More tension with the countryside: meat exporters left a government program that seeks to sell cheap cuts

The measure has already been communicated to national officials and will be officially announced in the coming days. Criticism of export restrictions

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Un carnicero corta parte de una media res. EFE/Cézaro De Luca/Archivo
Un carnicero corta parte de una media res. EFE/Cézaro De Luca/Archivo

Sources close to the Consortium of Meat Exporters (ABC) confirmed to this media outlet that the entity has decided not to continue being part of the official reduced price program, which was in effect this year and would be reviewed next month.

Through the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Trade, the Consortium supplied the domestic market with 6,000 tons per month to be marketed at affordable prices in supermarkets.

Among the reasons that led to this withdrawal are the restrictions that still exist on the export of beef, and the competition generated in recent times with the informal sector that operates in the marketing of meat to the world.

The official communication of the decision will be made in the coming days, but it has already been advanced to government officials, such as Julián Domínguez, holder of the agricultural portfolio, and Roberto Feletti, Secretary of Internal Trade.

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