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[PC] Umbrella Labs Corp


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We are a private military research corporation within the free-aim community that envelops the use of the best weapons technology money can buy to use in our efforts to secure the island of San Andreas to provide safety and security to the public. Our private resources are also heavily involved in criminal underground activities which are not limited to heist setups, various missions, car exporting, survivals, contact jobs to name a few. Our corporation provides elite security and weapons research to ensure 100 percent complete satisfaction to our clients. Our operations are always in free-mode sessions and we are here to help improve the quality of life for life is our business.




We are mostly a free-aim pvp oriented crew. Most of our time is dedicated towards lobby peacekeeping through takeover, collecting bounties, and combat training through deathmatches and survivals. We also do setups and heists and strive for the heist achievments, we believe in bringing your A-GAME to win. When nothing is going on we like to do random missions, air races, street races, air deathmatches, off-road racing, arm-wrestling, darts, crew deathmatches, car exporting, etc.




The Umbrella Corporation are looking for recruits that can take orders from team leaders and follow them to the letter. We need recruits who take pride in the crew they are in and look for ways to improve our strength and popularity. Recruits who are good at shooting, driving, and flying are always a must for us. We are also in need of recruits who are great in video editing and graphics creation which would be a bonus for moral boosting and show we have the tools to do it all. We want the go-getter players who want to be the best and help their team mates to achieve their goals. Most of all we want active players, not monthly casuals. WE WANT YOU TO JOIN THE basic-square-7.solid.png and show everyone in the PC realm of GTA that we don't just raise the undead but we are THE CREW who are the ELITE PMC (Private Military Crew) to bring the rain when help is needed.


"We aren't the crew that started the anarchy but we will be there to finish it."





So in order to bring peace in the world of chaos within San Andreas, we had to create teams. These 3 seperate teams are what is needed to accomplish the crew mission. As you can see we have a [Ground Team] [Transport Team] [Air Lift Team]. Each team is specialized in its tasks to work together as one unit. A symphony of orchastrated combat in the most mozart way. Below is a description of what we have to offer you all here.





Responsible for providing safety and security to the general public. Utilizing any and all merryweather subcontracted BLACK tactical wear, Umbrella Labs Corp ground teams will constantly make patrols around any area deemed hazardous due to the influx of anarchy imposed by random adversary crews. Umbrella ground teams will seek and destroy any aggressor who is causing unneccessary harm to the general public of San Andreas. Ground Teams have ZERO restrictions of weapon types.









(Company Logo Required)



(Company Logo Required)




(Company Logo Required)





Responsible for providing ground teams transportation to the nearest hazard zone in San Andreas. Umbrella Lap Corp Transport Teams will also provide security and fire support to the ground teams conducting operations within hazard zones. Uniforms for drivers will consist of any Merryweather subcontracted variant BLACK tactical wear. Drivers will stay near their vehicles unless instructed otherwise by ground team leaders.















Responsible for air transport and evac of all members of the Umbrella Corp teams. Pilots will make necessary landings anywhere deemed safe and cordoned off from enemy aggressors within the hazard zone. Pilots will also provide any extra fire support that is needed by ground or transport teams. If the any chopper is shot down, pilots are instructed to escape to the nearest flght area to pick up a chopper to resume air support. Pilot uniforms can be any merryweather subcontracted BLACK tactical wear.





























Interested in joining a professional [PM] Private Military crew? Put in an application.





- 16 Years of Age Minimum
- Have a working Mic for [TEAM SPEAK 3] communication at all times
- Speak English
- Roleplay the umbrella corporation image (optional)
- Set Crew as ACTIVE


Social Club Username:
GTA Level:
What is your Profession?: (Ground Team/ Transport Team/ Air Lift Team)

Edited by Roadkill01
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