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A C A D E M Y P R E S E N T S :

~ E X P O S E D ~

Michael T. Hall 32°

~E X P O S E D ~


Michael T. Hall 32° a.a.s.r. s.j.


This book is dedicated to my life partner
Jasmine, our 3 children Goldie, Max and Ella,
Danny Martin, Matthew Lamoureux and all
of Team Psycosmos, and everyone who has
helped me along this Journey thus far. I am
nothing without everyone before me who
helped pave the way.

Authors Background Story 1

Why I Joined Freemasonry 6

Christian Mysticism and Freemasonry 18

Kabbalah Explained and It's Connection to
Freemasonry 26

Freemasonry and Accusations of "Lucifer"
Worship 35

Albert Pike and His Influence on
Freemasonry 41

The "Inner Circle" of Esoteric
Freemasonry 46

Enlightenment and The Secret
of all Secret Teachings: The Sacred Secretion 54

CHAPTER 8: (Lodge Lecture)

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain and his
Symbolic Meaning in Freemasonry 65

CHAPTER 9: (Lodge Lecture)

The Forgotten Mother Lodge 84
Authors Background Story

In the age of information, atleast as we're lead to believe as

such, seems to be more of the age of internet misinformation, we all
find ourselves at some point asking ourselves something along the
lines of "What is my purpose?" or "What does this all mean?" that
eventually takes us down a train of thought where we potentially
feel empty handed or even worse, empty inside. There's nothing
more important than one aspect of everyone's daily lives, the one
thing without fault, without lies, without uncertainty, the only thing
that one can without a doubt believe is fully truthful and that is
simply the aspect of Truth. We live in an age where it seems like
the dishonest gets ahead. Like the good person can't seem to win.
Sometimes this leads down the road of the pursuit of truth and then
we stumble across information, i.e. the internet, and we become
instantly attached to things we think may be truth due to the
conditioning that's happened due to lack of proper education.
This could be a social media influencer with a large following
speaking on subject matter that sparks our interest and due to the
mirage of numbers and their confidence in what they speak on we
tend to subconciously fall into this trap of misinformation mistaking
it for truth, without even validating the claims being made to be
objectively true through proper research and forming an opinion of
our own based on facts or even logic. This then turns into
conspiracy theories, and can even come in the form of religious
confirmation bias and before we've realized it we become consumed
by the misinformation where we don't even realize what is Truth
and what is False. I thoroughly believe this is simply a severe lack
of Understanding induced by fear driven accute paranoia that stems
from a deeper rooted problem, which is a lack of proper education.

Authors Background Story

Our education system has failed us, yet we lean on the

Understanding of scholars and become convinced their truth is the
only truth. Our religious leaders have failed us, yet we preach the
same doctrine that is supposed to promote Love and Truth but in a
generalized fact that we unintentionally do the opposite. Our
politicians have failed us, yet we continue to vote for the same
people who continue to lead us down a destructive path. We hate
our neighbors, love misinformation, and content with being
hypocrits because it's alot easier to listen to someone whom we see
their credentials via followers, wealth, education or by some other
means and sell ourselves short of what truly matters which is in
fact Truth itself. I'm not implying we shouldn't trust people in these
fields, nor am I pushing a fear based narrative against these
indiviuals, I am however implying that we should not be
intellectually lazy and simply take their word for it. Take what they
say, research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusion.
That's what I've done and once I realized how many lies were in the
world and coming from people I trusted, I said to hell with leaning
on anyone else and I seeked out the pursuit of all Truth, whether it
challenged my own personal beliefs or not, I was willing to accept
any and all forms of Truth and especially when it came to the Truth
of God.
I grew up a devout yet moderate Christian, what some would
call "luke warm" and what I would describe as more of a logical
Christian or a Christian realist. I was baptized, a member of several
denominations, in the buckle of the Bible belt. I went polar opposites
at one point going from Agnostic to a full blown Atheist at one
point of my life.

Authors Background Story

This was simply because I just could not find the answers I was
looking for in a traditional Christian sense, which I will go over
more in detail in this book. Today I do consider myself to be a
Christian, but a much more Ancient and Mystical aspect of the word
Christian. I've been deconstructing and rebuilding my faith and
relationship with God since I was about 27 years old which was
right at 10 years of being an Atheist/Universalist and I just
couldn't get behind the modernity of organized religion, even after
studying a multitude of faiths but the One conclusion that I came to
at this point was there was a God, or a source of creation in which
all things formed and came to be. So from this point on I decided to
dedicate my life to not only finding God, but also searching for the
One true religion, which is the religion of Truth in itself. I found
what I believe to be innefable Truth and this book will be my
discoveries of what led me to the mystical aspect of Christianity in
which I never knew existed outside of being lied to that most of
these traditions were deems "evil" or "blasphemous" which I believe
is maticulous and strategic and by the time you're finished with this
text I'm sure you will have opened up gates within your mind and
begin to question everything.
I have always been a sceptical individual, an alternative person
from my outward appearance and even the way my brain has
always opperated for as long as I can remember. This is probably
why nothing "normal" or the status quo ever sat right with me
when it's quite clear how much we're lied to by some if not the most
influencial organizations. I used to believe that one of these
institutions was Freemasonry, as any conspiracy theorist eventually
comes across the massive amounts of misinformation flooding the

Authors Background Story

internet. But I ultimately did all my research because I simply

asked myself "If the world lies this much, and hates Freemasonry
this much, and all the theories about the organization I've been able
to debunk myself, why is the world trying to prevent people from
joining this benevolent organization?". Using logic and reason, I
finally decided to join after nearly 15 years of research and
studying the truth about Freemasonry and meeting atleast a dozen
members of the organization and become very good friends with
men that I would soon gain the privalege to call Brother. This is
just my personal journey, so none of this text is to imply that it is
the end all be all of Freemasonry, but I openly invite any criticism
of my discoveries and workings to anyone, and I petition you to
read this with an open mind and become receptive to what I have
discovered to be the Truth I've been searching for my entire life. If
it wasn't for Freemasonry and my hours upon hours over the span
of a decade and a half and still continuing to this day, I can
genuinely say that I may never have not only restored my faith in
Christ again, but I know for a fact that I would never have this
close of a relationship with God in general which in turn has helped
guide me to also become the best Father, Husband, Son, Co-
Worker, Friend, and over all best version of myself than I have
have been before, nor would I have been able to feel inspired to
truly knowing myself and my own potential by the Graces of God. I
can confidently say, in the likeness of the great Carl Jung and many
other mystics innumerable, that I with out a doubt know God far
beyond blind belief.
Freemasonry and it's teachings and where it lead me personally

Authors Background Story

absolutely saved my life, and led me back to Lord who ultimately

saved me beyond my imagination, and all I can hope for is this text
maybe or maybe not inspire you to explore the idea of Freemasonry
for yourself, but at the bare minimum help guide you to the purest
religion, the religion that has no name, doctrine, or dogma outside
of Unconditional Love for God, Others, and last but surely not least,
yourself. Welcome to the universal religion of Truth.

Why I Joined Freemasonry:

I somehow became a social media influencer, something I

always somewhat aimed for in a sense but it never seems reachable
in the start of such an idea. What I do as an influencer is mostly
found on the popular app known as TikTok, and I essentially
became the "tattooed Freemason" or my personal favorite the
"debunk champ" which I earned debunking claims and conspiracy
theories against Freemasonry. I racked up at this current point in
time nearly 300k followers on my main account, as well as a little
more than 80k on a back up account what I wish to believe is
mostly due to the information I provide but I must add that I think
my appearance being heavily tattooed, young-ish (in comparison to
the stereo type atleast), and a somewhat outlandist "against the
grain" attitude with my approach to teaching and educating the
public about Freemasonry. I was by far not the first Freemason on
TikTok and especially not social media in general, but one thing I
can pat myself on the back with is that I was the first to heavily
start making content that revolved around debunking false
accusations about the Fraternity I kept stumbling upon while on the
app. Long story short, I do consider myself and person interested in
conspiracies ever since the age of 11, and that was what I originally
was looking for on TikTok during the time of the Corona Virus
Eventually anyone searching through this type of content,
you're going to come across videos where someone is going to blame
something on the Freemasons, and myself being one and seeing this
content obviously rubs me the wrong way but in a laughable sense
because of how outlandish the majority of the claims are. The
thought of the, and I mean no offense to anyone saying this, middle
to elder aged men that I knew personally attempting to "take over

Why I Joined Freemasonry:

the world" in their grass cutting shoes and cargo shorts gave me a
good laugh. I often found myself commenting on these videos and
attempting to correct these notions, but with limited characters in
the comment section, and responses from a bunch of the peanut
gallery conspiracy "nuts" as I like to call them (since I consider
myself a conspiracy theorist) commenting back to me I eventually
got fed up with walking into the lions den and just stopped
commenting or skipping the videos entirely. It wasn't until I finally
came across a video where a content creator made a video about
Freemasonry, and mentioned how Freemason lodges are being
"purposely and maliciously burned all across the world" but almost
in a rhetoric of condoning this behavior. The video itself was one
thing, but the comment section was extremely violent and cheering
on for arson, and even violence against people myself and many
others call Brothers. This didn't sit right with me, I couldn't stand
the idea of some whack job due to blatant misinformation go on a
vigilante spree and hear about an elder Brother get injured or
worse, so I decided to take action and make my first video in
Slowly since then, I started gaining more and more followers
the more videos I made, and even formed a new niche on the app
where thousands of Brothers who were already on the app found a
virtual community of Brethren all across the world. We banded
together to essentially not only take back the hashtags using
Freemasonry but even formed and grew #ThisIsFreemasonry along
with many other hashtags like it with the mission of spreading
Truth and Knowledge about the Fraternity, and my expertise was
debunking the nonsense and outlandist claims against Freemasonry
which was ultimately my personal reason for joining the fraternity,

Why I Joined Freemasonry:

along with the philanthropy and many other aspects of

Freemasonry. This effort has grown to a whole new era of
Freemasonry in the 21st century and has essentially not only
helped change the minds of hundreds of thousands of people but
even convinced people to seek out a Lodge and join entirely of their
own free will and accord without the need of any recruiting, which
we as Freemasons know is highly frowned upon to say the least and
in some jurisdictions is against Masonic Code. As much as I would
like to discuss more on this topic, I will eventually have another
book going over everything mentioned above in greater detail.

So enough of the shameless plugging, lets get into why I

decided to become a Freemason in the first place:

The Story begins when I was just a kid. Just like most of us, we
end up going to a parade and seeing the old guys driving the go
karts and "bucket hats" atleast as I liked to call them. It wasn't until
way later in life that I would find out these men were called
Shriners and their sole purpose was to aid and assist less fortunate
children with healthcare at the Shriners hospitals, but as a kid I
obviously had no clue what any of this meant. My now deceased
Father had a good friend named Olan, whom I considered to be an
"extra Grandpa" of sorts was one of these old men with the funny
hats. I was very young but I still have great memories of Olan just
always treating me and my siblings as one of his own and was a
major influence on my Father. My Father never joined a lodge, even
though he aspired to be a Freemason his life unfortunately ended at
age 42 back in December of 2005, just 5 days before Christmas. I

Why I Joined Freemasonry:

was only 14 at the time with a 16 year old sister, and a 4 year old
brother and a now Widowed Mother. Olan was there for us to the
best of his abilities along with his wife, because one of the greatest
truths I learned about Freemasonry after joining was the heavy
influence of aiding to Widows and Orphans. I grew up in a not
wealthy family setting with parents who although had their vices
still struggled but did what they could for us. We were a moderate
Christian family, and my Father passed away a saved man free
from all his vices due to a heart condition he had since he was a
child but somehow managed to live 42 years and start our family.
Long story short, we were members of the local Methodist
church and the Pastor did come to visit us the morning of his
passing. It was comforting to think we had the support of the
church, and it was decided that was where we would have his
memorial service. He was a long time Barber at the local Barber
Shop and was somewhat of a local celebrity as he cut everyone and
their sons hair in the town and even extended out of town in places
he lived throughout his life, so needless to say his memorial service
packed out with people to celebrate the life of the great Tony Hall.
The church provided a beautiful (but costly) service and we felt the
love and support, but it didn't really feel like it lasted long. The
church shortly after stopped checking in on us, and felt almost as if
they were supportive just to make sure they ended up getting the
commission for the memorial service and then we were just on our
own. Three children and an unemployed Widow, but sap stories
aside I remember Olan still reaching out and doing what he could to
help. It wasn't until way later that I would discover that him being
a Shriner also meant that he was a Freemason.

Why I Joined Freemasonry:

Long story short, we were members of the local Methodist

church and the Pastor did come to visit us the morning of his
passing. It was comforting to think we had the support of the
church, and it was decided that was where we would have his
memorial service. He was a long time Barber at the local Barber
Shop and was somewhat of a local celebrity as he cut everyone and
their sons hair in the town and even extended out of town in places
he lived throughout his life, so needless to say his memorial service
packed out with people to celebrate the life of the great Tony Hall.
The church provided a beautiful (but costly) service and we felt the
love and support, but it didn't really feel like it lasted long. The
church shortly after stopped checking in on us, and felt almost as if
they were supportive just to make sure they ended up getting the
commission for the memorial service and then we were just on our
own. Three children and an unemployed Widow, but sap stories
aside I remember Olan still reaching out and doing what he could to
help. It wasn't until way later that I would discover that him being
a Shriner also meant that he was a Freemason.
Even after the death of my dad, I felt a strong connection with
God and didn't let his death interfere with my relationship with God
but I felt the start of a disconnection between myself and any
church. I couldn't help but be critical of the behavior I saw growing
up in different churches and denominations. From Southern Baptist,
to Presbyterian, Methodist, and even Pentacostal, I never could find
the answers I was looking for. All I saw around me was hypocracy
and so many things that went against what I felt in my heart was
Truth about Christ and even with a limited amount of knowledge of
scripture only being a teenager. Even as a child I gave my sunday

Why I Joined Freemasonry:

school teachers a hard time, asking questions and was basically

silenced for thinking anything outside what was being "taught".
After this struggle, I finally found a church I enjoyed, filled with
alternative kids like me who liked similar metal music but still loved
Jesus. It was a Pentacostal church, but not in the crazy snake
handler way, just normal good Christians who also spoke in
tongues, something I never was able to obtain but still had a blast
It wasn't until I was about 15 at this church that we took a
youth trip to a summer camp for many other Pentacostal youth
groups to come together for fellowship. I had a good time most
nights, but one night at worship service was the turning point for
me. This is an auditorium filled with atleast 500 kids, teens, and
youth leaders and performing miracles and deliverance. The music
was blasting with a live band, and everyone around me was praying
and cheering at the site of people walking out of wheelchairs, a deaf
person could hear slightly and things that honestly kind of blew my
mind. People around me and the lead Pastor was also praying in
tongues loudly, and in my head all I wanted after seeing all the
amazing miracles I witnessed, all I asked God for was to finally be
able to do the same. I prayed my heart out to the point of tears and
using every ounce of energy I had to be able to "fit in", almost
considered just shouting out jibberish just so I could feel less
insecure but I chose not to be disingenuous. I'm honestly feeling
sick to my stomach as I'm typing this leading up to the next part,
but basically I did the rational thing or so I thought, and that was to
ask one of the religious leaders there "Why can't I speak in
tongues?" as I wanted nothing more in that moment and it seemed
reasonable but the response I was given was something along the

