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hace 10 horas · Minkowski's inequality. Thus, this is the bias of the stationary distribution, which prevents us from gaining the optimal second-order term wrt the sample ...
hace 21 horas · Since a composition with an isometry preserves the L p -norm, we have by the Minkowski inequality ‖ H μ , Φ , A f ‖ L p ≤ ∫ T | Φ ( u ) | ‖ f ∘ A ( u ) ‖ | L p ...
hace 10 horas · ... integral inequalities. In this paper, we explore the reverse of Minkowski and Hölder's inequality, unified Jensen's inequality, and Hermite–Hadamard ( H - H )- ...
hace 18 horas · ... Minkowski inequality is studied, using a generalized fractional integra. Palabras claves: fractional integral, Minkowski inequality. Autores: Delgado J.G. ...
hace 11 horas · One distinguishes two possible asymptotics of T ⁢ ( k ) 𝑇 𝑘 T(k) italic_T ( italic_k ) for k ≈ 0 𝑘 0 k\approx 0 italic_k ≈ 0 , depending on the value of the ...
hace 16 minutos · One of the early successes of Penrose's "Twistor programme" to reformulate fundamental physics on Minkowski space in terms of the holomorphic geometr Py = o ...
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