, its own spirituality, the very existence of a beneficent God. It asks itself if it is not idle to hope for any great progress of ijuUl,anity toward perfection,andwhetl1er, when it advances in ~nerespect, it does. not retrogress in some other, by way of compensation: whether advance in civilization is not increase of selfi~ess: whether freedou1 does not necessarily lead to lice,nse and ,~a,rchy : whether the destitution and. debasement of the masses does. not inevitably follow increase of population and commercial ~~manufacturing prosperity. It asks itself whether man is not jhesport of a blind, merciless Fate: whether all philosophies are not. d..elusions, and all religions the fantastic creations of human 짜~i,ty and self-conceit; and, above all, whet~er,l when Reason is,doned as a guide, the faith of Buddhist and Brahmin has not 짜a~same claims to sovereignty and implicit, unreasoning credence, ~p ;CUlY otl1er. ,He asks himself whether not, after all, the evident and palp~f~e injustices of this life, the'success and prosperity of the Bad, ~e,calamities, oppressions, and.mi~,eries of the Good, that are the 8;as:es of all beliefs in a future state of existence? Doubting man's &ap' for indefinite progres~ here, he doubts the possibility of it a..t!J.Jwhere; and if he does not doubt whether God exists, and is tjWcl. beneficent, he at least cannot silence the constantly recur'~a~whisper, that the miseries.. and c~.1atnitiesof menJ th,eir;lives (l;1l'Q.' deaths, their pains and sorrows, their exterminatio~'by war ~tl;~ epid~ics, are phenomena,pf "no higher dignity, Stt,gpifi.,cance, anti importance, in the eye of God, thaq whattblngs.qf,the sam~ nature occur to other organisms of matter; and that the fish of



the ancient seas, destroyed by myriads to n1ake room for other species, the contorted shapes in which they are found as fossils testi fying to their agonies; the coral insects, the animals and birds and vermin slain by man, have as much right as he to clamor at the injustice of the dispensations of God, and to demand an immortality of life in路 a new universe, as compensation for their pains and sufferings and untimely death in this world. This is not a picture painted by the imagination. Many a thoughtful mind has so doubted and despaired. How many of us can say that our own faith is'~o well grounded and complete that we never hear those painful whisperings within the soul? Thrice blessed are they who never douht~ who ruminate in patient contentment like the kine,or doze tinder the opiate ofa blind faith; on whose souls never rests that Awful Shadow which is the absence of the Divine Light. To explain to themselves the existence of Evil and' Suffering, the Ancient Persians imagined that there were two Principles or Deities in the Universe, the one of Good and the other of Evil, constantly in conflict with each other in struggle for the mastery, and alternately overcoming and overcome. Over both" for the SAGES, was the One Supreme; and for them Light was in the end to prevail over Darkness, the Good over the Evil, and even Ahriman and his Demons to part with their wicked and vicious natures and share the universal Salvation. It did not occur to them that the existence of the Evil Principle, by the consent of the Omnipotent Supreme, presented the same difficulty, and left the existence of 'Evil as unexplained as b.bfore. The human n1ind is always content, if it can remove difficulty a step further off. It cannot believe that the world rests on nothing, but is devoutly content when taught that it is borne on the back of an imn1ense elephant, who himself stands on the back of a tortoise. Given the tortoise, Faith is always satisfied.; and it has been a great source of happiness to multitudes' that they could believe in a Devil who could relieve God of the odium of being the Author of Sin. But not to all is Faith sufficient to overCOlne this great difficulty. They say, with the Suppliant, "Lord! 1 believe!"-but like hinl they are constrained to add, "Help Thou my unbelief r"-Reason Inust, for these, co-operate and coincide with Faith, or they remain still in the darkness of doubt,-most ll1iserable of all conditions of the human mind.




Those, aIlly, who care for nothing beyond the interests and pursuits of. this life, are uninterested in these great Problems. The animals, also, do not consider them. It is the characteristic of an inlmortal Soul, that it should seek to satisfy itself of, its immortality, and to understand this great enigma, the Univer~e. If t~e Hottentot and the Papuan are not troubled and tortured by these doubts and speculations, they are not, for that, to be regarded as either wise or fortunate. The swine, also, are indifferent to the great riddles of the Universe, and are happy in being wholly unaware that it is the vast Revelation and Manifestation, in Time aIid Space, of a Single Thought of the Infinite God. ' Exalt and magnify Faith as we will, and say that it begins where Reason ends, it must, after all, have a foundation, either in Reason, Analogy, the Consciousness, or human testimony. The worshipper of Brahma also has implicit Faith in what seems to us palpably false and absurd. His faith rests neither in Reason, Analogy, or the Consciousness, but on the testimony of his Spiritual teachers, and of the Holy Books~ The Moslem also' believes, Qn the positive testimony of the Prophet; and the Mormon also can say, "I believe this} because it is impossible." No faith,however absurd or degrading, has ever wanted these foundations, testimony, and the books. Miracles, proven by unimpeachable testimony have been used as a foundation for Faith, in every age; and the modern miracles are better authenticated, a hundred times, than the ancient ones. So that, after all, Faith must flow out路 from some source 7within us, when the evidence of that whi'ch we are to believe is not presented to our senses, or it will in no case be the assurance of the trnth of what is believed. The Consciousness, or inhering and innate conviction, or the im;stinct divinely implanted, of the verity of things, is the highest possible evidence, if not the only real. proof, of the verity, of. certain things, but only of truths of a limited class. What we call the Reason, that is, our imperfect human reason, not only may, but assuredly will, lead us away from the Truth in r:~gard to things invisible and especially those of the Infinite; if we determine to believe nothing but that which it can demonstrate or not to believe that which it can by its processes of logic prove to be contradictory, unreasonable, or absurd. Its tape-linecarinot measure the arcs of Infinity. For exan1ple, to the Human reason, i




an Infinite Justice and an Infinite Mercy or Love, in the sanle Being, are inconsistent and' impossible. One, it can demonstrate, necessarily excludes the other. So it can demonstrate that as the Creation had a beginning, it necessarily follows that an Eternity had elapsed before the Deity began to create, during which He was inactive. When we gaze, of a moonless clear night, on the Heavens glittering with 'stars, and know that each fixed star of all the myriads is a Sun, and 'each probably possessing ·its retinue of worlds, aU peopled with living beings, we sensibly feel our own unimportance in the scale of Creation, and at once reflect that much of what has in different ages been religious faith, could never have been 'believed, if the nature, size, and'distance of those Suns, and of oUt own Sun" Moon, and Planets, had been known to the Ancients. as they are to us. To them, all the lights of the firmament were created only to give light to the earth, as its lamps or candles hung above it. Tbe earth was supposed to be the only inhabited portion of the Uni~ verse. The world and the Universe were synonymous terms.. 0'£ the immense· size and distance of the heavenly bodies, men had no conception. The Sages had, in Chaldrea,Egypt, India, China, and in Persia, and therefore the sages always had, an esoteric creed, tanght only in the mysteries and' unknown to the vulgar. No Sage, in either country, or in Greece or Rome, b:elieved the popular creed. To them the Gods and the Idols of the Gods were symbols,. and symbols of great and mysterious truths. The Vulgar imagined the attention of the Gods. to be continttb' ally centred upon the earth and man. The Grecian Divinities m~ habited Olympus, an insignificant mountain of the Earth. There was the Court of Zeus, to which Neptune came from the Sea, and P'lufo and PerseF>;hone from the· glooms of Tartarus in .the' Ulllh fathomable depths of the Earth's bosom. God came down froBli Heaven and on Sinai dictated laws for the Hebrews to His setvam,t Moses. The Stars were the guardiams of mortals whose fates a.nd fortunes wer€ to be'. read in their movememts, conjunctions, and oppositions. The Moon was the Bride and Sister of the Sun, at -the same distance aDove the Earth, and, like the Sun., Inade for the service of mankind alone. If~ with the great telescope of Lord Rosse we examine the vast nebulre of HerCYJes,Orion,. and Andromeda" and find tbemre-3





solvable into Stars more numerous than the sands on the seashore; if we reflect that each of these Stars is a Sun" like and even many times larger than ours,-each, beyond a doubt, with its retinue of worlds swarming with life ;-if we go further in imagination, and endeavor to conceive of all the infinities of space, filled with similar suns and worlds, we seem at once to shrink into an incredible insignificance. The Universe, which is the uttered Word of God, isiufinite in extent. There is. no empty. space beyond creat~on on any side. The Universe, which is the Thought of God pronounced, never was not, since God never was inert;. nor "WAS., without thinking and creating. The forms of creation change, the suns and worlds live and die like the leaves and the insects, but the Universe itself i$ infinite and eternal, because God Is, Was, and Will forever Be, and never did not think and create. Reason is fain to. admit that a Supreme Intelligence, infinittly powerful and wise, must have created this boundless Universe; but it also tells us that we are as unimportant in it as the :zoophytes and entozoa, or as the invisible· particles of animated life,. that float. upon the air or swarm in the water-drop. The foundations of our faith, resting upon the·imagine<i interest of God in our race, an interest·· easily supposable when man believed· himself the only intelligent created being, and ,therefore eminently worthy the especial care and· watchful anxie'ty of a God who had aaly this earth to look after, and its. house-keeping alone t()$uperintend, and who was content to create, in all the infinite Universe, only one single being, possessing a soul, and not a mere animal, are rudely. shaken. as the Universe broadens and . expands for U,B ; and the darkness of doubt and distrust settles heavy upon

the .Soal. The modes in which it is ordinarily endeavored to satisfy our only increase theIn~ To dem·onstrate ·the ne~essity ···for a €~use of the creation, is equally to demonstrate the necessity of a §~Use for that cause. Th~ argument, from plan and design o~ly T:emoves the .difficulty· a &tepJurth~r off. We. rest the world on tbeelephant, and .the, elephant ion tlae tortoise, and. the~tortoiseon -nothing. To t,elI us that the animals possess instinct o!nlyand. that, Reasf.)n belongs. to ;\Jsalone,in 11Q rway, t~nds to satisfy., us! ,of tb¢f. ,ra4ir cal difference between us and them. For jf·,.the meptalphenomena d::o~bts,




exhibited by animals that think, dream, remember, argue from cause to effect, plan, devise, combine, and communicate their thoughts to each other, so as to act rationally in concert,-if their love, hate, and revenge, can be路 conceived of as results of the organization of matter, like color and perfume, the resort to the hypothesis of an immaterial Soul to explain phenomena of the same kind, only more perfect, luanifested by the human being, is supremely absurd. That organized matter can think or even feel, at all, is the great insoluble mystery. "Instinct" is but a word without a meaning, or else it means inspiration. It is either the animal itself, or God in the animal, that thinks, remembers, and reasons; and instinct, according to the. con1mon acceptation of the term, would be the greatest and路 most wonderful of mysteries,rio less a thing than the direct, immediate, and continual prompt.. ings of the Deity,-for the animals are not machines, or automata moved by springs, and the ape is but a dumb Australian. Must we always remain in this darkness of uncertainty, of doubt? Is there no mode of escaping from the labyrinth except by means of a blind faith, which explains nothing, and in many creeds, ancient and modern, sets Reason at defiance, and leads to the belief either in a God without a Universe, a Universe without a God, or a Universe which is itself a God? We read in the Hebrew Chronicles that Schlomoh the wise King caused to be placed in front of the entrance to the Temple two huge columns of bronze, one of which was called Y AKAYIN and the other BAHAZ; and these words are rendered in our version Strength and Establishment.. The Masonry of the Blue Lodges gives no explanation of these symbolic colun1ns; nor do the Hebrew Books advise us that they were symbolic. If not so intended as symbols, they were subsequently understood to be such. But as we are certain that everything within the Temple was symbolic, and that the whole structure was jnte.nded to represent the Universe, we may reasonably conclude that the columns of the portico also had a symbolic signification. It would be tedious to repeat all the interpretations which fancy or dullness has found for them. The k'ey to their true meaning is not undiscoverable. The perfect and eternal distinction of the two primitive terms of the creative syllogism,t in order to attain to the demonstration of their



sarmony by the analogy of contraries, is the second grand principle of that occult philosophy veiled under the name "Kabalah," and indicated by all the sacred hieroglyphs of the Ancient Sanctuaries, and of the rites, so little understood by the mass of the Initiates, of the Ancient and Modern Free-Masonry. The Sohar declares that everything in the Universe proceeds by the mystery of "the Balance," that is, of Equilibrium. Of the Sephiroth.1 or Divine Emanations, Wisdom and Understanding, Severity and Benignity, or Justice and Mercy, and Victory and Glory, constitute pairs. Wisdom, or the Intellectual Generative Energy, . and Understanding, or the Capacity to be impregnated by the Active Energy and produce intellection or thought, are represented symbolically in the Kabalah as male and female. So also are Justice and Mercy. Strength is the intellectual Energy or Activity; Establishment or Stability is the intellectual Capacity to produce, a passivity. They are the POWER of generation and the CAPACITY of production. By WISDOM, it is said, God creates, and by UNDtRsTANDINGestablishes. These are the two Columns of the Temple, contraries like the Man andWoman, like Reason and Faith, Omnipotence and Liberty, Infinite Justice and -Infinite Mercy, Absolute Power or Strength to do even what is mos't unjust and unwise, and Absolute Wisdom that makes it impossible to do it; Right and Duty. They were the columns of the intellectual and moral world, the monumental hieroglyph of the antinomy necessary to the grand law of creation. There must be for every Force a Resistance to support it, to every light a shadow, for every Royalty a Realm to govern, for every affirmative a negative. For the Kabalists, Light represents the Active Principle, and Darkness or Shadow is analogous to the Passive Principle. Therefore it was that they made of the Sun and Moon emblems of the two Divine Sexes and the two creative forces; therefore, that they ascribed to woman the Temptation and the first路 sin, ~nd then the first labor, the maternal labor of the redemption, because it is from the bosom of the darkness itself that we see the Light born again. The Void attracts the Full; and so it is that the abyss of poverty and misery, the Seeming Evil, the seeming emptynothiagness of life, the temporary rebellion of the creatures, eternally altracts the overflowing ocean of being, of riches, of pity, and of



love. Christ completed the Atonement on the Cross by descending into Hell. Justice·and Mercy are contraries. If each be infinite, their coexistence seems impossible, and being equal, one ·cannot even annihilate the other and reign alone. The mysteries of the Divine Nature are beyond our finite comprehension; but so indeed are the mysteries of our own finite nature; and it is certain that in all nature harmony and movement are the result of the equilibrium of opposing or· contrary forces. The analogy of contraries gives the solution of the most interesting and most difficult problem of modern philosophy,-the definite and perman,ent accord of·· Reason and Faith, of Authority and Liberty of examination, of Science and Belief, of Perfection in God and Imperfection in Man. If science or knowledge is the Sun, Belief is the Man; it is a reflection of the day in the night. Faith is the veiled Isis, the Supplement of Reason, in the shadows which precede or follow Reason. It emanates from the Reason, but can never confound it nor be confounded with it. The encroachments of Reason upon Faith, or of Faith on Reason, are eclipses of the· Sun or Moon; when they occur, they make useless both the Source of Light and its reflection, at. once. Science perishes by. systems that are nothing but beliefs; and Faith succumbs to reasoning. For the two Columns of the Temple to uphold the edifice., they must remain separated and be parallel·to each other. As soon as it is attempted by violence to bring them together, as Samson did, they are overturned, and the whole edifice falls upon the head of th'e rash blind man or the revolutionist whom personal or national resentments have in ad~ vance devoted to death. Harmony is the result of an alternating preponderance of forces. Whenever this is wanting in government, governmentis a failure, because it is either:Despotism or Anarchy. All theoret~ ical governments, however plausible the theory, end in one or th~ other. Governments .• tbat are to endure are not made in theclos:et of Locke or ·Shaftesbuty,. orin :a Congress or a .Convention.. In::~ Republic, forces that seem contraries, that indeed are contraries, alone give movement, The Spheres are held in their orbits and made to revolve harmoniously and unerringly, by the concurrence, which· seenlS .to be ··the opposition, of two con~ary forces. ·1£ ··th·e centripetal ,force :should overcome the centrifug31, I



and the equilibrium of forces cease, the rush of the Spheres to the Central Sun would annihilate the system. Instead of consolidat~on, the whole would be shattered into fragments. Man is a free agept, though Omnipotence is above and all ~rQund him. To be free to do good, ·he must be free to do evit Tbe Light necessitates, the Shadow. A State is free like an individual in any government worthy of the name. The State is less p<!}itent tnan the Deity, and therefore the freedom of.· the individual eitiz,enisconsistent with its Sovereignty. These are opposites, but not antagonistic. So, in a union of States, the freedom of the ~tates .is consistent with· the Supremacy of the Nation. When either obtains the permanent mastery over .the other, and they cease to be in equilibrio the encroachment continues with a velocity that is accelerated like that of a falling body, until the feeoller is annihilated, and then, there being no resistance to support the stronger, it rushes into ruin. So, when the equipoise of Reason and Faith,. in the individual Qr the Nation, and the alternating preponderance cease, the result is, according as one or the other is permanent victor, Atheism or $!ftperstition, disbelief or blind credulity; . and the Priests either ~f Unfaith or of Faith becoroe despotic. H Whomsoever God loveth,. him he chasteneth/' is· an expression t~at.formulates a whole dogma. The trials of .life . are the bless~ iAgs of life, tQ . the individual or the Nation, if either has a Soul that is truly worthy of salvation. "Light and darkness," said ZORO"ASTltR,. ((are the world's eternalways.JJThe Li~htand the ~Ikadow are everywhere and always in proportion; the Lightbeing _reason of being of the Shadow. It is by trials only; by th,e ~Oinies of sorrow and the. sb.arp discipline of adversities, that men a;Q.dNations attain initiatio~"Theagoniesof the garden of Geth~~an,e and those of the Crosson Calvary preceded the Resurrecti~n and were the means of Redemption. It is with prosperity ~tGod ., afflicts· Humanity. Degree. of·· Rose is devotedi·to and symholizes·.tne.,final ~ri~llhi of truth over falsehood,of liberty over sla;very,of . 1igbt Ql"er darkness,of life over d~ath, and of good over . ev:il. The ,teat truth it inculcates is, that notwithstanding the exist:enc:e, of E"ii~GOO is infinitely wis.e, just, and good':·thatthougb::th.e affairs ~;i(~eW1orld proceed by: no tul,e of right andwrongkftowntb·'tls _"dt~~ll~[aro\YnessafOUl! views, yet all i$rjg,bt,foriit j\srtbe,workof J




God; and all evils, all miseries, all misfortunes, are but as drops in the vast current that is sweeping onward, guided by Him, to a great and magnificent result: that, at the appointed time, He will redeem and regenerate the world, and the Principle, the Power, and the existence of Evil will then cease ; that this will be brought about by such means and instruments as He chooses to elnploy; whether by the merits of a Redeemer that has already appeared, or a Messiah that is yet waited for, by an incarnation of Hirllself, or by an inspi-red prophet, it does not belong to us as Masons to decide. Let each judge and believe for himself. In the mean time, we labor to hasten the coming of that day. The morals of antiquity, of the law of Moses and of Christianity, are ours. We recognize every teacher of Morality, every Reformer, as a brother in this great work. The Eagle is to us the symbol of Liberty, the Compasses of Equality, the Pelican of Humanity, and our order of Fraternity. Laboring for these, with Faith, Hope, and Charity as our armor, we will wait with patience for the final triumph of Good and the complete manifestation of the Word of God. No one Mason has the right to measure for another, within the 'walls of a Masonic Temple, the degree of veneration which he shall feel for any Reformer, or the Founder of any Religion. We teach a belief in no particular creed, as we teach unbelief in none. Whatever higher attributes the Founder of the Christian Faith may, in our belief, have had or not have had, none can deny that He taught and practised a pure and elevated morality, even at the risk and to the ultimate loss of His life. He was not only the benefactor of a disinherited people, but a model for mankind.. Devotedly He loved the children of Israel. To them He came, and to them alone He preached that Gospel which His disciples afterward carried among foreigners. He would fain have freed the chosen People from their spiritual bondage of ignorance and deg.. radation. As a lover of all mankind, laying down His life for the emancipation of His Brethren, He should be to all, to Christian, to Jew, and to Mahometan, an object of gratitude and veneration. The Roman world felt the pangs of approaching dissolution. Paganism, its Temples shattered by Socrates and Cicero, had spoken its last word. The God of the Hebrews was unknown beyond the limits of Palestine. The old religions had failed to give

happiness and peace to the world. The babbling and wrangling

KNIGH'1' p~dlosophers




had confounded all men's ideas, ttntil they douhted of everything and had faith in nothing: neither in God nor in his goodness and mercY,nor in the virtue of man, nor in themselves. Mankind was divided into two great classes,-the master and the slave; the powerful and the abj ect, the high and the low, the tyrants and the mob; and even the former were satiated with the servility of the latter, sunken by lassitude and despair to the lowest depths of degradation. When, 10, a voice, in tbe inconsiderable Roman Province of Judea proclaims a new Gospel-a new "God's Word," to crushed, sloffering, bleeding humanity. Liberty of Thought, Equality of all men in the eye of God, universal Fraternity 1 a new doctrine, a ne\v religion; the old Primitive Truth uttered once again! Man is once more taught to look upward to his God. No longer to a God hid in impenetrable mystery, and infinitely remote from ltuman sympathy, emerging only at intervals from the darkness to smite and crush humanity: but a God, good, kind, beneficent, and merciful: a Father, loving the creatures He has made, with a love immeasureable and exhaustless; Who feels for tis, and sympathizes with us, and sends us pain and want and disaster only that they may serve to develop in us the virtues and excellences that befit us to live with Him hereafter. Jesus of Nazareth, the "Son of man," is the expounder of the new Law of Love. He calls to Him the humble, the poor, the Pariahs of the world. The first sentence that He pronounces blesses the world, and announces the new gospel: "Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted." He pours the oil of consolation and peace upon every crushed and bleeding heart. Every sufferer is His proselyte. He shares their sorrows. and srmpathizes with all their afflictions. He raises up the sinner and the Samaritan woman, and teaches them to hope for forgiveness. He pardons the woman taken in adultery. He selects his disciples not among the Pharisees or the Pllilosophers, but among the low and humble, even of the fisherof Galilee. He heals the sick and feeds the poor. He lives among the destitute and the friendless. "Suffer little children," Resaid. "to come unto me; for of such is the kingdom of Heaven! B~.essed are the humble-minded, for theirs is the k'ingdom路 of Heaven; the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth; the merciful, ier they shall obtain mercy; the pure in heart, for they shall see