Why I Joined Freemasonry:

lines of "Well, God just tends to favor some people more.." with a
pompous attitude since he was able to and I wasn't. It was in that
moment I swore I'd never go to a church service again.
So the vast amount of religious nonsense I had to put up with,
on top of the church of my Fathers memorial service, and then
finally this I had officially given up on Christianity, but kept my
faith as an individual. I studied the bible myself, taught other kids
my age and even saved a few friends but eventually I kind of just
stopped caring so much. More things kept going wrong over the
next couple years and I eventually became an Agnostic relieving
myself of the Christian title but still holding a belief in God. This
eventually turned into becoming a full blown Atheist and it was
what I at the time described was the fault of the world and what all
had happened to me and that there was no way a God would just
allow all this to happen to someone dedicated to them, and more
especially all the hypocracy and superiority complexes I saw in
church. This opened up a door in me for the next 10 years of
rebellious behavior, and even exploring the idea of other religions
and belief systems. Pretty much anything peaceful I could get my
hands on as long as it wasn't Christianity. I studied everything from
Hinduism, to LeVayan Satanism but still claiming to nothing as far
as a religious title goes just because I was convinced by the church
that all of these things were just flat out evil but upon strict trial I
found myself seeing the exact opposite. This secured my open
mindedness and led me to believe that all religions are more alike
than different but I was ok just being an Atheist.
Let's fast forward to when I started tattooing back in 2011. I
had just started my apprenticeship and I worked with a man of

Why I Joined Freemasonry:

extraordinary character named Alex. Lo and behold, come to find

out Alex was a Freemason. I had just turned 19 at the time so I
was still in my "Freemasons are rich old white guys that rule the
world and possibly worship satan" but I didn't really care
considering I was an Atheist whether he worshipped satan or not.
But to be clear, I knew him well. He was a God fearing, southern
bred corn fed Christian man and one of the best examples I ever
saw of one. I would tease him and ask him for the secrets and he
would always laugh and joke back, but never broke character of
being a good man to say the least. Eventually I noticed he was one
of the "funny hat" people and that's when I learned he was also a
Shriner and that all Shriners ever were all Freemasons.
This sparked my interest due to my memories of Olan and now I
was curious to join and what I had to do to join. I started asking
him what it was all really about and he answered openly and
honestly, which I was taken off by cause I thought what everyone
thought which was "Isn't this supposed to be a secret society?!" and
was shocked to see how not so secretive they actually were. I
learned about the philanthropy, community service, history, and
many things I wasn't exactly aware of due to my conspiracy
theorist lenses. But one thing really struck me was the requirement
to believe in God, but not confined to any particular faith.
I honestly missed being a part of a church like community, as I
enjoyed helping others and it seemed like I found something that
was an open minded group of men that were like minded in wanting
to help their communities but the issue was that I was an Atheist.
No matter how much I plead and begged to join, trying to think of
any loophole I could to join, Alex was a good Mason just as much as

Why I Joined Freemasonry:

he was a good man and educated me that no Atheist could be made

a Freemason. He vouched for me as a person, and wished he could
sign my petition, but there was just no way around it with him
knowing I was an Atheist, so I finally (somewhat) gave up on
It was also in this time period that I started researching his
claims to verify for myself what he said about the fraternity was
true as it contrasted what I understood given all the conspiracy
theories floating around online. Not only did I find his information
to be accurate, it made me think logically that not only the world
must be lying about Freemasonry but why? Why so much
misinformation when I now got one step closer to the Truth?
Realizing how many intellegent men in history were also
Freemasons, renowned or not, had such an open minded community
of men that believed in God led me to the idea that maybe there was
a God and maybe Freemasonry held something within it's
"secretive" teachings that would reveal this to me and made me
open to the idea of there being a God again. Ultimate becoming a
Father myself was when I really felt the presence of God again, and
feeling that sense of Unconditional Love emmit from a human being
I helped create and seeing the amount of strength it took for their
Mother to deliver my kids, I just knew there had to be a God.
At this point I would've considered myself a Deist or
Universalist of some sorts. One day it all clicked, and I believed in a
Universal God completely again, and was so inspired by this
epiphany that I literally got the word "Englightened" tattooed
across my forehead. This was all years after attempting to join as

Why I Joined Freemasonry:

an Atheist, but I somewhat lost interest in persuing a lodge as I

moved away from being close to Alex's lodge and I didn't really
know any other Freemasons, so I didn't end up joining then.
A couple years later, I'm working at a new studio and I was
struggling bad from mental health issues. I was diagnosed with
Panic Anxiety, Depression, and suffered from Depersonalization
and Derealization. All of which stemmed from inner trauma from
things I had experienced as a child and teenager and even in early
20's as a young adult. I wouldn't wish any of these illnesses on my
worst enemies because this was the closest I ever got to wanting to
end it all. I wanted to die more than anything, but was also terrified
of death which was in its own way a very special sort of hell to live
in. I was in the middle of a tattoo, then a felt a panic attack creeping
up on me in the middle of the tattoo so bad to the point I had to end
the tattoo early. I remember driving home crying my eyes out, fed
up with this feeling that I just started praying. At this point I had
not prayed or called out to God in about 10 years and something
just came over me to do it.
I tried everything to fix my mental health, and I mean
everything under the sun and to no avail, I could't fix it alone. I
didn't call out to any specific God, I just said "God, if you can hear
me, I can't live like this anymore.. I want to be a better Father and
Partner. I want to be able to hold my children without the fear of
anxiety and panic coming over me. I want to be able to be better
help for the Mother of my Children. If you fix me and my mental
health, I swear with everything in me that I will live for you." and I
almost instantly felt a warm comfort come over me. Nothing
dramatic or overwhelming, just a sense of

Why I Joined Freemasonry:

security. Eventually my entire life started to change slowly but

surely to better mental health. I was going to the doctor regularly,
having divinely inspired epiphanies, and felt that relationship with
God again and planned to keep my word that I would follow what
ever direction God wanted me to go.
This is where Freemasonry comes back in. I came to the
realization that God didn't want me to be a Freemason years prior
because spiritually I was not ready, and needed to experience
everything I went through and I started to develop a better
understanding a little more that age old saying of "Everything
happens for a reason". My friend Zack, that I had not spoken to in a
few years randomly comes and gets a tattoo from me and I'm
excited just in general to see him as he was dealing with very
similar things as I was and I couldn't wait to speak with him on
how we both found God again. We start talking up a storm of
excitement we almost forgot we were doing his tattoo, and I finally
asked what he was getting done and his answer blew my mind. He
was getting the Working Tools of Freemasonry with the words
"Traveling Man" with it. Just as shocked as I was that he had
become a Master Mason, he was shocked I knew what it was. I
immediately felt like God set this up and felt like I was finally ready
to join knowing that I had another good friend in a lodge that this
was where God wanted me. So I asked the magic question "How do
I become a Freemason?", somewhat sarcastically as I already knew
how but that was just our sense of humor and it was just a few
months later that I would finally be Initiated into the Fraternity. I

Why I Joined Freemasonry:

was interveiwed at the lodge, and one thing stuck out to me when I
was asked about my belief in God I wanted to over explain my
beliefs and they politely said "The details aren't important, just as
long as you believe in God you're good." Which confirmed the open
mindedness and felt no sense of cultish feelings I felt in a church
I remember my initiation night, I was too excited to be
completely nerveous but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nerveous at
all. Actually, I was so excited nerveous I could feel the sweat
dripping down my back but I think I played it off very well. I was
met by fellow members of the lodge who were very welcoming and
cracking jokes about goats and other stereo types from the elder
members but was assured I was in good hands. I knew nothing was
going to harm me, and all my research I decided to digest over the
years I never looked at the degrees themself because I wanted the
full experience. It was amazing to say the least. By the time the
degree was finished I knew I had made the right decision and all I
wanted to do was learn more. Every degree, every lecture was so
intriguing and thought provacative that I couldn't help but want to
continue learning. But the most profound thing that stuck out to me
was the night of my Master Mason degree and I was given the my
Masonic Bible, which is simply just a verbatim King James Bible,
and was given the Bible lecture.
It was the most beautiful lecture I had ever heard about the
Bible and then they handed it to me and basically just said "It's
yours, read it, put it up, do whatever you want with it.." basically
and I was taken off by this. So many questions ran through my
head.. Why was the Bible held to such a high standard in a

Why I Joined Freemasonry:

universal based fraternity? Why are they not telling me what I have
to believe in the Bible? No forced doctrine or rules or anything?
What is this sorcery?! For the first time I felt like I could be myself
in a judgement free zone and study how I wanted to, with men who
don't just talk about it but actually aid to Widows and Orphans and
take care of their communities and not have anything forced on me
or interfere with my personal beliefs. This notion of the Bible being
such a high standard in Freemasonry, even amongst the members of
my lodge who were part of other appendant bodies such as Scottish
Rite and the renowned 33rd Degree, which I found out I had a few
members at my lodge who were 33rd degree in the Scottish Rite
which I'll get into later on in this book, but even they individually
held the Bible to such a high standard. This all inspired me to start
studying the Bible again, and eventually allow Christ back into my
How is this possible? If Freemasonry amongst many Christian
sects in the world are taught and led to believe Freemasonry is so
sinister and evil, then why through my intense years of study before
and after becoming a Freemason help lead me back to Christ?
Because for me personally, based on my individual experience,
within Freemasonry contains all the shrouded mysteries and Truth
of the true "Christian" faith which I will now go into more detail in
the preceeding chapter. I can without a doubt confirm for me that I
found the innefable Truth I had been searching for my entire life.
Take it as you will.

Christian Mysticism and Freemasonry:

There are several reasons why there are so many conspiracy

theories about Freemasonry. One reason is that the organization
has a long and complex history, with many of its rituals and
symbols shrouded in mystery and secrecy. This has led to
speculation and rumors about what goes on within the organization,
which can fuel conspiracy theories. Another reason is that
Freemasonry has been associated with many influential figures
throughout history, including politicians, business leaders, and even
some religious leaders. This has led some people to believe that
Freemasonry is a powerful and secretive organization that is
involved in behind-the-scenes control of world events.
Additionally, some conspiracy theories about Freemasonry have
been fueled by anti-Masonic sentiment, which has existed since the
organization's early days. Some religious groups, for example, have
viewed Freemasonry as a threat to traditional religious beliefs, and
have promoted conspiracy theories as a way to discredit the
organization. It's also worth noting that in recent years, the rise of
the internet and social media has made it easier for conspiracy
theories to spread and gain traction, as people can easily share and
promote their beliefs with a wider audience.
Freemasonry as an organization does not have an official stance
on Jesus or any particular religion. Freemasonry is a fraternal
organization that emphasizes moral and ethical values, brotherhood,
and charity. While Freemasonry requires its members to have a
belief in a Supreme Being, it does not promote or endorse any
particular religious belief or doctrine. That being said, some
individuals who have been members of Freemasonry throughout

Christian Mysticism and Freemasonry:

history have had religious beliefs that include Jesus. In fact, some
of the rituals and symbolism used in Freemasonry draw on biblical
stories and imagery, including those related to Jesus. However, the
organization itself does not have any official teachings or doctrines
related to Jesus or any particular religious figure.
It was originally a requirement to be a Christian when
Freemasonry was first organized in 1717, but changed shortly after
to accept men of all faith. The original Grand Lodge of England,
which is considered the birthplace of modern Freemasonry, required
only that its members believe in a Supreme Being and the
immortality of the soul. This allowed men of various religions,
including Christians, Jews, and Muslims, to join the organization.
However, it is worth noting that during the early years of
Freemasonry, the majority of its members were likely to be
Christians, as Christianity was the dominant religion in the
countries where Freemasonry first emerged. As the organization
spread to other parts of the world, it became more diverse, with
members of different religions and cultures joining. Today,
Freemasonry is a global organization with members from a wide
variety of religious and cultural backgrounds, and its requirements
for membership remain focused on moral character and a belief in a
Supreme Being, rather than any particular religious affiliation.
However according to the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament,
Jesus was referred to as a "tekton" in Greek, which is often
translated as "carpenter" in English. However, the term could also
be translated as "builder" or "craftsman". Some scholars believe that
"tekton" could refer to someone who worked with stone as well as

Christian Mysticism and Freemasonry:

wood, so it is possible that Jesus was a stonemason as well as a

carpenter. However, there is no direct evidence in the Bible that
Jesus worked specifically as a stonemason, and the exact nature of
his work as a "tekton" is not entirely clear.
Christian mysticism refers to the practice of direct, personal
experience of God or the divine, often through contemplative or
meditative practices. It is a broad term that encompasses a range of
different practices and perspectives within the Christian tradition,
including those of Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant traditions. At
its core, Christian mysticism is about seeking an intimate, direct
experience of God. This experience is often described as a feeling of
union or oneness with God, and it can be difficult to put into words.
Christian mystics often use metaphors and symbols to try to convey
their experiences, such as the metaphor of a bride and bridegroom
to describe the relationship between the soul and God.
Christian mystics often engage in contemplative practices as a
means of attaining this experience of God. Contemplation involves
focusing the mind on God through prayer, meditation, or other
spiritual practices. This can involve repeating a mantra or prayer
phrase, focusing on a particular image or symbol, or simply sitting
in silence and opening oneself to God's presence. Contemplative
practices are often associated with monasticism, and many
Christian mystics have been monks or nuns. However,
contemplative practices can also be integrated into everyday life,
such as through regular prayer or meditation. Christian mysticism
has a long and rich history within Christianity, with many notable
mystics and saints throughout the centuries. These mystics often

Christian Mysticism and Freemasonry:

emphasized the importance of love and devotion in the spiritual life,

and sought to cultivate a deep sense of connection with God through
prayer and contemplation.
Today, Christian mysticism continues to be an important aspect
of Christian spirituality, and there are many resources available for
those interested in exploring this path. This can include books by
Christian mystics, retreats and workshops focused on contemplative
practices, or simply finding a community of like-minded individuals
who are seeking to deepen their relationship with God. Christian
mystics seek to deepen their relationship with God through a
variety of spiritual practices, such as prayer, meditation, fasting,
and spiritual direction. They often seek to cultivate a sense of inner
stillness and openness to the divine, in order to experience God's
presence more fully. Christian mysticism is often associated with
the contemplative life, which involves withdrawing from the
distractions of the world in order to focus more fully on God. This
can involve living in a monastery or convent, or simply taking
regular time for prayer and meditation in one's daily life. Overall,
Christian mysticism is a deeply personal and experiential approach
to spirituality that seeks to cultivate a deeper relationship with God
through contemplative practices and a life of devotion. It continues
to be an important aspect of Christian spirituality today.
Christian Qabalah, also known as Hermetic Qabalah or Cabala,
is a mystical tradition that combines elements of Jewish Kabbalah
with Christian theology and symbolism. It originated in the late
Renaissance period and was developed further by various occultists,
philosophers, and mystics in the centuries that followed. The

Christian Mysticism and Freemasonry:

Christian Qabalah seeks to explore the nature of God, the universe,

and the human soul through the use of symbolic diagrams,
meditative practices, and ritualistic ceremonies. It incorporates
many of the same basic concepts and practices as Jewish Kabbalah,
including the sefirot (the ten attributes of God), the Tree of Life,
and the use of Hebrew letters and numerology. However, the
Christian Qabalah also incorporates Christian symbols and
concepts, such as the Holy Trinity, the Virgin Mary, and the
sacraments. It often emphasizes the role of Jesus Christ as the
mediator between God and humanity and seeks to integrate
Christian teachings with the mystical insights of Kabbalah. The
Christian Qabalah has had a significant influence on various
religious and philosophical movements, including the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn, the Theosophical Society, and the New
Age movement. While it is not officially recognized by any major
Christian denomination, it continues to be practiced by many
individuals and groups who seek to explore the deeper spiritual
dimensions of Christianity.
There is no direct connection between Roman Catholicism and
Kabbalah, as these are two distinct religious traditions with
different origins, beliefs, and practices. Roman Catholicism is a
branch of Christianity that traces its origins to the teachings and
practices of Jesus Christ and the early Christian Church. It is the
largest Christian denomination in the world, with over 1.2 billion
followers. Kabbalah, on the other hand, is a Jewish mystical
tradition that dates back to the 12th century. It seeks to understand
the nature of God and the universe through the study of the ancient
Jewish texts, including the Torah, and the use of various spiritual

Christian Mysticism and Freemasonry:

practices such as meditation and prayer. However, there have been

some attempts to draw connections between Kabbalah and
Catholicism, particularly in the area of mysticism. Some Catholic
mystics, such as St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila, were
influenced by Jewish mystical teachings, including Kabbalah. In
addition, some Kabbalistic concepts, such as the idea of the sefirot
(the ten attributes through which God interacts with the world),
have been compared to Catholic teachings on the Trinity. Overall,
while there may be some similarities and influences between these
two traditions, they remain distinct and separate religious traditions
with their own unique histories, beliefs, and practices.
Christian alchemy, also known as spiritual alchemy or inner
alchemy, is a branch of mystical and esoteric tradition that seeks to
combine the spiritual and physical aspects of life in order to achieve
spiritual transformation and union with God. It incorporates
elements of both Christian theology and alchemical symbolism,
drawing on the idea of transformation and purification of the soul.
In Christian alchemy, the focus is on the transformation of the
individual, rather than the creation of physical gold or other
material wealth. The alchemical process is seen as a metaphor for
the spiritual journey of the soul, which involves purifying the self of
all that is base, impure, or sinful in order to achieve spiritual
enlightenment and union with God. Christian alchemists often use
symbolic language and imagery to describe the spiritual journey,
drawing on alchemical symbols such as the Philosopher's Stone,
which represents the ultimate goal of spiritual transformation and
union with God. They may also use physical practices such as

Christian Mysticism and Freemasonry:

fasting, prayer, and meditation, as well as the use of alchemical

substances such as herbs and minerals, as a means of achieving
spiritual purification and transformation. Christian alchemy has a
long and complex history, with many different approaches and
perspectives. It has been influenced by a range of different
traditions, including Christian theology, Hermeticism, and
Gnosticism, and has been practiced by many notable figures
throughout history, including Paracelsus, John Dee, and Isaac
While Christian alchemy is not officially recognized by any
major Christian denomination, it continues to be practiced by many
individuals and groups who seek to combine spiritual and physical
transformation in their spiritual lives. In conclusion, not everything
is as it seems and through the pursuit of Knowledge and Truth
towards the infinite nature of God, we find that that there is
intimate potential and useful working tools to grow out relationship
with our Creator.

