In mathematical analysis, the Minkowski inequality establishes that the L spaces are normed vector spaces. Let S {\displaystyle S} {\displaystyle S} ...
Desigualdad de Minkowski (Minkowski inequality)
En análisis matemático, la desigualdad de Minkowski establece que los espacios Lᵖ son espacios vectoriales con una norma. Sea un espacio medible, sea y sean y elementos de. Entonces es de, y se tiene
con la igualdad para el caso si y sólo si y son... Wikipedia
Más preguntas
What do you mean by Minkowski inequality?
What is the equality in the Brunn Minkowski inequality?
What is the proof of holder's inequality?
What is the Minkowski problem for polytopes?
If p>1, then Minkowski's integral inequality states that Similarly, if p>1 and a_k, b_k>0, then Minkowski's sum inequality states that ...
16 ene 2024 · Minkowski's inequality is called the triangle inequality. Minkowski's inequality can be generalized in various ways (also called Minkowski inequalities).
The Minkowski Inequality states that if $r>s$ are nonzero real numbers, then for any positive numbers $a_{ij}$ the following holds:
27 may 2023 · p=2 is an easily proved special case: The result follows from Order is Preserved on Positive Reals by Squaring.
12 jul 2017 · I am interested in proving the following claims: Suppose that (X, M, μ) and (Y, N, ν) are σ-finite measure spaces, and let f be an (M⊗N)-measurable function ...
In mathematics, the Brunn–Minkowski theorem (or Brunn–Minkowski inequality) is an inequality relating the volumes of compact subsets of Euclidean space.
13 sept 2011 · From Young's inequality follow the. Minkowski inequality (the triangle inequality for the lp-norms), and the Hölder inequalities. 1. Page 2. 2 ...
The Brunn–Minkowski inequality states that (1) | K + T | 1 / n ≥ | K | 1 / n + | T | 1 / n , with equality if and only if K and T are homothetical.