The best Colombian cholado recipe

The Colombian cholado is a very refreshing tropical drink that is made up of ice, fruits, melados of different colors, condensed milk and other delicacies that have been incorporated into the original recipe.

Today you will learn a little more about the cholado valluno or cholado caleño so that you can learn how to prepare this rich, refreshing and easy recipe.

Curious facts about the Colombian cholado

The Colombian cholado is very traditional in the municipalities of Valle del Cauca, although it can already be found in other municipalities of Colombia such as Pereira and Armenia.


Apparently its origin is concentrated in Jamundí, a municipality near Cali in Valle del Cauca, where the Bonilla family started this business.


This family first scraped the ice and added honey and lemon juice and sold it on the street. Later they incorporated colors to sell what is also known as “raspao” and then they were adding fruits and condensed milk, and there the Colombian cholado or also known as “cholao” was born.


The business grew and they no longer went out to sell but set up a stall to sell said products in the Jamundí park and as in all good businesses, the competition saw a good opportunity and began to offer the product, each with its own touch. different from the recipe.


This product is so representative and so important that Jamundí has ​​its own park, called Parque del Cholao, where more than 40 stalls selling Colombian cholado congregate.


There is also an association called Asocholados, which brings together the sellers of this typical product and seeks that the cholado is maintained over time as an original product of Jamundí and the Valley in general.


However, so that the people of Cali do not have to travel to Jamundí to enjoy this refreshing drink, stalls were created mainly in the Pan-American courts, El Ingenio Park and other important places in Cali, where you can find the cholado of Cali, with its own recipe.

An easy and quick Colombian cholado recipe

We are going to explain how to make cholado quickly, easily, cheaply and refreshingly. Get your pupils ready to taste a tasty Colombian drink that will leave you enchanted as well as quench your thirst!


The recipe that you will have below makes about 6 servings



2 ripe mangoes

½ ripe pineapple

2 large passion fruit

2 bananas

½ ripe soursop

200 grams of milk cream

200 grams of milo

1 envelope of soft drink of red fruits

1 envelope of passion fruit or orange soda





  1. In two separate containers add the passion fruit and red fruit sodas and add a little water (approximately 100 ml). Stir and reserve
  2. Peel and chop the mango, pineapple and bananas and leave them in separate containers
  3. Split the passion fruit and remove all the fruit in a container
  4. Using the blender, crush the ice and serve it in glasses or glasses more or less until half
  5. In the glass or glass with ice add one or two tablespoons of red soda, one or two tablespoons of passion fruit, one or two tablespoons of mango, one or two tablespoons of milk cream, one or two tablespoons of pineapple, one or two tablespoons banana, one or two tablespoons of soursop, again a tablespoon of red soda and a tablespoon of yellow soda. Finally add condensed milk to taste and mildew to taste.


Put a cigarette and a spoon on your Colombian cholado and you can refresh yourself with this delicious tropical drink. 


Remember that you can use the fruits of your preference and not necessarily the ones that we put in the recipe, you can add grapes, strawberries, apple, lulo.


Rather, the Colombian cholado recipe can be adjusted to your liking and the fruits you have available.

Chocolate Drink Powder - Milo

Chocolate Drink Powder – Milo 400g

condensed Milk - Island Sun

Condensed Milk – Island Sun 397g

Changes you can make about the cholado recipe

As you could tell, this recipe can be adjusted in ingredients, especially in fruits, but you must keep three things at a minimum: ice, colored melaos (soft drinks) and passion fruit. You can vary the other ingredients.

You can also decorate with grated coconut and cherries or with a piece of pineapple, with a waffle or cookie or whatever you like the most.

On the other hand, in the recipe described we only use soft drinks in sachets, but you can prepare a syrup using these soft drinks or natural fruit and adding sugar.

What you should do is stir the ingredients very well and bring them to medium heat for about 20 minutes until the mixture takes a slightly thick consistency. Obviously it will be sweeter but it all depends on your taste.

Finally, you can blend and strain or leave the result as is, which is more like a jam, in general, you can use everything.

Colombian cholado is consumed to quench thirst, to relieve guava and to quench cravings, so don’t be left with the desire to try it and if you prepare it yourself much better, since you can incorporate the flavors and colors of your preference.

We invite you to prepare the lulada, which is another super refreshing drink also native to the department of Valle del Cauca in Colombia, and this one is refreshing. Additionally you can visit our blog where you will find other delicious recipes that we have for you.

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