Kabbalah Explained and It's
Connection to Freemasonry:

Kabbalah is a form of Jewish mystical tradition that seeks to

understand the nature of God, the purpose of creation, and the
spiritual dimensions of existence. The word "Kabbalah" comes from
the Hebrew root word "kabel," which means "to receive" or "to
accept." The Kabbalistic tradition teaches that there are hidden
dimensions to reality that can only be accessed through a process of
spiritual transformation and revelation. Kabbalah has had a
significant influence on the development of Freemasonry,
particularly in the Scottish Rite branch of Freemasonry. The
Scottish Rite is a Masonic organization that originated in France in
the 18th century and emphasizes the study of philosophy, ethics,
and spirituality. The Scottish Rite also incorporates elements of
Kabbalah into its teachings, particularly in its higher degrees. The
influence of Kabbalah in Freemasonry can be seen in various ways,
including the use of Kabbalistic symbolism and terminology, the
study of Kabbalistic texts, and the incorporation of Kabbalistic
concepts into Masonic rituals and ceremonies. For example, the
concept of the "Tree of Life" in Kabbalah is often used as a symbol
of spiritual growth and enlightenment in Freemasonry.
It should be noted, however, that the use of Kabbalistic
concepts in Freemasonry is often controversial and debated among
Masonic scholars and practitioners. Some argue that Kabbalah is
not an integral part of Freemasonry and that its incorporation is a
relatively recent development, while others contend that Kabbalah
has always been an important influence on Masonic philosophy and

Kabbalah Explained and It's
Connection to Freemasonry:

practice. Ultimately, the relationship between Kabbalah and

Freemasonry is complex and multifaceted, and depends on the
particular branch of Freemasonry and the individual Masonic lodge
or organization in question.
Historically, the Kabbalistic tradition emerged in the 12th and
13th centuries in Provence, France and in Spain, but it drew on
earlier Jewish mystical traditions and esoteric teachings.
Kabbalistic teachings are often expressed in the form of complex
symbolic systems, such as the Tree of Life, which maps out the
spiritual realms and pathways of divine energy. Kabbalistic
teachings emphasize the importance of developing a personal
relationship with God, often through prayer, meditation, and the
study of sacred texts. The Kabbalistic tradition also places a strong
emphasis on the idea of tikkun olam, or "repairing the world," and
encourages individuals to engage in acts of kindness and social
justice as a way of bringing the divine into the world. In recent
years, Kabbalah has gained popularity outside of traditional Jewish
circles, with many people seeking to explore its teachings as a way
of deepening their spiritual practice and understanding of the world.
In Kabbalah, the three mother letters are Aleph (‫)א‬, Mem (‫)מ‬,
and Shin (‫)ש‬. These three letters were believed to represent the
three primordial elements of creation: air, water, and fire. They are
also associated with the three dimensions of space: height, width,
and depth. According to Kabbalistic tradition, the 22 letters of the
Hebrew alphabet are considered to be the building blocks of the
universe. The three mother letters are considered to be the most

Kabbalah Explained and It's
Connection to Freemasonry:

essential and fundamental, from which the other letters are derived.
They are also associated with the three primary forces of creation:
expansion, contraction, and equilibrium, respectively.
According to Kabbalistic tradition, the three mother letters of
Aleph (‫)א‬, Mem (‫)מ‬, and Shin (‫ )ש‬are considered the primary letters
of creation. From these three letters, the other 22 letters of the
Hebrew alphabet were said to be derived.
The letter Aleph (‫ )א‬is associated with the element of air, and
represents the power of breath and expansion. It is considered the
most essential of all the letters, and from it were derived the three
"mother" letters, as well as the seven "double" letters: Bet (‫)ב‬,
Gimel (‫)ג‬, Dalet (‫)ד‬, Kaf (‫)כ‬, Pe (‫)פ‬, Resh (‫)ר‬, and Tav (‫)ת‬.
The letter Mem (‫ )מ‬is associated with the element of water, and
represents the power of fluidity and change. It is considered the
second most essential letter, and from it were derived the remaining
12 "simple" letters: Hei (‫)ה‬, Vav (‫)ו‬, Zayin (‫)ז‬, Het (‫)ח‬, Tet (‫)ט‬,
Yod (‫)י‬, Lamed (‫)ל‬, Nun (‫)נ‬, Samech (‫)ס‬, Ayin (‫)ע‬, Tzadi (‫)צ‬, and
Qof (‫)ק‬.
Finally, the letter Shin (‫ )ש‬is associated with the element of
fire, and represents the power of transformation and purification. It
is considered the third most essential letter, and is associated with
the three dimensions of space: height, width, and depth.
Together, the three mother letters and the 22 derived letters of
the Hebrew alphabet were believed to represent the fundamental
building blocks of the universe, and the pathways through which
divine energy flows into the physical world.
The ten Sephirot of Kabbalah are the divine attributes or

Kabbalah Explained and It's
Connection to Freemasonry:

emanations through which God interacts with and creates the

world. They are often depicted as a diagram called the Tree of Life,
which is a central symbol in Kabbalistic teachings. Each of the
Sephirot is associated with a particular divine quality, and together
they form a complex system that maps out the spiritual dimensions
of reality. The ten Sephirot, in order from highest to lowest, and
their respective celestial spheres, according to Kabbalistic tradition,

1. Keter (Crown) - the highest sephirah, associated with the divine

will. It is often depicted as the sphere of pure white light, and is
beyond human comprehension.

2. Chokhmah (Wisdom) - associated with the creative force of the

universe and the power of insight. It is represented by the sphere of
the cosmos.

3. Binah (Understanding) - associated with the power of intuition

and insight into the mysteries of the universe. It is represented by
the sphere of Saturn.

4. Chesed (Kindness) - associated with the power of love and

compassion. It is represented by the sphere of Jupiter.

5. Gevurah (Strength) - associated with the power of judgment and

discipline. It is represented by the sphere of Mars.

Kabbalah Explained and It's
Connection to Freemasonry:

6. Tiferet (Beauty) - associated with the power of harmony and

balance. It is represented by the sphere of the Sun.

7. Netzach (Eternity) - associated with the power of victory and

perseverance. It is represented by the sphere of Venus.

8. Hod (Splendor) - associated with the power of humility and

surrender. It is represented by the sphere of Mercury.

9. Yesod (Foundation) - associated with the power of creativity and

fertility. It is represented by the sphere of the Moon.

10. Malkuth (Kingdom) - associated with the physical world and the
power of manifestation. It is represented by the sphere of the Earth.

Together, the Sephirot form a complex system of divine

attributes and emanations that are believed to guide and shape the
world. Understanding the Sephirot is considered a key part of
Kabbalistic spiritual practice and is often used as a tool for personal
transformation and connection with the divine.
Gematria is a Kabbalistic method of interpreting Hebrew words
and phrases by assigning numerical values to the letters of the
Hebrew alphabet. Each letter is assigned a number, and the
numerical value of a word or phrase is calculated by adding up the
values of its constituent letters. The idea behind gematria is that
there are hidden relationships between words and numbers, and

Kabbalah Explained and It's
Connection to Freemasonry:

that through the analysis of these relationships, deeper spiritual

insights can be gleaned. Gematria is used extensively in Kabbalistic
exegesis of sacred texts, such as the Torah and the Zohar, to
uncover hidden meanings and connections. For example, the
numerical value of the Hebrew word for "chai" (meaning "life") is
18, and so the number 18 is considered a lucky or auspicious
number in Jewish tradition. Similarly, the numerical value of the
Hebrew word for "love" (ahava) is 13, which is seen as a symbolic
representation of the idea that love and unity are essential for
creating a harmonious and balanced universe. Gematria is also used
in Kabbalistic meditation and contemplation as a tool for spiritual
transformation and connection with the divine. By meditating on
the numerical values of words and phrases, practitioners seek to tap
into the hidden spiritual dimensions of reality and gain deeper
insights into the nature of God and the universe.

The Hebrew alphabet is known as the "aleph-bet," which

consists of 22 letters. In Hebrew, each letter also has a numerical
value. The numerical values of the Hebrew letters are traditionally
used for various purposes, such as assigning numerical values to
words, phrases, and even entire books, and for mystical and esoteric
practices. Here are the Hebrew letters and their corresponding
numerical values: (continued to next page)

Kabbalah Explained and It's
Connection to Freemasonry:

Corresponding Numerical Values:

‫( א‬Aleph) = 1
‫( ב‬Bet) = 2
‫( ג‬Gimel) = 3
‫( ד‬Dalet) = 4
‫( ה‬Heh) = 5
‫( ו‬Vav) = 6
‫( ז‬Zayin) = 7
‫( ח‬Het) = 8
‫( ט‬Tet) = 9
‫( י‬Yod) = 10
‫( כ‬Kaf) = 20
‫( ל‬Lamed) = 30
‫( מ‬Mem) = 40
‫( נ‬Nun) = 50
‫( ס‬Samekh) = 60
‫( ע‬Ayin) = 70
‫( פ‬Pei) = 80
‫( צ‬Tzadi) = 90
‫( ק‬Kuf) = 100
‫( ר‬Resh) = 200
‫( ש‬Shin) = 300
‫( ת‬Tav) = 400

Kabbalah Explained and It's
Connection to Freemasonry:

Paleo-Hebrew is an ancient form of the Hebrew script that was

used from the 10th century BCE until the 5th century BCE. It was
used primarily for inscriptions on stone and metal, and was later
replaced by the Aramaic-based "square script" that is still used
today. Here are the Paleo-Hebrew letters and their traditional

1. ‫( א‬Aleph) - ox, strength, leader

2. ‫( ב‬Bet) - house, tent, family
3. ‫( ג‬Gimel) - camel, generosity
4. ‫( ד‬Dalet) - door, pathway, entrance
5. ‫( ה‬Heh) - window, breath, revelation
6. ‫( ו‬Waw) - hook, nail, connection
7. ‫( ז‬Zayin) - weapon, food, sustenance
8. ‫( ח‬Het) - fence, wall, protection
9. ‫( ט‬Tet) - basket, coiled serpent, goodness
10. ‫( י‬Yod) - hand, arm, power
11. ‫( כ‬Kaf) - palm, open hand, potential
12. ‫( ל‬Lamed) - shepherd's staff, goad, authority
13. ‫( מ‬Mem) - water, chaos, potentiality
14. ‫( נ‬Nun) - fish, life, activity
15. ‫( ס‬Samekh) - support, protection, completeness
16. ‫( ע‬Ayin) - eye, vision, insight
17. ‫( פ‬Pe) - mouth, word, speech
18. ‫( צ‬Tsade) - fish hook, righteousness, justice
19. ‫( ק‬Qof) - sun on the horizon, holiness, devotion
20. ‫( ר‬Resh) - head, beginning, leader
21. ‫( ש‬Shin) - tooth, sharpness, change
22. ‫( ת‬Tav) - mark, sign, covenant

Kabbalah Explained and It's
Connection to Freemasonry:

It is important to note that the meanings of the letters are

primarily symbolic and can vary depending on the context in which
they are used. In addition, the meanings of the letters have evolved
over time and may have different interpretations among different
cultures and traditions. I cannot provide guidance on the use of
practical Kabbalah or any other esoteric practices. Practical
Kabbalah, also known as "Kabbalah Ma'asit," is a complex and often
controversial topic that involves the use of mystical and spiritual
concepts for practical purposes, such as healing, protection, and
It is also important to note that practical Kabbalah, like any
esoteric practice, should be approached with caution and respect,
and should only be attempted by those who are experienced,
knowledgeable, and trained in its methods. It is also important to
note that some forms of practical Kabbalah may be considered
controversial or even forbidden by certain religious or cultural
traditions, and it is recommended that you consult with a qualified
spiritual or religious authority before attempting any form of
esoteric practice. Practical Kabbalah, also known as "Kabbalah
Ma'asit," is a branch of Jewish mysticism that seeks to use mystical
and spiritual concepts for practical purposes. Practical Kabbalah
involves the use of various techniques, such as meditation,
visualization, and the recitation of sacred names and prayers, to
achieve specific goals, such as healing, protection, and success.
Practical Kabbalah has a long history and has been practiced by
Kabbalists for centuries. It has been used for a variety of purposes,
including divination, exorcism, and the creation of amulets and

Kabbalah Explained and It's
Connection to Freemasonry:

talismans. It is believed by practitioners that practical Kabbalah

provides a means of accessing spiritual power and knowledge that
can be used to influence the physical world. However, it is
important to note that practical Kabbalah is a complex and often
controversial topic. Some traditional Jewish authorities have
discouraged the practice of practical Kabbalah, arguing that it can
be dangerous and that its use should be reserved for only the most
advanced and knowledgeable practitioners. Other practitioners
argue that practical Kabbalah can be used in a responsible and
ethical manner to help improve one's life and the lives of others.

