How to Indulge in a Swedish Fika—And Why You Should

Coffee, cake, and quiet time—what else is there?

From hygge to niksen, Scandinavian culture has refined the art of savoring cozy, relaxed, and balanced living. Something else Scandinavians—specifically the Swedes—have perfected is the art of the coffee break.

Meet fika, the Swedish tradition that involves setting aside quality downtime for drinking coffee slowly. (It often also includes a kanelbulle, the deliciously sweet Swedish cinnamon bun, and bonding with good company.)

Fika is tied to the appreciation of coffee and pastries, yes, but it's really meant to be a way to hit the pause button on work and life stress and just enjoy the moment. Here's everything you need to know to fika like a Swede.

What Is Fika?

swedish-fika and kanelbulle (coffee and sweet bun)
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Think of fika as the antithesis of that triple espresso shot you chugged in the car while running errands last weekend. It's an artfully slow, simple, and often spontaneous tradition of enjoying coffee and pastries that people of all ages can enjoy alone or alongside loved ones. It can happen inside a café, outside in nature, or in the comfort of your own home (how very hygge).

Fika is so well-established in Swedish culture that it can be used as a noun or a verb; "let's go for a fika" is often overhead between long-lost friends or exchanged by coworkers in the office. Thanks to its therapeutic, restorative effects, many Swedish companies have actually established fika breaks in their employee's contracts.


Coffee is a big deal in Sweden. The average citizen drinks nearly four cups a day, which ranks the nation's caffeine consumption as the third highest in the world (Finland and Norway are the only two ahead of it). But rather than a source of caffeine, this ritual is integral to the Swedish quality of life, hospitality, and socializing.

At its start, fika was all about coffee, which was introduced in Sweden during the 18th century. Until the mid-to-late 19th century, coffee was only available to those who could afford it. But over the years, coffee drinking became wildly popular with the general population of Sweden.

Eventually, the baked treats—commonly known as fikabröd (fika bread)—became just as important to fika as did the social aspect of the tradition. Once patisseries arrived in Sweden in the 19th century, the ritual was cemented as a coffee-and-cake-custom enjoyed with friends.

How to Fika at Home: Recipes and Tips

Want to go for a fika? You don't have to ask us twice. So, how does one adopt the ceremonial fika tradition? To be super authentic, brew a classic Swedish cup of coffee in a drip machine and serve it alongside small sugar cookies or buns flavored with either cinnamon or cardamom.

But adding rules and restrictions defeats the purpose of fika. All you need to do is give yourself downtime during the day. Add a hot cup of coffee, a little something sweet, and catch up with a loved one. You can go for a fika at any and every time of day, as fika is meant to be "observed" frequently.

Here are some sweet and soothing recipes to try for your next fika:

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

Iced cinnamon rolls
Jennifer Causey

No one said you had to bake cinnamon buns from scratch: A store-bought tube will do. But if you enjoy baking, try a fluffy, decadent cinnamon roll recipe that comes together with 25 minutes of hands-on time.

Caramel Latté

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Remember when we said there are no rules? Pour-over coffee is great—and enough to be relaxing for most coffee drinkers. However, for a fika that you come back to time and time again, brew up something you enjoy that feels like a treat. This caramel latté tastes just like something from a high-end coffee shop.

Chocolate Pecan Fudge Balls

Chocolate Pecan Fudge Balls
Caitlin Bensel

While cinnamon rolls are traditional, decadent fudge balls are truly a treat that will make for a memorable fika. Make ahead (double the recipe), then freeze so you always have something on hand that you can thaw a few hours ahead.

Iced Irish Coffee

iced Irish coffee
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Classic fika coffee drinks are warm, Swedish, and served late morning to late afternoon. But what's more comforting than a chilled Irish coffee with a warming splash of Irish whiskey after a long, hard day? Perhaps save this recipe for the weekend when you don't have to return to work.

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