310 God; the peace-maker~, for they shall be called the children of God! First be reconciied to they brother, and then come and offer thy gift at the altar. Give to him that asketh thee., and frOITI him that would borrow of thee turn not away 1 Love your enemies; bless them that curse you; do good to them that hate yo~; and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you 1 All things whatsoever ye would that men should do路to you, do ye also unto them;" for this is the law and the Prophets! He that taketh not his cross, and followeth after Me, is not.worthy of Me. A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another: as I have loved you, that ye also love one another: by this shall al~ know that ye are My disciples. Greater love ,hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend." The Gospel of Love He sealed with His life. The cruelty of the Jewish Priesthood, the ignorant ferocity of the mob, and the Roman路 indifference to barbarian blood, nailed Him to the cross, and He expil'ed uttering blessings upon humanity.. Dying thus, He bequeathed His teachings to man as an inestimable inheritance. Perverted and corrupted, they have served as a basis for many creeds, and been even made the warrant for intolerance and persecution. We here teach them in their purity. They are our Masonry; for to them good men of all creeds can subscribe. That God is good and merciful, and loves and synlpathizes witb the creatures He has made; that His finger is visible in all the movements of the moral, intellectual, and material universe; that we are His children, the objects of His paternal care and regard; that all men are our brothers, whose wants we are to supply, their errors to pardon, their opinions to tolerate, their injuries to forgive; that man has an immortal soul, a free will, a right to freedom of thought and action; that all men are equal in God's sight; that we best serve"God by humility, meekness, gentleness, kindness, and the other virtues which the lowly can practise as well as the lofty; this is "the new Law," the "WORD," for which the world had waited and pined so long; and every true Knight of the Rose will revere the memory of Him who taught it, and look indulgently even on those who assign to Him a character far above his own conception,s or belief, even to the extent of deeming Him Divine. Iiear Philo, the Greek Jew. "The contemplative sow, \lBr




equally guided, sometimes toward abundance and sometimes toward barrenness, though ever advancing, is illuminated by the primitive ideas, the rays that emanate frotTI the Divine Intelligence, whenever it ascends toward the Sublime Treasures. When, on the contrary, it descends, and is barren, it falls within the domain of those Intelligences that are termed Angels... fort when the soul is deprived of the light of God, which leads it to the knowledge of things, it no longer enjoys more than a feeble and secondary light, which gives it, not the understanding of things, " but that of words only, as in this baser world. " Let the narrow-souled withdraw, having their ears sealed up! We communicate the divine mysteries to those only who have received the sacred initiation, to those who practise true piety, and who are not enslaved by the empty pomp of words, or the doctrines of the pagans. " " . 0, ye Initiates, ye whose ears are purified, receive this in your souls, as a mystery never to be lost! Reveal it to no Profane I Keep and contain it within yourselves, as an incorruptible treasure, not like gold or silver, but more precious than everything hesides; for it is the knowledge of the Great Cause, of Nature, and of that which is born of both. And if you meet an Initiate, besiege him with your prayers, that he conceal fronl you no new mysteries that he may know, and rest not until you have obtained them! For me, although I was initiated in the Great Mysteries by Moses, the Friend of God, yet, having seen Jeremiah, I recognized him not only as an Initiate, but as a Hierophant; and I follow his school." We, like him, recognize all Initiates as our Brothers. We belong to no one creed or school. In all religions there is a basis of Truth; in all there is pure Morality. All that teach the cardinal tenets of Masonry we respect; all teachers and reformers of mankind we admire and revere. Masonry also has her mission to perform. With her traditions reaching back to the earliest times, and her symbols dating- further IDiack than even the monumental history of Egypt extends, she invites all men of all religions to enlist under her banners and to war against evil, ignorance, and wrong. You are now her knight, and to her service your sword is consecrated. May you prove a

worthy soldier in a worthy cause!




GRAND PONTIFF. THE true Mason labors for the benefit of those who are to come after him, and for the advancement and improvement of his race. That is a poor ambition which contents itself within the limits of a single life. All men who deserve to live, desire to survive their funerals, and to live afterward in the good that they have done mankind, rather than in the fading characters written in men's Illemories. Most men desire to leave some work behind them that may outlast their own day and brief generation. That is an instinctive impulse, given by God, and often found in the rudest human heart; the surest proof of the soul's immortality, and of the fundamental difference between man and the wisest brutes To plant the trees that, after we are dead, shall shelter our chil. dren, is as natural as to love the shade of those our fathers planted. The rudest unlettered husbandman, painfully conscious of his own inferiority, the poorest widowed mother, giving her life-blood to those \vho pay only for t~e work of her needle, will toil and stint themselves to educate their child, that he may take a higher station in the world than they;-and of such are the world's greatest benefactors. In his influences that survive him, man becomes immortal, before the general resurrection. The Spartan mother, who, giving her son his shield, said, "WITH IT" OR UPON IT I" afterward shared the government of Lacedremon with the legislation of Lycurgus; for she too made a law, that lived after her; and she inspired the Spartan soldiery that afterward demolished the walls of Athens. and aided Alexander to conquer the Orient. The widow who gave Marion the fiery arrows to burn her own house, that it might no longer shelter the enemies of her infant country, the house where she had lain upon her husband's bosom, and where her children had been born, legislated more effectually for her State than Locke or Shaftesbury, or than many a Legislature has done, since that State won its freedom. It was of slight importance to the Kings of Egypt and the




Monarchs of Assyria and Phcenicia, that the son of a Jewish woman, a foundling, adopted by the daughter of Sesostris Ramses, slew an Egyptian that oppressed a Hebrew slave, and fled into the desert, to remain there forty years. But Moses, who might otherwise have become Regent of Lower Egypt, known to us only by a tablet on a tomb or monument, became the deliverer of the Jews, and led them forth from Egypt to the frontiers of Palestine, and made for them a law, out of which grew the Christian faith; and so has shaped the destinies of the world. He and the old Roman lawyers, with Alfred of England, the Saxon Thanes. and Norman B,arons, the old judges and chancellors, and the makers of the canons, lost in the mists and shadows of the Past,-these are our legislators; and we obey the laws that they enacted. Napoleon died upon the barren rock of his exile. His bones, borne to France by the son of a King, rest in the Hopital des 1nvalides, in the great city on the Seine. His Thoughts still govern !france. He, and not the People, dethroned the Bourbon, and drove the last King of the House of Orleans into exile. He, in his coffin, and not the People, voted the crown to the Third Napoleon; and he, and not the Generals of France and E.ngla.nd, led their united forces against the grim Northern Despotism. Mahomet announced to the Arabian idolaters the new creed, "There is but one God, and Mahomet, like _'Moses ana Christ, is His Apostle." For many years unaided, then with the help of his family and a few friends, then with many disciples, and last of all with an army, he taught and preached the Koran. The religion â‚Ź);~;the wild Arabian enthusiast converting the fiery Tribes of the Great Desert, spread over Asia, built up the Saracenic dynasties, conquered Persia and India, the Greek Empire, Northern Africa, Spain, and dashed the surges of its fierce soldiery a2'ainst the D!a;ttlements of Northern Christendom. The law of Mahomet still g~)'\rerns a fourth of the human race; and Turk and Arab". Moor ~J;ld Persian and Hindu, still obey the Proph;et, and pray with their filces turned toward Mecca; and he, and not the living,. rules and rei~s in the fairest portio.JJs/of the Orient. Confucius still enacts the law for China; and the thoughts and i!~s of Peter the Great govern Russia. Plato and tlle other great ~iages ,of Antiquity still reign as the Kings of Philosophy, and ba;ve dominion over the human intellect. The great StatesmeE (If the Past still preside in the Councils of Nations.; l3urkestill



lingers in the House of Commons; and Berryer's sonorous tones will long ring in the Legislative Chan1bers of France. The influences of Webster and Calhoun, conflicting, rent asunder the American States, and the doctrine of each is the law and the oracle speaking from the Holy of Holies for his own State and all consociated with it: a faith preached and proclaimed by each at the cannon's mouth and consecrated by rivers of blood. It has been well said, that when Tamerlane had builded his pyramid of fifty thousand human skulls, and wheeled away with his vast armies from the gates of Damascus, to find new conquests, and build other pyramids, a little boy was playing in the streets of Mentz, son of a poor artisan, whose apparent ilnportance in the scale of beings was, compared with that of Tamerlane, as that of a grain of sand to the giant bulk of the earth; but Tamerlane and all his shaggy legions, that swept over the East like a hurricane, have passed away, and become shadows; while printing, the wonderful invention of John Faust, the boy of Mentz, has exerted a greater influence on man's destinies and overturned more thrones and dynasties than all the victories of all the blood-stained conquerors from Nimrod to Napoleon. Long ages ago, the Temple built by Solomon and our Ancient Brethren sank into ruin, when the Assyrian Armies sacked Jerusalem. The Holy City is a mass of hovels cowering under the dominion of the Crescent; and the Holy Land is a desert. The Kings of Egypt and Assyria, who were contemporaries of Solomon, are forgotten, and their histories mere fables. The Ancient Orient is a shattered wreck, bleaching on the shores of Time. The Wolf and the Jackal howl among the ruins of Thebes and of Tyre, and the sculptured images of the Temples and Palaces of Babylon and Nineveh are dug from their ruins and carried into strange lands. But the quiet and peaceful Order, of which the Son of a poor Phrenician Widow was one of the Grand Masters, witn the Kings of Israel and Tyre, has continued to increase in stature and influence, defying the angry waves of time and the storms of persecution. Age has not weakened its wide foundations, nor shattered its columns, nor marred the beauty of its harmonious proportions. Where rude barbarians, in the time of Solomon, peopled inhospitable howling wildernesses, in France and Britain, and in that New World, not known to Jew or Gentile, until the glories of the Orient had faded, that Order hasbuilded



new Temples, and teaches to,.its millions of Initiates those lessons of peace, ,good-will, and toleration, of reliance on God and confidence in man, which ,it learned when Hebrew and Giblemite worked side by side on'tbe~ slopes of Lebanon, and the Servant of Jehovah and the Phcenician Worshipper of Bel sat with the humble artisan in ,Council at. Jerusalem. It is the Dead that govern. The Living only obey. And 1拢 the Soul sees, after death, what passes on this earth, and watches over the welfare of tho~e it loves, then must its greatest happiness consist in seeing the. current of its beneficent influences widening out from age to age, as rivulets widen into rivers, and aiding to shape the. destinies of individuals, families, States, the World ; and its bitterest punishment, in seeing its evil influences causing mischief and misery, and cursing and afflicting men" long after the frame it dwelt in has become dustJ and when both name and memory are forgotten. We know not who. 'anlong the Dead control our destinies. The: universal human rate is linked and bound together by those influences and sympathies, which:' in the truest sense do make men's fates. Hunlanity is the unit, of which the man is but a fraction. What other men in the Past have done, said, thought" makes the great iron network 路Qf circumstance that environs and controls us all. We take our faith on trust. We think and believe as the Old LQrds of Thought command us; and Reason is powerless before Authority. Wewould make.or annul a particular contract; but the Thoughts of the dead Judges of England, living when their ashes have been cold for centuries, stand between us and that which we would do, and utterly forbid it. We would settle our estate in a particular way; butthe prohibition of the En~lish Parliament, its uttered Thought when the first or second Edward reigned, comes echoing' down the long avenues of time, and tells us we shall not exercise the .power of disposition as we wish. We would ~ain a particular adv~ntage of another; and the thought of the old Roman lawyer who died before ,Justinian, or that of Rome's ~reat orator Cicero, .annihilates the act, or makes the intention ineffectual. This act, tMosesforbias; that, Alfred. We would sell our land; but certain tnarks on a perishable paper tell us that our father or remote ancestor ordered otherwise; and the 'arm of the dead, emerging from the grave, with peremptory gesture prohibits



the alienation. A~out to sin or err, the thought or wish of OUt dead mother, told:us when we were children, by words that died upon the air in the utterance, and many a long year were forgotten, flashes on our memory, and holds us back with a power that is resistless. Thus we obey the dead; and thus shall the living, when we are dead, for weal or·woe, obey us. ,The Thou.ghts of the Past are the Laws of the Present and the Future. That which we say and do, if its effects last not beyond our lives, is unimportant That which· shall live when weare dead, as part of· the .great bodYGc$ law enacted by the dead, is the only act worth doing, the only Thought worth speaking. The desire to . do·.. something that shall benefit· the .world, when neither .praise nor obloquy will. reach us where we sleep soundly in the grave, is the noblest ambition entertained by man.. It is the ambition of a true and genuine Mason. Knowing the slow processes by which· the Deity brings about great results, he not expect to reap as well as sow, in a single lifetime. It is the inflexible fate and noblest destiny, with rare exceptions, of the great and good, to work,and let others reap the .harvest of their labors. He who does good, only to be repaid in kind, or in thanks and gratitude, or ·in reputation and the world's praise, is like him who loans his money, that he may, after certain n1onths, receive it back with interest. To he repaid for eminent services with slanL der, obloquy, or ridicule, or at best with stupid indifference or cold ingratitude, as it is common, so it is no misfortune, except to those \vho lack the wit to see or sense to appreciate the' service"or the nobility of soul to thank and 'reward with eulogy, the benefactor of his. kind. His· influences ~iie, and the great Future will ·obe~; whether it recognize or disown the Jawgiver. Miltiades was" fortunate' that· he was exiled ; and Aristides tba.t he was ostracized,.r·because men wearied of· 'hearing hinl called "·The Just." Not the Redeemer was unfortunate; but· those onily who repaid Himfbrthe inestinlable gift He offered them, and a life passed in toiling for their good, by nailing Him upon ttlv@ cross, as though He had, been a slave or male'factor. The perse~ cutor dies and rots, and Posterity utters hisname,with execrati.oll;.i but h'Is victim's memory he has ttnintentionallYimade glorious all!d imtnortal. If not for slande'rand persecution, the1fasonwho would bene/"



fit his race must look for apathy and cold indifference in those whose good he seeks, in those who ought to seek the good of others. Except when the sluggish depths of the Human J\Jlind are broken up and tossedas.with a storm, when at the appointed· time a great Reformer comes, and a new Faith springs up and gr~ws with supernatural energy, the progress' of Truth is slower tbanthe growth of oaks; and he who plants need 'not expect to g~ilier. The Redeem'er',at His death, had twelve disciples, and Qne betrayed .and one deserted and denied Him. It is enough for us to know that the fruit will come in' its due season. When, or who shall gather it, it dloes not In the least ooncern us to know. It is our business to plant the seed. It is God's right to give the imit to whom He pleases; and if not to us, then is our' action by so much the, more noble. To sow, that others may reap; to work and plant for those who are to. occupy the earth when we are dead; to project our influences far into the future, and live beyond our time; to rule a's the. Kings of Thought, over men who are yet unborn ;to bless \vit4 the glo.ri()us gifts of Truth and Light and Liberty thoise who will neitber know the name· of. the giver, nor. carie in wha;t, grave his unregaroed ashes repose, is the true office ofa Mason':andthe proudest destiny of· a man. , All the great and beneficent oprerations of Nature are produc.ed by slow and often imperceptible·. degrees. The work of destructi9n and devastation only is violent ,and rapid. The Volcano and thie Earthquake, the. Tornado and the Avalanche, leap suddenly into f~ll Hfe and fearful energy,and smite with an unexpected blow. Vesuvius buried Pompeii· and Herculaneum in a night; and Lisfell prostrate before God in a breath, when the earth rocked, .d.shuddered; the Alpine village vanishes·and is erased,at one bound of the avalanche ; and. the ancient forests faIl like grass bethe· mower, when the tornado leaps upon them.· Pestilence slays its thousands ina day ; and the storm in a night stre\vs th~ with. shattered navies. T,lle Gourd of the Prophet Jonah grew up, and was wi~hered, in But many years· ago, before the Norman ·Conquerot stamped his mailed foot on the neck of prostrate Sax:on ~nglanq, some w~nclering barba'rian, 'p:f· tme continent then unk,nOBwmto. the' ~prld, in mere idleness, with hand or foot, covered am aG:Qtfni·with a ritt~e eartll,and passedonregatdless,· on ·his Jourriey to;the' ;dlinl




Past. He died and was forgotten; but the acorn lay there still, the mighty force within it acting in the darkness. A tender shoot stole gently up; and fed by the light and air and frequent dews, put forth its little leaves, and lived, because the elk or buffalo chanced not to place his foot upon and crush it. The years marched onward, and the shoot became a sapling, and its green leaves went and came with Spring and Autumn. And still the years came and passed away again, and William, the 'Norman Bastard, parcelled England out among his Barons, and still the sapling grew, and the dews fed its leaves, and the birds builded their nests among its small limbs for many ge~erations., And still the years came and went, and the Indian hunter .slept in the shade of the sapling, and Richard Lion-Heart fought, 'at Acre and Ascalon, and John's bold Barons wrested from him the Great' Charter; and 10 t the sapling had become a tree; and still it grew, and thrust its great arms wider abroad, and lifted its head still" higher to,vard the Heavens; strong-rooted, and defiant of the storms that roared and eddied through its branches; and when Columbus ploughed with his keels the unknown Western Atlantic, and Cortez and Pizarro bathed the cross in blood; and the Puritan~ the Huguenot, the Cavalier, and the follower of Penn sought a refuge and a resting-place beyond the ocean, the Great Oak still路 stood, firm-rooted, vigorous, stately, haughtily domineering over all the forest, heedless of all the centuries that had hurried past since the wild Indian planted the little acorn in the forest ;-a stout and hale old tree, \\l'ith wide circumference shading many a rood of ground; and fit to furnish timbers for a ship, to carry the thunders of the Great Republic's guns around the world. And yet, if one had sat and watched it every instant, froln the moment when the feeble shoot first pushed its way to the light until the eagles built among its branches, he would never have seen the tree or sapling grow. Many long centuries ago, before the Chaldcean Shepherds watched the Stars, or Shufu built the Pyramids, one could have sailed in a seventy-four where now a thousand islands gem the surface of the Indian Ocean; and the deep:"sea lead would nowhere have found any bottom. But below tq.ese waves, were myriads upon myriads, beyond the power of Arithmetic to number,of minute existences, each a perfect living creature, made by the Almighty Creator, and fashioned by Him for the work it had to do 1"'here they toiled beneath the waters, each doing its allotted work,



and wholly ignorant .of the result which God intended. They lived and died, incalculable in numbers and almost infinite in the succession of their ,generations, each adding路 his mite to the gigantic work that went,on there under God's direction. Thus hath He chosen to create great Continents and Islands; and still the coralinsects live and work, as whe路n they made the rocks that underlie the valley of the Ohic.>. Thus God hath chosen to create. Where now is :firm land, once chafed and thund.e.r~'d.the great primeval ocean. For ages upon ages the minute shields of infinite myriads of infusoria, and the stony stems of, encrinites sunk into its depths, and there, under the vast pressure of its waters, hardened into limestone. Raised slowly from the Profound by His hand, its quarries underlie the soil of all the cqntine~~s, hundreds ()f feet in thickness; and we, of these remains of the countless dead, build tombs and palaces, as the Egyptia~~, wh~m we call ancient, built their pyramids. On all the broad lakes and oceans the Great Sun looks earnestly and lovingly, and the.invisible vapors rise ever up to meet him. No eye but God~s. beholds them as they rise. There, in the upper atlnosphere, they are 'condensed to mist, and gather into clouds, and float and swiln ~round in the ambient air. They sail with its currents, and.hov:er over the ocean, and roll in huge masses round the stony shoulder~ of. great mountains. Condensed still more by change of temperature, they drop upon the thirsty earth in gentle showers, or pour upon it in heavy rains, or storm against its bosom at the angryEquin:~'~tiaL The shower, the rain, and the storm pass away, the clouds vanish, and the bright stars again shine clearly upon the glad "earth. The rain-drops sink into the ground, and gather in 'subterranean reservoirs, and run in subterranean channels, and bubble up in springs and fountains; and from the mountain-sides and. heads of valleys the silver threads of water begin their long jotirrl~y to the ocean. Uniting, they widen into brooks and rivulets, then into. streams and rivers; and, at last, a Nile, a Ganges, a' Daflube, an Amazon, or a Mississippi rolls between its banks, mighty, majestic, and resistless, creating vast alluvial valleys to be the'" granaries of the world, ploughed by the fbousa~d路keels of' commerce and serving as great highways, and as the impassable 'boundaries of rival nations; ever returning to the ocean the drops that rose from it in vapor,~and descended in lain and snow and Jl'ail upon the level plains and lofty moun-



tains; and causing him to recoil for tnany a mile before the headlong rush of 'their great tide. So it is with the aggregate of Human endeavor. As the invisible particles of vapor combine and coalesce to form the mists and clouds that fall in rain on thirsty continents, and bless the great green forests and wide grassy prairies, the waving meadows and the fields by which men live; as the infinite myriads of d~ops that the glad earth drinks are gathered into springs and rivulets and rivers, to aid in levelling the mountains and elevating the plains, and to feed the large lakes and restless oceans; so all Human Thought, and Speech and Action, all that is done' and said and thought and suffered upon" the Earth .combine together, and flow onward in one broad resistless current toward· 'those· great results to which they are determined by the will of God. We build slowly and destroy swiftly. Our Ancient Brethren who built the Temples at Jerusalem, with many myriad blows felled, hewed, and squared the cedars,and quarried the stones, and carved the intricate ornaments, which were to be the Temples. Stone after stone, by the· combined effort and long toil of Apprentice, Fellow-Craft, and Master, the walls arose; slowly the roof was framed and' fashioned; and many years elapsed before, ·at length, the Houses stood finished, all fit and ready for the Worship of God, gorgeous in the sunny splendors of the atmosphere of Palestine. So they were built. A single motion of the arm of a rude, 'barbarous Assyrian Spearman, or drunken Ronlan or Gothi€ Legionary of Titus, moved· by a senseless impulse of the brutal will, flung in the blazing· brand; and, with'· no further human agency, a few short hours sufficed to consume and melt each Temple to a smoking inass of black unsightly ruin. Be'patient, therefore, 'my Brother,. and wa~t! Tb~,~sues are

with God: To dO Of right belongs taus.


