... Díaz - Bernardo , J. Ramírez see Ramírez Díaz - Bernardo , - Díaz - Briquets , Sergio . The health revolution in Cuba / by Sergio Díaz - Briquets . Austin : University of Texas Press , 1983 . xvii , 227 p . : ill . ( Special publication ...
... Díaz - Bernardo , Díaz - Briquets , Sergio . The health revolution in Cuba / by : Austin University of Texas Sergio ... nosti matki v rodakh Karash , IU . M. ( IUrii Mikhailovich ) . see Diagnostika trikhinelleza ( Andrei ...
Enabling the Business of Agriculture 2019 presents indicators that measure the laws, regulations and bureaucratic processes that affect farmers in 101 countries.
... Bernardo Díaz Nosti , Fernando Lallana , y Jesús Timoteo Álvarez , La nueva identidad de la prensa , Madrid , Fundesco , 1988 , p . 148 . Al esclarecimiento de las cifras de venta e índices alcanzados INCIDENCIA DEL MERCADO DE LA ...
... Diaz Nosty DOSSIER GOA — VASSALO E SILVA Botelho da Silva 11 DE MARÇO - O TIRO PELA CULATRA — Dinis die Abreu ... Bernardo Diaz Nosti PAPAS PERVERSOS -- Er . Chamberlin ÉBANO - Alberto Vazquezz Figueiroa - ! CADERNOS DE ECONOMIA E ...
"This analysis of the writings of Bernardo Atxaga is inspired by his image of the Basque language as a hedgehog that has "survived ... by withdrawing," but that has now emerged - preeminently in the work of this most international of Basque ...
... Bernardo Díaz Nosti . Tomo 1. Pag 60. Ed . Argos Vergara , S.A. ( 5 ) República y guerra Civil en Córdoba ( f . M. ) . Pag 115. Ed . Delegación de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Córdoba . ( 6 ) Idem ( F. M. ) . Pag 41.