River Snorkeling in Bonito, Brazil

One of the first things I was told when traveling to Brazil was “Don’t drink the water!” and “Be careful of ZIKA!” The Brazil in my head was dangerous, ugly, and dirty. So when my sister told us that we were going to be suiting up and jumping into a river, it seemed like the exact opposite of what we should be doing.

But tucked away in the southwest corner of the country is the small town of Bonito, Brazil’s hub of eco-tourism. From caves to rivers and waterfalls to untouched forests, this environment in this area is very well protected.

A bus drove us into the rain forest where were given our wet suits and snorkel gear and were briefed on the importance of keeping the river clean - which means no sunscreen of any kind or any other oils should enter the river.

After a brief hike through the woods, we reached our entrance to the river. “Doesn’t look like anything that special,” I thought to myself. They helped us in one-by-one, ensuring our gear was strapped on properly, and allowing us time to float and get acquainted with the river.


When I got in and put my mask underwater for the first time, I was shocked by how much the river really came to life beneath the surface. The water was as clear as a swimming pool, and the flora and fauna under the water was even more spectacular than in the forest above.


Once everyone was in, we began to make our way downstream - taking no effort at all. All we had to do was float and let the river’s current carry us. It was a surreal experience just to be still and watch this other world go by that you never would have seen from above.

Bonito translates to “beautiful” and boy, did it live up to it’s name! If you’re looking for an off-the-beaten path adventure in Brazil, Bonito is the place to be.

Give me a call to book today!