Therefore faint not, nor be weary in well-doing ! Be not discouraged.· at men's, .apathy, nor disgusted with their follies. nor tired of their indifference I Care not for returns and results; but see only what there is to do, and do, it, leaving the results'to God! Soldier of· the Cross! Sworn Kn'ight of Justice, Truth,and Tol~ eration! Good Knight and True !l>epatient ,aDd work! The Apocalypse, that sublime Kabalistic, am,d prophetic Sum..



mary. of all the occult' figures, divides its images into three Sep-

teaaries,. after ··each of which' there is silence in Heaven.· Th~re are Seven S,eals to be opened, that is to say, Seven ,mysteries to know, and Seven difficulties to overcome, Seven trumpets to sound, and Seven cups to empty. The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the nineteenth Degree, tll,e Apotheosis of· that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and ,despisJes all the pomps and works of Lucifer. LUCIFER, th~ Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, a¢'Dsual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not t for traditions are full of Divine Revelations and Inspirations: and Inspiration is. not 0·£ one Age nor of one Creed. Plato and Philo, also, were inspired. '"fhe Apocalypse, indeed, is a book as obscure as the Sohar. It is written hieroglyphically with numbers and images;. and the Apostle often appeals to the intelligence of the Initiated. "Let him vvho hath knowledge, understand! let him who underSitands, calculate!" he often says, after an allegory or the mention of a number. Saint John, the: favorite Apostle, and the Depositary of all the S,ecrets of the S,avionr, therefore did not write to be U&derstoodby the multitude. .. The Sephar Yazirah, the Sohar,and the Apocalypse are t~e cg:mpletest embodiments of Occultism. They contain ,more meanings than. words; theire~pressions ar~· figurative as poetry and exact ,as numbers. The Apocalypse sums ~p, completes,· and SUl'"pracs,$,es aU the Scieaceof A}}raham and ·€llf Solomon. The visions Q!~fEzekiel, by the riverCbebar,and of the new Symbolic Temple, a~e equaUymysterious expressions, veiled by figures of the eniglilatic degmas of the Kahalah, and their symbols areas little understood by the Commentatons"as those of Free Masonry. The Septenary is the Crown of the Numbers, because it un~tes the Triangl:e' of the Idea to the Square of the Form. .' 1henlore the great Hierophantswereat pains to conceal their a~)ute Science, the mQ!re tkey sougbt to add grandeur to :and ~1;if,~,t1,n·I'tl its·· symbols. The. huge:" pyramids, with. their sides of elevation and square ba$es~ represented their Metaph~sics, £Q~~dedupontheknowledgeofNature. That· knowledge, of'Nai~~e1'hadfor its sytnbolic key the gigantic form of .. that huge S;~rin~t whicb hasthoUowoo;its deep' bed in the· saad"wuile:Jkeep-



ing watch at the feet of the Pyramids. The Seven grand monu.. ments called the Wonders of the World, were the magnificent Commentaries on the Seven lines that composed the Pyramids, and on"the Seven mystic gates of Thebes. The Septenary philosophy of Illiti-mtion ~atl10ng the Ancients may be summed up thus: ' Three Absolute Principles which are but ··One Principle: four elementary forms which are but one; all forming a Single Whole, compounded of the Idea and the Form. The three Principles were these:

10 •


In Philosophy, identity of the Idea and of Being or Verity; in Religion, the first Principle, THE F AT ItER. 2°. BEING IS REAL. In Philosophy, identity of Knowing and of Being or Reality; in Religion, the LOGOS of Plato, the Demiourgos, the WORD.



In Philosophy, identity of the Reason and Reality; in Religion, Providence, the Divine Action that makes real the Good. that which in Christianity we. calL THE HOLY" SPI:RIT. The union of all the Sevencolo.~s is the White, the analogous 'symbol of the GOOD: the absence of all is the Black, the analogous symbol of the EVIL. There are three primary colors, Red, Yellow, and Blue; and four secondary, Orange, Green, Indigo, and Violet; and all these God displays to man in the rainbow; and they have their analogies also in the moral and intellectual world. The 'same number, Seven, continually reappears in the Apocalypse, compounded of three and four; and these numbers relate to the last Seven of the SephirotQ, three answering to BENIGNITY or MERCY, SEVERITY or ]USTICIt, and BEAUTY or HARMONY; and four to Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malakoth,.VICTORY, GLORY, STABILITY, and DOMINATION. The same numbers also represent ,the first three Sephiroth, KETIIER, KHOKMAH, and BAINAH, or Will, Wisdom, and Understanding, which,with DAATH or Intellection or Thought, are also four, DAATH not being regarded as a Sephirah, not as the Deity acting, or as a potency, energy, or attribute, but as the Divine Action. The Sephiroth are commonly figured in the .Kabalah as consti~ tuting a human fortn, the ADAM KADMON or MACROCOSM. Thus arranged, the universal law of Equipoise is three times exempli-




From that of the Divine Intellectual, Active, 11asculine and the Passive CAPACITY to produce Thought, the' action of THINKING results. From that of B~NIGNITY and SEV~RITYJ HARMONY flows; and from that of VICTORY or an Infinite overcoming, and GLORY,' which, being Infinite, would seem to forbid the existence of obstacles or opposition, results STABILITY or PERMANENCE) w'hich is the perfect DOMINION of the Infinite




The last nine Sephiroth are included in, at the same time that they have flowed forth from, the first of all, KtTHER, or the CROWN. Each also, in succession flowed from, and yet still remains included in, the one preceding it. The Will of God includes His Wisdom, and His Wisdom is His Will specially developed and acting. This Wisdom is the LOGOS that creates, mistaken and personified by Simon Magus and the succeeding Gnostics. By means of its utterance, the letter Y OD, it creates the worlds, first in the Divine Intellect as an Idea, \vhich invested with form became the fabricated World, the Universe of material reality. Yon and HE, two letters of the Ineffable Name of the Manifested Deity, represent the M'ale and the Female, the Active and the Passive in Equilibrium, and the VAV completes the Trinity and the TriIiteral N arne the Divine Triangle, which with the repetition of the He becomes the Tetragrammaton. Thus the ten Sephiroth contain all the Sacred Numbers, three, five} seven, and nine, and the perfect Number Ten, and correspond with the Tetractys of Pythagoras. BEING Is BEING,M'IM~ '~N ':1"n~, Ahayah Asar Ahayah. This is the Principle, the "BEGINNING." In the Beginning was, that is to say, IS, WAS, and WILL BE, the WORD, that is to say, the REASON that Speaks.



aexn t1v ~O Aoyor;!

The Word is the reason of belief, 'and in it also is the expression of the Faith which makes Science a living thing" The Word, Aoyo;, is the Source of Logic. Jesus is the Word Incarnate.. The accord of the Reason with Faith, of Knowledge with Belief, of Authority with Liberty, has become in modern times the veritable enigma of the Sphinx. It is WISDOM that, in the Kabalistic Books of the Proverbs and Ecclesiasticus, is the Creative Agent of God. Elsewhere in the Hebrew writings it is ii';" Debar I ahavahJ the Word of God.




It is by His uttered Word that God reveals Himself to us; not alone in the visible and invisible but intellectual creation, but also in our convictions, consciousness, and instincts.. Hence it is that certain beliefs are universal.. The conviction of all men that God is good led to a belief in a Devil, the fallen Luc'ifer or Lightbearer, Shaitan the Adversary, Ahriman and Tuph6n, as an attempt to explain the existence of Evil, and make it consistent ,vith the Infinite Power, Wisdom, and Benevolence of God.. Nothing surpasses and nothing equals, as a Summary of ali the doctrines of the Old World, those brief words engraven by HERMES on a Stone, and known under the name of "The Tablet of Emerald:" the Unity of Being and the Unity of the Harmonies, ascending and descending, the progressive and proportional scale of the Word; the immutable law of the Equilibrium, and the proportioned progress of the universal analogies; the relation of the Idea to the Word, giving the measure of the relation between the Creator and the Created, the necessary mathematics of the Infinite, proved by the measures of a single corner of the Finite ;-all this is expressed by this single proposition of the Great Egyptian Hierophant: "What is Superior is as that which is Inferior, and what is Below is as that which is Above, to fo,rm "the Marvels of the Unity."



THE true Mason is a practical Philosopher, who, under religious emblems. in all ages adopted by wisdom, builds upon plans traced my nature and reason the moral edifice of knowledge. He ought to find, in the symmetrical relation of all the parts of this rational e<1lifice, the principle and rule of all his duties, the source of all his pleasures. He improves his moral nature, becomes a better man, and finds in the reunion of virtuous men, assembled with pure views, the means of multiplying his acts of beneficence. Masonry and Philosophy, without being one and the same thing, have the same object, and propose to themselves the same end, the worship of the Grand Architect of the Universe, acquaintance and familiarity with the ,vonders of nature, and the happiness of humanity attained by the constant practice of all the virtues. As Grand Master of all Symbolic Lodges, it is your especial duty to aid in restoring Masonry to its primitive purity. You have become an instructor. Masonry long wandered in error. Instead of improving, it degenerated from its primitive simplicity, and retrograded toward a system, distorted by stupidity and ignorance, wbich, unable to construct a beautiful machine, made a complicated one. Less than two hundred years ago, its organization was simple, and altogether moral, its emblems; allegories, and ceremo... ft~es easy to be understood, and their purpose and object readily to be seen. It was then confined to a very small number of Degrees. constitutions were like those of a Society of Essenes, written in,the first century of our era. There could be seen the prinlitive @bristianity, organized into Masonry, the school of Pythagoras without incongruities or absurdities; a Masonry simple and significaRt, in which it was not necessary to torture the mind to discover reasonable interpretations; a Masonry at once religious and philos0phic'al, worthy of a good citizen and an enlightened philan.throJ)1st. IBBovators and inventors overturned that primitive 'simplicity.




Ignorance engaged in the work of making Degrees, and trifles and gewgaws and pretended mysteries, absurd or hideous, usurped the place of Masonic Truth. The picture of a horrid vengeance, the poniard and the bloody head, appeared in the peaceful Temple of Masonry, without sufficient explanation of their symbolic meaning. Oaths out of all proportion with their object, shocked the candidate, and then became ridiculous, and were wholly disregarded. Acolytes were exposed to tests, and compelled to perform acts, which, if real, would have been abominable; but being mere chimeras, were preposterous, and excited contempt and laughter only. Eight hundred Degrees of one kind and another were invented: Infidelity and even Jesuitry were taught under the mask of Masonry. The rituals even of the respectable Degrees, copied and mutilated by ignorant men, became nonsensical and trivial; and the words so corrupted that it has hitherto been found impossible to recover many of them at all. Candidates were made to deJ{rade themselves, and to submit to insults not tolerable to a man of spirit and honor. Hence it was that, practically, the largest portion of the Degrees claimed by the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and before it by the Rite of Perfection, fell into disuse, were merely communicated, and their rituals becan1e jejune and insignificant. These Rites resembled those old palaces and baronial castles, the different parts of which, built at different periods remote from one another, upon plans and according to tastes that greatly varied, formed a discordant and incongruous whole. Judaism and chivalry, superstition and philosophy, philanthropy and insane hatred and longing for vengeance, a pure morality and unjust and illegal revenge, were found strangely mated and standing hand in hand within the Temples of Peace and Concord; and the whole system was one grotesque commingling of incongruous things, of contrasts and contradictions, of shocking and fantastic extravagances, of parts repugnant to good taste, and fine conceptions overlaid and disfigured by absurdities engendered by ignorance, fanaticism, and a senseless mysticism. An empty and sterile pomp, impossible indeed to be carried out, and to which no 111eaning whatever was attached, with. far-fetched explanations that were either so many stupid platitudes or themselves needed an interpreter; lofty titles, arbitrarily assumed, and to which the inventors had not condescended to attach any expla-



nation that should acquit them of the folly 01 assuming temporal rank, power, and titles of nobility, made the world laugh, and the Initiate feel ashamed. Some of these titles we retain; but they have with us meanings entirely consistent with that Spirit of Equality which is the foundation and peremptory law of its being of all Masonry. The .Knight, with us, is he who devotes his hand, his heart, his brain, to the Science of Masonry, and professes hin1self the Sworn Soldier of Truth: the Prince is he who aims to be Chief [Princeps], first, leader, among his equals, in virtue and good deeds: the Sovereign is he who, one of an order whose members are all Sovereigns, is Supreme only because the law and constitutions are so, which he administers, and by which he, like every other brother, is governed. The titles, Puissant, Potent, Wise, and Venerable, indicate that power of Virtue, Intelligence, and Wisdom, which those ought to strive to attain who are placed in high office by the suffrages of their brethren: and all our other titles and designations have an esoteric meaning, consistent with modesty and equality, and which those who receive them should fully understand. As Mas~er of a Lodge it is your duty to instruct your Brethren that they are all so many constant lessons, teaching the lofty qualifications which are required of those who claim them, and not merely idle gewgaws worn in ridiculous' imitation of the times when the Nobles and Priests were masters and the people slaves: that, in all true Masonry, the Knight, the Pontiff., the Prince, and the Sovereign are but the first among their equals: and the cordon, the clothing, and the jewel but symbols and emblems of the virtues required of all good Masons. The Mason kneels, no longer to present his petition for admittance or to receive the answer, no longer to a man as his superior, who is but his brother, but to his God; to whom he appeals for the rectitude of his intentions, and whose aid he asks to enable him to keep his vows. Noone is degraded by bending his knee to God at the altar, or to receive the honor of Knighthood as Bayard and Du Guesclin knelt. T路o kneel for other purposes, Masonry does not require. God gave to man a head to be ,borne erect, a port upright and majestic. We assemble in our cherish and i3Jculcate sentiments that conform to that loftiness of bearing . which the just and upright man is entitled to maintain, and we do Q,ot require those who desire to be admittedan10ng us, ignomini-




ously to bow the head. We respect man, because we respect our.. selves that he may conceive a lofty idea of his dignity as a human being free and independent. If modesty is a virtue, humility and obsequiousness to man are base: for there is a noble pride which is the most real and solid basis of virtue. Man should humble him.. self before the Infinite God; but not before his erring and imperfect brother. As Master of a Lodge, you will therefore be exceedingly careful that no Candidate, in any Degree, be required to submit to any degradation whatever; as has been too much the custom in some of the Degrees : and take it as a certain and inflexible rule, to which there is 1itoe~fceptiQn, that real Masonry requires of no nlan anything to which a Knight and Gentleman cannot honorably, and without feeling outraged or humiliated submit. The Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States at length .undertook the indisp'ensable and long-delayed task of revising and reforming the work and rituals of the thirty Degrees undier its jurisdiction. Retaining the essentials of tn'e Degrees and all the means. by which the Inell1hers recognize one another, it has sought out and developed the leading idea of each Degree, rejected the puerilities and absurdities with which many Qf·them were di'sfigured,·and made of them a 'connected system of moral, religious., and philosophical instru-ction. Sectarian of no creed, it ,l'l,;as yet tb0ught it not improp,erto use the old allegories, based on occurrences detailed in the .Hebrew an,dChristian hooks, and drawn from th;eA,nci:ent Mysteries of Egypt, Persia, Greece, India, the Druids a~d the Essenes, as vehicles to' communicate the Great Masonic Truths; as it has used the legends of th'e Crusades, and the ceremonies ,of the orders of Knighthood.. . It no longer inculcates· a criminal and wicked vengeance. lit has not allowed Masonry to pl'ay the assassin : to avenge the deafl~ either of Hiram, of CRarl\es. the lst,o'iof Jaques De Molay and the Templars. The Aneient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Ma~ SORry has now become, what Miasonry at ·first was meant to he, a Teacher ·ofGreat TrutA.s,. inspi~edby an upright and enlightened reason, a firm an<iconstant wisdom, anda:n affectionate and lib-eral philanthropy. It is no loager a system, overfhe compositiofl and arrangemen~ ef the different par1ts'ofwbicB,wantof reflectroD, chance,'ignoraRce, and perhaps metives still more ignoblel'resided; a system



unsuited to our habits, our 111anners, our ideas, or the world-wide philanthropy and universal toleration of Masonry; or to bodies small in number, whose revenues should be devoted to the relief (J'f the unfortunate, and not to eU1pty show; no longer a heterogeneous aggregate of Degrees, shocking by its anachronisms and contradictions, powerless to disseminate light, information, and moral and philosophical ideas. As Master, you win teach those who are under you, and to whom you win owe your offi.ce, that the decorations of many of the Degrees are to he dispensed with, whenever the expense would inter~ iere with the duties of charity, relief, and benevolence; and to be irl'dulged in only by wealthy bodies tbat will thereby dono wrong to those entitled to their assistance. The essentials of all th·e Degrees may be procured at slight expense; and it is at the option of every Brother to procure or not to procure, as he pleases, the dress, decorations, and jewels of any Degree other than the 14th, 18th, 30th, and 32d. We teach the truth of none of the legends we re'Cite. They are to us but parables and allegories, involving and envelop'ing Masonic instruction ; and vei11cres of useful and i«nformation. They represent the different phases of the human mind, its efforts and struggles ·to comprehen'd nature,God,· th'e government of the Universe, the permitted existence of sorrow and evil. To teach us wisdom, and the folly of endeavoring to explain to ourselves that which we are not capable of understandi:'ng, we reproduce the speculations of the Philosophers, tbe KabaHsts, Mystagogues and the Gnostics. Everyone bein·g' at liberty to apply our symbols and emblen1s as· he thinks lnost consistent wi,th troth and reason and with his own faith,we give them such an iIlterpretation only as m'ay be accepted by Our Degrees may 'hie conferred in France or Turkey, at p·'ekin, Ispahan, Rome, or Ge~ neva, the city of Penn or inCathoIic Louisiana, upon thesnEject of an absolute government or·the citizen of a Free S'tate, npon· Seetarian or Theist. To honoT· the Deity, to regard al} meTlaSOU1" ~'rethren, as children, equally dear to Him, of the S'upreme'1C reator ~ffhe Universe, and to make· himself useful to societya:ridJ.b1imself ~yhis labor, are its teachings to its Initiates in a:I1theIJegrees~




Preacher of Liberty, Fratet"11ity, and Equality, it de~.~~:"~td ~e attained by making men fit to receive them, and '])y tPi'e' tnocal power of an· intelligent and' enlrghteu'ed· Pea-pIle. It

Jays 'uo"pJerfs



and conspiracies. It hatches no pren1ature revolutions; it encourages no people to revolt against the constituted authorities; but recognizing the great truth that freedom follows fitness for free.. dom as the corollary follows the axiom, it strives to pl"epare Inen to govern themselves. \\lhere don1estic slavery exists, it teaches the master hun1anity and the alleviation of the condition of his slave, and moderate eorrection and gentle discipline; as it teaches then1 to the master of the apprentice: and as it teaches to the etnployers of other men, in Inines, manufactories, and workshops, consideration and humanity for those who depend upon their labor for their bread, and to whom want of etnployment is starvation, and overwork is fever, consumption, and death. As Master of a Lodge, you are to inculcate these duties on your brethren. Teach the employed to be honest, punctual, and faithful as vvell as respectful and obedient to all proper orders: but also teach the employer that every n1an or woman who desires to work, has a right to have work to do; and that they, and those who from sickness or feebleness, loss of limb or of bodily vigor, old age or infancy, are not able to work, have a right to be fed, clothed, and sheltered from the inclement elements: that he commits an awful sin against l\1asonry and in the sight of God, if he closes his workshops or factories, or ceases to work his mines, when they do not yield him what he regards as sufficient profit, and so disll1isses his workmen and workwomen to starve; or when he reduces the wages of man or woman to so Iowa standard that they and their families cannot be clothed and fed and comfortably housed; or by overwork must give him their blood and life in exchange for the pittance of their wages: and that his duty as a Mason and Brother peremptorily requires him to continue to employ those who else will be pinched with hunger and cold, or resort to theft and vice: and to pay them fair wages, though it may reduce or annul his profits or even eat into his capital; for God hath but loaned' him his wealth, and made him His almoner and agent to invest it. Except as mere symbols of the moral virtues and intellectual quaIitie$, the tools and implements of Masonry belong exclusively to the first three Degrees. They also, however, serve to remind the Mason who has advanced further, that his new rank is based upon the humble labors of the .symbolic Degrees, as they are improperly termed) inasmuch as all the D'egrees are symbolic.



