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Stuxnet: The Paradigm-Shifting Cyberattack, Implications and way forward
Modern Diplomacy
Stuxnet was more than just another piece of malware; it represented a paradigm alteration in how states could utilize cyber capabilities for...
hace 3 días
Stuxnet, a computer worm, discovered in June 2010, that was specifically written to take over certain programmable industrial control...
hace 1 mes
Stuxnet: The malware that cost a billion dollars to develop?
Graham Cluley
A report from the Netherlands claims that a Dutch man played a key role in the notorious Stuxnet worm attack against an Iranian nuclear...
hace 10 meses
CrowdStrike, SolarWinds and Stuxnet demonstrated the cyber fragility of IT and OT systems
Putman Media
The recent CrowdStrike cyber incident caused global chaos throughout the IT and even OT community (although the effects on OT were less noticeable).
hace 4 meses
Stuxnet, Beyond the Code: Exploring the Legacy and Impact
Grey Dynamics
Stuxnet was a highly intricate piece of malware engineered to target specific industrial control systems. Notably, those controlling centrifuges used in...
hace 5 meses
Improved, Stuxnet-Like PLC Malware Aims to Disrupt Critical Infrastructure
Dark Reading
A Stuxnet-Like, Web-Based PLC Malware. Often, malware targeting PLCs and ICS systems have required attackers to have some kind of prior physical...
hace 9 meses
The Real Story of Stuxnet
IEEE Spectrum
The fabled story of the 2007 Stuxnet computer virus continues to fascinate readers, tech enthusiasts, journalists, and lovers of a good whodunnit mystery.
hace 141 meses
An Unprecedented Look at Stuxnet, the World's First Digital Weapon
In an excerpt from her new book, "Countdown to Zero Day," WIRED's Kim Zetter describes the dark path the world's first digital weapon took to reach its target...
hace 121 meses
From Stuxnet to Gospel to Pager Bombs, Israel is leading the Weaponization of the digital World
Informed Comment
A series of pager explosions across Lebanon, and secondary attacks on walkie-talkies the following day, have killed and maimed a number of Hezbollah operatives.
hace 2 meses
Georgia Tech researchers warn of Stuxnet-style web-based PLC malware, redefining industrial cybersecurity threats
Industrial Cyber
Georgia Tech researchers warn of Stuxnet-style web-based PLC malware, redefining industrial cybersecurity threats.
hace 9 meses