Freemasonry and Accusations of
"Lucifer" Worship:

The idea that Freemasons worship Lucifer or any other deity is

a common conspiracy theory that has been propagated by some
anti-Masonic groups and individuals. However, there is no evidence
to support the claim that Freemasons worship Lucifer or any other
non-traditional deity. Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that
has been around for centuries. Its members are required to believe
in a Supreme Being, but the organization does not promote or
endorse any specific religion or religious belief. Freemasonry is not
a religion and does not have a central religious doctrine or dogma.
The accusations that Freemasons worship Lucifer or engage in
other nefarious activities are often based on misinterpretations or
misunderstandings of Masonic symbols, rituals, and traditions.
Some of these symbols may have been borrowed from various
religious and spiritual traditions, but they are used within a Masonic
context and do not carry the same meaning as they might in other
Ultimately, the idea that Freemasons worship Lucifer is a
baseless conspiracy theory that is not supported by any credible
evidence and stems from the Leo Taxil Hoax where the accusation
became more mainstream, and conspiracy theories today often site
ignorantly from this admitted hoax. Freemasonry is a fraternity
that promotes brotherhood, morality, and charity, and its members
come from a wide range of religious and cultural backgrounds.
The Leo Taxil hoax was a sensational hoax perpetrated in the
late 19th century by a French writer named Gabriel Jogand-Pagès,
who wrote under the pseudonym "Leo Taxil". Taxil claimed that he
had converted to Catholicism and set out to expose the supposed

Freemasonry and Accusations of
"Lucifer" Worship:

evils of Freemasonry, which he claimed was a Satanic cult that

worshipped the devil. Taxil wrote a series of books and pamphlets
in which he made wild and sensational claims about the secret
rituals and beliefs of Freemasonry, including the claim that
Freemasons worshipped a demonic figure named Baphomet. He also
claimed that Freemasonry was involved in various nefarious
activities, such as the promotion of atheism and the destruction of
the Catholic Church.
The hoax continued for several years and gained widespread
attention, particularly in Catholic circles, where it was seen as a
vindication of the Church's longstanding opposition to
Freemasonry. However, in 1897, Taxil revealed that the entire
affair had been a hoax and that he had made up all of the stories
and claims about Freemasonry. He held a press conference in Paris
where he admitted that he had made up the stories and showed that
the "demon" Baphomet was actually a drawing of a fictional
character from a popular French novel. The Leo Taxil hoax is
notable for the way in which it played on people's fears and
anxieties about secret societies and the occult. It also highlights the
potential dangers of conspiracy theories and the importance of
critical thinking and skepticism when evaluating extraordinary
The source of the Christian belief that Lucifer is a name for
Satan can be traced back to interpretations of certain biblical
passages and the development of Christian theology over time. In
the Bible, there are several passages that are believed to refer to
Satan or the devil, such as the story of the serpent in the Garden of
Eden (Genesis 3) and the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness

Freemasonry and Accusations of
"Lucifer" Worship:

(Matthew 4:1-11). However, the name "Lucifer" is only mentioned

once in the Bible, in Isaiah 14:12, where it refers to the king of
Babylon and is not associated with Satan. Despite this, over time,
some Christian theologians and scholars began to associate the
name "Lucifer" with Satan. One of the earliest examples of this
association is found in the writings of the early Christian theologian
Origen, who suggested that the fall of Lucifer described in Isaiah
14:12 was a metaphor for the fall of Satan.
This association was further developed in later Christian
literature, such as the works of Dante Alighieri and John Milton,
which portrayed Lucifer as a fallen angel who rebelled against God
and was cast out of heaven. These works influenced Christian
theology and popular beliefs about Satan and Lucifer, leading to the
idea that Lucifer was another name for Satan. It's important to note
that this association between Lucifer and Satan is not universally
accepted in Christian theology, and there are many different
interpretations and beliefs about the nature of these figures.
However, the idea that Lucifer is a name for Satan has become a
widely held belief among many Christians.
In occult teachings, Lucifer is often seen as a symbol of
enlightenment, knowledge, and rebellion against the status quo. The
name "Lucifer" comes from the Latin word "luciferus", which means
"light-bringer" or "morning star". This name was originally used to
refer to Venus, the brightest planet in the sky, which appears as the
morning star just before sunrise. In some occult traditions, Lucifer
is considered a deity or a spiritual being associated with
enlightenment and the pursuit of knowledge. This view of Lucifer is
often associated with the concept of Gnosticism, which emphasizes

Freemasonry and Accusations of
"Lucifer" Worship:

the attainment of spiritual knowledge and the liberation of the soul

from the material world.
However, in other occult traditions, Lucifer is seen as a symbol
of rebellion and opposition to authority, particularly religious
authority. This view of Lucifer is often associated with the concept
of Satanism, which seeks to invert traditional religious values and
embrace individualism and self-gratification. It's important to note
that these views of Lucifer are not universally accepted in occult
teachings, and there are many different interpretations and beliefs
about the nature of this figure. Additionally, these beliefs are not
generally accepted by mainstream religions, which often view
Lucifer as a fallen angel or a symbol of evil.
The use of the word "lucifer" in Isaiah 14:12 in the Latin
Vulgate Bible is a result of Saint Jerome's translation of the
Hebrew text into Latin. In the original Hebrew text, the word used
in Isaiah 14:12 is "helel" which means "shining one" or "morning
star". The passage is a metaphorical description of the fall of the
king of Babylon, who is compared to the morning star falling from
the sky. When Saint Jerome translated the Hebrew text into Latin
in the 4th century, he used the Latin word "lucifer" to translate the
Hebrew "helel". At that time, the word "lucifer" was commonly used
in Latin to refer to the morning star, which is the planet Venus
when it appears in the east just before sunrise.
However, over time, the word "lucifer" came to be associated
with Satan, the fallen angel who rebelled against God and was cast
out of heaven. This association was likely influenced by the use of
"lucifer" as a name for Satan in Christian literature and tradition,

Freemasonry and Accusations of
"Lucifer" Worship:

including the writings of Dante Alighieri. It's important to note that

in the original context of Isaiah 14:12, the word "lucifer" did not
refer to Satan. It was only through later interpretation and tradition
that the word came to be associated with Satan. There is a story
that connects Saint Jerome and Saint Lucifer, but it is more of a
legend than a historical fact. According to the legend, Saint Lucifer
was a bishop who opposed Saint Jerome's translation of the Bible
into Latin, known as the Vulgate. Saint Lucifer believed that the
Bible should only be read in its original languages, Hebrew and
Greek, and that translating it into Latin would dilute its meaning.
Saint Jerome, on the other hand, believed that translating the Bible
into the common language of the people would make it more
accessible and understandable.
The two men had a heated debate over this issue, which
resulted in Saint Lucifer being excommunicated from the church.
However, the legend goes on to say that Saint Lucifer eventually
repented and was reinstated into the church by Saint Jerome. It's
important to note that this story is not supported by historical
evidence, and it is likely that the conflict between Saint Jerome and
Saint Lucifer was more nuanced and complex than this legend
suggests. Nonetheless, the story has persisted in Christian tradition
and has been retold in various forms throughout the centuries.
In conclusion, I chose to keep this chapter relatively short to
bring some insight on where the accusations of Freemasons
worshipping peoples idea of what or who Lucifer is, as well as
provide information about the historical aspects I've found
regarding Lucifer and in hopes that the reader will understand how

Freemasonry and Accusations of
"Lucifer" Worship:

ridiculous it is to assume such nonsense. My hope is that someday

this text will reach as many people as possible for generations and
that we as a society can break out of the chains of ignorance and
ego, which to me is the True spirit known as "Satan.

Albert Pike and His Influence
on Freemasonry:

Albert Pike is known for his involvement in Freemasonry and

his contributions to its literature. He was a prominent figure in the
organization and served as Sovereign Grand Commander of the
Scottish Rite's Southern Jurisdiction in the United States from
1859 to 1891. While Pike was raised in a Christian family and
studied theology, he eventually left the Christian faith and became a
prominent figure in the esoteric and occult movements of his time.
In his writings, he expressed a syncretic worldview that drew from
a variety of religious and philosophical traditions, including
Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and ancient pagan belief systems.
Therefore, it is difficult to categorize Pike's religious beliefs into a
single label such as "Christian." While he had a Christian
upbringing, his later writings and involvement in esoteric and occult
movements suggest that his beliefs were more complex and
Albert Pike's writings on Jesus of Nazareth are somewhat
ambiguous and open to interpretation. While he did not explicitly
reject Jesus as a historical figure or deny his teachings, his views
on Christianity were highly critical and he expressed a strong
preference for esoteric and occult traditions. In his book "Morals
and Dogma," Pike wrote extensively about the symbolism and
allegory of various religious and philosophical traditions, including
Christianity. While he acknowledged the importance of Jesus'
teachings, he also criticized what he saw as the narrow and
dogmatic interpretation of those teachings by mainstream
Pike in his later life in my opinion viewed Jesus as a symbol of

Albert Pike and His Influence
on Freemasonry:

the potential for spiritual enlightenment and liberation that exists

within all humans, rather than as a divine figure to be worshipped
or venerated. He saw the teachings of Jesus as a part of a broader
mystical and esoteric tradition that included the teachings of figures
from other religious and philosophical traditions. In summary, while
Pike did not explicitly reject the historical Jesus or his teachings, he
viewed Christianity through a highly critical and syncretic lens that
emphasized the importance of esoteric and occult traditions.
There is some controversy over the authenticity of a letter
attributed to Albert Pike that was allegedly written to Giuseppe
Mazzini in 1871. The letter is commonly referred to as the "Pike
Letter" or the "Three World Wars Letter," and it outlines a
supposed plan for world domination by a secret society. Many
historians and scholars believe that the letter is a forgery and that it
was created by anti-Masonic and anti-Semitic groups in the early
20th century as part of a propaganda campaign. The letter contains
language and ideas that are inconsistent with Pike's known beliefs
and writings, and there is no verifiable evidence that he actually
wrote or sent the letter. Furthermore, Pike himself denied the
authenticity of the letter in a letter to the editor of the Boston Daily
Advertiser in 1876. In the letter, Pike stated that he had never
corresponded with Mazzini and that he did not advocate for the kind
of world domination described in the letter.
While the authenticity of the letter remains a subject of debate
and speculation, the weight of evidence suggests that it is a forgery
and that it does not accurately reflect Pike's beliefs or intentions.

Albert Pike and His Influence
on Freemasonry:

Albert Pike is a prominent figure in Freemasonry due to his

contributions to the organization's literature and his leadership roles
within several Masonic bodies. Pike was a prolific writer and his
works on Masonic philosophy and symbolism have been highly
influential within the organization. His most famous work, "Morals
and Dogma," has been described as a "Bible" falsely by conspiracy
theorists for Scottish Rite Masons and is still used as a reference by
many members of the organization today. In addition to his literary
contributions, Pike held several leadership roles within
Freemasonry. He served as Grand Commander of the Scottish
Rite's Southern Jurisdiction in the United States from 1859 to
1891, and he played a key role in the development of the
organization's rituals and ceremonies during that time.
Pike's prominence in Freemasonry can also be attributed to his
intellectual curiosity and his interest in esoteric and occult
traditions. He was known for his extensive knowledge of ancient
philosophical and religious traditions, and he incorporated many of
these ideas into his Masonic writings and teachings. Overall, Albert
Pike's contributions to Freemasonry as a writer, leader, and
intellectual have made him a highly influential figure within the
organization and a significant figure in the history of Masonic
thought and practice.
Albert Pike's views on humanity and his contribution to society
were complex and multifaceted, and they evolved over the course of
his life and career. In his early years, Pike was a strong advocate
for social reform and was involved in various progressive causes,
such as the abolition of slavery. He saw his work within

Albert Pike and His Influence
on Freemasonry:

Freemasonry as a way to promote the values of universal

brotherhood and to create a more just and equitable society. As he
grew older and became more involved in esoteric and occult
traditions, Pike's views on humanity and its place in the universe
became more mystical and spiritual. He saw humanity as a part of a
larger cosmic order and believed in the existence of a divine spark
within each individual that could be cultivated through spiritual
practice and self-transformation. Pike's contribution to society as a
whole was primarily through his writings and his leadership roles
within Freemasonry. He saw his work as a way to promote the
values of wisdom and enlightenment and to help individuals tap into
their spiritual potential.
Overall, Pike's views on humanity and his contribution to
society were shaped by a complex interplay of social, philosophical,
and spiritual influences, and he saw his work within Freemasonry
as a way to promote a broader vision of human potential and social
progress. There is no evidence to suggest that Albert Pike was an
evil person. While some of his ideas and beliefs may be
controversial or divisive, it is important to understand them in the
context of his time and place, as well as the broader intellectual and
cultural currents of the era. Pike was a product of his time, and his
ideas and beliefs were shaped by the intellectual and cultural milieu
of the mid-19th century. He was deeply influenced by the Romantic
and Transcendentalist movements, which emphasized individualism,
spiritualism, and a sense of connection to nature and the cosmos.
While Pike's involvement in esoteric and occult traditions has
been the subject of criticism and controversy, it is important to

Albert Pike and His Influence
on Freemasonry:

understand that these traditions were a prominent part of the

intellectual landscape of the era. Many of the leading intellectuals
and thinkers of the time, including Ralph Waldo Emerson and
Henry David Thoreau, were interested in esoteric and mystical
traditions. Furthermore, Pike's involvement in Freemasonry was
motivated by a desire to promote the values of universal
brotherhood and social progress. He saw Freemasonry as a way to
create a more just and equitable society and to promote the values
of wisdom, enlightenment, and self-improvement.
While some of Pike's ideas and beliefs may be controversial or
may not align with contemporary values and beliefs, there is no
evidence that he was an evil person. Rather, he was a complex and
multifaceted figure whose ideas and contributions continue to be the
subject of debate and analysis today.

The "Inner Circle" of
Esoteric Freemasonry Explained:

It’s a common misconception that there is this “inner circle” of

elite members of Freemasonry who are some how in the know and
above “lower ranked” members. This is not true simply for the fact
that me being a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason or a Knights
Templar in the York Rite more authority or significance of a
member that is a 3rd degree Master Mason, which is absolutely the
most important degree given it’s the prerequisite in order to join
other appendant bodies, or even a 1st degree Entered Apprentice.
Nor does a 33rd degree Honorary or Active have more authority or
significance over anyone with a lower numbered title including
myself. The Masonic symbolism of the Level throws this idea out
the window as we all meet each other on the same level and extend
this further into society with all mankind. The degrees in
Freemasonry works more like the idea of grade school in my
opinion, in the sense that you advance in knowledge subjectively.
This so called “inner circle” of Freemasonry gets taken out of
context by conspiracy theorists by cherry picking certain excerpts
by prominent Freemasons in their literature workings such as
Manly P. Hall and Albert Pike for example. I’m a huge fan of both
members and their workings as they inspired me on my personal
journey after digging into the truth of their research and discoveries
which contrasted the conspiracy theories drastically. In a nutshell, I
would consider myself as well as many would agree that I myself
was a part of this so called “inner circle” of what conspiracy
theorists call “high ranking Freemasons in the know” as this inner
circle is just called Esoteric Freemasonry. It sounds a lot fancier

The "Inner Circle" of
Esoteric Freemasonry Explained:

than it actually is, but in todays Freemasonry the Esoteric

Freemason is more of the nerdy kid or outcast amongst the vast
majority of Freemasons who join and share more interest in the
socializing or philanthropic aspect or philosophical aspects of
Freemasonry, which I personally joined for all three purposes.
Esoteric Freemasonry is a term used to describe the more
mystical and spiritual aspects of Freemasonry, a fraternal
organization that traces its origins to the local fraternities of
stonemasons in the Middle Ages. While the majority of
Freemasonry is focused on the moral, social, and charitable aspects
of the organization, esoteric Freemasonry emphasizes the symbolic
and allegorical meanings behind the rituals and practices of the
fraternity. Esoteric Freemasonry often draws on ancient wisdom
traditions, such as Kabbalah, Hermeticism, and alchemy, and seeks
to explore the deeper spiritual dimensions of the Craft. This can
involve the use of meditation, visualization, and other spiritual
practices to help members deepen their understanding of the
symbolism and teachings of Freemasonry, as well as to cultivate a
deeper connection with the Divine.
Esoteric Freemasonry is often associated with certain branches
or orders of the fraternity, such as the Scottish Rite and the York
Rite, which have a greater emphasis on philosophical and spiritual
teachings than the more mainstream Blue Lodge Freemasonry.
However, it is important to note that not all Freemasons are
interested in or involved in esoteric practices, and the fraternity as a
whole does not endorse any particular religious or spiritual beliefs.
Scottish Rite Freemasonry is a branch of the Masonic fraternity

The "Inner Circle" of
Esoteric Freemasonry Explained:

than it actually is, but in todays Freemasonry the Esoteric

Freemason is more of the nerdy kid or outcast amongst the vast
majority of Freemasons who join and share more interest in the
socializing or philanthropic aspect or philosophical aspects of
Freemasonry, which I personally joined for all three purposes.
Esoteric Freemasonry is a term used to describe the more
mystical and spiritual aspects of Freemasonry, a fraternal
organization that traces its origins to the local fraternities of
stonemasons in the Middle Ages. While the majority of
Freemasonry is focused on the moral, social, and charitable aspects
of the organization, esoteric Freemasonry emphasizes the symbolic
and allegorical meanings behind the rituals and practices of the
fraternity. Esoteric Freemasonry often draws on ancient wisdom
traditions, such as Kabbalah, Hermeticism, and alchemy, and seeks
to explore the deeper spiritual dimensions of the Craft. This can
involve the use of meditation, visualization, and other spiritual
practices to help members deepen their understanding of the
symbolism and teachings of Freemasonry, as well as to cultivate a
deeper connection with the Divine.
Esoteric Freemasonry is often associated with certain branches
or orders of the fraternity, such as the Scottish Rite and the York
Rite, which have a greater emphasis on philosophical and spiritual
teachings than the more mainstream Blue Lodge Freemasonry.
However, it is important to note that not all Freemasons are
interested in or involved in esoteric practices, and the fraternity as a
whole does not endorse any particular religious or spiritual beliefs.
Scottish Rite Freemasonry is a branch of the Masonic fraternity

The "Inner Circle" of
Esoteric Freemasonry Explained:

that is known for its emphasis on esoteric teachings and practices.

