How to make choritos a la chalaca to warm up the Peru vs Uruguay preview

Prepare this Peruvian appetizer in an exquisite way and in just 15 minutes. Doing it is easier than you could imagine.




Choritos a la chalaca is one of the most consumed marine foods in Peru. Its origin is found on the Peruvian coasts, known for its great marine wealth, both in flora and fauna.

Callao is one of the best-known provinces in the country, since in addition to its ports it is a fishing area and for several times it has been a place that has hosted the most innovative Peruvian meals.

People from Callao (which in Quechu means “younger brother”) are colloquially called “chalacos” and that is where the name of this one comes from dish originally from Peru, the choritos a la chalaca.

If you want to know the recipe for how to prepare them quickly and easily, then we show it to you.

Cooking time: 15 minutes maximum.

Portion: It is enough for 3 to 5 people.

Utensils: Pot, knife, bowl/bowl or bowl and a brush.


- 12 units choros.

- 1 unit chopped red onion.

- 2 units fresh tomato.

- 6 (lemon units.

- Chopped lime chili pepper to taste.

- Cilantro finely chopped to taste.

- 1 unit cooked corn

- Salt and pepper to taste.


Have all the ingredients ready and at hand because this is a dish that prepares quickly.

1. To start you have to wash the choritos very well and for this you must use a squeegee, this will help remove the dirt that is on the outside of the mollusk exactly in the area of the valves. You have to scrape very well, but in turn very carefully because the idea is that the inner area is not contaminated. Book now.

2. Grab a pot and turn on the kitchen. When it is hot, put the choritos clean and not yet opened, immediately add 1 cup of water to cook. It does not matter if the amount of water does not cover the main ingredient.

3. We immediately cover the pot so that the choros can be steamed. The cooking time will be 5 minutes in total. When they are cooked you will notice in a very simple way. The chorito will be semi-open because the mussel (meat) on the inside will increase in size. Check it so that you can proceed to withdraw them.

4. Remove very carefully and cover with fresh water to stop cooking (heat), reserve.

5. As they have cooled down a little, it will be time to open the choros and very carefully remove the viandas (internal food of the choro) and cut the strands, which is a bold part of the choros that looks like “hard” hair or hairs (you can see it in the video). Wash once more and reserve all the food clean.

6. Now take a bowl because it will be time to add the following: 1 finely chopped red onion (small squares), 1 finely chopped tomato (small squares), 1 shelled cooked corn, salt, pepper and the juice of 6 lemons.

7. Mix everything mentioned inside the bowl (or bowl) and also add cilantro and chili limo to taste. Book once more.

8. Now it will be time to place the viandas (washed cream-colored chorito meat) inside clean valves (choritos), and cover with the sauce we prepared in the bowl which is also known as chalaquita.

And that's it! It's time to enjoy your choritosa la chalaca and suck your fingers. This marine food can be accompanied by a mixed jelly, a rice with seafood and of course as good Peruvian dishes, they must be accompanied by a Peruvian drink either with or without alcohol.

FACT: You must eat this appetizer instantly to enjoy its fresh and exquisite flavor.


