Let Us Sail in the Argo Navis!

Free Verse poetry response to Jenny Justice a poem prompt for star week 1 of 7

James G Brennan
Share The Love
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2020


Photo by James. G. Brennan. Star Walk App.

Dear Argo Navis
Let us sail
Across the Universe
In your ship of stars,
Let us resurrect you
To make you whole again!

Let us raise up Vela your sails!
Together with Carina’s Keel
And stern of Puppis to
Glide us through the
Celestial sea.

Guided by Pyxis your compass
As we gladly man your ship
With your celestial crew,
Gamma Velorum, Zeta
Naos and Alpha
To name but just a few
Of your shimmering stars.
Some with planets,
Some with many star systems
In your ship of wonder,
Let us set sail
Dear Argo Navis.

Canopus the pilot
Is your brightest star,
The pilot of a Spartan King
No less! who’s
Monument stands tall
At the mouth of the Nile,
Inspiring the name
Of the village resting
At the foot of his legacy.

Volans the flying fish
Carrying Beta Volantis
Will join us on our journey
Across the galaxy beyond our
Milky Way to the far reaches
Of our vast expanding Universe.

Maybe we will never reach its edge,
Dear Argo Navis.

Do Take us with you
Dear Argo Navis,
It is only with you
We would feel so safe,
Sailing through dust clouds
Interstellar gas clouds,
Meteor showers and comets
Around our galaxy
Full of constellations.

Let us visit Sagittarius and
The lagoon nebular,
Skip across to Taurus
To see the crab nebula,
I hear it has a pulsar
At its centre so small
Yet more dense than the Sun!
In the solar system
I call home.

Let’s visit Pleiades the seven sisters,
Then on to Andromeda
With her trillions of stars!
Before heading off to
The billions of galaxies
Way out beyond
To the edge of our Universe.

Let’s skip a black hole we don’t need
An event horizon!
Our journey eventful enough
Sailing into the unknown
With a mighty constellation
Such as you dear Argo Navis.

You the one To safely see
Jason and the Argonauts
In their quest
For the golden fleece,
This, in turn, saw you
Take your place within the heavens
Our dear friend, the Argo Navis.

Thank you for reading and your precious time. Always. J.🙏☘✨

If anyone has information on the whereabouts or how Martin Rushton, the imaginative owner of Share the Love is doing, please let me know, or at least give him my very best. Thank you. J. 🙏☘✨

In response to Jenny Justice’s star poetry challenge to create a poem a day for seven days. Thank you Jenny Justice for this Star Poetry Challenge!

Thank you for your support and for giving my words a home Martin Rushton and the Share The Love Team.



James G Brennan
Share The Love

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.