17 "de" athyr from
... De Iside et Osiride , written about A.D. 120,7 describes similar rites for the days Athyr 17 to 20.8 What calendar Plutarch had in mind . follows from his remark ( in Chap . 13 ) that the sun moves through Scorpio in the month Athyr ...
17 "de" athyr from
... Athyr . But , when the 17th of Athyr fell upon the winter solstice Dec. 27 , the 1st Thoth fell upon Oct. 11. and ... de quibus Geminus loquitur ea esse videntur quæ Athyr 17— 20.o fiebant . Plutarch . Is . Osir . p . 366. ea lugu ...
17 "de" athyr from
... 17th of Athyr , not only was the emblem of the cycle of Taurus , the Bull Apis , led in procession , but also the ... 17 , and August 21st or 22nd . But the goose of Typhon was called Samen , and Sanchoniatho says the first god ...
17 "de" athyr from
... de Civitate , by L. Gellius and Cn . Cornel . Lentulus , A.U.c. 681 . It enacted that all those , who had been pre ... Athyr . But when the 17th of Athyr fell upon the winter- solstice Dec. 27 , the 1st Thoth fell upon Oct. 11. and ...
17 "de" athyr from
... Athyr . But , when the 17th of Athyr fell upon the winter solstice Dec. 27 , the 1st Thoth fell upon Oct. 11. and ... de quibus Geminus loquitur ea esse videntur quæ Athyr 17- 20.o fiebant . Plutarch . Is . Osir . p . 366. ea lugu ...
17 "de" athyr from
... De Is . ch . 13 ( cf. chs . 39 , 42 and Griffiths , Plutarch's De Iside ad loc . ) dates seemingly identical rites as Athyr 17-20 , but his addition , ' when the sun moves through Scorpio ' , shows that he is using the Alexandrian ...
17 "de" athyr from
... de la inauguración de la Gran Pirámide en los otros calendarios no es tan significativa, aunque presenta curiosas coincidencias que seguramente son casuales. Así, en el calendario civil ... 17 de athyr, día de luto. Fue el 571.
17 "de" athyr from
... de facto was only nine ; and Athyr 17 , Æra Cyc . 2747 , which must other- wise have coincided with Sept. 13 , B. C. 1260 , de facto coin- cided with Sept. 14 . It would seem then that the stated term , associated with such corrections ...
17 "de" athyr from
... Athyr . But , when the 17th of Athyr fell upon the winter solstice Dec. 27 , the 1st Thoth fell upon Oct. 11. and ... de quibus Geminus loquitur ea esse videntur quæ Athyr 17- 20.o fiebant . Plutarch . Is . Osir . p . 366. ea lugu ...
17 "de" athyr from
... de facto was only nine ; and Athyr 17 , Æra Cyc . 2747 , which must other- wise have coincided with Sept. 13 , B. C. 1260 , de facto coin- cided with Sept. 14 . It would seem then that the stated term , associated with such corrections ...