• Amy Laskowski

    Senior Writer Twitter Profile

    Photo of Amy Laskowski. A white woman with long brown hair pulled into a half up, half down style and wearing a burgundy top, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey backdrop.

    Amy Laskowski is a senior writer at Boston University. She is always hunting for interesting, quirky stories around BU and helps manage and edit the work of BU Today’s interns. She did her undergrad at Syracuse University and earned a master’s in journalism at the College of Communication in 2015. Profile

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There are 13 comments on Why Are We Still Talking about Princess Diana 25 Years after Her Death?

    1. Princess Diana will always be remembered as a beautiful person who truly cared about people, especially those suffering the most. She truly loved children and the elderly ..you could see the love and concern in her eyes . She was a loving mother, whose boys meant the world to her . As far as fashion goes, she was a world leader and she looked GORGEOUS in everything she wore. Beautiful smile that captivated the world!!!! She was very special and taken from this world way too soon. I miss you Diana .

  1. It was great to have Diana but she has been gone for 25 years.

    They were divorced – he was just too old for her, but they created at least one great heir and have wonderful grandchildren.

    They both cheated, neither was innocent, both contributed good to the world but life has moved on.

    We (and Harry) need to let her rest in peace and stop blaming her for his problems and being rotten to Camilla.

  2. Show me a hero and I will write you a (Tragedy) American writer F.Scott Fitzgerald
    She was extraordinary human being , she was concerning for poor people and sick children in poor countries . Her untimely and tragic death made her a hero forever
    World will always miss her kindness .

  3. Diana has such an innate ability to outshine Charles on every occasion. The same as Queen Maxima of the Netherlands outshines King Alexander. Difference is that King Alexander loves his over qualified wife and is amused taking a backseat. Charles was never amused.
    Sadly, if Charles had kept and loved Diana as a wildly popular queen, his reign might have grown wildly popular: globally. It would have silenced instead of encouraged all notion of abolishing the Monarchy. And it might have stood as the best lead in for the future King William.

  4. Diana was a remarkable symbol of how humankind could evolve, working to better the world vs being selfish and greedy. The planet is getting smaller and smaller as climate change decreases the places that are habitable. War forces immigration, people are being led to believe they must hoard their countries great lands and not share with immigrants. Selfish and Greedy. Most of our grand parents, great grand parents immigrated to America. What if they weren’t allowed to make a living? We need more role models showing us how to evolve together. Think of the great things we could do and bring to this world. Where are the magazines leading us with great thoughts???

  5. I’m a GenZ teenager but when I was a little girl my mum told me the story of Princess Diana, at first I didn’t realise the strength and importance of this woman, until I grew up and learn more about her life. I absolutely adore and admire Lady Diana, even though she has lived before I was born, I feel that she was a magnetic person. Sadly, her life during the weeding with Charles was characterised by the unawareness of her distress and loneliness that brought her to suffer from bulimia. Charles didn’t deserve her, because he has always loved Camilla, but nevertheless Diana knew how to take her place in the world, and she did it. Everyone loved her and her imprint has left a fover message of independence, kindness and strength for everyone.

  6. I’m a very young person, and yes I am gen z. I feel The Crown has definitely
    Played a part in most of gen z’s knowledge and love for Diana bringing her back once again, (especially for me, I spent half an hour in the bathroom crying about it) but I am definitely not surprised that we are still talking about her to this day

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