In the United States, the Scottish Rite is divided into two main
bodies: the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction and the Southern
Jurisdiction. Both jurisdictions offer degrees that explore the deeper
spiritual and philosophical aspects of Freemasonry, including
Kabbalah, Hermeticism, alchemy, and other ancient wisdom
traditions. The Scottish Rite degrees are organized into two main
groups: the Lodge of Perfection and the Consistory. The Lodge of
Perfection degrees, which include the 4th through the 14th degrees,
focus on the themes of spiritual transformation and personal
growth, while the Consistory degrees, which include the 15th
through the 32nd degrees, explore the more philosophical and
intellectual aspects of Freemasonry. In addition to the degrees
themselves, Scottish Rite Freemasonry also emphasizes the use of
ritual, meditation, and other spiritual practices to help members
deepen their understanding of the Craft. Many Scottish Rite bodies
also offer educational programs, lectures, and other resources to
help members explore esoteric teachings and practices.
It's important to note that while Scottish Rite Freemasonry has
a strong emphasis on esoteric teachings, not all members of the
Scottish Rite are interested in or involved in such practices. Like all
branches of Freemasonry, the Scottish Rite is a diverse and
inclusive organization that welcomes members from all walks of life
and with a wide range of interests and beliefs. The Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry, like all branches of Freemasonry, does not endorse
any particular religious beliefs or practices. However, some of the
degrees in the Scottish Rite incorporate Christian themes and

The "Inner Circle" of
Esoteric Freemasonry Explained:

symbolism, along with elements of other religious and spiritual

traditions. For example, the 18th degree of the Scottish Rite, the
Knight of the Rose Croix, incorporates elements of Christian
mysticism and symbolism, along with teachings from other spiritual
traditions. The degree explores the themes of spiritual rebirth and
transformation, and emphasizes the importance of cultivating a
deeper connection with the Divine. Similarly, the 30th degree, the
Knight Kadosh, incorporates Christian symbolism and teachings,
along with elements of mysticism and chivalry. The degree explores
the theme of spiritual purification, and emphasizes the importance
of living a life of integrity and service to others. However, it's
important to note that while some degrees in the Scottish Rite
incorporate Christian themes and symbolism, the organization as a
whole is not explicitly Christian. The Scottish Rite welcomes
members of all faiths who believe in a Supreme Being, and
encourages its members to pursue their own individual paths of
moral and spiritual development.
York Rite Freemasonry is another branch of the Masonic
fraternity that also includes esoteric teachings and practices,
although its emphasis is somewhat different from that of the
Scottish Rite. The York Rite is organized into three main bodies:
the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, the Council of Royal and Select
Masters, and the Commandery of Knights Templar. The Chapter of
Royal Arch Masons degrees explore the themes of spiritual rebirth
and the search for lost knowledge, including the legend of the
rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon. The Council of Royal and
Select Masters degrees focus on the themes of wisdom and

The "Inner Circle" of
Esoteric Freemasonry Explained:

understanding, and explore the legend of the discovery of the

Master's Word. Finally, the Commandery of Knights Templar
degrees incorporate themes of chivalry and Christian knighthood,
and explore the legend of the Knights Templar.
Like the Scottish Rite, the York Rite also emphasizes the use of
ritual, meditation, and other spiritual practices to help members
deepen their understanding of the Craft. Many York Rite bodies
also offer educational programs, lectures, and other resources to
help members explore esoteric teachings and practices. Overall,
while there are some differences in emphasis between the Scottish
Rite and the York Rite, both branches of Freemasonry share a deep
interest in esoteric teachings and practices, and are committed to
helping members explore the deeper spiritual dimensions of the
Craft. As with all branches of Freemasonry, membership in the
York Rite is open to men of good character who believe in a
Supreme Being, regardless of their religious or spiritual beliefs.
The Christian aspect of the York Rite in Freemasonry is
primarily associated with the Commandery of Knights Templar,
which is one of the three main bodies of the York Rite. The
Commandery is a Christian-oriented organization that focuses on
the themes of chivalry and Christian knighthood, and its degrees
incorporate elements of Christian symbolism and ritual. The
Commandery of Knights Templar degrees are based on the legend
of the Knights Templar, a medieval Christian military order that
played a significant role in the Crusades. The degrees explore the
themes of Christian knighthood, including sacrifice, devotion, and
service to others. The Commandery also emphasizes the virtues of

The "Inner Circle" of
Esoteric Freemasonry Explained:

charity, faith, hope, and love, which are central to Christian

teachings. It's important to note that while the Commandery of
Knights Templar is a Christian-oriented organization, it is open to
men of all faiths who believe in a Supreme Being. Members of the
Commandery are expected to be active in their Christian faith, but
are not required to adhere to any specific Christian denomination or
Overall, the Christian aspect of the York Rite in Freemasonry is
just one of many facets of this diverse and inclusive organization.
Freemasonry as a whole does not endorse any particular religious
or spiritual beliefs, but instead encourages its members to pursue
their own individual paths of moral and spiritual development.
Albert Pike is considered one of the most influential figures in
American Freemasonry, specifically in the Scottish Rite and York
Rite branches of the organization. In the Scottish Rite, Pike is
known for his extensive writings and contributions to the
development of the organization's rituals and degrees. He is credited
with reorganizing the Scottish Rite in the United States in the mid-
1800s, consolidating the various degrees and creating a more
cohesive system. He also authored the "Morals and Dogma of the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry," which is still
considered a classic Masonic text today. Pike is known for his role
in establishing the "Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the
United States," which is based in Washington, D.C. Pike served as
the organization's Sovereign Grand Commander from 1859 until his
death in 1891. Overall, Pike's contributions to Scottish Rite and

The "Inner Circle" of
Esoteric Freemasonry Explained:

York Rite Freemasonry were significant and enduring, with many

of his ideas and practices continuing to shape these organizations to
this day.
Albert Pike made several contributions to York Rite
Freemasonry, although it is important to note that Pike is most
closely associated with the Scottish Rite. One of Pike's most
significant contributions to York Rite Freemasonry was his
involvement in the formation of the "Grand Encampment of Knights
Templar of the United States," which is the national governing
body for the York Rite's Knights Templar branch. Pike served as
the organization's first Grand Master from 1859 to 1864. Pike also
wrote extensively on the history and symbolism of the York Rite's
degrees, particularly the Knights Templar degrees. His writings
helped to establish a deeper understanding of the symbolism and
meaning behind the rituals and degrees of the York Rite.
Overall, while Pike's contributions to the York Rite were not as
extensive as his contributions to the Scottish Rite, his involvement
in the formation of the Grand Encampment and his writings on the
York Rite's degrees have had a lasting impact on the organization.

Enlightenment and the Secret
of All Secret Teachings: The
Sacred Secretion:

Luke 7:35
"But Wisdom (Sophia in Greek) is justified
of all Her Children." - Christ Jesus

I would like to dedicate this chapter specifically to Matthew

Lamoureux and the rest of the guys with Team Psycosmos. If it
weren't the workings they did in their book titled "Psycomos" and
becoming great personal friends of mine I wouldn't have come to
know the significance of the Sacred Secretion or the esoteric
anatomy and the significance of anotomical light particles that flow
through our bodies that helped me not only further my
understanding but assisted in leading to my own discoveries. The
beginning of Wisdom is knowing we ultimately know Nothing, and
surrounding yourself with like minded individuals will always assist
in helping you fill in blanks and vice versa. When you are on this
path, God will put the right people in your life so just like the
Sacred Secretion, don't squonder the essence of Friendship or
Fellowship. Feel free to purchase thier book "Psycosomos" on
Amazon or other distributors.
This chapter strictly based on my own personal experience I
discovered on my personal journey and what I've noticed, whether
coincidentally or intentionally, inside of Freemasonry involving the
gift of Enlightenment. This is the apotheosis of my journey and has
significantly changed my life for the better and even more
importantly enhanced my relationship with God and I'm certain that
anyone open minded enough to really read this chapter in depth and

Enlightenment and the Secret
of All Secret Teachings: The
Sacred Secretion:

consider it with an open heart, it could change your life too. It takes
a certain level of Understanding to truly obtain Wisdom and all of
Her Splendour but when you get it, cling on to Her and never let
go. I've never felt the pure sense of Uncondtional Love of God this
intense and that is the Feminine Nature of our Creator. The
nurtering aspect that only a Loving Mother could show a pure
example of but on a Cosmic Scale. Some call Wisdom by the name
Sophia, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, the Holy Spirit, the Ruach
HaKodesh, the Shekinah, or simply the Divine Feminine. I
personally refer to Her as The Supernal Mother, and she is what I
describe as the Christian Goddess, or the Bride to the Bridegroom
mentioned in Revelation.
To me, she is not personified, but more so the Essence of
everything Jesus taught through parable. She is the equalibrium of
the creative and feminine nature of our brain, symbolically married
to the perfected masculine or carnal side of our brain that teaches
men the Beauty of Unconditional Love that we seek outside of
ourselves regularly not realizing it's been within us the whole time.
Something similar to how the Master Christ Jesus said himself "the
Kingdom of Heaven is within you". This does not correspond to
Christian doctrine or canon, and is my own personal experience and
belief system so take this information as you wish. Now, lets dive
into it.
Masonic enlightenment generally refers to the spiritual and
intellectual growth that members of the Masonic fraternity may
experience through their involvement in Masonic teachings and
practices. The specific nature and meaning of Masonic

Enlightenment and the Secret
of All Secret Teachings: The
Sacred Secretion:

enlightenment may vary depending on the individual Mason and the

particular Masonic organization to which they belong. In general,
Masonic enlightenment is often seen as a process of self-discovery
and self-improvement, as well as a journey of exploration and
understanding of the world and its mysteries. This journey typically
involves the study of Masonic teachings and symbols, as well as
participation in Masonic rituals and ceremonies, which are intended
to help Masons gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their
place in the world, and their relationship to a higher power or divine
source. Some Masonic organizations also place a strong emphasis on
charity and community service as a means of promoting personal
growth and enlightenment.
Through their participation in charitable activities and
community outreach programs, Masons may develop a greater sense
of empathy, compassion, and social responsibility, which can
contribute to their overall spiritual and intellectual growth. Overall,
Masonic enlightenment is a deeply personal and subjective
experience that can vary greatly from one individual to another.
However, it is generally seen as a lifelong journey of self-discovery
and personal growth that is facilitated by the teachings, practices,
and community of the Masonic fraternity.
This next portion is not taught, but in my opinion carefully
veiled deeply within the symbolism of Freemasonry. It’s important
to note that this is strictly my own opinion and does not reflect the
entirety of Freemasonry. Now with that being said, let us continue.

Enlightenment and the Secret
of All Secret Teachings: The
Sacred Secretion:

The sacred secretion, also known as "Christ oil" is a substance that

some believe is contained in the spinal cord and is responsible for
spiritual awakening and regeneration. Here are some key points:

- The early Christians or Essenes understood that "Christ" was a

substance, an oil, contained specifically in the spinal cord,
consequently in all parts of the body, as every nerve in the body is
directly or indirectly connected with the wonderful
"River that... The Pineal is cone-shaped and secretes a yellow or
golden fluid. The Pituitary Body, opposite it, is ellipsoid in shape
and contains a whitish secretion, like milk.

- Some argue that cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is the "sacred

secretion" or "Christ oil" and that if we realize this, we can reap the
benefits of the Christ oil within us. However, if CSF is Christ oil,
then why wouldn't everyone already benefit from it given everyone
has CSF? That s because we need some special or secret or
heretofore hidden knowledge in order to benefit from the Christ oil,
which is what the video attempts to impart.

- The Christ oil or sacred secretion is secreted by the cerebrum from

the holy claustrum or "santa" claustrum. From the
cerebrum/claustrum, it is then differentiated in the pineal gland and
pituitary gland. These glands are known as Joseph and Mary. This
oil, if not wasted, illumines the body - the lamp. It is the oil that
gives consciousness, and thus light. When it's dried up, people die.

Enlightenment and the Secret
of All Secret Teachings: The
Sacred Secretion:

When people are aging, it means that oil is being produced in lesser
amounts until its not produced at all, and then death comes. The
Sacred Secretion, also called "Chrism," "Christ Oil," and "The
Honey And Milk, is the title given to the body's natural spiritual

- Christ Within - Heaven on Earth: A Concise Description of The

Journey of The Glorious Sacred Secretion is a book that provides a
concise Biblical and physiological understanding of the journey of
the Sacred Secretion (Christ Oil or Chrism) through the body; from
the Claustrum down to the Sacral pump and back up to the Pineal,
Pituitary and Optic Thalamus explained in full.

