Teatro General San Martin
Theater in Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Teatro General San Martín is an important public theater in Buenos Aires, located on Corrientes Avenue and adjacent to the cultural center of the same name. It is one of the major theaters in Argentina and offers venues for the representation of stage works and film, as well as art exhibitions.
Address: C1042AAO, Av. Corrientes 1530, C1042 AAO, Cdad. Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: +54 800-333-5254
Teatro San Martín, Teatro Presidente Alvear, Teatro Regio, Teatro de la Ribera, Teatro Sarmiento, Cine Teatro El Plata.
It is one of the major theaters in Argentina and offers venues for the representation of stage works and film, as well as art exhibitions.
El Teatro San Martín es uno de los teatros más prestigiosos y vanguardistas de América Latina.
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Unmissable the Sala Leopoldo Lugones at the 10th floor for cinephiles, excellent programmation in a gorgeous cinema!
... elsanmartinctba) on Instagram: "El CTBA nuclea los teatros públicos de CABA: San Martín, de la Ribera, Alvear, Regio,Sarmiento y El Plata."
TEATRO SAN MARTIN. Av. Corrientes 1530 (mapa) Capital Federal - Buenos Aires - Argentina Teléfonos: 0800-333-5254. Web: http://complejoteatral.gob.ar/.
Jan 29, 2024 · On Avenida Corrientes, the Teatro Municipal General San Martín (TGSM) stands between party walls in the heart of downtown Buenos Aires.