1. One that reacts. 2. A device (such as a coil, winding, or conductor of small resistance) used to introduce reactance into an alternating-current circuit.
People also ask
What does reacted mean on Facebook?
What is the definition of a reactor?
What does it mean when it says someone reacted to your post?
Posts that receive a lot of Angry reactions tend to be a factor in negative experiences on Facebook. We use Angry reactions to evaluate and rank content in ...
Facebook reactions are a continuation of the platform's Like feature and allow users to “react” to individual posts. Users can react in six different ways, ...
To react to a post or comment: 1. Go to the post or comment you want to react to. 2. Tap and hold Like, and then choose a reaction.
Missing: Reactor | Show results with:Reactor
A reactor is where a nuclear reaction is controlled, making it possible to create energy or any number of artificial elements.
Jan 29, 2021 · Someone reacted to a Facebook post of mine, but when I clicked to see all reactions, that someone's name does not show up. Is that normal?
A heart or an angry face is worth more than a thumbs up on your Facebook posts. Here's how brands are getting more reactions out of their readers!
Oct 27, 2021 · It generally means that the person deactivated or deleted their account. I have had a friend who liked a post, then they deactivated their ...
This means that: If you turn this setting on, people can't see the total number of reactions on any post that you create from your profile or Feed. You can ...