This next portion is a bit more lofty I will admit as I incorporate

highly developed skills utilizing the complex systems of Kabbalah,
Spiritual Alchemy, and Astrology to unveil certain mysteries in
respective nature to the Book of Revelation, our human anatomy,
and it’s correspondence to the sacred secretion. Let us continue:

Enlightenment and the Secret
of All Secret Teachings: The
Sacred Secretion:

The complex systems of Kabbalah, Alchemy, Astrology or even

just the Bible in general has an equal complex contender in my
opinion, and that is simply you. The entirety of the human anatomy
to be more clear. From all of my vast studies, one conclusion that I
have come to is the aspect of "As Above, So Below" or also known
as in the Bible from the Lords Prayer "As in Heaven, So on Earth"
being a reference corresponding the when Christ Jesus said "The
Kingdom of Heaven is within You.." and that a very large portion of
both the Old Testament and the New Testament is an esoteric
anatomy treasure map. When you think of yourself do you just see
yourself as merely just flesh, or have you contemplated on the idea
of everything that is within you on a microscopic level being a
universe within itself? I think that fact that it takes very little effort
to explode an atomic bomb yet the human body is made up of an
innumerable amount of atoms proves that we are more significant
than we tend to give ourselves credit for. One of the greatest
discoveries I made was the secrets that lie within the spine.
This is the secret I found to the lower portion of the spine being
tied to the carnal nature of mankind and the number "666". The
lower 5 lumbar being attached to the luz bone being the 6th, and
the 10 holes found on this bone can represent the sephirot which
then alludes to 666 being the reproductive section of our bodies (6
bones, 60 multiplied by 10, and 600 being final mem which
represents solids is where solids ironically exit the body).
The Hebrew word for Yeshua has a numerical value of 386
which is 17 which is 1+7 (1 brain/consciousness and 7 cervical)

Enlightenment and the Secret
of All Secret Teachings: The
Sacred Secretion:

getting a grand total of 8. Ironically 300 = shin, 80 is Peh, and

vav is 6 which creates the word "Shepoh" phonetically. This is the
hat of the Templar degrees in York Rite.
If you take the left and right pillar of the Kabbalistic Tree of
Life and merge them to the center, not only do you get 3 pillars into
1, you have the pre existing 5 in the center with the additional 3
merged and you get 8 spheres in total. In a center column formation
you have the lower 4 which alludes to the 4 sections of the spine,
and the 4 upper alluding to the 4 sections of the face being mouth,
nose, eyes, and ears. This is the Serapis Christos, or the serpent
with a human head and the sacred secretion. Jesus says "Be wise as
serpents and as innocent as doves" which is the spine and the
descending white manna.
Also, when look at the alchemic symbol for Neptune, count the
tips of each end and the intersection points. 3 points on top, 3 points
on bottom, and 2 intersecting sections making a total of 8. And it's
also considered the 8th planet from the sun and 17 times bigger
than earth (1+7). This also lso forms the letters "Shin Tav" which
literally translates to "sit down" and also the final 2 letters of the
Hebrew alphabet, numerical value of 700. 700 corresponds to 7
days of creation and God resting on the 7th day, as we tend to "sit
down" when we rest.
Reverse that to "Tav Shin" you get a translation to just "5"
alluding to the 5 points

700 x 5 = 3500

Enlightenment and the Secret
of All Secret Teachings: The
Sacred Secretion:

Shin Tav being 700 is also the Chai Roh in Greek numerical
system, and 700 is Psi which is the trident. “Tav Shin” being 5 is
the lower 5 lumbar where we “sit down” (shin tav), 12 thoracic
bones is the 12 zodiac and 2 pillars becoming 1 center pillar in the
spine (1+2=3), and 7 upper cervical conceals the 8 nerves and all
leading to 1 brain, or CPU (chapeau) which conceals the invisible
9th being Christ Consciousness. 22 bones in your skull conceals the
brain, 33 vertebra conceals the central nerves, total of 55 bones. 5
plus 5 is 10 because it all leads back to 1 brain, and 1 invisible
consciousness being 11 which is Daat, and 2 is Chokmah which is
divine Wisdom and Knowledge.
The 22 bones of the skull attached to the 33 bones of the spine,
totaling 55. Combining the numbers into letters you get the Hebrew
word “Qabal-Geenah” which means “Garden Cable”, and Qabal also
means “to receive” which explains the cable tow when receiving the
light. Add a “Heh” and it’s pronounced “Qabala-Geenah”
(Kabbalah) which means to receive the garden. Respectively we see
a correspondence in Deuteronomy 30:5 (3+0+5=8).

Deuteronomy 30:5
“The LORD your God will bring you into the land which your
fathers possessed, and you will take possession of it; and He shall
make you prosper and multiply—even more than your fathers.”

There also happens to be 22 bones in the human skull, and 7

"holes" or "sockets" in the human face. When we divide these

Enlightenment and the Secret
of All Secret Teachings: The
Sacred Secretion:

numbers being 22 divided by 7 we get 3.14 which is Pi, the infinite

number. We can extend this further and add the numbers within Pi
and see that 3 plus 1 plus 4 equals 8, the number of the fully
reduced form of Yeshua's name in hebrew which is 386. Not only
that, but when we turn the number 8 on its side, we get an infinity
symbol which corresponds with the infinite number of Pi. Even
further, things such as a pizza pie, or an apple pie, we tend to cut
into 8 even slices in a traditional sense. Nothing is coincidence. If it
were then I would've planned for this information to end up on page
62 of this text, which 6 plus 2 equals 8, and I can assure you I did
not plan that to be the case. God is Good.

Numbers 13:27
“And they told him, and said: 'We came unto the land whither thou
sentest us, and surely it floweth with milk and honey; and this is the
fruit of it.”

Also, numbers 13:27 has 55 hebrew letters in it. 22 bones of

the skull plus 33 bones of the skull equals 55 bones. Take the
numbers 22, 33, 55 and their corresponding numerical values being
6 letters then separate into 2 groups of 3 letters you get “qabal
gina” which is “garden cable” or you could say “qabala gina”
meaning “to recieve the garden”. The 55 total bones of spine and
skull, 5+5=10 corresponding to the 10 ark(s), 10 sephirot, the
Yod of YHVH, and remove the place holder zero you get 1 for
Aleph. Ark starts with Aleph in English and Hebrew.

Enlightenment and the Secret
of All Secret Teachings: The
Sacred Secretion:

I aplogize if any of this comes off confusing, but please feel free
to come back to this portion as many times necessary and
contemplate the significance of what I've reveiled in this portion as
it will help not only you understand how the Kabbalah works, but
also help bring you closer to divine Wisdom.
In conclusion, as mentioned at the beginning of this chapter the
human anatomy is extremely complex, and this is essentially just
scratching the surface. But there's one thing I hope that everyone
reading this can understand is the simple fact that if it were not for
the principality of the feminine nature of not only our universe, the
animal kingdom, nature itself or even our loved ones that simply
nothing would exist. It is a fact that every human being in existence
is born of a women who took on the super power of concieving,
growing, and nurturing this complex system we've coined a human
body. This extends further into nature and the animal kingdom as
well, and even extends to how the bible states that we were born of
the earth. Jesus taught that we are to be "born again" and I feel this
has been reduced to a simple acceptance and obedience to modern
doctrine but is missing a plethora of mystical interpretation as he
tried to explain this to Nicodemus. God created "male and female"
or more properly understood "masculine and feminine" principals in
the creation story of all things, and then God manifested as Adam
but also Eve as consort but equal to Adam. Logically we can
conclude that as everyone of us that's ever existed was born from a
women, even Jesus Himself, so in order to be "born again" I think
it's logical to conclude the only way that is possible is by being born

Enlightenment and the Secret
of All Secret Teachings: The
Sacred Secretion:

again in the Supernal Mother. Eve's name in hebrew is "Havvah"

which translates to "Mother of all life" or simply "Life" as all life is
formed by a women. Paul wrote that Jesus was the first and last
Adam, so welcome to the land of milk and honey, and the
Revelation, or as translated from the original Greek, the
Apokalypse which means "unveiling" of the Bride to the
Bridegroom. So Mote It Be.

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture):

These next two chapters are lectures I prepared for lodge use as
well as chapters in this text. Please feel free to use these lectures
within your lodge if you are a Freemason or any other use that
seems fit, all I ask is that you credit myself and let the members
know where they can purchase this book. Now, lets get down to

I stand before you as an upright Master Mason, raised to that

sublime degree by an even finer group of upright Master Masons
who came before me. That night forever to be cherished between
the 2 points of the compasses pressed against my bare chest. I knew
leaving the lodge that night not only as a newly made master
mason, but also an entirely new man which is the one you see
before you now. Before becoming a mason I never thought to square
my actions in times I probably should have, nor did I circumscribe
and keep myself within due bounds knowing the protective eye of
the Great Architect watching over my every move. I wasn’t
considerate of my choices, nor did I subdue my barbaric and
combative nature and was operating under my own working tools
that I forged out of anger and bitterness. I blamed the world for
choices I made myself in which I tried to see the light but it only felt
like a cloud of darkness constantly casting its miserable shadow
over me due to me trying to take all matters into my own hands,
again by my own choice.
Truly I say to you, we all have a choice; whether we let
darkness be our guide or we let that beautiful Light guide us to

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

stand upright before God Almighty and the world at large. We

anxiously made a choice of our own free will and accord in a total
state of darkness to knock on that door, and receive the mysterious
light that was awaiting us on the other side. We eventually once
more took that long awaited final step before we took that noble..
(and honestly some what long and exhausting) obligation (pause for
laughs) in the presence of Almighty God, over the greatest light in
masonry and in my personal faith, the Holy Bible with the square
and compasses.
I remember being asked a particular question, in which I was to
respond with the answer of “Further light in masonry”. After
coming to light I look down to find that moral guide of faith in front
of me, followed by a series of new tokens and a particular word that
I was not yet familiar with not only masonicly but also in a general
sense. I also at this point undoubtedly thought myself to be a master
mason.. which I soon would realize was not the case.. (pause) and I
later came to find that I would symbolically become our Grand
Master Hiram Abiff.
I was also gifted that Holy Bible and for the first time I had felt
only encouraged and not enforced to read it. After all was said and
done I remember thinking to myself reflecting for weeks after “what
does all this nonsense mean, why were they yelling at me, why did
they bonk me in the face, and what the heck was that weird word..”
and then the phrase “further light in masonry” hit me harder than
the third base coach bonked me that night.. My Brothers - some
things are, what I personally feel, intended to be left without

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

explanation as encouragement to seek further light and find what it

means to you and your path and one example of that mystery
voyages that stuck out to me was when I was asked “Who is
Tubalcain?” So.. Brothers, Who is Tubal-Cain? I see no reason to
suspect any old men in dodage and I didn’t see any crotch grabbing
so thank you for that.. but here is my personal findings and
research into the mystery of Tubal-Cain..
What is an artificer? The word artificer is defined as a skilled
craftsman or inventor. Cunning worker is defined in the Bible as
Knowing; skillful; experienced; or well-instructed. So how does this
apply to tubal? In the book of Genesis tubalcain is identified as the
8th generation after Adam and a descendant of Cain, more
specifically the 7th grandson if you will. Now just like masonry I
found myself at another mystery to this character as he’s only
vaguely mentioned as a mere worker in brass and iron so I wanted
more context because this didn’t seem like it could just stop there.
Cain who was the early grandfather as were taught in Genesis was
cursed due to his transgression to commit ‘murder and treason’ to
his favored brother Abel, and lied about it. These acts alone
shocked the Lord at the CHOICES made by Cain.
According to the writings of Josephus (the 1st century Jewish
historian and aristocrat) we come to a second murder by a man
named Lemech. Essentially Josephus writes that Lemech shoots
and kills Cain mistaking him for an animal in the wilderness, who
was his own grandfather! But I realized the murder was not simply
his choice given it was an accident (although Cain was not exactly a
favored individual), but his choice was what he did after.. although

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

“murder and treason” was committed, he made the choice to tell the
truth in painful sorrow to his wife. Lemech also just so happens to
be the father of tubalcain! But what does this mean? If he was the
first know artificer in metals, was he responsible for creating the
weapon that took his life? Why does this apply to masonry? Does it
actually apply to masonry? I was left with more questions than
answers but I was dead set to find out the mystery behind this
character. So I preceded to seek further light.
I started with Bro, Albert Mackey’s encyclopedia and History of
Freemasonry, where I discovered a bit more understanding in the
origins of Tubal-Cain inside of Freemasonry. I’d like to share from
Chapter 9 in Mackeys History of Freemasonry:


THE traditional history of Masonry now begins, in the Legend of

the Craft, with an account of the three sons of Lamech, to whom is
attributed the discovery of all sciences. But the most interesting
part of the Legend is that in which the story is told
of two pillars erected by them, and on which they had inscribed the
discoveries they had made, so that after the impending destruction
of the world the knowledge which they had attained might be
communicated to the post-diluvian race.
This story is not mentioned in the Bible, but is first related by
Josephus in the following words:

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

"They also [the posterity of Seth] were the inventors of that

peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies
and their order. And that their inventions might not be lost before
they were sufficiently known, upon Adam's prediction that the
world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at
another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two
pillars, the one of brick, the other of stone; they inscribed their
discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be
destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain and exhibit
those discoveies to mankind, and also inform them that there was
another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the
land of Siriad to this day."
Although this traditional narrative has received scarcely any
estimation from scholars, and Josephus has been accused either of
incredible audacity or frivolous credulity,"
(1) Josephus, "Antiquities of the Jews," B.I., ch. ii., Whiston's
(2) " Incredibili audacia aut futili credulitate usus est," is the
language of Hornius in his "Geographia Vetus." But Owen
("Theologomena," lib. iv., c. ii., 6), although inclined to doubt the
story, thinks it not impossible if we suppose hieroglyphics like those
of the Egyptians to have been used for the inscriptions, instead of

The Dowland and all subsequent manuscripts cite the fourth

chapter of Genesis as authority for the Legend. But in Genesis no
mention is made of these pillars. But in the Cooke MS., which is of

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

an earlier date, we can trace the true source of the Legend in its
Masonic form, which could not be done until that manuscript was
To the Cooke MS. has been accorded the date of 1490. It differs
materially in form and substance from the Halliwell MS., which
preceded it by at least a century, and is the first of the Old
Constitutions in which anything like the present form of the Legend
The way in which the Legend of Lamech is treated by it, enables us
to dicover the true source whence this part of the Legend of the
Craft was derived.
It must be remarked, in the first place, that the Halliwell poem, the
earliest of the old manuscripts, the date of which is not later than
the close of the 14th century, contains no allusion to this Legend of
Lamech and his children. The Cooke MS. is the first one in which
we find the details. The Cooke MS. is assigned, as has been before
said, to the end of the 15th century, about the year 1490. In it the
Legend of the pillars is given (from line 253 to 284) in the
following words:

"And these iii brotheryn [the sons of Lamech] aforesayd, had

knowlyche that God wold take vengans for synne other by fyre or
watir, and they had greter care how they myght do to saue the
sciens that they founde, and they toke her [their] consell to gedyr
and by all her [their] witts they seyde that were ij manner of stonn
of suche virtu that the one wolde neuer brenne [burn] and that

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

stonn is called marbyll and that other stonn that woll not synke in
watir, and that stone is namyd laterus, (1) and so they deuysyd to
wryte all the sciens that they had Found (2) in this ij stonys if that
god wolde
(1) From the Latin "later," a brick.
(2) It is to be regretted that in nearly all the recent printed copies of
the old manuscripts, the editors have substituted the double ff for
the capital F which is in the original. The scribes or amanuenses of
the Middle Ages were fond of employing capital letters often when
there was really no use for them, but they never indulged in the
folly of unnecessarily doubling initial letters. What the modern
editors of the manuscripts have mistaken for a double ff was really
the ff or ff the capital F of the scribes. This is not of much
importance, but even in small things it is well to be accurate. Bro.
Hughan, in his edition of the "Old Charges," is, as we might expect,
generally correct in this particular. But sometimes, perhaps
inadvertently, he has printed the double instead of the capital
letter.-take vengeans by fyre that the marbyll scholde not brenne.
And yf god sende vengeans by watir that the other scholde not
droune, and so they prayed her elder brother jobell that wold make
ij pillers of these ij stones, that is to sey of marbill and of laterus,
and that he wolde write in the ij pylers alle the sciens and crafts
that alle they had founde, and so he did."