Thus the Initiates are inspired with a just idea of Masonry, towit, that it is essentially WORK; both teaching and practising LABOR; and that it is altogether emblematic. Three kinds of work are necessary to the preservation and protection of n1an and society: n1anual labor, specially belonging to the three blue Degrees; labor in arnlS, symbolized by the Knightly or chivalric Degrees; and intellectual labor, belonging -particularly to the Philosophical Degrees. We have preserved and multiplied such emblems as have a true and profound meaning. We reject many of the old and senseless explanations. We have not reduced Masonry to a cold metaphysics that exiles everything belonging to the domain of the imagina. tion. The ignorant, and those half-wise in reality" but over-wise in their own conceit, may assail our symbols with sarcasms; but they are nevertheless ingenious veils that cover the Truth, respected by all who know the means by which the heart of man is reached and his feelings enlisted. The Great Moralists often had recourse to allegories, in order to instruct men wi.thout repelling them. But we have been careful not to allow our emblems to be too obscure, so as to require far-fetched and forced interpretations. In our days, and in the enlightened land in which we live, we do not need to wrap ourselves in veils so strange and impenetrable, as to prevent or hinder instruction instead of furthering it ; or to induce the suspicion that we have concealed meanings which we communicate only to the most reliable adepts" because they are contrary to good order or the well-being of society. The Duties of the Class of I nstructors~ that is, the Masons of the Degrees from the 4th to the 8th, inclusive, are, particularly, to perfect the younger Masons in the words, signs and tokens and other work of the Degrees they have received; to explain to them the meaning of the different emblems, and to expound the moral instruction which they convey. And upon their report of proficiency alone can their pupils be allowed to advance and receive an increase of wages. The Directors of the Work, or those of the 9th, 10th, and 11th Degrees are to report to the Chapters upon the regularity" activity and proper direction of the work of bodies in the lower Degrees, and what is needed to be enacted for their prosperity and usefulness. In the Symbolic Lodges, they are particularly charged to stimulate the zeal of the workmen, to induce them to engage in



new labors and enterprises for the good <If Masonry, their country and mankind, and to give thetll fraternal advice when they fall short of their· duty; or, in cases that require it, to invoke against them the rigor of Masonic law. The Al"ch2·tects, or those of the 12th, 13th,and 14th, should be selected from none but Brothers ,veIl instructed in the preceding Degrees; zealous, and capable of discoursing upon that Masonry; illustrating it, and discussing the simple questions of moral philosophy. And one of them, at everycomn1unicatio~,should be IJre.. pared with a lecture, communicating useful knowledge or giving good·advice to the Brethren. The KniiJhts, of the 15th and 16th Degrees, wear the sword. They are bound to prevent and repair, as far as rnctY be in their power, aU injustice, both in the world and in Masonry; to protect the weak and to bring oppressors to justice. Their works and lectures must be in this spirit. They should inquire whether Masonry fulfills, as far as it ought andean, itsprincipalpurp,ose, which is to succor theuniortunate. That it may do so, they 'should p,repare propositions to be offered in the Blue Lodges calculated to attain that end, to put an end to abuses, and to prevent or correct negligence. Those in the Lodges who have attained the rank of Knights,are most fit to be appointed Almoners, and charged to ascertain and make known 'who need and are entitled to the charity of the Order In the higher Deg;rees those only should be received who have sufficient readingandinforrmation to discuss the great questions of philosophy From them tne Orators of the Lodges should be selected, as well as those of the Councils and Chapters. They are charged to suggest such measures as are necessary to make Masonry entirely faithful to the&pirit of its institution,both as to its charitable purposes, and the diffusion of light ,and knowledge; such as are needed to·correctabuses thathav'e crept in,andoffences against the rules and general spirit of the Order; and ··such as will tend to n1ake it, as it was meant to be, th,egreat Teach,er of Mankind. As Master of aLodge,Council,arChapter, it will the your duty to impress upon the rn inds ·ofyourB,rethren these views of the general plan and sepa.rateparts of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite; of its spirit and ,design; its harmony and regularity; of the duties of the' officers and members; and of the particular lessons intended to be taught by each Degree.



Especially you are not to allow any assembly of the body over which you may preside, to close, without recalling to the minds of tOe Brethren the Masonic virtues and duties which are represented

upon the Tracing Board of this Degree. That is an imperative duty. Forget not that, more than three thousand years ago, ZOROASTgR said: "Be good~ be kind, be humane, and charitable;· love ,"O'urfellows~· console the afflicted; pardon those who have done 'Jau wrong." Nor that more than two thousand three hundred y!ears ago CONFUCIUS repeated, also quoting the language of those who had lived before himself : "Love thy neighbor as thyself: Do ,oit to others what thou wouldst not wish should be done to 'thyje'!: Forgive injuries.' Forgive your enemy, be reconciled to him, flivt kim assistance, invoke God in his behalf t'~ Let not the morality of your Lodge be inferior to that of the Persian or the Chinese Philosopher. Urge upon your Brethren the teaching and the unostentatious practiee of the morality of the Lodge, without regard to time~, pi.aces, religions, or peoples. Urge them to love one another, to be devoted to one another" to be faithful to the country, the government, and the laws: for to ~rve the country is to pay a dear. and sacred debt: To respect all forms of worship, to tolerate all political and religious opinions; not to· blame, and still less to· condemn the ,eHgion of others: not to seek to make converts; but to be content ifiliey have the religion of Socrates; a veneration for the Creator, the religion of good works, and grateful acknowledgment of God's &l.essings : fraternize with all men; to assist all who· are unfortunate; ~fJlatocheerfullypostpone their own interests to that of the Order: make it the constant rule of their lives, to think well to well, and to aot well: place the sage above the soldier, the noble, or the prince: ~d:take the wise and good as their models: see that their professions and practice, their teachin~s and _(1j1lduct,do. always agree: make this also their motto: Do that which thou oughtest <10;. let the result be what it will. ~'uch, my Brother, are some of the duties of tha·t office which sought to be qualified t,o exercise. M.ay you .perform well; and in so doing gai,n honor for yourself, a.nd·advance the great e;t.use of Masonry, Humani.ty.,and Progress.




NOACHITE, OR PRUSSIAN KNIGHT. You are especially charged in this Degree to be modest and humble, and not vain-glorious nor filled with self-conceit. Be not wiser in your own opinion than the Deity, nor nnd fault with His works, nor endeavor to improve upon what He has done. Be modest also in your intercourse with your fellows, and slow to entertain evil thoughts of them, and reluctant to ascribe to them evil intentions. A thousand presses, flooding the country with their evanescent leaves, are busily and incessantly engaged in maligning the motives and conduct of men and parties, and in making one man think worse of another; while, alas, scarcely one is found that ever, even accidentally, labors to make man think better of his fellow. Slander and calumny were never so insolently licentious in any country as they are this day in ours. The most retiring disposition, the most unobtrusive demeanor, is no shield against their poisoned arrows. The most eminent public service only makes their vituperatinn and invective more eager and more unscrupulous, when he who has done such service presents himself as a candidate for the people's suffrages. The evil is wide-spread and universal. No man, no woman, no household, is sacred or safe from this new Inquisition. No act is so pure or so p.raiseworthy, that the unscrupulous vender of lies who lives by pandering to a corrupt and morbid public appetite will not proclaim it as a crime. No motive is so innocent or so laudable, that he will not hold it up as villainy. Journalism pries into the interior of private houses, gloats over the details of domestic tragedies of sin and shame, and deliberately invents and industriously circulates the most unmitigated and baseless falsehoods, to coin money for those who pursue it as a trade, or to effect a temporary result in the wars of faction. We need not enlarge upon these evils. They are apparent to all and lamented over by all 1 and it is the duty of a Mason to do all





ill his power to lessen, if not to remove them. With the errors and even sins of other men, that do . not personally affect us or ours, and need not our condemnation to be odious, we have noth-

ing to do; and the journalist has no patent that makes him the Censor of Morals. There is no obligation resting on us to trumpet forth our disapproval of every wrongful or injudicious or improper act that every other man commits. One would be ashamed to stand on the street corners and retail them orally for pennies. One ought, in truth, to write lor speak against no other one in this world. Each man in it has enough to do, to watch and keep .guard over himself. Each of us is sick enough in this great Lazaretto: and journalism and polemical writing constantly remind us of a scene once witnessed in a little hospital; where it was horrible to hear how the .patients mockingly reproached each other with their disorders and infirmities: how one, who was wasted by consumption, jeered at another' who was bloated by dropsy: how one laughed. at another's cancer of the face; and this one again at his neighbor's lock-j aw or squint; until at last the delirious fever-patient sprang out of his bed, and tore away the coverings from the wounded bodies of his companions, and nothing was to be seen but hideous misery and mutilation. Such is the revolting work in which journalism and political partisanship, and half the world outside of Masonry, are engaged. Very generally, the censure bestowed upon men's acts, by those who have appointed and commissioned themselves Keepers of the Public Morals, is undeserved. Often it is not only undeserved, but praise is deserved instead of censure, and, when the latter is not undeserved, it is always extravagant, and therefore un-

j.ust. A Mason will wonder what spirit they are endowed withal, that can basely libel at a man, even, that is fallen. If they had any llobility of soul, they would with him condole his disasters. and drop some tears in pity of his folly and wretchedness: and if they were merely human and not brutal, Nature did grievous wrong to nlltnan bodies, to curse them with souls so cruel as to strive to add t@ a wretchedness already intolerable. When a Mason hears of an.y man that hath fallen into public disgrace, he should have a mind' to commiserate his mishap, and not to make him more dis.. consolate. To envenom a name by libels, that already is路 openly ~inted, is to add stripes with an iron rod to one that is flayed with



whipping; and to every well-tempered mind witt seem most inhuman and unmanly. Even the man who does wrong and commits errors often has a quiet home, a fireside of his own, a gentle, loving wife and innocent children, who perhaps do fl.ot know of his past errors and lapses-past and long repented of; or 'if they do, they love him the better, because, .being mortal, he hath erred, and being in the image of God, he hath repented. That every blow at this husband and father lacerates the pure and tender bosoms of that wife and those daughters, is a consideration that doth not stay the hand of the brutal journalist and partisan: but he strikes home at tilrese shrinking, quivering, innocent, tender bosoms; and then goes out upon the great arteries of cities, where the current of life palsates, and holds his head erect, and calls on his fellows to laud and', admire him, for the chivalric act he hath done, in strikrfi'g: his dagger through one heart into another tender and trusting; one. If you seek for high and strained carriages, you shall, for the most part, meet with them in low men. Arrogance is a weed that ever grows on a dunghill. It is from the rankness of that son tltB.:t she hath her height and spreadings.. To be modest and unaffee!ed with our superiors is duty; with our equ.als, courtesy;· with OUr iaferiors, nobleness~ There is no arrogance so great as'b'e preclaiming of other men's errors and faults, by those who understand nothing but the dregs of actions, and who make it their business to besmear deserving fames. Public reproof is like strik~ ing a deer in the berd.: it not 0011 wounds him, to the loss &f' blood, but hetraY's him to· the hound, his enemy. The occupation of the spy hath ever been held dishonorable-", and it is none the less· so, now that with rare exceptionseditfJrs':, and partisans' have become perpetual spies ,upon the actit)lls· of other men. Their malice makes them. nimble-eyed, apt to note a fault and publish it, and, with a:. strained construction, to deprave even those things in which.: the'doer's' intentsw,e;re honest. L~e the crocodile, they slime' the w·ay of otherS', to make them fa:]}; and when that has happened, they feed their irtsultingenvy·on tae life-blood of the prostrate. They set; the vices, ,of other men on high, for the gaze of tne wotJ)d,and place .their virtues Unae;fground, that none may note them.. If they cannot wounel U~B. proofs, they will do it upon likelihoods: and if not upon them.J~.ey



manufacture lies, as God created the world, out of nothing; and so corrupt the fair tempter of men's reputations; knowing that the multitude will believe them, because affirmations are apter to wim belief, than negativesA to uncredit them; and that a lie travels faster than an eagle Hies, while the contradiction limps aftrer it at a snail's pace, and, halting,. never overtakes it. N.ay, it is con~ frrary to the morality of jourrnalism, to allow a lie to be contradi~ed in the place that spawned it. And even if that great favor is conceded, a slander once raised will scarce ever die, or fail of n.ding many that wrill allow it both a h·arbor and- trost. This 1s, beyond any other, the age of falsehood. Once, to be s:t!1spected of equivocation was enough to soil a gentleman's escntdweon; but now it has. become a strange merit in a partisan or statesman, always and scrupulously to tell the truth. Lies are part f),f the regttlar ammunition of all campaigns and controversies, vatued according as they are profitable and, effective; and are st([)~ied utp and have a market . price, like saltpetre and sulphur; being even more deadly than they. limen, weighed tne imperfection.s of hnm.anityr, the')'! wsuld 8~the less cond.emnration. Ignorance gives disp.ara~ement a lQDder tongue'than knowledge does. Wise mea had rather kno;w, tDaR ~ell. Freqtten..t dispraises an-e. but the f atllts. C):!fnnaharitable wit:: and it is from where tSere is no judgment, that the meaviest jadgment comes; for self-examination would make aU judgments eharitable. If wee'Vel1 dO! know vices in men, w'e can scarce dow/ourselves in a nobler v:irttle' ~an in: the chari:ty of concealing tlIem: if that be not a. &tteIYI''€t"suading to continuance. And it is the basest office· marl: can :fi'al1: into" to' mame his tong'it1le the def:am!! of the wortmty man:. There is b,.trl one rule' fQI·tm.e Mason in this matter. If there be "il1tues, and be; is calIedmpon, to s~eak Qf him wm.oJ OWLIS them, l:et IMmtnel~ them forth impartially. And if there b;e vi€@s mixed w~th WlecB, let him b,e content tneworld shall' kogw them by some oth~J'

taJngue tb'aIib. his_ Fot,iJ the eril.. . d;.oe't" deserve no pi~,his wife, his llilreBts, «)i,f b,js children, or other inno;eent peTSO~DS who: l'ove him ma.J;.. amd the bravo's tr!ade,p~~tisedlby him who sta'lbs the defieacetess for a price paid b~ individu'al or part,:, is really so. more nes1PrectaD~e now than i,t was a hundlted years ago,~in Ve,ni,de.. Where we waRt experience, Charity bids us think the'l1>,e:st. ltal'e what we mow not to, the'; Searcher of Healts ;,foormistakes,




suspicions, and envy often injure a clear fame; and there is least danger in a charitable construction. And, finally, the Mason should be humble and modest toward the Grand Architect of the Universe, and not impugn His Wisdom, nor set up his own imperfect sense of Right against His Providence and dispensations, nor attempt too rashly to explore the Mysteries of God's Infinite Essence and inscrutable plans, and of that Great Nature which we are not made capable to understand. Let him steer far away from all those vain philosophies, which endeavor to account for all that is, without admitting that there is a God, separate and apart from the Universe which is his work: which erect Universal Nature into a God, and worship it alone: which annihilate Spirit, and believe no testimony except that of the bodily senses: which, by logical formulas and dextrous collocation of words, make the actual, living, guiding, and protecting God fade into the dim mistiness of a mere abstraction and unreality, itself a mere logical formula. N or let him have any alliance with those theorists who chide the delays of Providence and busy themselves to hasten the slow march which it has imposed upon events: who neglect the practical, to struggle after impossibilities: who are wiser than Heaven; know the aims and purposes of the Deity, and can see a short and more direct means of attaining them, than it pleases Him to employ: who would have no discords in the great harmony of the Universe of things; but equal distribution of property, no subjection of one man to the will of another, no compulsory labor, and still no starvation, nor destitution, nor pauperism. Let him not spend his life, as they do, in building a new Tower of Babel; in attempting to change that which is fixed by an inflexible law of God's enactment: but let him, yielding to the Superior Wisdom of Providence, content to believe that the march of-events is rightly ordered by an Infinite Wisdom, and leads, though we cannot see it, to a great and perfect result,-let him be satisfied to follow the path pointed out by that Providence, and to labor for the good of the human race in that mode in which God has chosen to enact that that good shall be effected: and abo"e all, let him build no Tower of Babel, under the belief that by ascending he will mount so high that God will disappear or be superseded by a great monstrous aggregate of material forces, or mere glitt~ring, logical formula; but, ev~rmore} standing humbly



and reverently upon the earth and looking with awe and confidence toward Heaven, let him be satisfied that there is a real God; a person, and not a formula; a Father and a protector, who loves, and sympathizes, and compassionates; and that the eternal ,vays by which He rules the world are infinitely wise.. no matter how far they may be above the feeble comprehension and limited vision

of man.


PRINCE OF LIBANUS. SYMPATHY with the great laboring classes, respect for labor itself, and resolution to do some good work in our day and generation, these are the lessons of this Degree, and they are purely Masonic. Masonry has made a working-man and his associates the Heroes of her principal legend, and himself the companion of Kings. The idea is as simple and true as it is sublime. From first to last, Masonry is work. It venerates the Grand Architect of the Universe. It commemorates the building of a Temple. Its principal emblems are the working tools of Masons and Artisans. It preserves the name.of the first worker in brass and iron as one of its pass-words. When the Brethren meet together, they are at labor. The Master is the ove'Tseer who sets the craft to work and gives them proper instructtion. Masonry is the apotneosis of WORK.

It is the hands of brave~ forgotten men that have made this great, populous, cultivated world a world for us. It is all work, and forgotten work. The real conquerors, creators, and eternal proprietors of every great and civilized land are all the heroic souls that ever were in it, each in his degree: all the men that ever felled a forest-tree or drained a marsh, or contrived a wise scheme, or did or said a true or valiant thing therein. Genuine work alone, done faithfully, is eternal, even as the Almighty Founder and World-builder Himself. All work is noble: a life of ease is not for any man, nor for any God. The Almighty Maker is not like one .who, in old immemorial ages, having made, his machine of a Universe, sits ever since, and sees it go. Out of that belief comes Atheism. The faith in an Invisible, Unnameable, Directing Deity, present everywhere in all that we see, and work, and suffer, is the essence of all faith whatsoever The life of all Gods figures itself to us as a Sublime Earnest-




ne8,s,---of Infinite battle against Infinite labor Our highest reHgion is named the Worship of Sorrow. For the Son of Man there is no noble crown, well-worn, or even ill-worn, but is a crown of thorns. Man's highest destiny is not to be happy, to love pleasant things and find them. His only true unhappiness should be that he cannot work, and get his destiny as a man fulfilled. The day passes swiftly over, our life passes swiftly over, and the night ctJ.meth, wherein no man can work. That night once come, our happiness and unhappiness are vanished, and become as things that never were. But our work is not abolished, and has not vanished.. It remains, or the want of it remains, for endless Times and Eternities. Whatsoever of morality and intelligence; what of pateince, perSieverance, faithfulness, of method, insight, ingenuity, energy; in a word, whatsoever of STRENGTH a man has in him, wi111ie written in the WORK he does. To work is to try himself against Nature and her unerring, everlasting laws: and they will return true verdict as to him. The noblest Epic is a mighty Empire slowly built t'(1)igether, a mighty series of heroic deeds, a mighty conquest over cnaos/. Deeds are greater than words. They have a. life, mute, but undeniable; and grow. Th'ey people the vacuity of Tirme, and make it green and worthy. Labor is the truest emblem of God, the Architect and Eternal Maker; noble Labor, which is yet to be the King of tbis .Earth, and sit on the highest Throne. Men without duties to do, are li&e trees planted on precipices; from the roots of whi'ch aU the. earth has crumbled. N atureowns n.o ma-n who is not ia;ls,oa Martyr. She storns the man路 who sits screened from all work, from want, danger, hardship, the victory over which is wotk; and h0as bis work and battling droneoy other men; and yet there ate mea who pride th'emselves that they and thfeirs have done no work time out of mind. So neither have ,the swine. 'Tbechief of men is he who stands in the van ofmell, I~Gnti~g tI1I@'p,eril which ftightens batk al1others, and if not ~anquished wotllddevour them. Hercules was worshippe:d for tw~lrvelabQrs. The Czar of Russia became a toilingshipwright,~nd wO;ir~e.d with ~jls ';a.x<e i~n 路the 'docksofSaardam;. and something came; Qftha:t. Ct'I@Ollwell wotk'ed, and Napoleon ; and effected .somewbat. There is a perennial nobleness and even sacredness in work.. Be ~'I)e.e;r路soooBightedand f0r:getful of his higlica.itillg;,ltlb.erei's





always hope in a man who, actually and earnestly works: in Idle... ness alone is there perpetual Despair. Man perfects himself by working. Jungles are cleared away. Fair seed-fields rise instead, and stately cities; and withal, the man himsel f first ceases to be a foulunwholesonle jungle and desert thereby. Even 路in the meanest sort of labor, the whole soul of man is composed into a kind of real harmony, the moment he begins to work. Doubt, Desire, Sorrow, Remorse, Indignation, and even Despair shrink murmuring far off into their caves, whenever the man bends himself resolutely against his task. Labor is life. From the inmost heart of the worker rises his God-given Force, the Sacred Celestial路 Lifeessence, breathed into him by Almighty God; and awakens him to all nobleness, as soon as work fitly begins. By it man learnsPatience, Courage, Perseverance, Openness to light, readiness to own himself mistaken, resolution to do better and improve. Only by labor will man continually learn the virtues. There is no Religion in stagnation and inaction; but only in activity and exertion. There was the deepest truth in that saying of the. old monks, "laborare est orare." "He prayeth best who loveth best all things both great and small;" and can路 man love except by working earnestly to benefit that being \vhom he loves? "Work; and therein have well-being," is the oldest of Gospels; unpreached, inarticulate, but ineradicable, and enduring forever. To make Disorder, wherever found, an eternal enemy; to attack and subdue him, and n1ake order of him, the subject not of Chaos, but of Intelligence and Divinity, and of ourselves; to attack ignorance, stupidity and brute-mindedness, wherever found, to smite it wisely and unwearie..dly, to rest not while we live and it lives, in the name ~f God, this is our duty as Masons; comlnanded us by the Highest God. Even He, with his unspoken voice, more awful than the thunders of Sinai, or the syllabled speech of the Hurricane, speaks to us. The Unborn Ages; the old Graves, with their long-moldering dust speak to us. The deep Death-Kingdon1s, the Stars in their never-resting course, all Space and all Time, silently and continually admonish us that we too must work while it is called to-day. Labor, wide as the Earth, has its summit in Heaven. J"fo toil, whether with the sweat of the brow, or of the brain or heart, is worship,-the noblest thing yet discovered beneath the Stars. Let the weary cease to .think that labor is a curse and doom pronounced by Deity, Without it there could be no true

kNIGHt' 015' t'Ht ROYAL AXIt.


