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bernardo díaz nosti from
... Díaz - Bernardo , J. Ramírez see Ramírez Díaz - Bernardo , Díaz - Briquets , Sergio . The health revolution in Cuba / by Sergio Díaz - Briquets . -- Austin University of Texas Press , 1983. xvii , 227 p . : ill . -- ( Special ...
bernardo díaz nosti from
... Díaz - Bernardo , Díaz - Briquets , Sergio . The health revolution in Cuba / by : Austin University of Texas Sergio ... nosti matki v rodakh Karash , IU . M. ( IUrii Mikhailovich ) . see Diagnostika trikhinelleza ( Andrei ...
bernardo díaz nosti from
Enabling the Business of Agriculture 2019 presents indicators that measure the laws, regulations and bureaucratic processes that affect farmers in 101 countries.
bernardo díaz nosti from
... DÍAZ NOSTI, Bernardo. Historia del franquismo. Sarpe. Madrid, 1986. También en Argos Vergara, Madrid, 1985. Tercer Plan de Desarrollo Económico y Social 1972-1975. Imprenta Nacional del Boletín Oficial del Estado. Madrid, noviembre ...
bernardo díaz nosti from
... Bernardo Díaz Nosti , Fernando Lallana , y Jesús Timoteo Álvarez , La nueva identidad de la prensa , Madrid , Fundesco , 1988 , p . 148 . Al esclarecimiento de las cifras de venta e índices alcanzados INCIDENCIA DEL MERCADO DE LA ...
bernardo díaz nosti from
This open access book explores commentaries on an influential text of pre-Copernican astronomy in Europe.
bernardo díaz nosti from
... Bernardo Díaz Nosti . Tomo 1. Pag 60. Ed . Argos Vergara , S.A. ( 5 ) República y guerra Civil en Córdoba ( f . M. ) . Pag 115. Ed . Delegación de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Córdoba . ( 6 ) Idem ( F. M. ) . Pag 41.
bernardo díaz nosti from
"This analysis of the writings of Bernardo Atxaga is inspired by his image of the Basque language as a hedgehog that has "survived ... by withdrawing," but that has now emerged - preeminently in the work of this most international of Basque ...
bernardo díaz nosti from
... Díaz - Llanos Lecuona , Rafael 335 Díaz Nosti , Bernardo 365 Díaz Ruiz , Clemente 136 Díez - Alegría Gutiérrez , Manuel 336 Díez Nicolás , Juan 175 , 338 Díez Pereira , Carmen 159 Díez - Picazoi y Ponce de León , Luis 254 Díez de Rivera ...