

Los sírfidos son una familia de dípteros braquíceros cuyos adultos liban el néctar de las flores adoptando el aspecto de himenópteros como las abejas y las avispas, con las que se confunden fácilmente. Wikipedia
Nombre científico: Syrphidae
Familia: Syrphidae; Latreille, 1802
Orden: Diptera
Reino: Animalia
Suborden: Brachycera

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Syrphidae de en.wikipedia.org
Hoverflies, also called flower flies or syrphids, make up the insect family Syrphidae. As their common name suggests, they are often seen hovering or nectaring ...
16 feb 2004 · Many species of Allograpta, Baccha, Mesograpta, Melanostoma, Paragus, Pipiza, Scaeva, Syrphus, Metasyrphus, and Sphaerophoria are important aphid predators.
Syrphidae de www.inaturalist.org
Hoverflies, sometimes called flower flies, or syrphid flies, make up the insect family Syrphidae. As their common name suggests, they are often seen ...
More than 6,200 species of Syrphidae occur in the world. There are over 300 species in California, including multiple species each of Allograpta, Metasyrphus, ...
Syrphidae de www.sciencedirect.com
With nearly 6000 species, Syrphidae represents one of the largest families of Diptera. Their widespread distribution, availability of excellent taxonomic keys
The Syrphidae (hoverflies) are one of the most biologically diverse taxa in the order. Diptera, plus they can be found in almost every terrestrial habitat in ...
Syrphidae de anrcatalog.ucanr.edu
Here we highlight aphid-feeding Syrphidae known as flower flies, also sometimes called hover flies or hoverflies. California is the foremost producer of ...
Syrphidae de biocontrol.entomology.cornell.edu
Syrphid fly larvae are slug-like maggots that are wrinkled and tapered anteriorly. Their color can be pink, yellow, green or brown marked with white or black, ...
19 jul 2022 · Our findings imply that fall migration occurs in Nearctic hover flies, but we consider the methodological limitations of our study.