17 de athyr from
... De Iside et Osiride , written about A.D. 120,7 describes similar rites for the days Athyr 17 to 20.8 What calendar Plutarch had in mind . follows from his remark ( in Chap . 13 ) that the sun moves through Scorpio in the month Athyr ...
17 de athyr from
... Athyr 17 1106 Aug. 8 Aug. 7 2907 Thoth I 1100 May 22 2909 Athyr 17 3034 Thoth II 1098 Aug. 6 973 May 1 3045 Athyr 17 ... Dec. 26 3540 Thoth 281 Thoth 3 468 Dec. 20 xlix Armenian and Cappadocian correction , cyclical 3545 Choeac 6 ...
17 de athyr from
... Athyr . But , when the 17th of Athyr fell upon the winter solstice Dec. 27 , the 1st Thoth fell upon Oct. 11. and ... de quibus Geminus loquitur ea esse videntur quæ Athyr 17— 20.o fiebant . Plutarch . Is . Osir . p . 366. ea lugu ...
17 de athyr from
... Athyr , which was the name of the month , on the 17th of which her great ... 17th of Athyr , is indirectly attested to by Plutarch , who says , " the ... De Rougemont makes the same conjecture as to the festival of the German ...
17 de athyr from
... Athyr . But , when the 17th of Athyr fell upon the winter solstice Dec. 27 , the 1st Thoth fell upon Oct. 11. and ... de quibus Geminus loquitur ea esse videntur quæ Athyr 17- 20.o fiebant . Plutarch . Is . Osir . p . 366. ea lugu ...
17 de athyr from
... Athyr . But , when the 17th of Athyr fell upon the winter solstice Dec. 27 , the 1st Thoth fell upon Oct. 11. and ... de quibus Geminus loquitur ea esse videntur quæ Athyr 17- 20.o fiebant . Plutarch . Is . Osir . p . 366. ea lugu ...
17 de athyr from
... Athyr , he is to be understood , like Pliny , not of a fixed Alexandrian month , but of a moveable Egyptian ; which ... De Die Nat . c . 21. Horum initia semper a primo die mensis ejus sumuntur , cui apud Ægyptios nomen est Thoth ...
17 de athyr from
... de Civitate , by L. Gellius and Cn . Cornel . Lentulus , A.U.c. 681 . It enacted that all those , who had been pre ... Athyr . But when the 17th of Athyr fell upon the winter- solstice Dec. 27 , the 1st Thoth fell upon Oct. 11. and ...
17 de athyr from
... De Is . ch . 13 ( cf. chs . 39 , 42 and Griffiths , Plutarch's De Iside ad loc . ) dates seemingly identical rites as Athyr 17-20 , but his addition , ' when the sun moves through Scorpio ' , shows that he is using the Alexandrian ...
17 de athyr from
... astronómico —en la fecha que coincidiría con la muerte del dios de la luz y de los difuntos—, sino 2 días después, el día 19. Entonces los 4 días de luto por la muerte de Osiris se distribuyeron así: El 17 de athyr, día de luto. Fue el ...