Comparing this Legend with the passage that has been cited
from Josephus, it is evident that the Legend-maker had not derived
his story from the Jewish historian. The latter attributes the

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

building of the pillars to the children of Seth, while the former

assigns it to the children of Lamech. How are we to explain this
change in the form of the Legend ? We can only solve the problem
by reference to a work almost contemporary with the legendist.
Ranulph Higden, a Benedictine monk of St. Werburg's Abbey, in
Chester, who died in the latter half of the 14th century, wrote a
Universal history, completed to his own times, under the title of
The Polychronicon was written in the Latin language, but was
translated into English by Sir John Trevisa. This translation, with
several verbal alterations, was published in London by William
Caxton in 1482, about ten years before the date of the Cooke MS.
With this work, the compiler of the Legend in the Cooke MS.
appears to have been familiar. He cites it repeatedly as authority for
his statements. Thus he says: "Ye schal understonde that amonge
all the craftys of the world of mannes crafte Masonry hath the most
notabilite and moste parte of this sciens Gemetry as his notid and
seyd in storiall as in the bybyll and in the master of stories. And in
policronico a cronycle prynted."
Now the Legend of Lamech's children is thus given in Caxton's
edition of the translation of Higden's Polychronicon: (1)
(1) Book 11., ch. v.
"Caym Adams fyrste sone begate Enoch, he gate Irad, he gate
Manayell, he gate Matusale, he gate Lameth. This Lameth toke
twey wyves, Ada and Sella, and gate tweyne sons on Ada. Iabeh
that was fader of them that woned in tentes and in pauylons. And

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

Tuball that was fader of organystre and of harpers. And Lameth

gate on Sella Tubal cayn that was a smith worchyng with hamer,
and his sister Noema, she found fyrst weuynge crafte.
"Josephus. Jabell ordayned fyrste flockes of beestes and marks
to know one from another. And departed kyddes from lam bes and
yonge from the olde. Peir s Tubalcayn founde fyrst smythes crafte.
Tuball had grete lykynge to here the hareers sowne. And soo he
vsed them moche in the accords of melodys, but he was not finder of
the instruments of musyke. For they were founde longe
afterwarde." The reader will at once perceive whence the composer
of the Legend in the Cooke MS. derived his information about the
family of Lamech. And it will be equally plain that the subsequent
writers of the Old Constitutions took the general tone of their
Legend from this manuscript. The Polychronicon, after attributing
the discovery of music to Pythagoras, proceeds to descant upon the
wickedness of mankind immediately after the time of Seth, and
repeats the biblical story of the intermarriage of the sons of God and
the daughters of men, which he explains as signifying the sons of
Seth and the daughters of Cain. Then follows the following passage
"Josephus. That tyme men wyste as Adam and sayde, that they
sholde be destroyed by fyre or elles by water. Therefore bookes that
they hadde made by grete trauaille and studys, he closed them in
two grete pylers made of marbill and of brent tyle. In a pyler of
marbill for water and in a pyler of tyle for fyre. For it should be
sauved by that maner to helpe of mankynde. Men sayth that the
pyler of stone escaped the floods, and yet is in Syrya."

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

Here we find the origin of the story of the two pillars as related in
the Legend of the Craft. But how can we account for the change of
the constructors of these pillars from the children of Seth, as stated
in Josephus, and from him in the Polychronicon, to the children of
Lamech, as it is given in the Legend ? By the phrase "That tyme
men wyste," or "at that time men knew," with which Trevisa begins
his translation of that part of Higden's work, he undoubtedly
referred to the "tyme" contemporary with the children of Seth, of
whom he had immediately before been speaking. But the writer of
the Legend engaged in recounting the narrative of the invention of
the sciences by the children of Lamech, and thus having his
attention closely directed to the doings of that family, inadvertently,
as I suppose, passed over or omitted to notice the passage
concerning the descendants of Seth, which had been interposed by
the author of the Polychronicon, and his eye, catching the account
of the pillars a little farther on, he applied the expression, "that
tyme," not to the descendants of Seth, but to the children of
Lamech, and thus gave the Masonic version of the Legend.
I have called this ascription of the pillars to the children of
Lamech a "Masonic version," because it is now contained only in the
Legend of the Craft, those who do not reject the story altogether as
a myth, preferring the account given by Josephus. But, in fact, the
error of misinterpreting Josephus occurred long before the Legend
of the Craft was written, and was committed by one of the most
learned men of his age. St. Isidore, Bishop of Seville, who died in
the year 636, was the author of many works in the Latin language,

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

on theology, philosophy, history, and philology. Among other books

written by him was a Chronicon, or Chronicle, in which the
following passage occurs, where he is treating of Lamech:

"In the year of the world 1642, Lamech being 190 years old, begat
Noah, who, in the five hundredth year of his age, is commanded by
the Divine oracle to build the Ark. In these times, as Josephus
relates, those men knowing that they would be destroyed either by
fire or water, inscribed their knowledge upon two columns made of
brick and of stone, so that the memory of those things which they
had wisely discovered might not be lost. Of these columns the stone
one is said to have escaped the Flood and to be still remaining in

It is very evident that in some way the learned Bishop of Seville

had misunderstood the passage of Josephus, and that to him the
sons of Lamech are indebted for the honor of being considered the
constructors of the pillars. The phrase "his temporibus," in these
times, clearly refers to the times of Lamech. It is doubtful whether
the author of the Legend of the Craft was acquainted with the
works of Isidore, or had read this passage. His Etymologies are
repeatedly cited in the Cooke manuscript, but it is through Higden,
whose Polychronicon contains many quotations from the Libri
Etymologiarum of the Spanish Bishop and Saint. But I prefer to
assume that the Legend-maker got his ideas from the Polychronicon
in the method that I have described.

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

In the last century a new Legend was introduced into Masonry,

in which the building of these pillars was ascribed to Enoch. But
this Legend, which is supposed to have been the invention of the
Chevalier Ramsay, is altogether modern, and has no connection
with the Legend of the Craft. In borrowing the story of the
antediluvian pillars from Josephus, through the Polychronicon,
though they have made some confusion in narrating the incidents,
the Old Operative Masons were simply incorporating into their
Legend of the Craft a myth which had been universal among the
nations of antiquity, for all of them had their memorial columns.
Sesostris, the great Egyptian king and conqueror, sometimes called
Sethos, or Seth, and who, Whiston think, has been confounded by
Josephus with the Adamic Seth, erected pillars in all the counties
which he conquered as monuments of his victories.
The Polychronicon, with which we see that the old Masons
were familiar, had told them that Zoroastres, King of Bactria, had
inscribed the seven liberal arts and sciences on fourteen pillars,
seven of brass and seven of brick. Hercules was said to have placed
at the Straits of Gades two pillars, to show to posterity how far he
had extended his conquests. In conclusion, it should be observed
that the story of the pillars as inserted in the Legend of the Craft
has exerted no influence on the modern rituals of Freemasonry, and
is never referred to in any of the ceremonies of Ancient Craft
Masonry. The more recent Legend of the pillars of Enoch belongs
exclusively to the higher and more modern degrees. The only pillars
that are alluded to in the primitive degrees are those of Solomon's

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

temple. But these develop so important a portion of the symbolism

of the Institution as to demand our future consideration in a
subsequent part of this work.

(This concludes Mackey's Writings)

So as you can see, although very informative I found it

unsatisfactory as to my search of the true symbolism of tubalcain in
freemasonry. We learned the legend and mystery of tubalcain
begins in speculative masonry from the early Cooke manuscript,
where he is first mentioned in a Masonic sense. The secular and non
Masonic reference to tubalcain listed in the writings of Josephus.
Bro Mackey proceeds to mention the comparison to the Roman
mythology of Vulcan, Josephus mentioning him exceeding the
strength of all men and first worker in brass, as well as a story
about the construction of the first set of pillars allegedly containing
the arts and sciences. Allegedly tubalcain and his brother
constructed these pillars so that the arts and sciences they
discovered to survive the oncoming flood. One made of “brick” and
one of “stone”. Perhaps the first operative mason? I naturally felt a
Masonic tie to this reference and finally felt like I was getting
somewhere. So I preceded to seek further light.
Now let’s take a look into historical Mythology. By using
comparative mythology and theology, there is a striking parallel
between the comparisons between the Roman Vulcan and tubalcain.
Vulcan is the Roman and Greek god of fire and the forge, and
mythical inventor of smithing and metal working. His Greek

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

equivalent is Hephaestus. His forges were under Mount Aetna on

the island of Sicily. He was smith, architect, armorer, chariot
builder and artist of all work in Olympus--dwelling place of the
Vulcan is the son of Jupiter (Zeus) and Juno (Hera), husband of
Venus (Aphrodite) and is considered to be one of the twelve
Olympians. With the help of Cyclops, the one-eyed giant, he made
the thunderbolts of Zeus, the weapons of Hercules, and the armor of
Vulcan being the Roman “god of fire and the forge” which can
allude to many things even in nature, such as violent volcano
eruptions. According to Bro Albert Mackey in his Encyclopedia of
Freemasonry suggest that his name in the Jewish root words can be
translated to “worldly possessions”. Also, in some Jewish
scholarship, tubalcain is defined as “Cain’s spices” which is
explained as that he was named this because he "seasoned and
improved the work of Cain".
The Zohar teaches “This Tuval Cain introduced weaponry to
COPPER AND IRON”. Egyptian mythology refer to a parallel
mythological god Ptah and alludes to being a phallic symbol. Which
to clarify is not the worship of the male appendage, but alludes to
the symbolic interpretation of man hood or that divine masculinity
in nature, which is Gods creation.
In some Christian scholarship, Tubalcan has been referred to as
the “first chemist” given that he was essentially the first to
transmute and forge metals, or ‘elements’ through fire into weapons

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

of war, for the combative nature of man. Which reminded me of

early spiritual alchemists identified symbols to the planets of the
cosmos and different elements. Tubalcain forged metals, specifically
brass and iron, which was identified with the planet Mars.
Mars to the ancient alchemists aligned the energy of this planet
being tied to the stereotypical combative nature of man. Finally, in
ancient Greek mythology identified and personified the planet Mars
as the Greek god Ares, the God of war, yet another reference to
combative nature of mankind. So given all this information,
ultimately none of this really made that much sense until.. it all
started to make sense.
Tubal Cain fell to his combative fiery passion of ‘strength’ that
exceeded all men and symbolic of the first set of pillars made of
brick and stone, left behind as he seasoned the works of Cain. As it
is written in the volume of sacred law, Solomon constructed the
second set of pillars on the porch of the temple, fell to his fiery
passion of ‘beauty’ in his wives and concubines but in the book of
Ecclesiastes he makes it clear that the lustful passions of man is
meaningless and found his way back to God. These 2 scenarios can
represent the dualistic paths or our choices when faced with the
worldly possessions of fiery passions. Do we give in to our worldly
possessions, or do we subdue them by the path of celestial or divine
intervention.. We know as candidates that we become that center
pillar upon entering the lodge. In my personal faith and volume of
sacred law, it is written that Christs ‘wisdom’ said to follow him,
representative of that center narrow path. That he was on the cross

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

between the 2 thieves, one who repented and one who chose not. To
turn the other cheek over falling victim to our old barbaric nature of
manhood in antiquity. Who taught to reject the WORLD and live in
the SPIRIT as an upright man.. Which leads me to the 2 globes.
The globes above Boaz and Jachin are defined as the terrestrial
(or earthly) globe representing strength, and the celestial (or
spiritual) globe representing beauty, and us in the center
representing wisdom in pursuit of further light.. ‘and God said let
there be light, and there was light, and it was good..’ This can all be
found in order of each degree in which we were positioned when we
took our obligations such as follows:

In the infancy state of darkness and ignorance of our first

degree, one leg becomes the first pillar positioned on the mosaic
floor where we chose light over darkness. In the manhood state of
the second degree, our other leg becomes the second pillar
positioned on the mosaic floor where we chose more light over our
worldly passions. In the sublime third degree, both feet have
elevated from the black and white mosaic floor becoming that
spiritual center pillar rising above dualistic worldly thinking. At this
point we undoubtedly think ourselves to be a master mason until
one last long symbolic journey of 3 ruffians who chose to harm their
brother in a barbaric fashion not being able to subdue their
As Freemasons we understand to seek for truth below the
surface, and understand symbolism. So to all this my Brethren, my
conclusion given all this information - From salvaged pillars of

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

liberal arts & sciences, to weapon and metal forging, alchemical and
esoteric interpretations led me to this: Tubal Cain is a symbol of our
barbaric nature in early manhood of antiquity or even in our own
lives if we don’t learn to subdue our angry and bitter passions
within our egotistic nature (which we learn to remove in the first
degree). Becoming that upright balanced pillar of strength in light
of not only our fraternity but in the site of the Great Architect,
rather than falling to our barbaric nature of darkness.
The Great architect is always with you, brethren. We know
this from Matthew 18:20 and I quote, “For where two or three or
more are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them..”,
just like in our opening prayer. In Luke 17:21 it is written “Neither
shall they say, lo here! or lo there! for behold, the kingdom of God is
within you!” We can see that SPECIFICALLY it is written “two or
three..” and the kingdom is within us that this indicates that God IS
always with us, never turns His back on us, and we are never truly
alone. This is the beauty and nature of our creator, whom only we
by the laws of ego will turn our backs on our creator. That feeling
of joy we get when we feel the presence of the Creator is the
presence and state of Yirah (Awe) and it will never abandon you
long as you keep facing towards the light which is why we as
Freemasons face the east where the sun rises from, and never turn
our backs to the east even as the moon appears in the night.
The moon is also a symbol of this servitude, as it continues to face
the light even in the darkness of the night. It then becomes
illuminated while it’s back is the shadow.

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

While the sun constantly illuminates the light from the sun in
perfect harmony and servitude to the Creators subjection with no
‘hesitation of mind’. Just as the moon never turns its back on the
sun, we learn from this that we who have free will are the only ones
who can turn our backs to the light but light will still continue to
shine on us just as the Creator will never abandon us. It’s our own
choices that can potentially turn us into disobedient children that
turns our backs to the light of the Lord that never stops shining
that divine light regardless which direction we choose to face.
Every choice we make as upright Master Masons comes down to
darkness and light but we become that center pillar of wisdom and
rise above duality. Becoming a symbolic double edged sword for
God Almighty and lifting up our brethren to make the righteous
choice - when tubalcain forged iron weapons for barbaric manhood,
we forge ourselves into iron weapons and put in the armor of God -
as it is written in the book of Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens
iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend”. No longer
do we dispute barbarically with our brothers or ourselves, as we’re
reminded by the trowel to turn the other cheek, spread brotherly
love and best work and agree. Are we going to remain angry with
our brethren? Our neighbor? Or ourselves, under the worldly
possession of pride? Fall victim to our barbaric nature and break
our beloved obligation bound by a sacred oath to the Great
Architect of the Universe, or are we going to turn our other cheek?
Are we going to forge weapons of internal spiritual or combative

The Mystery of Tubal-Cain
and his Symbolic Meaning
in Freemasonry (Lodge Lecture:

nature of war or forge working tools to perfect our ashlars? Are we

going to be a ruffian, or are we going to be our noble Grand Master
Hiram Abiff? Everything is a choice of darkness or light. Seek your
desire of further light, but subdue your passions of darkness.

This concludes this lecture. Thank you.

The Forgotten Mother
Lodge (Lodge Lecture):

Psalm 133
"1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell
together in unity!
2 It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon
the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his
3 As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the
mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing,
even life for evermore."

We are all familiar with this verse as masons, but what does it

‫ַּכֶּׁ֤שֶמ ן‬

“ka-shemen” more properly translated in modern dialect as “oil”.