excellence in human nature. Without it, and pain, and sorrow, where would be the human virtues? Where Patience, Perseverance, Submission, Energy, Endurance, Fortitude, Bravery, Disinterestedness, Self-Sacrifice, the noblest excellencies of the Soul? Let him who toils complain not, nor feel humiliated 1 Let him Jook up, and see his fellow-workmen there, in God's Eternity; they alone surviving there. Even in the weak human memory they long survive, as Saints, as Heroes, and as Gods: they alone survive, and people the unmeasured solitudes of Time. To the prin1evaI man, whatsoever good came, descended on him (as in mere fact, it ever does) direct from God; whatsoever duty lay visible for him, this a Supreme God had prescribed. For the primeval man, in whom dwelt Thought, this Universe was all a Temple, life everywhere a Worship. Duty is with us ever; and evermore forbids us to be idle. To work with the hands or brain, according to our requirements and ottr capacities, to do that which lies before us to do, is n10re honorable than rank and title.Ploughers, spinners and builders, inventors, and men of science, poets, advocates, and writers, all stand upon one common level, ~nd form one grand, innumerable host, marching ever onward since the beginning of the world: each entitled to our sympathy and respect, each a man and our brother. It was weU to give the earth to man as a dark n1ass, whereon to labor. It was well to provide rude and unsightly materials in the ore-bed and the forest, for him to fashion into splendor and beauty. It was well, not because of that splendor and beauty; but because tl~)Le act creating them is better than the things themselves; because exertion is nobler than enjoyment; because the laborer is greater and more worthy of honor than the idler. Masonry stands up for the nobility of labor. It is Heaven's great ordinance for Rttman improvement. I t has been broken down for ages; and Masonry desires to build it up again. It has been broken down, because men toil only because they must, submitting to it as, in some sort, a degrading necessity; and desiring nothing so much Qlearth as to escape from it. They fulfill the great law of labor in the letter, but break it in. the spirit: they fulfill it with the muscles, but break it with the mind. Masonry teaches that every idler ought to hasten, to some field of labor, manual or mental, as a chosen and coveted theatre of

im:provement; but he is not impelled to do SOl under the teachings



of an imperfect civilization. On the contrary, he sits down, folds his hands, and blesses and glorifies himself in his idleness. It is time that this opprobrium of toil were done away. To be ashamed of toil; of the dingy workshop and dusty labor-field; of the hard hand, stained with service more honorable than that of war; of the soiled and weather-stained garments, on which Mother Nature has stamped, midst sun and rain, midst fire and steam, her own heraldic honors; to be ashamed of these tokens and titles, and envious of the flaunting robes of imbecile idleness and vanity, is treason to Nature, impiety to Heaven, a breach of Heaven's great Ordinance. TOIL) of brain, heart, or hand, is the only true manhood and genuine nobility. Labor is a more beneficent ministration than man's ignorance comprehends, or his conlplainings will admit. Even when its end is hidden from him, it- is not mere blind drudgery. It is all a training, a discipline, a development of energies, a nurse of virtues, a school of improvement.. From the poor boy who gathers a few sticks for his mother"s hearth, to the strong man who fells the oak or guides the ship or the steam-car, every human toiler, with every weary step and every urgent task, is obeying a wisdom far above his own wisdom, and fulfilling a design far beyond his own design.. The great law of human industry is this: that industry,working either with the hand or the mind, the .application of 'our powers to some task, to the achievement of some result" lies at the foundation of all human improvement. We are not sent into the world like animals, to crop the spontaneous herbage of the路 field, and then to lie down in indolent repose: but we are sent to dig the soil and plough the sea; to do the business of cities and the work of manufactories... The world is the great and appointed school of industry. In an artificial state. of society, mankind is divided into the idle and the laboring classes; but such was not the design of Providence. Labor is man's great function, his peculiar distinction and his privilege. From being an anirnal, that eats and drinks and sleeps only, to become a worker, and with the hand. of ingenuity to P01!.lF his own thoughts into the moulds of Nature, fashioning them into forms of grace and fabrics of convenience, and converting them to purposes of improvement and happiness, is the greatest possible step in privilege. . The Earth and the Atmosphere are man's laboratory. With




Sjpade and plough, with mining-shafts and furnaces and forges, fire and steam; midst the noise and whirl of swift and bright machinery, and abroad in 'the silent fields, man was made to be ever working, ever experimenting. And while he and all ,his dwell~ith

ings of care and toil are borne onward with the circling skies, and the splendors of Heaven are around him, and their infinite depths image and invite his thought,still in all the worlds of philosophy, in the universe of intellect, ma.nmnstbe a worker.. He is nothing, he can De nothing,canachiev;e nothing, fulfill nothing, without w6rlcing. Without it,he can gain neither lofty improvement nor toler-ablehappiness. The idle must hunt down the '110ursas their p~e~. To them,e :isan enemy, clothed with ,armor; ,and. they ·,nl1stkJiJl him,or themsel¥es ,<die. It never yet did answer, and it ,mte¥er will answer, for any manto do 1:lothing, to be exempt fJ:'i01n aU care and effort, to }0unge, to walk, to ride, and tCD feast .alone. No man can liv:ein that way. ,God made a law against it : which Re' httman power can annul, no httman iagenuity evade. T/he idea that a property is to be acquired in ithe .cQurse oJ tea uQf twenty years, wihich shall suffice for the rest of life; that by some prosperous traffic or grand s~eculation, all tm'elaoor ofa ailiole life is to be accomplish'ecl in a brief portion of ,it ; that by dexterous management, a large part of the tern1 oif human exist'el:oeis to be exonerated fromtaecares of industry and sielf.<ienpiai, is foumdedupon a gra¥emnistake, upon amisconoeptron off ~ietnle nature and desig'n oflDusiness, and of the cc>nditiol'lsof ' well-being. 'The desire of accumulation for thesa;ke of i$160urio:g a liJeof easeandgratHicatiom, of ,escap;ing fromexe.rti0'lan<ds;elf-denial, is w'hotly wrong, thIDUgh very common. ~tisbetter for the Mason to live while lile ;li¥es,andenjoJ tile as it'passes:to live richer am cd die po@rer. It is blest of:aH for him'£G) banish from the mind that empty dream ·of future imdolenceaum ;;indulglence; to address himsielf to the business of life, as the school :ori;8is eartk:ly 'education.;to settle it with himself now that rnde¥,t1ce, iJ he ;gains it, is not to "give him ,e:x:emption fnom emp10Y[ft is best for him to ;lmow, that, in order tobeaiihawyman, i8ei:mnst: always bea laborer, with the mind ortbe body,mTwi& <i>oln: and that the reasonable exertion of his powers, bodilyaacl mental, ;is aot to be regarided as mere @1"uclgery,ilout as a good disdJl~:ine,a wise ordination, a training,in this primarysclnJ<D.olof ",om,r lJj,~i1lig, for nobler endeavors, ,and ,hi§IJ.,m-actiltityhe!1eii




There are reasons why a.. Mason may lawfully and even earnest. ly desire a fortune. If he can fill some fine palace, itself a work of art, with the productions of lofty genius; if he can be the friend and helper of hUll1ble worth; if he can seek it out, where failing health or adverse fortune presses it hard, and soften or stay the bitter hours that are hastening it to madness or to the grave; if he can stand between the oppressor and his prey, and bid the 'fetter and the dungeon give up their victim; if he can build up great institutions of \~learning, and academies of art; if he can open fountains of knowledge for the people, and conduct its streams in the right channels; if he can do better for the poor than to bestow alms upon them-even to think of them, and devise plans for their elevation in knowledge and virtue, instead of forever opening' the old reservoirs and resources for their improvidence; if he has sufficient heart and soul to do all this, or part of it; if wealth would be to him the handmaid of exertion, facilitating effort, and giving success to endeavor; then may he lawfully, and yet warily and modestly, desire it. But if it is to do nothing for him, but to min.. ister ease and indulgence, and to place his children in the same bad school, then there is no reason why he should desire it. What is there glorious in the world, that is not the product of labor, either of the body or of the mind? What is history, but its record? What are the treasures of genius and art, but its work? What are cultivated fields, but its toil? The busy marts, the ris.. ing cities, the enriched empires of the world are but the great treasure-houses of labor. The pyramids of Egypt, the castles and towers and temples of Europe, the buried cities of Italy and Mexico, the canals and railroads of Christendom,are but tracks, all round,~he world, of the mighty footsteps of labor Without it antiquity' would not have been. Without it, there would be no memory of the past, and no hope for the future. Even utter indolence repo:;es on treasures that labor at some time gained and gathered. He that does nothing, and yet does not starve, has still his signilican~e; for he is a standing proof that somebody has at some time worked. But not to such does Masonry do honor. It honors the Worker, the Toiler; him who produces and not alone consumes; him who puts forth his hand to add to the treasury of human comforts, and not alone to take away. It honors him who goes forth amid the struggling elements to fight his battle, and who shrinks ~ot, with cowardly effeminacy, behind



pillows of ease. It honors the strong muscle, and the manly nerve, and the resolute and brave heart, the sweating brow, and the toiling brain. It honors the great and beautiful offices of hum.anity, manhood's toit and woman's task; paternal industry and maternal watching and weariness; wisdom teaching and patience learning; the brow of care that presides over the State, and manyhanded labor that toils in workshop, field, and study, beneath its mild and beneficent sway. God has not made a world of rich men; but rather a world of poor men; or men, at least, who must toil for a subsistence. That is, then, the best condition for man, and the grand sphere of human improvement. If the whole world could acquire wealth, (and one man is as much entitled to it as another, when he is born) ; if the present generation could lay up a complete provision for the next, as some men desire to do for their children; the world would be destroyed at a single blow. All industry would cease with the necessity for it; all improvement would s-top with the demand for exertion; the dissipation of fortunes, the mischiefs of which are now oountervailed by the healthful tone. of society, would breed universal disease, and break路out into universal license; and the路 world would sink, rotten as Herod, into the grave of its own loathsome vices. Almost all the noblest things that have been achieved in the world, have been achieved by poor men; poor scholars, poor professional men, poor artisans and artists, poor philosophers, poets, and men of genius. A certain staidness and sobriety, a路 certain moderation and restraint, a certain pressure of circumstances, are good for man. His body was not made for luxuries. It sickens, sinks, and dies under them. His mind was not made for indul'gence. It grows weak, effeminate, and dwarfish, under that condition. And he who pampers his body with luxuries and his mind w'ith indulgence, bequeaths the consequences to the minds and oodies of his descendants, without the wealth which was their 垄a:ttse. For wealth, without a law of entail to help it, has always Jacked the energy even to keep its own treasures. They drop. from imbecile hand. The third generation almost inevitably goes ~own the rolling wheel of fortune, and there learns the energy a~cessary to rise again, if it rises at all; heir, as it is, to the bodily ,is:eases, and mental weaknesses, and (he soul's vices of its ancestors, and not heir to their wealth, And yet we are, almost all of




us, anxious to put our children, or to insure that our grandchildren shall be put, on this road to indulgence, luxury, vice, degradation, and ruin; this heirship of hereditary disease, soul malady, and mental leprosy. If wealth were employed in promoting mental culture at home and wor~s of philantbropy abroad; if it were multiplying studi,es of art, and building up institutions of learning around us; if it were in every way raising the intellectual character of the world, there could scarcely be too much of it. But if the utmost aim, effort, and ambition of wealth be, to procure rich furniture, alld provide· costly entertainments, and build luxurious houses,. and minister to vanity, extravagance, and ostentation, there could scarcely be too little oJ it" To a certain extent it may laudably be the minister of elegancies and luxuries, and the servitor of hospitality and physical enjoyment: but just in proportion as its tendencies, divested of aU higher aims and tastes, are running that way, they are running to peril and evil. Nor does that peril attach to individuals and families alone. It stands, a fearful beacon, in the experience of Cities, Republics, and Empires. The lessons of past times, on this subject, are emphati~ and solemn. The history of wealth has always been a history 0'£ corruption and downfall. The people never existed that corutti stand the trial., Boundless profusion is too little likely to spread for any peop:1e the theatre of manly energy, rigid self-denial.anfl lofty virtue. You do not look for the bone and sinew and strength of a country, its loftiest talents and virtues, its m.artyrs to patr~otism or religion, its men to meet the days of peril ui disaster, among the children of ease, indulgence, and luxury. In the great marcb of the races of men over the earth, we have always seen opulence and luxury sinking before poverty .<1 toil and hardy nurture" That is the law which has presided oJV~r the great processions of empire. Sidon and Tyre, whose merchants possessed the wealth of princes; Babylon and Palmyra"tie seats of Asiatic luxury; Rome, laden with the spoils of a world, overwhelmed by her own vices more than by the hosts of ber enemies; all these, and many more, are examples of the destt11:.£:tive tendencies of immense and unnatural accumulation: and meu must become more generous and benevolent, not more selfish aile effeminate, as they become more rich., or the history.o£ modeAl wealth will follow· in the sad train of all past example's.




All men desire distinction, and feel the need of some ennobling object in life. Those persons are usually most happy and satisfied in their pursuits, who have the loftiest ends in view.. Artists, mechanicians, and inventors, all who seek to find principles or develop beauty in their work, seem most to enjoy it.. The farmer who labors for fhe beautifying and scientific cultivation of his ,~state, is more happy in his labors than one who tills his own land for a mere subsistence. This is one of the signal testimonies wbich all human employments give to the high demands of our nature. To gather wealth never gives such satisfaction as to p'ring the humblest piece of machinery to perfection: at least, when wealth is sought for display and ostentation, or mere luxury, aad ease,and pleasure; and not for ends of philanthropy,· the relief of kindred, or the payment of just debts, or as a means to attain some other great and noble object. With the pursuits of multitudes is connected a painful cOfivicti<:>R that they neither supply a sufficient obj ect, nor confer any satisfactory honor. Why work, if the world is soon not to know that such a being ever existed ; and when one can perpetuate his name neither on canvas nor on marble, nor in books, nor·by lofty eloquence, nor statesmanship? The answer is, that every man has a work to do in himself, greater and sublimer than any· work of genius; and works upon a nobler material than wood or marble-upon his own soul and intel.le:ct, and may so attain the highest nobleness and grande~r k,own on earth or in Heaven; may so be the greatest of artists, ~d of authors, and his life, which is far more than speech, may

be,.eloquent. The great author or artist onlyportrays w hat every man· should He conceives, what we should do. He conceives, andrepres~~s moral beauty, magnanimity, fortitude, love" devotion., forgi~eness, the soul's greatness. He portrays virtues, commended to ad.miration and imitation. To embody these portraitures in ~~~•. lives is the practical realization of those idealso·f .art.. r~~m.agnanimity of Heroes, celebrated on the historic: or poetic p~e; the constancy and faith of Truth's martyrs ;thebeaaty of I,~~e and p,iety glowing on the ··canvas; the delineations of Tmth aD:" Right, that flash from the lips of the Eloquent, are, i,n their ~~s~~ce only that which everyman may feel and practise in the da.ily walks of life. The vlorkof virtue is nobler tbanany.i'work oi£\,g~nius; for it is a nobler thing to beah,ero tb,an to desCr$Z,eoDe,



to endure martyrdOlTI than to paint it, to do right than to plead for it. Action is greater than writing. A good man is a nobler object of contemplation than a great author. There are but two things worth living for: to do what is worthy of being written; and to write what is worthy of being read; and the greater of these is the doing. Every man has to do the noblest thing that any man can do or describe. There is a wide field for the courage, cheerfulness, energy, and dignity of human existence. Let therefore no Mason deem his life doomed to mediocrity or meanness, to vanity or unprofitable toil, or to any ends less than immortal. Noone can truly say that the grand prizes of life are for others, and he can do nothing. No matter how magnificent and noble an act the author can describe or路 the artist paint, it will be still nobler for you to go and do that which one describes, or be the model which the other draws. The loftiest action that ever was described is not more magnani.. mous than that which we may find occasion to do, in the daily walks of life; in temptation, in distress, in bereavement, in the solemn approach to death. In the great Providence of God, in the great ordinances of our being, there is opened to every man a sphere for the noblest action. It is not even in extraordinary situations, where all eyes are upon us, where all our energy is aroused, and all our vigilance is awake, that the highest efforts of virtue are usually demanded of us; but rather in silence and se.. elusion, amidst our occupations and our homes; in wearing sick.. ness, that makes no complaint; in sorely-tried honesty, that asks no praise; in simple disinterestedness, hiding the hand that resigns its advantage to another. Masonry seeks to ennoble common life. Its work is to go down into the obscure and unsearched records of daily conduct and feeling; and to portray, not the ordinary virtue of an extraordinary life; but the more extraordinary virtue路 of ordinary life. What is done and borne in the shades of privacy, in the hard and beaten path of daily care and toil, full of uncelebrated sacrifices; in the suffering, and sometimes insulted suffering, that wears to the world a cheerful brow ;in the long strife of the spirit, resisting pain, penury, and neglect, carried on in the inmost depths of the heart ;--what is done, and borne, and wrought, and won there, is a higher glory, and shall inherit a brighter crown. On the volulne of Masonic life one bright word is written, from



which on every side blazes an ineffable splendor. That word is

DuTY. To aid in securing to all labor permanent employment and its just reward: to help to hasten the coming of that time when no one shall suffer from hunger or destitution, because, though willing and able to work, he .can find no employment, or because he has been overtaken by sickness in the midst of his labor, are part of your duties as a Knight of the R'oyal Axe. And if we can succeed in making some small nook of God's creation a little more fruitful and cheerful, a little better and more worthy of Him,-or in making some one or two human hearts a little wiser, and more manful and hopeful and happy, we shall have done work, worthy

of Masons, and acceptable to our Father in Heaven.


CHIEF OF THE TABERNACLE. AMONG most of the Ancient Nations there was, in addition to their public worship, a private one styled the Mysteries; to which those only were admitted who had been prepared by certain ceremonies called initiations. The most widely disseminated of the ancient worships were those of Isis, Orpheus, Dionusos, Ceres and Mithras. Many bar.. barous nations received the knowledge of the Mysteries in honor of these divinities from the Egyptians, before they arrived in Greece; and even in the British Isles the Druids celebrated those of Dionusos, learned by them from the Egyptians. The Mysteries of Eleusis, celebrated at Athens in honor of Ceres, swallowed up, as it were, all the others. All the neighboring nations neglected their' own, to celebrate those of Eleusis; and in a little while all Greece and Asia Minor were filled with the Iuitiates. They spread into the Roman Empire, and even beyond its limits, llthose holy and august Eleusinian Mysteries," said Cicero, "in which the people of the remotest lands are initiated." Zosi路 mus says that they embraced the whole human race; and Aristides termed them the common temple of the whole world. There were, in the Eleusinian feasts, two sorts of Mysteries, the great, and the little. The latter were a kind of preparation for the former; and everybody was admitted to them. Ordinarily there was a novitiate of three, and sometimes of four years. Clemens of Alexandria says that what was taught in the great Mysteries concerned the Universe, and was the completion and perfection of all instruction; wherein things were seen as they were, and nature and her works were made known~ The ancients said that the Initiates would be more happy after death than other mortals; and that, while the souls of the Profane on leaving their bodies, would be plunged in the mire, and remain buried in darkness, those of the Initiates would fly to the Fortunate Isles, the abode of the Gods.




Plato said that the object 路of the Mysteries was to re-establish tfte soul in its primitive purity, and in that state of perfection wbicl1 it had lost. Epictetus sai,d, "whatever is met with therein lias ;been instituted by our Masters, for the instruction of man and the correction of morals." Produs held that initiation elevated the soul, from a material, seflsnaI, and purely human life, to a communion .and celestial inteJioourse with the Gods; and that a variety of thingsJ forms., and 5p'ecies were shown Initiates, representing the first gen,eration of tBeGods. Purity of morals and elevation of soul were required of the Initiates. Candidates were required to be of spotless reputation .:<il'irreproachable virtue. Nero, after murdering his moth~er, did mot dar'e to be present at the celebration of the Mysteries: and Aatony presented himself to be initiated, as the most infallible mocie of proving his innocence of the death of AvidiusCassius. The Initiates were regarded as the only fortunate men. "It is

apan us alone," says Aristophanes, "shineth the beneficent daystar,. We alone receive pleasur,e fro路m the influence of his rays; we, . who are initiated, and who practise toward.citizen and s~ngerevery possiblie act of justice and piety." And it is ther:efore not surprising that, in time, initiation came to be considered as necessary as baptism afterward was to the Christians; and that not to have been admitted to the Mysteries was held a dishonor.

