Miguel D'Arienzo/Isabel Anchorena -- Artists I Like

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a painting of a woman sitting on top of a trunk
Miguel D'Arienzo
a painting of two women sitting on the beach
d'arienzo pintor - Buscar con Google
an image of a painting on a brick wall
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a painting with people and animals on it
Miguel D'Arienzo - Miguel D’Arienzo . Madame Butterfly . 2010 . Temple sobre tela . 200 x 220 cm
a painting with a dog sitting on top of it
Miguel D'Arienzo
an abstract painting of a woman with flowers in her hair and other artwork on the wall
miguel d'arienzo - Buscar con Google
a painting with an image of a person on it
Resultado de imagen para miguel d'arienzo
two women and a dog standing in front of a painting
Resultado de imagen para miguel d'arienzo
an image of a painting on the wall
Miguel D'Arienzo
the painting is being displayed in front of a brick wall with an image of a woman on it
miguel d'arienzo - Buscar con Google