Ragnaros by Coriolanus

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By: Coriolanus
Last Updated: Oct 4, 2016
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Ragnaros is the Firelord of the Firelands, and the dominant fire elemental on Azeroth. He deals a large amount of damage, but is slow and predictable. Wise heroes may take advantage of this and force Ragnaros to target whom they please. However, Ragnaros is powerful, and heroes who are not paying attention may find themselves overwhelmed in short order. Those capable of working together and defeating him may find rich reward in his defeat.

Combat Trait

Raid Boss
[Passive] Ragnaros has 5x the health of a normal hero, gives out 5x XP when killed, and heroes who kill Ragnaros receive a permanent buff "Epic Loot" (+10% base and ability damage), which may stack infinitely. Ragnaros' Respawn timer is 5x longer.

Ragnaros MAY NOT forcibly target a hero or minion with his basic attack. Instead, Ragnaros automatically attacks the closest enemy in melee range, increasing his damage dealt to them by 10% per second (wearing off the instant a new target takes damage).
[Passive] While dead, Ragnaros is given direct control over one minion group per minion spawn (unless one is already under his control). The lane with the most number of surviving structures is the lane which Ragnaros is given control over. These minions spawn as minions of the firelands (purely aesthetic, no stat change).

Primary Abilities

[Q] Ragnaros targets an area to smash with Sulfuras. The area is WIDE, and clearly marked for enemies. After choosing the area Sulfuras takes 3 seconds to land. Enemies who are still within the area when Sulfuras lands take 33% of their total health in damage.
[W] Ragnaros prepares to bathe the area around him in fire. Enemies receive a "raid alert" warning to back away. After 5 seconds, lava flows from Ragnaros and slowly fills the indicated area, dealing 5% total health in damage per second to any enemies standing in fire.
[E] Ragnaros summons two fire elementals who slowly move towards, and automatically push with, the nearest lane. They last 2 minutes and function exactly like catapults.

Heroic Abilities

Too Soon
[R1][Passive]: When Ragnaros takes lethal damage he is instead made invulnerable and reduced to 1 health. He remains invulnerable while he hearths. If the hearth completes this ability is put on a CD equal to whatever Ragnaros' current death timer would be.

While hearthing, Ragnaros is flagged as friendly for the enemy team and is healable by them (And only them). Every 1% of ragnaros' health healed increases his hearthstone time remaining (thus delaying his hearth). If Ragnaros reaches 30% health, his hearth is prevented, TOO SOON is put on a CD equal to his current respawn timer, and Ragnaros is now permanently killable (If he dies again and is not saved by too soo) his respawn timer is infinite).
Raid Wipe
[R2] If a hero dies within medium distance of Ragnaros, he may activate this ability. Ability and basic attack damage increased by 50%, and Ragnaros may now choose which target he attacks with basic attacks. Lasts 30 seconds.

Special Mount

Fire Tornado
[Passive] Ragnaros cannot mount, and always moves at 50% speed. If Ragnaros is permanently killable this trait is disabled.

Level 1 Talents

Consuming Blaze: Regen Globes grant Ragnaros 5% more health regen per second, stacking.
Living Flame: When Ragnaros picks up a regen globe it spawns a lesser fire elemental, which lasts until it dies. It pushes the nearest lane.
Spreading Flame: Regen globes picked up by Ragnaros are applied to all allies map-wide.
Wildfire: Regen globes increase Ragnaros' move speed to 100% for 3 seconds.

Level 4 Talents

Hand of Ragnaros: DIE, INSECT! only takes 1.5 seconds to cast, but the area of effect is halved.
Hammer Throw: DIE, INSECT! castable distance increased by 2x, but it takes an extra second to land.
Submerge!: Ragnaros gains the ability Submerge!, which immobilizes him but makes him invulnerable for 2 seconds.

Level 7 Talents

Low Viscosity: BY FIRE BE PURGED fills the projected area with lava 50% faster, but dissipates twice as quickly.
High Viscosity: BY FIRE BE PURGED fills the projected area with lava 50% slower, but dissipates after twice as long.
Lava Tube: BY FIRE BE PURGED now sends lava in a line instead of a radius around Ragnaros.
Lava Dome: BY FIRE BE PURGED now does not project its area before lava starts flowing, but damage is now capped at 10%/second.

Level 13 Talents

Arthropod Morbidity: Minions and heroes killed by DIE, INSECT! drop health globes.
Hammer to the Grave: DIE, INSECT! can be cast while Ragnaros is dead, limited to where it would be castable if his corpse were alive.
Live or Fry, Make Your Choice: If Ragnaros dies while BY FIRE BE PURGED is active, instead of the lava dissipating, it instead becomes a permanent effect in that area.
Subtracts: Killing minions or buildings extends the duration of Adds by 5 seconds.

Level 16 Talents

Old Friends: Mercenaries (including the Boss) do NO damage to Ragnaros and take twice as much damage from Ragnaros if they are not controlled by any team.
Drought: Fire Tornado is deactivated when not visible to enemy players.
Micro Manage: If Ragnaros is in his team's spawning location, he may cast any of his non-ultimate abilities from there, targeting the areas around friendly forts and keeps as if they were his body.

Level 20 Talents

Right on Time: Ragnaros Hearths twice as quickly, but takes twice as much healing from enemy sources
Somewhat Delayed: Enemy heals no longer heal Ragnaros, but still prevent him from hearthing.
/RW JUST WIPE IT: Raid wipe is also triggered by ally deaths
-50 dkp: Enemies killed while Raid Wipe is active have 50% longer respawn timers.

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