seems to me," says the great orator, philosopher, and moralisl,'Ci,oero, "that Athens, among many excellent inventions, divine amr:<ivery useful to the human family, has produced none comparable to the Mysteries, which for a wild and ferocious Hfe hav路e substituted humanity and urbanity of manners. It is with good reaSOR they use the term initiation; for it is through themtha:t Wie' in reality have learned fu,e first principles of life; and they cimly teach us to live in a manner more oonsoling and.agreeal>~t1, ot1.tth/ey soften the pains ,of death by the hope of a 'b etter ife herr,eafter." Where the Mysteries originated is not known. It is supposed that they carne from India, by the way of Chaldrea, into EgyptamidtJmeDce were carried into Greece. Wherever they arose,. ,they ~e~~/pr!actis!.ed amOIljg all the ancient nations; and,as was usual, T~racians,Cretans, andAthe;IJ.ians,eaca .claim垄d thehollGll" of



invention, and each insisted that they had borrowed nothing from any other people. In Egypt and the East, all religion, even in its most poetical forms, was more or less a mystery; and the chief reason why, in Greece, a distinct name and office were assigned~o the Mysteries, was because the superficial popular theology left a want unsatisfied, which religion in a wider sense alone could supply. They were practical acknowledgments of the insufficiency of the popular religion to satisfy the deeper thoughts and aspirations of the mind. The vagueness of symbolism might perhaps reach what a more palpable and conventional creed could not. The former, by its indefiniteness, acknowledged the abstruseness of its subj ect; it treated a mysterious subject mystically; it endeavored to illustrate what it could not explain; to excite an appropriate feeling, if it could not develop an adequate idea; and made the image a mere subordinate conveyance for the conception, which itself never became too obvious or familiar. The instruction now conveyed by books and letters was of old conveyed by symbols; and the priest had to invent or to perpetuate a display of rites and exhibitions, which were not only more attractive to the eye than words, but often to the mind more suggestive and pregnant with meaning. Afterward, the institution became rather moral and political, than religious. The civil magistrates shaped the ceremonies to political ends in Egypt; the sages who carried them from that country to Asia,Greece, and the North of Europe, were all kings or legislators. The chief magistrate presided at those of Eleusis, represented by an officer styled King: and the Priest played. but a subordinate part. The Powers revered in the Mysteries were all in reality NatureGods; none of whom could be consistently addressed as mere heroes, because their nature was confessedly super-heroic. The Mysteries, only in fact a more solemn expression of the religion of the ancient poetry, taught that doctrine of the Theocracia or Divine Oneness, which even poetry does not entirely conceal They were not in any open hostility with the popular religion, but only a more solemn exhibition of its symbols; or rather. a part of itself in a more inlpressive form. The essence of all Mysteries, as of all polytheism, -consists in this, that the conception of an unapproachable Being, single, eternal, and unchanging, and that



of a God of Nature, whose manifold power IS Immediately revealed to the senses in the incessant round of movement, life, and death, fell asunder In the treatment, and were separately symboliz.ed.. They offered a perpetual problem to excite curiosity, and contributed to satisfy the all-pervading religious sentiment, which iÂŁit obtain no nourishment among the simple and intelligible, finds compensating excitement in a reverential contemplation of the obscure. Nature IS as free from dogmatism as from tyranny; and the earliest instructors of mankind not only adopted her lessons, but as far as possible adhered to her method of imparting them. They attempted to reach the understanding through the eye; and tnegreater part of all religious teaching was conveyed through this ancient and most impressive mode of "exhibition" or demonstration. The Mysteries were a sacred drama, exhibiting some legend significant of Nature's change, of the visible Universe in which the divinity is revealed, and .whose import was in many respects as open to the Pagan, as to the Christian. Beyond the earrent traditions or sacred recitals of the temple, few explanations were given to the spectators, who were left, as in the school of nature, to make inferences for themselves. The method of indirect suggestion, by allegory or symbol, is a more efficacious instrument of instruction than plain didactic language; since we are habitually indifferent to that which is acquired without effort: "The initiated are few, though many bear the thyrsus." And it would have been impossible to provide a lesson suited to every degree of cultivation and capacity, unless it were one framed after Nature's example, or rather a representation of Nature herself, employing her universal symbolism instead of technicalities of language, inviting endless research, yet rewardmg the humblest inquirer, and disclosing its secrets to everyone in tpfoportion to his preparatory' training and power to comprehend them. Even if destitute of any formal or official enunciation of those important truths, which even in a cultivated age it was often found iB~ocpedient to assert except under a veil of allegory, and which moreover lose their dignity and value in proportion as they are mechanically as dogmas, the shows of the Mysteries contained suggestions if not lessons, which in the opinion one competent witness only, but of many, were adapted to elevate the character of the spectators. enabling them to augur



something of the purposes of existence, as, well as of the means of improving it, to live better and to路 die happier. Unlike the religion of books or creeds, these mystic ShOWSaR!d prerformances were not the reading of a lecture, but the openisg of aprohlem, implying neither exemption from research, nor hostility to philosophy: for, on the contrary, philosophy is the great Mystagogue or Arch-.Expounder of symbolism: ,though the irterpretations by the Grecian Philosophy of the old myths and symbols were in many instances as ill-founded, as in others they are correct. No better means could be devised to rouse a dormant, inteH~t, than those impressive exhibitions, which, addressed it through the imagination: which, instead of condemning it, to a prescribei routine of creed, invited ,it to seek, compare, and judge. The alteration from sy.mbol to 'dogma is as fatal to beauty of expression, as that from faith to dogma is to truth and wholesom'eness of thought The first philosophy often reverted to the natural mode of teach.. ing; and Socrates, in particular, is sai:dto have eschewed dogmas, et)deavoring, like the..Mysteries, rather to awaken and develop in the minds of his hearers the ideas with which they were already endowed or pregnant, than to fill them w.ith ready-made adventi tious opinions. So Masonry still follows the ancient manner of teaching. Her symbols ar'e the instruc~'on '.she gives; and the lectures are Qlart oft~n partial and insufficiemt one-sided endeavors to interpret those symbols. He who would become an accomplished MasoQ., must not be content merely to, .hearoreven to understa,;Bd the lectures, but must, aided b;y t_em, and they having as itw,ere marwe~ out the way for him,. study, interpret, and develop the symbo~s for himself. The earliest specW3.;t~o:~ elldeiavored to expres.s fCir,more th~njt could distinctly comprehend ; and tbe vague impressions of~e mind found in th,ernyste;JJ[ious,ana],ogi1es of ph1enomena their m~st apt and energetic representations. The Mysteries, like the"Sj1'm7 boIs of Masonry, weL"eQ\l!tap itnrage.of the eloqaentanalGgies of N,ature; both tltose a:nd these reve:aling no new secret to su~ ras w,ere or are unptepare~/~r ,iscapable of interpreting their&ii8'r

nificance. Everywherie in the. oJld Mys.teri~, and in all the ,symbolisms and ceremoniat of the Hierophantw!as found the Salllte mythical,p~'" sonage, who! like Hel;mes" or Zorpa.stea;-, unites HwnaJ;lAttrio1.lU;s





Divine, and is himself the God whose worship he intro-

duced, teaching rude men the commencements of civilization ~h,tough the influence of song, and connecting with the synlbol of bis death, emblematic of that of Nature" the most esseatial con-


of religion.

the Mysteries embraced the three great doctrines of Ancient ,£~e9sophy. They treated 0 f God,. Man, and Nature. Dionusos, seMysteries Orpheus is said to have founded, was the God of Nature, or of the moisture which is the life of Nature, who prepares in darkness the return of life and vegetation, or who is himi~~,~ .' ·the Light and Change evolving their varitties. He was tlteologically one with Hermes, Prometheus, and Poseidon. In the l~g~an Islands he is Butes, Dardanus, .Himeros,...or Imbros. In ~fete. he appears as Iasius or Zeus, whose worship remaining un... v~iled by the usual forms of mystery, betrayed to profane curiosity the symbols, which, if irreverently contemplatedJ were sure tQ .. be misunderstood. In Asia he is the long-§taledBassareus ~Q~l~scing with the Sabazius of the Phrygian Coryea-utes: the same with the mystic Iacchus, nursling or son of CeresJ and with dismembered Zagr,eus, son of Persephone. symbolical forms the Mysteries exhipited THEO(NE~ of THE MANIFOLD is an infinite illustration, contaiaing a xp,HF~l lesson, calculated to guide the soul through life, and to c~eer it in death. The story of Dionusos was profoundlysignifiHe was not only creator·.. of the world, but guardian. libef~tqr, and Savior of the souL God of the many-colored mantle, the resulting manifestation personified, the all in the many, varied year, life passing into. innumerable forms. ;rh~ spiritual regeneration of man was typified in the My,steries ~*j.t~esecondbirth of Dionusos as offspring of the Highest;. and ~R~t,~¢nts apd symbols of that regeneration' were the elements ~ij,~t,pffected Nature's periodical .purification-the air,indi<Jated b~},~e my~tic fan or winnow ; the. fire, signified by the torah,; . and ,~8{~~ptismal water, .for water is not only cleanser of all.t4ings, ,~t(~~e g~nesis or source of ··all. :T~~se notions, clothed in ritual, suggested th,e souPs refo17ma,tton tre+ining,. the moral purity formal1y.proclaimed)iC1ti·.i:E~~u$is. q.plywas invitedtoappro~ch, who was "ofcle~p.JI:aIt<1s·il'~n& ~Qus. speech, fre.e" .·frqnn aH • ·poJl\1t;i()~,} ··flnrl . ;witniq Ql~at ,ce~t;


"Happ~ ;~h~;·t:nq.n," ·s!~y~b~i' "i1Jjt~~t¢4




Aristophanes, tlwho purifies his life, and who reverently consecrates his soul in the thiasos of the God. Let him take heed to his lips that he utter no profane word; let him be just and kind to the stranger, and to his neighbor; let him give way to no vicious excess, lest he make dull and heavy the organs of the spirit. Far from the mystic dance of the thiasos be the impure, the evil speaker, the seditious citizen, the selfish hunter after gain, the traitor; all those, in short, whose practices are more akin to the riot of Titans than to the regulated life of the Orphici, or the Curetan order of the Priests of Idrean Zeus." The votary, elevated beyond the sphere of his ordinary faculties, and unable to account for the agitation which overpowered him, seemed to become divine in proportion as he ceased to be human; to be a deemon or god. Already, in imagination, the initiated were numbered among the beatified. They alone enjoyed the true life, the Sun's true lustre, while they hymned their God beneath the mystic groves of a mimic Elysium, and were really renovated or regenerated under the genial influence of their dances. "They whom Proserpina guides In her mysteries," it was said, Hwho imbibed her instruction and spiritual nourishment, rest from their路 labors and know strife no more. Happy they who witness and comprehend these sacred ceremonies! They are made to know the meaning of the riddle of existence by observing its aim and termination as appointed by Zeus; they partake a benefit more valuable and enduring than the grain bestowed by Ceres; for they are exalted in the scale of intellectual existence, and obtain sweet hopes to console them at their death." No doubt the ceremonies of initiation were originally few and simple. As the great truths of the primitive revelation faded out of the nlemories of the masses of the People, and wickedness became rife upon the earth, it became necessary to discriminate, to require longer probation and satisfactory tests of the candidates, and by spreading around what at first were rather schools of instruction than mysteries, the veil of secrecy, 'and the pomp of ceremony, to heighten the opinion of their value and importance. Whatever pictures later and especially Christian writers may draw of the Mysteries, they must, not only originally, but for many ages, have continued pure; and the doctrines of natural religion

and morals there taughtJ have been of the hiihest importance;



Ij¢Quse both the most virtuous as well as the n10st learned and of the ancients speak of them in the loftiest terms, 'fRat they ultimately became degraded from their high estate, and corrupted, we know. The rites of initiation became progressively more complicated. Sitgns and tokens were invented by which the Children of Light €0\uld with facility make themselves known to each other. Different· Degrees were invented, as the number of Initiates enlarged, in order that there might be in the inner apartment of the Temple a favored few, to whom alone the more valuable secrets were emitrusted, and who could wield effectually the influence and power of the Order. Originally the Mysteries were meant to be the beginning of a new life of reason and virtue. The initiated or esoteric companions were taught the doctrine of the One Supreme God, the theory of death and eternity, the hidden mysteries of Nature, the prospect of the ultimate restoration of the soul to that state of peJrfection from which it had fallen, its immortality, and the states of ·r·eward and punishment after death. The uninitiated were Qiemed Profane, unworthy of public employment or private confidence, sometimes proscribed as Atheists, and certain of everla,sting punishment beyond the grave. All persons were initiated into the lesser Mysteries; but few attained the greater, ·in which the true spirit of them, and most their secret doctrines were hidden. The veil of secrecy was im~)enetrable, sealed by oaths and penalties the most tremendous aDd appalling. It was by initiation only, that a knowledge of the Hieroglyphics could be obtained, with which the walls, columns, and ceilings of the Temples were decorated, and which, ,@{i,eved to have been communicated to the Priests by revelation flom. the celestial deities, the youth of all ranks wece laudably ~tiilosophic


·of deciphering. The cereIllonieswere performed at dead of night, generally in (lj>,artments under-ground, but sometimes in the centre of a vast pp,amid,with every appliance that could alarm and excite'the ~;ncJ1,idate. Innumerable ceremonies, wild and romantic, dreadful appalling, had by degrees been added to the few expressive s,rnbols of prirnitive observances, under which there were in8.tances in which the terrified aspirant actually expired with fear. pyranlids were probably used for the purposes of initiation,



as were caverns, pagodas, and labyrinths; for the ceremonies required many apartments and cells, long passages and wells. Egypt a principal place for the Mysteries was the island of Phib~ on the Nile, where a magnificent Temple of Osiris stood" and his relics were said to be preserved With their natural proclivities, the Priesthood, that select exclusive class, in Egypt, India, Phcenicia, Judea and Greece, as well as in Britain and Rome, and wherever else the Mysteries were known, made use of them to build wider and higher the fabric of their own power. The purity of no religion continues long. Rank·and dignities succeed to the primitive simplicity. Uaprincipled, vain, insolent, corrupt, and venal men put on God's livery to serve the Devil withal ;.. and luxury, vice, intolerance, and pride depose frugality, virtue, gentleness, and humility, and change the altar where they .should be servants, to a throne· on whick they reign. But the Kings, .Philosophers, and Statesmen, the wise and and good who were admitted to the Mysteries, long postponed their ultimate self-destruction, and restrained the natural tendencies of the Priesthood. And accordingly Zosimus thought that the neglect ·of the. Mysteries after Diocletian abdicated, was the chief cause of the decline of the Roman Empire; and in the year 364, the Proconsul of Greece would not close the Mysteries,:raotwithstanding a law of·' the .Emperor ·Valentinian, lest the people should be driven to desperation, if prevented from performing them; upon which, as they believed, the welfare of mankin.Q wholly depended. 1~hey were practised in Athens until the 8th century, in Greece and Rome for severa! centuries after Christ; and in Wales and Scotland down to the 12th century. The inhabitants of India originally practised the Patriarchal religion. Even tke .later ···worsluip of "ishnu was cheerful all:d social; accompanied with the festive song, the sprightly dance, and the resounding cymbal, with libations of milk and hone.y, garlands, and perfum,es fr()m aromatic woods and gums. There perhaps the Mysteries commenced; and in them, under allegories, were .taugbt the primitive truths. We·· cannot, withir.t the limits of this lecture, detail. the ceremonies .of initiation; 3illd shall use general language, .except where something from those old Mysteries still remains in Masonry. The Initiate was invested with a cord of three threads,sotwimed



make three times three, and called zennar. Hence COlues our It was an embleln of their tri-une Deity, the r~mem­ brance of whom we also preserve in the three chief officers of Lodges, presiding in the three quarters of that Universe wbi!ch our Lodges rep,resent; in our three greater and three lesser lights, our three movable and three immovable jewels} and the that support· our Lodges. Indian Mysteries were celebrated in subterranean caverns a.d.grottos hewn in the solidI'ock ; and the Initiates adored the symbolized by the solar fire. The candidate, long wander,.; i,§in darkness, truly wanted Light, and the worship taught him "as/the worship of God, the S.ource of Light. The vast temple o(iiEIephanta, perhaps the oldest in •the world, hewn out of, the fEtcl:,.and 135 feet square, was used for initiations; as were the vaster cave'rns of S,alsette, with their 300 apartments. periods of initiation were regulated by the increase and l@lejDea~;e 01£ the mOOiD. The Mysteries were divided into four steps or Degrees. The candidate might receive the first at eight of age, when he was invested with the zennar. Each Degree something·· of perfeetion. "Let .the. wretchedman,.H Hitopad.esa, "practise virtue, whenever he· enjoys one. 0:1 three or jour religious Diegrees; let him be even--minded .witll things, and that disposition will be the source o.f various ceremonies, chiefly relating to the unity and oJ the Godhead, the candidate was clothed in a ·linen gar. 11l~!'ltfwithout a seanl, and remained under the care o£'.a Bp3."~min was twenty years of age, constantly studying andpractlstne most rigid virtue. Then he underwent tne $, for ·thesecond/D:egree,inwhich he was sanctified by the of·the cross, which,pointing to the four.quarters of the com~ bonored as a striking· symbol of the Universe by many ns "of antiquity, and was imitated by· the Indians In the of their temples. be .was admitted to the . Holy Cavern, hlaz,ingwiith. Ught, ,in costly. robes, sat, in the East, West, and South,the a· chief.Hierophantst repres.imting the Indian 'tri"!'une!D(titY~ ~e1"'emO'nies there .commeu\oed with an.·abthem to the)·Grre·~t OF .Nature;iand· then .followed this .apostrophe::j • "l'O;:::mightiy t.g;r;e ater than Brahma Li'we u<rw}.i ci.QWPt b~£(Q;t~ji i'fh~l a~}*he t~nity





primal Creator! Eternal God of Gods! The World's Mansion I Thou art the Incorruptible Being, distinct from all things transient !. Thou art before all Gods, the Ancient Absolute Existence, and the Supreme Supporter of the Universe! Thou art the Supreme Mansion; and by Thee, 0 Infinite Form, the Universe was spread abroad." The candidate, thus taught the first great primitive truth, was called upon to make a formal declaration, that he would. be tractable and obedient to his superiors; that he would keep his body pure; govern his tongue, and observe a passive obedience in receiving the doctrines and traditions of the Order; and the firmest secrecy in maintaining inviolable its hidden and abstruse mysterjes. Then he was sprinkled with water (whence our baptism);. c.ertain words, now unknown, were whispered in his ear; and he was divested of his shoes, and made to go three times around the cavern. Hence our three circuits; hence we were neither barefoot nor shod: and the words were the Pass-words 路of that Indian Degree. The GYlnnosophistPriests came from the banks of the Euphrates into Ethiopia, and brought with them their sciences and their doctrines. Their principal College was at Meroe, and their Mysteries were celebrated in the Temple of Amun, renowned for his oracle. Ethiopia was then a powerful State, which preceded Egypt in civilization, and had a theocratic g-overnment. Above the King was the Priest, who could put him to death in the name of the Deity. Egypt was路 then composed of the Thebaid only. Middle Egypt and the Delta were a gulf of th~ Mediterranean. The Nile by degrees formed an immense marsh, which, afterward drained by the labor of man, formed Lower Egypt ; and was for many centuries governed by the Ethiopian Sacerdotal Caste, of Arabic origin; afterward displaced by a dynasty of warriors. The magnificent ruins ofAxoum, with its obelisks and hierogyphics, temples, vast tombs and pyramids, around ancient Meroe, are far. older than the pyramids near Memphis. The Priests, taught by Hermes, embodied in books the occult and hermetic sciences, with their own discoveries and the revelations of the Sibyls. They studied particularly the most abstract sciences, discovered the famous geonletrical theorems which Pythagoras afterward learned from them, calculated eclipses, and regulated, nineteen centuries before Cresar, the Julian year. They



d~~cended. to practical investigations as to the necessities of life, and made known their discoveries to the people; they cultivated the fine arts, and inspired the people with that enthusiasm which produced the avenues of Thebes, the Labyrinth, the Temples of Karnac, Denderah, Edfou, and Philre, the monolithic obelisks, and the great Lake Moeris, the fertilizer of the country. The wisdom of the Egyptian Initiates, the high sciences and Ipf~y morality which they taught, and their immense knowledge, ~xcited the emulation of the most eminent men, whatever their raJ4k and fortune; and led them, despite the complicated and terrible trials to be undergone, to seek admission into the Mysteries of Osiris an4 Isis. From Egypt, the Mysteries went to Phrenicia, and were celebrated at Tyre. Osiris changed his name, and become Adoni or Dionusos, still the representative of the Sun; and afterward these Mysteries were introduced successively into Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Sicily, and Italy. In Greece and Sicily, Osiris took the name of Bacchus, and Isis that of Ceres, Cybele, Rhea and Venns. Bar Hebraeus says: "Enoch was the first who invented books ~d different sorts of writing. The ancient Greeks declare that Enoch is the same as Mercury Trismegistus [Hermes], and that Q.e taught路 the sons of men the art of building- cities, and enacted some admirable laws. He discovered the knowledge of the Zodiac, and the course of the Planets; and he pointed out to the SQXlS of men, that they should worship God, that they should fast, that they should pray, that they should give alms, votive offerings, ~d tenths. He reprobated abominable foods and drunkenness, and appointed festivals for sacrifices to the Sun, at each of the Zodiacal Signs." Manetho extracted his history from certain pillars which he discovered. in Egypt, whereon inscriptions had been made by Thoth, o,r the first Mercury [or Hermes], in the sacred letters and dial:ect: but which were after the flood translated from that dialect ~\~'O the Greek tongue, and laid up in the private recesses of the Egyptian Temples. These pillars were found in subterranean cave.rns, near Thebes and beyond the Nile, not far from the sounding s.tatue of Memnon, in a place called Syringes; which are destribed ~0 . he certain winding apartments underground; made, it is said, ~:ythose who were skilled in ancient rites; who, foreseeing the ~,Q~ning of the Deluge 7 and fearing lest the memory of their cere-

364 monies should be obliterated, built and contrived vaults, dug with vast labor, in several places. Froll1 the bosom of Egypt sprang a man of constunmate wisdom, initiated in the secret knowledge of India, of Persia, and of Ethiopia, named Thoth or Phtha by his c0111patr!ots, Taaut by the Phrenicians, Hermes Trismegistus by the Greeks, and Adris by the Rabbins. Nature seemed to have chosen him for her favorite, and to have lavished on him all the qualities tl'ecessaty to enable him to study her and to know her thoroughly. The Deity had, so to say, infused into him the sciences and the arts, in order that he might instruct the whole world. He invented many things necessary for the uses of life, and gave them suitable names; he taught r11en how to write down their thoughts and arrange their speech; he instituted the ceremonies to be observed in the worship of each of the Gods; he observed the course of the stars; he invented music, the different bodily exercises, arithmetic, medicine, the art of working in metals, the 'lyre with three strings; h'e路 regulated the three tones of the voice, the sharp} taken from autumn, the g,"ave from winter, and the middIe from spring, there being then but three seasons. It was he who taught the Greeks the mode of interpreting terms and things, whence they gave him the name of (EQ[.ll1;' [H'crmes], which sig~ nifies Interpreter In Egypt he instittitedhietoglyphics :heselected a certain number of persons whom he judged fitted to be the depositaries of his secrets, of such dnly as were capable of attaining the throne and the first offices in the Mysteries; he united then1 in a body, created them Priests vf the Living God) instructed them in tfl!e sciences and arts, and explained to them the sYlnbols by wldck they were veiled. Egypt, 1500 years before the lim'e of Mb!ses, revered in the Mysteries'ONESUPR.EME Gbb} calIea路the ONtVU!'f1io CREATED Under Himrtpaid homage to seven principal deities. It is to Hermes, who lived at that period, that \ve must attribute the concealment or veiling [vl'l'ation] of the Indian wotship,which Moses unveiled orrevet:Jle:d} changing nothing of the laws6~ Hermes, except the plttrality bfhismystic Gods. The Egyptian Priests related that Hermes, dying, said: "Hitb~ erto I have lived an exile from my true country: now I return thither Do not weep fot me: I return to that celes'tial .country whither each goes in his turn. There is God.'1'his life iB路 Duta




lieatl1." This is precisely the creed of the old Buddhists of &ia,maneans, who believed that from time to time God sent Buddhas on earth, to reform men, to wean them from their vices, lead them beck into the paths of virtue. Among the sciences taught by Hermes, there were secrets which communicated to the Initiates only upon condition that they ~E)uJd bind themselves, by a.•. terrible oath, never to divull{e them, except to those who, after long trial, should be found worthy to Sleceed them. The Kings even prohibited the revelation of them ~Dpainof death. This ~ecret was styled the Sacerdotal Art, and .g:lude,d alchemy, astrology,rnagism [magic], the science of spirhs,etc. He gave them the key to the Hieroglyphics of all these ~retsciences, which were regarded as sacred, and kept concealed iIi the most secret places of the Temple. Tbegreat secrecy observed by the initiated Priests, for many years, and the lofty sciences which they professed, caused them to ;~honored. and ·respected throughout all Egypt, which was re_rded by other nations as the college, the sanctuarY1 of the seiences and arts. The mystery which surrounded them strongly ~e~t~d curiosity. Orpheus. met.amorphosed hiros,elf, so to say, iUfo· an . Egyptian. He was initiated into Theology and Physics. ADd he 8oco01pletely made thi¢ ideas and reasonings of his teach· ~JjS his own, that 'his Hymll$ rather bespeak an Egyptian Priest t~ID a Grecian Poet: and be was the first who carried into Greece tae Egyptian fables. Pythagoras, ever thirsty for learning, consented even to be circumcised, in order to become one of the Initiates: and the ee~111i!sciences were revealed to him in the innermost part of the ~ftd

saeetllary. ;TQle Initiates ina particular science, having been instructed by

E'SLb'les, enigmas, allegories, and hieroglyphics, wrote mysteriously .1Ienever in their works t1)ey touched the subject of the Mysand continued to conceal science under a veilaf fictions.