The beard and Aaron’s beard is in reference to the beard of the face
of the ancient of days mentioned in Genesis, “and darkness was
upon the face of the waters” and Aaron, who’s staff blossomed and
was placed inside the ark of the covenant. “The skirts of his
garment” would translate today as “the edge of his garment” or
better known as the waist line.
The dew of Hermon, descending on the mountains of Zion
alludes to Mt Hermon which was the sacred mountain in the north
of Israel and the word zion stems from Ziyah which means dry or
drought. We are presented the Point within a circle which is

The Forgotten Mother
Lodge (Lodge Lecture):

explained as such in the NC Bahnson Manuel:

“Lodges were anciently dedicated to King Solomon, who was

our first Most Excellent Grand Master, but modern Masons dedicate
theirs to Saint John the Baptist, and Saint John the Evangelist,
who were two eminent patrons of Masonry, and since their time
there is represented in every regular and well-governed Lodge, a
certain point within a circle, embordered by two perpendicular
parallel lines, representing those two Saints, and upon the top rest
the Holy Scriptures, which point out the whole duty of man; the
point representing an individual brother; the circle the boundary line
of his duty to God and man, beyond which he is never to suffer his
passions, prejudices, or interests to betray him on any occasion. In
going round this circle, we necessarily touch upon these two lines,
as well as upon the Holy Scriptures, and while a Mason keeps
himself thus circumscribed, it is impossible that he should materially

So why Holy Saints John, and why placed paralleled on either

side of the point within a circle? We’re taught about the 3 great

The Forgotten Mother
Lodge (Lodge Lecture):

lights of Freemasonry, with 3 points of contact while taking our

obligation, one hand being under, one hand being over, and kissing
the Holy Bible. We also learn about the Sun, the Moon, and master
of the lodge as the 3 lesser lights. The Sun has an alchemical
symbol that is precisely the point within a circle, the moon having
the symbol of a crescent moon, and the master of the lodge wears
the jewel of a square pointing upwards. 3 total points happen to be
the form of this angle, corresponding with 3 verses of psalm 133, 3
sections of the Masonic point within a circle, and 3 greater and
lesser lights, and the 24 inch gauge having 3 sections divided by 8
The number 8 is very significant not only in Freemasonry but in
nature and spirituality as well. If you start the ascension in line as
an officer as a Tyler, the 8th chair is the Worshipful Master whom
again wears the 3 point square. We add these numbers together we
the number 11, where in the kabbalistic tree of life, the 11th sphere
happens to be knowledge or “Gnosis”. Traditionally speaking we
then become a Past Master and start the cycle over as “returning to
whence we came” as the Tyler and newest past master of the lodge,
2 more additional sections making 12 and 13.
The numbers from 1-13 are all very symbolic in Freemasonry,
nature, and spirituality. For example, Psalm 133 has 69 words, 6
and 9 is 15 which is 6, which corresponds to being presented the 3
greater and the 3 lesser lights combined making a total of 6 lights,
respectively. These 6 lights plus you as yourself makes 7 and 7 is a
number understood as a number of perfection or completion. Thus
alluding to a the taking of a “good man and making him better”
made upright, and better than he was before.

The Forgotten Mother
Lodge (Lodge Lecture):

The numbers from 1-13 are all very symbolic in Freemasonry,

nature, and spirituality. For example, Psalm 133 has 69 words, 6
and 9 is 15 which is 6, which corresponds to being presented the 3
greater and the 3 lesser lights combined making a total of 6 lights,
respectively. These 6 lights plus you as yourself makes 7 and 7 is a
number understood as a number of perfection or completion. Thus
alluding to a the taking of a “good man and making him better”
made upright, and better than he was before.
The number 8 when turned on its side is an infinity symbol as
well as a double point within a circle in correspondence with the the
Master of the lodge chair, and the name Yeshua. The Word Yeshua
means salvation, and in Hebrew spelled


These letters have a numerical value of 391, added together

3+9+1 is 13 which corresponds to the 13 sections of the officer
positions as mentioned before. This also corresponds to the 12
months of the year, which completes 1 year of being in the position
of the Master of the Lodge and 12+1 is 13. Thus the number 8
being an infinity sign being the eternal loop. The reason we sit as
Tyler again when becoming a past master is because it would
technically be the 9th position and 9 is the highest number as 10
cycles back to itself being 1+0=1, thus returning from whence you
came just like the calendar year.
The Word month comes from the word “Moonth” which I will
later in this lecture elaborate further on this significance. Our moon,

The Forgotten Mother
Lodge (Lodge Lecture):

as introduced to us as one of the lesser lights, has a cycle of 28

days which is how our ancient brethren in Genesis determined their
months. 28 days signified 13 months rather than 12. This is why
Yeshua or Jesus had 12 disciples and him being the 13th in
correspondence to the 12 signs of the zodiacal chart and the chart in
its entirety being the 13th, respectively. The number 28 reduced is
10 which is the letter Yod and the head portion of the YHVH in an
upright position, just as we were made upright before the
Worshipful Master when we took our obligations. This also
corresponds to the penalty of the first obligation, or “in the
beginning” of our Masonic careers on the pursuit of
The number 11 not only corresponds to the 11th kabbalistic
sphere being Daat or Knowledge, but also is significant in
correspondence to the 2 pillars we pass through, Jachin and Boaz.
The number 11 symbolically mimics 2 pillars, and we pass through
the center becoming the third, corresponding with the 3 aspects that
permeates throughout all of freemasonry. One has a terrestrial
globe, one celestial which explains the correspondences to the zodiac
and apostles. In the book of Revelation chapter 3 verse 12, where
again we see 3 and 12 correspondence, it is written “He who
overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he
shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and
the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes
down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new
name.” - This verse has 62 words in it, and 6+2 is 8 in
correspondence with the 8 chairs in the officers line, respectively.
Jachin and Boaz having both the heavens and the earth globes

The Forgotten Mother
Lodge (Lodge Lecture):

on them is represented by the waters of the earth, and the ethereal

fires of the heavens. Alchemically speaking the suns symbol being
the point within the circle, and the moon being essentially a semi
circle this explains the symbolism of the past master symbol in its
respective nature. Water is alchemically represented by the
symbolic of a downward pointing equilateral triangle, signifying the
moons power to subdue the tides that “ebe” and flows. Eve’s name
in Genesis, or “in the beginning” would be pronounced in Hebrew as

‫ַח ָּ֣וה‬

(hawwah) and this word means “Life”. Revelation speaks about

“the book of life” in chapter 3 verse 5, against correspondence to 3,
and adding together we get the number 8, respectively. This verse
is written as “He who overcomes shall be clothed in white
garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life;
but I will confess his name before My Father and before His
angels.” Which has 35 letters in perfect correspondence to not only
the chapter 3 and verse 5, but also again in correspondence to the
number 8. Jesus died at between age 33-35, just as we have 33
degrees in our Scottish Rite body, and 35 being the minimum age of
receiving the 33rd degree.
The book of revelation is attributed to our beloved St John the
evangelist and is the ending book of the Holy Bible. He is
represented as the fire of the ethereal revelation and baptism of fire,
just as John the Baptist was the baptist of water. No points were

The Forgotten Mother
Lodge (Lodge Lecture):

exposed but you were placed in the North East corner of the lodge
as a cornerstone upon returning to the lodge. Jesus was offered the
pentacle of the temple, or the south east corner of the temple, but
refused for the right hand or north east corner of the heavenly
kingdom while being tempted in the wilderness. Jesus was tempted
in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights, sun and moon
symbolism and totaling 80 mathematically, and was tempted in the
“pentacle” of the tabernacle or the temple. A pentacle is a 5 pointed
star which is why we have a blazing star where we took our
obligation, in correspondence to the 5 perfect points of entrance,
and the 5 sections of the body being arms, legs, and head or the
upright YHVH as mentioned before.
The shin has 3 points forming a crown and crown is Kether on
the kabbalistic tree of “life” where life again corresponds to Eve.
The Holy Saints John are significant to the beginning of Yeshua’s
salvation gospel being baptized in water, and is ended in revelation
the promise of baptized by fire, and fire happens to be and
equilateral triangle facing upwards towards the sun which is
anciently speaking made of fire. This explains the Sun and the
Moon, or “male and female” mentioned in Genesis, or the beginning,
and the Bride and the Bridegroom in revelation, or the end. The
divine masculine and feminine.
Yeshua (Salvation) and Hawwah (life) in English has 12
letters, but in Hebrew has 7 total letters corresponding to the 7
liberal arts and sciences, the 7th being astronomy or the study of
the zodiac. This also corresponds to the 7 days of creation, and 7
seals of revelation, as well as the 7 sockets within our skulls. This

The Forgotten Mother
Lodge (Lodge Lecture):

being our ears, eyes, nose, and mouth which corresponds to the 5
senses mentioned in the winding staircase and added together we
get the number 11 again. If we double this number given male and
female, we get 22 that corresponds to the letters in the Hebrew
alphabet, as well as we have exactly 22 bones in our skulls, or
“Golgotha” meaning place of the skull. When we divide the number
22 from 7 we get the number 3.14, which is pie. When we add
those numbers together we yet again get the number 8. When we
triple this number being the third or center pillar as children of God
we get the number 33, which corresponds to the 33 vertebrae of
our spine. When we add the 22 bones of the skull to the 33 bones of
the spine we get the number 55. When we add the respective
Hebrew letters to these 3 sets of numbers we get 6 letters.
If we group these letters into groups of 3 we get 2 Hebrew
words that translates to “Cabala Gina” which translates to “to
receive the garden” or can be pronounced “cabal gina” which
translates to “garden cable” such as a cable tow we are all familiar
with. This is the sacred secretion also known as the christening that
happens in our bodies once a month or “moonth” that scientifically
corresponds with the moon cycle, the oil that runs down our 33
vertebrae of our spine, from our brain, to our hearts and to the base
of our spine which transmutes our blood into purified water state.
All 3 in correspondence to the 3 penalties of our obligations. This
also is in correspondence to why we meet once a month, as our
bodies produce this secretion once a Moonth according to our
individual moon cycle and birth chart. Is it a coincidence that we
happen to read the verse psalm 133? I think not.

The Forgotten Mother
Lodge (Lodge Lecture):

Coincidently John the Baptist was martyred by being decapitated,

in correspondence to the skull, and John the Evangelist was said to
be martyred by being boiled alive in oil. The oil respectively runs
down from the skull, to boils at the base, or foundation (Yesod) of
the spine, in the area where we produce life via male and female.
The divine masculine and divine feminine principal or sun and
moon. It’s no coincidence we are “raised to the sublime degree of
master mason” in our “mother lodges” in 3 degrees, then sit in 8
chairs making 11 positions, and starting the cycle over in the 12th
seat and 13th position as past master. Sun is masculine, and moon
is feminine. We all have a Supernal mother and father, an earthly
mother and father, and then eventually a wife to complete the circle
of life with offspring based on principalities of nature.


or Myriam Magdalene, the apostle to the apostles, has a value of

422 (fully reduced is 8) and


or Yeshua being 386 (fully reduced is 15 then 6) added together, or

2 bodies creating 1, creates a value of 808. This is the sub
frequency or subconscious lower frequency of the brain and base of
our spines. Fully reduced value is 16 which is 7, in correspondence
to the 7 liberal arts, and 7 bones of the neck, and all aspects of 7 in

The Forgotten Mother
Lodge (Lodge Lecture):

nature and our calendar week and the days of creation, and sockets
of our faces. It also takes 7 years to become a Worshipful Master
start to finish.
When you raise your arms over your head in a circle, your brain
becomes the point within the circle. When you do the same around
your torso down to your waist, your heart becomes the point within
the circle as well as the cradling position of how we hold an infant
in the section of the body that creates life by our hands. These 2
circles creates an 8, masculine and feminine creates two forms of
8’s and the circle is the circle of life being the zero of the 808.
When we hug our loved ones, we see this repeated, respectively.
We usually hug one around the neck, the other around the torso
forming a point within a circle. Sometimes we use a third position
where our arms form an X which creates an infinity symbol with
our arms and 4 legs becoming the 4 corners, or pillars, of the world.
A man who’s fiery in nature as one pillar, and a women whom
like water has 3 forms being liquid, solid and vapor, nurtured us as
mothers and wives, distinctively and fills our spirit with
unconditional love. Thus making us an upright 5 perfect pointed
star, standing tall on 4 pillars and one union of a simple hug and the
3 attributes of 2 sets of hands clasping together, and 2 hearts
becoming one, even for just a moment, creates 3 points, thus adding
the 5 points of the body, and the 3 points of contact forming the 8
all over again. This simple hug creates a magic spark that we have
reduced to simply being a hug, but this spiritual union becomes a
gesture of unconditional love and every time we act upon acts of

The Forgotten Mother
Lodge (Lodge Lecture):

any form of unconditional love, our creator yet again says “let there
be light”. Unconditional means, no strings attached and this level of
understanding the greatest power of all is what will truly bring
peace and harmony to the world.
Why has freemasonry been a male only Fraternity? Because
men need to discover the divine feminine within themselves and
within all things outside and around him rather than simply clinging
to just masculine understanding and barbaric nature. To not only
love his God, his family and friends, but equally himself as well.
Unconditionally love is what every human deserves, and it’s our
responsibility as men to discover and share this with others. I found
this starting with the inside my of my Masonic Mother Lodge.
Being raised to a widows son, well who is the widow? A man can be
a widowed father himself.. Isaiah 50 (5 being the 5 points of the
blazing star and human body, doubled being masculine and
feminine, mother and father, sun and moon, etc being 10, 5
multiplies fruitfully 10 times becoming 50) “Thus saith the LORD,
Where is the bill of your mother's divorcement, whom I have put
away? or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you?
Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your
transgressions is your mother put away.”
Unconditional love comes from the nurturing of the divine
feminine aspect being 3 things in 1, and we become complete and
Very Good men just as the Lord declared that everything he created
in 7 days was “very good”. Just as 133 of psalm is 1+3+3 is 7.
Having 69 words, what is concealed between 6 and 9? The number
7 and the number 8. What is concealed between the 2 points of the
square and compasses? The same place where you were first made

The Forgotten Mother
Lodge (Lodge Lecture):

a master mason, in your heart. We owe it to our ourselves, our

sons, our daughters, our mothers, our fathers, our wives and every
masculine and feminine creature in existence to be the pillar of
strength. Being a good man and becoming a better man is a strong
man body, mind, and spirit and strong men in all 3 aspects creates a
stronger and safer society and future for our generations to come.
Unconditional love is and should be like a tripod. A man who
loves himself only is weak in mind and spirit. A man who loves his
intellect only is weak in humility and only strong in ego. A man who
only loves his spirit fails to teach others the same and is only
concerned with his own salvation. But a man who loves all 3
unconditionally has mastered himself by first loving his God, then
loving his neighbors, and his ultimate challenge which is learning to
love himself unconditionally. When he’s mastered this, he then
radiates this with everyone he comes in contact with and realizes
the unconditional love permeates all of existence which is God
within itself and everything within God. Nine is the secret of
silence, 9 is the final highest number and represents the endless or
nothingness of God that created everything from nothing. Before
the Word spoke everything into existence. This is why the Tyler
has no lines in his position and just stands guard in silence being the
9th chair of the past master while opening and closing the lodge.
Final thought, Saint John’s day is on 12/27. 12 is 3 and ends
the cyclical year. 27 is 9 and the completed man and women and the
respective child being 10 and starting over at 1 with the zero as a
place holder. Add them both together at 3+9= 12, being the
zodiacal and cyclical year, and again 12 is reduced to 3. The

The Forgotten Mother
Lodge (Lodge Lecture):

number of being a Master Mason. Spread brotherly love, to all

mankind, but more especially to the women in your lives Brethren.
We’re not complete without them.

So mote it be.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, to all that is written within this text and I've

honestly just begun to scratch the surface on what I want to reveal
but in due time more writings will be published, I conclude with one
thing. Let's all stop the nonsense. There is no reason in this day and
age that we should be so full of hatred, ignorance, bigotry, or
anything that should turn us against our neighbor.
Freemasons are not your enemy, nor your superiors, nor a
global "cabal" seeking your destruction or have any sinister plan to
rule the world or put an end to religion. Freemasons are your
neighbors, your pop warner and little league coaches, your janitors,
and sure some are in positions of politics and celebrity status, but
this does not mean that all of these individuals are Freemasons.
Freemasonry is the pursuit of Freedom in every sense of the word
and treating your fellow person with equal respect as you would
want done to you.
I hope that by the time you have finished this text that
something has sparked within you to always want to seek Truth.
Never take anything at face value, go out and seek anything you
want to know because we live in a time where the Truth is in the
palm of our hands, literally. It doesn't matter that someone else has
a different religion than you, or even if the same religion it's ok to
have a difference of opinion and live in harmony.
God appeared to Moses as "I Am that I Am.." as in God will
become what God needs to become in order for us to get closer to
God because God is. There is only One religion, and that is Truth,
and there is but One Spiritual Law and that is Love One Another,
Unconditionally. When we realize this simplicity, we will become
what God created us all to be, which is the Best version of

Final Thoughts

ourselves. I found this Truth inside a Masonic Lodge, and it was the
greatest decision I've ever made. God Bless you all.

So Mote It Be.


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