
Archive for March 1, 2011

03/01/11 – Ephemeris – The constellation Puppis

March 1, 2011 Comments off

Tuesday, March 1st.  The sun will rise at 7:20.  It’ll be up for 11 hours and 9 minutes, setting at 6:29.   The moon, 3 days before new, will rise at 6:01 tomorrow morning.

Located south and east of Canis Major, the great hunting dog of Orion and it brilliant star Sirius in the south is a dim constellation of Puppis, the poop deck of the old constellation Argo Navis, the constellation that depicts the ship Jason and the Argonauts used in their search for the Golden Fleece.  This huge constellation has been subdivided.  Only Puppis and Pyxis the ship’s compass are visible from Michigan.  The rest of the ship are Carina the keel, and Vela the sail require traveling south at least to the southern United States.  Three other constellations also related to this expedition are Gemini with Castor, who died on the expedition and Pollux.  Hercules was also aboard and was the physician of the constellation Ophiuchus.

* Times are for the Traverse City/Interlochen area of Michigan.  They may be different for your location.


The constellation Puppis

The constellation Puppis the poop deck of the good ship Argo

Above, Puppis from northern Michigan.


Below, the entire ship Argo, the old constellation Argo Navis.  It contains the modern constellations Puppis, the poop deck, Pyxis the compass, Vela the sail, and Carina the keel.

The old constellation Argo Navis

The old constellation Argo Navis

These images were created using Stellarium.  Constellation art by Johan Meuris.