ixWbhtn·.the destruction by Camb:y~es of ma~y cities, and· the ruin t:i~J1earlyalliEgyptjin th.e yeat 528hefore our era, dispersed most Priest,s into Greece aJn:d elsewhere, they bore with them ii,itsaiences, wl1i'ch tbey c<;)ptimued to teach enigmatically, that say, ever enveloped in, the obscurities of fables~nd hierog[yphics; to the end that the vulgar herd, seeing, might see noth_~dpea~ing~'mightc_preheQdJlQthilj1Jg.All . ~,,:writers



drew fronl this source. but these Mysteries, concealed under so many unexplained envelopes, ended in giving birth to a swarm of absurdities, which, from Greece, spread over the whole earth. In the Grecian Mysteries, as established by Pythagoras, there were three Degrees. A preparation of five years' abstinence and silence was required. If the candidate was found to be passionate or intemperate, contentious, or ambitious of worldly honors and distinctions, he was rej ected. In his lectures, Pythagoras taught the mathematics, as a me路 dium whereby to prove the existence of God from observation and by means of reason; grammar, rhetoric, and logic, to cultivate and improve that reason, arithmetic, because he conceived that the ultimate benefit of man consisted in the science of numbers, and geometry, music, and astronomy, because he conceived that man is indebted to them for a knowledge of what is really good and useful. He. taught the true method of obtaining a knowledge of the Divine laws of purifying the soul from its imperfections, of searching for truth, and of practising virtue; thus imitating the perfections of God. He thought his system vain, if it did not contribute to expel vice and introduce virtue into the mind. He taught that the two most excellent things were, to speak the truth, and to render benefits to one another. Particularly he inculcated Silence, Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice. He taught the immortality of the soul, the Omnipotence of God, and the necessity of personal holiness to qualify a man for admission路 into the Society of the Gods. Thus we owe the particular mode of instruction in the Degree of Fellow-Craft to Pythagoras; and that Degree is but an imperfect reproduction of his lectures. From him, too, we have many of our explanations of the symbols. He arranged his assemblies due East and West, because he held that Motion began in the East and proceeded to the West. Our Lodges are said to be d.ue East and West, because the Master represents the rising Sun, and of course must be in the East. The pyramids, too, were buHt precisely by the four cardinal points. And our expression. that our Lodges extend upward to the Heavens, comes from the Per"" sian and Druidic custom of having to their Temples no roofs but the sky. Plato developed and spiritualized the philosophy of Pythagoras,.




Even Eusebius the Christian adluits, that he reached to the vestihule of Truth, and stood upon its threshold. The Druidical ceremonies undoubtedly came from India; and the Druids were originally Buddhists. The word Druidh~ like the word Magi, signifies wise or learned n1en; and they were at once philosophers, magistrates, and divines. There was a surprising uniformity in the Temples, PrIests, doctrines, and worship of the Persian Magi and British Druids. The Gods of Britain were the same as the Cabiri of Samothrace. Osiris and Isis appeared in their Mysteries, under the names of Hu aindCeridwen; and like those of. the primitive Persians, their Temples were enclosures of huge unhewn stones, some of which still remain, and are regarded by the conlnlon people with fear and veneration. They were generalIy either circular or oval. Some were in the shape of a circle to which a vast . serpent was attached. The circle was an Eastern symbol of the Universe, governed by an Omnipotent Deity whose centre is everywhere, and nis circumference nowhere: and the egg was an universal symbol of the world. Some of the Teluples were winged, and some in the shape of a cross; the winged ones referring to Kneph, the 'winged Serpent-Deity of Egypt; whence the name of Navestock, where one of them stood.. Temples in the shape of a cross were also found in Ireland and Scotland~ The length of one of these vast structures, in the shape of a serpent, was nearly three miles. The grand periods for initiation into the Druidical Mysteries, were quarterly; at the equinoxes and solstices~ In the remote times when they originated, these were the times corresponding with the 13th of February, 1st of May, 19th of August, and 1st of November The time of annual celebration was May-Eve, and the ceremonial preparations cOlnmenced at midnight, on the 29th dfApril. When the initiations were over, on May-Eve, fires were ~i.dled on all the cairns and cromlechs in the island, which ~i~rned all night to introduce the sports of May-day. The festival was in honor of the Sun. The initiations were performed at .!i;.mnight; and there were three Degrees. Gothic Mysteries were carried Northward from the East, Odin; who, being a great warrior, modelled and varied them to his purposes and the genius of his people. He placed over th,eir celebration twelve Hierophants, who were alike Priests, Counsellors of State, and Judges from whose decision there was no appeal.



He held the numbers three and nine in peculiar veneration, and was probably himself the Indian Buddha. Every thrice.. three ,months, thrice-three victims were sacrificed to the tri-uneGod. The Goths had three great festivals; the most tnagnificent of which commenced at the winter solstice, and was celebrated in honor of Thor, the Prince of the Power of the Air That bein.g the longest night in the year, and the one after which the Sun comes Northward, it was cOlnmemorative of the Creation ;aad they termed it mother-night, as the one in which the creation of the world and light from the primitive darkness took place. This was the Yule, Juul, or Yeol feast, which afterward became Christ.. mas. At this feast the initiations were celebrated.. Thor was the Sun, the Egyptian Osiris and Kneph, the· Phrenician Bel or Baal The initiations were had in huge intricate caverns, tertuinating,as all the Mithriac caverns did, in a spacious vault, wh,ere the candidate was brought to light. Joseph was undoubtedly Initiated.. After he 'bad interpreted Pharaoh's dreatn, that Monarch made him his Prime M'inister, let hitn ride in his second chariot, while they proclaimed b·efore hiIl1, ABRECH!* and set him over the land of Egypt. In addition to this, the King gave him ·anew nalne,'fsapanat-Paanakh,and nlarried hinl to Asanat, daaghter'of Potai Parang, a Priest of An or Hieropolis, where was the Temple of Athom-Re, the ,Great Goa of Egypt; thus conlpletely naturalizing him.H,ecould not have contracted this luarriage, nor haveeKercised fhat high dignity, without being first initiated in the Mysteries. When his Brethrea caIne to Egypt the second tillIe, the Egyptians of his court couid not eat with tbem, as ~h.'at would have been abominati,on, thoug. they ate wit!l Joseph ';W'ilowas therefore regarded not as a foreigner, but as one of ·tbemselves: and when he!s.ent and brought his brethren back, anidficna:rged tll,emwith taking 'his cup, he said, "Know ye not that· I:a'~an H.:14e me practises .,onv[nation?" assunling the EgyptiQn @f biigh·.rawk initiated. into ,ilile Mysteries, and as such conv,ersa_t withfthe occultscieDces. So also must Moses l1!·a;v,ebe,en i;oitia:f:etl': fori:. hew:as mot on~1 brought up in the ,coiln of t~e King, as theadopteas@Q of the King'sdaughter,u.nt~~

hre lWasiorrtyyearsofage<;: but he was in-

strncted in all the:ieaffiingoftR:eEgyptian:s, ,ano >married :af:ter-






waid the daughter of Yethrii, .a. Priest of r\n likewise. Strabo and Dii"odorus both assert that he was hi111self a Priest of Heliopolis. g~fore he went into the D,esert, there were intimate relations he*ween hiul and the Priesthood; and he had successfully com~a,~ded, Josephus informs us, an arrny sent by the King against t~~! Ethiopians. Simplicius asserts that Moses received f rom the ~~ptians, in the Mysteries, the d(}ctrines which he taught to the Hebrews: and Clemens of Al,e}(andria and Philo say that he was a Theologian and Prophet, and interpreter of the Sacred Laws. Manetho, cited by Josephus, says he was a Priest of Heliopolis, that his true and original (Egyptian) name was Asersaph or Osarsiph. And in the institution of the Hebrew Priesthood, in the powers and privileges, as well as the immunities and sanctity which .he conferred upon them, he closely imitated the Egyptian institutions ; making public the worship of that Deity whom the Egyptian Initiates worshipped in private; and, strenuously endeavoring to keep the people from relapsing into their old mixture of Chaldaic and Egyptian superstition and idol-worship, as they were ever ready and inclined to do; even Aharun, upon their first clamorous discontent, restoring the worship of Apis; as an image of which Egyptian God he made the golden calf The Egyptian Priests taught in their great Mysteries, that there was one God, Supreme and U~approachable, who had conceived tbe Universe by His Intelligenc\e,~efore He created it by His Power and Will. They werenQ Materialists nor Pantheists; but ta.ught'that Matter was not eternal or co-existent with the great First Cause, but created by Him. The early Christians, taug-ht by the founder of their Religion, fD~tin greater perfection, those primitive truths that from the Egyptians had passed to the Jews, and been preserved among tbe latter by the Essenes, received also the institution of the Mys$eries; adopting as their object the building of the symbolic Tempreserving the old Scriptures of the Jews as their sacred book, an~ as the fundamental law, which furnished the new veil of "itiation with the Hebraic words and formulas, that, corrupted @nQ disfigured by time and ignorance, appear in many of our ~)egrees.

Such, my Brother, is the doctrine of the first Degree of the that of Chief of the Tab'ernacie, to which you bav~

M:1steries~ or



now been admitted, and the moral1esson of which is, devotion to the service of God, and disinterested zeal and constant endeavor for the welfare of Ulen. You have here received only hints of the true objects and purposes of the Mysteries. Hereafter, if you are permitted to advance, you will arrive at a more complete understanding of them and of the sublime doctrines which they teach. Be content, therefore, with that which you have seen and heard, and await patiently the advent of the greater light.

XXIV. P R INC E 0 F THE TAB ERN A C L E. SYMBOLS were the almost universal language of ancient theology. They were the most obvious method of instruction; for, like nature herself, they addressed the understanding through the eye; and the most ancient expressions denoting路communication.of religious knowledge, signify ocular exhibition. The first teachers of Dlankind borrowed this method of instruction ; and it comprised an endless store of pregnant hieroglyphics. These lessons of the olden time were the riddles of the Sphynx, tempting the curious by their quaintness, but involving the personal risk of the adventurous interpreter. "The Gods themselves," it was said, "disclose their intentions to the wise, but to fools their teaching is unintelligible;" and the King of the Delphic Oracle was路 said not to declare, nor on the other hand to conceal; but emphatically to tlintimate or signify.)) The Ancient Sages, both barbarian and Greek, involved their meaning in sin1ilar indirections and enigtnas; their lessons were conveyed either in visible symbols, or in those "parables and dark sayings of old," which the Israelites considered it a sacred duty to hand down unchanged to successive generations. The explanatory tok~ns employed by man, whether emblematical obj:ects or actions, symbols or mystic ceremonies, were like the mystic.signs and portents either in dreams or by the wayside, supposed to be significant of the intentions of the Gods; both required the aid of anxious thought and skillful interpretation. It was only by a correct appreciation of analogous problems of nature" that the win of Heaven could be understood by the Diviner, or the lessons iltWisdom become manifest to the Sage. The Mysteries were a series of symbols; and what was spoken there consisted wholly of accessory explanations of the act or image; sacred commentaries, explanatory of established symbols; with little of those independent traditions embodying physical or moral speculation) in which the elements or planets were the




actors, and the creation and revolutions of the world \vere inter.. l11ingled with recoIIections of ancient events. and yet with so ll1uch of that also, that nature becanle her Q\vn expositor through the Inediull1 of an arbitrary sytnbolical instruction; and the ancient views of the relation between the hUluan and divine received dramatic forms. There has ever been an intimate alliance between the two sys.. tems" the symboHe and the philosophical, in the allegories of the rnonUtnents of aU ages, in the symbolic writings of the priests 路0:拢 all nations~ in the ritaals of all secret and mysterious&ocietie:&; there has been a. (on stant series, an invariable unifor n1ity of prci,~ ciples, which <;Qme fr9m an aggregate, vast, imposing, and true, composed 路of parts that fit harn1f.>niously only ther!e. Symbolical instruetion is reeommended by the constant and uniform usage of antiquity; and it has retained its infiuenee throughout all ages, as a system of mysterious. ~ommunicatiam, The Deity, in his revelations to man, adopted the use Qfmatedill images for the pUfpO.seoJ enforcing sublime truths ; and Chdst taught by symbols aad parables. The my-sterious knowledge of the Druids was embodied in signs and symbt>ls~ 1"'aliesin) de~ scribing his initiation, says: "The secrets were impartftd tQ n1e hy the old Giant~ss (C~r'idw~n, or lsi.f), without the use of ~udi颅 ble langu.age." And (lgain he says, "I ama silent proficient." Initiation was a ~chQot, in w'bich were taught the truth.$oi primitive revelation, the existence and attribut~s of one God, the immortality of the S,Qul, rewarcls and pUll)ishm,ents in .a future the phepo111ena of NatUfe, the arts, the scienc~s, morality, lation, philosophy, 311d pbilanthropy,and what we now styl,e psychology and m,etapnysics, with .animal magnetism, and til, other occult seienees. All the ideas of the P~iests of Hindostan, Pers,i4, Syria, Ara.'bi:~l, Chaldrea, Phceniei~, w~"..e k:nown to the Egyptian Priests, The rational India.n philQsophy, after penetrating Persia and Ch3.Icl~~ gave birth to the Egyptian My'steries. .We find that the U~t ~f Hieroglyphics was prec,ede4 in Egypt by that of the e~asily un<Jerstood symbols andfigur,es, from the mineral, animal, and veg~t*~ hIe kingdoms, us,ed by the Indians, Persi,ans, ~ndChaldm~ita,$".1t@ express their thoughts ; and this primitive philQ~oB>hy was ~ basis of the modernphiJosophyQf Pythagoras and J?lqtQ'~



All the philosophers and legislators that lnade Antiquity illusfrious, were pupils of the initiation; and all the beneficent 1110dincations in the religions of the different people instructed by them \vere owing to their institution and extension of the Mysteries. In the chaos of popular superstitions, those Mysteries alone kept man from lapsing into absolute brutishness. Zoroaster and Coniucius drew their doctrines from the· Mysteries. Clemens of Alexandria, speaking of the Great Mysteries, says: "Here ends all instruction. Nature and all things are seen and known." Had moral truths alone been taught the Initiate, the Mysteries could have deserved. nor received the magnificent eulog-iums··of most enlightened men of Antiquity,-of piindarJ Plutarch, IsoGrates, Diodorus, Plato, Euripides, Socrates, Aristophanes, Cicero, Epittetus, Marcus Aurelius,and others ;-philosophers bostile to the Sacerdotal Spirit, or historians devoted to the investigation of Truth. No: aU the sciences were taughfthere; and fuose oral or written traditions briefly comlnttnicated, which reached back to the first age of the world. Socrates said, in the Phredo of Pfato: "It well appears that ~ose who established the Mysteries, or secref assemblies otthe P1.itiated, ,vere no contenlptible personages, but men of great genius, \vho in the early ages strove to teach us" under enigmas, that he who shall go to the invisible regions without being purimed, will be precipitated. into the abyss; while he who arrives there, purged of the stains of this world, and accoll1plished in tirtue, \viU be admitted to thedwel1ing.;place of the Deity. The m~tiated are certain to attaih the company of the Gods." Ptetextatus, Proconsul of Achaia, a man endowed with aIfihe "irtues, said, in the 4th century, that to deprive the GreeRs of ~t>se Sacred Mysteries which bound together the wholeliurhan would n1ake life insupportalJTe. Irtitiationwas considered tabe a mystical death; a d'escentinto ~e infernal regions, where every ~~l1ution, and t~e stains.and inpe~fections of a corrupt and evil iif~were~urged' a\V~y;?~~r~ ~ater; .and the perfectEpopt was then sain to bereg~;n~ta~;l!d~ -1Jorn,restor:ed to a renovated' existence of tife) ZigJi~ and 1,urity; and placed under the Divine Protection. A new language was adapted to these celebrations, anCl'1 also· a i

~guage ofhierogl~phics, ui~known to an~, b~; .thbse'~~~l~~~te­ ee'tved the highest Degree. And to them ultimately were@onHned the learning. the morality, and the political power of every people



among which the Mysteries were practised. So effectually was the kno\vledge of the hieroglyphics of the highest Degree hidden from all but a favored few, that in process of time their meaning was entirely lost, and none could interpret them. If the same hieroglyphics were employed in the higher as in the lower Degrees, they had a different and more abstruse and figurative meaning. It was pretended, in later times, that the sacred hieroglyphics and language \vere the same that were used by the Celestial Deities. Everything that could heighten the mystery of initiation was added, until the very name of the ceremony possessed a strange charm, and yet conjured up the wildest fears. The greatest rapture came to be expressed by the word that signified to pass through the Mysteries. The Priesthood possessed one third of Egypt. They gained much of their influence by means of the Mysteries, and spared no means to impress the people with a full sense of their importance. They represented them as the beginning of a new life of reason and virtue: the initiated, or esoteric con1panions were said to entertain the most agreeable anticipations respecting death and eternity, to comprehend all the hidden mysteries of Nature, to have theIr souls restored to the original perfection from which man had fallen; and at their death to be borne to the celestial mansions of the Gods. The doctrines of a future state of rewards and punishments formed a prominent feature in the Mysteries; and they were also believed. to assure much temporal happiness and goodfortune, and afford absolute 路security against the most imminent dangers by land ancl sea. Public odium was cast on those who refused to be initiated. They were considered profane, unworthy of public employment or private confidence; and held to be doomed to eternal punishment as impious. To betray the secrets of the Mysteries, to wear on the stage the dress of an Initiate, or to hold the Mysteries up to derision, was to incur death at the hands of public vengeance. I t is certain that up to the time of Cicero, the Mysteries still retained much of their original character of sanctity and purity. And at a later day, as we know, Nero, after committing a horrible cl"ime, did not date, even in Greece, to aid in the celebration of the Mysteries; nor at a still later day was Constantine, the Christian Emperor, allowed to do so, after his murder of his relatives. Everywhere, and in all their forms, the Mysteries were



ittnere·al; and celebrated the mystical death and restoration to life of some divine or heroic personage: and the details of the legend and the mode of the death varied in the different Countries where the Mysteries were practised. Their explanation belongs both to astronomy and mythology; and the Legend of the Master's Degree is but another form of that of the Mysteries, reaching back, in one shape or other, to the remotest antiquity. Whether Egypt originated the legend, or borrowed it from India or Chaldrea, it is now impossible to know. But the Hebrews received the Mysteries from the Egyptians; and of course were familiar with their 16',gend,-known as it was to those Egyptian Initiates, Joseph and Moses. It was the fable (or rather the truth clothed in allegory and ·figures) of OSIRIS, the Sun, Source of Light and Principle of Good, and TYPHON, the Principle of Darkness and Evil. In all the histories of the Gods and Heroes lay couched and hidden astronomical. details and the history of the operations of visible Nature; and those in their turn were·· also symbols of 'higher and profounder truths. None but rude uncultivated intellects could long consider the Sun and Stars and the Powers of Nature as Divine, or as fit objects of Human Worship; and they will consider them so while the world lasts; and ever remain ignorant of the great Spiritual Truths of which these are the hieroglyphics and expressions. A brief summary of the Egyptian legend will serve to show the leading idea on which the Mysteries among the Hebrews were based. Osiris, said to have been an ancient King of Egypt, was the Sun; and Isis, his wife, the Moon: and his history recounts, in poietical and figurative style, the annual journey of the Great Luminary of Heaven through the different Signs of the Zodiac. In the absence of Osiris, Typhon, his brother, filled with envy anld malice, ·sought to usurp his throne; but his plans were frustJ·ated by Isis. Then he resolved to kill Osiris. This he did, by p1efsttading him to enter a coffin or sarcophagus, which he then lung into the Nile. After a long search, Isis found the body, and concealed it in the depths of a forest; but Typhon, finding it there, cut it into fourteen pieces, and scattered them hither and thither. After tedious search, Isis found thirteen pieces, the fishes having eaten the other (the privates), which she replaced of wood, and



buried the body atPhilce; where a temple of surpassing magnificence was erected in honor of Osiris. Isis, aided by her son Orus, Horus or Har-oeri, warred against Typhon, slew hinl, reigned gloriously, and at her death was reunited to her husband, in the same tomb. Typhon was represented as born of the earth; the upper part of his body covered· with feathers, in stature reaching the clouds, his arms and legs covered with scales, serpents darting from him en every side, and fire flashing from his mouth. Horus, who aided in slaying him, became the God of the Sun, answering- to Fhe Grecian Apollo; and Typhon is but the anagram of Python, the great serpent slain by Apollo. The word Typhon, like Eve, signifies a serpent, and life.* By its form the serpent symbolizes life, which circulates through all nature. When, toward the end of autumn, the Woman (Virgo), in the constellations seems (upon the Chaldrean sphere) to crush with her heel the head of the serpent, this figure foretells the coming of winter, during which life seems to retire from all beings, and no longer to circulate through nature. This is why Typhon signifies also a serpent,the symbol of winter, which, in the Catholic Temples, is represented· surrounding the Terrestrial Globe, which surmounts.the heavenly cross, emblem of redemption. Ii the worel Typhon is derived· from ·TupoulJ it signifies a tree which produce1s apples (mala, evils), the Jewish origin of the fall of man. Typhon means also one who supplants, and signifies the human passions, which expel from o1.lrhearts the lessons of wisdom. In the Egyp.. tian Fable, Isis wrote the sacred word for the instruction of men, and Typhon effaced itas fast as she wrote it. In morals, his name signifies Pride, IfjHo'rsinceJand Falsehood. When Isis first found the body, where it had floated asnoreFlear' Byblos, a shrub of erita or. tamarisk near it had, by the virtue6,f the body, shot up into a tree around it, and protected it; and hence our sprig of acacia. Isis was also aided in her search··E>'1 Anubis, in the shape ·of a·, dog. He was Sirius or the Dog-Star, the friend and counsellor of Osiris, and the inventor of language, grammar, astronomy, surveying,· arithmetic, music, and medica.' science; the first maker\df laws ; and who taught {lie worshipoi the Gods, and the building of Temples.



