Capybaras are among world's largest rodents

KIM ATCHLEY For the Herald-Journal
A capybara family.

There are three capybaras living at Hollywild Animal Park in Inman.

The new male, Chuck, is wintering under heat lamps in the park's Primate Barn. The two females, mother and daughter, are living in their outdoor habitat.

Though capybaras have been known to play in the snow, they do not thrive in very cold climates and the females have a thick bed of straw and heat lamps to help them stay healthy during the cold conditions.

Species differences: Capybaras are among the world's largest rodents. Rodent species vary from about the size of a matchbox to the Capybaras and porcupines. Capybaras have heavy bodies and short heads. They move around on all four legs but are known to stand up on two feet, too. They can grow to be 4 feet long and stand about 2 feet tall at the shoulders and can weigh more than 100 pounds. Their fur is reddish brown and lighter on their bellies.

Semi-aquatic: Capybaras are semi-aquatic, like beavers, spending large amounts of time in the water and breeding in the water. Their feet are webbed. They have been known to stay underwater for as long as five minutes at a time.

Behaviors: Wild capybaras are nocturnal, spending their days basking in the sunshine. They are very social creatures, living in groups led by a dominant male. The male has special scent glands on the top of his snout. He'll rub the oil from the gland all over his body and plants in the habitat to mark his territory. At Hollywild, the Capybaras are accustomed to people and seem more diurnal (active during the day).

In the wild: Capybaras are natives of South America and have been hunted by humans for food, their fur and to keep them out of crops and gardens. Animal predators include jaguars and large snakes, but have been successfully domesticated as pets around the world. In the wild they live eight to 10 years.

Communication: Capybaras use scent to communicate but also grunt, bark and make other noises.

Diet: Capybara actually means "master of the grass," a most appropriate name considering their primary source of food is grasses. They also enjoy treats of fruits and vegetables. Their diet can be supplemented with hay and some grains.

Reproduction: Females can give birth to a litter of up to eight as often as twice a year. At birth, the babies have a full coat of fur, open eyes, a full set of teeth and can swim.

Get involved: The two female capybaras do not have names. They are mother and daughter. If you'd like to submit your naming suggestion, just e-mail your suggestion to Laura Brackett, office manager at Hollywild at Include your name, address, phone number and e-mail and put Capy Names in the subject line. If your suggestion is chosen, we'll mail you an admission pass.