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Robert Hawking from
... Robert Nicholson, Edward Bourne, IL J. Nicol. J. M'K. Barry, Edward O/itloy ... Hawking'. Thos. Trans, Eleaxar HawkbfurJ, John Thomson, William Hardvman ... Robert Ijiwson. Alfred Lanirford, ^ illiam Lockycr, Fredk. Lunvon, Chiis ...
Robert Hawking from
... Robert Hawking, removing Feb. 26. By E. K. Kodgers, buggy hire. oubunlnera for road Feb 28. By John I. Cleaver, material Mar. 2. By Al«x. McCoy, labor Mar. 4. By Rob't McK«e, labor , Mar. 16. By Sam'l Parker, labor Apr. 1. By Maggie Redd ...
Robert Hawking from
... Robert Hawking are slated to run the mile. Toles takes on the broad and Tngh jump in the field events. Weightmen include Robert Brit- tenham and Richard Hallstalk, with Hailstalk also going out for the high jump...
Robert Hawking from
... Robert hawking whirlwind Johnson also contributed some'aftprno°n- good board work. point performance hall odii ngnt-out rir/hf-nnr Sam Sampson with 13, and Barry Hunt with 11 were Dixie's only double figure scorers. Ronald Miles and ...
Robert Hawking from
... Robert Hawking and Mrs. Charles Egner Jr., all of Muskegon; Mrg, DcVere Johnson of Kalamazoo, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walker and. Mrs. Maxtne Halstoad of Bay City, Mrs. 'Charles Williams of Lansing and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Egncr of Traverse ...
Robert Hawking from
... Robert Hawking, have made known the following: - A handful, at least three, of In-house athletic department lay personnel have applied for the athletic director's slot In addition to those who have applied from outside the school ...
Robert Hawking from
... to the citation received yesterday, Chief Hawkins has also won the safe driving award for the past two years. Counties in Hawkins" area include Bourbon, Linn, Anderson, Allen and Vernon county in Missouri. Robert Hawking.
Robert Hawking from
... Robert Hawking, wan thrown from a horse last week, and it was thought that he would not live, but according to last reports he is some better. day school basket piciiii; waa postponed until nest Saturday, July 2o. An excellent program ...
Robert Hawking from
... Robert Hawking, \ Henry Turner, I Henry East, > Managers. Robert Ward, Dennis Horner,
Robert Hawking from
... Robert Hawking, Rev. J. H. Riddick, ac Myers, Rev. J. N. H. Johnson, mes T. Bradford. Rev. Henry Jonsou. seph Spriggs, John W. Adams, John H. But, S. T. Fisher, William F. Taylor, George P. Jones. John Prath Ephraim Tildeu and seph ...