ilieMysteries, the nailing up of the body of Osiris in the or ark was termed the aphanism or disappearance [of the Sttn.·· at the Winter Solstice, below the 1'ropic of Capricorn], and f11'e recovery of the different parts of his body by Isis, the Euresis, or finding. The candidate went through a ceremony representing dds, in all the Mysteries everywhere. The main facts in the fable w~re the same in all countries; and the prominent Deities were everywhere a male and a female. Egypt they were Osiris and Isis: in India, Mahadeva and B~p.vahi: in Phoenicia, Than1thtiz (or Adonis) and Astarte: t~(Phrygia, Atys and Cybele: in ·:Persia, Mithras and Asis: in $amothtace and Greece, Dionusosot. Sabazeus and Rhea: in tain, Hu and Cetidwen: and in Scandinavia, Woden and Frea: in evety instance these Divinities represented the Sun and J

mysteries of Osiris, Isis, and Horus, seem to have been the oiall other ceremonies of initiation subsequently estab~ amOng the different peoples of the world.. Those of and Cybele, celebrated in Phtygia; those of Ceres and Proat Eleusis and many .other places in Greece, were but of them. This we ·leatn frornPlutarch, Diodorus Siculus, . u•.l~ a.nd other wtiters ; and in the absence of direct testishould necessarily infer it from the similarity of the adTffS,nf"1",~e.- of these Deities; for the ancients held that the Ceres of Greeks was the same as the Isis of the Egyptians; and or Bacchus as Osiris. legend of Osiris and, as given by Plutarch, are many '!I;g~! i; . artd cirCUi11st~hces other than those that we have ?riefly mentioned; and aU of which we need not repeat here. Osiris ."'..,,. . his sister Isis; andlabbrea publicly with her to ameliorate lot of men. He . taught them agriculture, while Isis invented built temp1es to the (jods, and established their worship. Were the patrons of artists and their useful inventions: and B1"EI~O(11l1Ce:a the use of iton fot· t1efensive weapons and implements and of gold to adorn theJ:emples of the Gods.···;' H.e forth with an army to conquer men to civilization, whom he overcarne to plant the vine and sQw··~rain .....,a'.. l,,:a.L.

• .;;),


when t~~ sun~~s in the i~i~of that is to say, at l11 the Autumnal Equinox. They had

his brother, slew . hi ,,,1"\.9"_.;''''



been rival claimants, says Synesius, for the throne of Egypt, as Light and Darkness contend ever far the empire of the world. Plutarch adds, that at the tin1e when Osiris was slain, the moon was at its full; and therefore it was in the sign opposite the Scorpion, that is, the Bull, the sign af the Vernal Equinox. Plutarch assures us that it was to represent these events and details that Isis established the Mysteries, in which they were reproduced by images, symbols, and a religious ceremonial, whereby they were imitated: and in which lessons of piety were given, and consolations under the misfortunes that afflict us here below. Those who instituted these Mysteries meant to strengthen religion and console men in their sorrows by the lofty hopes found in a religious faith,whose principles were represented to them covered by a pompous ceremonial, and under the sacred veil of allegory. Diodorus speaks of the famous colu111ns erected near Nysa, in Arabia, where, it was said, were two of the tombs of Osiris and Isis. On one was this inscription: "I am Isis, Queen of this country. I was instructed by Mercury. Noone can destroy the laws which I have established. I am the eldest daughter of Saturn, most ancient of the Gods.. I am the wife and sister of Osiris the King. I first made known to mortals the use of wheat. I am the mother of Orus the King. In my honor was the city of Bubaste built. Rejoice, 0 Egypt, rejoice, land that gave me birth 1" And on the other was this: "I am Osiris the King, who led my armies into all parts of the world, to the most thickly inhabited countries of India, the North, the Danube, and the Ocean.. I am the eldest son of Saturn: I was born of the brilliant and magnificent egg, and my substance is of the same nature as that which composes light. There is no place in the Universe where I have not appeared, to bestow my benefits and make known my discoveries." The rest was illegible. To aid her in the search for the body of Osiris, and to nurse her infant child Horus, Isis sought out and took with her Anubis, son of Osiris, and his sister Nephte. He, as we have said, was Sirius, the brightest star in the Heavens.. After finding him, she went to Byblos, and seated herself near a fountain, where she had learned that the sacred chest had stopped which contained the body of Osiris. There she sat, sad and silent, shedding a torrent of tears. Thither came the women of the Court of Queen Astarte" and she spoke to them, and dressed their hair, pouring upon it deliciously




ambrosia. This known to the Queen, Isis was engaged as nurse for her child, in the palace, one of the columns of which was made of the erica or tamarisk, that had grown up over the chest containing Osiris, cut down by the King, and unknown to him, still enclosing the chest: which column Isis afterward demanded, and from it extracted the chest and the body, which, the latter wrapped in thin drapery and perfumed, she carried away with her. Blue Masonry, ignorant of its import, still retains among its emblenls one of a woman weeping over a broken column, holding her hand a branch of acacia, myrtle, or tamarisk, while Time, we are told, stands behind her combing out the ringlets of her nair. We need not repeat the vapid and trivial explanation there given, of this representation of I sis} weeping at Byblos over the column torn from the palace of the King, that contained the body of Osiris, while Horus, the God of Time, pours ambrosia on her hair. Nothing of this recital was historical; but the whole was an allegory or sacred fable, containing a meaning known only to Ihose who were initiated into the Mysteries. All the incidents were astronon1ical, with a meaning still deeper lying behind that explanation, and so hidden by a double veil The Mysteries, in which these incidents were represented and explained, were like those of Eleusis in their object, of which Pausanias, "vho was iniHated, says that the Greeks, from the remotest antiquity, regarded them as the best calculated of all things to lead nlen to piety: and Aristotle says they ,;vere the most valuable of all religious instituÂŁ10ns, and thus were called mysteries par excellence; and the Temple of Eleusis was regarded as, in some sort, the common sanctuary of the whole earth, where religion had brought together that was most in1posing and most august. The object of all the Mysteries was to inspire men with piety, and to console them in the miseries of life. That consolation, so ~~orded, was the hope of a happier future, and of passing, after Ifeath, to a state of eternal felicity. says that the Initiates not only received lessons which made life l"Dore agreeable, but drew from the ceremonies happy for the moment of death. Socrates says that those who so fortunate as to be admitted to the Mysteries, possessed, dying, the most glorious hopes for eternity. Aristides says J




that they not only procure the Initiates consolations In the present life, and means of deliverance froll1 the great w,eight of their evils, but also the precious advantage of passing after death to a happier state. Isis "vas the Goddess of Sais; and the famous Feast of Lights was celebrated' there in her honor. There were celebrated the Mysteries, in which were represented the death and subsequent restoration to life of the God Osiris, in a secret cerenlony and scenic representation of his sufferings} called the Mysteries of Night. The Kings of Egypt often exercised the functions of the Priest.. hood; and they were initiated into the sacred science as soon as they attained the throne. So at Athens, the First Magis.. trate, or Archon-King, superintended the Mysteries. This was an image of the union that existed between the Priesthood and Royalty, in those early times when legislators and kings sought in religion a potent political instrument. Herodotus says, speaking of the reasons ,vhy animals were dei.. fied in Egypt: "If I were to explain these reasons, I should be led to the disclosure of those holy matters which I particularly wish to avoid, and which, but from necessity, I should not have discussed at al1." So he .says, "The Egyptians have at Sais the tombofa certain personage, whom I do not think myself pern1it.. ted to specify. It is behind the Ten1ple of Minerva." [The latter, .so called by theGreeks,was really Isis,. whose was the often-cited enign1atical inscription, "I am what was and is and is to come. No mortal hath yet unveiled me."] So again he says. HUpon this lake are represented by night the accidents which happened to him wh~m I dare not name.. The Egyptians call thenl their Mysteries. Concerning these, at the same time that I confess myself sufficiently informed, I feel myself compelled to Qe silent. Of the cerenlonies also in honor of Ceres, I may not venture to speak, further than the obligations of religion will allow

me." It is easy to see what was the great object of initiation and tbe Mysteries ;\vhose first and greatest fruit was, as all the ancients testify, to civilize savage hordes, to soften their ferocious manners, to introduce among them social intercourse, and lead them into a way of life more worthy of men. Cicero considers the establish.ment of the Eleusinian l\1ysteries to be the greatest of all the bernefits conferred by Athens on other comtuonwealths; their effects




having been, he says, to civilize men, soften their savage and ferocious manners, and teach them the true principles of morals, vlhich initiate man into the only kind of life worthy of him. The s~me philosophic orator, in a passage where he apostrophizes Ceres and Proserpine, says that mankind owes these Goddesses the first elelnents of moral life, as well as the first means of sus... tetlance of physical life; knowledge of the laws, regulation of morals, and those examples of civilization which have ill1proved tne manners of men and cities. Bacchus in Euripides says to Pentheus, that his new institution (~fte Dionysiac Mysteries) deserved to be known,and that one of its great advantages was, that it proscribed all impurity: that tbese were the Mysteries of Wisdom, of which it would be imprudent to speak to persons nQt initiated: that they were established among the Barbarians, whQ in that showed greater wisdom than the Greeks, who had not yet received them. double object, political and religious,----,one teaching' our cl!~t,. to men, and the other .what we owe to the Gods; OF rather, respect for the Gods calculated to maintain that which we owe the laws, is found in that well-known verse of Virgil, borrowed by him from the ceremonies of initiation: "Teach me to respect]usand the Gods." This great lesson, which the Hierophant fmpressed on the Initiates, after they had witnessed a representaHon of the Infernal regions, the Poet places after his description or the different punishn1ents suffered by the wicked in Tartarus, and immediately after the· description of that ·of Sisyphus. Pausanias, likewise, at the close of the representation of the punishments of Sisyphus and the daughter$ of Danaus, in the Temple at Delphi, makes this reflection; that the. crime or itnwhich in them had chiefly tuerited this punishment, was 'hiecontetnpt which they had shown for the Mysteries of Eleusis. From this reflection of Pausanias, who was an Initiate, it .is easy to gi@6 that the Priests of Eleusis, who taught the dogn1a of. punish-in Tartarus, included among the great crimes deserving punishments, contempt for and disregard of the .Hol.y .Mysteries; whose object was to lead men to piety, and thereby to fesptct ror justice and the laws, chief ob}ect of their instit.l1ltion, if the only one, and to whicb the needs and interest of···· religion were subordinate; sinbe the latter was but· a means' to ··lead Inoresurely to the former; for the whole force of religious· opin-



ions being in the hands of the legislators to be wielded, they were sure of being better obeyed. The Mysteries were not merely simple lustrations and the observation of some arbitrary formulas and ceremonies; nor a means of remintling men of the ancient condition of the race prior to civilization: but they led men to piety by instruction in morals and as to a future life; which at a very early day, if not originally, formed the chief portion of the ceremonial. Symbols were used in the ceremonies, which referred to agriculture, as Masonry has preserved the ear of wheat in a symbol and in one of her words; but their principal reference was to astronomical phenomena. Much was no doubt said as to the conditien of brutality and degradation in which man was sunk before the institution of路 the Mysteries; but the allusion was rather metap~ysical, to the ignorance of the uninitiated, than to the wild life of the earliest men.. The great object of the Mysteries of Isis, and in general of all the Mysteries, was a great and truly politic one. It was to ameliorate our race, to perfect its manners and morals, and to restrain society by stronger bonds than those that human laws impose. T'hey were the invention of that ancient science and wisdom which exh~u$.ted all its resources to make legislation perfect; and of that philosophy which has ever sought to secure the happiness of man, by purifying his soul from the passions which can trouble it, and as a necessary consequence introduce social disorder. And that they were the work of genius is evidertt from their employnlent of all the sciences, a profound knowledge of the human heart, and the means of subduing it. It is a still greater mistake to imagine that they were the inventions of charlatanism, and means of deception. They may in the lapse of time have degenerated into in1posture and路 schools of false ideas; but. they were not so at the beginning; or else the wisest and best mep of antiquity have uttered the most willful falsehoods. In process 0f time the very allegories of the Mysteries themselves, Tartarus and its 路punishments, Minos and the other judges of the dead, came to be misunderstood, and to be false because they were so; while at first they were true, because they were recognized as merely the arbitrary forms in which truths were enveloped. The object of the Mysteries was to procure for man a real feIicityon earth by the means of virtue; and to that end he was



taught that his soul was immortal; and that error, sin, and vice must needs, by an inflexible law, produce their consequences. The rude representation路 of physical torture in Tartarus was but an image of the certain, unavoidable, eternal consequences that flow by the law of God's enactment from the sin committed and the vice indulged in. The poets and mystagogues labored to propagate these doctrines of the soul'~ immortality and the certain punishn1ent of sin and vice, and to accredit them with the people, by teaching them the former in their poems, and the latter in the sanctuaries; and they clothed them with the charms, the one of poetry, and the other of spectacles and magic illusions. They painted, aided by all the resources of art, the virtuous man's happy life after death, and the horrors of the frightful prisons destined to punish the vicious. In the shades of the sanctuaries, these delights and horrors were exhibited as spectacles, and the Initiates witnessed religious dramas, under the name of initiation and mysteries. Curiosity was excited by g,ecrecy, by the difficulty experienced in obtaining admission, and by the tests to be undergone. The candidate was anlused by the variety of the scenery, the pomp of the decorations, the appliances of n1achinery. Respect was inspired by the gravity and dignity of the actors and the majesty of the ceren1onial; and fear and hope, sadness and delight, were in turns excited. The Hierophants, men of intellect, and well understanding the disposition of the people and the art of controlling them. used every appliance to attain that object, and give importance and impressiveness to their ceremonies. As they covered those ceremonies with the veil of Secrecy, so they preferred that Night should cover then1 with its wings. Obscurity adds to impressiveness, and assists illusion; and they used it to produce an effect upon the astonished Initiate. The ceremonies were conducted in caverns din11y lighted: thick groves were planted around the Temples, to produce that gloom that impresses the mind with a re]igious awe. The very word mystery, according to Demetrius Phalereus, was an1;etaphorical expression that denoted the secret awe which darkness and gloom inspired. The night was almost always the time ~xed for their celebration ; and they were ordinarily termed 110Cturnalcerelnonies. Initiations into the Mysteries of Samothrace ~Dokplace at night; as did those of Isis,of which Apuleius speaks,



Euripides makes Bacchus say, that his IvIysteries were celebrated at night, because there is in night something august and im.. posing. Nothing excites n1en's curiosity so much as Mystery, concealing things 'W"hich they desire to know: and nothing so much increases curiosity as obstacles that interpose to prevent them £ro111 indulging in the gratification of tl}eir desires. Of this the Legislators and Hierophants took advantage, to attract the people to their sanctuaries, and to induce theul to seek to obtain lessons from which they would perhaps have turned away with indifference, if they had been pressed upon thetn. In this spirit of mystery they professed to imitate the Deity, who hides Hinlself from Our senses, and conceals from us the springs. by which I-Ie moves the Universe. They admitted that ·they concealed the highest truths under the veil of allegory, the 1110re to excite the curiosity of men, and to urge them to investigation. The secrecy in which they buried their Mysteries, had that end. Those to whom they were confided, bound themselves, by the n10st fearful oaths, never to reveal them. They were not allowed even to speak of these itnportant secrets with any others than the initiated; and the penalty of death was pronounced against anyone indiscreet enough to reveal them, or found in the Temple without being an Initiate; and anyone who had hetrayed those secrets, was avoided hy aU, as excommunicated. Aristotle was accused of impiety, by the Hierophant Eurymedon, for having sacrificed to the manes of his wife, according to the rite used in the worship of Ceres. He was con1pelled to flee to Chalcis; and to purge his memory from this stain, he directed, by his will, the erection of a Statue to that Goddess. Socrates, dying, sacrificed to Esculapius, to exculpate himself froul the sus.. picioll of Atheism. A price was set on the head of Diagoras, 'be.. cause he had divulged the Secret of the Mysteries. Andocides was accused of the same crhne, as was Alcibiades, and both were cited to answer the charge before the inquisition at Athens, where the People were the Judges....£schylus the Tragedian was accused of having represented the Mysteries on the stage; and was acquitted only on proving that he had never been initiated. Seneca, comparing Philosophy to. initiation, says that the most sacred ceremonies could he known to the adepts alone: but tha.t many of their precepts were known even to the ,Profane. .Such

385 case with the doctrine of a future life, and a state of relvards and punishments beyond the grave. The ancient legislators cJothed this doctrine in the pOlnp of a mysterious ceremony, in words andnlagicalrepresentations, to impress upon the the truths they ·taught, by the strong influence of such scelltc displays upon the senses and imagination. Ih the same way they taught the origin of the soul, its fall to tbe earth past the spheres and through the elelnents, and its final return to the place of its origin, when, during the continuance of u.nion with earthly matter, the sacred fire, which formed its essence, had contractesi nQ stains, and its brightness had nofb,een marred by foreign particles, which, denaturalizing it, weighed it and delayed its return. These metaphysical ideas, with difficttlty comprehended by the mass of the Initiates, were represented by figures, by symbols, and by allegorical analogies; no idea being so abstract that men do not seek to give it expression by, and tr~nslate it into, sensible images. 'The attraction of Secrecy was enhanced by the difficulty of obtaining admission. Obstaclesanrd suspense redoubled curiosity. who aspired to the initiation of the Sun and in the Mysteries of Mithras in Persia, underwent many trials. They comlifien'ced· by easy tests and arrived by degrees at those that were crueI,in which the life of the candidate was often endangered. Gregory N azianzen terms them tortures and mystic punIW;lhments. No one can be initiated, says Suidas, until after he has pre~en, by the most terrible trials, that he possesses a virtuous st>ttI,exempt from the sway of every passion, and at it were im.. There were twelve principal tests; and somre make the nt1inber larger. The trials of the Eleusinian initiations were not so terrible; but were severe; ·and the suspense, above all, in which the aspiwas kept for several years [the memory of which is retained Masonry by the ages of those of the different De'gr!eies], {Ytfbeint:erval between admission to the inferior and initiati'onin tHe'giteat Mysteries, was a species of torture to the curiosity which itiwas desired to excite. Thus the Egyptian Priests tried Pyfhago.. i'$~beforeadmitting hin1 to know the secrets of the sacredscrence. Me isucceeded, by his incredible patience and the courage with he surmounted all obstavcles, in obtaining admission to their and receiving their lessons. An10ng the Jews· tMe··Essenes



admitted none among them, until they had passed the tests or several Degrees. By initiation, those who before were fellow-citizens only, be.. came brothers, connected by a closer bond than before, by means of a religious fraternity, which, bringing men nearer together, united them more strongly: and the weak and the poor could more readily appeal for assistance to the powerful and the wealthy, with whom religious association gave them a closer fellowship. The Initiate was regarded as the favorite of the Gods. For him alone Heaven opened its treasures. Fortunate during life, he could, by virtue and the favor of Heaven, promise hhnself after death an eternal felicity. The Priests of the Island of Samothrace promised favorable winds and prosperous voyages to those who were initiated. It was promised them that the CABIRI, and Castor and. Pollux. the DIOSCURI, should appear to them when the storm raged, and give them calms and sInooth seas: and the Scholiast of Aristophanes says that those initiated in the Mysteries there were just men, who were privileged to escape from great evils and tempests. The Initiate in the Mysteries of Orpheus, after he was purified, was considered as released from the empire of evil, and trans... ferred to a condition of life which gave him the happiest hopes. "I have emerged from evil," he was made to say, "and have at.. tained good." Those initiated in the Mysteries of Eleusis helieved that the Sun blazed with a pure splendor for them alone. And, as we see in the case of Pericles, they flattered themselves that Ceres and Proserpine inspired them and gave them wisdom and counsel. Initiation dissipated errors and banished misfortune: and after having filled the heart of man with joy during life, it gave him the most blissful hopes at the n10ment of death. We o\ve it to the Goddesses of Eleusis, says Socrates, that we do not lead the wild life of the earliest men: and to them are due the flattering hopes which initiation gives us for the moment of death and for all eternity. The benefit which we reap from these august ceremonies, says Aristid~s, is not only present joy, a deliverance and enfranchisement from the old ills; but also the s\veet hope which we have in death of passing to a more fortunate state. And Theon says that participation of the Mysteries is the finest of all things, and the source of the greatest blessings. The happiness prolnised there was not limited to this Inortal Iife ; but it extended

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