IMG 20170314 WA0022 e1696464977782This small town in the Southern Center (Centro-Oeste) region of Brazil is consider one of the most beautiful spots in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul as well as in the country. Bonito is an ecotourism hub and its surrounding area is known for crystal-clear rivers like the Rio da Prata, a snorkeling destination abounding with fish.

One of the main attractions is to float down rivers like Sucuri, in its clear waters with sparkling bluish reflections, alongside  fish such as “dourado”s and “piraputangas”. After almost two kilometer trail on wooden footbridges, tourists can reach “Nascente Azul” where turquoise water and lush green plants that surround the river come together in a marvelous landscape.


Bonito. Foto Site Rota AlternativaNature is also astonishing in “Gruta do Lago Azul”, a ten million year old cave where solar rays enter to give the water an almost unreal color.

At “Abismo Anhumas”  you will find a huge, stalactite-covered cavern that offers abseiling and diving in an underground lake. Flocks of macaws nest in the deep, ochre-colored depression “Buraco das Araras”.

Bonito is pure adrenalina, but also a place to relax! It is possible to enjoy waterfalls, natural swimming pools and paddle boats at several “balnearios” or resort areas. Bonito with no doubts, it a facinating place in the center west of Brazil.

* For airline tickets from the United States to Brazil or Latin America, customized travel packages, hotels and cruises in the United States, please contact our travel agent Magali DaSilva. Phone / WhatsApp 1 (323) 428-1963 

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