fashion goddesses

No Designer Has Ever Given Daphne Guinness a Piece of Clothing

Daphne, wearing her own clothes.
Daphne, wearing her own clothes.

“I have never been given anything in my life actually,” said Daphne Guinness at her F.I.T. exhibit. (She was referring to clothes, obviously.) She tells

Yeah, really. It’s so unfair — no, you know what’s good about it? I think that’s why I had close relationships with these [designers]; it’s because I wasn’t trying to use them. It was an equal thing. They knew I was in it for the right reasons and I knew they were in it for the right reasons. And, when you are a designer, a lot of these people don’t have any money. People think because they have a name that they have money, but they don’t. They put their heart and soul into it. They really do. A lot of people feel entitled about it and like they don’t have to give back. I find that so disrespectful to someone’s art, especially knowing how many hours of work they have put into it.

Daphne certainly treats her purchases with respect, too, according to F.I.T.’s Valerie Steele, who said that curating the show was a breeze because Daphne has all her clothes in a computer database. Adds Daphne, “It’s the only organized thing I did in the last three years.”

Daphne Undressed []

No Designer Has Ever Given Daphne Guinness a Piece of Clothing